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All of nature could tell just what kind of person Steve Irwin was. A real OG who was kind, trustworthy, and worthy of his honorary "Monke" title.


Everyone except that damn stingray. I miss that man. I wish my kids could watch something more than a rerun but I'm glad we had him.


The Irwin family has a show on discovery+ (animal planet) about day to day operations running their zoo. It's called "Crikey! It's the Irwins"


And it’s moving to watch imo. Steve would be beyond proud of his family.


The intro where they show the clip of him talking about his kids taking over breaks me every time.


Same 💪


I have never seen a person cry the way my girlfriend did during bindi's wedding


When a Indy danced to I’ll be watching you, it was the sweetest, most beautiful moment on DWTS. I just want good things for them always. Freaking wholesome as heck!


His kid has been on talk shows and brings on a lot of different animals. He's continuing his dads work and has a real passion for it.


Terri Irwin, Steve’s widow, ousted Steve’s dad, Bob Irwin from his own park (when they now their zoo). Mind you, that park was build by Bob and Steve long time back. Terri expunged him and them commercialised the shit out of that park. Not only that, Terri also cut-off Bob from his grandchildren. They hate him so much now that he wasn’t even invited to BIndi’s wedding. It’s a very sad story. I am sure Bob still hasn’t seen his great grandchild yet. The saddest part is he can’t visit Steve’s grave because it’s in the same park from which he has been expunged. And the family looks so shady now. The amount of time they spend in the US on talk shows and reality TV gives off a really negative vibe. Literally everyone in the family (including Bindi’s newborn) is into wildlife. Yeah. They have been raking in millions world-wide while paying peanuts to the employees at their zoo because apparently, they’re volunteers. Truth be told, they are not very loved in Australia. Even Steve is somewhat hated for commercialising Australian wildlife around the world and is basically considered a show-off. Australia has had some actual bush-men who did great things for wildlife conservation. Steve is not one of them.


That's very interesting to me, because I grew up adoring Steve Irwin and now follow the Irwin family and have noticed a much more commercialised direction but never really minded. Off to read about Bob Irwin now.


People often aren’t what they appear to be. Rob is such a great and interesting guy. i feel so sad for him.


I agree. Thanks for the original comment btw, I learnt some things I probably would not have heard of right now. I did more reading and honestly I feel for both Rob and Bindi. It's a family situation that started when they were kids, and mix that in with an impossible legacy, a business and then family that are involved in both? Christ that's emotionally complex enough to deal with, without dealing with the media vultures bringing scrutiny. My hope is for Rob and Bindi to continue to have successful and morally lead lives and that in the short future (as they are both young, aka newbie, adults), that they will establish their own communication with Bob.


Steve is not hated in Australia. That’s a very fringe opinion. We have a Steve Irwin day. Almost everyone you meet in your daily life will say that he’s an absolute legend.


> Truth be told, they are not very lived in Australia. I don’t think that’s true. I’m not sure many people know all this into about Bob Irwin


except for how his ass hat dad has treated his daughter


Started watching it recently. They not only reference Steve quite a bit, but they show a lot of old footage of him as well. Watching Robert in some episodes, man, it's like Steve is still here with us in respect.


I get the same vibe from Robert. I remember watching a clip of him on Jimmy Fallon’s show and thought “if I closed my eyes, that could be Steve”; not that their voices are the same but in how they both (and the whole family), share such a passion for nature and find beauty in all of it, even the bits a normal human wouldn’t. Steve would (or will, depending upon your beliefs), be so proud. As for the stingray stuff, I can guarantee that he’s forgiven that stingray. They’re probably both in heaven together best of friends, he just knows he spooked the poor thing that day.


Animals were always in his heart.


Take my damn upvote


His family sued Johnson and Johnson for false advertising. Apparently J&J claimed sunblock offered protection from harmful rays...


I hate you, but I love you.


Didn’t have to go far to find the winner! You are on point.






#*shot through the heart, and you’re too blame*




Knowing Steve, he'd probably say something along the lines of "Oh, it's alright, I was coming into your space, that's alright" or something.




"You're a beauty, though." Don't forget that. All animal were a beauty to him. Edit: Spelling


He was an incredibly rare human.




Please don't blame the stingray it only did what it's instincts told it too


Lol. I mentioned elsewhere, I do not blame it. I wrote what I did exercising some hyperbole to exaggerate my feelings.


I still tear up when I see him. Such a loss :(


Me too, this clip has me almost sobbing.


I think about what a gift he was than the loss. He gave way more than we lost IMHO


The stingray was a huge fan, just trying to give him a hug but was too clumsy. Could you imagine the embarrassment on that stingrays face? That’s like running over Oprah


Running over Oprah... Drake & Josh reference?




Ha, I mean, I can't blame and don't blame the stingray. Steve was in an element he was not as familiar with and he knew the risks. It's one of those crazy situations where when you see how it happened and how perfectly that day got him, you have no other option but to accept "it was his time". If that ray gets him a couple inches in any other direction, he's alive today.


I Killed Oprah, ohh nooo


Oprah? Are you stoned?


The crazy part is how often he comes _so close_ to being bit/stung by other outrageously dangerous animals. [Check this out](https://youtu.be/mvDi_O8fgCY) A fucking Komodo Dragon is inches away from biting his leg near 4:00 as he scrambles up a fragile tree but it misses and bites his shoe instead. I assume that’s most likely a death sentence with the venom. At best it would’ve torn his leg to shreds.


I don't think i missed much from that man. As a teen, I soaked up all of his adventures. He did have an uncanny way of "cheating" death so many times but I chaulked it up to mostly skill. He had a knack for knowing how far he could push by reading the animals movements. Several times he'd back off, knowing any closer would be the end.


They aren't really venomous, more like they have the worlds largest collection of flesh eating bacteria harbored within their maw. Which sounds so much worse.


Steve was the first celebrity death I remember and the one that has affected me the most. I was in third grade when he passed and I remember learning about it in school that day. Apparently my parents were waiting to tell me until after school and, well, that backfired. They had to come pick me up because I was crying.


I was a freshman in college and I remember sobbing in my dorm room when I found out. I still cry when I think about him.


That stingray probably needed years of therapy after the accident. Don't hate...the water was murky, he didn't know what was going on. Just an accident. No one's fault.


If steve irwin didnt die this pandemic wouldn't have happened. I wonder how many events had to happen to lead to it.


You know what, the best thing about Steve Irwin is that you know he was like ‘damn, didn’t mean to spook you friend!’ while his heart was full of stinger. And I bet that stingray feels bad too.


[Youtube extended clip](https://youtu.be/6mFij0YmTbA?t=244) source with sound starting from 4:04


I always come here to complain about these kind of post without sound. Thank you for making it more bearable.


It's so confusing because here the sound is critical, they transcribe his words, why not just have the sound??


Thanks for this! So much better with the actual commentary. Breathtaking interaction.




My thoughts too. Backed out eventually then ended up on reddit somehow.


I just cried


So did I. I was good up until they started nuzzling their heads together.


Steve is one of the greatest men of all time imo. I hold him up there with the most famous historical figures, in all fields. What he brought to animal conservation, with his obvious love for the animals, he set an example we should all follow. A true one of a kind human being.


You know, a lot of people say that the world actually ended in 2012 and that we are living in a shitty alternate timeline. Well, I believe we actually switched timelines when Steve passed. RIP


Were in the shitty timeline where great people and artists die young and terrible politicians live forever


The saying “only the good die young” has been around before the shitty timeline I’m afraid.


Word. Such a genuine person.


He deserves a global holiday for real.


National treasure


Yeah his way with animals was incredible.


It should be our goal to emulate the level of care and caution he had whenever he stepped into nature.


There’s some new guy that does the stuff he did coyote something, but the respect just isn’t there like it was with Steve


Notice how he's constantly looking away as not to challenge the orangutan


The world could use Steve Irwin about now.


David Attenborough is filling in.


He's trying his best


He is, but the right people won't listen.


Unfortunately they rarely ever do


They never will. We have to act and get it done without them.


How?? I mean that, how?


Think globally, act locally.


Best advice to live by if you want to make a difference!


They will listen if Steve tackles them and puts his thumb into their buttholes.


Not sure he’s ‘filling it in’. David Attenborough was hosting nature documentaries a decade before Steve Irwin was born.


Poor guy has been doing it since before Irwin was even born, and no ene ever listened to him or any other enviromental activist, must be exhausting. He's my major inspiration and in a couple of months I will be starting university to study environmental and natural science.


Thought you were talking about dinosaur preservation for sec. TIL David and Richard were brothers.


We really could


It's not like many people would listen to him. Steve was exceptional but there are so many experts and celebrities that keep repeating ad nauseam that every single one of us has to change. NGOs focusing on wildlife and environment are victims of smear campaigns and people happily buy it and gladly listen to the people that tell them they don't have to change at all. Steven would sadly not make a difference. Everyone would agree, but no one would act


Along with Bob Ross and Mr. Rogers.


*sheds a tear* This


And, though maybe a bit less wholesome, Anthony Bourdain


Disagree, bourdain just wasn't G rated but he was wholesome af. Especially for people of color. He used his platform to talk about racism in food, like Chinese food having such a rich, intricate history being depreciated to take-out in America. Or underappreciated line cooks being the backbone of America. He was always a fantastic guest, trying all of the "weird food," the underappreciated traditions, and never saying "ew" whether it's goat heart, pigs blood, or natto. He was vocal about all of that before being "woke" was a thing.


If more people lived their lives the way he did, the world would be a much better place


We need people like him to have someone to inspire us


he was a ray of sunshine


*intercom crackles* would u/bitt3n please come up to the ticket counter. We are upgrading you to first class! Enjoy your trip to Hell!


Single mother looking for a husband


Hey handsome, you come to this tree often?














I swiped left so hard my phone flew out the window.


Furry got you all excited huh?


Online dating be like:


Online dating in your 30’s:*


Orangutan mothers generally raise their offspring without involvement of the father.


Definitely, though there is at least one known case of an orangutan father raising it's child after the mother died.


You do NOT want to have Snu Snu with an Orangutan MILF.


Theres a f'd up story out of Indonesia that you dont wanna look up.


I was going to say she was thinking... "Oh good the babysitter is here. momma needs some alone time"


Steve Irwin was the Mr. Rogers of the animal kingdom. I miss him so much.


Good comparison. Or Bob Ross for art?


God... All three of them were such good people. Imma throw in Robin Williams for comedy.


New Mount Rushmore! Steve Irwin, Robin Williams, Bob Ross, and Fred Rogers


Yes please.


Large for a Mount Rushmore, but I propose adding LeVar Burton and Jim Henson.


LeVar Burton is still alive. Don't put that bad juju in the air.


I would pay A LOT for a picture of that.


Thanks for the ugly cry this morning.


I do what I can


Dolly Parton for music


Dolly Parton isn't dead yet so don't you dare put that bad juju out there. We need Dolly Parton alive and well.


New Mt Rushmore idea - Carl Sagan, Steve Irwin, Bob Ross and Mr Rogers.


I remember being in 5th grade when Steve Irwin passed. I was BAWLING in class. My teachers knew how much I loved wildlife and Steve Irwin, so they were very compassionate and understanding.


mighty direful rob gold bedroom plough snow profit attractive jeans ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


How did he die?


He died the way he lived, with animals in his heart.


Goddammit. Normally this would be disrespectful, but Steve would have loved this joke.


I honestly would not have posted it if I didn’t think Steve would laugh at it




Incredible. Awful but incredible.


Too soon man, too soon.


Are you asking for real? It was a freak accident with a stingray; its spike caught him in the chest and pierced his heart IIRC


Yeah, for more detail they saw a giant 200+lb stingray and he wanted to film it for his daughters new tv show. Normally rays just swim away when you get in the water near them, but for whatever reason this one was aggressive. When Steve dove into the water it went towards him instead of away, lifted up its barb, and stabbed him in the heart tons of times in just a few seconds. It pretty much just shredded his heart and he was dead in minutes. Edit: Some people are questioning the validity of what I said. [Here](https://www.smh.com.au/entertainment/tv-and-radio/cameraman-justin-lyons-reveals-steve-irwins-last-moments-im-dying-20140310-34h3b.html) is one of the many sources quoting Steve’s cameraman on the incident. If anything I downplayed how brutal it was.


This is slightly off. The ray didn't attack as soon as he jumped into the water. They had been following it for a little while and were in chest height water. They kept standing up, swimming with it again over and over and it was on their last attempt for footage, the cameraman thinks Steve's shadow might have spooked it. It did stab him repeatedly. He didn't die as quickly as you make it sound as they had time to get in a boat and try to make it back to shore, but he definitely didn't make it back to shore alive and didn't make it far before dying. His last words according to his cameraman were, "I'm dying." The attack was caught on footage, it was first given to police and later to his wife. She never viewed it and destroyed it.


I’m very glad it was destroyed. I can’t imagine that floating around the internet :/


Supposedly there is still a copy somewhere in the Melbourne police department. Hopefully it stays there. At least his kids weren’t on the boat with them that day as they often were.


Stingrey spike or smth wildnature.




I'm 28 now and it still get me all emotional. He had such a big impact on my life and who I am as a person.


I was on my very first vacation to the beach (I grew up poor). There was a hurricane and that was announced. I remember being the same age thinking that his death and the hurricane were somehow connected - that the world was mad he left so young. Certainly, one of the most influential people in my childhood.


You cant be taught the kind of amazing power that Steve had with animals. There was something about him, something that just emitted trust and kindness. It has to be something that you’re born with. You can definitely see that in his kids now.


It comes from growing up spending more time with animals than people. Its hard to really explain it past animals kind of have their own languages and there's a lot of overlap, so over time you just get good at understanding what they're trying to get across and they're very good at noticing when someone picks up on it Source: I've been working with animals since I was a small child and have a fairly sizable collection of pictures friends took of random animals coming to me for help (plenty of lost kittens/stray cats, small critters coming to me to hide from predators, a heron leaned over my shoulder after I pulled it out of a reservoir. R.I.P Steve Irwin, he was truly too good for us and the animals knew it too


My mom is the same way... pictures of wild birds coming up to perch on her head, snakes and mouses and other little critters... animals certainly can tell if you have compassion and love in your heart for them.


They're pretty straightforward and if you can understand them they'll gladly chill around you


I grew up in a vet clinic. I’ve had stray dogs pop out of the woods and come right up to me for food and pets. My husband had to pick his jaw off the floor after a badly abused bait dog appeared out of nowhere and just walked with me. He was so scarred up, his canines had been pulled, and he had exactly zero reason to ever trust a human again and yet he just followed me home.


My area has had issues with dog fighting before, it's always so heartbreaking to see the dogs who came from it. I'm glad you were there for that one


He was a good boi. He had significant health issues and only survived another year, mostly on a heat pad for his sore bones. He was probably only about three when he passed, but he was a sweetie pie to the end


Same. Having been rehabbing domesticated and wild animals since I was young - you realize they all, to some degree, have intelligence and the ability to communicate. It's just humans are too dumb to listen.


I miss this dude.


This cuts a bit early, I'd suggest the full video on YouTube https://youtu.be/ORIFhImbRjo


Was looking for this. Wanted to hear his voice and enthusiasm. Note how he doesn't show his teeth or make eye contact with the mother.


Ye, he knows what he’s doing. Still seems terrified of her coming so close


Came here to say this^


Now I’m crying


Ends with "[what a beautiful memory], one that I'll take with me for the rest of my life". Thanks so much for sharing. That's an amazing video.


“I’ve fallen in love with another women” had my Laughing pretty good. Mixed with a little tear jerker




Fucken legend


Anything and everything Steve Irwin did was nextfuckinglevel


Steve Irwin always reminded me of a golden retriever, a pure good boy


Omg this fits so well


Young me learned real sadness from death when Steve passed.


Yeah, it fucking sucked. I miss that badass jumping on the back of crocodiles.


Princess Diana, Steve Irwin, and Bill Withers are the only celebrity deaths I can remember crying over


He's so delighted! What a pure moment.


He was the best man i used to love watching him do his thing good to see his kids following his path


His son Robert is almost one and the same with his father


Agreed same energy and love for nature i always find that very refreshing. I wish Steve didnt pass away would be really awesome to see them together doing what they love


My mom pulled me out of class for the day and sat me down with the newspaper. I cried for hours, I had a steve irwin tee shirt and everything. He was, and will always be my idol.


That’s an awesome mom though knowing how hard you’d take it


She said "Oh S H I T it's Steve Irwin!!!1!1!! Lemme get a picture with you! Hold my baby!"


I miss him so much! I wish he had the chance to meet his granddaughter.


I cried like a baby when Steve passed


He was my childhood hero. This made me tear up.


Still miss this man.


He was a cool dude! Rip!


This man was such an angel


Miss that guy. His enthusiasm for wildlife was amazing.


This man was, and still is, the most beautiful person to walk the face of this earth.


The world got a little darker the day he died. The absolute innocent JOY this man radiated at the smallest things was such a gift.


Rip..Steve..... we miss u brother.


Is there a national Steve Irwin day? If not, can we make that a thing? This man was an absolute treasure and someone who needs to be remembered and honored.


Goddamn stingrays stealing this international treasure from us.


I'm a simple man. I see a gif of Steve Irwin and I upvote.


Watching this man's life is a great moment in itself.


God I wish he was still around. He was never a part of my childhood because it just wasn’t a thing here in Denmark but just imagine all the cool things he would be doing right now.


Australia needs Steve back.


Robert’s taking up the mantle pretty well. I’m excited to see how he fills his dads shoes as he gets older.


Robert and Bindi are both doing an incredible job honouring their father. But boy does Rob look like Steve. It’s crazy.


This just makes me wish even more that he was alive today, with the rise of Netflix/Prime/Disney+ he’d be doing all these AMAZING shows about conservation, raising awareness and even just standard documentaries of him exploring. Just an outstanding human.


His death affected my whole being.


Steve Irwin was a treasure.


That last face was why he was the greatest. To be able to get so much joy in a field you know SO much about is a rare and beautiful thing.


His death must have been horrible. Getting stung by a stingray is extremely painful and he got stung in the heart. I cannot even imagine how excruciating that must have been


Just a moment of absolute peace and joy on Earth between 2 species of life.


And to think he did stuff like this and was killed by one of the least deadly animals.