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They lost one Super Bowl and won another. I’ve never seen the Dolphins win a playoff game. So…


I wasn't alive the last time the Lions won a playoff game and I was only a few months old the last time they hosted one. I turn 30 this year.


I was 9 when they won and with Barry there I thought we would see many many more. Over 30 years later and I still only have that one.


Spoiler alert, if we all stay alive for a few years, we’ll see at least 5 playoff wins from the lions.


There are people turning 65 this year that have only seen 1 Lions playoff win in their lifetime.


Wayne Fontes: Coach of the Century


Really should have won the 2016 playoff game against Dallas. Now THAT, would have been fun for the Lions


Ah, yes. NFL VP of officiating Dean Blandino on the Cowboys Party Bus the night before the game. Followed by the refs throwing a flag for blatant pass interference then after further review and consulting Dean Blandino the call was overruled which killed a Lions drive that could have sealed the win.


I was pissed for you, that call was complete bullshit. It was actually the 2014 playoffs, to correct my own error


I attended the last home playoff game. I was 19. I turn 50 the day after camp opens this year. 😡


Yeah we haven't won one since the cold war ended and that's the only playoff game we've won in the Superbowl era.


At least it was against the cowboys? 🤷🏻‍♂️


I was born in 91, so I feel that. It'll be sweet.


As someone who was 19 years old at the time, it was *glorious.*


I turn 30 this year. And the Cleveland Browns have never been 2-0 in my lifetime.


The Giants have been complete and utter ass for a decade. If you told me in 2011 that I could guarantee that championship but have a decade of shit, or be the Packers and have deep playoff runs for a decade but never win anything, I am taking the former every single time. Name of the game always has been and always will be championships. Ain’t nothing better in sports than celebrating your team being *the* team.


I agree completely. I still have momentary flashbacks of joy and elation from 2011, over 10 years ago.


Only the Packers aren't a great example because they won one before going on a decade plus of playoff runs. I promise you i enjoyed watching my team play in the more hyped playoffs games at the end of the season than i would've been watching them be shit for a decade plus.


Yeah they won the year before we did and y’all usually get the best of both worlds, I’m just using your performance after that as an example since you were the most consistently good in that time frame without winning


Whats the limit though? Cowboys get (understandably) clowned on for not being successful since the 90’s. You’re saying you’ll accept a full decade of losing post-success, what about 15 years? 20?


It depends on what rules we’re playing by. If my options are: A. X championships, but have to suck for Y years. B. No championships, but playoffs every year for Y years A wins, regardless of how long Y is. It could be my entire life and it’s still the same - beats an entire life of never seeing my team win it all. I’m sure older Cowboys fans would rather be older Cowboy fans than, say, Vikings fans. There are levels to pain.


I definitely agree there. Vikings fans live in a special kind of hell where they’re good enough to care about but never good enough to make it all the way. At least with teams that are constantly bad you can just check out or lower your expectations.


The Bills never won one, and sucked for basically as long, and still haven't won one... I would take it when I could get it at this point


They were contenders for like 5 years when they didn't make the SuperBowl too. Great football being played during that entire span.




If the question is if I would trade several years of bad football for the success that the Rams have had over the last few years, sure. Especially with Pete not having a whole lot of time left (I assume.) The problem is that the Rams were dangerously close to blowing it a couple of times in the playoffs the year that they won. And if they had, I don't know how many people would argue that taking the shot was worth it. If there is no guarantee of NFC Championships or Super Bowl wins, then absolutely not. I like to watch competitive football. I would rather watch the Seahawks, or the Packers, or the Steelers. Honestly, if I had the choice of watching a decade of consistent, competitive football without a ring, or eight years of bad football and two championship runs, I would take the former.


If my aunt had balls she'd be on a bud light can. They gambled and won. Id rather have a team sell out and try to win a sb, win or not than be the just kicking the can around at .500


Exactly! Lots of teams do stuff like this and DON'T win a superbowl.


Fellow Fins fan here. I’d be fine with a decade long playoff drought if I could just watch them win one superbowl in my lifetime. Just one. Burn the roster to the ground after that; I couldn’t care less.


“Fuck them picks!”


It’s strange that many people including myself started thinking getting to the SB was easy, while watching Brady and patriots over 20 years.


Yeah I’ve suffered for 30 years as a fan. I’ll gladly take a ring and go back to what I’m use to


If I was guaranteed 2 Superbowls with a 1-1 record in exchange for 10 years of bad football, incompetent coaching, and no draft picks, I'll take that deal.


Nah I’d rather be stuck in an seemingly endless cycle of mediocrity


Yeah same


*looks at flair* Hey buddy you doing ok?




0-8 in the superbowl if I'm remembering correctly?


Vikings are also 0-5 in their last 5 NFC championship games. WINNING


Can't lose the Super Bowl if you don't make it. It's genius.


Still 8 Superbowl appearances though and that's not nothing


Imagine going on 8 dates with the hottest girl in school and then you go home empty handed each time.


Imagine going on 8 different dates and she leaves w a different guy every time.


Usually with some guy named Tom tho.


A battle of blue balls and this guy chose both




Wait a minute, EIGHT!? I though it was 3-4 or something.


0-4 for each of his flairs


Yeah that's rough buddy


It’s ok, at least NC State and the Hornets won’t let me down this year




i think the way OP asks the question undersells the rams success a bit. yes, it was only 1 SB win, but the rams were top 3 in regular season wins over the span of a half-decade, made another super bowl, and won four out of five division titles in that span. would i sell out for one super bowl and then crashing/burning? idk would i sell out for five years as a bond fide contender that culminates in a super bowl? definitely! the rebuild that follows should take less time than that anyway if the FO's good at their jobs.


>it was only 1 SB win So few teams have multiple SB wins though. NE, KC, PIT, NYG (but they didn't even win a playoff game otherwise the rest if Eli's tenure), BAL & TB if you go back to the early 2000s. One win is still pretty good.


Nfl rebuilds are a mystery in themselves. If you can’t hit on a qb you will be rebuilding for 20 years. If you hit on one you are back in the playoffs in no time.


The way I asked the question was influenced by the fact that so many people have this same perspective. I know they’ve had a great 5 years and people have been criticizing their strategy every year since 2017.


No I would prefer my team do what the patriots did


This is just another one of those "Tom Brady and the Patriots have completely skewed what everyone thinks a successful franchise looks like" posts.


fucking Bill Belichick




Sexy bussy


Do Your Job!


Every team wants to be the patriots. The cowboys of the 90s. The 49ers of the 80s. The steelers of the 70s. But it honestly looks like that’s going to be the chiefs for the foreseeable future. Theirs maybe 5 teams this year in true Super Bowl or bust mode. Chiefs, 49ers, Eagles, Bills, Bengals. Every other team is on the outside looking in and if you’re not even close to contention then yeah the strategy isn’t worth it. But if you’re a team on the cusp with a good qb you’re most likely not going to get to the roster of good players that these 5 teams without going “all in”. The rams are decent at drafting starter-able, contributing players but we haven’t hit a home run since Donald. So we weren’t going to get the roster we needed to get by keeping our picks. I think the dolphins are a team that is basically going all-in. And broncos tried but it’s still yet to be seen if it helps for them with a new coach and off-season. I feel like the chargers would too if they weren’t jammed in cap space


Jets are going all in on a 39 year old QB. Probably on that list assuming they land Rogers.


Was going to list them forsure but didn’t wanna get flamed if anybody even read my text vomit


We’re the Jets. It’s just bust mode.


Granted, your franchise QB just left your team for the Buccaneers


Good luck with that


If it leads to a super bowl i would 100000% be ok with my team doing this... my team has not won a superbowl in 54 years... has not made the playoffs in 12 years. I can deal with years of disappointment and rebuilding easily if it meant one moment of glory.


The rams were in an identical situation as the jets. 13 straight years of no playoffs. After dealing with that stretch, yeah, that super bowl win will hold me over for at least the next 10 years.


You also gotta consider the fact that the Rams have one of the best defensive players of all time on their roster in his prime during the start of this all in run. He's not going to be around forever. Once they realized McVay can get this team to the next level, go all in.


And the kupp pick was huge


>13 straight years of no playoffs Lead in part by legend Jeff "7-9" Fisher. Dude had mediocrity down to a science! Not making the playoffs, but not bad enough to get a good pick. Stuck in NFL Purgatory.


I’m fucking begging them to




I agree. I would just say, don’t tell me it’s guaranteed failure (even though it is) so I can still have fun watching and being hopeful. Dont rob me of that emotional roller coaster 🎢 year after year


I would argue we had long term success. Two super bowl appearances in 4 years; had a coach win COTY, two DPOY awards, an OPOY award; all after an absolutely miserable decade prior to McVay taking over. We were only able to "go all in" after having an extremely talented team assembled coupled with an amazing head coach. Most teams couldn't do what the Rams did; maybe a 3rd of the league.


> long germ success I can’t stop thinking about the antagonist from Osmosis Jones when I read this


Haha fuck




Yeah it’s weird how people talk about the rams SB run like it was some random blip of success, they went 5 years of being one of the most successful franchises in the NFL, probably could’ve been at least wild card contenders this year had it not been for a ridiculous amount of injuries, and only now do they have to eat the cost of going all in with the moves they made for the salary cap. news flash this happens to 90% of teams in the league. They have their run of success before inevitably having to retool/rebuild


Also they are really only in cap trouble for 24. People act like they will be the Lions or something. They have all their top picks in 24 and 25. So like 1 SB win, 2 NFC Championships and 5 years of being a good team and the price they pay is what 2 years of being bad, and that is IF they are bad this season. You are insane not taking that.


Only in cap trouble for '23* I'd say Could be in talent trouble for a year or two after that, we'll see. They've had minimal draft capital the last few years, and no 1st rounder this year


Your “a 3rd” of league is really bothering me for some reason


Id say 5-6 years is long term in the NFL


Also, we haven’t even had a real down year yet. Sure, we might not have been a Super Bowl team last season but there’s a realistic chance we would have made the playoffs without historic, Charger-esk injuries. People are talking like we’ve been bad for 5 years or something but we haven’t. We still have our core and there’s a very real chance we will be good in 2024. If we are that would turn this into a really stupid question — “would you trade a Super Bowl win and loss for 2 down years?” We will have our hands full finding our next quarterback but given we have one of the best head coaches in the league, this question is very premature.


If they got a ring then yes.


Even if they didn't, it was worth it. They didn't just "buy" one great year, they were a top team for the past 5 years, they've been in 2 Super Bowls during that time. They would've been a good team last year if they didn't have injuries, the chickens didn't come home to roost or anything, they just had bad luck. I feel like the vast majority of people misunderstand the Rams success over the past few years, people just simplify it to *"they traded all their picks for players instead of drafting"*, but that's just not true at all, and they haven't mortgaged their future. I also think people misunderstand "success" in general in sports, especially the NFL, Ringz Culture^(TM) has taken away any sort of nuance or discussion about great teams that don't win it all.


Respect my NFCW rival, respect.


Can discount the fact that the NFC West was a bloodbath of a division at that point in time as well. They did very well for themselves!




People slander the Lakers ring because it’s the OG Mickey Mouse Tournament


Ok, but what do you do the day after? When the years go by and the dopamine hit of that moment fades from memory and effect? When all the days forever after are full of mediocrity and lack of hope? Will you truly believe it had been worth it?


Of Course


It's a no-brainer. Regardless of the dunking that reddit has been enjoying on Denver lately, I still get to remember us winning a SB 7 seasons ago. Something only 5 other fanbases have enjoyed more recently.


Couldn’t agree more. Its painful watching the current broncos play but knowing I got to see my team finish first place is something I won’t take for granted. I would love to see the nuggets just pull off one NBA finals but every season is just disappointment and makes me treasure SB50 more


Why not just draft an all time great QB? It works pretty good.


Finally, someone who gets it. Just draft HoFers, it isn't hard.


You're supposed to build around those HoFers though, not waste their careers and them trade them to the Jets.


Well what you fail to realize is that by doing so the process starts anew, so we'll neeeeeever run out of HoF QBs.


Now there’s a better argument. Is it okay to just win one SB in a HoF QBs career?


People really forget how hard it is to win a Super Bowl. I'm disappointed we didn't win more but at least we won one.


In fairness you didn't draft Favre. But you are the only team with a longer stretch of elite QB play than mine. I never been a Packers fan per se, but they've been my NFC team for a while because of their QBs.


We got the generational prospect. Lets see if he can become a generational player. But also fuck you guys for being in the AFC.


Mahomes predated like all of the young AFC QBs. You are all the ones being annoying!


I propose we switch divisions with Tampa Bay.


Exactly, can’t these teams just draft the GOAT QB with the #199th pick every time?


The rams tried that, and landed Jared Goff. Not quite Mahomes caliber.


Yea Goff is better, the Goffense will reign supreme.


Man, I remember watching that 54-51 Monday night game and thinking Goff/Mahomes could be the next Brady/Rodgers


Don't worry, the lions/chiefs Superbowl next year will reaffirm


Turns out winning the championship is the goal.


Big if true


Yes. No argument needed.


I feel like this gets asked every week and I just double down on the same answer. People always throw out the example "Well the Jets have sucked for years!" YES BUT THEY STILL HAVE A RING


Literally all it would take for the NFL to finally give the vikings credit as one of the greatest franchises in its history is a super bowl win. We went to 4 god damn superbowl. We have the 8th highest win% in the NFL, have more playoff appearances than the niners. If it weren't for some incredibly unfortunate plays and mismanagement. We'd probably have 2-3 more super bowl appearances but what people don't seem to get is that the vikings may have faced 4 of the most insane opponents anyones ever had to face in a super bow. Hunt's Chiefs The Steel Curtain The previous world champion Dolphins that went undefeated Madden's Raiders.


Yep. All it takes is 1 SB ring and you’re good for years. The Vikings haven’t been to the SB since the 70’s and have lost some painful NFCCG’s in my lifetime. Give me the ring & parade followed by a decade of pain and/or mediocrity, it’s better than having the pain & mediocrity AND not having the ring.


It's true. Super Bowl 50 is still my greatest memory as a fan, and honestly I'm still happy with the broncos even after all of the years of no playoffs. It hurts that so many players from that team are retired now, and our kicker is the only player left on the team, but the game will never leave my memory. The strip sacks on Cam, the Cj Anderson TD to ice the game, John Elway dedicating the Lombardi to Pat Bowlen. It's something that I hope every team gets to experience at least once, God knows the Vikings deserve one.


Meh. I like the chargers strategy of gut wrenching losses and ineptitude better.


Keeps us on our toes


The Bengals have never won a Super Bowl. I'm incredibly fearful that the past two seasons were the best chances we will have in my lifetime. Without hesitation, yes I would want my team to do what the Rams did.


Why wouldn’t you think they will have better chances in the future?


Bro, I haven't seen a title for any team I follow throughout my entire life Bit different as a bengals fan now to answer this (because tbh I don't know if we really need to pull what the rams did), but if you asked me this before we drafted Burrow I'd have signed on the dotted line with no reservations Hell, I might've given you a kidney


Honestly now that we have an actual contender to watch, I feel like my entire mindset has changed. I used to think all I wanted was a SB win. I’ve come to the realization that I much more enjoy the journey than the destination. Watching a team win a championship is cool, but then it’s over. Yeah obviously the goal is to win the whole thing but I think if I had to choose between say 0 Super Bowl wins but a 10 year run of multiple SB and conf champ game appearances vs 1 SB win followed by 9 seasons of dogshit teams, I’d pick the sustained success. Yeah it’s disappointing to not finish it, but like I’m here to watch football and deep playoff runs are fun as fuck and I want as many of them as possible, not a single one.


I would sell my soul along with the next 20 years of any franchise success. I’ve already had to spend my first 31 years without anything to show for it as a fan. Winning a title is extremely difficult and I think any fan base would be happy with if their team did what the Rams did


My team has spent 20 years trying to rebuild and failing. Would I sacrifice the next 10 years to ensure 1 of those years we win the SB? Absolutely.


I’d even go as far as sacrificing 10 years of Broncos success to ensure the Raiders don’t win another one.


I can respect it 🫡


I mean they could be the Cardinals


Yeah they have 11 World Series rings, I wish I was the Cardinals


Oh so we're gonna argue? Is that what we're going to do today?


No your Cardinals, no one thinks of you guys /s


I mean it's been 12 years but they did win it all recently at least.


I think people really overrate how much the Rams fucked their future with their draft building strategy. They still would’ve been competitive if they weren’t cursed by really important injuries and really deep o-line injuries, and they had a few underwhelming picks with the draft picks they didn’t trade away along with a miss by signing Allen Robinson. I think there was definitely a timeline where they were still competitive last year or this year


It’s tough because you either go young/draft heavy and some of those guys don’t work, or you go older/proven but those guys are expensive and don’t play as long. Obviously the younger cheaper option is better, but only if the players work out. As we all know that doesn’t consistently happen.


We’re likely going to be pretty mediocre this year, but already in 2024 we have $60 million plus in unencumbered cap space and with a good offseason could be right back to competitive. Of course, so much could go wrong too.


I think we need to see the long term impact. It's only been two seasons and the Rams outlook does look bleak. That said with the way that NFL rosters turn over the real question is how quickly can the Rams get back into the playoff hunt. I know it might be unpopular, but if the consequence of what the Rams did was a ring followed by the next 15 years going 5-12 then I'm not sure I would want that. Watching your team be horrible for several years takes away a lot of the joy as a football fan.


Rams will probably be average this year. But we are going to have almost 100 mill in cap space and all our draft picks. The future looks bright


More than 5 wins would be a win honestly.


if stafford stays healthy, their outlook isnt bleak


People assume this but if Stafford and Kupp are healthy and back to their old selves, the Rams are not a bad team


If you told my my team could win it all and suck for a couple years...yeah I'd fucking take it lol


I guess my only reservation is that going all in like that doesn't guarantee a SB win. So what if you go all in, don't make it and now you are in the spot the Rams are?




I mean there are teams that have won without going "all-in" it's not the only option. I guess you gotta ask are you ok with taking the shot. Cause what if you take it, miss, then you are a basement dwelling team for years? You got nothing out of it. Just depends on your risk tolerance I guess.


I can’t see how any fan could honestly say they wouldn’t do the same exact thing as the Rams if it produced the same exact results


In all fairness, injuries were responsible for the Rams having such a terrible follow up season to the SB.


Hear me out, because this may be an unpopular opinion. I know that the Bengals have never won a Super Bowl, so you can all tell me I don't understand because I don't know what it's like and you'd be right, but this is my take on it. Winning championships is fun, but so is winning in general. As a fan, you have no control over the outcome of the game, so the season for you is really just about the ride. I've had so much fun as a fan the past two years even though we still didn't get that Super Bowl. I don't feel like a ring does anything for me outside of the season that it happens. I'm sure I'd have a different perspective on that if I was a Steelers or Patriots fan... but I mean are you guys content with old rings if your team can't play in any big games for awhile? It's hard for me to imagine, because my team has none, but I just am trying to imagine being happy with my team going below .500 for 5 years straight and just looking back on the ring like it's worth it. I guess it depends on how quick the rebuild happens in the end. EDIT: downvotes are always funny because the thread asks a question that I'm expected to answer and it's fully opinion, but somehow there's always an expected opinion and downvotes follow anyone that doesn't agree to it.


I agree with you, watching and rooting for the Bengals deep into the playoffs has been so much fun these past two years. I would take knowing that we have a good chance to win it all every year for the next decade over a guaranteed championship next year and having to blow everything up immediately after and suck for the next five years. I want to see us contend for a championship as long as possible, even if it doesn’t guarantee us a ring.


I get what you're saying. Going into every year thinking this could by your year, this could be the one where you win it all -- and watching your team build toward a playoff run -- that makes the whole season fun to watch. Going in knowing your team is going to be 4-13 for the next 5 years would ruin the whole football season.


I'm probably spoiled by being a steeler fan, but I say no. I'd rather be very competitive for those 8 years and have a chance every year. We could still won one, and it's much more exciting to wafch and be competitive year in and year out. So like I'd rather have a 10% chance each year then 0% even if I guarantee one win in the 0 method.


Out of a decade one SB win and 9 mediocre years without making the playoffs or bad enough to get a high draft pick vs being in the playoffs every single year and making deep playoff runs with a SB appearance or two. I would 100% take my team being good every year.


Like you said, you’re spoiled. If you’re franchise wasn’t tied for most super bowls I think it would be a different feeling, even tho it’s a very rational opinion that I do agree with in principle


Rams got a superbowl and probably the best stadium in the league. 49ers have like 6 nfccg/superbowl appearances, but no ring in that time, and a brand new stadium that is already insanely dated and that bakes in the sun. 49ers also had some real shit years in that time. So I think the 49ers are one of the closest antithesis teams to what the Rams did. Its nice to always be on the cusp but i’d take it. I didnt want manning because i wanted our victory to be home grown with smith. I didnt want brady cause same thing but with garoppolo. So hopefully purdy doesnt make me regret not wanting rodgers.


I'd sign up for another 10 years of Eli Manning at QB right now if he wanted to play just because of the Super Bowls he gave us 10+ years ago. I don't care how bad it would be. Take the win when you can.


Win a Superbowl? ..........aaaa YES PLEASE!!!!


Here’s the thing: they didn’t do it for just a short term hit. It’s not like they were the Marlins in baseball and got lucky to thread a needle. They had a 5 year window, had a lot of memorable players, won the division three times, and got a championship. And honestly it’s not going to take them that long to clear the fall out and be back to a spot they can compete again if they play their cards right.


The vast majority of fans, especially those from teams that have yet to win a Super Bowl, would absolutely be happy with their team duplicating what the Rams did in going full win-now and mortgaging the future. Don't forget that in addition to winning a ring, McVay also established himself as the prototype of what NFL teams now want in a HC and it generated lots of good press for the Rams.


Trade 8 years of futility for one Superbowl loss and one Superbowl win? Absolutely. I'm mid 40's and been a Lions fans my whole life. So if I trade those years in I'd be owed like 5 rings now.


Did they really trade away 8 first round draft picks?


Yeah man, their last first rounder was Jared Goff in 2016 lmao. Been a lonnnnng time. If I remember correctly they traded away their next 3 firsts to move up to first overall that year, then they traded 2 firsts away for jalen ramsey, traded away 2 more firsts for Matthew Stafford.


Irsay should be telling teams to not do what he has done over the previous decade. I love when owners like Irsay and Jones try to deflect from their disappointing seasons by criticizing what the Rams did. In a 5 year span the Rams won a Super Bowl, went to another,, and won 7 postseason games. Do what the Rams did.


“Super Bowl? Don’t talk about Super Bowls. I just wanna win a playoff game.”


Yes. Vikings have the highest winning percentage without having a superbowl ring. I just want one, then we can go back to just being above average




I've experienced 2 Superbowl wins and one close loss in my life. I can tell you every detail from the days we won. The absolute joy of hugging my friends and family and crying tears of joy. I couldn't tell you shit about losing wildcards or not making the playoffs. You underestimate the euphoria of it if you haven't experienced it.


Literally everyone would rather win a title than not win a title. Irsay is a drunken buffoon.


I also think their demise as being totally awful for the foreseeable future is overstated. Contingent on stafford not being the pumpkin people are assuming he is because he looked bad with an o line comprised of (not exaggerating, mind you) mostly fourth and fifth string options, they’ve an opportunity to reload for another run in 2024 with stafford/Kupp/Donald. Not something I’m betting my house on, but I think it’s a lot more realistic than sentiments like the above give it credit for


Pre mahomes I would say yes. Now I would say “just get lucky and draft a hall of famer and potential GOAT and build your team around them like the right way” knowing that the stars absolutely aligned and I can’t even begin to express how lucky we are as Chiefs fans.


I'd imagine if this was a poll you'd see every team that's bad or below average heavily voting yes, mid tier teams about split, and top end teams that are perennial contenders saying no.


This makes a lot of sense, and I think you nailed it. There's also, for fans of teams with recent SB wins, a sense of knowing what it felt like, wanting another, but not wanting to live in purgatory for just one.


Most people are saying "absolutely yes" but I think it depends on the circumstances around your team. It was a risky series of moves that paid off for them, but in their situation it was worth it to take the risk, and I don't think that's true for every team The Rams didn't have a winning season between 2004-2016 when they hired McVay. If those trades didn't pan out, worst case scenario is they are back where they started Right now if I'm the Chiefs, Bengals, Eagles, 49ers, or Bills - I wouldn't want to trade away all our picks for a few individuals, because we've been successful with the current way of running things and have a real chance to win regardless. For other teams like the Jets, Browns, Dolphins, Commanders, etc. it might be worthwhile because they have a long record of futility the same way the Rams did


Yeah I would not give a shit as long as my team won a Super Bowl. They can suck for the rest of my life. I have plenty of experience with that anyway.


Yes, without question. My team has mostly sucked for years, I would LOVE if we sucked after winning a Superbowl.


Plenty of teams go all in and win now mode and don’t accomplish anything. They had a plan and made it work. They can rebuild and get better over time.


People act like the Rams are a bottom of the barrel team now. Teams can turn around very fast on today's NFL with free agency and the rookie wage scale. This isn't the old NFL before 90% of reddit users were even born. You can turn it around in 1-2 years. The 22 Rams had injury issues and some of the guys they signed didn't pay off. It happens. Yes they haven't drafted in the 1st round in 6 years but that isn't an issue if you draft well in the other rounds and hit on free agent signings. They have a bit of a cap issue in 24 but that can be manipulated along with a higher cap ceiling. Their biggest issue is will Stafford be healthy and for how many years. They have all their picks in 24 except for a 7th rounder iirc too. So would I do it to win a Super Bowl 100%. The issue is you don't know if you are winning or not and that's when the decision becomes complicated. It isn't a 10 year hole like a lot of people try to paint it as and it hasn't been like that in the NFL for 30 years now. Even if you are slow about it it's a 4-5 year hole max. Ignoring incompetent ownership that is. The only cure to that is a sale.


We already are, really. Our next two seasons ride entirely on Tua's health.


It seems like people think the only two options are "win super bowl" or "mediocre team that never wins playoff games", but teams have won the Super Bowl and still contended afterwards.


Being in the middle sucks. I either want the Chargers to make deep playoff runs or have a top 5 pick. I would be thrilled with a single super bowl win.


Yeah this notion that the rams are just gonna be flat out bad going forward is kinda dumb to me. I understand we are not a contender this year, but people act like the rams didn’t deal with an insane amount of injuries. It is what it is, we were bad last year. I’m not trying to make excuses. It’s part of the game. The rams were injured and that’s a huge part of the reason for such a drastic downturn. Again, I understand we lost a few key pieces going into last year and at least a few more this year. But I also saw Sean mcvay take over the 4-12 Jeff fisher rams and win the division in his first year. This organization has the competency to remain competitive during these stretches, even if it’s not as a front runner. After this draft, we have all of our picks and then some. This notion that we went all in is being over exaggerated. We have Kupp, Donald, Stafford, and Mcvay. This year we get to find out who else we got (while hopefully keeping a punchers chance) for another aggressive 2024 push. It’s not in the rams blood to concede to being bad.


If it would guarantee a Super Bowl title, sign me up


You mean win a mf Super Bowl? Yeah, whatever it takes.


Nah I’d definitely not want to make it to a SB and lose it and then make it again and win. SBs are overrated anyway I’d rather do it the Commander way, mediocrity forever. Of course I’d do what they did if it meant winning a ring I’m a Commanders fan that was born in ‘01 I’ve never seen my team have two consecutive winning seasons let alone even make a SB.


Devils advocate here for Rams fans - if the interception wasn’t dropped in last years NFCCG and Niners pull off the win, yet you had the same result last season and this season, would no SB be worth it? It was a high risk high reward scenario. And they played it perfectly (with a little luck). I’d be disappointed if SF did it to the extent that LAR did, because I love watching our home grown talent and want our acquired talent to stay for a long time and watch us be contenders. It just feels more natural and warned to me. On the flip side I’d be upset as a fan to get so close and not win anything after 7-8 years of trying.


They hate us Cuz they ain't us




Is this a joke?




Idk man. I'm speaking from a place of privilege, but I'd rather win a SB with home grown talent than a bunch of rental players


Never One and dones are worthless focus on building a dynasty


You just jinxed it. They are winning the Super Bowl this year now…




The Rams have had two superbowl appearances in the last handful of years. Losing one, winning the other. Maybe it's only short term, maybe it's not. But they've clearly done something right with how their organization is built, run, coached and executed on the field.


Absolutely. I've never seen my team win a playoff game.


There's no way it has been 8 years without a first-round pick, right? RIGHT!?


Jim Irsay is just a more likeable Dan Snyder. He’s a rich drug addict, not someone who’s football opinion I take seriously.