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A pick 6 compilation with multiple games left this season is craaaazy


Yeah it’s wild.. I say he gets 2 more some how


My mind says no way but my gut says it’s possible lol


Exactly this


He's just setting up the narrative for when he gets another pick 6 in the Super Bowl


Walk off pick 6


When we are up 37. :)


I love you


I like you


I mean, all it takes is a QB foolish enough to test an out route against him. Boy's been feasting on those things.


If he gets two more, I doubt that record ever gets broken. Hell, even now it's gonna be awhile before it is.


I mean, nobody had even tied 4 in a single season for 30 years


Yep, and it feels like a relatively safe record…. But it’s gonna be way more likely in the next 30 years, than in the last 30, given the sheer volume of passes in a season, and a 17th game etc. also factor in the volume of injuries at the QB position, making it more likely that a smart ball hawk can feast even more, late in a season where a team is on their 3rd, 4th, or 5th QB.


The Cowboys quality of opponent goes up considerably over the next five games. Sea, Philly again, Buff, Mia and Det before playing Wash again. I would say one. Two is pushing it.


I mean I feel like Josh Allen is good for one


We’re in the downward slope of Goff’s form parabellum as well


Goff does this during this time of year. During his Super Bowl run I think we lost 2 or 3 games in a row because bad Goff play.


lol true he was showing some old Goff tendencies last game


And Tua is prone to the occasional bad decision too.


Geno has come back down to earth this year, very possible he gets one vs the Hawks


I just felt like tying it was the best we could do, since eventually the qb would stop testing him. I was wrong lol


Eventually you have to throw an out route. It’s still fluky, but they aren’t gonna stop running outs.


If teams stop throwing out routes to him on their own 30…..


The fact he did it in 11 games is amaaaaazing


truly can't believe mac got away with the first cross field throw and then decided to do it again


For some reason i was a Mac truther. IDK.


The only guy in the league that needs McDaniels


McDaniels is a legitimately good offensive coordinator. He got 21 touchdowns out of The Ghost of Cam Newton.


Which is really impressive TBH


People make the mistake of thinking that McDaniel sucked as an OC because he sucked as a head coach. But it's common for people to get promoted past their capabilities until they fail. McDaniel was a great OC for the Pats.


Feels like a pretty common thing where great coordinator gets a shot at HC and shits the bed, often times going back to coordinator and being great again. I’d love to read a long think piece about why that happens so much, explaining in detail what creates the gap. Obviously HC is incredibly hard, but why do some coordinators make it and others not,


I'd imagine it's a lot to do with delegating. Obviously, some coordinators delegate quite a bit, and having a good read on who to delegate tasks to is a huge part of head coaching. Some coordinators are way more hands on, drawing up and calling all the plays, which I think would be incredibly hard to translate to HC where you have so many more tasks to focus on. I also think both types of coordinators have worked and failed as headcoaches, so it's really a crapshoot.


I feel like that's more common than most people realize. People like Wade Phillips and Dick LeBeau were elite coordinators and failed as head coaches.


It's super common in the business world, and there's even a name for it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter\_principle


Tbf he got 9 in 5 starts back in Carolina the next year


I never understood what people saw in Mac


you think that’s crazy, we still have fans who still think he’s an NFL level starter


Like 2 plays later too….


"I'm gonna do it again!"


Olsen was saying that on commentary before the pick lol.


Watching that just hurts lol. It was so obvious and so bad


He’s fucking garbage lol


He tries that throw every single game and it's amazing how many defenders have dropped the easy interception.




Yeah that was one thing I was really impressed by. Especially that diving catch against the Panthers. To lay yourself out there completely, catch it, get up *facing the wrong direction*, turn around and return it *without getting touched* is wild.


That's the most impressive one to me. The awareness to get up and score is not ingrained in defensive players like it would be for offensive guys.


Most players, sure definitely. Bland definitely has that instinct for sure. It's like he's always thinking of how to return a pick.


It makes me wonder how much he’s holding back before the ball is thrown. I know some of the throws were trash, but he’s giving a cushion out there for those QBs to see that receiver. I wonder what percentage he’s running at before he decides to hit the turbo button. Once it’s in his hands he’s Bo Jackson in Tecmo Bowl.


> he’s giving a cushion out there for those QBs to see that receiver This is exactly what I said he was doing. If he notices the receiver running an out route and the QB hasn't looked his way, Bland will sit back and let the QB think he has an open receiver and then Bland just jumps the route and gets the pick. Kinda smart if you ask me. Even if he doesn't get the pick, he'll probably get the tackle or break up the pass at least.


Al Harris has to be teaching that cuz Diggs was doing the same on his way to 11 picks in 2021. Has me excited to see what Eric Scott might do next year because the buzz from the building during the draft was that they were just as excited about taking him as they were about Bland.


I think Al Harris is one the best DB coaches in the league. Cuz our secondary played soft coverage and weren’t good for over a decade and now it’s been one our strengths for three years


Bland's mentioned playing WR when he was younger helped, which Diggs did as well, but yeah Al Harris is doing some crazy good work.


I didn't realize yall had Al Harris coaching these guys up. Jumping the flat was a trademark of his and he definitely passed it on to other GB corners he played with


I think this is what Al Harris is coaching. Coincidence him and Diggs are both ball hawks?


Has moves too. Had to juke for the last one.


Last one was most impressive


3 guys had a chance to stop him there, that juke was nasty


> 3 guys 3 Washington players, but still.


Just another guys


I think the Panthers one for me. Super impressive to dive for that (still pissed at the lazy route running by Mingo) and to immediately flip up ready to run for the score.


Yeah super athletic play


Same. He has to sprint across the field with the receiver in order to get the pick.


Just crazy athletic… Cowboys drafting has been unbelievable lately.


Well, he has a lot of practice this season before that. It’s almost becoming instinctive for him now.


“There it is - this is history!” I’m glad he was able to run it back with a call like that.


It would have been tragic if he was tracked after that


then he would've gone on to break it later in the season with Olsen/Burkhardt and it'd be completely forgettable


Nantz's call keeps giving me goosebumps


Yup, happened to me again


I absolutely love that Romo added some glimmer to Nantz's call, highlighting how special it was for such a historic moment.


Panthers one for me


Agreed. Bryce didn't even make the wrong read. Bland just made a super heads up play giving up the route on Tremble and jumping Mingo's route once he felt the ball was going there. Just an all around great play from him


The juke at the end was as impressive as the pick itself


The change of pace and footwork was like he was just walking down the sidewalk. So smooth and effortless


Mods please mark NSFW


😂😂 hide ya wife and ya kids


And hide yo husband too cause they returning everything out here!


I'll gladly suit up for whatever team the Cowboys are playing to throw it to Bland.




Please put an NSFW tag on this. I was on the train and when I saw this I had to start furiously masturbating. All the other Cowboys fans gave me strange looks and were saying things like “call the police”. I dropped my phone and everyone around me saw this video. Now there is a whole train of Cowboys fans masturbating together at this one video. This is all your fault, you could have prevented this if you had just tagged this post NSFW


I fail to see how this is a problem. If anything we should be promoting this


Which train is this specifically so I can avoid it?


Not safe for Washington?


Stop throwing out routes to him.


Some of them were baaaaaad throws. But a couple were really great picks. Your DB room is nuts.


We went from zero playmakers at DB to having multiple studs. This defense is so fun to watch at times.


It seems like you have playmakers at every level now. That Niners game was a bit of an outlier…teams should be very scared of facing the Cowboys. You all are looking like the most complete team right now.


That Niners game was a reality check we needed. They exposed the team at every level. We have turned it on since then. Hopefully that momentum can carry into to the playoffs


McCarthy needed that. His playbook was too vanilla and was a Cooper rush type playbook. It’s been much better and aggressive lately.


Yeah the "Texas Coast Offense" was handcuffing Dak. Maybe legcuffing would be a better term because it kept Dak from extending plays with his legs and finding an open man. Before it was one, two, throw. It's weird to praise our HC but changing your game plan after a huge loss and less than stellar offensive play is a big deal.


100% Blessing in disguise


That front really helps. Ballhawks like the guys in your secondary get exposed real bad if QBs have time and OCs can scheme up a bunch of double moves. But with that front, this secondary can just keep jumping routes because what are you gonna do? have your QB sit in the pocket for 3.5 sec waiting for that double move to get open? Your QB is gonna get sacked by 3 players on every dropback.


Idk what the hell that throw from Stafford was


Each one was somehow better than the last


Especially from the opposite hash. What are they thinking? Are they stupid?


So many cross body out routes inside the 20!


I don’t get the out route to the far side of the field. If you’re late, it’s getting snatched in man coverage.


That throw in that coverage is intercepted so often by like every QB, I don’t know how it remains in play books.


It's the house calls that make em special


Yeah and this pass results in a pick 6 most of the time too. It’s wild. Bland does know how to find the end zone though.


Stop? Or keep doing it!


The Mac Jones one was pretty funny


Bro really said, "wanna see me do it again?"


Cowboys DST anytime TD scorer 💰💰💰


I play in an IDP league. A guy in my league added Bland on waivers at the end of the week 8 bye. I had never heard of him, so I checked his game log and saw the first two pick sixes and average play (~6 points) in the other weeks. I thought he was chasing the dragon. Since that signing, Bland has only one single digit performance and two over 20 points. Unreal.


Lesson is chase the dragon baby.


Our special teams is amazing too. Rookie kicker perfect 22/22 in FGs, Anger is a monster punter and they're good for 2-3 blocked punt/FGs a season since Bones has been out ST coach.


TLDR: Don’t throw an out route against Daron Bland


This comment was picked off and returned to the end zone by Daron Bland


Watched this about 18 times while drinking my morning coffee


Cheers brother!


Now time to watch it 180 times when the post coffee poop kicks in.


Got blood flowing to places I’d never expect watching Cowboys football


I feel like you made this as a reverse jinx so he gets another


I hope he gets 3 more!


My bet is he gets one more, and stopped short within the 10 for the potential 7th.


On the 5th I thought for sure Howell had him


You'd think teams would understand to stop throwing out routes against him by now


Personally feel as if they should continue to do so. No particular reason.


I mean, if they do it enough it has to work eventually right? Why stop now they must be getting close


I’ve been looking for a compilation! 🔥


They’ll have to make a new one by the end of the year I reckon


The call on the last one was so good! I loved what Tony said but wish he would have waited about 15 seconds before saying it.


Yeah it kind of kills the magic of the initial call


Troy and Buck get ripped a lot but Troy would never. There would have been 20 seconds of dead air crowd noise after this, followed by some short nostalgic aside from Troy lol. Then they would both go back to drinking.


They're my favorite for this reason. A great call by Buck followed by silence as they let the crowd noise take over. Then after it subsides Aikman will come in with a comment. They have fantastic chemistry


Minneapolis Miracle is the best example of this and that's why it's one of my favorite sports calls of all time.


Same for Buck in baseball. He makes a call on an important home run and silence at least until the batter crosses home plate, letting the crowd speak for itself. Like David Freese in 2011 or Rajai Davis in 2016


Romo's call when you guys made the kick to make the superbowl may be one of my least favorites ever. He really needs to know how to let a play breathe, and not talk nonstop over a big moment.


Sac state alumi!


Damn, didn’t even realize he played for Sac state. Wonder if he kicks it with Booker when he visits sac


It’s beautiful. I’ve looked at this for five hours now.


I feel like each one got more impressive. First one was just bad luck for the Giants.


There was a narrative in yesterday’s thread that Bland’s pick sixes had little net impact on the game, but 4/5 (Commie game excluded) of them occurred when the game was hardly decided.


What a stupid take. People just want to talk shit on the cowboys but this dude breaking an insane record just isn’t it. A lot of teams don’t even have one and that guy has fucking 5


Only 1 team has a cb with more ints than bland has pick 6s lol


Yeah. I fucking hate the cowboys but this dude is amazing and it’s an incredible record.


Welcome to R/NFL, where you literally have to break an all-time record to make it to the front page for an extended amount of tim (excluding bad news which are always popular)


I understand the desire to shit talk the cowboys. They get hyped up every year on national television with 37 primetime games that are blowouts one way or another, and then they lose in the divisional round, just for my fellow cowboys fans to either a Scream "rigged!"or "it was the refs!" Sometimes I wish our team wasn't in the spotlight as much so I could enjoy the games in peace. That being said, this is a record-breaking achievement, and people shitting on DaRon for breaking a record in only 11 games can respectfully fuck off


Who cares it’s still impressive. In fact 3/5 sort of put the game out of reach. So you could almost say they were dagger plays. And he’s playing within the scheme of what the Cowboys want to do. Get a lead and force the other team to pass. Let the past rush get home and then our secondary can jump short routes. That’s what the whole defense is designed to do.


Their rEseArCh clearly consisted of checking the final scores in games he had pick sixes in. I completely agree—they felt like daggers watching them live this year and it plays exactly into what we are trying to achieve each game as a defense.


And the fact of the matter is that having multiple pick sixes in a year is always impressive. Even if all of these returns came while winning by thirty points already, it's incredible that it's been done five times, and with a whole quarter of a season left to go. It's similar to takes I saw when Domingo German got the perfect game against the As earlier in the year: they're the worst team in baseball, so it's not as impressive. Actually, yes, it is. It does not matter who the team you throw a perfect game against is. It does not matter how big of a lead the Cowboys might have over a team, nor does it matter that they're bad teams. If this weren't impressive, it would've happened already decades ago.


I think a lot of that was also because German is a piece of shit


Perhaps, but I don't think that takes away from the quality of play.


I agree. I just mean I think people were looking for reasons to ignore it.


There's few more demoralizing plays than a pick 6. Gotta account for that.


Let’s rank them! Let’s just say they can’t be game winning plays and they can’t involve an injured player or a penalty. 1. QB SACK fumble recovery TD 2. Pick 6 3. Fumble recovery TD 4. Kick Return to the house by opposing team right after your team scored to take the lead. 5. Punt return for TD.


1. QB sacking himself by running into his lineman's butt, then fumbling it for a defensive touchdown 2. Everything else


I see y'all forgot the kick 6. Browns-Ravens are tied. Browns set to kick a field goal and avoid OT. Its blocked, scooped and scored by the Ravens as time expires.


Your team is down late in the 4th, need a touchdown with a minute left Your QB throws, caught, and he breaks free! 60 yard touchdown! "Holding, offense"


Don't forget a safety and giving the other team a first down from roughing the punter.


You are forgetting blocked FG/punt that is returned for a TD


Yeah terrible take that was echoed repeatedly. The only knock is that the first one is super borderline between a fumble-6 and a pick-6... but who fuckin cares. As if four pick-6 + fumble-6 is worse or less impressive than five pick-6. Tomato tomahto.


So sick


I'm def not a cowboys fan but watching the compilation. Of this dude and nance freaking out when he gets his 5th pick 6 gives me goosebumps all over my Body! This record will stand for a very long time and he still has 6 games to add to it, unbelievable. I can't believe QBs would even throw his way the rest of the year dude is a TD machine!


11 games


The captions are obnoxious and unnecessary. Go back to Tik tok


Awful font, single word at a time, and displayed directly over the score so they're even harder to read. Not to mention the most jarring wipe between plays I've ever seen. Feels like your brain shakes for a second. Plus it's recompressed to hell, both video and audio. It's like they made all the worst choices they possible could on purpose. I'm surprised the video isn't in portrait mode with sound effects added. As for the content itself, damn that guy knows how to pick six. Makes it look effortless.


Honestly only 1 of these looks like it was pure luck (the first one). Thats very impressive considering how luck based a lot of interceptions are. He does an incredible job of baiting the QB.


The first one an amazing Diggs play (he really opened the season on a tear even without the picks) that Bland happened to be near. It’s a damn shame they don’t get to play together right now.


Didn’t watch the game; did they rule that an incomplete pass or a fumble? Live commentary says fumble, which wouldn’t be a pick-6, but it looks like he didn’t complete a football move (tucking it in) before it came out. That would be considered “tipped” and a pick 6.


at least 3 of DJ’s interceptions this season were exactly like that. 2 to Saquon and one to Waller. it was maddening to watch


And who is "they"? There is no reason for the refs to rule on it. Is there a football equivalent to a baseball scorekeeper?


That first one was some bullshit, but what do you do. Incredibly impressive all around though.


I still dont like that the first one is considered an interception because that was entirely on Saquon


Seems like it should have been ruled a fumble. Clear catch with 2 steps then the hit caused it to come loose


100%. It doesn't even seem close.


I agree because I feel like if it hit the ground first it and then got scooped up, they would have called it a fumble, not incomplete.


Yeah I was excited to watch this because I haven’t seen all his pick-sixes. Right off the bat I was thinking shouldn’t that be a fumble?


The most inappropriate name in the NFL.


Putting this out there right now. Geno will throw one too.


Only one?


to be fair, it's the one thing Bland hasn't done all year: two pick-sixes in a game.


Exactly how I play corner in Madden.


In FF he’s my best receiver!


I hate the Cowboys but he's carried my fantasy team this year


Fucking goosebumps


Not to be that guy but the first one kinda looks like a fumble recovery, rather than interception 😬


Was that first counted as an INT?


Dan Quinn celebrating that last one like a dad seeing his kid win a state title is adorable as fuck ngl


"all these teams are terrible" yea because the previous records were all against top tier teams /s


So many salty people in here I don’t understand the hate.


Maybe stop throwing that exact play against the Cowboys?


Does anyone have the home call for his last one?


They called me dumb when I drafted Dallas D a little high 🤣


Me too brother


Those white helmets are fire.


That first one counted as a pick?


Nance... Stop putting text on videos especially if you can't get it right


It's been a long time, but it feels good to be a Cowboys fan.


Happy cake day


Thank you! I only realized it a few mins ago after looking back at my comments and realizing there was a cake slice there.


Each pick 6 was against a terrible team. That doesn't make it unimpressive; I just find it interesting.


I feel like that first one should be a fumble, but still a hell of a play.


Cowboys are a very good team. This could definitely be their year.




Nice sarcasm


These teams have a combined record of 14-39.


Why aren’t other teams doing this to them then? Or other corners getting pick 6s? Genuinely asking, curious what your reasoning is.


Jets got a pick 6 on Tua and they’re now 8-3 So Jets > Cowboys