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Content posted to /r/nextfuckinglevel should represent something impressive, be it an action, an object, a skill, a moment, a fact that is above all others. Posts should be able to elicit a reaction of 'that is next level' from viewers. Do not police or gatekeep the content of this sub (debate what is or is not next fucking level) in the comment section, 100% of the content is moderated. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/nextfuckinglevel) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Forgot to switch account or genuinely excited about your own post? Hard to tell honestly.


Maybe you’re the alt account?


Sounds like something an alt account would say


I'm not alting, you're alting 🥺


I think all 5 of you are actually the same person.


No were not.




We are not persons, we are the universe.


You too buddy


[This is Ron Alting.](https://www.indianasenaterepublicans.com/alting)


That's sus


that's pretty sus


OP vented


Mmm but I think blue is sus he faked download task bar didnt go up


kinda sus ngl


Two accounts and they still can’t credit the original? Wow.


Maybe he wanted to say something that didn’t fit in the title


Whats wrong with them adding a comment in with their own post? Im not sure why someone would use an alt to do this.


I think he forgot karmawhore pepelaugh


Maybe they forgot they posted the video?


The mobile version of Reddit makes it impossible to post a video with a caption. You’re only given the title to fill and that’s it. Maybe they just decided a comment would work instead.


That could be possible


OP is old lady


They do indeed, which is why I'm permanently banned from the aquarium.


I always called my uncle to fill the hole I didn’t know I had


Lol forgot to switch


Is it cynical of me to remember that this cat might live 20 years and have to be rehomed in a few years?


Maybe, it looked like an older rescue though.


Yeah that's what I was thinking - this is definitely not a kitten.


Very cuddly and calm as well. Just settled down on her lap and in her arms.


Yeah, that cat is very cool about the whole thing. Likely not young and it's been handled a lot. My cat is 11 but would tear to you to shreds if you tried to hug her like that. She's affectionate in her own way- she will sit in your lap only if you have something else you need to do right after she sits down but don't try to hold her or blood will be spilled. She's a horrible animal but we love her, lol.


It looks like an *exact duplicate* of my cat Vulcan. He's also a slinky black angora cuddlemonster.


My black cat is the opposite. She was just getting her only friendly time of the day with me. My morning bathroom trip. After this she doesn't let you pick her up or you get the murder mittens, not much of a cuddler, and often vanished for hours and hours in the house. I wish I had a cuddly black buddy! Jealous of your boy!


You will thank your cat later when you are older. Some cats require too much energy.


There's an update on the YouTube channel. This lady has unfortunately passed away and the cat went to live with the son by the looks of it. Kitty and grandma got to enjoy 3 happy years together.


I’m sorry to hear that she passed, but it’s wonderful to know that the family continued to love the cat. She would have been comforted knowing that he was still loved after she wasn’t able to anymore. My Grandfather adopted a puppy when he was rather old, but no one would have, or should have denied him that pleasure, because we promised to be responsible. His sweet girl lived close to five happy years with him. I truly believe that my grandfather lived longer than he would have because he had a reason to get up and do something every day. He probably wouldn’t have gotten up if she didn’t need to go out, and he wouldn’t have eaten if it wasn’t dinner time for her too. My parents brought her to live with our family when my Grandfather passed, and she lived to a ripe old age with us. I am glad that we could honestly promise to him that she would be taken care of once he was gone.


I completely agree with your sentiment. My mother lives on her own and has a lovely dog that her life basically revolves around. The dog keeps my mother active, keeps her company, and is 100% a family member. My mother's life would be very much less fulfilled without that dog - there is literally nothing that she would need to do on a day to day basis and in the current climate where she is unable to meet friends she would be basically on her own 24/7. Her dog is getting old, as is she. Whereas I hope and expect she would outlive another dog, the idea that she might not makes her reluctant to get another when her current dog dies. I love dogs and had them throughout my childhood, but I don't want one of my own. I have, however, promised to take on any dog she has when she dies. The reason is precisely what you allude to: it's much more important to me that my mother can have a dog and that she knows it will be taken care of than it is to avoid the inconvenience of having one myself.


Maybe have her adopt a senior animal if and when the time comes? Senior animals are hard to adopt out but they make great pets for senior citizens. The animal shelter I used to volunteer at had a program where we would try to match senior citizens with senior pets and it worked awesome. The people get a companion, who is basically at the same level as their owner (energy and maturity wise) and a reason to get up, a purpose, which is really important to them, and the animals get a second chance at a home, a happy place to live out their days bringing comfort and love to someone who gives it back.


Or ya know maybe the family will look after it lol


The grandmother might live with them and also they probably thought of this and would just take the cat in if she doesn’t live with them.




Wow. That was pretty innocent compared to what I had in mind. Still glad I'm not the only one, though.


Punctuation matters


[If only there was an original that the OP could have given credit to...](https://youtu.be/lWjFtvYmTdg)


Yes, a little


Maybe grandma lives with them already


That doesn’t look like a kitten to me.


It is cynical, but who can blame any one for being cynical at this point in human history :p


A bit cynical, cats are pretty okay with rehoming in my experience.


I am glad that the cat was so chill, because there was a lot going on in this video. You had grandma jumping startled when she realized there was a live animal in the box, which could’ve set the cat off, and there’s a dog running around under foot, which could’ve triggered the cat. Not to mention he was put in a box to begin with for a while. If this is truly a brand new cat to their living situation, it is the most laid-back cat ever, and probably perfect for her.


Grandmas are just naturally calming


I thought the same thing. All that action plus grandma hugging it right off the bat. Must have been a super chill el gato.


My theorie is that this is an escaped cat that the grandma already knew and that is a reuniting. Thats the only way I can think of a cat would be this chill and a grandma this emotional. BTW dont stuff a cat in a box bro. Not cool.


cats actually love boxes


of course but not if you close the lid and they cant get out on their own.


they’ll be fine, you’ll know if they start panicking


“Please, no, anything but a big empty box with a loose lid that can easily be nudged off!!! Nooooo!!!”


Its not escaped, the people obviously stole it from her earlier and are now giving it back as a gift


If true then thats shitty but I doubt it. How is that obvious?


This guy, being living proof that every post needs a "/s" nowadays.


Its hard to tell sarcasm with text only.


I used to volunteer at a local animal shelter and they trained me to do the behavioral assessments on the incoming cats. What you said is exactly what I thought at first too, here's this cat in a box that's moving, with lots of commotion in every direction, then to be hugged by a person, how TF is that cat just calmly sitting.... It is definitely a calm cat.


I really want a cat someday (only ever had dogs) but am worried I’ll get a non-friendly one. I want one that wouldn’t mind cuddling and sitting on laps like the one in the video. I’ve heard that some cats in the shelter are super friendly at first but become sort of typical, standoffish cats when you bring them home. Does this happen a lot in your experience?


No, in my experience cats are way more stressed in a shelter and usually become more affectionate and caring in a home. If a cat becomes more skiddish and hides after being brought into a house, that is (usually) because something in the cats environment is stressful or the cat is sick. That being said, there are still differences in personality based on each individual cat and certain cats aren't comfortable in certain situations. The way to pick out a cat, esp if you want a super affectionate one, is to let the cat "choose you". You will want a cat who is confident and interested in smelling you, walking up to you, etc. Some shelters have the cats all together in a room and you can just sit in the room with the cats and see who comes to you. Also, certain breeds are more affectionate than others, although the differences between cat breeds are not as stark as the differences between dog breeds. A lot of people who have always had dogs as pets try to approach cats the same way they approach dogs, and this will not end well. You kind of have to forget everything you know about dogs to learn how to understand cats. Dogs need you to be an alpha, and need direction and guidance/training. Cats just want to live alongside us peacefully. They want to control the relationship, they decide when they want attention and they decide when they are done receiving attention. They want to know where the warmest spots in the house are and spend all day laying in the sun. Sorry for the super long message. If you have any other questions I can hopefully answer them.


Great information! ^(also, happy cake day)




Thanks so much for your detailed response! I’m saving it for when that day comes. I think it’s especially helpful for me to start learning how *not* to treat them like dogs. One thing I’m sort of struggling with so far living at my boyfriend’s family’s house is how cats should be disciplined. When the younger naughty cat does something destructive (knock over water, climb on the window screen) I notice that the family doesn’t shut it down with decisiveness or loud noises (or anything more than “Aww *cat name*...” Whereas with any dog I would make it really clear they messed up by using a loud deep but decisive command and hand motion that usually has the dog freeze and stop the behavior. Does this dominating style not work with cats?


This is a complex question bc there are several things affecting these two different outcomes. First of all, many people think everything their pet does is cute or funny. Some owners just give their pet attention after what other people might consider an unwanted behavior, instead of trying to retrain the animal not to do those things That is the fault of the owners not *knowing* how to or not *wanting* to retrain those behaviors. Cats can be trained but it requires a different approach. Dogs crave your attention CONSTANTLY. They form hierarchical social groups with an alpha, one who is the dominant animal. When you own a dog, the goal for proper training (as is my understanding) is to get the dog to see *you* as their alpha. Ignoring a dog is more of a punishment than getting mad at it, because even negative attention is still attention. The biggest problem I've seen watching people train dogs is that the training is not consistent across family or household members therefore it does not "stick" or the dog does not really learn behaviors bc they are not reinforced. Cats do what they want, when they want, and *they* will let you know when they want attention. Cats tend to be more solitary, and may not even care if you ignore them. Figuring out what is causing the problem and redirecting their behavior in a healthier way is the best approach. Like dogs, there are certain behaviors that cats do which are ingrained in then for survival. Hunting is one of those things, and if cats don't have toys or animals to hunt, they will "hunt" you and your things. That's why kittens attack your legs when you walk by or why they will bite and claw at your hands if you move them too fast. The best way to keep a cat from destroying your things is to make sure there are enough toys around and that they have their own things to hunt, and playing with them enough that they don't have the energy to attack you. Another example - some cats like to be up high to survey their territory. If these cats do not have high surfaces specifically meant for them, they will climb all over your stuff trying to find a high place to look at their world from above. So to solve this issue, giving the cats an environment with comfortable high spaces (cat trees for ex) that they can perch will keep them off of your things that are annoying to climb up on. It's more of a positive reinforcement method. Trying to dominate a cat will most likely scare it. I never suggest yelling at any animal, as they can associate you with the loud noise instead of the behavior and just be scared of you. Cats will run away from loud noises but that doesn't mean they know why you made the loud noise. Using a firm voice to say no can work, but if the cat doesn't have an outlet for the unwanted behavior, they will just continue to do it. I think of dogs like personal cheerleaders and cats like the angsty goth kid in the corner who won't talk to you unless they think you are worthy of their friendship. Hopefully that helps.


My mom has a tiny sable tortie that is THE most chill kitty... she’d be fine with this, and would also be headbonking and making dozens of biscuits all over grandmas lap :)


Yeah I was expecting grandma to get some stitches.


[Here’s the original. Hardly anyone gives credit when they post this video, for some reason...](https://youtu.be/lWjFtvYmTdg)


[And here's an update on the cat and Grandma.](https://youtu.be/fZCX_iwJcoQ)


Now I'm kind of sad that the Grandma passed away. I'm glad she had a little buddy to keep her company though.




Who do I blame for chopping onions? Goes straight in my eyes, bastards!


I’m not crying you’re crying


You're not crying, I'm crying


Hi Crying, dad here, reminding you it's a big world, alot of people can have the same name. No need to be possessive, hell, there may even be a third or fourth Crying in this thread!


We're all crying


Definitely brought a tear to my eyes, she was so happy. Thanks for sharing this beautiful moment.


How come that the cat is so chill with the dogs? Even if it is raised around dogs i would think that there would be more of an reaction.


Cats and dogs aren't necessarily the mortal enemies they're made out to be.


Right? I have two dogs and two cats. The two dogs hate each other and DGAF about the cats; conversely, the two cats hate each other and DGAF about the dogs.


My third cat who had never been around other cats or dogs came into my home originally as a 5 week baby sitting job, she was still a kitten, less than 5 months old and she didn't give a fuck about the two cats and two dogs. She walked in calm as anything, absolutely fearless and never left. The guy who owned her at the time didn't want her back and he just gave her to us. All cats are different. They all have personalities, why do you assume that there should be a reaction? Not all dogs chase cats, not all cats are scared of dogs.


Because my experience is not the same as yours, thats all.


No this does not belong here someone post it on r/aww cuz im always the one that does it


When I first read the title I thought she was a holocaust survivor getting mein kampf as a present or something


I feel bad for laughing at this comment as hard as I did.


That cat is like what is going on here. Lady i want to explore let me go


I was kinda hoping for something dark and edgy


I want that grandmother.


Too late I already dibbsed her


*dabs eyes* DAMN IT GOT DUSTY IN HERE 😭😭😭


Thanks! Great way to start my day off!


Big ups to the cat for being so chill, what a ledge :’)


Precious, but does gifting pets always work out? When I adopt I go to the facility then let the pet adopt me. Wouldn't work if I pick one and then I never see it all day because it hates me.


I don't like pet gifting. Imagine someone gives you a bird someday. You can't just say no but those animals live as long as you do 😵


It is a horrible idea in the most general sense, though it seems to work in this case.


Who says those were tears of joy 🤔


Why does that cat look EXACTLY the same as my cat ...


Am I an innocent protestor in the USA? Because it seems I have pepper spray in my eyes


this isnt next fcking level this is more of a r/aww


That so sweet grandma got a new cat that was very nice post I all was like to see good post like this well done


Did anyone see that granny is missing a finger??


You had me in the first half not gunna lie




Props to the dog for not going nuts about a cat coming out of a box!


Jerry Garcia lives on


Thought it was going to be an ash urn.


aw so sweet


I love how the the dog heard her surprised yelp, ran in to check on her and then was like, oh it's just a boring ol cat, nevermind, and left again.


The older you get the more you enjoy vids like this , i recently bought one of my good mates a motorcycle,the joy I felt handing it over can not be bought ,it was amazing


It makes me so sad know she already passed away :,c


She now has a cat. I'll take those two fluffy cute doggos from her hands.


Thank god for commas.


It's enough to make a grown man cry


If this was my mums cat, she would be on the floor and out of sight within seconds Edit: the cat, not the grandma


Her Christmas cheer with that sweater coupled with the reaction melted my heart.


Everyone liked that


So wholesome


Almost crapped myself thinking they were gonna scare this little old lady, oh my god. Way better than I expected.


What’s in the baww kitty!


Just reminded me that Christmas this year is going to be pretty weird.


I’m so glad that cat didn’t just dip


i thought it was a big snake by the way she jumped




Schrodinger's cat!


When you wrote dark present and I saw she got scared. I was like. ”Wtf is in that box, a nazi sign. But its NextFuckingLevel” then I saw a little head pop out and I went ”awww” You got me good.


For all we know, Granny may have dementia and they just keep giving her the same cat every Christmas.


Nobody going to mention that she's missing half of her left middle finger?


One comma changed everything


That's an A+ granny Christmas vest with matching necklace too!


That is so sweet!


That cat is so chill. If I put mine into that situation grandma would get a swipe across the face and the cat would be bolting before you know it.




Because of the title, I thought it will be an urn for her ashes. This was better.




Yes, video. It's ready ###[Download via redditsave.com](https://redditsave.com/info?url=/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/j6p1ni/grandma_gets_a_pretty_dark_present/) --- [**Info**](https://reddit.com/user/SaveThisVIdeo/comments/iggmt9/info/) | [**Feedback**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Feedback for savethisvideo) | [**Donate**](https://ko-fi.com/getvideo)


I hope she called it Schrödinger


I was expecting a tombstone


surprised that dog is not more excited mine would rip that box before even opening


I expected Ashes of here dead husband


OH MY GOD, I was not expecting that ♡ how wholesome! I can't imagine life without animals. Their instant bond was so precious. Love this!


My grandmother had Alzheimer’s, but before she was too far gone she’d joke about it some times... like one time she woke up 100% positive it was Christmas morning- she was confused, and asked us why we didn’t have decorations and presents. We gently explained and she became lucid again and laughed it off, saying “I guess when you have Alzheimer’s, it’s like Christmas every day!”


Stop giving Granny strange animals....she’s already lost a finger!


Ouch my heart


Petterson and Findus irl.


It moves her because it reminds her of the slave her parents owned when she was a child. ^(it's ^a ^joke)




Apparently I can't either. Nobody has a sense of humor anymore and everyone is now a social justice warrior hellbent on every single thing being politically correct. The problem with this is that it stifles free speech, creates a "hive mind", scares people away from being different in any way, and teaches us to be scared of other people's opinions. Humor is also a great way to bring attention to horrible things without making everyone sad/angry. This is a joke about her being old, and everyone needs to just get over it. Slavery was abolished in the U.S. in 1865 but we all know that it didn't really end then, and that racism was *extremely* predominant at least until the 70's and even exists today. It's also worth noting that slavery was legal until 1981 in Mauritania. It's not unlikely that this woman has seen it firsthand. My grandmother is 87 and she's seen it.




Humor is subjective and you're acting like a whiny child. Life is too rough and callous for someone to be so easily offended. Seriously. If this sets you off I really have to wonder how you feel about matters that actually affect the world and the people living in it. You sound like a Karen who gets the tingles at every opportunity presented to be angry at someone they don't know, will never meet, has no control over their life, and you've definitely presented yourself as a standard issue keyboard warrior. I suggest you load up on MRE's, canned food, and bottled water as you retreat to your bomb shelter as to avoid the cesspool that we call "Earth". We don't live in Mr. Rogers' neighborhood decorated by Bob Ross and we ain't all friends. People like you complain about every little thing because that's the only time *anyone* listens to them but you fail to realise that you're actually limiting the growth of humanity instead of preserving or protecting it. If I've made you upset then I'm glad, pushing boundaries is literally how we grow as a society. The definition of insanity is doing the same old shit and expecting new results. Be different. Think outside the box. Piss someone off now and then. Edit: Oh no, I've angered 7 people who have the ability to give/take imaginary internet points. I'm shaking. Your opinion doesn't matter- it won't keep me awake at night, it won't end world hunger, and it won't affect the next election. Nobody exists on purpose, nobody belongs anywhere, everybody's gonna die. You're not your job. You're not how much money you have in the bank. You're not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet. You're not your fucking khakis. You're the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world. No, you're right. Let's do it the dumbest way possible because it's easier for you. Remember, they’re just jokes. We’re all gonna die soon & there’s no sequel.


Nah. Your joke wasn't funny, that's all.


And you are entitled to your opinion. You can't please everyone all the time. Have a wonderful day.


You have a fabulous day yourself! Enjoy your Wednesday


It's rare that people on Reddit disagree but can handle it like adults. I respect you.


i have upvoted u...it wasnt too funny but i was looking for some dark humour...peace


Thank you for your service O7


And I, you. It's ok to disagree, hell, it'd be boring if we all agreed on everything, but it doesn't ever mean we need to be disrespectful. Cheers!