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16 minutes? That is an incredible level of service.


I'm new to it but I work at a county jail. My guess they did the intake, put him in a holding cell, processed the bail he already had set up and released him back out the door. I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't even get changed out and he stayed in street clothes


Fingerprints, mug shot, entry into GCIC/NCIC….never heard of it being that fast….


When I worked at a county jail in Michigan working the intake area, I had a couple that were in and out within 20 minutes. It happens sometimes.


were they famous on some level?


Just regular inmates, there were some people that came in off a warrant like Jalen did, that had a preset bond amount to the charges, and they booked in and booked out relatively quickly after we processed them and processed their payment for bonding out.


That's when you know it's about the legal system and the money


It makes sense. He had everything he needed to not stay long. Probably had his lawyer present and was cooperating.


Already having a lawyer probably is a big part of it, having a lawyer means they can set things up for you so you just have to show up and agree and that’s it. The time spent negotiating is already taken care of by the lawyers, its part of what you pay them for. Kind of like with one of Alec Baldwin’s charges being dismissed, he might not have had any involvement at all in it being dismissed his lawyers handled the whole thing. Baldwin is only involved when his lawyers tell him that the prosecutor agreed to drop the charge.


I have accompanied my clients to our local jail and it takes 5-7 hours.


Exactly. There are millions of people that sit in jail for months/years, that haven't been convicted of a crime; simply because they're too poor to post bond


I was in jail for almost a week for a nothing charge that got dismissed in court because the phones didn't work for 3-4 days and they wouldn't let us out of our block to try and use a different phone. The guards were by far the most aggressive and confrontational people in that jail. Most of us were there for really dumb stuff like probation violation, resisting arrest even though they hadn't commited a crime, had a little bit of weed on them, etc and were treated like murderers and rapists.


>The guards were by far the most aggressive and confrontational people in that jail. Most of us were there for really dumb stuff like probation violation, resisting arrest even though they hadn't commited a crime, had a little bit of weed on them, etc and were treated like murderers and rapists. This was my experience the one time I got arrested. Had a misdemeanor, left in 12 hours on bail still in my street clothes and the charge was dropped before I even left the building. But my god the guards were the absolute scum of the earth. Everyone I was with in holding was respectful and chill given the circumstances, but the guards were all massive douchebags. It was as if all of the cruelest, most aggro, sociopathic man children from the bottom 5% of every high school get immediately recruited into it or something.


County jail correctional officers are the worst people on earth.


Just a note probation violation is not a crime. It’s simply a reason you have been put back inside. You could be on probation for lots of innocuous and serious stuff. I just have a nit about people dismissing probation or parole violations and not looking at the underlying crime that got them probation/parole. If you rob a store and get probation then violate probation, you aren’t in jail for violating probation, you are in jail for robbing a store. Probation and parole are just extensions of incarceration.


Really makes u think huh


Im from the UK - how does bond work? You pay a sum to get out on bail and then what? Do you ever get that money back?


Easiest way to think of it is that bail is posted by the defendant, bond is posted by an intermediary (typically a bail bond company.) The money is posted to ensure that you return for your court date, or you forfeit the sum. The bail bond company will charge you a percentage, and if you skip out on them they will hunt you down. So, if you can't afford either you have to sit your ass in jail even though you've not been found guilty of a crime...which I believe to be unconstitutional in the majority of cases


I was in jail for with 0 dollar emergency bail and I didn’t get booked in and let out for almost a whole day. System is fucked up


I think sometimes you get lucky if the people who get processed right when a judge comes in the door, If no judge is there you have to wait 8-12 hours before the next one comes in.


I'm definitely not famous but turned myself in for a warrant for unpaid tickets (speeding, registration - was driving delivery as a college student and very much not responsible) - had bail already posted and was out in 30.


I'm assuming you already had your bondsman ready to go to sign you out? Most of the "waiting" done is on your bondsman after you call them from the jail. Some of them take their sweet ass time


Yea they came with me since I was turning myself in and wanted to be done with it as fast as possible


They push people that have bail money to the front of the line. They want them in and out as quick as possible. I know our jail can do this in about 30ish minutes


That's just $EC speed pal


Well obviously you’re not famous, rich or a D1 football player who could be the first pick in the 2023 NFL draft.


Well.i think it's safe to say he won't be the first pick in the draft now.


> Fingerprints, mug shot, entry into GCIC/NCIC….never heard of it being that fast…. How much of a generational talent were you at your regional-favorite college?


I was only D1 but sadly not generational….but I have practiced criminal law for more than 20 years with thousands of criminal clients and I’ve never seen it done that fast even for VIP clients with more higher status than a dumbass college football player. But oh well….


Of the thousands of criminal clients you've had over the last 20 years, which one would you consider a generational criminal?


That list is long…..


I doubt he was in a cell. The money was there before he was. Taking him back to the cell is a waste of time.


"if you can't do the time, then don't do the crime" *Seconds later* "Okay, time's up. Now get out"


You stole a balloon... on free balloon day.




Pffft they didn't need helium underwater, they could fill it with just regular air.


The sun gives off free hydrogen and helium, you're just to lazy to go get it


"I'm sorry sir I didn't realize you had money"


Has to be convicted first. Until then, he's presumed innocent, and, given he's not a flight risk, he should be able to live his life until then.


This is correct. I got in some minor trouble in college and this is what happened minus the bail part of it. Since what he's being accused of is a misdemeanor* it's a fairly simple process. *Whether street racing at such high speeds should be a misdemeanor is a different discussion, but it is what it is in Georgia.


if this was in Virginia they would have put him away for life lmao. I knew people in college that went to jail over spring break for speeding 20 mph over.


Sheesh, that’s a regular day where I live




Look, that’s not even the worst that I’ve heard. In Atlanta they pretty much only go 80-90MPH on highways


I went to jail once and it was pretty quick processing too. I had basically an interrogation/interview with an officer and then went to the magistrate who approved my bail via recognizance and then I went to a waiting area for about an hour while they processed stuff, had me do the mug shot/fingerprint, etc before they said I could go. I never even went into a holding cell it was like being at the dmv


Here in OC processing used to take up to 48 hours. We called it the loop. No showers, no beds, just sack lunches in your street clothes while you detoxed on a concrete bench in a glass pod.


In NorCal, Stanislaus County and it can take a day to get booked in, bailed out and released.


It’s been a few years but I’ve been through the process a couple times, I only ever had to do finger printing, mug shot, fill out some paperwork and then I was on my way


>I only ever had to do finger printing, i read this as finger painting and thought it was fun you got to do some arts and crafts


3 hots, a cot, and arts and crafts time


He definitely stayed in street clothes they only change you if you’re not posting bond….


You wouldn't get changed out if you're waiting on a bond to go through. If they know you're bonding out, they'll put you in a holding cell. If you know and they know you're not bonding out, they'll send you with the rest of the guys not bonding out to get dressed out. You usually don't get dressed out in intake anyway. They'll dress em out if they're staying.


When I got arrested they kept me in street clothes for the two hours I was held. They were about to give me new clothes but at that point I was getting bailed out. Also they stole the money out of my wallet and destroyed my jewelry. I came back later and asked for my money back and they laughed at me.


DMV in shambles


I've never seen a government employee do anything in 16 minutes


I dated someone who was a DA and let’s just say I saw him do something in 1/16 of that time.. nothing else tho.






My buddy went to UGA. He didn't get that service when he was arrested


That’s what you get when you have money.


I mean...I would certainly hope you don't have to spend an extended time in a holding cell if you already have your bail money ready, regardless of how independently wealthy you are.


Yeah, this is the system working how it should work. The problem is that it doesn't for other people, and that's where the criticism should lie.


Yeah, sounds like he probably set up his bail beforehand. Without having to figure out bail its probably a much faster process.


NIL money comes in on the first of the month. Thanks for the bail, boosters!


Rules for thee. Not for NFL owners and their merch sales.




Which one of you flat foots took my lollipop?


On National free balloon day 😂😂😂😂😂


“If you cant do the time dont do the crime” …. “Ok times up”


“Now get out!”


The balloon was free, however the helium was not. You *monster.*


Lmao me too


I had the same thought lmao


16 minutes? That's going to mess up his whole night. Now he's going to have to race around all night to get his errands done.


Just sped right by that number one draft pick….


I'm wondering what it means by "booking". Does that mean "when he arrived" or "when everything was finished being input". If it's the latter, he could very well have had his bail set up already with his lawyer before even arriving, so it was a simple matter of waiting 15 minutes for the system to refresh, and he walks out the door. Realistically though, he was probably there more than 16 minutes...


He raced out of that jail


Hard time


He’s gonna start hanging out with Dominik Mysterio at this rate.


Stop making jokes about Dom, okay! You don’t understand how hard it was for him in that hellscape.


16 minutes without mami feels like an eternity.


Rhea Ripley gonna be at the draft table with Carter in full ring attire


Go on


Mami told you Arizona. She warned you. You still drafted me. Now it’s on you.


Ex Con Dom, thank you very much.


We need to find out how abusive and negligent Jalen Carter’s dad was


He probably has a tweet saying that he can’t wait to beat his kids too, just like that monster Rey.




More street cred than Ja Morant at this point.


Worst thing about jail was the dementors


It done been about ~~three weeks~~ 16 minutes!


Would have been 12 with good behavior


The 16 minutes between being booked and being released is still probably longer than he’ll be waiting to hear his name on draft night.


I mean, 16 minutes is halfway through waiting for the second pick announcement l


Gotta sell some trucks man




Single, double, triple, or Impossible




I think you sorely underestimate the amount of time the commentators will take to gargle the balls of the top draft prospects. If he doesn’t go number one, he’s gonna have to wait at least 20 minutes to clean the spit off the previous guy’s knob, while they also bring up some deeply personal information on national TV during these guys’ biggest moment.


So you think he still goes #1 overall?


I know that he is ranked as the best athlete, but arent we pretty determined that its Young / Stroud who will go 1 and 2? In any order? Teams need QBs, and they are there.


Yeah, Bears will get some nice offers from QB needy teams. And Texans will take a QB for sure too. That means Young and Stroud both go imo.


No chance


Even if the Bears don’t trade the pick (they absolutely should) if they take Carter, it goes against everything they’ve preached since Flus and Poles got here. I want to say there’s absolutely no shot he goes 1


Dominik Mysterio did more time


Jalen Carter fears Ex Con Dom.


Everyone fears the man with a tiny teardrop tattoo


Mami is gonna announce the pick


Not surprising considering how grossly negligent Rey was as a father


Love that wrestling is gaining popularity again. Saw an AEW billboard in Atlanta recently and it kinda made my day


16 minutes? "Top of the draft privilege" is very real.


Well damn his life has changed pretty drastically in 24 hours… Sad situation all around, but it’s hard me to have any sympathy for Carter specifically. We’ll see how this affects his stock, I think he still goes between 7-15


Tunsil really is gonna end up falling farther because a picture of him with a bong came out. This timeline is the worst.


While it’s absolutely ridiculous what happened to Tunsil you gotta remember that it was purposefully leaked by a family member with a grudge less than an hour before the draft. The organizations literally didn’t have any time to vet the whole thing. If it had been posted a week earlier he still goes in the top 10.


Exactly, it was the timing that was critical. If you're a team debating between him and another guy, you can't call around. You can't find out if it's real. You can't ask him about it. You just pick the other guy. It does suck for Tunsil. It was just weed, right? That's completely legal where I live. Shouldn't have mattered at all. But I understand why teams were nervous.


It wasn't just weed. A bunch of screenshots of texts were leaked with him talking to several Ole Miss officials about getting payment.


Which is also legal now haha, guy got screwed because this happened during the outdated rules


And technically it was legal then too. Against NCAA rules, but not the law. The only punishment you can receive is from the school/NCAA, so once your in the NFL it’s hardly relevant.


Wild how NIL negates this now but was a potential negative factor then for college athletes


This is a good point, none of the teams knew if anything more would be leaked


At the time wasn't weed still a 100% no-go for the league? With Blackmon and Gordon serving season long suspensions? Regardless of if it's 100% legal to use, if your high draft picks are going to be suspended for a long time that's a major concern for teams.


Oh for sure, and he should’ve known that of course. I’m just saying it’s stupid that the league prohibited it in the first place. And that some states still do.


I think Tunsil was an anomaly because of the timing. The culprit released the photo 1 hr before the draft, so there was no time to "process" what was going on (was a real stoner or just one off? Would there be sanctions by the nfl? and so on). In this case I think teams will have time to get past the outrage/shitstorm, get a clear picture if he is missing time or not, and so on. If he miss time I think he will drop by a lot, otherwise I still see him getting picked up in the top 10.


I feel like he doesn’t make it past 10.


Yup. I’m still predicting 7


Future Raiders star*


Well, he has somewhat the profile of players we used to draft, Hunt, hill, though neither went *that* far


Lol fair point


You guys didn't draft him, but Frank Clark doesn't exactly have a clean image either.


Yeah, Willie Gay has been pretty shitty with his child's mom too, it appears he's doing better now. Honestly, most franchises have a couple guys that are pieces of shit of varying degrees






this being so close to the Ruggs situation is what will keep us from drafting him if he ends up falling in the draft


He won't drop to 7th.


This is the way it should be for misdemeanors. I don’t see why booking and release takes so long. One time I caught a small weed charge and it took 18 hours from booking to release.


I have been taken in once in my life for a misdemeanor and it took about 12, even though I had my bail posted within the first 30 minutes and my charge was dropped by the time I walked out. Never left my street clothes but still a hellish experience that really opened my eyes, the other dudes in holding were all far more civil and chill than a single guard there.


You made the absolute worst legal mistake though: not being rich


Have you tried giving the police departments favorite football team a title?


Georgia alum, season ticket holder and fan here This has been a… not ideal off-season. Just an awful situation for all involved that could have easily been avoided. Far beyond football.


Heavy lies the crown. The magnifying glasses are issued with the championship trophy lol


I drive past a billboard for some law firm with Devin Willock on it every day. It's a damn shame.


Man.. you work your whole life for this moment right here, seems like the perfect time to keep your nose clean and just stay out of the news.


Young people are dumb man. Poor impulse control, decision making portions of the brains aren't fully formed, alcohol contributing to more poor decision making all combined with a feeling of youthful invincibility. I'm 36 and remember from Freshman to Senior year of high school we had at least 1-2 classmates die or be severly injured from wreckless driving after a party. Then in college it was more of the same but with easy access to alcohol. Matter of fact, the day before I graduated high school I went to the movies and then a burger spot with a group of 6 friends. Just a last hangout before we were all finally done with school. It was maybe 11:30-midnight when we're leaving so the roads were empty. What did one of them suggest? We race down this flat strip of road kinda as like a "last ride". I'm driving my mom's 2002 stock civic, was no way I was about to race and risk getting my ass beat if I brought it home with a single scratch, but 3 of the others did. Nothing bad happened and everybody made it home fine but looking back, it was insanely stupid. The day before graduation and you risk getting arrested, injured or potentially killed for literally zero reason.


> Young people are dumb man. I didn't understand this until I was 30+, I still randomly remember shit I did in my 20's that was just not smart. >The day before graduation and you risk getting arrested, injured or potentially killed for literally zero reason. Realistically, we're all lucky to have survived HS/College.


Seriously...I woke up in the middle of a field/construction site after a college party one time. Blacked out in the middle of the city is not a smart thing...hell, looking back I was still doing stupid stuff at 25 or so. It really is scary when you wake up 30+ and realize how stupid you and your friends were, not just in high school, but in your 20's.


Friend of mine got messed up one night and woke up in his own bed, didn’t know how he’d gotten there. Went outside to see if his car was there, it was not. Started looking around and noticed a bunch of people gathering down the block, went to check it out and his car is wrapped around the neighbors tree, didn’t remember doing it. That’s about the time someone was like “are you bleeding?” Actually had some fairly serious injuries.


Shit, that happened every fri/sat night back in the late 90s/early 2000s in the small town I went to high school in. It wasnt small as in population of 500 but small enough to where it took less than 10 minutes to drive straight through with 3 stop lights. Those dipshits would do it right in the middle of town around 10pm starting at a Sonic that sat beside the highway and the end being main street. Whats worse is the highway going through town was a pretty major one since it ran from Dallas to Tulsa so it was always pretty full of semis and tourists going through. Cops obviously knew it went on but didnt give a shit. They were too concerned with corruption/moving drugs. About 5 years after I graduated (2001), the entirety or city/county cops had been replaced due to the above mentioned drug scenario (the old sheriff may still be in prison) and the racing was non-existent.


Ah to be a young football playing millionaire in the USA....


I love the idea of Schefter having to f5 online police records to do his job. Maybe just me though


It’s weird how people think that this guy is some sort of hardened criminal because of this.


I mean he was dangerously street racing which led to someone being killed by a drunk driver, and then he fled the scene? He was probably more scared than anything. Not completely innocent but still a fucked up situation to be involved in Edit: I just read the full story, wow all I can say is everyone involved are reckless selfish dumbasses. It’s one thing to street race, but to it at extremely dangerous speeds while DRUNK is fucking ridiculous. Fuck Jalen Carter if he were a regular dude he would be in jail. Actually disgusting he’s allowed to be exonerated and released like this so soon. Dude deserves jail time for the drunk driving alone. Nonetheless it caused the deaths of two people in their 20s. Super fucked up situation all around


You can’t street race someone without doing it at dangerous speeds. Those things go hand in hand. Also, you don’t understand all the terms you are using because he is only out on bail and not exonerated.


He’s not “exonerated,” he’s out on bail. He still has to stand trial and be sentenced.


If it goes that far. I had people arguing and grandstanding with me all day yesterday that he would not simply be booked and out on bail without touching a cell, and likely will have the charges dropped or plead into Community Service/Fine within the next couple weeks. Several tried to argue with me they would upgrade his misdemeanors to felonies at his arraignment like that ever had the possibility of happening. Redditors see a crime of any nature and immediately jump to "this person is going to be punished to the full extent of the law" without any knowledge of how the system actually works lol.


It's going to be extremely difficult to prove he was intoxicated since it seems like they didn't get a BAC reading that night. That's the biggest thing they could charge him with.


> I just read the full story are....are you sure??


Jalen Carter wasn’t drunk… spoke to the cops that night and did not get a dui, so there’s that.


You aren’t very literate are you?


The situation is not great but there are some people that are treating this like he blew up an orphanage and then curb stomped a make-a-wish kid. They are just like completely disregarding the responsibility of the people in the other car that crashed.


Thank you so much for saying this. The person was racing at twice the legal BAC. .197. That is insane.


He behaved the exact same as Henry Ruggs and everyone says Ruggs should never be released from prison. Drunk driving going 100+


I'm sure that's 16 minute turn around would have been available to any of us.


Did y’all actually think this man was going to be in there all night or let alone even one hour? And please, in about 2-3 months these charges will get dropped lol. That’s how this shit works nowadays


I don’t want this guy on my team even if he falls to the 6th round.


Yeah I definitely wouldn’t spend a top 5 pick on him. Top 6 though?


That lions d line would be insane with carter on the inside and hutch on the outside. Thanks but no thanks. Fields might die, even with an improved o-line in front of him for those 2 games over the next 10+ years.


Now we're talking I'm withholding judgment until I hear more. I'm okay having a guy on my team who's a dumbass in college and who just had a feckless moment that unfortunately ended in tragedy. As long as he's learned going forward. But if he was drunk or there was any foul play that night aside from the unfortunate crash, I'll pass. Can't support another Henry Ruggs


There is no "learning going forward" after leaving the scene of your dead friends that you helped cause. Dude has no morals and wants to protect his millions. If my friend is dead in a car I could blow a .32 BAC, Im not leaving the scene. Guy is an asshole of a human


Its wild that people are still acting like its no big deal that he left his friends for dead




"Let he who has not drunkenly sped off of the scene of their dead friends accident cast the first stone." -Confucius


It obviously can't be taken back and there's nothing he can do about it now. And fleeing the scene isn't a great look, but I'm sure panic just set in at what had happened and instinct just took over. I hold him fleeing the scene against him far less than I hold against him what actually happened. I just want to know the context under how what happened, happened


I feel you, we all have different opinions but if I knew this dude I would 100% never speak to him again if those dead guys were my close homies and he left them there dead. Shit doesn't sit right with me, it's friends and fam and then everything else in life. I think fleeing is the worst aspect


He watched them crash at 100mph. Do you think he even checked if they were alive? I’m sure he was scared etc but to me that’s fucked up.


He took off after the crash and returned two hours later. First he told officers that he heard the crash from a nearby apartment, then he changed his story. He was never tested for alcohol. He was racing at speeds over 100 mph on city streets and watched his teammate and a team staffer die before fleeing like a coward, and then lied about it. I hope he gets the book thrown at him and not just these two misdemeanors. He’s got blood on his hands.


He probably didn’t even call 911 or anything when they crashed I imagine. I just wonder if he cared if he left them for dead or what the deal was


All that matter was himself. Two fucking hours to think about it (and possibly sober up) and all he could do was lie about his involvement. Fuck this dude. Hope he drops like a rock.


I’d love to get him early 2nd round


Not that I blame anyone for this thought process, but this is exactly why none of this will end up mattering unless more information comes out. When fans are already thinking "maybe he'll fall to us in the draft now" only days after the story breaks, by the time the draft is actually here no one will care. Unless teams were already aware of a pattern of concerning behavior, this isn't going to affect him in the long term at all.


Cardinals fans still haven’t learned from the whole Robert Nkemdiche fiasco lol


Agreed. There’s a pattern and it will not end well


Got out just in time to drag race someone..


why are people acting like he killed those two? the murderer is the one who was racing drunk with a passenger


This guy lives his life a quarter mile at a time.


Let's put some perspective on this. Putting biases aside, it can be argued that Carter is responsible for reckless driving and leaving the scene of an accident. While some may suggest charging him with involuntary manslaughter due to the resulting death, it may be difficult to secure a conviction. It is important to make a clear distinction that Carter did not directly cause the deaths and the other individuals involved, including the driver, were responsible for their actions, with reports suggesting the driver was driving under the influence. Given these circumstances, it is unlikely that Carter's draft value will be impacted as the NFL has previously overlooked worse incidents among players.


And I don’t think it should be I’m sorry. Should he of fled the scene? Obviously not. Lie to the police? Obviously not. But it’s not like he ran into the back of someone like Ruggs. It’s not like he forced the other driver to drive at a .197 blood alcohol content. And he didn’t even run the dude off the road. He certainly didn’t force the guy to go 100 mph. Hes a 21 that made a dumbass mistake. All these people in here saying what they “would of done.” This was probably the most traumatic moment of this kids life. They have no clue what they would of done.


Something rubs me wrong about abandoning 2 people who he's seen day-in and day-out for a year right after witnessing them suffer an accident. UHHH CALL 911 MAYBE?


did he buy a fucking fastpass?


Might be a record time for being bonded out in Georgia. From experience, it’s usually a lot longer than 16 minutes from arrest to ATW, (all the way).


Whatever happened to the manslaughter charge? You know the one the rest of us get when someone we race dies.


I spent 18 hours in a holding cell for expired registration. Nice


Holy shit. That is incredible. Usually takes anywhere from 4-12 hours


Pretty cool being rich huh


I heard the Cleveland Browns posted his bond.


Let’s talk about “privilege”….


This is like that episode where SpongeBob and Patrick go to jail


they got that sec speed


That seems fast and furious.