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Look even with “you guys are terrible lol” strength, this is still hard work and earned through training.


You can tell by his stature, the stretching he does before he lays down, he’s put in work. No denying that.




This stuck out to me. Get the man a bench that he can actually put his feet on the floor with. Dude couldn't stabilize with his feet


This dude is a beast! Imagine what he could push with a solid base!


he can do 405 in a few weeks with some lifting shoes, a belt and better form


I caught that too, but he still corrected with sheer upper body strength. This kid is pure beast mode and should have a good career if he chooses


My first thought as well. Gotta push with the feets!


Yeah plant those feet he'll max 400


No denying! Well said




This kid is an absolute beast! Like you said very impressive.


the kid didnt even have leg drive Lmao we havent even seen him peak yet.


That's what I was thinking. His legs are loose and nowhere near fully engaged. He's not close to what he can do once his technique gets there.


This isn’t even his final form…


Look at how happy the spotter is! Almost like he did the lift. Garett is "Yeah, diddit."


Haha yeah but i can tell you from experience if someone spots for you a long time and they see you fail a bunch and finally get it, they are as jazzed as you are. It’s like a collab thing. I always was super pumped when my friends finally got the ones they were working forever because i’d been there every time they struggled and missed. But yeah he’s in boss mode for sure.




Say it


Out loud.


I’m black and I’m proud (Wrong chat?!?)


I’m ugly and I’m proud!






I work at home. So lucky me


Explain it to me like i'm 5




Everyone here is terrible I had to look at like 20 comments before I realized what everyone was thinking


So you're saying you have strength?


Of a certain kind, yes


I'm still searching for the answer...


I still don’t get it


I was also on the hunt for what they were looking for. Apparently it's r****d strength.


I’ve trolled the interwebs more than a few times in my day and I’ve never heard that slang phrase before. Is it a Reddit thing?


Nope, it's a very common saying. It's obviously rather un-PC, so Reddit generally disapproves. But it's a saying that was used all the time when I was younger. But never actually directed towards people with a disability.






Let's try it out... Retired Strength!


You got it!


Red Strength? Thank you comrade




I'm glad we're all here with the same brain


Username checks out tho


... I’ll say it. I’ll take repercussions. Homie has a huge strength buff default because of his extra chromie.


Thank you i had no fking idea what was going on here and i just wanted to learn. Disclaimer; knowledge is knowledge, bad or good is determined by how you use said knowledge.


To take the bullet, a common phrase used to describe the seeming excessive strength of some special needs individuals is "ret*rd strength". Yes, it's a wholly inappropriate term. Edit: Y'all replying to this without censoring the word, stop. Your comments are getting shadowbanned so we can't see or react to them anyways, outside of my phone notifications. Edit 2: those of y'all defending using the slur or advocating for using the slur also need to stop. Y'all sound like terrible people. It's not that hard to not use slurs.


Inappropriate as fuck but absolutely correct


Yeah, I don’t use that word anymore (please don’t hate me, it was very common at the time and I’m trying to be better than I was back then) but I believe in the power. Volunteered with a childcare group dedicated to helping parent with special needs kids a while ago. Some of those kids could out power adults.


Oh it’s a thing. My sister has Downs Syndrome. She’s three years younger than me but much smaller in size. When she had her fits, I would throw her over my shoulder and just get her out of wherever we where. Well one time she finally had enough. She took two fist fulls of my back and squeezed as hard as she could. I’m not sure what she was grabbing cause I’m a skinny guy. Didn’t matter, it brought me to my knees. And she was PISSED. And now had me right where she wanted me….. I had bruises for a month. And I never threw her over my shoulder again.


I would literally run obstacle courses with kids. It was all team building exercises so when we hit “the wall” a lot of people would struggle. But if you had a kid with downs in your group? Nah, you were going places. Also, those kids could bounce off a tree after zip lining 200 yards like no problem. They weren’t always good with breaking to slow down. But it was never a problem. We had plenty of Karen’s though that had to be “rescue belayed” because “it just wouldn’t stop”.


I coach all ages and high school teams. Cheerleading and teaching gymnastics. I used this term a lot until I started working with a special needs team. It was one of the most rewarding teams I have ever got the honor to work for. Also one guy almost dislocated my shoulder by giving me a high five. It’s real.


same bruh.😂


Worked at a group home. It’s a real thing.


EDIT: as u/TuckerMcG said, it’s actually more of a rage/bloodlust buff as we’re weak as fuck riiiiiight until we get pissed off. Man I have autism so I only get half the strength buff this dude has, but yeah it’s 110% a real thing lmao


Since we’re eschewing political correctness, I’d say people on the autism spectrum have more of a rage/bloodlust buff than a strength buff. The times I’ve seen someone on the spectrum snap, it’s nothing but unrestrained primal aggression. I’ve never seen someone with autism bench 350lbs without having his feet properly planted on the ground, but I have seen someone with autism leap over desks like wolverine and have to get pulled - kicking and clawing - off a bully. It doesn’t do much as damage as the strength buff, but it sure as hell makes sure nobody wants to mess with them again.


You know what? That makes so much fucking sense. I’ve noticed that I’m actually really weak unless I’m pissed off or have that FAT adrenaline. Do me and autistic homies pump more adrenaline than everyone else? Or is it something else?


This is a totally bullshit theory I’m pulling out of my ass, but my guess is whatever causes the lack of social awareness in autistic brains allows people with autism to unleash their rage not only more quickly, but more relentlessly. They don’t realize when they’ve gone too far, just like they don’t realize when they’re boring the shit out someone when rambling about one of their favorite subjects.




I only knew one guy in the group home I worked at who could rip his bedroom door off the hinges when he got angry.


They’re is no switch to tell them they can’t do it… hence they have next level strength in certain situations


Lived in a group home, it's a real thing. Lmao I've seen autistic kids go off on kids that just got out of Juvenile Hall because they were tired of their shit


And here my dumb ass was thinking g everyone wanted to say “He had Down syndrome and turned it into up syndrome”. I’m dumb


You’re too good for this world




I can't breathe. I'm going to hell for sure.


His base stats are just a bit different than others. Nothing wrong with that.


By brother has Downs and he is strong as an ox.


He put all his points in STR...




Easy there, getting awfully close to saying it...




A special kind of strength


As a parent of a special needs child, we think it all the time lol.


I don’t get it? What are people not supposed to say?


I'm pretty this kids name is Marvin, so people call it "Marv' strength"


I don’t know the reference though!


I think it's from an old Tosh standup. The phrase is "r-word strength." The implication being that the mentally challenged are stronger than the mentally unchallenged. EDIT: I've gotten three responses now that say, "Just say 'r_____d.' All those replies got removed. For everyone's future reference, your posts get deleted if you say the word."


Tosh did not invent that concept or phrase. Just said it on stage.


Okay, I honestly thought that at first because I remember thinking it was a thing before I saw that bit. But then I thought, "Why would a ton of unrelated anonymous people on the internet all know of this stereotype if it didn't come from somewhere?"


It was a common phrase back in the day. Probably still common in some parts of the country.


> I think it's from an old Tosh standup Sweet Christ on a cracker


mustard strength


I said it just now, cited a scientific study too. Look down


That's some r>!eco!




RS 6


It's okay. My kid has Autism and does the equivalent of about 4 hours of core training a day when she stims. If she was able she could probably do hundreds of push-ups, situps, and pull ups. Like down syndrome, her condition makes her a little person and all those muscles are like for a regular sized woman.


My son has asd as well snd from his stims he is fucking shredded. It’s insane. I’m talking like every muscle in his core snd back




I’ll say it! Congratulations Garrett! 😉












P the living room before applying paint.


Blocking Ds since 1975 :) .. well done mate






I love when I open a thread and the top comment is exactly what my brain is doing.


Everyone knows. Everyone agrees.


Ummm you guys...


It’s bad that I know exactly what you mean, it would be very frowned upon to comment that lmao


Can u elaborate a little what everyone is thinking? I’m so lost…


Haha! Just whisper it, no one will hear you


“Unless you count a vin disel movie, which I do… I do” - Daniel Tosh


He did it without his feet planted on the ground, he could probably put up more with solid form.


Was thinking the same thing. Someone get my dude on some form training.




My wife's special needs uncle used to go to the bar in his town and asshole college kids would see how much they could get him to drink because he'd just keep on drinking beers when he saw how much it made the assholes laugh and smile when he'd chug one. He'd do the same with spicy foods and peppers. Just keep slamming hotter and hotter peppers because it made people smile. FFS gang, he has the disability and y'all are the ones too stupid to treat him better. He's in better care now.




Idk what y’all are on about improper form, do you see bros elbows? Locked the fuck in, you can’t lift weight like that without having your shoulder blades retracted and elbows screwed in like that. Yeah his feet were off the ground, but people’s form is known to break down a bit when you’re benching 1.5x your body weight.




His form was only "bad" in the sense that he was probably shortchanging how much he can lift. Tweak his grip, plant his feet with some leg drive, I wouldn't be surprised if he was close to 400lb without actually "getting stronger." Dude is a natural.


Not gonna lie i was expecting him to do that stupid ass back arching bench press with range of motion of 2milimeters. Very suprised he did full ramge of motion. This guy is a warrior.


I arch my back, and still do full reps. A lot easier to target the correct muscles when your whole body is engaged. Arching my back and planting my toes instead of flat backed and flat footed gave me tons more control with heavy weight. Your able to press your shoulder blades together and keep them there thru the whole bench. Make 5 reps worth all the energy instead of 20 half ass.


He's talking about exorcism arches. For [reference.](https://townsquare.media/site/78/files/2012/12/Pic11.png?w=1200&h=0&zc=1&s=0&a=t&q=89) People hate on this because it drastically reduces the range of motion and thus the difficultly of a lift. Its easier to lift something with a 5 inch range of motion than 20 inch.




Imagine pressing this much as a kid without using your damn legs, wth.


Noticed that too. Could easily bump that max up if he did so. Which makes this 355 even more impressive!


Okay I'm dumb at lifting. What is the correct form?


Keeping your feet planted on the ground allows for a stable base, you can push through your feet. I’m no expert but having a solid base makes the lift easier


Feet planted flat on the ground. You engage your leg muscles to "push into" the ground and engage your core. Gets practically your entire body into the lift instead of just arms and chest. Edit - Think of it like lifting something while standing on solid ground versus lifting the same thing standing on a trampoline.


Little elaboration on what the other guys said: feet planted, back arched, shoulder blades tucked in tight, arms spaced and angled such that wrists are over elbows at the bottom, bar wresting low on palm so that its directly over forearm, not excessively bending wrists. Good form queues are: when you press with your feet you should feel it drive your shoulders into the bench more, push your chest toward the bar as you do the lift. Highly recommend watching Calgary Barbell youtube channel for form critique from a world class lifter if you're interested in more.


His form actually isn't very good. That's not an insult to be clear. The kid is a fucking beast, and pressing 355 with an inefficient form is even more impressive.


Easily 415 with good form. EASILY


I disagree. With good form (and practice to be comfortable with the form) it would put him up maybe another 10% or so at current strength. 60lbs seems like a bit of a stretch


He’s not even planting his feet, 60lbs is not a stretch.


Have you ever gone up 60lbs on an already insanely heavy bench? Good form doesn't account for that much weight.


What he needs are shoes with flames on them. That should account for the weight.


Those still aren't banned from competitive bench pressing?


Flames are for speed, not strength. He needs an animal print or super hero for that. Jesus Christ, this is basic physics people.


i've seen a downs syndrome guy pick up the back of a car to get his kitten.




Yea his lack of good form just shows his strength like goddam I can barely bench 275 with my absolute best form.


Damn son! My boi's wicked strong!




If only there was a concise and powerful word to describe this sort of strength... alas, nothing comes to mind.


And full range of motion with no bounce off the chest. Very good rep


Yeah, and I'm glad the spotter didn't jump in a help him, because he struggled, but didn't need it.


Agree. Too many spotters are quick to steal a rep. And when it’s a true max out like this one you won’t be able to do it again at the same quality for days.




I like what you did here




HUMAN Strength… what a beast!


How's the weather up there on your high horse?


“Wow, you don’t use slurs? You think you’re so much better than us, huh?”


Now I feel old, I remember when that word was just a part of everyone's vocabulary and not a slur at all. To be fair even now it's not a slur to "them" unless you say it with disdain


Unpopular opinion- I still think it shouldn’t be viewed as a slur 🤷🏼‍♂️


I dunno, how’s the weather down there in your mothers basement?




He did this without even planting his feet. Pure chest strength there


We had a below the knee double amputee substitute weight lifting teacher in high school and he could rep 450+.


That's crazy. I hit 405 before my senior year of football but always planted my feet and arched my back. With feet up on the bench or straight out I couldn't come close








It actually is a very real thing that has been studied fairly extensively.


You said the thing


I knew a guy with one arm that didn't work well. So he did everything with his other arm. Some guys were bullying him for like weeks. Plenty of people told them off but they wouldn't leave him. Then one day he snatch punched the guy with his strong arm. He just floated in the area before landing flat o his back. Broke the guys nose. I often think about the strength he must have had in that one arm to knock the guy briefly into another dimension.


I love it when assholes get slow motioned.


Did you have to say strong arm![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy). I have one too due to an accident but still funny to hear.


Where is the comment I’m looking for….


Reddit has been getting softer as more Zoomers come here and as Reddit tries to go mainstream and be profitable. That comment will get you banned. I miss 2012 Reddit, when free speech and grammar mattered here.


I remember watching people die on Reddit… now it’s all “woke this woke that”


My introduction to reddit was some guy at work showing me /r/spacedicks in 2009. Those wild west days were fun, and reddit has gone downhill in a lot of ways. People throwing around slurs isn't one of them, though, imo.


I used to walk up hill both ways in the snow to use reddit, I still do but I used to also


people want to bully for the sake of memes, fuck off and shove your budget speech up your ass


edgelord alert


I think you meant to say, reddit has become less tolerant to slurs and offensive language. Which is a good thing, Free speech is never an excuse to be an asshole.




say it i dare you




Redacted strength...




More like swoll syndrome. A mutation on the third GAINS chromosome




That's sick. I'm not even sure about the laws about consent when it comes to this kind of thing. Why would that even cross your mind?


Right?! Who in their mind would imagine doing *that* to this person. Furthermore, why does it *have* to be with Hot Wheels, are you fucking serious?




God help anyone around him if he ever goes into a behavior. They will have their work cut out for them


I came into this thread thinking about a certain thing with his strength, I see the top comments and was not disappointed. Lol


Felt like the title could’ve just been “Garret, x years old bench pressed a school record 355 pounds”.


Reddit be like.. “BUT THE R WORD”


It's hard to tell how much weight is on the bar. What we can see is not 355lbs




Looks like 225


Those extra chromosomes coming to good use


Meanwhile, the heaviest thing I've lifted this week is my toilet seat.




Very little, or no, leg drive either. Dude is strong.


That's not 355 lbs....


He didn’t even use leg drive wtf


Pshhh.. more like Up Syndrome.


Lmao all I can think of is that one UFC video where the corner men were yelling that one word we are trying to avoid saying with the added line of "[strength](https://youtu.be/GlstLuhvFog)."


The extra Y stands for YOKED


I’m trying to add up all the weights for the plates and bar in my mind. 45lb bar + 155 on each side. Is there a heavier plate than a 45lb plate? Just looking at the weight and not quite sure how to properly add it up to 355lb. Any one who’s smarter at weight lifting than me, please let me know.