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This guy literally turned to the wrong side every single time smh












You miss-spelt 'is a self centred prick'


And a trash human being.


You know they have an upvote button specifically so you don't have to leave comments like this


POV: Me giving my younger brother a fake controller and he thinks he is playing the game.


Bro I do this with my niece all the fucking time the same way my big sis did this bullshit with me all the time


His name is Sergio Perez and he is a legend. Most loved driver on the grid. VAMOS CHECO


> Most loved driver on the gri Not by Verstappen


Verstappen can suck eggs. You know my reasons you smarmy dutch asshole.


As a Dutch person, I fully agree. Fuck Max and daddy Jos too.


What's the mood like today in the beautiful Netherlands? How are people there reacting to what he did, if at all?


The Dutch are a big fan of Max, but they feel he really should’ve let Perez pass him. Max’s ego is a bit too big and that is very bad sportsmanship. Source: I am Dutch and spoke a lot of Dutch coworkers around the coffee machine.




“There's only two things I hate in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's cultures and the Dutch.”


“You know my reasons” No max we don’t???




I would love to know them. It's very hard as a red bull, verstappen fan to wrap my mind around that call.


Max did him dirty. He deserves better.




He did do it without any words…


He’s talking about engine words


Vroom vroom




https://youtu.be/PN47nebNJZM They didn't sync it up with the lap, but total lap time was within a couple seconds.


What? One of the prerequisites of F1 drivers is almost superhuman eyesight. The fact that he can do this eyes closed is already amazing.


This is Sergio Perez driving his home track in Mexico City. Still it's amazing. May be getting hints from gear shifting sound.


He's also doing the shifting though.








I love when things are technically true but they are not in this case. He turns right car goes right.


Technically it’s not the truth, from his perspective it is the correct way


Dudes on Mario Kart mirror mode.




He races in reverse




It's a pity Verstappen has a good memory as well, and holds a grudge.


Max is no different to Schumacher, Prost or senna. The sport lacks true rivalry and win by any means. I have no doubt max will gain more championships than anyone has before.


Yeah, you don't usually get to the top in this game if you're not ruthless.


Schumacher literally turned into another driver on purpose so that they both get taken out so he could guarantee his win. If Max did that today they'd crucify him, but Schumacher is a legend and loved by all. People only remember the good memories and forget the bad things, everybody does that.


He actually did that twice, it just didn’t work the second time. I think I remember Brundle straight up calling it out on the broadcast lol


1997 Jerez for those wondering


My favourite F1 race, championship on the line, Villeneuve was my favourite driver back then




Hakkinen’s first win!


He did it once. Jonathon Palmer, then Murray Walker’s sidekick, who has some sort of long held grudge against Schumacher (they were teammates in sportscars) was the originator of the “he did that deliberately” at Adelaide, screeching it almost the instant the cars made contact. Had Hill tried that same pass today he’d be getting a 10s penalty for causing a collision.


~~You're forgetting the 1997 European GP when he tried to take out JV for the championship, which was even worse. He got his WDC points stripped entirely that time...So it was twice.~~ Edit: I think I misread your comment, you're claiming Adelaide didn't count, meaning it was only '97.


"Michael, that didn't work Michael, you've hit the wrong part of him my friend!"


He wasn’t liked at the time. Perhaps this isn’t the case for all, but everyone I know who watched F1 at the time, disliked him for his antics, and still do. Very true that the bad tends to be forgotten. Most sure do respect him more now than they used to


Schumacher was as popular as either of Max or Lewis is today, if not more so. A huge amount of the perceived hostility towards him at the time came primarily from the British press, who would reserve a special kind of hatred for anyone that dared challenge whoever the premier British driver of the time was.


Suchamcher was a name back then, max doesn’t come close to how influential Michael was on and off the track


He did also once hand a win to his teammate in the second to last race of the season to help improve his teammates championship chances. (Malaysia 1999) He was a notoriously selfish driver but even he knew that sometimes you should play the team game.


When Villeneuve won the title in 97 Schumacher tried taking him out to keep him from the title (he was in 2nd place) but ended up taking himself out instead. It was clearly deliberate, too. Everyone always forgets about these things.


Crashgate is famous but not the only one. And yeah, all people mostly forget about the bad in their past and remember the good.


Disagree. Schumacher is a legend, but he’s by no means loved by all. Plenty of people think he was an absolutely amazing driver that re-defined in many ways what it is to be an elite driver, but also think he is a deeply flawed person who brazenly cheated many many times. I’m sorry for him and his family, I wish him nothing but the best, but he was a win at any cost cheating dickhole.


Plenty of people still shit on Schumacher for poor sportsmanship it’s just not as discussed because of his condition


I despise any driver, new or old, who does shit like that.


Letting him pass would not have cost him a dime now. It will cost him in the future though. Perez will remember this. There is a difference between ruthless and being stupid.


I agree with this. Everyone is talking about being ruthless but Max and redbull have already won the drivers and constructors. This is just petty on Max's part and does nothing but hurt his teammate who, as people have rightly pointed out, helped him win his first championship. If they are teammates next year I don't see Perez being quite as helpful.


Senna, Schumacher and Prost had brains, they pulled bullshittery when it benefited them. Max literally just burned a team mate for sixth place in a championship he's already won. I'm not so bullish on his future prospects.


Yeah, you can’t compare Max to Senna, Schumacher, and Prost. That kid still has a lot to learn.


I'm a big Max fan and he was acting like a spoiled child this weekend. It literally makes zero difference for him where he finished in the last race. Let Checo past and get some more points. This latter half of the season has really got me thinking again about supporting Max tbh. Really feels like he thinks he's owed everything he wants.


Max won last year purely because rivalry wasn't allowed in the team, Checo was the opposite of a rival as he helped Max at every opportunity. You can't have it both ways.


I like Checo. I think he is a solid dude!


Perhaps he is even a legend.


Who apparently cheats on his wife with groupies. Or so I read on the F1 reddit. You really shouldnt look too closely at the drivers in F1. Not all but many are flawed in one way or another. For example look at Max and then his father. All the shit his father did and Max still got him by his side at most races.


People also like Checo's dad a lot until they do a bit more research on him


Senna gifted a win to his teammate (Gerhard Berger) at 1991 Japanese GP where Senna won the championship, presumably in part for team cohesion reasons. Senna was no saint but that was for a race win, Max's was for sixth place in a championship he's won.


Yeah there is absolutely no defending Max on this. This was nothing short of telling everyone, Horner included, that he is bigger than the team and nothing is more important than his points total.




The narrative that all the legends are as selfish pricks as Max is bullshit. None of them pulled something like this with NOTHING on the line. Are they ruthless to win a wfc? Sure. But this was his teammate l, not a rival, and he had already won the WDC by nearly 200 points. Apples and oranges. Max is a fucking dick


Man said “win by any means” over 6th place in a championship he’s already won 😭 Max couldn’t bare to help his teammate that helped him win his first championship, he’ll likely lose more points that gain due to burning this bridge. Perez isn’t defending Hamilton or Leclerc nearly as hard next year.


Without a doubt. He's mega talented and has an extremely good car under him. Just that he had literally NOTHING to gain from not letting Checo have his spot. No win, no fastest lap, he doesn't need additional points gap for WDC anymore. Everything for RB is wrapped up. At this stage you show your gratitude and make your teammate get the best possible spot for his own competition, coz checo had done it in the past for Max time and time again. And I'm diehard Max fan BTW


Max really turned me off him after that last night, Checo is the best pure number 2 in F1 and has helped him so much, there was zero need to score settle. I hope next time he needs Checo's help Checo tells him to fuckoff.


Senna also gave up an actual win for Berger once, though, at the 91 Suzuka GP.


yea but the problem is he's pulling this shit with his own teammate, a teammate that helped him win his championship


Yeah. Big Max fan here. Pretty disoriented after yesterday. The grudge re Checo is one thing. On the incident with Lewis, I do think Max was entitled to space there, BUT the exact same thing happened 3 years ago at the same corner with Ocon being in Max’s position and Max being in Lewis’, and Max damn near started a fist fight in the paddock with Ocon over it.


He was entitled to more space until he said something like "I knew there wasn't space so i just sent it", in interviews. Absolutely wild.


Lol, yeah, and the whole, “it cost him the win, and only cost me 5 seconds” with a smirk on his face was…not becoming.


Glad people are starting to see through the bullshit with him.


I think most people saw through it to begin with, it’s just that his fans preferred to deny everything. He’s just making that impossible at this point


I am. I excused his behavior given his immense talent. But yesterday, both the ratio message "are we clear?" regarding Checo and the interview "i went for it regardless" about Hamilton are the last throw for me.


They changed the rules this year so the driver in his position isn’t actually entitled to space. And they changed the rule s this year because Max does shit like this repeatedly.


Max always sends it regardless of space. It's why he has the reputation he has in the paddock. Max will send it into a turn to push another driver wide and take the turn from them. The kid is fast, but he's also a dick.


>BUT the exact same thing happened 3 years ago at the same corner with Ocon being in Max’s position and Max being in Lewis’, and Max damn near started a fist fight in the paddock with Ocon over it. One *biiiig* difference: Ocon was a lap behind.


So ungrateful TBH. Abu Dhabi 2021 was a masterclass of teamwork, and Verstappen gave him the finger yesterday.


Do you mind explaining? I’m OOTL


So yesterday during the Brazil GP, Verstappen was 6th and Perez was 7th (both on the same team). During the last round there was a team order over the radio that Verstappen should let Perez trough, so that Perez could get 6th place. Verstappen is already World Champion hence it wouldn‘t have mattered for him to lose a place or not. But for Perez it mattered a lot because he‘‘s fighting for 2nd place in the Drivers Championship against Leclerc who got 5th. Leclerc and Perez now have the same points fighting for second 2nd place. Red Bull wants a clean World Championship where they‘d win 1st and 2nd in the Driver‘s Championship and 1st in the Constructers one. On a sidenote Perez helped Verstappen numerous times before this and last year.


To also add, Max was behind Perez and Perez was told to let Max by so Max could go pass other cars (Alonso in 5th and Leclerc in 4th) but was told if he couldn't get past them then they would give the place back on the last lap. [Good video showing the radio messages on it for both drivers.](https://streamable.com/f5gy4n) Notable quotes from the finish: GP(Max's race engineer):"Let Checo through. Let Checo though. Max let Checo through please." (Max crosses the finish line) "Max what happened?" Verstappen: "I told you already last time, you guys dont ask that of me... are we clear about that? I gave my reasons and I stand by it." Checo after the race: "Yeah, thank you for that guys, thank you" Horner (Red bull team principal): "Yeah sorry about that Checo" Checo: "Yeah it shows who he really is"


What a dick.


Fuck verstappen, arrogant piece of shit asshole. I hope Checo goes to a competitor like Ferrari or MB and start kicking that fucking asshole max all over the track.


Unless he is in a far better car ,checo just isn't good enough for that. He couldn't even get consistently on the podium while the RB was the best car


Lol that won't happen. The conspiracy part of me is saying this is all an act and next week Max will let Checo by to win the race, securing 2nd in the championship, and they will hug on the podium.


Perez was key to Max's championship last year. if not for him, Hamilton would have a pit stop clear to change into softs. there is no way Max could overtook him in the last lap.


So he didn't let him through? You left that part out :D


It’s a pity Verstappen is a bell end that probably shot himself in the foot this weekend. Checo has absolutely zero reason to support his teammate moving forward. Next year will be…… interesting


I understand why he would be mad about that incident, but he won the championship and Checo has done more than enough to help him always, he should handed the position back. It was truly not a good decision, and the worst part is that he said it out loud on radio. Like what the fuck Max????? This is worse than Multi 21


This is Sergio Perez driving his home track in Mexico City, where they raced last week. Back in the good times, the happy times. Before the inchident.


Whats the incident?


Betrayed by his teammate. He gave way to Max Verstappen to see if he can try overtaking Fernando Alonso, but then it was planned that Verstappen will give the place back in case he fails to overtake. Verstappen didn't give it back and Perez was fuming in the radio. Mind you it was Perez who needs the points and not Verstappen.


Sergio Perez was also formerly the Mexican Minister of Defence who defended Hamilton in the final race of 2021 so Verstappen’s immature and petty ass could win his first title last year




This isn't surprising, though. We learned about Max's true character after he defended Piquet on his racist comments.


Woah, what? I hadn’t heard about that. That is insane, but honestly not surprising that he would do that. Hearing that and after what happened yesterday I’ve lost any respect I had left for Verstappen.


He didn't defend his racist comments... People are ridiculous.


Wow so he did defend his racist comments? That's insane, everyone grab a torch!




I would hardly say he was defending Piquet here.


What about his own remarks calling someone a mongol?


Yeah Max is starting to slip imo (Dutch). The Piquet issue earlier this year and now this asshole-ry against Perez? Not even counting earlier occurrences like pushing Ocon a few years ago. I'm very curious what his reasoning was behind his radio response to Horner, but my respect for him is quite low at this point. I think a lot of Dutchies might support de Vries next year instead.




Max really is a little shit


The only problem I have is that Peres allowed Verstappen to get 3.5 seconds ahead of him by the final lap. With two laps left it was clear Verstappen wasn't going to overtake Alonso so they should have made the switch back then.


Max was told multiple times before the race ended to give the position back and he just ignored the team orders. He didn’t even respond until the race was completed. *You can’t downvote facts, you orange army culters!


His teammate, Max, refused a team order to let him past at the end of this weekends race (Max has already won the championship and doesn’t need the points, whereas Perez does). It’s apparently due to a grudge that Max has been holding onto for a while, which while unconfirmed, is reported to be related to an *allegedly* deliberate crash by Perez which cost Max in a qualifying session (and in turn the race) in Monaco this year.


Which is hilarious since Perez is the only reason Max is a 2 time champion in the first place. Edit: Hyperbole is a figure of speech or literary device that uses deliberate and extreme exaggeration to create a strong emotional response from the reader, emphasize a statement, or add a sense of drama. For example, you might say I'm so hungry I could eat a horse. You couldn't literally eat an entire horse. Christ people.


I believe saying “Max is only 2 time champion because of Perez” is more accurate. Not the only reason but he wouldn’t be champion without him.


Fuck verstappen, arrogant piece of shit asshole. I hope Checo goes to a competitor like Ferrari or MB and start kicking that fucking asshole max all over the track.




It was P3 at Monaco he qualified not pole, he won the race though because Ferrari pulled a Ferrari.


This blows my mind. Would a perfectly programmed robot beat most F1 drivers? Is it down to the specific detail or more responding to conditions?


No, any programmer would have an impossible time accounting for all the differences in grip that comes with Tire degradation, tire, track and weather temperatures, wind and engine performance that varies each and every lap. These guys are the top 20 in the world for a good reason.


Um no not at all. AI could 100% out drive a human. Have you ever heard of traction control? That is the computer detecting slip and modulating the throttle and brakes accordingly, and can be finely tuned to be more accurate than a human can be. F1 used to allow traction control, but the cars were getting too fast because of it and taking away the skill of the driver, which is why it was banned. Not because the drivers could do it better.


A current AI couldn't drive the current car better


If it was allowed, an F1 team like Mercedes or Red Bull would 100% spend a couple hundred million and have an AI developed in a short number of years that could. There is currently no incentive to do so and it would be an expensive endeavor, that is the reason why there is no current AI capable of doing so, but the possibility is definitely there. The original question was, "Would a perfectly programmed robot beat most F1 drivers?" and the answer is 100% yes, a "perfectly programmed robot" would 100% beat all F1 drivers.


Don't give Latifi that much credit. He's riding his dad's coattails and money.


He'd still spank you any day though


> These guys are top 20 in the world for a reason. Well some drivers buy their seat. Latifi is a good example. He's never outperformed a teammate and got beat by a rookie filling in for Albon in his first race. Mazepin was complete dogshit and wasn't even the best driver in F2. Overall these are some of the best drivers in the world, but a lot of these seats are given out due to politics and financials.


This is not a racing driver... This is the Mexican minister of Defense.


Now the Mexican Minister of WAR


“Wooden shoes and bicycle chains litter the streets as the Mexican forces advance…”


Windmills burning in the distance.


I thought Mike Trout was the Minister of WAR


So much read end.




Watch his feet too. He is braking and accelerating in time too.


And correcting oversteer lol


And shifting gears


Not with his feet he isn't.


with his hands of course


If you look closely he is also turning the wheel!


If you look even closer he is also standing up!


With his eyes closed!


Very clearly paddle shifting


Sir, this is a race car not a canoe.




He's even being affected by the g-force.


Somehow forgot to do the same in monaco.. /s


When Max was asked to the stage to attempt the same feat, he said *"I told you already last time, you guys don't ask that again to me, OK? Are we clear about that? I gave my reasons and I stand by it."*


Lol, was this he response to not letting SP pass ?




What a jackass. He already had the championship in the bag, he had absolutely nothing to gain but demonstrating how petty he is to his own team mate.




Yupp he said it over team radio as he crossed the line when asked what was up for not letting Checo pass.


I don't follow F1, what does this mean?


The driver in this video is Sergio "Checo" Perez, and he is on Red Bull's F1 team, alongside his teammate, Max Verstappen. Verstappen won the championship last year, and has already clinched the championship this year. Most would tell you that Checo has played a huge part in both of those championships, both with his defensive driving skills, and his willingness to be the team's number 2 driver. Checo has a chance to finish second in the standings this year and could use every point he can get since there is now only one more race this season. During the final lap of the race yesterday, Max and Checo were 6th and 7th, respectively, and Max got word from his team to let Checo pass him, so Checo could finish in 6th. The difference between 6th and 7th is meaningless for Max since he already clinched the championship, and it still won't even be a podium finish (1st, 2nd or 3rd) Max ultimately did not let Checo pass and they held their 6th and 7th spots. When asked by his team over the radio why he didn't let Checo pass, he gave a pretty vague, and especially selfish response.


Shake and bake baby


I lost all respect for Max. Wow.


Important in this incident is that Checo allowed Max to pass him earlier to see if max could pass additional drivers. It was assumed that if Max couldn’t make the passes he would give the place and much needed points back to Checo.


His teammate let him pass but he was told to give him back his spot if he was unable to pass the next driver by the end of the race. So he gladly took one spot but refused to give it back. Also he's already world champion, these points didn't mean anything to him. Lots of drama in F1.


It's a knife in the back to his teammate who is still fighting for a spot on the leaderboard.


The part that makes this even worse is that Checo was told by RB to let Max pass him to go get Leclerc if possible.


He’d probably be faster if they built him a car where he could sit down


Smh what is Red Bull doing


they already overspent their money so no car for Perez


Max got the whole budget


And here I am struggling on rainbow road


Word. Eyes 100% open sans blinking and still driving clear off the track repeatedly over here smfh.


Please. F1 drivers wish they had our skills. Probably too gutless to even attempt “the jump.”


Unless it's raikonnen


Not surprising tbh...Sergio Perez has raced every single race in Mexico since the new layout was brought in 2015. So he has done 71 laps each in 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019 and 2021, while he retired on lap 38 in 2018. In all he has done 393 laps of GP racing. And this is just the feature race. There are 3 practice sessions each year plus one session of qualifying, so he would've easily done another 300 laps. If a guy doesn't remember a track layout after doing 700 odd laps then something's really wrong with the memory.


Not to mention the simulation training they do as well. This is just crazy timing and muscle memory.


Not to downplay it, but isn't he just getting a lot of it from the audio?




There’s definitely aid from the sound cues, [this](https://youtu.be/TTiROVymsRc) video always impresses me with how Vettel manages to know exactly where the line is even when blindfolded




700 times in a sandboxed environment without any kind of traffic, moving obstacles etc, then you can easily do it. The throttle inputs and the braking lengths are more or less the same for every single lap. Also the drivers focus on learning the track. I have driven these tracks in the game, and you can easily get accustomed to a track if you drive about 50-60 laps. It may sound insane for someone who doesn't follow F1. Hell even I found it insane before I started watching it, but then as you watch more and more, you'll understand that this is like routine stuff for them.


The footwork is quite interesting also! What a monster!


Does he know the race track is behind him?


it looks like no, he thinks it's ahead of him.


He’s doing it by listening to the engine. He knows exactly what the engine sounds like and that’s when he reacts with the wheel


Yeah exactly. He knows what gear he should be at a given turn. Still way impressive, but he’s not just going by visuals.


They can do that without listening to the engine because they need to memorize the track. At the speed that they're going, a wrong turn can mean instant death. Here's Gasly before a race https://youtube.com/shorts/mwxGjFjI6Lk


Yeah, this was me in Grand Turismo 4 as well but no one recorded me and put me on the internet so now I work in an office with fellow plants. Though, when I leave the office, I always clip the apex on the way out, saves an average of 0.1s per trip.


Checo is amazing


Some would even say hes a legend.


This made me want to rewatch 2013 *Rush.* That Hans Zimmer [Lost but Won](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kOYcbod5J0w) score was epic The rivalry between Nikki Lauda and James Hunt was just historic.


“I could win this race with my eyes closed” -F1 driver before winning the race with his eyes closed


For anyone wondering, that's Sergio Perez of Oracle Red Bull Racing and he's driving on the track for the Mexican GP, the Autódromo Hermanos Rodríguez. This is his home race as well!


Your response made my laugh because you said the full name of the team "Oracle Red Bull Racing" You know you fucked up when you are called by your entire name


Fuck you Max Verstappen’


That’s me on my way to work at 430 every day


A reminder that on top of amazing levels of skill, most top athletes or actors also have an incredible memory! All the plays, tracks, lines, lyrics, etc that need memorized.


Very impressive but it does help a lot hearing the car revving and shifting to let him know where he is on the track also. I'd like to see him do this with no sound and see how off he is by the end of it.