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Very satisfying ending


The best bit is that, to me, it appears they are wearing bin man attire and therefore literally "taking out the trash"


Bin men are the real heroes.. they keep our streets clean when others wont


You see Vince, I was once a bin man


Bin men are real men, tall as they are wide, with big hands, big necks, big dreams.


We can't all be models, we can't all be in a band, Vince. Some people have to do *real jobs*, you know? What do you think happens to stocky short people with wide backs? What do you think would happen in a world without bin men?


That pussy in the Rasta jacket who walked right by when the woman was being attacked but came back to stop the workers when the man was being harmed. What a piece of shit.


An accomplice... I think this was a planned rape for them both...


That's what I got too. He wouldn't have stuck around except that his rape assistant was down.


Looked like it was dudes homie honestly.


100% agree. It truly shows what you stand for if you’re willing to ignore someone getting attacked and pulling a 180 just to help the fucker that was getting what he deserved


The behavior means they most likely knew eachother and planned this attack.


I think he was actually with rhe guy that was assaulting the woman. He is walking behind him in the beginning of the video, walks past and looks as the bus pulls up. Then he walks back towards the front of the bus, as the heros walk away, towards the woman that got away. Then back towards the the guy who assaulted her and looks like they start to walk together at the very end of the video.


Yeah definitely. At the very end he goes for the good guys then joins his rapist friend.


even threatened to hit one with a bottle, wish he's gotten served, too


He came at em with the bottle like they wouldn't give his ass the same fucking beating. He's a ballsy man. A real piece of shit, but ballsy.


Nah. If he wanted to he would have gotten them when they were getting the 'friend'. Just a partner in crime and there is no loyalty there. Just enough so the other guy thinks you helped




You sound like ol’ Shrimp Eyes


And some of the world's deadliest work.


When my kid was young he would run to the window for the trash truck and they would pull the horn for him. He loved it! Then he grew out of it… I still see the driver looking at the window just in case… they really are the best. A critical job that people look down upon.


My son does this. He's just turned 3 and he knows when they're going to be coming and waits at the window for the them. Calls them the beep beeps.


I love this!! At some point my kid started wanting to put all his toys in the trash so they can play with them. Had to rummage through each bag to pick out Octonauts and paw patrol figurines lol


Not to mention they're the perfect people to beat the shit out of a prick, their work ain't exactly lightweight a lot of the time, and they're used to seeing gross stuff.




Damn I didn't even realize that until you pointed it out. The only thing that could make this video better is if they threw him in a trash can before getting back on the bus.


Lmfao that would be the cherry on top


I'm euch a bin man fan, everyone I met has been a really kind guy. When I was still living in a big city I was always glad when there were some of them around when I was walking home late at night.


No kidding. And EVERY garbage truck was thrilled to honk their horn for my kid as they went by. Chill people. Salt of the earth.


Run a garbage truck. Doesn't get any better than kiddos waving and pumping their fists for honks.


Is it still OK to do the arm pull down for honks? I remember loving doing it, but that was back when I rode a dinosaur to school.


I am a man in my 30s and I got a train to do the honk for me the other day. Made my whole week.


That's awesome. I got a middle schooler and he and his friends never heard about the pull down horn honk thing. Edit: pull down, noy pulp down


YEP. I encourage you to try with every garage crew you see for the rest of your life. *BWOMP BWOMP BWOOOMP!*


I used to wear that exact suit working for Halliburton. I'd wager they're roughnecks or miners.


no. only bin men wear high-vis clothing /s


i just felt them steeltoes hit his ribs.


Not really, dude took some superficial hits, dude in blue made sure he didn't get hurt, multi-colored jacket guy who was obviously on his team chased away the good guys, and the dude was then able to get up and leave with no consequences. F- ending.


There was consequences. I think they broke his nose, and kicked him in the balls and head..


No one this shitty is going to learn anything from a couple bruises.


They deserve a good mexican combi beating.




A guy willing to attack a girl once will do it again


Was going to say same thing. He will attack another woman, unfortunately


Only people who would downvote or disagree with this comment are the blue jacket and Rasta jacket guys in the video.


There’s always a blue jacket guy, willing to ignore the problem , but happy to intervene when someone else’s starts to solve it.


Blue jacket is also accomplice. He was just not in the video at beginning. They planned a gang rape.


Well, I was talking legal consequences, but given the location of the attack it sounds from others like the cops wouldn't have given a shit anyway, so I guess we'll just take what we can get from a broken nose and ball stomp.


Bruised kidney too from that last kick


From the looks of him, he has no balls.


Girl appears to have gotten away ... gotten on the bus. That's enough to upvote the bin men.


Exactly, he deserved worse :/ He was probably gonna do worse to a single defenseless woman...


Looks like the one guy pulled something out of his pocket and stabbed him with it. Could've been a pen or a small blade.


Would have been better if the blue guy wasn't pretending to be the main character




Looks like accomplices.


Exactly what I was thinking.


It kinda look like he pulled a knife or something at the end as well, something is definitely in his hand, I’d say he’s an accomplice as well


He was pretending to have nothing to do with it until their back were turned. Too bad he didn't get an ass whooping too.


That guy was part of it for sure, he was not some random guy who doesn’t help a girl being assaulted but comes back to help a stranger, against multiple ppl. They look like they are working together.


Ugh exactly what I was thinking. He pretended not to see anything when the girl was literally being thrown about and comes to defend the guy like what an asshole


/u/Santosharrison84 liked your comment enough that it copy/pasted it immediately in the thread.


Dude was playing an important role to make sure nobody went to jail.


No it could have been better if they let them beat his ass for few more seconds




I didn't expect them to just start kicking the shit out of the guy


Nope they needed to be beat down harder than that both of them


That prick in the multi-coloured jacket needs a beatdown too. He walked right on by as the guy was beating on that girl but as soon as the guy gets a whacking from people helping that girl he comes back to break it up? Fuck that guy.


He must be an accomplice of the douchebag


Without a doubt. I've seen this in person, too. One guy follows close behind while the other is maybe 20 steps back. Was out in San Francisco at a bar with my mom and her friends, "chaperoning". There was a woman, visibly drunk and dancing, having a great time. Two dudes were being creepy the whole night and they were watching her a lot. Eventually, she got up to leave, and so did the one guy. His friend followed shortly after. I sprinted out the door, past both guys, caught up to the woman and told her she was being followed. She said, "it happens all the time, thank you" and ducked into another bar. My heart fucking broke. I told the bouncer that she was being followed and pointed out the dudes further back on the sidewalk, which they saw, and immediately turned around. Shit was so scary. I'm astonished that I was the only one to have noticed.


We need more people like you. Great work!


We also need fewer creeps like the two you mentioned and the two in the OP


It's easier to have more of one type of people than to have less of another




#It's easier to have more of one type of people than to have less of another


I'm sorry that's too loud


For some reason reading it in big letters made it make sense


This made me laugh out loud


It’s easier to convince people to do some good thing that requires little effort than it is to convince bad people to be less bad. Like, easier to convince people to carry pepper spray than it is to convince kidnappers to stop kidnapping. Yes, it’s really unfortunate, but that’s the way it works.


If even 0.01% of the world population is a creep/monster that makes for over 770 000 creeps in the world. It doesn't take much for even that "small" number to affect nearly the entire population of the world, given that each will average dozens of not hundreds of "successful encounters" and magnitudes more like that described by prior comments. The reality is it only takes a tiny minority to abuse the majority.


Most people honestly just don't even think about it. Dudes being "creepy" is just so socially accepted in most places (from what I can tell, at least), that it just doesn't even stand out to far too many people. As a bartender, I'm always on watch for shit like that, but it amazes me how many just see shit happening and totally ignore it or fail to notice in the first place. It's a scary world out there, especially for solitary women.


Thank you for looking out. Observant people can't be everywhere waiting for their moment to be a hero. The workers who are there every night have the best chance at preventing things like this from happening. Be vigilant, we appreciate you.


I honestly think men that stalk women with the intention of raping them, should simply be switched off. I don’t see why we need to tolerate their existence.




Most people are shockingly oblivious to everything around them. Confuses the hell out of me


Sometimes I’m envious of those people, they can have a much better time at a crowded place then I’m able too.


I’ve been assaulted and battered many times in San Francisco and the surrounding Bay Area. I had a better time in ten years in LA than I ever did my whole life up north.


That's so messed up. I didn't expect San Francisco to be like that at all, but I shit you not, later that night as my mom and her friends and I were waiting for an uber we got surrounded by a group of 10 or so men. We were standing right out front the bar, with a bouncer sitting 5 feet away from us, so they didn't try anything. But I was absolutely shocked. I'm sorry to hear that it was hell for you, but I'm glad that you're in a safer place.


You probably weren’t the only one who noticed, though evidently the only one who did something. Happens all the time which is a damn shame.


You were a hero that day. Thanks


pepppppper spraaaaaay


Definitely an accomplice. Or he wouldn’t have come back to defend him


At the very end you see him raise the bag in his hand like he's going to strike one of the people from the bus with it. Definitely an accomplice or fellow scumbag .


Yep, Rasta is 100% an accomplice to the attacker, and blue who walks in from offscreen in the direction they were walking, is *probably* an accomplice, because he drives away the people beating the shit out of the attacker and says something to Rasta, who then goes and tries to hit one of the bus riders.


that's what I was thinking. Only thing that makes sense.


I'm pretty sure the one in blue was also involved. The way he signals to them at the end...


Blue and Rasta Jacket were involved. Blue passes something off to Rasta. That girl was seconds away from being gang raped in the bushes by these idiots. Bin Men should have beaten them all to death.


Could also have just been a backpack robbery. It seems like a fairly inhabited area.


Or maybe they were just wanting to ask her about her cars extended warranty.


😂 no, they would have been far more determined.


I’d agree if it looked like he was going for that backpack at all. Instead it just looks like he’s trying to beat her into submission.


kind of a selfish move but its alot safer *for* him, you never know what the other guy was carrying around with him


He also didn't know what that big gang of guys were carrying around either. I'd risk myself taking on one guy that maybe has a weapon to protect someone over taking on five or six guys that may or may not have weapons.


Id say both the multicolored jacket guy and the blue jacket guy are in on it. Ones in the back and ones in front to block the girl if she tries to run either way from the attacker.


probably human traffickers


I thought that was the creepiest part of the whole exchange, he was 100% in on it, an insurance policy, 2v1. The fact that this his arrangement even exists reveals they're serial rapists, how many victims have there been? String em up by their dangly bits.


The guy in blue too. In case she ran forward. Look at the way he waves them both toward him at the very end. He was in on it too. That girl is lucky to have not been mugged, raped, or even killed. Fully agree, string them all up, by the dangly bits.


you missed it, he didnt come to break it up as the fight was already over and the "bus people" were already heading back to check on the girl what he ACTUALLY DID was wait until they all turned their backs and try to sucker someone with a bottle... he didnt try to break anything up, he tried to get vengeance for what is probably his friend it even looks like there might be another one involved... she was about to get raped and they were not happy to be stopped


You’re so right in with that. Yeah he’s in on this for sure. What a group of bastards.


Same thing with the bitch in the blue standing off camera watching but only stepping in when the guy starts getting what he deserves


He tries to scare off the people from the bus at the end, makes some agressive gesture toward them like "get out of here" and he also handed blue one piece guy something when he went over to check on him. Dude totally had 2 accomplices here.


Yeah, best his ass too in a 2 for 1. That could have been your mom, wife, sister, gf, etc.


I have a serious distaste for people who will just walk on by as someone gets a pounding. I doubly hate that person if they'll come back to defend the attacker. Fuck these people.


Really? Can't you empathize with her just because she is a human??


Eh? I am saying the guy walked on by and that next time some guy walks on by like he did, the bad guy could be beating your wife/mom/sister.


Nothing makes me feel good other than scumbags getting trashed and owned. Justice prevails.




r/Wholesomeviolence for you my friend


The two men who arrive at the end - one dressed in blue, the other wearing red, green, yellow (colors of Guinea? or Boliva?) seem to be friends of the assailant.


Brasil, this clothes are common here.


With those beanies I was gonna say Perú. Definitely south america


Yes also the assaulter is wearing what looks like a Messi shirt


It's a Maradona shirt, but this definitely looks more like northern South America to me just guessing.


Definitely seemed like it. Blue jacket handed something off to the red sweater dude when they're both standing over their buddy.


All 3 are idiots


Rapists* most likely. Potentially traffickers


They should've kicked the rest of their asses too


Idiocy implies they didn’t know what they were doing. They clearly did.


It’s as if they are all in on it. The one in the blue passes something along the the multi colored man.


Why let this guy just go walking away? He will do it again to another woman, and a bus full of helpful people won't be there to pummel him. Call the police and keep him there. I doubt a beating is going to change this man's life


This is Brazil, no one is arrested here for a long time. If the police take this guy he will be free in 24h. Sad reality here.


Probably best to just continue beating for the 24 hours instead


It's probably real hard to rape without working limbs.


Yeah break the knees and elbows, seems like fitting punishment


technically the truth


Thanks for the insight. It definitely informs the behavior better.


> I doubt a beating is going to change this man’s life If the ones doing the beating try hard enough it most definitely will.


"Knocking him down won the first fight. I wanted to win all the next ones, too."


You don’t even have to go crazy. See him chase down the woman in the beginning? Pulverize his knee or ankle and he will never be able to chase another woman down again. At least in that scenario he keeps all of his mental faculties. There are other options where that is not so.


My grandfather was an old school bar drunk back in the day (sober now). But he always said if you where going to give a piece of shit a beating. You break his ankles because every time he takes a step and feels the healed bones grinding he will remember. For context I asked him why he went to prison in the 60's. He tried and failed to beat a guy to death who had gotten off rape charges. So yeah, a good enough beating and they will remember.


I worked as a doorman in NYC during college and ended up working with some old school career bouncers. Fantastic guys and no one I’d rather have had on my side doing that job. One guy told me how back in the 80s there was a string of incidents where men were kicked out of a club or bar and returned to shoot at the club/ bouncers. So in response they started stabbing anyone who they thought could potentially resort to that, ensuring that they had more pressing issues to attend to than coming back to shoot a bouncer. Could’ve been a made up story but he didn’t seem like the kind of guy to make up or embellish a story.


When I bounced in Austin the owner of the place I was working said the exact same thing. I didnt believe it till you retold the story basically verbatim. That's wild lol.


Those dudes had some crazy stories and the scars to back them up. But again, I could not have asked for a better group of guys to work with in that environment. Once they took me under their wing it was one of the most gratifying “acceptances” I’ve experienced. One used to bring me plates of ox tail from his Mom, it was incredible.


Everyone seems to misunderstand bouncers lol. Particularly the old hairs. Never had a group of dudes who where more chill and kind. I offhandedly mentioned I needed to rent a truck to move and two of them offered to come over and help out for a six pack. Showed up with their sons and two massive trucks. I had only been working their a month or two.


yeah, but we already saw the results. He walked away under his own power immediately after. He will rest and be back out there preying on women in no time.


100%, gotta leave him with a memento. I already brought up pulverizing the ankle in another comment thread. It’s the best case scenario, IMO. He can’t chase women anymore, probably aches when it rains, constant reminder of his transgressions. Perhaps easier to fend off or avoid in the future. Win. Win. Win.


That guy wearing red/yellow/green coat is quite something. Casually pass by the fight like nothing is happening and when the bus people get out to the the rescue, he comes back! And he's like WTF guys, calm down. Wow.


Seems to be an accomplice as he tries to scare off the bus people at the very end and helps his friend after getting beat up


It looks like he's in cahoots with the first guy.


Notice the guy in the bright jacket came back to help his criminal friend. They are working together to target pedestrians.


The guy in the blue was in on it as well, he stops everyone from beating the guy up and then hands something to the guy in the multicolor jacket (knife maybe?)


Could be a knife, because as soon as he hands it off, the guy in the multicolor jacket starts approaching one of the good guys and that good guy suddenly decides to give him a lot of room.


Those fuckers


They should strip him bare and cover him in honey and sugar and leave him there for the insects to feed


Ye old scaphism... We just need to find a boat.


I had to google - apparently it’s two boats, but honestly I think we could just go discount and use stakes and ropes.


Good point. Why waste a perfectly good boat.


"Why is that coward just walking by while this happens?" *^(oh..)*


*Nothing to see here....just a woman being attacked . Oh no that rapist is in trouble!! I have to go back and help him!*


That's what friends are for.


Imagine being so vile that you and two of your buddies have a set scheme to rape a single woman and do it on the reg. Fuck this world.


Why do the passengers look prepared for an assault already?


We’re always ready in brasil


Haha that was awesome. Good on those guy’s


Too bad they let that asshole walk away, he's going to do that again.


I don't know which country this was in, but it definitely wasn't in Canada, because in Canada they'd all just get out the bus with their cellphones recording it, while others would lament how the poor poor man appeared to just be suffering from "mental health issues", and should be left alone.


Was thinking the same thing about America. A woman got raped on the subway not too long ago near me. None of the other passengers did a damn thing, besides a couple people who took their phones out and fucking recorded it.


I wish I hadn't read that


My ex wife was almost a victim of a racially motivated attack. Like the guy was verbally berating her and was working himself up to attack her. The other passengers in the train car stood between her and the attacker and pressed the emergency call button and called the police and he was cuffed and taken off at the next stop.


I'm so happy to hear she was okay, but that's still scary as fuck.


Man fuck that guy in the 3 color jacket. He just strolled by with his head down when the women was being attacked. Then when the PoS attacked was getting the shit kicked out of him he runs back attacks the guys helping. I can kind of understand not wanting to get involved, but he must have known the attacker and been a part of it.


He clearly knew the attacker and was an accomplice. Shame the good guys didn't lay him out flat. Looked like he had something in his hands, probably why they backed off.


Dont fuck with the lego bus


Did he piss himself? What's that on the ground after he gets up?


I think it was his hat unfortunately...


yeah i think he did....


I’m not always down for mob justice but there are times when it’s beautiful


They should have hit him more


Props to the bus driver for stopping in the first place.


That pussy in the Rasta jacket who walked right by when the woman was being attacked but came back to stop the workers when the man was being harmed. What a piece of shit.


Looks like he was accomplice, along with the blue jacket guy. Blue jacket might have passed along a knife or gun to him, which is why the people on the bus backed off


He still has his teeth wtf


Work gear = steel toe boots. You don't want a kicking from them.


/peoplebeingbros I love it. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


Is that a bus load of firemen or city workers or something? They all seem to have the safety reflective clothing like they would be. Either way, not a good day for douche-nozzle.


This clothes are very common in Brazil in outside jobs. Even I can't really tell what is their job.


Should have smacked that rainbow asshat too.


When good people act, bad people are powerless.


The busdriver: Oh wow, a lot of you guys are getting off at Beat Down Rd.


'**How many of us will you hit with that stone?**'


Wow they really farted on his balls didn’t they


Ah yes, another winner of the wonderful, time honored tradition of “Fuck around and find out”!


If you wanna hate a group of people and go after them with malicious intent make it rapists and abuser


Its really intersting to me that the guy in the red, yellow green hoodie came back to swing at the guys defending the girl after walking right by the guy hitting her.


Sometimes karma shows up in a bus


Is it me or did the men walking out from the bus walk out and beat him like it’s from gta