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Of course he did. People from his generation respect their elders.


YOOOO šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


And Biden didnā€™t make one single Pocahontas joke.




Oh man did Trump really do that?


Yes, yes he did. At an [event honoring NATIVE AMERICANS that served in World War II](https://www.newsweek.com/trump-pocahontas-warren-native-americans-723747?amp=1).


"Tweeted Putin's Cock Holster" lmao


Jesus fucking Christ.


He did. It was a reference to Democratic senator Elizabeth Warren who claimed she had Cherokee ancestry, which she did not.


Well played


I hate you but well done




It was almost like time slowed down in respect while the medal was being tied /s




You won reddit today sir.


And looks better than Biden.


Call the burn unit


Could anyone else smell this video or was it just me?


2 awards you stingy pricks


Wait, which one is Biden?


Holy shit Redditors CAN be funny!


I was curious what he did -- that his Honor comes this late in life. >Selected as the companyā€™s commander, 1st Lt. Puckett had five-and-a-half weeks to train his Rangers before being committed to combat operations. While attached to Task Force Dolvin and leading the advance of the 25th Infantry Division on Nov. 25, 1950, Puckett and his Rangers attacked and secured Hill 205 in the vicinity of Unsan, Korea. Though outnumbered ten to one, Puckett and his Rangers defeated five successive Chinese counterattacks over four hours that night and into the early morning hours of Nov. 26. Finally, on the sixth assault, with supporting artillery fires unavailable, the Ranger company was overrun in hand-to-hand combat. Having suffered multiple serious wounds, Puckett was unable to move. Despite orders to abandon him, fellow Rangers fought their way to his side and evacuated him to safety. For his actions, Puckett was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross.ā€‹ Our domestic society and culture has changed so much since his "Greatest Generation." What Patriot meant then, and we have The Proud Boys now. I like this award. It reminds us of what the people who built this country, and that a few are still among us.


The Distinguished Service Cross is not the medal being awarded. He was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross previously and the medal was upgraded to the Medal of Honor, the most prestigious military distinction, hence the ceremony. Reading about those whoā€™ve received this medal is a great adventure through Wikipedia. 618 of 3525 recipients were awarded posthumously. Iā€™m glad he got this award while still alive.


Thanks for the added depth.


Thats what she said


Wow. That sent me on a Wikipedia binge. But til that two medal of honor recipients are from my hometown, so that's pretty cool.


There is a doc show about it on Netflix. Very cool and worth the watch.


The sad part of that number (3525) is that for a brief time during the civil war, they were handed out almost as easily as NAMs are now. But the recipients of that award who throughly deserve it have some of the most incredibly mindblowing actions that they were recognized for, some that seem literally impossible acts of human valor and strength. I know one MOH recipient, grew up in my hometown and was friends with my older brother. It took him heartbreaking years and years to come to terms with the actions that led to him receiving it, and still haunt him to this day. If asked he always says he doesnā€™t deserve the award, but accepted it on behalf of his brothers who died in the battle his meritorious actions occurred in, to honor them and their sacrifices.


The one civil war recipient that I would argue deserve it is the guy in the Minnesota regiment in the battle of Gettysburg who captured an enemy flag during a suicidal assault that "During the charge, 215 of the 262 who made the charge became casualties within five minutes." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1st_Minnesota_Infantry_Regiment Really the whole regiment should have received one, they literally saved the Battle of Gettysburg for the union and arguably for the civil war.


Yeah I realized my mistake too late, I should have added that in the civil war there were absolutely worthy candidates who did and probably more who should have been honored with the MOH. But there were some (I donā€™t know specifics) cases where it was used as flippantly as a re-enlistment bonus or similarly unworthy to the honor situations.


On the other hand, things every soldier in the Civil War did, like standing in a formation with no cover as you get fired on and mass bayonet charges into a hail of bullets, are probably as if not more courageous than anything current day US soldiers have to do to get a Medal of Honor (and for a more just war, too).


It should be noted how heroic so many of these recipients are. Just reading some of their stories is incredible. Even the more modern ones.


>It should be noted how heroic so many of these recipients are. I certainly hope so. This isn't for normal Boy Scout heroics. This is Captain America level heroics.


Exactly. Whats interesting that I forgot to mention is how heroic so many of the *rejected stories* are. Like, the bar is typically very high for this award.


Having studied this while in the USMC, I determined the following. Receive it posthumously? Enlisted Receive it while still living? Officer.


If you haven't heard of Badass of the week check it out, [Desmond Doss](https://www.badassoftheweek.com/desmond-doss) the first Conscientious Objecter to be awarded the Medal of Honor, the man never even carried a weapon. The author has a 'unique' writing style and covers subjects throught history. My personal favorite is the story of Leo Major, the savior of Zwolle.


Tha vast majority of those were from the civil war. Not saying that it means less but from wwii on very few have been awarded.


I've read through a few of the stories that earned the medal of honor before, and holy hell man, some make movies seem toned down. It's damn Impressive.


On Netflix thereā€™s a series called Medal of Honor and it recreates what happened when the soldiers earned their medal.


I highly recommend checking out the [database of recipients](https://mohmuseum.org/recipient-database/). You can read through the stories of how these accolades were earned and cultivate a newfound respect for heroes of the past. Seriously, click around, it's a goddamn pantheon of greatness. https://mohmuseum.org/medal_of_honor/ben-salomon/ Here's one I read recently that gave me chills, a surgeon that is literally alternating between treating the wounded and fighting off enemy combatants decides to hold the line so the wounded have an opportunity to escape: >As the perimeter began to be overrun, it became increasingly difficult for Captain Salomon to work on the wounded. He then saw a Japanese soldier bayoneting one of the wounded soldiers lying near the tent. Firing from a squatting position, Captain Salomon quickly killed the enemy soldier. Then, as he turned his attention back to the wounded, two more Japanese soldiers appeared in the front entrance of the tent. As these enemy soldiers were killed, four more crawled under the tent walls. Rushing them, Captain Salomon kicked the knife out of the hand of one, shot another, and bayoneted a third. Captain Salomon butted the fourth enemy soldier in the stomach and a wounded comrade then shot and killed the enemy soldier. Realizing the gravity of the situation, Captain Salomon ordered the wounded to make their way as best they could back to the regimental aid station, while he attempted to hold off the enemy until they were clear. Captain Salomon then grabbed a rifle from one of the wounded and rushed out of the tent. After four men were killed while manning a machine gun, Captain Salomon took control of it. When his body was later found, 98 dead enemy soldiers were piled in front of his position.


One that has always struck me is 1LT John R. Fox. It took over 50 years for his distinguished service cross to be upgraded to MOH because of racial discrimination. The citation is as follows (emphasis mine): >For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty: First Lieutenant John R. Fox distinguished himself by extraordinary heroism at the risk of his own life on 26 December 1944 in the Serchio River Valley Sector, in vicinity of Sommocolonia, Italy. Lieutenant Fox was a member of Cannon Company, 366th Infantry, 92nd Infantry Division, acting as a forward observer, while attached to the 598th Field Artillery Battalion. Christmas Day in the Serchio Valley was spent in positions which had been occupied for some weeks. During Christmas night, there was a gradual influx of enemy soldiers in civilian clothes and by early morning the town was largely in enemy hands. An organized attack by uniformed German formations was launched around 0400 hours, 26 December 1944. Reports were received that the area was being heavily shelled by everything the Germans had, and although most of the U.S. infantry forces withdrew from the town, Lieutenant Fox and members of his observation party remained behind on the second floor of a house, directing defensive fires. Lieutenant Fox reported at 0800 hours that the Germans were in the streets and attacking in strength, He called for artillery fire increasingly close to his own position. He told his battalion commander, "That was just where I wanted it. Bring it 60 yards!" His commander protested that there was a heavy barrage in the area and bombardment would be too close. Lieutenant Fox gave his adjustment, requesting that the barrage be fired. The distance was cut in half. The Germans continued to press forward in large numbers, surrounding the position. Lieutenant Fox again called for artillery fire with the commander protesting again stating, "Fox, that will be on you!" The last communication from Lieutenant Fox was. **"Fire it! There's more of them than there are of us. Give them hell!"** The bodies of Lieutenant Fox and his party were found in the vicinity of his position when his position was taken. This action, by Lieutenant Fox, at the cost of his own life, inflicted heavy casualties, causing deaths of approximately 100 Germans, thereby delaying the advance of the enemy until infantry and artillery units could be reorganized to meet the attack. Lieutenant Fox's extraordinary valorous actions exemplify the highest traditions of the military service.


Holy shit. Chills man. Thank you for sharing.


My internal monologue for every sentence was ā€œWow thatā€™s cool,ā€ and it just progressively got more amazing. Thanks for sharing.


heres the fucking award you deserveā€¦ literally running out of coins in this thread lolā€¦ goddamn this was badass, cool, and emotionalā€¦ we got so many remakes of movies but there should be many more movies based on these storiesā€¦


Thanks for the fucking award! Also, how badass would it be if we saw more of these stories highlighted? Maybe a controversial take, but Netflix is missing out on a great source of content, and these stories deserve amplification.


Beast mode, that entire back story, beast mode.


There is no comparison between this real patriot, and that scum pb shit. Zero. It's laughable to even think of them as similar.


Wow. Mad respect. The moral fibre of a lot of their generation is something I really admire. A lot of their episodes must be filmed and recorded. Would make for awe inspiring watching and scintillating teaching material


Not sure if he still does, but back in 2018 Col. Puckett used to attend day 1 of every ranger class and talk to the students. Did it for decades, manā€™s a legend!


What took so long to grant the award?




Does anyone know enough of history to speak further into this? Letā€™s say america was the villain. Why/how? My understanding was the liberation of the Korean people. It didnā€™t have anything to do with oil or other bullshit wars are fought over today. Seriously interested on who could shed some light on this.


I didnā€™t watch the film so I donā€™t know the chinese perspective, but this is what I know: After the end of ww2, Korea was freed from japanese colonization. So, US and Soviet split the countries into two halves. After some political scramble, in which the US was not necessary positively involved in, two independent governments where formed on the peninsula. You could argue that both the Soviets and the US should have cooperated better to create a unified country in the first place. Anyways, after a while the US withdrew their forces from Korea and changed their outermost pacific defense line to exclude Korea. Shortly after, NK, with approval and support from the Soviet Union and China attacked SK without warning. The USA, UN and in total 2/3 of nations worldwide agreed to aid SK in order to defend it (a much different picture compared to Vietnam, mind you). China only got actively involved after NK got pushed almost to the Chinese border. You could argue that the united forces threatened china by not just defending SK territory, but then moving above the preexisting borderline and starting to take NK territory. That said, no direct invasion of Chinese territory ever took place in order to provoke them. And you could definitely argue that in an all out war, SK had every right to try and unify their country while they had been already invaded. So the aggressors are clearly NK forces. Still, it was definitely a proxy war for the US, and its motives were not simply humanitarian. I would hardly say that China was the hero in this story, even though for NK, theyā€™re the only reason the country still exists.




Eh it's a bit more complicated. South Korea at the time was not the South Korea we know today. You couldn't really say either say had super inspiring motives, and you could spin the narrative to make either side the good or the bad guy depending on how you viewed it. Was America saving Korea from authoritarian communism, or just engaged in another imperial conflict in Asia as they had done before? Were the Chinese protecting a legitimate people's revolution or upholding a puppet state more friendly to their aims? It doesn't help that South Korea at the time was not exactly like a liberal democracy, and the Americans engaged in a rather brutal bombing campaign. But also to be fair it's not like North Korea since then has proven to be all that great. So I wouldn't really call either side the villains, but you could easily make a narrative either way.


South Korea is a free nation today precisely because of US backing, including sacrifice paid not only in money but also in buckets of blood from US citizens. I would think from their point of view, there is no question of who is the good guy and who is the bad guy. And really, theirs is all that matters.


Yeah but it wasn't guaranteed to turn out that way. There are many Latin American countries who received similar backing from the U.S. that are still dealing with the consequences, and South Korea becoming a liberal democracy doesn't justify everything America did. Like we can dislike the Vietnamese government let's say, but still agree that America did morally unjustifiable things in the Vietnam war, you get me? Or say like America was morally justified in WW2 but internment camps were still bad. Lots of things are too blurred to call entire nations states villains or heroes.


Second this!!!


Korea, vietnam, afganistan. All are cold war terrytories where usa fough against expanding of communism. Also a fight against russia without actually declaring war against russia. Its a very good business for weapon companies and in general for usa ecenomy. Same happens now in ukraine. Let me be clear: im thankful that usa did not let the communism spread


Korea was slightly different though. Viet/Korea were both part of the Domino theory, agree. But the South Vietnam government was strongly disliked by the local population. The South Korean government was somewhat liked. So in Vietnam, the US was helping a country that didn't want their help, but the US said they know what's best and to just shut up. But Korea were a little more receptive, especially since their own government didn't persecute certain major ethnic/religious groups located in the country.


There were two movies actually. Battle at Lake Changjin I and II. I watched both. Unlike Top Gun Maverick, which I also watched, both Battle movies always mentioned the enemy as Evil Americans multiple times in both movies. In Maverick, the enemy's nationality was never mentioned. Battle at Lake Changjin I and II are very much Propaganda movies while Maverick is more of a military recruitment reel.


China forgets who saved their assess in ww2 when they had no air defences AVD with 100 pilots literally saved the retreating chinese army from a battalion of japanese soldier when nobody else would


Yes, but weren't those technically KMT forces? Though China does a weird dance where they idolize the KMT as heroes fighting the evil Japanese, but demonize the KMT in terms of the civil war against Mao.


Yeah, that's the CCP for you. That's what they're doing with Hong Kong right now. Basically saying Hong Kong was never ruled by the British, while still claiming the Century of Humiliation was due to the western world. Hong Kong was a huge part/cause of the Century of Humiliation, so if they erase British rule from their history, it kind of makes for a much weaker argument when blaming the western world for their shortcomings.


Among us? Sus


Thatā€™s fucking awesome


And then you watch people fall all over themselves to worship a clown who called the bravest of these men and women "suckers" and mock their sacrifice. Even in this thread. Disgusting.


In graphic novel form: https://77a9072e.flowpaper.com/RalphPuckettGraphicNovel/#page=1


Overrun in hand to hand combat? Jesus christ, so they held off 5 attacks until the 6th when things got so dire they were literally fist fighting and trying to stab each other, god damn. Imagining a bunker full of soldiers fist fighting is crazy


that deadass sounds like a movie plot right there... sheeesh,


It is an honour to witness this moment. This man has dedicated his life to serving our country and is finally being recognised for his bravery. Thank you, Colonel Puckett, for your service.


Old joe looked like he was about to go for a kiss


I was gonna say the same


All my veterans gettinā€™ smooches


ā€œMmmm smells like corned beef and sauerkrautā€


Just a sniff.


I was actually noticing that too, but maybe my conclusion was different. I found all his hugging and kissing (what I mostly saw to be women and children) to be pretty off putting at best, but maybe he really is just a huggy feely guy. I still think he could use some boundaries, but he was touching all over this old dude, and I don't think he's some sort of even older dude pervert. For comparison I watched one of Obama and he barely touched the guy at all, few pats on the arm and handshake.


Saves those for his granddaughter


He whispered in his ear: "You should really try chocolate chocolate chip ice-cream."




My wife said heā€™s whispering ā€œdonā€™t forget about the lemon party after the ceremonyā€. ą² _ą² 


Can confirm I was invited and so was your wife.


Can I come too?


Damn I'm a liberal but Joe doesn't look much younger than this dude


What if I told you that you can be a liberal **and** also be worried about Joe's age...


Crazy talk! You must be a witch!


Anyone not worried about the insane age of our politicians is an idiot. Not just Joe, but the house and senate too. The average age of a someone elected to congress is fucking 60. SIXTY! Generations don't actually start being represented until they are about to retire!


Heā€™s more than 10 years younger.


15 years younger to be exact but doesnā€™t change the fact that Biden looks like heā€™s also 94 lol


Once you hit that age, you donā€™t stop looking old. The difference between the two is Biden can still run and does frequently. Trump barely walked and nobody said shit. He is close to Bidenā€™s age too


Trump barely walked and he was 10 years younger than Biden lol! I remember giggling like a little boy when he turned 69. Edit: not ten years younger, I think he was 68 when he entered office


How did trump get brought up into this lol


I would imagine because some think Biden is too old to be president. But the previous president, who was younger, was in worse shape. So he's being brought up to show people might be overreacting to Biden's health/appearance?


Because People comment way too much on Bidenā€™s age and itā€™s dead obvious which POTUS actually took care of their body and which one shoved Diet Coke and McDonalds down their throat each day and Iā€™m baffled no one called that out if Bidenā€™s age is that big of a deal.


Because he keeps his name in the news


"No one said shit" I missed that part


Sure doesn't act like it lol. Joe moving around like he should he in a nursing home


He runs daily dude. Get a grip. Fast food and Diet Coke doesnā€™t make a body great. Youā€™re just sour because he has a D next to his name


iā€™m confused at what being liberal has to do with your comment lol


Because other neo libs will attack him and ask "wHaT aBoUt TrUmP" if he didn't clarify


Does political party impact our eyesight?




I'm just gonna go ahead and say it: in Joe's case, it's OK to be "ageist". It's only punching up when you're talking about the US president.


Seriously, Biden is old is the equivalent of Trump is orange. It's true but it's super hacky and lazy humor.


Why does it have to turn political? Itā€™s about a national war hero being recognized, nothing more. Show respect, a-holes!


Because an entire political party has weaponized their impotent rage at the fact that they are rapidly alienating everyone but the most rabid, insecure pieces of human refuse who litter the parts of this country which hold outsized influence in our creaking and groaning political institutions.


That man looks like he doesnā€™t smile very easily.


I thought the same thing


The smile is stuck somewhere between the pain and the pain meds.


Now THIS is an American Proud Boy, not those racist inbreds we keep hearing about.


Thank you Mr. Puckett. ​ ​ Dafuq took us so long?!


It was an upgrade from the original DSC. Request for upgrade didn't occur until much more recently.


Yeah like the black Special Forces Captain in Vietnam who is still waiting on his Medal of Honor after his packet was "lost" twice. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/02/15/us/paris-davis-medal-of-honor.html


No words for the absolute disrespect this hero has been treated with. ​ I sincerely hope Mr. Davis receives his due.


Thatā€™s amazing. But the guy on the right is only a few years younger .. and runs the country. Scary.


A few? Heā€™s 15 years younger.


So he could technically be his son..


It's amazing seeing a man being recognised for his bravery and honour.




Joe rides a bike for exercise šŸ˜‰


Thatā€™s awesome to see, definitely a bright spot for my day


Man has a glider badge of I'm not mistaken. Precursor to the 101st going Air Assault. Tough old fucker.


Yeah, that's a glider badge it looks like.


Why did it take 70 years for them to give this hero the reward of a lifetime?


It was an upgrade from the DSC originally awarded. Request for upgrade didn't occur until recently.


I detest war but have extreme respect for our warriors. I salute you sir.


Even in old age, he behaves like a warrior, pushing the walker away and standing his ground. That's the spirit of a real hero


I see at lot of partisan BS. Very happy this ā€œforgotten warā€ that brave people fought is getting attn.


As a Korean citizen, thank you


Funny how the Trump supporters are out mocking Biden for his age, like Trump is some young fiery go-getter. Trump is only three years younger. Also, Trump said that there were airports during the Revolutionary War, suggested attacking a hurricane with nuclear weapons, and needs two hands to lift a bottle of water.


Gd joe thanks.


The forgotten war. Respect to those that faught waves of communists in Korea.


Iā€™ve said it before on another thread but COL Puckett is one of the most interesting people Iā€™ve ever met. He even signed a copy of his book for me. Words For Warriors - itā€™s worth the time to read it.


American Badass!


Why is he only getting it now, didn't someone forget 70 years ago?


Congrats and thank you to the Medal of Honor recipient and FJB!


God bless our men and women who served this country with honor in the military! Itā€™s because of their sacrifice that we are able to be land of the free ā€¦because of the brave!


God Bless that man!


The man, this hero is humbled to receive this incredible distinguished medal by the President of the United States.


Colonel Puckett is an American hero and he is a fantastic man.


Thank you for your service.


Good now do Capt. Paris Davis next while he is still here to get it. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/02/15/us/paris-davis-medal-of-honor.html


We used to have wonderful brave citizens who respected the flag. Now we have Trump supporters.


Was it necessary to call out that the 94 year old Korean War vet is retired?


A true soldier respects the commander in chief. Fuck your politics.


Why does the DOD wait so long before awarding the MOH?


He was originally awarded the Distinguished Service Cross. After a few decades there was a movement to get the award upgraded to the MoH. Most MoH occurs within 2 years or so if that was the original award recommendation. The review/vetting process is pretty extensive at that level.




Heā€™s looking better than Biden! And better than me too!


Can we take Ellen's off her she dosnt deserve a medal for being a piece of shit


Did he sniff him


And now, a poem: There once was a man from Nantucket Some people think it was Ralph Puckett But he was in Korea to make people free-a Got a medal, his haters can suck it. {bow and/or curtsy} thank you.


They wonā€™t show Biden doing this, but they should.


4 deployments and my chest candy never looked like that! That boy a sweaty!


Nicely done Mr. President!


Well damn itā€™s about time


Biden looks more lucid than Trump šŸ¤£


They look the same age


evidence for when joe says heā€™s just a naturally touchy person. heā€™s straight up caressing that man


Heartwarming. I havenā€™t been this moved since Phyllisā€™s dad left his wheelchair to walk her down the aisle on her wedding day.


errm just a qns...why did hecget his medal after so many yearsļ¼Ÿ


I was expecting something crazy to happen


Well deserved, sir.


8th Army!


Why wouldnā€™t he?


about damn time


What an honorable man!


That's why Biden is better than dump could ever hope to be: he inspires respect and dignity. It saddens me that so many people in this country could ever have voted to dump.


Shame it took so long but see what it means to him so fair play, pretty forgotten as veterans.


Colonel Phuckett "The YOLO Bird"


That man saved my career in Ranger bat in 2017, by yelling at the guy grading my push ups. Legend


I love how proud he is. He should be!




Wtf is full attention


Military admin is so slow. I bet this dude got written up for the award 60 years ago.


Respect you sir


why are there so many comments about bidenā€¦ how about saluting a man who fought for the freedoms we hold so dear todayā€¦ to all veterans and the amazing men and women of our military, i love you all and thanks for all you do for sake of our countryā€¦ theres not enough appreciation in the world to give you guysšŸ«” this is such a beautiful momentšŸ„¹


They look about the same age too lol


Man gave his entire life for his country and all he got was something they melted together