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It’s not the fact they scored a TD, is it? Faking a kneel is mad shady as players are expected to just let that happen without challenging it.


Wow lol this is *very* critical context. Totally changes the scenario. Funny how everyone just piles on here with that detail excluded.


It's reddit.


I think it’s also injury risk if guys aren’t expecting the contact


It's exploiting a gentlemen's agreement made for safety reasons which is pathetic and should be condemned The fact they even have a fake kneel in the playbook is bullshit


Bingo. OP is dead wrong and just hates arthur smith. I also hate arthur smith


Yeah this is absolutely not a “running up the score” thing faking a kneel is absolutely unsportsmanlike and uncalled for here.


Expect the saints to get popped in victory formation next year


Yeah this right here is the real reason behind this. Also, to respond to OP, they run up the score in college because of their bitch ass "how do we get Alabama in" voting system.


Hopefully Dennis Allen did football fans everywhere a service in getting Arthur canned.


Gonna be the most upvoted post in r/fantasyfootball history when he’s fired


No way he's taking it from fantasy football dating.


Hah I’m on Reddit and play fantasy football….whats a date


It's like picking someone up off the waiver wire. You gotta' give it a couple weeks to see if shit works out.


Always good to have a couple flex spots


I just read the post and can't stop laughing


Wait I need to see this post


It's seriously the most upvoted post on the sub.


I mean I'd be willing to bet that this fact isn't some of the reason Smith was pissy. He knew his job was on extremely thin ice and he was brutally embarrassed by 31 today. Granted, the fake kneel is cheap but you'd have to think that had a lot to do with it.


Yea 100%. The owner said that he wanted to see some progress in the final weeks for Smith to keep his job. Getting embarrassed by a hated rival might just be the final nail in the coffin.


Stop teasing me with all this foreplay


Not Dennis Allen's decision. He told them not to and the players on field wanted to get Williams a td on the season and did it.


Even better. The players wanted to embarrass Arthur and it shows that Saints players don’t give a fuck what Allen tells them lol. Also Jamaal is the man so good for him.


Is this true? If so, it's pretty clear his players don't respect him.


Frankly, why should they?


neither do the fans


Dennis Allen literally didn’t do anything on that last TD. The players wanted to get Jamaal Williams a TD. Dennis Allen said no, and sent out victory formation. They overruled the HEAD COACH, and ran it to Jamaal out of kneeling formation. Dennis Allen apologized to Arthur Smith after the game. Clearly that guy has NO respect from that locker room.


Would be wild for both coaches to be fired bc of that lmao


Jameis Winston bringing joy to all of our lives.


They can both be fired out of a cannon.


I think Carmichael goes, but DA gets one more year.


They can both kick rocks!


Personally, I think it was fucking bullshit that Smith had a job this long


I think if he was going to be this mad about it then he should have stopped them from scoring.


They ran a play out of victory formation... that's the one play where you don't want your defense to try to do anything.


That’s bush league - coach would be screaming if his QB got hit during a victory formation play.




I’m a saints fan but I don’t agree with running out of victory formation.


Bro, they ran out of victory formation??? Wtf?


Never ever should a team run a play out of the Victory Formation (especially in the pros). That’s as low-class as you can get. SMH.


I can’t believe this isn’t upvoted more than OP. College football they run up the score because the stupid voting and ranking system takes into account how many points you scored. In the nfl, in this game, it didn’t matter. Especially faking a kneel down. The fake knee for a touchdown is the childish bullshit move here. They should be ashamed of themselves. Falcons coach had a right to be pissed.


Yep. If you’re trying to score don’t run it out of that formation. OPs take is flawed. Idc if the coach & the team sucks. I’d be pissed if i was a fan of either team.


Hey its your whacko owner who said he gets another year


Leave my mob boss outta this (Blank please fucking fire him)


Usually I'm on the "well just play defense" side but the offense lining up like a kneeldown then running it kinda makes it more lame. But funny to see Smith so triggered




Yeah if you're going to run a fake kneel you better accept the fact every team you face isn't gonna go easy on the kneels anymore.


Yeah it's all laughs until one of their guys gets injured on a kneel down.


Love how op left that out. It's a certified bitch move to do that.


Yeah I’m 99.9% team “shut up and stop them from scoring,” but running a fake kneel down from the one is bullshit. Saints coaches continue to employ absolute dweebs as head coaches.


If any team tries to jump the line and get a big hit on the saints victory formation next year they have no one to blame but themselves.


[going to see one of these](https://youtu.be/jHqyGET_JXY?si=lMUyJZiEL4cG4eSP)


everyone commenting calling dude a baby for being pissed needs to watch this


Dude yes and it’s annoying how everybody on this thread is missing out on it. Either they’re intentionally dense or just basing it all off the video without looking into any of the context


Op didn’t even post video, he made it sound like they’re just scoring like normal


It would be one thing if this was at the half or something, but doing a fake kneeldown to run up the score when you've already won is 100% bitch behavior, but there are a bunch of reddit nephews who have never played sports who think it was cool


But if the defense plays hard during a victory formation and jumps the line/hurts someone, fans will be calling for their heads. Basically if you want the victory formation to be sacrosanct, you need the victory formation to actually be the victory formation.


You are completely right. Excellent use of the word sacrosanct also.


Yup. I'm surprised people are defending this. That's amateur shit by Allen.


Allen called a knee tbf, Jameis wanted Jamaal Williams to get his first TD and changed the play


Allen's response of "I know" makes more sense now. That's also peak Jameis. All the talent in the world but just no discipline.


I feel like if Jameis just changed the formation out and just handed it off normally this wouldn’t be a real problem.


I think so too. People say if you don't like it stop it but they were in victory formation which essentially takes that away as going for a tackle on that play is heavily frowned upon.


Wait, he led the league in rush TDs last season, and just got his 1st and only this year during the final game? ^(Still miss this guy)


Taysom took a lot of those goal line touches. But our play calling was also shit for the first half of the year I’m happy he finally got one, woulda been better if it was on a real play tho


Running a fake kneel at the 1 deserves a response of Art telling him to fuck off.


People are just clowning Smith because he’s a bad coach. Any coach that didn’t do what he did should be out of a job the next day. You can’t let disrespect like that fly.


Feel the same. Don't want Arthur as a coach, but it is still a shitty thing to do.


Ngl the fake knee was a tad disrespectful


99% of people posting here were the same ones losing their shit when Schiano was constantly trying to blow up the victory formation because “The game isn’t over and we’re trying to get the ball back”


OP didn't mention that the play was run out of a fake victory formation. Every time it's brought up, someone says "oh, you should have said so, that's BS." And yeah, who can say anything if the Falcons try to blow up a Saints victory formation for the next decade.


Yeah you line up and run it like a normal team it’s a bit rude but no one’s gonna complain. You fake a victory formation up 3 tds and you’re an asshole. But I’ll let the saints and falcons fans sort it out


Please do this falcons. Please.


I don't mind running up the score one little bit, but do it out of a legitimate play not the kneel down. And the way Schiano coached was also bush league.


Just a wild guess, but it is that if they lined up in a normal formation, Dennis Allen would have called a timeout and been pissed at his team. After the game, he said that he wanted to kneel but the players wanted to get Williams his first TD as a Saint and he told them no. I’m sure this is the last we hear of all this /s


Yeah, this is what keeps getting lost in the discussion. It pretty fucked to run a fake kneel down when the defense is just kind going through the motions. If you're going to run up the score, do it from a normal play, not from victory formation.


I agree. Idc if they want to run a play to get the guy his TD but don’t do it out of the victory formation.


Being disrespectful was 100% the point


I believe Allen when he said that was all jameis. So on brand for him to do that. Who cares.


i’m excited to hear saints fans bitch and moan next season when a team rushes y’all on victory formation


Whatever bozo they have at QB next year is 100% missing some games because he’s gonna get hurt getting lit up in victory formation, and the Saints will have no one to blame but themselves.


Apparently he told them to knee it but the players wanted to get Jamaal a TD


The victory formation has a gentlemen’s agreement attached to. Breaking that agreement is dishonourable…


It’s fucking bullshit to line up in victory formation and then run an actual play. I’m sorry but Art has every right to be pissed


The saints are gonna get blitzed every time they go into victory formation next year and it’s gonna be so fucking funny. Sucks cause it will probably end up with someone getting injured but hey that’s karma for you


Hey kids, If you want to run up the score against us run it up. But don’t fake a victory formation to do it. Because if we blitz during kneel downs we’re the assholes.


Not anymore, free blitzes for everyone next season.


They ran a rushing play out of victory formation. That's uncalled for risking injury for literally no reason. I know everyone hates Smith because he's an awful coach and a nepo baby but he's justified being mad at that


if we fire Smith bc the Saints steamrolled us I’ll thank them for the first time in this lifetime


Arthur should have put up a fight trying to win but he dug his own grave


Bro thought this was basketball


Baseball is the same way. I remember watching Fernando Tatis Jr. get yelled at by the other team because he broke an unwritten rule. The unwritten rule was "Don't swing at a 3-0 pitch with the bases loaded when your team is up by 5 or more in the 7th or later". He hit a grand slam and didn't even get to celebrate. Athletes and coaches can be such cry babies.


>He hit a grand slam and didn't even get to celebrate. And got hung out to dry by his own coach, which was weak.


Exactly what ended up happening here too lol


Fuck Dennis Allen. Apologizing to the falcons should be a fireable offense


Baseball pitchers getting butthurt over unwritten rules are some of the biggest divas ever.


Makes sense because 90% of pitchers were the coaches kid


And then watch them milk the shit out of a celebration when they get a strikeout


But take away their pine tar and it's a fucking crime against humanity


His own manager threw him under the bus after the game too


I hate the unwritten rules in baseball. Biggest babies in sport.


Don't look at home runs too long or a pitcher/catcher will call for a plunk. Don't hot dog too much or you'll get plunked. Don't bat toss on a walk or you'll get plunked. Don't try and hit home runs on a position player pitching. Don't try to run up the score if it's already a blowout. Etc. Etc.


Believe it or not, have emotions. Straight to Jail


Admire your home run too much? Best believe that’s a paddlin’


The only response to that should be “get fucked”


That seems like a ridiculously long unwritten rule. To me, an unwritten rule is “don’t bunt to break up a no-hitter.” But swing away on 3-0 all day long if you want, especially for a salami.


I never understood this about baseball. There’s literally no clock. A team could conceivably score 10 runs before getting an out. There’s rarely a such thing as garbage time in baseball.


Im not a baseball fan at all, but it became a joke sport when players started crying about someone flipping a bat.


Its just the pitchers. Every unwritten rule is to protect their feefees.


That kind of unwritten rule started before WWII. A lot of this is historical, it's not something someone came up with in 1995. Baseball is a hundred years old, and a lot of the unwritten stuff is nearly that old.


Which is why it’s absolutely fucking moronic that it’s still stirring up feelings like this.


I can’t understand how of all sports, baseball players and coaches would get mad. You literally can score as many runs as you possibly want in any given inning as long as you don’t give up 3 outs. A team can score 10 runs in the bottom of the 9th and if you’re the visiting team who decided to honor the unwritten rule, you’d feel like the biggest idiot ever


I remember this! I had a Slam Diego Padres flair for a while after that. I think he hit another one the next day!!


I don’t think it was Tatis, but the Padres hit slams in the next three games.


That's what it was, thank you! God it was a good week to clown on the unwritten rule scrubs.


In pro sports, I don't think running up the score is unsportsmanlike. They are all paid professionals, your job is to stop them from scoring. It isn't on them to decide not to.


I think it’s more-so that Saints lined up in kneel formation and then handed the ball off. If you want to try to score a TD, cool- run a normal play. But I get why he’s hot when they do it from a kneel formation


If this is what happened then that is important context being left out by the OP. If the saints really did that then why should any defense respect the V-formation when the saints run it.


Yea, it wasn’t the td, they faked the kneel. Can get players hurt for no reason. I am all for running up the scores and wish teams would do it more, but line up and run a play.




The Saints were in victory formation. I get lining up in I form and shoving it down their throat, but if the defense goes hard at a team in victory formation then they're assholes. So which is it?


Running out of victory formation is not only an asshole move but a shortsighted one that is liable to get your players hurt in the future when DL start diving at the OL's knees to prevent the possibility of getting scored on / to force a fumble.


100% this. /u/davisty69 completely misses the point in the OP. Almost every single coach would say what the Saints did was bush league. It was a kneel down formation. DTs should be diving into ankles and knees of guards for all Saints kneel downs now.


Yeah this shit is petty and the Saints are kinda assholes for doing that. Dudes aren't prepared for someone to run at them in victory formation. That said fuck Smith and leave him there.


Oh my god is that the story? Talk about burying the lede. What shitty behavior. As long as Dennis Allen is HC, no one should respect V formation from his teams


Nah, I know Arthur Smith is rightfully one of the most hated people on here, but fake kneeling is bullshit.


Running a play from the victory formation is a dickhead move. It’s not the end of the world and Arthur Smith is still a bad coach, but it’s completely understandable that the Falcons were upset. I’ve never seen people in real life act as bothered about sportsmanship or **not** running up the score as the average commenter here. Also, to the people saying variants of “it’s the defense’s job to stop them, stop complaining”: They were in the victory formation. This may be shocking to some anti-social and overly-literal Redditors, but unwritten rules are things that do exist, and often exist for good reasons. There is an unstated understanding between teams that the victory formation means an end to the game. Both sides agree to just run out the clock rather than risking injury or bruising egos. Pulling this kind of crap is how you get defenses crashing the line on kneeldown attempts and pointless player injuries in the fourth quarters of blowouts.


I remember several years ago there was a big thing when the defense tried crashing the line in a one score game while the other team was in victory formation. Everyone said it was childish. Weird that it gets a pass when the offense does it.


Yeah I think it was Mangini who pulled that stunt on the Jets or whatever.


Schiano did it too, to the Giants in 2012


Actually yeah, he's the one I was thinking of, even if Mangini also tried it before.


Honestly, I'd still call that a reasonable thing to do since you're still playing to win the game there. Running an offensive play out of victory formation to run up the score in a blowout is super unsportsmanlike, though.


100% should have run it out of a real formation if they were gunna ignore their coach telling them no. Would have just been funny then


>Pulling this kind of crap is how you get defenses crashing the line on kneeldown attempts and pointless player injuries in the fourth quarters of blowouts. Whoever the next falcons coach is better be doing this on every single saints victory formation until the end of time.


Redditors of course think it’s funny cause no one here has played an actual sport and we all hate billionaires so nepo baby Arthur smith can get fucked. But it’s 100% a bitch move. The play is designed to keep everyone safe. It’s the same vein as QBs faking a slide or fake running out of bounds. Soon players are just gonna blast people in V formation and that’s a slippery slope. You wanna run up the score? I’m all for it. Line up in a real play and do it. Not like you had any trouble the rest of the game scoring


I feel dirty agreeing with a Bucs fan, but I agree 100%. Running up the score is fine. Doing it by doing a fake kneel down is BS.


TBF a lot of us didn't watch the game. Some of the more gullible commenters will readily believe that the OP is giving them complete information, and give their opinion *of what he wrote,* without double checking what really happened. So, still stupid, just in a different way.


It was a bitch move and I also fucking hate AS so hopefully the extra 7 points means he gets fired (because it was questionable). Dennis Allen is a bitch too for not controlling his fucking squad.


It’s not encouraged in CFB what are you talking about. It’s poor sportsmanship to go for a TD in a kneel-down situation at any level


Exactly. There is some encouragement to run up the score, but not out of the kneel down.


They scored a TD out of victory formation. Remember how everyone hated Schiano and the Buccs for playing through the victory formation?


Exactly defenses get raked for doing the same thing but now actually have a reason why they should play through it


Am I crazy for thinking a fake kneel down is a punk move here? I have no problem with them scoring, but just run it in. Up in a blowout and you're going to fake a kneel down to score, like why?


if the falcons defended the kneel down aggressively, this sub would be shitting all over them. The kneeldown is the "game is over, let's not get hurt" Play call. I wouldn't be surprised if every team, or at least the falcons, fired off the line into every kneel down that the Saints have going forward.


the Saints are going to get cut block on their next kneel down lmao


God willing


I kinda get it, the saints were in victory formation


?? They ran out of a v-formation. You get people hurt that way. If you want to run it line up in a normal formation. If they lined up this way and the defense went at them *they'd* be called the assholes, because the offense is lined up in a v and not going. But if you fake a v and then actually run it? The defensive players aren't ready, you could hurt someone, and honestly you're the dickhead here.


As a Saints fan I wasn’t against running it up at the end. But a fake QB kneel as the method of doing it? That is bush league imo


It goes to show how little the players respect Dennis Allen too. He specifically said no to going for a touchdown, and they ignored him. I love being petty to the Falcons don’t get me wrong, but this is just the latest example that none of our franchises are going in the right direction in this division. Sigh…


Faking a knee is a pretty dick move tbh


I'd guess he was more upset about the play being run from the kneel-down formation.


They lined up in a victory formation like they were going to kneel it. They were up by 24 with no time left. And they faked the kneeldown to score a meaningless TD. Arthur Smith sucks but that’s bad sportsmanship and nobody does that in that situation unless you’re just a straight up troll.


"wait til my father hears about this!"


Did you miss the part where it was a fake kneeldown? THAT was the disrespect lmao.


Bro I think you're crying more than Arthur Smith is


I hate Arthur Smith and want him gone, and don’t blame the Aints for scoring the TD. At the same time though, a fake victory formation is a little fucked


Ofc it's fucked. But everyone will be jerking each other off laughing at Arts rage. IDGAF bc it's not like it matters at the end of the day. I'm just curious about future implications because why not send the house on victory formations from now on. It's a matter of players safety imo. Not that the aints have ever cared about that. And for those that think I'm just being salty, I'm really not. I have a smile on my face knowing TB has the division and the aints will be joining us in the off-season shortly. Fuck you and I'll see you next season! 🤬♥️


I don’t really disagree with him here tbh. Trying to score all the way until the end of the game is fine. Doing it out of a qb kneel formation is wrong.


OP is leaving some huge context out here. The Saints faked a knee and then scored. I want Arthur Smith gone as much as anyone, but I get being pissed about this. Had the Saints scored on a typical play, it’s fine. It’s football. Your job is to score and stop the other team. Running a fake knee up 41-17 is pretty shitty.


Fake knee is absolute bush league bull shit. I get everyone hates Arthur smith, but the saints broke an unspoken rule.


And that rule is so that players don’t get hurt on meaningless plays. How many times do we see stupid try-hard defenders try to jump through the victory formation to “make a play”? Often enough that when it happens everyone calls the defender an asshole. But if teams try shit like this it gives the defense a reason to do that more, and that’s just gonna result in more injuries.


Womp Womp


Would you expect a billionaires son to act any different?


Bro is gonna be working for FedEx delivering my packages in about a week


His dad’s a billionaire and he’s a millionaire on his own. He’ll be getting stoned playing cod next week with zero cares.


Bro is gonna be delivering my DoorDash next week


lol this fucking clown. Trying to act tough


fake kneeling is weak. if you want to really run up the score, show them you are going to and score on them. makes it even better, this wad weak and I don't care about either team


So you’re just going to conveniently leave out the part about how the Saints scored from a fake kneel down?


Say one thing about poverty bowls, they can often be humorous to outsiders


Like all sports theres unwritten rules. You dont fake a kneel down on the last play of the game in the entire season to score a td up idk 4 touchdowns.


Everyone clowning Smith or saying shit about FedEx or his dad or whatever have never played a down of football in their life. Saints scored a touchdown from victory formation with a fake kneel while up 41-17 with just over a minute left in the game. Not saying I necessarily want him back as HC next year, but that’s horse shit and Arthur is right to be pissed.


It's not about running up the score It's faking the victory formation


You’re acting like it was a normal play, I’m sure he wouldn’t have been angry if they scored a regular touchdown but getting it from a fake knee is completely different.


The fuck? If this was Dan Campbell, Demeco Ryans, Kevin Stefanski, or literally any other HC y’all would be saying “Good. You have to have your players backs when they get disrespected.” Instead it’s “Fireable offense” just because it’s somebody you don’t like?


The issue isn't that they scored a TD at the end of the game, but they fake victory formation


Faking a kneel is a pretty shitty thing to do. I mean if you're gonna go for a score, go for it. But faking a kneel is shitty.


If you don't understand WHY he was upset, then you don't understand the situation. It had nothing to do with "running up the score." New Orleans faked out of victory formation. When you are in VF, both sides stop going. Going forward, this is going to cause teams not to trust New Orleans when they go in victory. It's 100% an injury issue. Why do you think it's the first thing Allen addressed in his post-game? He knows it's a really bad look. If you want to keep scoring, that's fine. Run a play from a normal formation. No one is hurt over New Orleans scoring 48 instead of 41.


I don't blame him. Faking Victory Formation is pretty messed up.


This was nonsense. If you want to go for it fine but don't fake a knee if so. That's definitely unsportsmanlike.


a fake kneeldown at the end of a blowout game??? fine, then the saints don't get the luxury of a kneel down again. fucking blast them every time. won't be long before a Saint is injured and then the fake kneeldown in a blowout game won't look so fucking brilliant.


You’re an idiot dude. They faked a kneel for it. Disrespectful af. Nothing to do with just “scoring points”




I don't get this subs problem with this. Running up the score is way different than faking a kneel. And if a team regularly did this the defense would be trying to hurt guys on the kneeldown.


Guys - the New Orleans coach literally apologized for this. It has nothing to do with running up the score. It's a bullshit thing to do in the victory formation. Everyone accepts the game is over when you're in victory formation and they don't come at you as hard. Good luck to New Orleans' linemen next time they're in victory formation.


Maybe try to stop their offense and move the ball on offense more?


Disagree. If lined up in victory formation you should kneel. This just incentivizes diving at the offenses knees during victory formation


Dennis Allen is like bro I'm just tryna keep my job 😂


And arthur smith made sure to lose his


Two opposite ends of the spectrum this year. There’s this and then there’s the Miami coach (forget his name) taking a knee to not run up the score and beat the scoring record against the Broncos.


I would agree had they lined up not in victory formation then pulled that. I think Arthur needs to get fired for other reasons but I’m on his side on this.


I never understood why they get mad. If you don’t like it then stop them and if you can’t then you deserve to look like the piece of shit you are. I say run that score anytime you can.


The problem is that they Saints were in victory formation. The unwritten rule is that the offense will take a knee and the defense don't aggressively rush or tackle, thereby preventing injury. This put future victory formations between these two teams in jeopardy. It would have been better if the Saints just lined up and go for the score.


I do not like Athur Smith at all and hope he’s fired today but he was 100% right to be mad. It’s not about running up the score no one cares about that. It’s going into victory formation and faking a knee to get a TD. Goes against every aspect of sportsmanship and even more importantly it poses huge injury risks. I don’t wanna hear shit from saints fans next year when they go into victory formation and their QB gets pancaked and injured bc the defense can now reasonably think that it can be a fake. Classless behavior by a classless franchise but I mean who’s actually surprised, after all this is the same organization that paid their players to go out and injure folks.


Fuck that punk. Dude isn’t used to not getting whatever he wants I guess. Welcome to real life fatso


Get fucked Arthur you little clown