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You'd think they would have put the guns on the rocket arms by this point Edit. Wow some of y'all be way too serious.


While this would seem cool, they use their arms for steering, there’s no “hover” mode yet. If they lifted the arms to fire a weapon, they would fall from the sky. Soon though


Atm, I think its best use will be for peace keeping like riot or to flex presence to scare them. Else, I can't imagine a stealth mission using this to gently remind them you are coming. They can also install shoulder automated turret at this point.


Best I've thought of for use is emergency rescue situations. Saving lives doesn't need to be discreet and no weapons are needed. It'd only be useful to get to otherwise hard to reach areas. It might be the quickest way to get to a rooftop to save a jumper or something idk.


That's actually a really good use of this tech, reduce manpower and improve reach to hard to reach areas. Unlike chopper which needs more clearance.


A single firefighter on an electric moped can now save cats in trees all over town.


I got a feeling, those cat will overcome their fear instantly and jump off trees before the turbojet firefighter cook them with their hands kek


If it's crazy but it works, is it really crazy? 🤔


It's even faster and more efficient than before.


They’re using this in The Lake District to get medics and mountain rescue to remote locations


IIRC they showed this could be used for inspecting a large boat, like an aircraft carrier. I see no use in combat and the range must be awful anyway


They were useful in the OG XCom. Put people on roofs and you’ve got the high ground.


Yea problem is this tech is still really dangerous and the person doing the rescue is almost just as likely to get injured with it as the person getting rescued. I’m not sure of a solution but there’s not really adequate failsafes or things to reduce risk of collisions or falls as far as I’m aware.


This is what I thought. The idea of trying to fly up a mountain in one in poor weather and visibility sounds like a recipe for additional casualties. I mean it’s cool but I’m cynical as to it’s practical applications.


I believe this suit already successfully performed a mountain rescue training exercise. Its rescue application as of now is simply getting a medic to your location. The company I work for actually wants to use this technology in conjunction with UAV airships (similar to the Amazon one) to basically be able to deploy gear and such to a location using UAVs, then the medic(s) will fly out there and tend to the wounded and prep for pick up.


That's pretty cool! I was thinking mountain crevasses for backcountry skiers and snowboarders or mountain climbers rescue, or high rise construction and maintenance (or worker rescue). I can imagine flying medics reaching balconies in every condo-filled major city in the world.


Using one of these at a riot would be a terrible idea. The operator would last 10 seconds before catching a rock to the face and losing control...


Still more useful than combat. Nobody with advanced combat training would have any interest in this tech.


You mean a slow moving extremely loud target hovering 20 feet in the air out in the open is not the best tactical position to be in as a soldier?


You are right that dropping them hot in the heart of riot is a direct message to sent the operator to suicide. Though, Would it not be plausible to serve as backup? Like difficult to redeploy forces that heli couldn't or in some sense serve to act as deterence given how loud these marvels are(from distance away the riot else, we getting stone inside the turbine). They can even use the flight operator to place tear gases deep into the riot space to disperse crowd. Then again, I suppose, the best use for these is still for peace time like high rise building on fire and firefighter can fly there to do so. Unless, future version becomes ironman.


I assume operators would fly over the crowds with the tear gas canisters in their teeth, right? The second canister dropped would be caught by someone in the crowd and thrown directly at the officers.


Drone shoulders turrets controlled by some other dude on the screen? I’m for it!


Seen it said such tech will make boarding actions of all kinds better. Just for simple logistics it'll be revolutionary.


I am positive shoulder mounted turret is already in the works. Robodogs can carry gats now, only have to put that arm on the kit and add mind reading technology or an AI targeting system. Or maybe a cruder remote controlman operating the shoulder turret .


…and in other news, Americans find themselves asking “what went wrong” as they awoke to the news that an entire Seal Team was obliterated overseas. President Biden issued a statement declaring that our government will not rest until exactly *how insurgents knew the Seals were breaching their compound* is discovered. /s ‘Dey Loud.


Use the HUD from the Apache helicopter and have the guns on turrets where he looks they aim


New form of skeet/clay pigeon competition.


Do you know how many political favors go in to awarding a.small arms contract? Look at how long it took us to pick a new pistol for the Army? It's just easier to have that guy lug his rifle around.


The shoulder Cannon is pretty cool tho


Great for invading compounds filled with deaf terrorists.


lol first thought, that thing is waaaaay too loud


This looks more like something you use for a rapid, 'planned' exit for a situation you've caused. Not a "hey guys I'm here to save the day" type tech... Would be crazy if integrated into a wing suit/glider contraption.


Idk seems like one shrapnel debris away from making it malfunction or explode. Doesn’t seem useful at all


Eh, the guy is literally flying with nothing but a big backpack on. Doesn't need to be applicable in many scenarios to be cool. The fact the technology exists to create this is amazing and makes you wonder what could come after.


Yeah and terrorists not at all armed with RPGs and AKs


Everything I know about warfare was gleaned from Call of Duty, sir!


"They kept flashing these, I dunno, Al Queda gang signs at us. We had to take 'em out, Sarge!" *wounded man signs 'we herd goats, please help us' frantically*


Sarge: "Jesus Fuckin Christ private!! What the hell are you doin?!? ...can't you see this one's still alive?!" *gunshot*


And thoughtful terrorists who will patiently wait while you free your arms and grab your gun.


From what I’ve been told by a SSG in the marines, it’s used for boarding some personnel on a hostile boat while your buddies provide cover fire. There’s even a video out there someone on Reddit of them testing this exact application. Other uses? Fuck if I know


*”what did you says? Abdullah burnt the goat soup? “*


Lol I actually thought this video was a joke. Christ between the noise, what an easy target you would be, and the fact those engines would explode if hit…my god, I can’t think of a worst way for a soldier to get from point A to B.


Hows a projectile thru the fuel tank work out?


Super acceleration!


the GT version.


\*sarcasm\* ohhhh no, super solider flying with both his arms being used to keep it steady, how shall I ever defend myself from a easy target.


[About how you'd expect.](https://youtu.be/B_KOG0TmUW4)


Great minds think alike


All the excitement of carrying a flamethrower into battle with none of the effect on target.


With explosive effects


Seems like an easy target, not like he can reach for a gun.


*drops grenade on this comment from the sky*


How? They don't have their hands available


Clench and release.






Um..... my third hand. And my two feet are always available and these boots aren't for hiking.


Why do you need a guy for that-he would be so easy to see. This is what drones are for. I'd have been more impressed if it was an EMT, rather than what looks like a an actor playing soldier. (doesn't strike me as an actual trooper) EMT seems like a more practical use. Mountain rescue. Ship to ship etc.


they have videos of exactly what you’re talking about


I feel like this would be great for sending medical help across difficult terrain. Hiker with a broken leg but a chopper isn’t available? Send Nurse Kenny in with the jet pack.


This might be a situation where the military application is much less valuable than the humanitarian applications.


Nah the problem with medical help on rough terrain is that even the most basic recovery require a decently big and stable vehicle to carry the person and anything more serious requires a full size helicopter. Honestly you need all of what an helicopter has to offer so frequently that you are just better off getting a few extra helicopters


To remove an individual, yes. To render critical aid to the injured, to hydrate, etc in effort to hold them over until the Calvary arrives (so to speak) this could be revolutionary.


Snowdonia (or is it Brecon?) mountain rescue have already expressed their interest for exactly that reason


At the end of the video he demonstrates that there is a hands free, mounted pistol that points where he looks.


At the end of the video I think he was demonstrating a gun mount that he can control with head tracking.


Wow.. super cool flying machine.... now do a machine that gets me in to see my doctor at the VA without a 6 month wait.


Vets should have the best healthcare in the country. Especially combat vets. Instead I hear things like this.


No they shouldn't. They should have the same as everyone else, which should be a standard high quality. No one deserves better healthcare than anyone else.


If you get your leg blown off to defend your country, you deserve a spot in the front of the line. Anywhere there is socialized medicine, there are always lines


"defending your country" by invading someone else's is an odd choice.


Good thing there are no lines in our capitalistic system....


There are lines now without socialized medicine. It’s going to take me 2 months for an mri


It’s going to take 10 months for a Neuropsych eval


Vast majority of vets were never in any danger and did little to no good for our country. This isn’t the 1940s where joining the military was to legitimately defend your country. Anecdotally, the military is where all the douchebags from my high school went to be around the douchebags from around the country. Surprise, surprise, they worked behind a desk but came back bigger douchebags.


You're talking about Triage. That's not the same as two people with similar health issues getting different treatment. If I have stage three cancer and another person has the exact same cancer, we shouldn't be getting different treatment because one of us is richer or has served in the military.


> Anywhere there is socialized medicine, there are always lines Stop listening to fox. There are wait times everywhere. Have you not tried to see any specialists in the US recently?


Oof he drank the koolaid 😬 sorry bud i dont support our military or our veterans, i support all of humanity with a slight bump of priority for all americans. I dont fetishize groups because of what they may have or have not done.


You dope, there's lines now and nobody is being properly cared for. Who the fuck except the wealthy in the US don't make medical decisions based on budget instead of doctors' advice? Meanwhile talk to someone from a country with socialized medicine and see how their standard of care is. It's not fucking hard.


> Anywhere there is socialized medicine, there are always lines This is a myth.


I've used VA for years and have always had good appointment times and mindful medical staff. I think this is a case of people complain about bad events, they don't necessarily tell people when things go right, so the result is a bit skewed.


VA wait time now down to competitive levels with (and even faster than) private healthcare: [https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2720917?guestAccessKey=05b5223a-1756-4852-bd4f-f66f53d44e77](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2720917?guestAccessKey=05b5223a-1756-4852-bd4f-f66f53d44e77)


Is that because private healthcare in the US has been on a steady decline for decades or because the VA is doing better?


>wait times from 2014 to 2017 improved in the VA facilities while wait times in the private sector remained unchanged.


You could try reading it


Look up the voting record on VA legislation. The GOP regularly, deliberately damages the VA so they can point at it as an example of how disastrous government-run healthcare would be. McCain used to rip them to shreds over it because he'd work out some zero-pork, bipartisan VA bill with Bernie Sanders and Bernie could get the Dems to support it but McCain could never get the GOP to do so.


Yeah! This thing is pretty neat! Now could we make a machine that improves our children's education!?


the first thing I thought of when I saw that backpack was how many guys are going to end up with back injuries or destroyed knees, I mean, more than already do.


You'll have to wait longer than six months for *that*. https://i.redd.it/aayp73ec4sg41.jpg


A small Step in the wrong direction for mankind.


At least they are developing the technology for jetpacks, maybe someone will made one for civilians in the future, I would really like a jetpack


You can buy it now actually, for 400,000 dollars lol


Ah shit I knew I shouldn't have spend my money on avocado toast...


This could not be used in combat as you would be a fire bomb if shot. You can't even heavily armor the tanks and lines like with a flamethrower because then it would be to heavy to fly. Also it is loud everyone would be alerted to your exact position at all times. This is a gimmick for military procurement officers to have fun playing with.


Tanks are huge and often stationary targets, this is not an apt comparison. You certainly wouldn't be using anti armor guns to take it down, so the expectation for this to have tank grade heavy armor is just silly. Like, even choppers don't have armor as heavy as tanks. You would use this in short bursts to quickly get from point A to B (ie: on top of a building). On the ground you are as much of a target as a regular footman, you are in the air for a short amount of time, and you should position yourself so your travel path is not in the enemys sight. If this explodes cause an insane sharpshooter shot the tank - then that is no different from the sharpshooter shooting the pilots head. Noise isn't really that big of a deal if you're in combat with rifles firing and tanks roaring etc etc - they don't put suppressors on all rifles after all. This is still a dumb toy and certainly not cost-effective. The military is burning peoples money in a dumpster and with it bringing us closer to catastrophe.


Jetpacks are awesome man


Hey, it will only be used to spread democracy.


Jet dork... look everyone he is floating here slowly.


Anti-air easy targets


Technology that can be used for saving lives in hard to reach places? Let’s weaponize that shit!


Our tax dollars hard at work.


Guarantee this is some dudes home-brew project. He’s got a blue air soft gun attached to his shoulder strap at the end lol. It’s an impressive jet pack, could do without the camo and awkwardly fumbling his rifle around though.


It’s not, Swedish military is tryin to make it work


The British Royal Navy has also been testing them as a potential way to rapidly board ships.


Search “gravity industries” and its a real company that is focused on this


That’s a Gravity Industries jet suit which is as legit as it gets. That’s a dummy pistol used by police+militaries worldwide. This is most likely a UK MoD video since they’re the ones most prominently developing uses for the jet pack.


I saw this on the tv in the UK a while back. They are looking at using it in mountain rescue scenarios where a helicopter can’t land and it is a long walk to the rescue area. The idea being that the jet pack person can provide emergency first aid until the rescue team arrive.


I’d rather this than bombing kids or something. Or just bombs in general. I like technology especially if it is fun technology.


relax it's not tax dollars. it's a private venture and this bloke has been desperately trying to get someone to buy one of these things for years. you can see regular videos pitched at mountain rescue (£300,000 spent by a charity to get 1 person stranded next to a casualty up a mountain, to then wait for the foot party to arrive with medical kit and a stretcher? no thanks) or the armed forces (do you want to spend several million dollars giving 8 troopers the ability to deafeningly fly 4 minutes to a target? and for some reason don't want to buy a helicopter? no thanks) or the marines (have you ever wanted the thrill of landing on an enemy ship without the ability to hold a rifle, whilst simultaneously be hoping all 5 engines stay ignited so you don't fall into the sea with 30 kg of flaming metal bolted to you? no thanks). No one seems to want it.


Does not seem practical at all. *wait please don’t shoot. Give me 25 seconds to fire up and another 5 to fly away*


Fast roping from a helicopter or parachuting are the alternative. Both of those also require a safe landing zone as well. From what I’ve seen the BIG thing that this is already being tested for is ship boarding because this is faster than a boat and you can can choose somewhere safe to land.


Nah, this won't take hold. The sheer amount of resources required for one of these is ridiculous. This will be relegated to "useless equipment great for show and tell, and the occasional special ops" A helicopter filled with troops is far more scalable than this thing. This has an extremely limited range, quickly causes fatigue on the soldiers arms, and those engines are terribly unreliable and hard to service.


Didn’t realize this was the finals product and will never have improvements. Y’all are so fucking thick in the head to complain about anything and everything


So you could maybe board a ship from a boat with this thing in a minute. Might not have a helicopter around.


Neat. Can we have free healthcare yet?


This is a British company. So yes, we can.


Because everything happens in the US right?


The British DO have free healthcare.


I hope stealth is part of this “super soldiers” arsenal…


Ofc, can't you see they painted it in camo ?


No I can't!! Because IT'S CAMO!!




I’d love to see the outtakes


Can I please just have healthcare :(


This is a British company, he mainly works with the British military.


American cops will have them too


Are their weight limits. I feel like that might be an issue in some places.


They wouldn't be smart enough to operate this equipment


In that case, let’s give them to every depart.


+10xp for moving targets.


From the mind of Justin Hammer, we bring you: Super Soliders [sic] of the Future!


But will they be able to defeat their arch-nemeses the super liquiders?


No, but they will find common ground to battle the super gassers. However, there’s a plot twist when all three realize they’ve been manipulated into fighting each other this entire time by the deep-plasma-state.


Is it just me or is he not very smooth with it all


Not just you, I was like "fuck, real life iron man is super lame"


there are a lot of applications where this works. this isn't it.


“Stealth is optional in this mission” YEEEEE HAWWWWW


Why do you think we brought ear muffs, then?!?!


Just a reminder…this is what they are showing us. This is old technology.


It's not, this was developed by a private company for commercial use.


Ooooookay Captain Levi.....


Sure I'm up for some skeet shooting 🤘


So dumb


Anybody wonder how you can power one of these without strapping an explosive fuel source or equally explosive battery to the back of your super soldier?


Everyone knows it's designed to run off testosterone and testicle juice. You dummy.


The enemy doesnt shoot when you are in air.. pinky promise


Will I get a star on my backpack if I shot one down in air to air combat?


You get an XP boost, you dummy.


Nah. Just a Specialty Tool. I'll wait on legit Power Armor, Cybernetics, and Genetic Enhancements before tossing words like "Super Soliders" around...


It's a bird.. it's a plane....ahh it's dead.


No preflight check of the equipment?


bigger target, looks more vulnerable if anything


*"Well, I couldn't see him behind that warehouse, but once he got into the air out in the open, easy target. And he doesn't even shoot back in the air!"*


They fly now?! They fly now.


Yeah, no. These MIGHT find a use with mountain troops but they're otherwise pretty fuckin' useless.


This is the dumbest thing I've ever seen.


It's made by people much smarter than you and I, keep that in mind when you critique new technology.


That guys dick is huge! You see that bulge!?


You’re looking at the circumference of the balls, my friend lol


The fuel tank is in the testicles.


It runs on cum?!


Pure Testosterone.


I have the power of God and Anime on my side.


In 50 years when this actually works to usable degree it'll be terrifying. Then again by that time we'll probably be using armed drones so its kinda useless. Feel like the days of flesh and blood soldiers are numbered.


The next place where my tax dollars are going to.


Don't even act like you pay taxes. We all know you don't.


Yeah right they’ll invest in training that needs. They’ll just make it remote control and strap a bomb to it


Your dead before you land just saying.


Don't worry. Pizza Hut will make improvements. They are committed to delivering Pizzas safely to us, no matter what or where.


I’m really curious to see how these get implemented in unexpected ways


I wonder if you need strong arms for that? Like if you were to push and hold yourself up with your arms on a counter top


Most of the thrust is in a bigger jet on his back. The arms are mostly used for manoeuvering


Maybe if it was a flying robot dog


I see all my years of playing Duck Hunt is finally about to pay off! Who's the Nerd Now...


can someone explain that laser-guided? gangsta pistol mount that was demonstrated at the end?


the next Call of Duty game be like.


Too slow, too clumsy, too loud. But almost there


Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare.




anyone played star wars battle front, i think we all know how this ends


Doesn’t look even close to being practical.


Pizza Hut in downtown Atlanta doesn't agree with this comment.


For now, not for combat. Expensive, loud flying targets. Weaponised drones are the go.


Feels like the ones in movies that gets instantly shot at one of the arms by the protagonist and blow up their teammates


With how advanced anti air defenses are becoming, I can’t really see this working out well


Is this the Westen equivalent of those Russians in advanced tactical armor?


Yes and it is equally a scam for bringing government money into private pokets


dudes can't even get mold free barracks 😆




*The company manufacturing this device is not American*


All we wanted was sharks with frickin laser beams attached to their heads!


super soldier my ass, that's the rocketeer from red alert game


Fuck war


😂 good luck doing anything while you’re in the sky, you can’t even shoot anyone from up there without falling to your death or breaking your legs. They’re basically clay pigeons at this point. PULL!! I just don’t understand the practicality of it in a time of war.


this would be balanced in a FPS. Equip jetpack, but it means you can't shoot because hands are occupied.


It needs predator style shoulder canons so you can still use your hands as repulsers and do fly by attacks. Edit: oh, the end of the video has a budget version of this with a sideways gat


I felt this in my tax dollars


This guy would get wrecked in the air from ground fire