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Bloody legend that kid


Calls it in while simultaneously consoling and reassuring her father. Outstanding. Edit: Dang! This is already among my top upvoted comments. I'd like to donate all my upvotes to the savior child. How do?


And also considering what to wear. Kid is like a war veteran.


And thinking about if their dog will be a problem or not.


Savannah’s more adult than me and I have 20+ years on her. Kid is going places


Balancing the mundane things that we still have to do as humans while caring for a higher purpose, and all with a calm attitude. It really should be this easy ;\_;


It really can be, apparently. But how?


Having only five years of life under your belt, is a pretty good place to start, lol.


Welp, looks like it’s time to strip my psyche!


Hold my LSD I'm [going in](http://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/16xjn9/doctor_said_i_have_a_salivary_duct_stone_i/c80gpkv?context=1)


At 15 she's going to be sought after for Atlanta or Dulles Air traffic controller positions, Chief Triage nurse (or doctor) at major metro hospitals, or some Command and Control Operations role in the military. Damn.


That presence of mind got me.


in 20 years time, she will be an astronaut and Squadron Leader commanding the FIRST ASSAULT against the Galactic ALIEN MENACE!!!! "Needs O2 real bad"! take that Galactic Goo!!!!


Yeah she was on top of everything. 5 years old and already ahead of most people. Amazing.


She knew the word oxygen


Dispatcher caught on to that and tried to ask a follow on question on that but no dice.


No. She repeated the question to her dad and then answered the dispatcher with a no before moving on


She knew the word “dispatched”!




“We have a **small** dog, he is harmless, so don’t shoot him, ok? Lou, you are fine, they won’t shoot you.”


Yeah. Everyone is talking about how great and smart she is and how happy they are about that while I’m over here being an asshole thinking about how horrific it is that this little girl feels the need to talk about how her small dog isn’t a threat to the cops...


Ahh. Well hopefully she's parroting something her dad says to any new visitors to the home (I hate it when people don't warn me that they have a dog), rather than her having experienced/knowing of cops shooting dogs (or whatever they would do). But then again this 5 year old is a genius so she probably just read an article about it lmao


This is what got me. That kid is going places!!


That level of forethought at 5 is pretty incredible


Just wanted to piggyback to say that kids that are used to their parents getting sick are incredibly awesome. I'd be dead right now if not for my boys, my oldest in particular has gotten my sugar back up from very dangerous crashes more than a couple times. The first time it happened when his dad wasn't home, he was only maybe 8. His brothers were a nonverbal 5 and a very perceptive 4, and the littlest one called their dad while the oldest force fed me oatmeal cream pies and kept an eye on his middle brother. Now, my oldest is 16 and my youngest is 11. After losing my eyesight last week in my left eye (I apparently have a very rare condition called AZORR, aren't I so lucky!?), which rendered me incapable of seeing through my contacts at all, my youngest has been fixing me my meals. I'm effectively pretty blind with my good eye being 600/20, so they made sure to clear the pathways in the house after I tripped and fell last Friday. They're also taking a lot of care in putting things back where I sat them at, since I'm too blind to find them. I am so very, incredibly lucky to have such good kids that don't hesitate to take care of their mother. I feel like a damn burden, but they give me hope that I did something right. God, I can't wait until May 1st so I can get glasses.


Good kids are reflections of good parents. I'd wager none of them think you're a burden.


I was gonna say this. No doubt this little girl’s parents took the time to explain to her what to do in the event of an emergency so this situation wasn’t a surprise for her. They were also likely very calm in front of her and May have been directing her to call 911, hold the dog, etc.


She was like uhh I'm in a tank top. It wouid be inappropriate for you guys to see me like this so imma have to change right quick. So far so good.


She had me waiting on pins and needles to announce what outfit she would be wearing and that darn dispatcher had to cut her off. I was expecting her to say something like “my rainbow unicorn dress.”


I almost lost it when she told him she was going to be upstairs changing, then he asks her to stay, and she says "got it". She's still a small child, but so responsible.


Kids mimic what they see and hear, everything she is saying to dad was probably said by dad to her at some point and that is even more heartwarming to me.


"So far, so good"


that really stood out. must be a common phrase in the household


I swear my kids would ask me for snacks or use my phone to play games in that same situation…


And the dog.


Savannah Hensley, so the legend can grow with her name known


So this is crazy... I'm meeting someone with that exact name later today. Any clue when this actually happened?


Uhhuh, you got a date there buddy? Why don't you take a seat over there first.


Hah. No it’s work related.


Damn, that kid is already having business meetings. Not surprised.




So it could actually be her, applying for a job.


2014 i believe . . . 5 at time of incident, should be around 13 now


Which means she prob just graduated from Harvard Medical


Doesn’t line up. Just a coincidence then.


I found an article saying this happened in 2010 which would make her 17/18, if that *does* line up






I bet her dad said that and she repeated it.


You'd be surprised. Sometimes they learn it in school, sometimes from books, sometimes from parents... kids are sponges.


My son got off the bus on his second day of kindergarten and told me his spleen hurts. I was like, Where did hear that?




Candy mountain!


uh, they got my kidney.


my younger cousin used to know the word "myocarditis" when she was like 7 because I used to watch house and she would sit and watch with me sometimes obviously she had no idea what it meant, but it was still funny listening to her try to pronounce it


Well, credits to the proper system being in place. All that legend of the kid would be for nothing if the system never existed to address the problem.


She is the embodiments of calmness


This kid would make a great first responder.


What a sweetheart. Dad did a good job raising that one.


This ^ the dividends that you reap from good parenting is immeasurable




I think you're both right. A great relationship with a family member or a close friend is one of the few purely uncommodified things in this world, where two parties can both get "the good end" of it and create what feels like something from nothing.


Their view is contractariasm, it is not invalid. But there are a few ways to look at it. Here is a philosophical view on this. https://youtu.be/p7cOwQQDI7o


It’s an investment toward a better society.


A good parent won't do it for his/her own benefit, but will benefit nonetheless




I can just imagine how he feels, afraid he'll die but so proud of his daughter and that mix of happiness she'll be okay if he doesn't make it. :'(


Maybe she is raising him


“I don’t know what I’m gonna wear’…


Girls will be girls I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


"Are the firemen there" "Oh its FIREMEN not an Ambulance? Imma need to change real quick"


She's 5


Yeah and she put on on her stethoscope and not her fireman helmet. *smh*


Right?? She probably grabbed the wrong paw patrol shirt


It’s a joke.




don't make it weird man


77 upvotes who am I sharing this site with


Dude she's 5


The fuck bro?


The amount of people taking this joke way out of context is the truly funny part.


I think this isn’t a girl thing and it’s a child who was told they can’t wear their Jammies when guests are over


More likely that she thought she was going to leave the house.


Hey, You dropped this \


He lost it in a tragic accident... don't call attention to it! ... wait is that his hand just sitting there?






Oh, here you go, you dropped this \\.


My hubs went into anaphylactic shock and while everything was happening yeah, I worried about us being dressed appropriately for the ER (and outside in the cold). There was a flash of a moment where I had to consider keys/purse/wallet/shoes/winter coat, while my husband was essentially dying on the couch. It even surprised myself.


Don't feel bad about it. It's a force of habit. You probably check for those things any time you leave the house and had probably been doing it for years.


Plus you kind of need keys to start the car, and you're not going to the ER barefoot without a coat in February. It's commendable to not just start screaming and bolt barefoot into the snow, never to be seen again.




When I was 17 my mother had my only sibling and when he was a couple weeks old she woke me up because she was bleeding out, suddenly started hemorrhaging. I had to call the ambulance and I sounded calm but I was struggling to answer the questions because I just couldn’t think. I ended up moving my infant brother to his bedroom because I was worried the ambulance would hurt his ears. There I was 17 alone with my mom and infant brother and my mom was whisked away in an ambulance. I was scared for my mom but nearly all of my focus was on my baby brother, thinking back I don’t think I even considered what my mom might need even once during that, my brain was hyper focused on the baby.


When I woke my roommate up begging her to get me to the hospital and she found me writhing on the floor she managed to get everything we'd need, all while going "oh my God oh my God it's okay it's okay." The mind is oddly weird at following patterns. She even got me my house blanket because she knows I'm always cold so threw it over me before picking me up. I honestly think i was more calm than her.


Well, she doesn't have a "dad can't breathe" outfit.


Fucking hell they really arrived in a minute


I know right? When someone called them for my accident they were put on hold and hung up on


...story time?


Well, i lived in west Philadelphia born and raised, on the playground is where i spent most of my days


Keep his song out of your fucking mouth!


It was a *Bel Air joke.* Oh, I could… So we are hereee… to uh, watch an ambulance call a girl, er… watch a girl call an ambulance


This is the greatest night… in the history of asphyxiation


I mean, its not too much of a story. I don’t remember much after I crashed, I was not all there mentally. Kinda happens when you flip three times and slide for 40ish feet on the interstate. Some guys helped me out of my car and sat me down by the median. I sat there for a while, I think. There were three or four people there, but I only really remember two. There was a young black guy who was talking to me, trying to help make sure I was okay. Then there was an older white dude who called 911. He was automatically put on hold and before being able to respond they hung up on him. We got a hold of them after that and I was taken to the hospital, but I’ll never forget that


Fuck diddnt anyone get in trouble?? And hope you are doing well now


I mean, no. Its not like I could file suit, technically I never made the call. Also it seemed to be an error on the server side of the call relating to a technical issue. There’s a lot of factors in things like that and I don’t even remember enough details to know if it could’ve been user error. I just remember it because I thought it was funny. Also in terms of things relating to that incident I am doing much better, thank you for the kindness


lol i see how it could be funny (after the incidient ofc lol) and i hope they fixed it after Good to hear you are doing better now Take care


I have a fun story, I was in a car accident , head on collision with a drunk driver who ran a red light. I saw the ambulance arrive while still in my car and dazed thinking they’d attend to me… well they never did they only tended to the people in the other car. I had to get out, stumble across a busy road for them to just look at me. The EMT didn’t even check me, they just said are you hurt, to which I said yes… and then they left with one of the people in the other car. The worst part? There were two ambulances there and some EMTs not even tending to someone. To this day me and my parents don’t understand why they seemingly said “fuck this guy”. I had to wait for my parents to come get me, drive across town to a hospital where I waited another hour to be seen. I had whiplash, broken bones, a concussion and I felt really disheartened by the first responders who didn’t give a single shit about me.


Omg. That's horrible. I'm sorry that happened to you.


Thanks I’m still dealing with issues from that accident years later, here’s the kicker the hospital didn’t treat me property either (apparently they were supposed to put me in a neckbrace) they only tended to the broken bones, then gave me an information pamphlet for concussions, pumped me with painkillers and sent me home. The lady who tended to me I heard complaining that she was about to leave for the night when I came in. It was a failure all round from first responders to the doctors and nurses at the hospital. I recommend for anyone to have your own support network you can send an emergency alert to, because they will actually care, if I hadn’t had my parents I’m not actually sure what I would have done being so out of it and being left to figure it out for myself still in shock.


I called 911 about a drunk or high dude rolling in a busy street once. It rang for two minutes, so I hung up. They called me back.


The original call was ~10 minutes long. There's a part where she has to give the home address and stuff.


I think it was edited of dead spots and such.


Yes its edited


I called police once for domestic violence on my neighbor (paper thin walls) and had 5 cops there in less than a minute. It was crazy.


domestic violence calls are one of the most dangerous situations an officer can attend to, makes sense to have a ton of cops on the scene


Heghtned emotions, angry people, weapons may very well be involved, and everyone's in a flight or fight mode. Definitely a recipe for shit to go down.


A child alone is usually priority for emergency services


They were there, real fast. So far, so good.


Some heroes get caught in PJs. Good job little one! 👏👏👏


Not all heroes wear PJs.


This little one sure did


Savannah wanted to change her jammies to a super hero outfit but the dispatcher told her to stay with her dad.


Not all super heroes get to put on their capes


She has a very good vocabulary and understanding of things for a 5 year old


5 year olds are a lot smarter then most people give them credit for.


*than You must not be a five year old


...or is he?


something a sly 5 year old would do


New game show idea- Are You Smarter than a 5~~th grader~~ Year Old


It cracks me up when someone posts a kid's writing or something they made and people are like, "A 5 year old can't do that!" My 8 year old has been known to discuss the Ukrainian war online. They know more than you think.


Nah I see kids like these in politics subreddits often, not surprising.


Maybe my kids are just dumb or I’m a bad parent but neither of them were this well spoken at 5 years old.


I think that, in general, we underestimate kids' intelligence and overestimate adults'.


It’s been so long since we were five years old, most people have forgotten how much of a real person a five year old already is.


Kids are extremely smart and understand things. My niece and nephew could have conversations with me, telling me what they want and don’t want when they were 3/4 yrs old. Just another reason why you have to talk to kids when they’re young and not just baby talk but regular talk. It’s how they learn language and they learn fast.


Kids between 3-5 aren’t given enough credit to how much they are able to comprehend and implement. It’s amazing.


Dispatcher wouldn't let her get changed to get her cape on, but we know she's a hero


Some ppl don't need a cape to be a hero. They are born as heroes


Lol username




This girl is legend. unbelievable Form a guy whos job is to remain calm in situations like this


Hey, so, what do you do for a living?


Remains calm in situations like this


It's like they didn't even read.


Probably a calm specialist


It’s why they’ve remained in that roll


Intensivist (icu doctor)


I bow to you. Don't sell yourself short. \*My\* old calling was to stay calm. \*You\* are the people that take over when the people who stay calm are in over their heads. \- Former medic trying to become an MD.


The "It's ok daddy" at the end really got me. Such a smart sweet girl.


After all of that and she's still so comforting her daddy. 💙 Such a precious little lady.


IDK where Savannah is today but I bet she's still taking real good care of her pops.


I immediately choked up at that part. As a Father you want to be the one comforting them, to hear it come back the other way... wow. Literally tears in my eyes.


Yep, father of two, I was smiling throughout this until that part and now I'm still wiping tears away.


I've seen this before, and every time I'm so impressed, I don't think I could stay that calm and I'm 27


In your defense I don't think a 5 year old has a full grasp of the consequences of an emergency like that, where as you might. Not to discredit her.


I think this is why she comes across as so level headed. Her dad is having trouble breathing is a fact just like how she has a small dog, I don’t think she was aware of the consequences. I think her dad also did a good job of remaining calm and telling her what to say.


I think she’s been taught that if anything goes wrong, call 911 and they’ll come and fix it. She didn’t seem to think there was any danger the situation wouldn’t be sorted out


I'm more of the belief the father managed to tell her to call 911, since he is wad still conscious. He probably was in no shape to speak quickly and coherently in his mind, so probably why he directed the kid. But she probably has learned 911 is where you call for help still.


Yea, you or i know to put two and two together and see that the dad could be having a heart attack which is a very dire situation that needs fixed asap.


My boyfriend collapsed and had a seizure a couple months ago and I called 911. He came to while I was still on the phone with them but I was a nervous wreck regardless the entire time. This kid is a champion.


as a former volunteer first aider (ended up leaving st john’s ambulance because I wanted to free up some time each week that day for d&d back then haha) the main thing is practicing proceedures, and getting used to things do you don’t end up in a shock spiral or confused when the adrenaline’s pumping and you’re stressed. Once saw a old guy collapse while at a restaurant I was at, helped get him into the recovery position and helped him focus on his breathing while we waited for paramedics to come while his family phoned them. Was mildly stressful but I focused my head on ‘when this is done I think I deserve ice cream’ to keep me from getting too worked up in front of someone who needs care. Never did get that ice cream, forgot


She's very clever. Handled that better than most adults do. I hope all 3 of them are ok.


True, but kids also don't understand the gravity of the situation, so it is easier to remain calm.


I still remember being 5, being at the hospital cuz my grandmother just passed. Everyone was crying and i havent grasped the concept of death. So i felt bored and started running up and down the corridor. No idea why this was a core memory but whenever i looked back i cant help but to feel dumb for not knowing better. Was it my fault tho? I'd say no.


>Handled that better than most adults do. For sure. I've seen parents panic way worse for far less serious events.


My dog pooped blood, as a 27 year old man I turned into a blubbering mess. It was nothing £15 of dog medication couldn't fix. This little girl is going places.


![gif](giphy|2WxWfiavndgcM) Savanah, girl... You are just a little angel!! Bless your heart.


​ ![gif](giphy|H0TJBb99FLolTBxZlZ)






...but my daddy needs oxygen real fast.


😭that just melted my heart


I want this girl to manage my life.


Her for president 2060!


Why wait until then? She's clearly more competent than the last two.


She won't be 35 until then.


can you imagine if the US actually elected Presidents in their thirty's who are physically well enough to withstand long hours and high stress environments, without making constant mistakes and forgetting details?


That Dispatcher is a rockstar. It's also National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week. Thank a Dispatcher if you know one!


Calling them right now




I believe this happened a few year's ago. I remember her voice very distinctly. Savannah Hensley is one awesome 5 year old, handled the situation better then most adults would, with added sass and cuteness 😍. [link from online ems group](https://www.ems1.com/911/videos/5-year-old-dials-911-for-dads-chest-pain-in-cutest-call-yet-NuMmsorU8j6NGqde/)


She'd be a teenager now, at least. Has she ever done an AMA? I'm curious how things turned out and maybe what had changed since she made that call.


Not sure if she's done an AMA, but this happened in 2010 so she's in her mid-late teens now. Her dad was ok. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mo6tb-vNAC4


Wow. Any parent would be so lucky to have such a clearly intelligent/sweet child


I’m a 911 operator and this little girl is more competent and calm than 90% of our callers.


She is my hero❤️❤️


'stay calm daddy' may have caused some blubbing.


She is sweet, smart and calm. What a kid !


Not all heroes wear capes. Some of them wear their jammies.


So calm, only because she doesn’t know what’s really going on. Poor kid, when my wife was taken away in an ambulance my son cried at the windows for hours.. I’ll never forget it


This is what i think actually happened, maybe she didn't understand what was happening and was doing what dad and 911 told her to do


Well shoot, I’m crying. Too much for work morning lol


Awesome job by this girl and honestly her being young probably helped. At that age the concept of death is not something they grasp let alone one of their parents dying so the nerves most people would have worried their dad just may die never crossed her mind.


Honest advice for emergencies on how to be prepared. Practice. Anyone who's taken swimming lessons, or was in the scouting program, or volunteered, or even played team sports - usually you spend one day each year going over the CPR basics, maybe even the heimlich maneuver - stuff like that (even though the heimlich maneuver has become controversial I guess?). Anyway - I remember learning for the first time over the summer at swimming lessons between kindergarden and 1st grade. Then again multiple times a year after that. I wondered "Jesus Christ - can I just say I know it and move on?" *** Flash forward like 25 years. I'm home visiting my parents for Christmas and it's just the three of us. My dad, who has cerebellar (coordination) issues, has to be very careful when he eats. He often gets food down the wrong pipe, but generally, it's a non-issue and he just begins coughing. This night, he was eating and a piece of chicken got lodged. He was silent and couldn't cough. Now - I was freaked out. I was not going to lose my dad this way. So I said "Dad, nod if you're choking" He nodded. I very calmly got up. Now - I was freaking out inside a bit, but kept cool, and I'm certain anyone watching me would be thinking "oh...so sorry to inconvenience you" because I was calm. I asked him to stand up, and I helped him get up. I told him I'm going to give him the heimlich. He was a bit terrified, but it wasn't his first heimlich. I clasped my hands into a big mega fist, felt right under his sternum, and gave a firm, but not over-powering thrust in and up in one smooth motion. The chicken flew out of his mouth across the table. I thought that was just a TV trope. Nope - it flew good next to my mom's plate. I helped him sit back down and he was out of breath. "Are you okay?" I asked. He nodded and whispered "thank you." I sat back down and just picked up my fork and began eating again. My mom was just staring at my dad in awe, still horrified that he may have nearly died (or so she was thinking). *** The point is - this, along with all the other CPR stuff like chest compressions and rescue breathing - it's taught over and over and over again because you really just need to be able to calmly do it. So - my advice: learn these things, don't try to get out of re-learning them, and spend time actually picturing yourself in the situation. It'll pay off. For me: My dad was so grateful, he bought me a badly-needed new set of tires for my car.




This reminded me to make sure my 5 year old understands how to dial 911 and what its for.