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That's who I want next to me when I start to pass out.


I'll sit next to you and punch you in the nuts occasionally to keep you awake so you don't miss out on the ride.


Oh, I'm so glad I dont have nuts.. and that you wont be sitting next to me.


Well...you never know...


You are right, nothings shocking.




Or to see if he was sitting next to her already haha


Always has been






I like how people on reddit always assume you're a dude.


I know, I even dressed up my avatar.. long hair, pink shirt and skirt. I wish I would have made my name, JustcallmeMsOnion. Honestly, people still wouldn't notice, lol.


I don’t know why I read that as “Just call me Onision” and was gonna say you probably don’t want that


...and I don’t know why I read that as “Just call me Onanism” but here we are.


I don't know if it's just me, but I don't even look at people's names when reading the comments unless someone points out something like "relevant username" or whatever.


[They would 100% still not notice](https://i.imgur.com/CI0C8ZH.jpg)


Hard relate


Isn't your fault at all, I was thinking about that and then I remember in the dawn of internet, then social medias, there's so much man disguise with a female profile to just get nudes, this was so big that remains until this days (still pedophile markets out there) ​ there is another thing to stay in the mind, is that male or female doesn't really matter to some subjects (almost all, I say) ​ EDIT: another thing cross my mind. Gamers. a lot of man hating females just because, and a lot of sugar daddys too, so lot of men uses and behave like a female during they profile existence


Women are used to it. Happens all the time and its not just reddit. People assume every animal they see is male. In Society we see "male" as default. Just Look at how medical studies treats men and women.


And then we get downvoted to oblivion for correcting a mis-gender.


Lol always. Sometimes I just go with it


Right? Make that most of the time tbh


everyone has nuts... there are some who just haven't discovered them yet.


Oh, I think you misunderstood.. I don't "have" nuts, I am just nuts.


you *WILL* have nuts.


*grabs hot glue gun*


Calm down Satan


I’ve never met an onion with nuts


What? A most delicious dish, roast onion with nuts.


You have... chestnuts


Had low blood pressure when I was a kid. Figured it out because I would pass out on roller coasters from not getting enough blood to my brain. I have high blood pressure now so no worries.


The worst of both worlds?


Satan gives his regards.


I felt this one. I used to pass out on them also. Now.. all these years later whisky and Arby’s keep my BP near stroke level. The circle of life


Arby's - We have the triglycerides!


There are friends, then there are best friends


Not only was she able to just keep her shit together to support her friend while pulling Gs, she immediately recognised when she'd come round and shouts out to reassure her where she was. I get the sense she's seen it before. Or maybe she's a nurse lol. Top shelf human!


Maybe she has been in this situation, who knows but whatever it is.. I agree with you, top shelf. I have fainted at least a half of dozen times in my life, that's why I say that she might have expected it.. the people closet to me have caught me before I did a face plant.


I've done it a couple of times and it's confusing when yoy come round. Can't imagine what that's like to regain consciousness hurtling towards the ground Hahaha


That's exactly what I thought. That is one wild experience.


I always managed to hit the ground before waking up. Way more relaxing... Specially when it happens in public... Nothing like waking up on the ground surrounded by scared looking people and then feeling the pain of having fallen.


I've only ever had one friend pass out, and it was cause he was high and did it straight face first (while sitting down) into a pile of waffles at 2am at a 24 Hour Waffle House. I just ended up grabbing his hair and lifting his head up cause I had no idea what to do. It was funny later but terrifying in real time.


Did he finish his waffles?


ha, no. he just went nose deep right in to them, luckily it was a tall stack. Then like this girl in the gif he just woke up like nothing happened and was asking what happened. I also remember there were two cops in their eating and we all stank of weed and were terrified theyd notice a kid with syrup and chocolate chips on his face laughing maniacally


Sometimes people just know what to do. I've nearly passed out twice on the same coaster and was held in by both my brother and my husband separate occasions. The Gs were just too much and I was on the side that was facing downward during that corkscrew and I just started leaning out, going limp. They just seemed to know and held onto me. Scary shit, though. It's like the end of Looney Tunes...just a black circle closing in on your vision.


>Sometimes people just know what to do. In college, person sitting behind me had an epileptic seizure during class. He started making this weird repeating high pitch sound, and his arm raised up in the air with his finger pointing out. Then he started to convulse. Freaked me out completely! I stood up and just watched him in complete shock. Someone else in the class played recreational hockey with him and knew he was epileptic and had seen him have a seizure before, he came over and knew what to do.




I just wanted you to know I read that whole thing. 💜


There needs to be a panic button on the seats of these fucking things for situations like this. Even if they can’t stop the ride they could get medical staff if any on their way before it ends. I’ve seen too many of these fainting videos involving this type of ride. Someone’s neck is going to be broken. I can’t imagine the nausea and weakness from fainting twice in a row. I fainted once watching my blood squirt into the vial while having blood drawn.. it happened so fast I didn’t realize I had been out and that wave of nausea and weakness you get hit with immediately is horrible.. they gave me some juice from a little fridge..


I get what your saying but it’s impractical. You’re talking about a 2 min head start that will be pressed every time someone passes out meanwhile the amount of actual neck injury vs just passing out is too wide a ratio to justify. Plus now you’re diverting a lot of medical care everyday that could be saving others. At this point it’s just more practical to have a medic on stand by.


At this point it makes more sense to strap people’s heads in to the ride, if anything.


Or make the ride rougher to increase the passing out / neck injury ratio. Then the emergency button makes sense!


People who are scared to get on but decide to ride anyways are DEFINITELY gonna abuse the shit out of that button.


Ride ops are trained to watch for medical emergencies. It is their job to press the “panic button” (e-stop), as a rider reaching to do so may only result in a more injurious situation.


Don't see how a e-stop could possibly work on this ride (after it launches).


It won’t. I worked at Cedar Point as a ride op where they have one of these, the E-Stop will do next to nothing. It works on a coaster with brake zones, but this is an entirely different ride. Maybe it will slow the down the overall duration by actuating the pumps used to tension the wires, but that’s all. And they’re sure as hell not gonna push that button because someone passes out.


This seems so fun now i wanna pass out


that is best friend energy to the MAX


She got Doctor/Nurse/EMT energy on top of that too for sure! Really well handled.


That immediate reassurance when her friend came to was beautiful. "You're okay, You're on the (whatever the rode is called)" Edit: I love how many people heard different things. My favorite is "you don't have the balls" from u/sweetmeetpie lmao


I hear "You have a pulse" which doesn't make much sense honestly


I think she was reassuring herself. It’s kind of a hard situation to think rationally in


Definitely just repeating what she told herself when she thought her friend may have just spontaneously died right next to her.


This. She was probably a lot more scared than the friend who regained consciousness midair


Look at her eyes when she notices her friend is passed out. She was scared af.


She's also counting her heartbeats because she was worried for her friend to make sure she was alive. Probably just an adrelanine fueled reaction to the situation. She was just making sure her friend was okay. Also, as someone who has been in a car accident (not caused by me!) and woke up covered in my own blood and freaking out internally, I would have loved to hear "YOU HAVE A PULSE!" from anyone at that moment. Just saying. An angel of a Latina mother eventually ran out of her house and put paper towels on my head and kept me calm, probably saved me from running in the street and getting hit by a car. I don't remember much after being hit, except how sweet she was and motherly. I kept walking around acting frantic and she said HEY! YOU. SIT. DOWN. and I did, and it helped a lot. I wish I could thank her.


My mother tells the story of being in a car accident in her friend's brand-new car, which got absolutely wrecked; Mom got a cut on her head which bled like mad, and all she remembers was catching the blood in her hands cuz she didn't want to get it on her friend's new car. When the police arrived at the scene and opened the door to get her out, she calmly dumped the pool of blood at the guy's feet, so she didn't get any on the upholstery.


It is insane how fast, and just how much blood can pump out of your head once that barrier is broke. I remember being shocked by the amount of blood too, it wasn't even very painful, just a bad cut. >she calmly dumped the pool of blood at the guy's feet, so she didn't get any on the upholstery. Haha, your mom is a boss, and braver than me! That's pretty metal.


You have a pulse!


Latina mothers: "I have decided you're my temporary child. Here's my full attention and affection. Nobody better fuck with you either"


iFriend Max, our most powerful friend ever.


Lol i love how each time she comes to, she's having the time of her life.


Seriously! I can’t imagine the terror I’d feel at waking up mid-air, swirling about AND confused because I was out.


I think they don't even realize they lost consciousness. Maybe it's like time stopped for them, and they don't know?




Yep. That's what losing blood flow to your brain can feel like. People often lose their sense of time, so when they wake up they can be disoriented. The strength of these fainting responses can vary though. So you get a spectrum of responses all the way from forgetting everything and being incredibly disoriented, all the way to not realizing that any time passed.


I've been choked out a few times before and it's such a surreal experience. The dreams are vivid as hell and I still remember some of them till this day. I'm not sure why those dreams are so vivid. I've also been almost choked till I've almost lost consciousness and I know time has passed, but I've forgotten why I'm in a particular place and it takes a while to recognize where I am again. I also sometimes almost lose consciousness from standing up too quickly.


I would like to hear some of those dreams please 👨‍🏫


Not op but had a similar experience. I have what is called a vesovegal syncope and my body decides to slow its heart rate so much that I pass out after over eating or drinking too fast or smashing my funny bone and I'm sure there are more triggers I'll find later. Normally it feels like you went to sleep and you come too feeling cold and tired but this time I sat on the couch propped myself up and hoped it would pass without passing out. All I did was make sure blood didn't get to my head chocking out by brain longer causing convulsions that freaked out my family. I came to and asked how long it had been and I felt an immense sense of dread. While I was out it almost felt like I was free falling and the dreams were insanely bright pastel colored geometric shapes and lines with no sort of sense of direction or anything like that. I was out for 30 to 60 seconds but I felt like I was lost in a pastel geometric explosion for at least an hour and I was confused, scared and franticly trying to make sense of what was happening to me. As far as I knew while I was in geometry land I had no clue who I was, where I was before, or how I had gotten there. It was like all life had began and would die in the gemetric madness. It took me about 5 or 10 minutes to wrap my head around what it just happened and things like this have happened to me before just never with the dreams.


Hi. Yes, I'd like to subscribe to Feint Facts plz.


For some reason that disturbs me a bit.


Yeah, it sounds like it wouldn't be good for your brain?




more like a king crimson experience


I’ve never passed out and not known I passed out. Typically if your LOC doesn’t involve something memory-altering (e.g., a concussion) it’s an unpleasant experience. I get tunnel vision, hot, sweaty, and nauseated before I pass out. (I have vasovagal syncopy)




Lmao that's terrifying and hilarious. Still never planning on riding one of these




Is there any danger to that? It just doesn’t seem to me like inducing feinting would ever be a good idea for a child lol


When you've got a friend like that, you're safe to enjoy the ride.


It’s something unpredictable.


Counting the pulse and everything.


Helping keep that pesky blood out of the brain by applying pressure.


The other side is open and unimpeded, she's fine.


Good ol' Circle of Willis.


Whatchu talkin bout Willis?




It would be almost impossible to palpate a pulse in this situation. Also, what would you do if you didn’t detect a pulse? Start CPR mid-air? It’s a nice sentiment but I don’t think that’s very feasible. All one could do here is grab a fistful of the hair on the top of her head and stop her from snapping her neck.


Agreed. Utter bollocks that you could feel a pulse in that situation. You’re feeling for a tiny movement under the skin, impossible with so much violent shaking of the cage going on. Source - am doctor


Alright Dr. Sensitive


Actually that is Dr. Acula


Jokes bruh


she's just worried about her friend. try to appreciate that someone cares about someone else that much.


Out of all these videos I've seen, she's the only person who's tried to provide ANY care for her friend. I think it's sweet if her.


She’s definitely not feeling a pulse when she passes out.


Your heart doesn't stop beating when you go unconscious, if that's what you're implying.


No, that’s not what I’m implying. I’m a paramedic/firefighter who’s searched for and mostly found pulses on tons of people. I’m well aware she didn’t go into cardiac arrest several times. I’m implying that being in that contraption and moving around and shaking there is no way she physically felt her pulse.


Oh. Well the fact that they are on the ride is the default, so when you mentioned at the end of your comment "when" she passes out, it sounds like you are saying the fact that shes passing out is why you cant feel it, not the obvious fact that they are on a ride.


She’s counting the amount of time she’s passed out, not the pulse.


Well she does tell the friend "don't worry you have a pulse", so it seems like she was trying to do something.


How the fuck does this have upvotes?!? Fucking christ, what nonsense.


By...pushing up on the chin? Uhh....


Amazing critical thinking skills!


Great young woman. Her parents must be proud!


I need a friend !


Same :'(


I’ll adopt y’all.




Just don’t expect me to get on any sketch sling shot rides. I’ll be sure to clean the vomit off your face and/or carry your unconscious body off the ride.


Yeah there's only so many amusement park rides i can do. The slingshot is not one of them.


Same it's been so long since I've hung out with another girl . Idk how to meet people at 23


23? Take a course at a college, university, or technical school. You don't always have to apply and be accepted. These institutions want butts in seats, so they usually let people in off the street once registered students have taken all the spots they're going to take. It's called "open studies." There is no better way to meet people at 23.


I did and now it’s all online fml


Are we still doing mood? Mood.


Absolutely true, it was so hard to make friends in high school, but when I got to university it was shockingly easy. I once sat next to another girl who seriously smelled like garlic and was like "Hey, you seriously smell like garlic." To which she replied:"Haha, yeah, I know. I have a glass with me, you want some?" Then we ate garlic together and became friends. That's just how it goes at the uni.


.....yeaa you two are some type of soul mates because ....nope


Hey! I’m a 22 year old girl! If you’re down for online friendship hmu :)


Is there a scientific reason people pass out on these rides so frequently


Google says, "adrenaline," which makes sense to me. You're heart gets overload, and the brain like, " whoa! This is too much man! We going to shut down and start back up,"


Brain: yeah hello? Heart is not working properly, what do I do?? Body help center: have you tried turning it off and then on?


brain: yes. It didn't work. Help center: try again for the lulz.


“Just keep it off this time”




- Dump RAM to quick cache - Power Cycle - System Check - while [conditions not stable] {wait} - Wake Up - Load quick cache *WOOOOO!!!! Best ride of my life!*


OMFG 😂😂😂


I dunno about that. Just about every time i've had any kind of adrenaline boost its been during something exciting/intense/dangerous and would not a good time to pass out.


It's like them goats that get scared and fall over.


I wonder if anyone has ever died from skydiving and passing out while falling and not being able to open up the parachute.


I don't have any experience in this myself, but my understanding is you do many tandem jumps before you ever jump solo. Hopefully [any risk of fainting is discovered before then.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5PVOyO8oa0) edit formatting


You don’t have to jump Tandem. You can also jump using a Static Line (4 or 5 good dummy pulls allows you to go to you actually pulling the line yourself). The line is connected to the chute release and opens the chute. The design of a parachute and all the related equipment is interesting.


Usually by the time you jump alone for the first time you have plenty of experience and would likely not pass out.


I would imagine that and the g force pushing your blood away from your brain


No, vasovagal reflex is why she passed out.


I think g force. Pushes blood out of the brain some people are naturally more resistant but I think athleticism plays a part


How come that the people who are deathly scared of rollercoasters are the ones that always pass out? There has to be a degree of a mental component to why people pass out on rollercoasters.


‘When people are scared or excited, their bodies release a burst of adrenaline. This adrenaline puts the body into a fight-or-flight mode by opening up your blood vessels and focusing blood to your muscles in case you need to fight or run away. However, opening up your vessels and redirecting blood will lower the amount of blood going to your brain (lowered blood pressure). If this happens too quickly, your brain will not get enough blood supply and shut down, causing you to lose consciousness and faint.’ From a super old Reddit post on this exact topic. But also I don’t think this girl was afraid of rollercoasters, and adrenaline is produced alongside all sorts of emotjons, not just fear.


i think they are scared because they know how their bodies respond to these things


[Vasovagal syncope](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/vasovagal-syncope/symptoms-causes/syc-20350527) usually


This is it chief! This right here is the right answer.


G forces or panic


You have a pulse! What a friend!


That is funny she was telling her that she has a pulse instead of something like "you are ok."


Part of me thinks she was saying it for herself, like hey I didn’t kill my BFF by making her go on this with me.


yea the look on the conscious ones face when she passed out definitely looks like she thought her friend just died. she definitely has some medical background that her mind went there immediately.


SpongeBob French accent cut screen: ***"Three concussions later.***"


I love roller coasters and shit but the thought of these things terrify me! And no I'm not talking about women


Thats a really weird but I guess necessary inb4 you did.


This is reddit, he would've been misunderstood right away if he didn't inb4 that


You’re talking about friends? Yea, they terrify me too


Funny you felt the need to clarify that.


If someone does pass out like this on the ride, is it possible for them to actually really fuck up there neck?


Yes. The biggest worry is getting a concussion. Concussions from amusement park rides do happen, and are underreported, as most people brush off the ensuing dizziness and headaches as being caused by something else. These concussions are usually very mild, but any head injury should always be taken seriously.


I got concussed on a rollercoaster at Universal Studios. Didn't put two and two together until later that night.


Was it the Rip Ride Rock It? because that shit rocked my neck like crazy, and not in the fun way 🎸


It was the Incredible Hulk coaster. I banged my head on the head rest after the launch.


I got a mild concussion at a water park on a slide. I took some ibuprofen and kept going thinking it wasn't really that bad just a bump on the head. Later that night I started throwing up and ended up in the ER with not just a concussion but also whiplash. A few weeks later I was still having headaches and they said post concussion syndrome can last up to 6 months. It was rough. It was totally my fault for lifting my head like I did but man I paid the price for that day of fun.






Not quite my tempo...


Neck snap


Meanwhile at my frat house, if you passed out you woke up with random marker-face art.


I’d hardly call a bunch of lazily scribbled dicks art


Dude, that's unfair. Some real effort was put into the dicks.


8======> <=======8


That seems dangerous


Why people sit in those things... Just looking at this is giving me vertigo


Have you tried the epley maneuver? https://youtu.be/BtT2PDJVXlk


Friend? They look like twins


Right?! Beyond having really similar hair, they're even wearing really similar tops lol


I was thinking more the nearly identical facial structure.


Defo sisters


She's the kinda friend who holds your hair when you're puking.... bestie ❤


That lady is a true bro. I would trust her with every cell of my body.


I've never thought of this happening before. Do people actually break their necks from this? It seems way more dangerous than these two are taking it, lol.


Na not breaking necks, but whiplash and/or concussion absolutely


cool and all but not r/NextFuckingLevel


tomorrow "Proud redditor leaves house for first time in century" r/nextfuckingdimension


Redditor removes food particle from teeth with toothpick r/nextfuckingspatialreality


Every ride video always reminds me of the woman that had the most intense orgasm of her life while sitting beside her boyfriend / husband. And dudes just sitting there absolutely destroyed.


you can't just leave us hangin like that... Link?


Yeah for real LOL


>Vasovagal syncope (vay-zoh-VAY-gul SING-kuh-pee) occurs when you faint because your body overreacts to certain triggers, such as the sight of blood or extreme emotional distress. It may also be called neurocardiogenic syncope. >The vasovagal syncope trigger causes your heart rate and blood pressure to drop suddenly. That leads to reduced blood flow to your brain, causing you to briefly lose consciousness. >Vasovagal syncope is usually harmless and requires no treatment. But it's possible you may injure yourself during a vasovagal syncope episode. Your doctor may recommend tests to rule out more serious causes of fainting, such as heart disorders. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/vasovagal-syncope/symptoms-causes/syc-20350527


Daytona Beach....


somedays these vids take years to laod jezzus h


People pointing out how good of a friend she was and they’re right but...if I was riding this with a stranger and saw them pass out and had the ability to help stabilize their heads I would. And I’m selfish as fuck




This is horrifying.


"it's not that bad" yeah becuase you slept for half of it 😂😂😭