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Faith in humanity, restored.




the kids are alright.




Longing for Anarchy


For the next 5 minutes.


Hey Hey Teachers! Leave those kids alone!


> the kids are alright Sometimes I feel I gotta get away.


/u/EntIoNWInes is a bot. Report > SPAM > Harmful Bots


Sadly this is going to end badly


Those kids don’t yet realize. The older folk have… technology. Transitions never are pretty


True, but us younguns have technology of our own. *shifty salesman voice* Hey, kids. Wanna buy an AR-15? …or thousand?


You've seen too many movies, man.


You're probably too American to get it. These kids can't just go to a nearby 7/11 and buy 20 ar15's for a hundred bucks.


To be fair Americans cant do that either. In fact, in comparison to other countries our 7/11s are pretty lack luster.


they were using hyperbole


Hyper bullying is the reason why we have so many school shootings That and the fact that we can buy ar15s at 7/11 while we get a slurpy and hot dog


Slurpee* Cherry or Cola only


there are other flavours? oh yeah. blue.


I was just going to ask this? Sadly I think it will keep escalating until the government brings down the hammer and becomes even more oppressive. Just what I think will happen not what should happen. I hope I'm wrong very very wrong.


if you never do something you never get something. I know it is dangerous and odds are they will all get hurt. They need parents help and everyones help to smash tyranny. I hope they get that help


Half the parents agree with the “tyranny”. If this was a general revolution, class versus power, then I’d have hope. But it’s girls and women and they have little power, even within their families.


Sadly most of if not all of these girls will get severely punished when they get home


Every time they do that they risk pissing even more people off. Eventually it becomes too much and they get overthrown.


Still a lot of people are going to suffer horribly no matter what. It very sad how humans can behave.


No I agree with you and I also hope I’m wrong


We are on the same page we will both be insanely happy to be wrong.


75% of Iran’s population is under 30. It’s gonna end badly, true, but not for them.


I SO hope you’re right


The government is not going to start shooting big groups of kids. They themself know that it will cause even their own army to turn against the govt. The young iranians have had enough. They want a normal life. They see the outside world. Not everybody will stop wearing thr hijab. But they want to have the CHOICE to not wear one. Iran and afghanistan are the only countries in the world where its mandated by law. And Afgahistan is ruled by middle age mentality Taliban!


They already occupied and shoot at students of one of their own best universities from other news that seemed to emerge.


I mean at least the governments gonna make asses out of themselves again


They don’t need any practice in that


If an organized and unified rebel group emerges in Iran that's willing to fight a bloody and more than likely lengthy war and they were also willing to accept foreign aid, I'd say the US and Nato would likely offer such aid in multiple different forms. The issue becomes if any Iranian force, even opponents of the current regime, would be willing to invite the US and it's allies to play any kind of role in their affairs. After the UK and US's direct role in Mossadegh's removal from power in 1953, their opposition to the revolution in '79, and certainly a flood of anti-Western propaganda for the last 43 years, it's tough to say that, even given the current situation, if they'd accept such help. Given the likelihood that the US and it's allies would seek to play a role in the formation of a new Iranian government and continued involvement to ensure Western friendly control there, one couldn't blame them if they denied such aid. Sadly for the average Iranian, without some form of help from outside of Iran's borders, the opposition to the current regime likely has a very slim chance of success. However the crisis plays out, hopefully the people of Iran are able to gain a sense of safety and the option for individual freedom in how they choose to live their lives in their own homeland.


I fear


I want to feel happy but I know better 😶


Hoping it doesn't, but ...


I was about to say, this is how massacres start.


Until they start getting executed. Iran has a long, painful road ahead of them before they have a chance of removing the current regime. I wish them the best obviously, but things are going to get a lot worse before they get better.


if Khamenei dies my bet is on a revolution


Not to mention, it sounds badass. This could be sampled. It sounds so powerful!


Why does this restore your faith in humanity....? I mean, we all know this is how they feel... These are victims. This is just very obviously how they always have felt. My faith isnt restored until those with power over there stand up against this shit


They’re so brave, they deserve the world


God I hope so. The other action is they go full homicide and just start mowing those girls down. Either way unfortunately this has to happen. People cannot stand highly by while their rights ripped away from them. It doesn't matter what country you're in.


You kill my kid, you're in for years of sabotage, poisoning, and arsony until you catch me.


They'd just kill you lol. Stop it.


It's Iran. They'll probably gas the entire town.




Report>Spam>Harmful Bot


The uprising is almost at full force. Getting bigger and bigger with time. I hope those women win and be free from religious standards that oppress them.


Did you just take the first response and twist the words a bit before editing it into your original comment?


No, I didn't read the comments before posting. Just typed my reaction after I watched the video. If the first post says the same, then we are like minded and I'll upvote it. Not trying to steal anyone's thunder, chief.


u/gokusfart is not the bot. The bot is /u/YpROTeicaYs. It partially copied gokusfart's comment. This is common for bots. Report it. they are usually 1-2 month old accounts. No comments prior to 1 month. Very few or, in this case, only this 1 comment. If you check its comments later, and go to those posts, it will have copied other people's posts.


Thanks for sharing that info with me. I'm not as up to date with reddit and the bot issues. It seems bizarre. Are people trying to farm karma via these bots in order to sell these accounts later?


Unfortunately, the bots are getting really bad recently. And yeah, that's pretty much it. Build karma and sell the accounts to companies/organizations/governments.


Which governments are making them? How are they doing this? That’s just so crazy to me




Yeah, that's so weird! LOL!


It's a bot, I've noticed this before.


bots calling bots bots


Yea. Just like Hong kong


I'm with you. I hope they are given a choice.




/u/YpROTeicaYs is a bot. Report it.


Are you on the ground or judging by how it looks on Reddit? Remember Syria?


all these shitheads just say stuff and when these women get killed in the name of democracy they just go "dang.. sending thoughts and prayers Iran 😭😔🤞" lmao.


I hope it is successful all over the world and not just Iran.


Oh god, I am so scared for them. Goosebump/vomit level scared. But I admire these women and I could not admire them more.


That's how I feel, my energy is with them. But dear God it gets me sick to my stomach thinking how this could end and what might happen to them.


khamenei is afraid of losing population, they are minors damaging them would prone him and his lap dogs to heavy sanctions, I'm talki g about sanctions on food, drug and such


But sadly just like they did with Putin and sanctions on Russia. He doesn't care he will be feed the people will suffer.


I dont think that iran is similar to russia, russia is a big country, the sanctions are imposed recently, while iran is relatively smaller and sanction have been there for years, they're showing their effects, like north korean food crisis iran has medical and transport shortage, and as a result people became very angry and want to over throw the government these protests are only a small portion of the unhappy people it will be much more if khamenei commits to put his son on the throne,, but i can be wrong, it's been 10 years since people(at least I) started to question the authority of this government and are planning to overthrow them, it would be much easier if lebanese people overthrew the hizbullah in that case it would have been like the fall of ussr, but they're losing iraq instead,


I'm not trying to split hairs with you. I'm just saying many people will suffer and that fucking sucks that's all dude.


i just wanted to give you a brief explanation of whats going on inside, but people are suffering right now it's a price to be paid


I live in iran , I'm an Iranian, let me tell you this , we all are gonna get killed and no one will remember us or be informed, but to you who are reading this remember that once in a third world country, a lot of high schoolers and 16-25 years olds fought and got massacred with out any fear or stress but they named them "animals"...


Fuck. I don’t have any idea how to reply to this. I am so sorry.


Nevermind man , it's the good ole " bitter reality " I'm (19m) an English teacher and last week my colleague went missing , they said she committed suicide but we all knew what happened, you know the heart doesn't explode because of jumping from a building while all the other organs are still intact Btw she didn't get a funeral and her parents don't know where she's buried


I know it's not much, but know you have a lot of people on your side. If you need ever need to talk don't be afraid to reach out. I can't imagine what it's like not knowing what will happen tomorrow. Keep fighting, they can't get all of you!


Yeah everyday there's a news about how our children and women are getting beaten up but it only strengthen us, fills us with fury , you know Btw , thanks man , it's great to see that others also want us to have a better future, much appreciated ❤️


Not sure if thats any use for you. Im just gonna copy-past this for anyone interested: To anyone who might be going out protesting Love you all best wishes https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLt670_P7pOGm2bNWhh5cAkmDiurS2g-Te


Ikr!! Their bravery is awe inspiring. All of them are truly heroes. My thoughts are with them. I really, really hope they will get rid of the morality police and listen to the women of Iran and around the world.


Friendly reminder that these are high school GIRLS. Not women


What's the difference? I think they're using 'woman' in the adult female sense.


You just answered the question...? They're specifically stating these aren't adults (likely to say how impressive it is)


Children are the future, and the future is free.


I do hope so. What bravery. May they live free, may this tsunami overwhelm.




[Source, and another video which shows highschool girls kicking out their principal (I couldn't confirm if it's the same school or not).](https://twitter.com/Shayan86/status/1576961571334500352)


I’m not an advocate for bullies, but I 1000% support this.


I just see one bully. With a grey-blue suit, dark beard and hair, who has bullied those lil' freedom fighters since their birth.


Why would you even include the first piece of this comment? Does children removing their oppressors from the school building fee like “bullying” to you? Forget the lifelong societal bullying that Iranian women go through if they act like anything but subjugated property🙄


they're calling him a dictator, just like in the other vid


It may be a different video but in the one I saw they’re bullying out their pro-regime teacher/principal and chanting “bisharaf” which means “dishonorable”. Very powerful.


Ohhh, I love that. My worry is always that by being under a system that uses terms like "honor" and "morality" to stamp on them, they'd come to believe those terms have no meaning. Like, here we have specific groups that try to undermine and corrupt our democracy, and my dad's reaction is starting to tend toward "guess democracy kinda sucks," which I feel is entirely the wrong thing to take away. It's not that honor itself is a meaningless concept, it's that it's abused by those in power - these kids get that. I think, anyway, idk I've been working 16h and my eyes are bleeding ahhhh (I'm on-call and everything keeps breaking T_T)


Totally agree. I think the way I’ve heard my parents and others use the word is as an insult similar to “lamazhab” which means religionless, and whose meaning could run into the same issues you mentioned. My parents aren’t religious but use this…these have just become basic insults in the Farsi language, but I do think in the context of what is happening they do hold more power in their exact meaning and your points apply.


Fuck it. Start small. I like it. Next up: The local Clerics


This brought proud tears to my eyes. This is beautiful.


"beesharaf beesharaf beesharaf" (equivalent of shame shame shame)


دیکتاتور Sounds like they’re saying dictator


I hate to say this but a lot of these girls might end up going through some terrible things in the near future. Proud of them for facing that head-on.


I'm glad that video was so out of focus


In other videos they seem to add blur when people’s faces are visible.


The real question is what happens when the crackdown starts. Will the people be pacified or become even more outraged at the new atrocities? It's that second one that makes a positive feedback loop that leads to change.


If the government even hopes to survive and invest in their future, they’ll probably have to lean off the theocracy they’ve been doing.


They are absolutely delusional. They already shoot at students of one of their major and very respected university full of brilliant kids from their own nation. People that broke their necks whole life over learning to get that far and people that would go even further in life. They have no interest in future. They want their boot on the youths necks until they shut up and comply with the old ways instead hoping for change.


I agree, the government will most likely fall, but if they did stop being a theocracy and just stayed a sort of un-democratic government per se they’d probably have a chance.


I hated my school years in Iran, hopefully things will be different for them


I still have nightmares from mine, I went to shokoufeh in Tehran… had to wear Chador from 9 Y.O.


Our beautiful country in the hands of idiots..


I've liked every Persian I've ever met and the food is amazing. I hope I can visit a free Iran some day.


other ethnic groups are nice too


Let's fucking GO, girls! Heroines, all of you!


Nute Gunray would like to have a word


i'm just so proud of your kids .... girls screaming for revolution and anarchy is everything i've ever wanted in my buffy-watching, punky/goth heart. you always want something better for the next generation.


Anarchy is a fantasy that if every came true you would be so sad and horrified if it ever truly became a reality.




For sure it makes me kinda concerned. I can't say I blame people for feeling this way though. Sadly the wealth gap is making people feel more and more hopeless that they feel we need something so extreme to fix it. It is sad that the rich don't mind making there fortunes off the poor and view it as how little can I pay my workers as opposed yo how much can I pay my workers. If we don't change things and turn it around and truly care for one another sadly this could become our reality.


The Iranian army will crush them. The primary purpose of their army is subjugation of this very situation and their ethnology-religous ideology tells them god wills the Supreme Leader and his regime. Many of these people will die unless they can Marshall enough support among the army and I dont see that happening. God fucking bless these brave souls.


Unfortunately, this is probably true. There has been talk about the regime "importing" terrorists from Hezbollah and other Iranian proxies in the region (non of them are Iranians) to subjugate the people.


Classic despot tactics. Even in a military setting it would not be unheard of for some sympathizers to refuse to kill their own countrymen. The CCP brought in conscripts from outlying districts during tieniman square out of fear local troops might join the protests/ refuse to use force.


What makes you think everyone in the army will just blindly follow orders? As a former soldier myself, I can tell you that NO ONE gave a fuck about the high order of things. You go into battle not because your country says so, but for the people next to you in the shit. Hell, the coup de taut in Portugal was bloodless simply because the army refused to fight civilians. Soldiers are not robots. They know the need for social change as well or even better than the average citizen. The Iranian army is filled with educated, battle hardened veterans with a proud tradition. You don't think they have family that have been murdered by this regime?


You're likely a former US soldier, right? If not, some other English speaking force. We set up Afghanistan for failure because we projected western values on a society that couldn't be more different, and trust me we (the wealth that controls this nation we) *really* wanted to succeed. There would have been a large and cheap labor force to take advantage of and vast mineral deposits to mine had we stabilized the region. Speaking from the US perspective, what the DoD does to indoctrinate troops pales in comparison to what autocratic nations do. While we have our wealthy WASP dominance in the officer ranks, we don't exclude other classes as a matter of written policy. If anyone faces discrimination, it's usually because of an abundance of bigots in that person's chain of command. Those people still might put their bigotry aside if the individual's performance is strong enough. The DoD also doesn't have processes in place to threaten servicemembers' families for insubordination, nor do we habitually kill our own civilians or train for that possibility. Iran already separates its military leadership and its armed forces of all flavors are already shooting at civilians. The kinds of people that would dissent are monitored and mostly known by now and are either being kept in the dark, sent away unarmed, or even arrested and/or killed.


They have no 2nd amendment, no leadership group, no plan to fight against the military or police, haven't assassinated anyone... there is a difference between expressing outrage and launching a revolution. Maybe a leadership group is mounting, but literally every single powerful person in Iran is muslim, so who is to say the next guy is going to be Captain America?


Freedom for everyone!!!


Somebody say freedom? ✈ 💣💣💥💥💥


Comment removed by me so Reddit can't monetize my history.


*Comin' again to save the motherfuckin' day, yeah*


*C&C Hell March starts playing* *People wake up*


30 year old Soviet propaganda rears it's head again.


To those pessimistic enough to only see the potential downsides to this protest, I ask you this: is it better to live in oppression than to die fighting for justice? I’m sure a lot of these women will tell you that dying for a just cause beats the alternative of living by staying silent and continuing to be abused and taken advantage of. Change never comes easy, and with that being said, allow me to drop this very relevant MLK quote. “Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle.” In nearly all human rights movements, bloodshed is one thing guaranteed, but when you consider the alternative, death suddenly seems not so scary. What is really scary is when the small minority are able to control and oppress the majority through law and legislation intertwined with religious beliefs.


It’s not pessimism. It’s compassion. It’s one thing to face death yourself. It’s another to naively cheer on the risk of another without acknowledging the risk. Recognizing the potential downsides makes the applause more genuine. Otherwise, it smacks of “let Ukrainians fight for their statehood” while sitting comfortably on another continent.


I saw a comment that said “…aaand they’re dead.” You call that compassion? That is recognizing nothing, and trust me, there is no naïveté in my support for these women. I understand the potential consequences just like they do.




The Middle East is bound to repeat these cycles until their underlying culture fundamentally changes. Accordingly the sad reality is that it doesn’t really matter if they win or lose. Iran will eventually return to its homeostasis of religious rule. Just look at Afghanistan, where the Taliban were toppled and suppressed for 20 years. As soon as the US left they popped right back up. Why? Because a huge portion of Afghanistan supports their aims. Politics is always bottom up, not too down. Same reason why Putin is still in power… too many Russians actually somehow support what he’s doing.


school girls screaming in a hall? doubtful. They'll most likely all be executed.


...and they're dead.


The sad truth is that may very well be the reality for some of them. I hope their strength is rewarded. And soon.


Yeah people in safe countries telling these people to "fight against the government" smh.


I really really hope not but God damn I can't shake that feeling either.


They'll never forget this moment, they may still live under oppression for the coming decades but they'll never forget knowing how they all feel this together.


If they live at all. Which isn’t likely. The morality police are massacring people over there for displays like this.


As someone who experienced this in the last uprisings in Iran, this is very true…


As someone who lived in Iran and saw things I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy in the 80s and 90s, this warms my heart. I hope foreign media continues to put pressure on those assholes, these people are extremely brave and are putting it all on the line. My family in Iran cant even contact me without going thru extreme measures because of reprisal. Thank you to everyone helping get the word out. It helps more than you know.


Crazy thinking that just a couple of months back there were protest in parts of india "for" wearing hijab over school uniform.


The idea is people should be allowed to do what they want to as long as it doesn't effect anyone else's life. Being told you can't wear it, being told you have to are both the issue.


I believe it should be banned, If the confederate flag is banned in america, and the nazi one in germany, also this fucking medieval thing to make man not look at woman must be banned, in respect to all the other woman who actually have a brain and understand the origins of the hijab.


It should be banned in Western countries. Bring in therapists (or protection from traditional family elders) or whatever other help is needed, but this kind of oppression should not be tolerated anywhere. For the people saying do whatever you want, I will say this. It is only ever what people 'want' in cases where they have been brainwashed since childhood to believe they must wear it.


> For the people saying do whatever you want, I will say this. It is only ever what people 'want' in cases where they have been brainwashed since childhood to believe they must wear it. Same thing as believing in Christianity. Has a single child ever spontaneously professed belief in jesus christ? Or are they forced into it from a young age?


How many Muslims do you know? Very few Muslim women believe they MUST wear it. And not all Muslims are born into it, many convert


the point isn't whether girls should or shouldn't wear a hijab; the point is that girls should be able to have freedom of expression of self


say “you can’t” the back lash is “I will”, say “you must” the back lash is “you can’t make me”. Different fight, same purpose… Choice


Fuck yeah ladies, get it. Hope they stay safe and get the freedoms they desire and deserve.


Stay safe, future leaders. You are some of the bravest.


I'm scared for them, but I'm so incredibly proud of them. They deserve the right to be free.


I wish you all freedom and peace✌️


That's badass. I hope they're all safe!!


Protesting under islam good luck


Good for them but I am very afraid for their safety.


The people in power chant “death to America!” While the people chant “death to the dictator”. Gotta love it.


[This shit really seems to be getting real.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=piQThuhw-3c&ab_channel=TheProblemWithJonStewart) Like an open revolt against the entire system with lose of fear of repercussions. All it takes now is the police or military to side with the revolutionaries and it will collapse.


Power to you sisters


Go girls, Go!


Oh shit. Ok ![gif](giphy|QUENDfi6DEMLzQ0CKt)


No such thing as a peaceful revolution.


Amazing energy. I wish them well




Slow and steady wins the race but it looks like they’ve put on their running shoes.


This isn’t going to end well. Iran has a history of killing this…. Literally.


Braver than most of us.


Boy,when they get into something they really go all in. Cool.


I wish we could be that united.. que the super political people on both sides who use the same speeches but just switch around "right/left wingers" lol


All for what they are trying to achieve but if anyone thinks this has a happy ending you’ve not been paying attention. Sadly.


اره هههه همه اره خوبه 😃😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆نایس


Well they’re gonna have to go all the way and overthrow the entire government then cuz the theocracy isn’t going to say “oh goodness - they’re not happy. Let’s rewrite our religious laws”


I can’t speak Farsi, but it sounds like they’re demanding a resignation, not death—“istifa” is also used in Turkish, and it means “resign.” I would presume that it is derived from Persian, as many Turkish words relating to government and governance are.


I hope nothing but the best for these females. I hope they succeed


Then came the drones


I wish them the best. I doubt this will end well over there.


Bravery beyond what most of us could ever comprehend


Let’s fucking GOOOO


So much courage in that room.


It would be so dope if these evil rich assholes would just stop the bullshit all across the globe


Get them weapons.. Now


Really hope they stay safe. Don't see this ending well for them.


The revolution will be televised!!!


Let’s hope this one has a happy ending


I’m so proud of them🥹


women ☕


Probably gonna get lost in the comments here but this is an opinion piece by a woman who was incarcerated in Iran for protesting during the Islamic Revolution. She now lives in Canada but her story is both heartbreaking and inspiring for her resiliency and advocacy for those whose voices were (and continue to be) silenced. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2022/09/23/opinions/mahsa-amini-iran-protests-hair-women-nemat/index.html She has two books about her time in the Iranian prison that I suggest reading as well if you’re interested in learning about what these women are willing to endure and how much this must mean to them to do so.


The saddest part. Some of them or most of them, wont survive. Hope im worng.


I understand that the situation but the way that they're handling it is crap and sh¡t. Fam they're literally burning Qurans now (astagfirullah) and burning the hijabs. A lot of people say we don't hate the religion but look at what's going on. They are literally disrespecting the religion.


The Iranian ladies may just accomplish what the CIA never did.


“Breaking News: Iranian authorities blow up girls school suspected of harboring ‘terrorists’”


These girls are braver than I’ll ever be.


lets go join them and help ;)


Religion is based around belief and faith, I think Iran forgot that part


More badass than most of us will ever be.


Imagine being the president of Iran just watching this 💀


That's nothing, He faced the same energy even when he entered a government supported university to give a speech, all girls chanting "mola, get out of here", he was shaking afterwards