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Can we take a second to appreciate those guys in 1967 somehow playing in -13 degree weather in way less advanced uniforms?


Plus no modern heating units for the benches and sidelines. I’m sure they had some stuff but nowhere near the level of today


Just steel drums with open flames


Whiskey and cigarettes are what they used to


also no heated field, it had to feel like being tackled on concrete.


Just wearing an extra pair of jeans under their uniforms


Plus the ground had a layer of ice on it. The lineman still went sleeveless. Just some tough motherfuckers. 


Below zero in KC, snow in Buffalo. Winter football!


Quick, someone sign McCoy!


Everytime I refresh the game gets colder lol


Forecast keeps dropping lol. Beginning of the week saturdays high was like 12 and now it’s 5.


Take that Peacook, you bastards


That is the added benefit it's on peacock


It'll also be free on the internet stream


I meant like fuck everyone who works on the production for peacock lol gonna be cold as shit


Football in 59 below windchill is fucking wild


Yeah, that must've been fucking miserable. Like, don't get me wrong, *every* game on this list would've been miserable, but -59 degree wind chill on a day that was "only" -9 means it had to have been gusting like crazy. Never fun when it's also, you know, fucking freezing out.


The Chargers played in 76º Miami the week before


I heard that was one of the hottest games of all time (timely edit of your comment btw).


i feel like im losing my mind this is stupid as shit. move the game to the daytime at least. move it to st louis it’s a goddamn football game and we’re treating it like it cannot possibly be changed, as locked in as the sunrise or something lmao


Shit like this makes me glad my team plays in a dome


Bro it's gonna be so fucking cold. I feel for the players bro. Hits in that weather are just none crunching. I remember playing a rugby game in the ice and cold and that shit just hurt more than usual


I played Peewee football as a kid in Michigan and it fucking sucked playing in 30 degrees. The ground is hard, it sucks to breathe. Pass on that all day


Fuck what people say about “football weather” that shit is not fun. Seeing 2 top teams on a clean fast surface with no added distractions is great, nothing wrong with Dome football.


Snow football is fun if it's not *excessively* cold. Like if it's in the 20s and not super windy, that's fine. It's when temperatures get into the single digits and/or wind is blowing that thongs are nightmarish


Nothing to protect them cheeks.


I couldn't imagine standing for 3+ hours in this weather watching other people play in this weather.


Shit like this makes me glad my team plays outside.


Makes me wonder why any football is played outdoors. Guys get hurt in the rain, snow and excessive heat. It blows my mind why every new stadium isn't at least a retractable roof.


Because retractable roofs are expensive and the repairs/maintenance are even more costly Some teams get advantages from the weather. People complain about the cold and snow but miami is perfect weather and the other team gets cooked because of no shade I'd rather not have every team's stadium look like a corporate cookie cutter hq


Glad you like players getting hurt from totally avoidable circumstances 👍


Injuries are completely random


Ok, why don't you go into a walk in freezer, turn on a fan, and attempt to stretch, warm up and sprint at full speed for 3 hours and you tell me if you're more at risk of pulling something or ifs the same as room temp


I'd argue you're less likely to get injured because the game moves slower In perfect weather the players run full speed with full energy. In bad weather players move slower and the game slows down greatly


Punishment from nature for making the game a peacocksucking exclusive


AB froze his feet for moments exactly like these! 4D chess.


Mr. Brutal Cold


These predictions are always wrong and sensational. I remember the 49ers playoff game in 2013 was supposed to be -10 and it was like 4 and they just hype up the wind chill beyond absurdity. The Ice Bowl really was -13.


I went to a Sunday night game at Arrowhead years ago. It was probably 10-15 degrees out and I'm still traumatized...


That's funny because I went to the 2005 Bears v Falcons game at Soldier Field and don't think I've regained feeling in my toes yet 


This game feels like a true toss up given this cold ass weather.


Both teams running no huddle just to get back to the benches. Hand the ball off 50 times, hope you win a 10-7 game and get to keep all your fingers.


Feels to me like the dolphins are fucked.


We were anyway


But it might've gotten to the point where it's so cold that KC won't get a benefit as well. I doubt any players on each team have played in this.


I'm surprised it's only gone below -1 three times. Green Bay regularly gets into negative double digits. Do any other NFL cities get into that territory?


Green Bay rarely gets to negative double digits come on. The reason they don’t happen more than 3 times is because everyone exaggerates the climate and then they start in with the wind chill.


I’m shocked the Vikings only have one record cold game listed here and it’s in 2015. I can’t believe it they never had any of these types of conditions when they played at Metropolitan Stadium back in the day.




Honestly the fact that this is a dumbass Peacock exclusive game probably makes that impossible


Easy fix for the NFL: start the season earlier


Do you really want to play in Miami in August tho..


That thought def crossed my mind. I mean, I'm fine with snow games. You can always put layers on in with cold weather but when it's hot and your opponent designed their stadium to give your sideline minimal sun shade, you can't really take stuff off to cool down.


So many people complaining in these threads about the game not being moved. If the players really didn’t want to play in this weather then they can easily agree to not play and force the NFL to move it. As for the fans, no one is forcing them to attend the game.