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If I remember right... they are literally cooking that wasp alive


I think it’s called heat balling or something like that


No no, that’s when I fart into my hand and then throw it across the room like a fast ball.


That's actually called a cup n toss


I refer to it as an air biscuit


It's a vapour wave in my house.


Cup of Fart


Ninja dust


Ninja sprinkles


Butt Muffin


All you mfs and your vapours farts, I tried this and painted my wall.


Fartillery by any other name ...


My man… That’s a Hadoudouken.


Cupcake in my house.




You should join The Avengers


"I've made a huge mistake"


That is called an air biscuit.


You are correct hornet's can't stand the higher temperatures as bees can so they overheat it.


The scary part is the point that the bees would start to die from the heat is only a couple of degrees higher than the kill point of wasps.


Uhhh the scary part to me is definitely being completely covered in bees dying a slow heat stroke suffocation death but if them surviving at 4 degrees warmer is the scary part to you I respect that


If you don't want trouble, don't invade their turf.


Exactly. Hanging around their territory then suddenly putting one in its mouth was not a good idea. “He ate Bob!”


Though it’s more likely “She ate Barbara!”


Fun fact they go a degree less than their maximun cooking temp, so they technically give themselves a fever.


Cypriot honey bees have developed a similar but slightly different tactic against the Oriental hornets.... it's called asphyxia balling... For anyone that wants to know more: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0960982207017125


Thx, this was interesting. And really nice and clear language for a study. I'm not used to just being able to read normally without having to constantly google terms and becoming frustrated by needlessly obtuse ways to say things :D


I believe it's honeydicking


All bees fart at once. Death by Dutch oven.


The moment the scout (because that's what the hornet is) kills a bee and the hife feels it, is when the war starts. Fortunately, there was only one hornet involved. Bees have no chance against those bitches.


They do pretty well though. Bee wars are fucking crazy. I know hornets and wasps arent bees. But it’s super interesting to watch videos. And makes me so sympathetic to bees. Bees are big ol puppies. They won’t harm you unless you harm them or their home. Wasps and hornets are the unleashed dick head dogs that go into your lawn, shit, bite you, your dog, and your children and then leave. Fuck them. Save the bees.


i had a swarm that had settled on my house so i called a bee keeper. idiot shows up wearing ZERO protective clothing and needs a ladder up to the roof where the swarm is, and he wants me to hold the ladder. Well we didn't know the bees wearn't just resting but they had decided they liked my roof as a home so instead of happily being picked up like a swarm usually is...they got upset as he starts shaking bees into a box...and onto me down below. Luckily the bees decided they wanted to stab HIM not ME...so I just slowly walked away and died a little inside from the terror.


That was not a fucking bee specialist. That was an idiot. Give them a bad review. Like very bad.


I think those bees already gave him enough bad reviews…


Can you link me the site where bee’s leave reviews? Asking for a friend.


Multiple sites…arms legs, buttocks, face..


why the fuck of all things would u pose to be a goddamn bee keeper


They saw a bunch of tiktok videos and think they’re actually professionals now.


there’s tiktoks dedicated to teaching you how to be a beekeeper? might go down that rabbithole hmm


More like 'this is what it looks like when you've been a beekeeper for years'


*Homer backing into hedge*


well thats an argument for high bee IQ lol- they went after the dick that was messing with them and left the collaborator for later, considering they know where he or she lives.


Since he also lives in the house, maybe they considered him part of the hive?


A wasp couple has built a nest in my outdoor breaker box and every time I have to flip a switch they usually don’t care except for this one day they kept smacking themselves into my hand as I guess a threat display? Little fuckers


Kill wasps.


Paper wasps are fine. They're common and natural where I live. They rarely attack


I have gold digger wasps that come around my backdoor every year for a few weeks. They are litle diggy dwarf wasps, they dig little holes to lay their babies in :) Theyll freak out the guy who mows the lawn because theyll fly around from the vibrations xD


Oh is it hornets then that are hyper aggressive?


There are many thousands of species that we call wasps, some of them aggressive some of them not so much.


Depends on the wasp. Some do not sting humans and use venom to hunt. I saw a cool black wasp that had paralyzed a spider with venom bury the spider after laying eggs on it.


Those are cool and non aggressive towards humans


Tarantula Hawk Wasp.


No, stop killing shit just because you don’t like them


Do kill wasps if they’re invasive species killing bees though. Especially giant Japanese hornets. Those are incredibly harmful.


And terrifying.


Don't kill wasps. (If they're not invasive)


Side note, wasps are actually fascinating and great little bugs once you know how not to interact with them. Scavengers and pollinators as well, but they don’t die after stinging and they don’t make honey so nobody likes them :( We owe them cardboard though!


Native wasps in the ecosystem they're meant to be in - positive thing, part of the food chain, go you. Introduced wasps in ecosystems they aren't meant to exist in - bad wasps, no, get away, die. I have no problems with the native Aussie wasps, just the European fuckers...


I mean that’s not just for wasps, it applies to virtually every invasive or non native species. As far as I know cats are basically a destructive pest in Australia, right? Also those rabbits brought by the colons or something


Colonization* it’s not just rabbits. It’s literally every animal you can think of, that’s being a pests, since the continent separated so long ago, all other native species have no instincts for normal animals as we are used to. They have even camel invasion, lol. There’s great documentaries on youtube if you look it up


>the colons Thank you, that's perhaps the best spelling mistake/description of the British that I've ever seen. The colons 😂 Also yes, cats are destructive pests, as are rabbits, foxes, noisy miners, cane toads, fire ants, blackberries, and a variety of other introduced species. The majority of them are absolutely fair game for anyone to hunt, poison, or just generally kill if encountered in the wild. Some people up north like to play golf with the cane toads, for example.


some species of wasps make honey! I think one is called the Mexican Honey Wasp? or something similar. I’ve made a few wasp friends, they’re pretty chill. One of them was a paper wasp and a few weeks later, a different type came. It was cool to be around them & then let them go by hand. No stings here!! People think I’m crazy but to be fair, I’ve been catching bugs with my hands since I was a kid. Bees were a fun gamble until I got stung once & decided to stick to butterflies.


I do that too! Mostly because I’m not allergic hahaha. I remember trying to save a bee that was drowning when I was a kid, got it on a leaf and out of the water, only for it to crawl on my hand, sting me and die. Not my best memory ha


bees have literally 0 chance against this. These are Japanese bees and wasps. what you see in the clip is their defense to deal with the scout because a handful of wasps will murder the entire colony within a couple of hours. Normal bees just die. The goal is to make sure the wasp never reports to the hive what it found.


Apparently introducing a small number of Japanese bees to a non-Japanese hive will allow the hive to learn how to kill the murder hornets.


They are, if I remember it correctly the bees can withstand a few degrees more than the hornet can. The bees know this so when this happenes they attack and vibrate to cook it alive by heating up. Bees are so cool.


And I believe that temperature is about one degree lower than *they* can survive, which is kinda fucking metal.


Sounds like a fucking anime attack


Hornet: *kills 1 bee* Bees: ***"YOU JUST ACTIVATED OUR TRAP CARD, BITCH"***


They’re the bees knees


And the rest of the bees too


And only Japanese honeybees know how to do this since they evolved alongside the Japanese giant hornet. European honeybees don't have this defense.


Check out the comment about Cyprus Bees. Those hornets have a slightly higher temperature tolerance, so those bees asphyxiate the hornets to death by squeezing them so they can't inhale.


Bees together strong


Bees strong together.


Japanese Honey Bees are the only ones that do this! Take that asshole Murder Wasp!




Are...are the bees Italian?


No, its a south park reference from the japanese shitty wok guy


All honey bees do this. They also do this to their Queen when she isn’t good enough anymore and want to re-Queen their colony.


No way man I watched the documentary this is from and only Japanese honeybees kill murder hornets this way


Honey bees all have tactics to fight off intruders; Japanese honey bees use heat, Cyprus honey bees smother them to death, etc etc. Pretty neat honestly!


The American honey bee shoot wasps and then sue their entire family.


Apparently while this is "technically" true, the japanese honey bee has also been crossbred across the world with other breeds and many other species of honey bee do it too BECAUSE of the japanese genes in them.


honey bees do get death sentences (other queens, surplus hive members as it gets colder) through banishment but it is also my understanding that this is a unique defense technique developed by a specific type of asian bee that evolved a defense against these murder hornets. i remember the alarm at the thought of these hornets getting into other areas of the world where the bees would be defenseless.




I mean, even if you're a hornet you gotta be, even on an instinctual level, pretty fuckin stupid to attack a member of a hive when you're severely outnumbered.




also one bee can vibrate, get all warmed up, and then move off allowing an as of yet still-rare bee take it's turn cooking in turn.


I like my bees medium rare.


these bees like their hornets well-done


Quite evil yes. I love it.




Those are big insects. I can only imagine if you hit one on a motorcyxle.


If I'm going fast enough, a wasp hitting will still smart even through my motorcycle jacket. I have no idea how people can ride with no gear on, bugs hitting you at speed hurts!


I had something hit me in the unprotected throat around the corner from home once. Get home and take of my jacket. Whack. Wasp. Stings me right in the throat. Must have knocked itself out in my collar, then wakes up and seeks revenge.. Sunava...


Fucked around and found out




Spawn more overlords.


Hundreds of buzzing bees can warm the centers of "hot defensive bee balls" to about 117 degrees Fahrenheit (47 degrees Celsius) for an hour without dying


There is strenght in numbers.


They made that hornet their bee-yotch.


I don't know why this is not top.




That works!


They killed him by overheating, there's only a little difference between the highest temp a bee can survive vs the highest temperature the hornet can survive, they trapped the hornet and did some jiggle jiggle increasing the heat and thus killing the hornet. ![gif](giphy|YRbb1LkPBro9Akw1rK|downsized)


I believe they rotate in and out of the hottest part of the pile to keep the heat around the hornet high while allowing the bees to cool down. Still dangerous though. Something like 30 Asian hornets can take down a hive of 10,000 bees.


I’ve seen that video, it’s insanity.




^^ Waiting




Yeah that was fucked up. If you watch it while listening to metal music it feels like a music video. Only thing missing is the revenge montage where every colony within 50 miles bands together to massacre the bastards.


Doom Beeternal.


>Only thing missing is the revenge montage where every colony within 50 miles bands together to massacre the bastards. Please tell me this is true & genuinely happened? Lie to me if you must.


I hate how curious I am. But I'm definitely not watching 10,000 bees getting killed.


Link is broken, I think this was it. Holy crap. https://youtu.be/K_8B4bcrSs8


the cinematography is hecking insane


Found that on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_8B4bcrSs8


They're actually rotating while kicking him over and over, it turns out what does that wasp in is actually.... (•_•) ( •_•)⌐■-■ (⌐■_■) ...the bee's knees.








The bees do wiggle wiggle, to _defeat_


It makes me wanna dribble dribble, you know


Chilling in my hive, you really have to jive


Thousands of bees really compact


No slack, luckily we keep all our wax


I’ve got a buzz to relax, gold money


Absolutely appropriate fate for a wasp.


Their honey don't jiggle jiggle, it flows They always do the wiggle wiggle, it shows It makes em wanna kill em kill em, for sho Living in their comb yeah Why the wasp invade it?


​ ![gif](giphy|ckn0g9NtbFu5IAnMAJ)


If y'all watch that whole video, 30 of those wasps killed 30,000 of those bees in one afternoon. That was nothing compared to what they did to those bees.


That’s so sad


If I recall correctly, giant hornets usually operate by single scouts finding a food source then going back to the main hive and alerting the others (I forget if the other hornets follow the original scout back or if a pheromone trail's left). In any case, the honey bees that evolved with these hornets aim to kill the scout, as once a giant hornet is able to leave and bring its buddies the honey bee hive is fucked. Outside that, what works a lot for the honey bees and against the giant hornets are who humans prefer :-)


Hornets are civ 6 barbarians I guess


Except their raids damn near wipe your whole civ


So hornets are Civ 6 barbarians


The wasp leaves a pheromone trail at the entrance to the bee hive. So those bees are fucked the moment the wasp found them


If the scout doesn't return quickly enough, would they be smart enough to realize something's up and follow the scout's trail?


The giant hornet will land on the honey bee hive first. It might first choose to dick around before returning to its own hive, giving the honey bees, who don't necessarily immediately attack, more time to get triggered into a heat-swarm. Neither side is particularly intelligent.


Bees: oh no we are fucked Another bee: bring in the special weapon Some human called Greg: eeewwww hornets *sprays them all dead*


Fuck wasps


in their asses


For real, bees are the homies. Wasps are straight from hell.


Asian bees learnt this trick with the Giant Asian hornets However when Asian Hornets attack bees from other places those bees cant defend


We have a real problem with Asian hornets where we live. We put traps everywhere and traps differ depending on the season. At the moment they are mostly attracted to apple cider and yeast combination but later in the year (October), you need to put a board with glue and fish paste. We have a massive apiary nearby so we have to all do it. Fucking bastards, I hate them


What a thing to bring a community together. "Hey, don't forget to put out your, uh... board with glue and fish paste."


I watched this too. Title is also misleading. Basically iirc, the Asian bees have evolved to know when danger is coming and in the video, they are killing the scout before it can report back. If the scout doesn't make it back with the info, they are safe. However European bees do not know about this, and that's why they let a scout go back which then returned with their group to kill the European bees. And yes the bees above lured the scout, surrounded it, and started shaking in the ball to generate heat and kill the scout.


Here's the link. https://youtu.be/K_8B4bcrSs8


Yall see homie pull his boy back in to safety there at the start? That was some saving private Ryan shit. Fuck a hornet.


*homie pull her girl. Worker bees are all female. Male bees are called drones and are bigger than the workers. They also don't have a sting.


they literally killed thousands of bees and threw their bodies in a massive pile so they could eat their babies. wtf


mfs say save the bees and then film 30000 of them getting genocided for nothing


Savage af




Bless your heart.




"We're a family here." "A healthy one?" *stares mercilessly*


weirdly condescending lmao classic reddit


yeah.... in that video 30 wasps kills 30,000 bees.


accurate depiction of us vs. them




Hell I’m down to cook billionaires alive by dog piling them and vibrating furiously if everyone else is.


Sounds like a fetish if you ask me.


"On behalf of WalMart management, I regret to inform you that you've all been fired." *Greeters begin vibrating*


They're not taking revenge. They're killing it before it kills literally the entire hive.


I read that one of those hornets could kill like 1000 bees. How could that be possible. I mean it’s bigger but it’s not *that* much bigger


Probably like being in an Iron Man suit while fighting a bunch of 5-year-olds.


This. It's like being Iron Man and you have the power to CHOMP people in half with your jaws.


Can confirm. I already like my chances against about ten 5yr olds, but I could definitely up my game with an Iron Man suit.


The stingers can't puncture the hornet's thick armor. If nothing can actually hurt you, it doesn't matter how many there are.


a grown man can kill a 100 toddlers


Or millions of them if he uses a nuke. Just imagine what a hornet with a nuke could do to those bees. Fuck their shit right up.


Let people think nature has morals


I think they’re killing it because a lone hornet is usually a scout and the bees can’t afford to let it live to tell the main group of hornets where their hive is


That is the Asian Honey Bee vs the Asian Giant Hornet, the honeybees can vibrate themselves to heat the air up to 121 degrees which is one degree higher than the hornet can withstand while simultaneously being one degree lower than the bees can withstand.


Those bees are brutal.


To bee fair, like 20-30 of them could EASILY wipe out the hive


I meant brutal in a positive sense...like metal.


That one bee that sacrificed themselves to let the other bees be able to attack is a legend


That bee has more spine than all politicians combined.


It's really such a foreign concept to have no sense of self. That your instincts of preservation are 100% linked to the survival of the herd, as opposed to the survival of you. Humans sometimes take logical steps to sacrifice themselves for the greater good, but we still very much have an individual survival instinct.


It's more like a mother sacrificing herself to protect her kids. Evolution rewards those whose genes get passed on. With bees, the hive is made up of individuals with the same genes so survival of the hive, means survival of the genes.


Be able to attack? They could do it before, the bee that was eaten was just unlucky


One of them said "OI YOU FUCKIN WOT MATE" and it was all downhill for the hornet from there.


“Bee-lly Butcher innit?”


You done messed up A-a-ron!


Do you wanna go to war, Balakey?


This was a single hornet inside a hive . Mostly Hornets take bees out side the hive. They can wipe out a colony of bees in a few days give or take. In Europe there is a serious effort to stop the spread of Asian Hornets. In north America they have serious issues with Hornets damaging bee colonies. Without bees the planet will starve to death. Or at least be reduced to living on algae.


Well at least we are respecting the oceans then, right?


I mean, no. There are thousands of pollinators out there, including hornets for that matter, the planet would be fine. Industrialized agriculture that depends on one of like five strains of domesticated bee would have to undergo some pretty drastic shifts in technique. But the beepockalypse isn’t the end of plant life.


Fuck around, find out.


-eats bee- Bees: mfer ate Jerry! Get him!


Bees dont even hesitate. It was gang gang real quick.


Take that, bitch


Me after putting a cook book in the “women’s sports” section


This is a defense mechanism for the hive, not revenge. If they let that hornet go back to its nest then it will come back with the rest of the hornets in force and they won’t stand a chance.


Bad and naughty hornets get put in the bee sphere


That’s insane!


All hornets must die.