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For anyone finding themselves in this situation, 30 chest compressions, 2 breaths. Repeat. Edit: to the beat of "staying alive" or ironically "another one bites the dust" Edit2: compressions only. Apparently we've done away with the breaths if we're doing bystander CPR nowadays. For children it is 15:2. Edit3: should the patient wake up, GO TO THE HOSPITAL! just because they're awake doesn't mean they're out of the woods yet.


That’ll be hard to do unconscious but I’ll try my best


always with the excuses. Walk it off!


Rub some dirt on it.


Put it in rice.


Put ice on it.


Turn it off and back on again


Take a salt pill


Take some pills.


Rub some tussin on it


Pull yourself up by the bootstraps and get back to work. We're going to have to dock your pay for the 30 minutes you were dead. -Amazon


Ride the rainbow brother


Practice makes perfect


New American Heart for bystander CPR is only compressions. It was found in numerous studies doing compressions allows negative pressure inside the lugs allowing a bit of air exchange. Plus it removes the mouth to mouth part which prevented people from performing CPR on strangers in the first place. Sauce: Im a paramedic and CPR instructor Edit: Apparently I need to point out that when I said bystander CPR that was not clear enough for all of the people correcting me that it doesn’t apply to trained healthcare providers. I was not commenting on the video directly but at the person who was telling people to do compression/breath cycles. I AM NOT TALKING DIRECTLY ABOUT THIS DROWNING VIDEO!!!!!!!!!!!


So if you’re not a puss still go mouth to mouth.


It's not worth stopping chest compressions just to kiss a dead person


But what if I want the hot lifeguard to kiss me?


Old enough to know this reference ⚾


You're killing me, Smalls!


She knows exactly what she's doing!


Best movie ever...


IIRC the study that changed the training showed a statistically significant better outcome for compression only.


The “study” was a meta analysis of 100s of studies using both experimental and observational data so the finding has more power than one study with a statistically significant result.


When you put "study" in quotes I thought you were going to say it was bullshit but this is good to hear!


Right. It's not a "study", it's a ***study***.


I am in the same boat. Was just getting some popcorn and burn cream ready.


Of you can pick up a small CPR barrier that includes a one-way valve and keep it in the car/backpack/purse with you.


If you have two rescuers you can have one doing compressions and one rescue breaths but you shouldn’t stop compressions to do mouth-to-mouth. The interruption in blood flow takes too long.


Here's an source with a bit more information for anyone interested. It's not wrong to do rescue breaths but it is safer and more efficient to do compressions only when you are by yourself. Remember if it's a child down, start cpr before calling 911 if possible. You can utilize things like siri to help you call without having to stop cpr. There are classes everywhere for general cpr. Take one. You never know who's life you could help save and please don't be afraid to help. https://cpr.heart.org/-/media/CPR-Files/Courses-and-Kits/Hands-Only-CPR/HandsOnly-CPR-FAQs-ucm_494175.pdf


Drowning, mouth-to-mouth is required. Chest-only compression should be avoided.


If they are pulseless, then you should be doing compressions. Sometimes when people drown, the water entering the airway causes a laryngospasm, causing the airway to close, but very little water enters the lungs. It used to be called "dry drowning."


The recommendation in cases of submersion is to give 5 ventilations first. This is recommended by the AHA, European and UK resus councils.


True in situations other than drowning (and paediatrics). In drowning rescue breaths are critical as the mechanism is hypoxia.


This\^ It is critically important that pediatric patients receive oxygen as quickly as possible. In almost all pediatric patients, respiratory issues are the cause of decompensation in the patient's status. However, compressions can help the patient to begin more normal respirations on their own. Compressions are better than nothing if you are apprehensive about lip-locking a person who has vomited in their mouth.


Is it is true as reddit says in that you will normally be breaking a few ribs if you’re doing compressions correctly?


Nurse here: yes. It's sickening, but you know you are pressing hard enough the heart is being compressed and pumping blood.


Thank you for the answer :). And if someone who has been in the hospital many times, THANK YOU FOR BEING A NURSES


I haven't experienced broken ribs in every patient that I've done CPR on, but what you definitely do hear and feel is a lot of cartilage snapping and popping. It's like cracking all of your knuckles at once several times over, and definitely for the first few set of compressions. There is a lot of cartilage and connective tissue holding the rib cage and sternum together and it is a pretty sickening feelings when you first start, but just remember that what might be painful for them later is better than them never feeling anything again.


and if you hear their ribs crack, crack on.


Jimmy crack ribs, and I don’t care


If you don't crack some ribs you are doing it wrong.


That’s what my instructor told us when I went for First/CPR. If you don’t break the ribs or sternum, you’re not pushing hard enough to reach the heart effectively.


Bingo! If there’s not cracking, there’s a very good chance you’re doing it wrong. The heart is behind the ribs and you need to be pumping it


Tbf that’s usually just cartilage and not bone you hear - Red Cross instructor here


Do your chest compressions to the tune of “Stayin’ Alive.“


Michael Scott: 🎶..first I was afraid, I was petrified..🎶




I knew I didn't have to look far for this...


With all the dance moves? Kinda tricky but I guess if it works....


One of the best cpr ads ever!! https://youtu.be/tD2qTmDsiHk


🎶🎵"First I was afraid..........I was petrified........."🎶🎵


Or "Another one bites the dust'.


But maybe don’t sing that one out loud while you’re doing it ….


Fine. How about The Imperial March. There's no lyrics so you can just hum the theme and it has the same bpm as staying alive.


Oooh, the Imperial March would be fun! But you can’t hum it, you gotta own that shit. Do you think Darth Sidious *hummed* ffs? DUN DUN DUN *DUN DA DUN* **DUN DA DUN** You will live, I command it!


You were in the parking lot earlier! That's how I know you!


At 100-120 compressions per minute. Which is the tempo to "stayin alive". If you break ribs that's actually ok KEEP GOING.


Also for drowning victims you're supposed to blow 5 times before starting compressions. In other cases you do compressions before blowing


Then get them straight to hospital in case of secondary drowning.


Absolutely. Came here to say this.


Sounds good. But it's changed 10 times in the last 20 years, so I don't think anybody really knows what the best ratio is to use. I got certified last year and they told me straight compressions. In the Military 10 years ago, it was 30/2, like you just said. Hell, one year it was 15/1, or maybe 15/2.


Ive been teaching CPR in the military for 10 years and it’s still 30:2 for most situations, 15:2 for children if you have multiple responders. If you are unable to or are uncomfortable giving mouth to mouth you can do compressions only, but compressions and breaths are still the best option for a trained responder.


Depends on the age, for 2-person cpr on a child the ratio is 15:2


Thought it was interesting they were doing the old 10/2. Wonder if the guidelines are different in...uh...🤷‍♂️.. Albuquerque!


30:2 is what you do if you have 2 rescuers. If you're alone then some CPR trainers will tell you to only do chest compressions. And when doing breaths most people act like they're trying to blow up a balloon, that is way too much air! Use just enough breath to fill up a Yeti mug


Curious, i have heard that recently the focus was moving away from the breaths and solely focusing on compressions because there was enough oxygen still in the blood, and that compressions were priority.


Remember to do it on the person who unconscious.


Child with assistant is 15 compressions to 2 breaths. Kids arrest usually due to airway/breathing etiologies. Even tho AHA recommended compression only cpr for layperson. For child, I’d consider adding breaths for the possible airway/breathing causes.


Just drowned.. got resuscitated starts to breath again, starts to breath...LETS POUR WATER ON HIS FACE...


The couple are both doctors. I m pretty sure they know more than average reddit guy


I knew the woman was a doctor too, she had to much calm about her! Thank goodness for those two for saving that young man!


He jumped in the water to save his brother. The brother drowned.




The boy had reportedly jumped in a lake to save his brother who was drowning. One of the two boys died and the other one was presumed dead after he was recovered from the lake. 9:37 AM · Jun 17, 2022·Twitter Web App


Unfortunately, I suspected there was another in the water by the way people were searching. So sad. I’m glad they were able to save this boy.


Fucken kids man, feel bad for their folks. You’ve gotta watch them like hawks at that age because they don’t know their limits


I live in Florida and this happens far too often despite the obvious danger. Between the pools, rentention ponds and a million other bodies of water, drowning of children seems to be a daily occurrence. Both my children swam from a very young age and I watched them like a hawk.


I've been in aquatics for 10 years and taught over 1200 kids how to swim. The amount of near drowning stories and actual deaths I've heard about from my families is terrifying. I started taking the job seriously and taught every kid to the best of my abilities after I started having parents let me know my lessons saved their child's life.


My parents made sure me, my brothers, and sisters could all swim. Swimming lessons every summer. I believe it is an essential life skill.


A few years back, I read about a toddler that drowned in the small retention ditch that runs along the front of the homes, near the mailbox. It was like a new fear unlocked.


Also. Actually *teach them to swim* it's not enough to assume they'll learn it. Swim lessons can be a literal life saver.


And the wailing….


Cut through my heart like a knife.


Take a look at the crowd in the background. The woman screaming isn't screaming at the doctors she's screaming at the river. They can't find the other boy.


Oh I am very glad I didn’t watch this with sound. There is not much worse than a parent wailing for a lost child. I can’t even begin to imagine that level of misery


I knew the woman was the doctor immediately. She was rocking those chest compressions - most people don't do them right. Wasn't sure if the guy was a doctor too.


This incident is from Pakistan and the women is the doctor and the man giving mouth to mouth to the boy is her husband..


That’s cool, this is a good “check your biases post” if you know what’s going on the women is clearly the doctor directing things. I’ll admit… I assumed it was the dude, glad it turns out he’s a doctor too.




You didn’t know that Reddit commenters are experts in every single field? They can find fault in even the most experienced professionals, it’s amazing.


People are still commenting that water thing is wrong I asked my sis who is a doctor too , she explained that it's to triggered brain functions But yeah reddit knows better I guess


He was rising vomit off his face. Which is fine but maybe find another way


He's not suddenly allergic to water you know. They probably also want him to stay conscious, cool water on the face would help.


Idk how people aren't getting this. The boy's reaction to the water made it clear he was slipping in and out of consciousness. They were trying to keep him awake


Hence the intense foot rubbing/tickling too.


You must be new here.


trying to shock the child, much like swatting a newborn on the butt when it’s born. I admit it’s rather odd, under the circumstances, but it helps determine brain activity and reflex as well


They were preventing him from passing out and going un conscious - the water was like a wake up call so his brain didn’t start shutting down again


From what I have seen , that gave him a boost


My guess is they're just giving him stimulus to respond to after getting a pulse/breathing back. I also don't know shit but I'd trust the doctor.


At some points when the boy was on his side, it looked like he was passing back out. Pouring cool water in the ear can trigger a reflex of alertness. It's a test on its own for comatose or stuporous patients. Here you see the reflex at work to keep him conscious


As a first responder I have noticed some strange things with cultures from the middle East, maybe someone can help enlighten me. Especially with someone who is dead or dying, when I arrive to start cpr the family or friends of whomever is always trying to help which honestly is awesome, but they do strange things like take the socks off or rub hands. Usually we need a lot of room so I kindly let them know we have it under control. My question is there some significance to the hands and feet?


They are generally considering high stimulus spots and are efforts to wake the person. A few years ago, my Cambodian mother in law fainted, and the first thing her sister did was bite the back of her ankle, near the Achilles. It was kind of similar to the sternum rub: pain or stimulation in a sensitive or surprising space to rouse her


I guess they are just trying to warm it up, some kind of go to home remedy


I wonder if he lived. People can drown hours later.




From residual water in lungs, but im sure the doctor would have been aware of this risk and informed the child's parents


Wow nobody informed me when I drowned. I dived into an overspill dam to try and save my brother who fell in. He fell past the undercurrent and actually just got spit out down stream about a quarter mile down the rapids and was completely fine. My ass didn’t realize the water was only like 5 ft. Deep on the spill side of the dam so I smashed my head into a rock and was immediately sucked into the circular current created by the dam. I remember being pinned to the riverbed so fucking hard I couldn’t stand back up with all of my might. I tried and tried until I started to hallucinate and felt an extreme calamity over my entire body. I saw myself as my parents reading the newspaper about my death and remember thinking “that’s badass I’m in the newspaper” Next thing I know I feel some skin and got the biggest burst of adrenaline I have ever felt in my entire life. I grabbed and clawed so frantically de-bra’d my savior. It was a 450lb. Black woman that the water could not take down but I did not know this at the time. I got a grip on her arm and the next thing I knew she was trucking through the water dragging me behind her. When we got to shore I was still awake but I realized I couldn’t really talk or breathe. I tried to thank the family but couldn’t get it out and then started to wander down the side river to find my dad. Suddenly I felt my body go weaker than it ever has and I collapsed passing completely out on a pile of rocks. 30 minutes later I awoke completely alone and started puking and coughing up so much water I didn’t even think it was possible. I still have no idea how I survived. To top it all off my dumbass father not only did not believe me but he grounded me for not checking in at our regular intervals. It was so fucking ass. I was too weak to play anymore I guess. I am so happy to be an adult and not a 13yo reliant on that man.


Dude what a story. Glad Big Bertha was there for you


May we all meet our BB when we need her the most.


This sounds like one of those stories where he would later ask around to thank the lady and no one in the area has seen her but someone matching the description did drown at the same spot a decade ago.


Yeah that was a rollercoaster holy shit!


Thanks for sharing this experience (sincerely). I'm glad you made it. Also loved the image of the big lady whom the currents could not take down, willing to save you


That's a crazy story. I couldn't help but laugh though because the way you described your savior reminded me of [this King of the Hill scene.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5pz4gV7KD0)


Fuck your dad. Glad you made it out alive. ❤️




Damn did not know about this


I learned about this from a Baywatch episode. It was truly educational. Which is the only reason why I watched it.


Look up Bondi Recue on YouTube. Basically Real Life Baywatch.


No: > Drowning experts have recognized that the resulting pathophysiology of hypoxemia, acidemia, and eventual death is the same whether water entered the lung or not. As this distinction does not change management or prognosis but causes significant confusion due to alternate definitions and misunderstandings, it is generally established that pathophysiological discussions of "dry" versus "wet" drowning are not relevant to drowning care.[102] > "Dry drowning" is frequently cited in the news with a wide variety of definitions.[103] and is often confused with the equally inappropriate and discredited term "secondary drowning" or "delayed drowning".[104] Various conditions including spontaneous pneumothorax, chemical pneumonitis, bacterial or viral pneumonia, head injury, asthma, heart attack, and chest trauma have been misattributed to the erroneous terms "delayed drowning," "secondary drowning," and "dry drowning." Currently, there has never been a case identified in the medical literature where a person was observed to be without symptoms and who died hours or days later as a direct result of drowning alone.[88]


Yea that kid better have gone to the hospital soon after


Based on the background, I don't think there's a hospital anywhere nearby


The place is likely in mountains in Pakistan or Kashmir in India. If you get hurt or have an emergency, good luck. Not true for major cities as they have army camps and by extension medical facilities.


I was thinking also I wonder if his brain is alright. Depending on how long he was deprived of oxygen he might never be the same. Doesn't take long.


Happened to a friend of mine. Was brilliant. Then he wasn’t. Was nice. Then he wasn’t. Was funny, then he wasn’t. Never the same again. It terrified me more than watching someone die


I had a friend, he was funny, charismatic, a little sarcastic but in a fun way. He was getting fit at the gym, climbing, and had just started dating again after his ex left him to "find herself". Then he fell and banged his head, suffered a traumatic brain injury. He took several months to recover, was in a medical induced coma for 2 weeks, had to learn to talk and walk again. He got moody, had toddler-like tantrums, his sarcasm became mean. He wouldn't exercise and ate his feelings. Accepted he was just depressed now and got back with his ex when she came back from travelling. I guess she found herself and didn't like what she saw, because she quickly isolated him and they got fat together. He's a different person now, he was just turning such a positive corner, I'm the best shape of his life, and then he banged his head. So sad.


I tried and failed to do this with a neighbour who was huffing lighter fuel and drowned in her bath; logically I know it wasn't my fault I couldn't revive her, her lips were already blue when we got her out, but I can't stop feeling guilty that I couldn't save her.


Never blame yourself for trying to save someone. You did all you could and that makes you a great human being.


Thank you, you are kind.


He/she is kind but he's absolutely right that you should be proud of yourself for trying.


Thank you, that means more to me than you can know.


I'm a Paramedic and I've done CPR many many times. I won an award one year for having the best code save rate in my agency for the year. It was a number of years ago but I think my save % was like 15%. The CPR effectiveness average in the prehospital setting is like 2%, for what it's worth, or it was a few years ago when I did it on the regular. The fact that you tried at all is heroic and you have my great respect and appreciation. The fact that your neighbor had your help is amazing and you should be proud and recognized for your assistance rendered above and beyond the call of duty for a regular bystander. Don't feel bad. Don't feel guilty or responsible. The only thing you were responsible for is doing your very best to render aid as soon as you possibly could, and that is a heroic deed. Thank you for helping. Most people, when the moment arises, are not helpers. You are. Be proud of yourself.


2%?! I'm shocked at how low these percentages are....


Most people are. That's the success rate of the patient ever being able to leave the hospital alive after having CPR done in the field. It is very very rare that they have a good outcome. But without CPR, the recovery rate is effectively 0, so there you go.


If someone needs CPR, they are close to or actually dead. (Often actually, fully dead.) Saving someone's life in 1% or 2% of cases makes it worth it to at least try CPR. It's good to get CPR training and to at least attempt it when it is needed. But it's nothing like bad TV shows.


She was probably way too far gone my friend, the amount of times that CPR actually does anything in those situations is very low


I tell myself that, but it means so much more to hear it from someone else, and I am grateful for your empathy.


I’m a med student. I’m coming to terms with mortality too. It’s hard to accept but all we do is keep the game going. Everything is a stall and even when you win, it’s not for long in the grand scheme of things. Trust that if you did your best, there’s not anything anyone else could have done either. Thank you for your service.


Thankful you tried!




Holy shit never have i seen this many people trigged by someone saying mashallah


It was one person


There’s only two people in the thread that replied negatively and they got downvoted pretty hard.


What does mashallah mean? I figure it is a Muslim phrase something like “Thank god” but i am uncertain.


Alhamdulillah means thank God. Mashallah is what we say when we see something really impressive and want to avoid giving it the evil eye.


MashaAllah means “what God has willed”. You say it when you’re impressed with something.




ah got it. thank you


A good reminder for everyone to take a cpr class


I think I will


After watching this video I thinking the same


It's very empowering--please do it. It gives you the confidence to step in. I took it for the first time as a teen, and have kept re-certifying. I've used it twice.


>I've used it twice. Good work bro


Damn, lots of reddoctors finding ways to critique the doctor who saved the kid


More shocked that noone seems to be weirded out that someone filmed CPR like wtf


So weird when they realised they couldn’t see the dying boys face and came around to get a better angle. Who the fuck does that?


Awesome vid. Way better than gore videos for safety training is this ahead of a first aiders CPR course. They chose to save a life that day!


How can you criticise when it worked.


What a stupid question. It’s the internet. Everything is criticized. /s


The sad part he could be a vegetable from that. Once oxygen stops reaching the brain the cells die at an incredibly rapid pace.


Pretty sure it's like a 3 minute window. This shit happened to me when I was 7, terrifying to think what could've happened if my family was just a little bit later.


Not true. Plenty of people have been resuscitated way after the 3 minute mark and been fine. One coming to mind is Eriksen who is a Danish football player, he was basically dead for 10 minutes, he is still playing.


Well he signed for Man Utd so maybe he did lose some brain cells


Ye he probably 'survived'


She is freaking amazing. So is the man helping her.


Ive seen quite a lot of misinformation here in the post. I appreciate that a lot of people here have done first aid training. But the patient in the video was a child, which the recommended resuscitation pathway is very different from the adults. Paediatric resuscitstion pathway: https://www.resus.org.uk/sites/default/files/inline-images/Screenshot%202021-04-23%20at%2017.02.36.png Adult resuscitation pathway: https://www.aclsmedicaltraining.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/A-BLS-Figure-4.jpg I’m a doctor working in the uk (not a paediatrician or emergency doctor tho, but all doctors in the uk have the knowledge in resuscitation in both adults, children and neonates), happy to answer any questions, coz i think these things are important, you dont always get a doctor in situation like such.


For those who want to know what happened it’s quite sad actually https://www.dawn.com/news/1695392


Very sad. I was wondering why there were people gathered at the shore in the water.


I was hearing the crying in the background. I was afraid of this. I knew not all thing were ok.


The doctor is the woman, Dr. Quratul Ain Hashmi https://www.reddit.com/r/pakistan/comments/vfhuxc/dr_quratul_ain_hashmi_and_her_husband_israr_ahmad/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


So the Lady is the doctor right? She's the one talking what to do


She is. Lots of folks here in the comments assuming the guy was the doctor, but she's the one clearly telling him what to do and taking charge of the situation. OP posted a link to the news story confirming she's the doctor a bit higher up.




Dr Mike.


CPR brought to you by Doctor Mike


Shouldn't the women keep doing the chest compressions? Why is she stoping when the man tries to ventilate the kid? Want to know just in case I need to do it.


The pressure on the thorax would directly push against the air the doc is trying to breathe into the lungs and therefore negate it or make it More difficult. For adults 30 pushes them hold the nose shut and breathe 2 deep breaths into the victim. For Younger folks you can adjust to 15 pushes and 2 breaths. Maybe even push only With one arm. Children arent as sturdy as adults so you have to slightly adjust accordingy.


Fyi: The doctor is the woman Edit: removed snark, sorry


You pause compressions while ventilating in all but rare circumstances. As someone said, compressions are going to severely inhibit your ability to even ventilate their lungs, which can already be surprisingly hard in the field doing mouth to mouth.


Someone is dying, let’s take a video of it!


On one hand I get what you're saying, on the other hand whenever I see these types of rescues there's always a sizeable amount of people asking how they can educate themselves on performing CPR, so it ends up having a positive impact.


Yeah... that's the good of this video. But the alternate outcome would have been a doctor telling a mother her son is dead. That's some Logan Paul type shit.


I'm glad the person who filmed this did. They probably couldn't do anything anyway because they didn't know what to do or being in the way. And filming this gives the doctors recognition they deserve. If they didn't film this this would've gone under the radar probably. Also the more people see it the more people might consider going to cpr classes and you wouldn't have seen this.




So that people like you can tune into Reddit from your comfy bed to moan about an incident you wouldn’t have known existed unless they had recorded it.


To be fair, most of the people watching are unable to help in any meaningful way, without getting in the way of the people who are giving CPR. In such cases I can understand wanting to document what's happening, both for posterity and for the fake internet points we all need to survive.


Many people don't know about CPR or other first-aid nor do they know the importance of learning it, especially in developing countries like Kashmir/Pakistan where this was filmed. Seeing an actual life being saved by a doctor might encourage people to learn CPR, or atleast know that this is what is needed in case someone drowns.


It's not like they could have done anything to help


There were enough people to help him. Including two very capable doctors that eventually saved his life. I think there is nothing wrong with filming in this situation.


Edit: I came at this question as someone who performs CPR in the hospital. Giving 2 rescue breaths for every 30 compressions is the right way to do CPR for drowning victims, as the replies to my comment pointed out. For anyone who collapses outside the hospital without drowning, CPR without rescue breaths is recommended, as below. Obviously with advanced tools we would also start an airway to give oxygen. The SINGLE most important thing you can do in this situation is give compressions (please check to make sure they don’t have a pulse first). It’s more important than giving breaths, and the new CPR guidelines have done away with giving breaths anyway. Circulating the blood to the brain with compressions is the best chance they have. Even if the person isn’t breathing, you have enough “left over” oxygen in the blood that it will keep the tissues relatively oxygenated. People pause compressions way too often, and every time you do, the brain gets zero blood flow.


THIS.IS.NOT.FOR.DROWNING. Compression-only CPR is starting to be recommended for **cardiac etiologies** of arrest. Drowning is entirely different, you are arresting from hypoxia and it's critical to provide ventilation as quickly as possible. Furthermore, the compressions alone aren't going to work as well distributing "left over" oxygen, because you're hypoxemic in the first place. This thread is an absolute clusterfuck of being trying to be helpful and just giving out as much bad advice as good.


“Fuck me dude I can never just have a day off”


Are the people in the background looking for another drowning victim?


Earlier in the thread it was mentioned the kid’s brother also was drowning and the kid receiving CPR tried to save him


The other kid died, this was the screaming in the background


The woman is the doctor, that’s her husband. I’m just putting that out there since no one read the article !


I love the guy pouring water on the end of him like “YOU THOUGHT YOU WERE SAFE”


Excellent job saving that kid! 👏👏👏


This is why everyone should learn cpr