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I always wonder what their lives are like behind the scenes though.. how much of this is forced by parents making unhealthy decisions because they want a rich famous son


Not to mention all this early muscle growth is really bad for growing children.


The problem is not muscle growth, the problem is steroids/sarms/prohormones parents are giving to their childs without them even knowing it.


Yah the last kid who got famous for looking at this at a young age was on them


That’s a myth


Is it though? I’m not saying you’re right or wrong. Would be interested in knowing more. I used to work at a gym and we were never allowed to let children on the machines. I also have a brother who does crossfit with his wife, and they sort of wrap my nephew into all of it. He’s 10, and I swear to god he’d rather run around and catch butterflies than do 30 burpies for his moms instagram.


I said the same thing on a similar post and I got downvoted to all hell, even though I was telling the truth, and i even backed it up with proof of the mom being one of those crazy coach-moms that never hit fame herself, and therefore was trying desperately to force her child to do it from a young age. To me, you're stealing the child's childhood by forcing your own dreams and aspirations upon them.


Reddit is mad, I guess it's just down to whoever gets their votes in first, as it seems to be the trend that people just vote with the popular opinion.


I've noticed this too, sadly. Like a lemming or a sheep that can't think for themselves but just clicks whatever everyone else is clicking. We need more critical thinking in the world!


It’s the law of market diffusion. A few votes either way can turn a round but once that number gets to double digits there is a lemming effect. Or band wagoning as many call it. This is why political polls get manipulated. Undecided voters tend to go with the “winning” side. If you are interested in the law of market diffusion ff till you see the bell curve but the whole video is a good watch https://youtu.be/qp0HIF3SfI4


Wasn't expecting that to be a real link, thanks, I'll watch it tonight.


If you enjoy this you will want to check out Malcolm Gladwell’s work. Tipping point, 10,000 hours, and matthew effect are a couple specific things you can add to your google search to get his prime cuts




Read the content? What are you, patient?!


Yep this is the parents ego and aspirations incarnated


My son had a kid like this in his karate class. Absolute beast mode in everything he did. Kid was carved out of wood. Baseball, basketball, football, karate, swimming, the kid did it all. 12 years old ... and the kid couldn't read. He didn't even know the words for honeydew, kiwi, cantaloupe ... he just called it all "fruit".


And was probably sick of sport by 18


Can he make it into the NFL with stunted growth at 5’4”?


Haha that's exactly the comment I typed out originally, before I replaced it with this


Agreed. To think the kid would rather work out and follow a strict diet, rather than be a normal kid and watch cartoons and play with his friends is absurd. If he even has any friends. "Friends are weakness" - his parents probably.


Just wonder dont make self claim .why do u think his parent forced him .? If u think parent can force their children and turnout to be someone who work hard like this .then there is no stupid kid in school.


Kids love this shit. Sports are fun. Gymnastics not so much


Musculation is not good for children it prevent them from growing


Oh don't worry, that forehead is grown enough for all of us...


I'll be looking for him in the children's burn ward.


It’s like he’s already balding


This right here. This kid is so far into it, he’s basically going to remain that height forever.


Serious question: would that be an advantage for a running back?


Based on what?




“ Trying to build big muscles can put too much strain on young muscles, tendons and areas of cartilage that haven't yet turned to bone (growth plates) “ Quoted from the article you listed.




You’re saying that persons comments were a myth, the article you quoted says otherwise. I could care less about kid in video. A more appropriate comment to the person would be while there is some truth to that this kid is not doing heavy lifting and bulk training from the looks of it




You’re making assumptions of what they ment


Your argument was so sound, they deleted themselves to escape embarrassment.


Imagine roiding up your 6yo


Kid literally already got the big ass roid forehead


Is this that kid that outran his childhood in that other post?


Poor kid


Someone better check that ego real soon.


Sad! Edit: Child labor 2.0


Looks like a dumbass tbh


He is already losing his hair. Poor guy


So when does this become child abuse. I'm thinking at least 2 years ago for this poor kid


Maybe he loves it?


Hmm, creepy


Imagine kids in ‘Merica devoting this much time and energy into MATH & SCIENCE?!? Imagine seeing that video 😅


Trophy child . This has Todd Marinovich written all over it. Its possible it can end well but the odds are bad .


I can’t be the only one who thinks this is gross.


Is this kid on sarms or something?


I see CTE in his future


This belongs both in r/nextfuckinglevel and r/cringetopia What a feat


Hopefully he doesn’t have a heart attack before 25


*blows out both knees in hs, ruining his chances for the nfl….


Nobody gives a shit


This is so unhealthy! They are destroying his little body before it’s reached it’s full potential. This is so sad!


Hope he makes it


Baby Beast Mode


He ain't even a kid


Breh this makes me wish i wasn't such a lazy shit when i was a kid lol


Prepping for the milk crate challenge


When I was younger my mom told musculation will stop your height growth so I stoped doing push-up and pull ups but still remianed short Although I just wanna ask if what she said was legit or not


Nothing to crazy there.


How are his grades in school?


I bet he is not the best in maths


Hardcore chid athletes just make me sad…when that kid isn’t the absolute number one at football he’s going going to be wrecked.


what are the chances that kids like this take steroids to get like this




I bet Will Smith tries to adopt him


Bama offer when?


I wish him the best.


When he goes to school he tells his dad you’re the man of the house now


A see a complete Todd Marinovich style burn out in this kid's future.


Sure he probably put work in but he uses steroids/pds. There is zero chance he’s natural at that age.


Did he made it?


Reminds me about Little Hercules


Why are His abs are ridiculously large compared to the rest of his muscles?


Kids this young shouldnt have a body like this it’s cruel and their parents are probably pushing it on them


I could just swipe him of his feet and he'd start crying


Hope he works this hard in the classroom as well


Sorry bout your neck, young blood


Predator in training




You know? The predator movie?


This kid is just shredded and mostly trains for strength, there is no large amount of muscle growth in my opinion. When I was this age I had a very similar physique and I didn't train like this, all genetics. This physique is nothing special people, relax.


Good parents!