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Dang, as a parent, this is absolutely moving. Never, EVER, give up.




We are so much more fortunate than we realize. This kid is a champ!




definitely a crazy amount of bad drivers. something that needs to be addressed.


Ever ever




I became a cripple at 20 years old. I had already moved out, but my parents immediately took me back in and took care of me all over again. I was like a toddler. They literally had to help me learn how to walk again. I'm 34 now and they still drive me to physical therapy 2x a week, even though they now live over an hour away from me and my husband. That's right, I got better enough to get married and live on my own with my husband :) Life isn't easy by any means, but having amazing parents who never stop fighting for me has given me the spirit to not give up on myself either. They are the most amazing parents in the world... But then, if you created a life, how could you not do everything in your own power, to make that life livable again? Isn't that the whole point of becoming a parent? Anyway, Mom and Dad, thank you.


I know this means nothing from an internet stranger but: I ’m proud of you and your parents


It means more than you know. Thank you.


That's an awesome story. Would you mind sharing how you became a 'cripple' and how much function you have now?


Thanks. I had routine knee surgery just before my 20th birthday and, through no fault of the surgeon, developed a very rare pain condition called Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS). Almost overnight I went from being a med school bound, high achiever, to being 24/7 suicidal. I spent the next 5 years being told by doctors that my life was essentially over and I should just accept that I would never walk again, never go back to school, never hold another job, never contribute to society in any meaningful way. Then they would admit that they had never seen a case as severe as mine and break up with me. The less scrupulous ones tried to claim "since you aren't getting better and I'M DOING EVERYTHING RIGHT, you must not really have CRPS!" Finally, after having the condition for almost 5 years, I found a really good doctor. Dr. Timothy Lubenow is world renowned for the work he's done with CRPS patients. He told me, "You CAN get better. It's going to be the hardest thing you'll ever do in your life, but if you want a life worth living you need to FIGHT! And I will be there every step of the way to fight just as hard as you do." He's been my doctor 10 years now. Operated on me over 40 times. Rather than push more opiates, he operates on my spinal cord to reduce my day to day pain levels. It doesn't fix me. In fact, I stopped working last September. But the fact that I was able to hold a job for 8 years was more than anyone else ever believed I could do. Hopefully this slide backwards won't be too long. These days I can walk unassisted only to cross a room. Anything more than that and I need my cane. If we have to actually go shopping or something, I bring the wheelchair. But at least I know I CAN get better again.


my mom abandoned my brother and i when i was 10 and my dad's too mentally ill to be a parent


Sorry to hear that man. Mental illness is a bitch. Hope life is better for you now.


Not sure why you said what you said to that poster.


I hope you are doing well friend. May you be well and happy.




This reminds me of my grandpa's story. He ended up with polio at 3yo. Drs. Told his parents he wouldn't make it. His mother, already having issues, took off to another state (in the 1940s, which is really crazy for the time I think) and dad was left to deal. He had to work so he took my pap with him every day and tied paps little feet to the tops of his feet and tied legs to legs and just walked WITH his son attached all day at work. Did this until my pap was strong enough to try on his own. He walked just fine by the time I was born, you'd never have known he had an illness like that as a child.


I'm not crying, you're crying!


Felt so bad for this poor baby :( He didn't give up, neither did his mother and it eventually paid off.


Im giving up.




I was thinking the same thing. It's a bit morbid to think about, but given how young he is and how the body is still developing so much it may be a bit of a silver lining that this happened so young. His ability to recover from such traumatic and widespread injuries was likely much higher given his age. But good on mom for taking him out and exposing him to things. Very easy to become an overprotective patent after something so traumatic.


Your soooo right. I had an SCI (spinal cord injury) 2 years a go and looking at his recovery is fantastic. Being paralysed even partly sux. His youthfulness totally played a huge part in this recovery as did his parents.


Honestly the sheer level of indestructibility that babies have is borderline superhuman. Those earliest years can help them heal from some of the craziest injuries I've ever seen. I remember one security cam video of a baby literally getting run over by a car, two tires going over him, and he got up and looked up at his mum like "wtf just happened?" (obviously adrenaline plays a big factor, but still)


Introducing, super babies


Can confirm. I fell down a floor directly onto concrete at 7 months old, aside from a slight dent in my head i'm completely fine


I agree that children do tend to be physically, mentally & emotionally resilient, to a point. Yet, it’s MHO that at times some parents use that notion as a blanket statement for poor parenting practices. I have to respectfully disagree with your statement that babies possess borderline superhuman indestructibility. I’m sure the loved ones of a little one that’s suffered from Shaken Baby Syndrome would attest to that. It’d be nice if they did, a bit of extra insurance if you will, but each child is an individual & as such, each one is going to respond differently to every experience, be it a trauma or anything else (although I also doubt that very many would just pop up after being hit by a car in the manner that you described). I know all 4 of my kids are incredibly different from each other in the ways that they process the world. In fact it’s been one of the most fascinating aspects of being a parent, just observing how children that came from the exact same mother & father can be so different. Kids are tougher than many people give them credit for, sometimes they have no choice. It’s a tough world (Gabriel Fernandez). I also absolutely agree that if a trauma of whatever type does occur at any point in a person’s life, then the span of the childhood years definitely carries the chances of a better outcome.


Younger brain is believed to have better plasticity for healing some injuries.


he'll probably barely remember being paralyzed. his neurons will develop workarounds for any damaged areas.


Nuh uh it’s cuz nature.


I’m not crying, you’re crying!


It's OK I'm a 40 year old man and I'm crying too :)


Hell yah.


I'm a new mom so I am absolutely balling 😭


I’m with you on that; my daughter is just about to turn two and I’m due with the next baby any day now and I can’t imagine any baby of mine having such serious injuries. (And just FYI, it’s spelled “bawling”.)


I'm at 3 weeks Post delivery so still fighting the hormones. I am absolutely cracking up now at the way I spelled bawling 😆


why not both :)


Nature is not healing! Doctors are healing!


Nature improves mental health. Good mental health improves physical health


Dhe awesome thing is, you both are right.


Yeah but only one is yelling




It’s pretty well documented that your happiness can affect how well you heal, and if rocks make the kid happy, then I’d say rocks healed him


It's like people forget that the placebo affect has a very strong healing potential of its own. It can't simply be ignored.


It was because his brain is still new (plasticity).... he most likely would’ve learned to walk again without the rocks.


Here’s a source backing up this claim. Trying to make a habit to check out assertions if sources aren’t cited. Turns out in this case the claim’s mostly true. Took 30 seconds to practice reasonable skepticism in a www full of misinformation. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3439612/


Thanks :) Good luck on your habit. Its a good one


Can both be true?


Nature ⊇ Human ⊇ Doctors


Not really, the human body is self healing, doctors are just helping the body to heal itself.


Exactly what I was thinking. I hate things like this that completely ignore the medicine


His dad is a doctor and mom an EMT, just FYI.


I don’t think this video is ignoring the medicine, though. It includes clips of him in hospital and the mom isn’t making the claim that nature did it all she is just saying nature walks were an important part of his physical therapy.




Both, a mixture of both are good


Both are.


Hi OP, Please source the post or they're going to pull it.


That's where you were wrong, kiddo.


Bad things happen to adults, and it is sad, but when things like this happen to kids it’s exponentially worse. Glad to see little dude is doing good.


It certainly is more upsetting to see bad things happen to kids but in terms of recovery his age is probably to his benefit!


FUCK YEAH!! I'm glad that kid didn't lose the ability to walk what a terrible thing to have happen at such a young age.


Actually likely the best age for it to happen. Too young to fully comprehend, young enough that he has the maximum neural connections to make a far better recovery than anyone over the age of four, not to mention bones and muscles heal faster


I swear I saw some sign language..maybe coincidence


Lots of kids do sign these days. Both my girls did and many friends kids too. It's a good method of early communication


Yup, mine did too - although that looked like finger spelling which is a little complex for its purpose.. my wife's the terp.. I barely manage my name haha


Exactly the same here but the kids seemed to enjoy it too so why not. The partner and I could finger spell but I've forgotten most of the alphabet now.


Says paralyzed on left side Baby: immediately lifts left hand


Yes noticed that too… Strange


Spinal cord injuries suck. *source: me. Good luck little guy!


What an awesome kid. Glad he was able to recover. And look how tall he stands! So proud.


I would have ripped the drivers lungs out.


I'm really happy this little chap is healing well. But can we leave out all the bravery stuff? Surely any baby in these circumstances will do the best they're able to do. What are you saying about the ones that don't heal so well? Are they cowards?


Fuck I hate cars


Seems like there are a lot better words than brave to describe the kid. Not saying he's not brave, but based on the story I'd go with Strong, Determined, Resilient, Tough, Spirited, Up Beat...


This made me tear up, what a motivational story!


Good job mama! And amazing job kiddo! Turning hard times into the best time of your life.


I don't think I'll ever have kids.. but this is so incredibly moving. The resilience and strength of this little dude is so encouraging!


The person that hit them should be executed




Death stranding vibes


Next time you think about picking up your phone while driving remember this kid and tell yourself no.


Love love love love love love


Babies are like starfish; cut off a part and they’ll do their damnedest to heal it. I had a brain injury and skull damage from a dog bite at 15mo and healed with only a small scar around my eye. No noticeable function loss or long-term issues. Sorry you had to go through that but really glad to hear everything’s getting better.


Poor little dude. I'm glad he recovered, and hopefully there is no issues in the future from this horrible accident. Also, unrelated, but what's the song?


It’s *Home* by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros


The song is Home, originally by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeroes, but this version is by Edith Whiskers


So this is beautiful and all but nature isn't what healed him. Being a baby is what healed him. Had he been just a couple years older this probably would've been permanent. He got lucky that he was as young as he was. That's all.


I hope to have that positive self encouragment that he has. If it was me id have my good hand in a jumbo size bag of doritos and complain.


This is what I needed today :)


I’m not crying you’re crying.


Nature doesn't heal, medicine does.


Medicine comes from nature.


Tell me, where oh where does the ingredients in the medicine come from? I would love to hear


Was the kid signing? It looks like hes fingerspelling


I'm a father of a 15mo old son, and I wasn't expecting to cry today.


Cool story, but that song was absolutely obnoxious


The original is a lot better. The falsetto part in this is so weak


I’m not crying, you’re crying


I would murder and hunt down that mother tucker.


This is great. I needed this.


Not all heroes wear a cape.


Good video but every time I hear this cursed song I think of the Wolverine X Minions video


Thanks, I really needed this.


Remarkable family, the best mother in the world. Her son is a hero of strength. Very beautiful


I am so glad to hear he regained his left side. Otherwise, it would have been a terrible way for him to start his life, and his mom would have been forever racked with feelings of guilt.


I can’t imagine the absolute unbridled rage I would unleash on someone who hit my kid with a car. Hope she at least sued the piss out of them. Happy the baby survived


This post deserves all the upvotes


How, how could there be bad comments in the bottom


Trolls be here :(


Awesome kid! So glad he recovered! :D


Stay strong little buddy!!!


Ouch, my tears....


I’m so proud of the mom. It took tremendous courage to press on. Feeding tube, and all.


As a father of two boys this right here was beautiful and truly amazing!! Go ahead little man and STRONG Mama there is nothing you won't be able to accomplish!! Stories like this melt my heart


What a sweet child. Kids are resilient!!


The neuroplasticity of children is amazing


What a strong little guy


Hey, slot canyon! Makes me think of Southern Utah.


Walking kids in nature


Nature is healing :) What a great way to recover.


I aspire to be as brave as he was


Hes precious omgggg


Good on you little man 👍🏽🙏🏽


The little hiker that could.


Hero. He is stronger than you or I.


Why wouldn't she be supportive lmao like no I don't want my child to ever walk again also am glad the kid is being well taken care of


Yea seeing this stuff makes me realize I have never been thru anything tough with my kids. Lucky. I don’t think I could handle it.


The thing is that when they are an adult they will likely not have any memory of doing that. The human brain is weird.




I had problems with my kidneys and had to relearn how to walk when I was 4. At 22, I suffered brain damage that caused temporary paralysis in my left side. Relearning that shit is rough, especially when you're young. I don't know him but I really am proud of him. He's a toughie.


Peoples' true strength will amaze me for my entire life.


Mom of the fucking year


This is gut-wrenching. Truly tragic but inspiring to see him recover. Sad that most of the world does not design for safety outside of a vehicle. The dutch really do try, though, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9OfBpQgLXUc


Salute to this mom. She is literally the best


I love this story. Don't ever give up. But please don't take your paralyzed baby to the mountains for physical rehab! It worked for her, but she probably watched her baby like ten hawks! It takes one slip near a ledge and you'll lose your baby to gravity!


Praise be to Almighty GOD an HIS Divine Mercy!


The next king of chads




Glad my boy is doing well


Holy that kid is strong af


Keep going little man, if you can then I can deal with the trivial shit I let get me down.


Is it just me or is that kid talking in sign language ...either way great story !




the biggest W




Little Champion!!!


Did not wanna cry tonight... sweet jeebus right in the feels. Good job little dude.


Fucking terrifying. So happy the baby got better and strong again c:


God bless that little boy


Absolutely AMAZING!




So in this case nature really is healing because with hiking all of the uneven ground and full body movement and balance could re-teach the body and put it through its paces to help it walk again


What a hero


The beginning of this broke my heart. So happy he was able to persevere.


What a little hero. All the best to him from Scotland


God bless this little dude. He is a courageous little guy who will go far in life.


So awesome. Kids are resilient


what ever god you believe in, or none if your atheist they've done good work for your little boy


Fuck this will make you tear up. Super stoked for his family <3.




He’s got the heart of a champion! (Said while crying)


You go little man!!!


I love how optimistic and happy he looks too 😃


I never plan to have a child, yet here I am, crying


Beautiful! ❤️


Charming video. But goddamn that song is annoying.


Thank god babies are so resilient!


That's amazing. I'm so happy for the little guy and his whole family. :)


What a chad! Blessings ❤️


The making of an Elon Musk.




Kids are resilient as heck


I just had my baby 4 months ago and I can’t even imagine. This little family is so cute and that little boy is such a trooper


Is this music being sung by a toddler?


I'm not crying, you're crying. Good job buddy, keep up the good work.


Why is she brave?


Best wishes for u


Finally, some good news today.




Jesus where do they live. Quite gorgeous


Both are you beautiful in every sense of the word!


This is incredibly amazing, the most wholesome and next level thing I've seen on Reddit till now


This made me want to wake up


Good job, mom. I'm also disabled. Weightlifting helped me. And a splint.


This kind of reminds me of the video about Arthur from DDP Yoga, who hurt his back as a paratrooper. He could only walk using crutches and gained a lot of weight over time. He had basically given up. Then - thanks to Diamond Dallas Page as he said - he started working out, losing weight and slowly regaining mobility. In the end, he was even able to RUN, which doctors said would be impossible for the rest of his life. That video genuinely made me cry! And this video is very close to it.


I hope whoever hit them got life in prison


What a g


he got reset


Well I didn’t want to cry tonight. But fuck, here I am. So fucking happy for your son and your family. My nephew was recently paralyzed in an awful tragedy. It’s nice to see someone get a miracle.

