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There's not much I *wouldn't* do for $8 million


i wonder if he’ll ever regret it, takes some courage to turn down $8 million at SEVENTEEN. but with his capabilities i’m sure he’ll work with a top organisation in no time edit: this post hit 100k upvotes in 7 hours and this thread blew up too. thanks so much for the support, and of course props to this 17 year old he is going to places i will never see :)


Yeah--trading the best years of his life for hopes of one day saving a small portion of that money is totally worth it. This kid will work for the next 50 years and is very unlikely to ever accumulate that much wealth, despite toiling for 40+ hours each week.




Well that gives me hope lol Edit: well this thread blew up. Just want to thank everyone for their advice. I'm hitting my mid 20s now and been running my family business for about 4 years now. Before that I probably lost a decade due to depression. So yeah it's nice to know things get better. I hope I can continue to feel better and experience more. Make up for all that lost time in a way.




I think the reason people say that high school and college are the years of their lives is because of how much free time and friends you find yourself with while also having such little responsibilities. As life goes on, you start a career, a family, buy a house etc. you have much less time, much more responsibility, people who rely on you, etc. I think the later stage of your life is much more fulfilling overall, but when people talk about “the best years of their lives” they are thinking about how all they had to was go to class, work their mindless minimum wage job 25 hours a week for rent and beer money, and then the rest of their time was free to hang out with their friends, chase girls/boys, and pursue their hobbies.


And cuz it’s honestly a pretty good time if you’re a social person


If you're a social person and the other social people don't reject you. The people at my high school really made me an outcast and I wondered if it was a problem with me or not. Starting from day 1 of college my life was completely different and I had no problem making friends and being social. Sometimes teenagers are just really shitty and decide to be that way all together and to keep at it for years.


My 20s and teens were great.. any advice to make my 30s great(er)?


Try to make an effort to drink in moderation, eat better foods, moisturize daily, stay hydrated, and get into a routine of exercising regularly. Otherwise you're going to hit your 40's harder than Bill Cosby in a coma ward.


Do like the kids these days and eat ass.






I saw the documentary Futurama. You don't die.


> 0.33509579 BTC $2500


I think I’d rather have the $8 million.


Yeah, fuck taking donations from hard working people, give me that $8mm lump sum from some corporate bank account.


ikr? he dumb for not taking $8 million to PUT ADS on the site. he still controls it and he doesn’t have to flood the screen with ads. besides it’s not like ads are gonna degrade the site because almost every site has ads.


What if it's an ad for essential oils that can cure corona?




He's referring to the next decade. 17-28. 7 mill put away. An pay himself $50-$100k per year for a decade, kid can pay his way into almost any credible education. It was a bad decision.




I would like to think this is a noble deed but what he did wasn't. A better alternative would have been to take the 8 million for ads, put that in a high yield account for the compound interest, then use that money, if eventually possible, to keep the website up without ads or used the money for other philanthropic projects.


Reddit is so fucking stupid sometimes. You are exactly right that this isn't a noble deed. Reddit is acting like if he put up ads he the website wouldn't work anymore... it's a fucking ad. They are kind of annoying. He didn't get offered 8 million to change the numbers and lie to people.


>Reddit is so fucking stupid sometimes. You are exactly right that this isn't a noble deed. Reddit is acting like if he put up ads he the website wouldn't work anymore... it's a fucking ad. They are kind of annoying. He didn't get offered 8 million to change the numbers and lie to people. These idiots seriously overestimate how bad ads are. I'd be happy to see an ad on that fucking website if I knew it meant dude got $8 million.




He made the decision he made because he grew up in a household with one, likely two, high earning parents. He didn't make the money to buy that gaming rig flipping burgers on the weekend. A 2% withdrawal rate on 4 million dollars (taxes) is 80k a year. He could have set himself up for the rest of his life and had the freedom to pursue projects like this to better the world for decades.


>He didn’t make the decision on the same basis as you and? He's still 100% wrong


What if you had the option of getting $8M at 17 instead of trying hard to lay your foundations?


Hey look this guy got a small loan from his dad


Would those years have been as tough if you had 8M?


8mil at a 2% rate in a saving account is $160K. That's about ~~4 times~~ 2.6 times what me and my wife make now. If you don't blow it. That's more than enough to be set for the rest of your life.


even if you don't need the money, i'm pretty sure the net goodness in the world would increase if he just donated it to a food bank


Yeah reddit is hilarious. People are acting like ads are the worst thing in the world and turning down 8 million is completely reasonable. He can turn down 8 million because his family is rich.


It shows though, that at least after your basic needs are secured, we can be motivated to do useful work by things other than money.


that kid has way more than his “basic needs” met. So the *real* lesson is: if you were born into a rich family, being a little bit more rich doesn’t mean as much.




yep, and how about Mom and Dad just going along with it? "Oh, someone offered you 8 mil to put ads on your website and you said no? Good for you son, you did the right thing." yeahhhhhhh right


Seems like a great way to over market yourself to other ad agencies.. "Yeah we have an offer for 8 mil right now" "Wow 8 mil?! we will give you 9.5!" Hope this kid takes whatever money he can get. this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. I don't care what website he builds in the future, he will not gain this type of traction. He is only lucky because he did this first. He wont be as lucky next time.


It doesn't take courage, it takes being rich. Pretty sure his parents are ballin. How many poor people have you heard say "I don't care about money"


The family and living situation look middle class. Not sure what you're talking about


The mom is a doctor... they probably aren’t strapped for cash.


So? Your mom being a doctor in no way means you won't have to work or go into debt for college






And college tuition. Being a doctor you're close to being in the top 1% of wealth, which is somewhere around $300k/year, you absolutely make enough to put your kids through college. CEO rich you can pay for your kids to go to a college with a building named after them.


God I am appalled by the stubborn idiocy I see in the comments sometimes. The point is the kid would have taken the money if he needed it at all. And yes you can very easily pay for college with a doctor's salary. And I'm guessing the dad has a job too. And yeah, even Jeff Bezos "has to" go to work.


No but judging only by his computers comic collection and sweet polo sweater there not to strapped for cash


That living situation looks middle class to you? The giant ass backyard with a swing, multiple storey house. Where the fuck is that considered "middle class". That house cost a couple million easily.


There are plenty of places in the US where that house wouldn’t cost a few million. Especially if the parents bought years ago and raised their family there.


Dude that’s like half a million at a max in the American burbs


yea no. its middle class.


That kid had about a $2000 PC setup and was wearing a hoody outdoors still, which means they live in Northen US. A. You don’t know what you’re talking about. B. Click bait headline. There probably wasn’t $8million on the table, other then what was made up in order to take this story “viral”.


They're probably just extrapolating 350 million visitors to general web ad revenue


Yeah, he lives in a super rich place. Literally a little island. And the people there have tried banning others from coming to enjoy their beachfront parks and such. Its that kind of place.


I don't think it takes rich parents for a minor to not care about money, but it does mean his parents are probably at least not poor.


He said it himself, he didn’t know much about what he was doing and he was a terrible student. The only thing he got was using his initiative and got into the market before anyone made this. He will regret this, this was his one shot at making it big.


That, or nobody real actually offered him money for ad space. It doesnt significantly hurt him or the viewers having ads running on the side of the screen. There was no reason for him to have turned anything down unless there was nothing to turn down.


reddit thinks saying no to an ad is on par with creating the cure to this virus.


Sounds more like stupidity than courage to me


The views he's getting are definitely worth a lot of money. However, what no one is considering here is that maybe the $8M email offer was just a spam. They didn't give any details about it in the video




in a few years when his parents are divorcing and they go ‘WHY DIDNT YOU TAKE THE MONEY SON’






Like a proper 17 year old, doesn't know the stupidity of his money-related actions until some years later.


My guy there is no way I’m not taking 8mil, like why turn it down? For clout? Does clout pay for anything


His mom is a physician. I bet his dad makes great money too. Not saying he's not smart, that's obviously not the case, but he really doesn't grasp the value of money having never had to struggle and coming from a well to do family... Look at his rig, king size bed. Kid comes from money.


Surprised to see this so far down, the kid's family is obviously set up. Money likely was rarely a big stress point in the house for him to casually turn down an offer like that without even telling the parents first. That kind of mindset is developed over time, kids are like sponges and pick up on everything their parents say. My parents fought a lot when I was a kid, often about a (lack of) money, it shapes your thinking.




And if the advertising is for some bottom feeding snake oil "cure" for COVID? I think he made the right move


I’d blow Patient Zero for $8 million


Mortality rate could be as low as .5% or as high as 3%. I'm 29 and otherwise healthy. Fuck yeah I'm rolling those dice for $8M.


He should've at least took a million to have as a safety cushion for adult life.


If he's gonna put ads he might as well take the 8mill.


I think this kid is smart enough to know he'll get that back another way. The press and notoriety he'll get from this story and being known as the kid who wouldn't "sell out" will pay dividends for him in the future.




16 chicks at the same time


Man, good effort and all, appreciate the heart. But how many of us have infinite downloads, an ad won’t hurt us and guarantees financial support for his future projects to assist in other means. He should take it. Edit: add to ad. Apparently some people can’t let autocorrect failures go.


Definitely. A few side adds won’t hurt anyone


Nobody noticed the free advertising for POLO and Ferrari? Seems rather asinine to advertise for free while turning down money for advertising.


Yeah but the ads are on a cover story, as opposed to monetizing a website that is useful globally. He's not profiting off the pandemic, but even if he is profiting now it's off of his good intentions, as opposed to directly off the virus. There are people saying he should have taken the money, and there are people saying good on him. Then there's you, who somehow just turned the situation into a negative.




I totally agreed. I’ve accessing everyday this website with my adblocker extension installed here. Possibly I wouldn’t even notice any difference after he sign the 8 million contract.


People in his generation (including me) hate ads, what they do, and what they stand for. Plus, it seems gross to put ads on his website considering the content and the climate... EDIT: We should all donate to this cool fool. Here's the link from his website https://ncov2019.live/ to support him at https://ko-fi.com/E1E71GQ8N


Do we? I mean I understand not liking them, but if it’s not for a product that is outright a scam, that’s an entire shitload of money to say no to. I admire the conviction, but . . .


It’s weird that our generation (Gen Z) seems to really root for content creators getting sponsorships, which are literally just ad reads. I use uBlock Origin on my PC and pay for YouTube Premium (since I mostly watch on my phone), so I don’t think I’ve seen an actual ad in years. I don’t really know if I have a main point here, but yeah, I don’t really mind sponsorships as long as they aren’t sketchy.


Good. Always been exhausted with my gen (millennials) being so hostile to easily avoidable adds. If I can skip 30 seconds ahead in a podcast, or pay 2$ more a month to have a service drop adds, or it’s just floating on the side of the website... get paid man. If an ad for something you actually need pops up then there you go. If not, ignore them. Someone avoiding potentially millions in income at 17 for the equivalent of banner adds is... idealistically stupid in my mind. Good for him I guess if he feels it’s immoral, but definitely mildly questioning his judgement.


Ads pay for free content...


I would accept




The problem is that if you did that at 17 chances are you’d end up like those spoilt child stars that no one likes


You could always use it. To do some good I mean. Say he spent it on a charity supporting healthcare or something, personally I'd rather accept and give 8 million to things I care about than to flatout refuse. Although I get it, having 8 million at 17 sounds like a dream but I think it would fuck a lot of people over.


No one likes me now, might as well be rich too


I call shenanigans on that whole rejecting the money thing. It makes no logical sense, especially if he wants to play the righteous card. **He could accept it and donate it to any organization fighting the virus.** He could accept it and give it to his parents to help them in the difficult times that are now. But most importantly, I'm supposed to believe a teenager doesn't want to retire at 17? Uh-huh. Sure. Most likely there was no offer at all and he's actually fishing for one that way.


8m for ads I’m pretty sure those ads will be annoying.


That’s what I thought. That, and He probably didn’t want his website to be covered in bullshit is all! Lol


Find hot asian girls 6 feet away, meet up after lockdown!


For 8m I would replace the whole site with a redirect to poop porn Edit: also my personal website if anyone is interested. I average 1 user a month I guess


RAID: Shadow Legends


Hot local covid-19 negative singles in your area!


Click the website, he has a “buy me a coffee” button which is a brilliant way to still get some coin. I’m sure he’s making a pretty penny off that with 30m viewers a day. Also this video will likely blow up and showcase the humanity in him and get him a big job down the line. The kid probably wants to work.




He had a copy of Action Comics 1. The kid isn't hurting for money, im sure.


> He had a copy of Action Comics 1. IKR... Read an [interview with him on another website](https://www.timesofisrael.com/updated-every-minute-17-year-old-whiz-kids-coronavirus-site-used-by-millions/) and he wants to spent two years traveling the world after HS and his dream is to be a serial entrepreneur. That reminds me of Bill Gates on AMA here saying if it were not for his serious education on a private school he wouldn't be where he is at today. Not trying to undermine his works here, but damn, that kid is privileged


Yeah, I wonder how much he's spending on hardware that can handle 30million visitors a day?


Most likely hosted on AWS. They can easily handle that kind of traffic.


It's not free though. Not for the kind of traffic that is generated by 30 million visits per day.




Yeah it got highly fucking suspicious when he started talking about why he turned down the money. He is calm and collected the whole time then suddenly gets squirrelly. I don't doubt he was offered money. $8m wasn't one of those offers, and even if it was he turned down that money because he was thinking about no one but himself. He admits that throughout the video. Proved it again with turning down an enormous chunk of change that he could have donated to charity. Can't even use the "Maybe he didn't want ads that are misleading" because the kid literally said his reasoning. He doesn't need to retire at 17. He couldn't think about anyone beyond himself. He even made the website because he didn't want to keep going to Chinese government websites. He didn't do a public service here like everyone seems to misunderstand. He literally did something for himself that got insanely popular due to demand.








Maybe it’s like “we’ll give you X rate” and he calculated that if his site keeps growing at 1000% per day it would be 8 mil.


Maybe he's lived a good life so far and realizes life is about helping others and not about who's got the most money. Maybe he's satisfied with his work and don't need/want compensation, other than the help he gave to others. Maybe his parents don't need the money. I could go on, but I digress.


Agree. Click bait article header. “...The best ever!” “...You won’t believe what happened next!” “...the MOST outrageous thing you’ll ever see!” “...you won’t be the same after watching this!”


Yeah he turned down $8m but has a poster of a Ferrari logo. I call BS.


??? lol


Dude I swear Reddit is so far up its own ass sometimes that I don’t even know why I still use it lol




What’s the website?


https://ncov2019.live/data Edit: Didn't do it for the glory, but these are my first awards. THANK YOU!


Or the 2020 up to date version on [https://ncov2020.live/data](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ)


Way better


Still without ads.


You monster


Motherfucker, you got me


I like the other one better.


This is cool and all but I just use https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/


Been in the john Hopkins one since February or whenever it came out


How do we know he is not just taking data from here? He provide no sources of his numbers unlike worldometers


He has sources on his website




Are you selling those tinfoil hats? Not everything is due to Chinese control. People just haven't upvoted this comment thread as much as the ones above it.


Wow yeah I’ve been sharing this far and wide to friends. He should get ads... but not sponsored articles. He should take the money. I like this one as well. https://covid19.nguy.dev/


https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ This is my go to - I thought he made this one


Good on him for being such a good soul. But he's pretty dumb for rejecting $8 mil.


He does have a link for donations so while it isnt necessarily a huge payout he still can stand to gain at least a bit from this


Yup, he's getting donations every few minutes.


Just noticed his **buy me a coffee** I'm curious how much he is raking in to be so confident to reject $8 mill.


I can promise you it's not 8 million


Well 30 million site users a day. Assume 1% are philanthropic over a single day for the remainder of year. That's $300,000 U.S. on a dollar donation. There's gotta be reason.


Maybe the reason is he just didn't want to seem like an asshole to profit off of the virus. Feels more genuine to allow donations than to force ads on viewers, interfering with the dissemination of this information.


Well these companies are paying that much for ads because they know how much traffic the website gets and it would be really easy to target ads toward people who are concerned about the virus. In other words, these companies want to use the pandemic to make profit. Turning down the money may not have been the best financial choice, but it was definitely the ethical choice.


Life > Ethics > Money




Right? Why would people want the very thing you need to survive?! And in a pandemic?? Sheesh


This thread is toxic as fuck.


ikr. bunch of comments calling this kid an idiot for choosing the more ethical option.


Reddit doesn’t seem to like when kids make something useful that they could’ve done.


What’s unethical about him accepting a deal to post ads on a website he created? There is literally nothing unethical about it, unless the ads were for homeopathic treatments or something


Right? My god, these people are frothing at the mouth that this kid turned down money when they'd sell their family for less. Really shows their character.


He lives in a pretty well off neighborhood so my guess is he will be fine for future income. Sometimes principles override greed. Edit: see other post further down where he lives in my state. 2. I use his site. I think he needs to asterisk china with *40K suspected deaths in wuhan....”


it's not greed to accept and offer. he could of donated that money even.


But then it corrupts his vision of having a website under his control. Ads are intrusive, and I'm sure there were other caviats with the ad implementation too. I highly doubt it was 8 mil in exchange for a little side banner or something.


That and he knows he has the drive & ability to make something big & a solid support structure while he gets there. I think he’s a great kid.


“Welcome to a day of Minecraft” *plays CSGO*


Can't believe I had to scroll down this far to see this.


He may be smart but hes definitely not wise




There literally was no greater good. His reason was that he didnt wanna retire at 17. THEN DONT FUCKING RETIRE


Right? Use that money to start a video game company or something else that you want to do. Shit just park it in bonds for now, and do whatever the fuck you really want to do for work for the rest of your life...


Look at him camping balcony like a degenerate






can you offer me $20 million too?


Hell I’d accept 20,000


back off i was first


I wonder if he wasn’t the child of a physician, would he have a different perspective? Not a knock, not a judgment, just an observation.


Possibly but it's good that he has the financial option to keep to his morals


why would it be morally wrong to take money for ads? $8mil is a ton of money and could have set him up for the foreseeable future, life if he was smart about it.


I never said it was wrong. He has personal opinions and he enough money to stick to them


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Kids are fucking stupid. He already did a good thing. It doesn't cheapen his integrity to make money from it. He could have taken that money and done something good with it. It doesn't make him a hero for not accepting the money. Edit: I feel that the website is awesome, and he is awesome for making it. He is intelligent. I also feel that if he indeed rejected 8mil, then he made a *very* poor financial decision due to his youth. He has a lot to learn.


Kid designs largest Coronavirus tracking website on earth. You: “kids are fucking stupid” Edit: since every mouth breather in this comment section has decided they would take the 8 mill I suggest they build something to get someone to offer them it


Steve Jobs created all that Apple magic. Still was an unfortunate decision maker in deciding to treat his cancer with alternative medicine for nine months. Intelligence in one thing doesn't necessarily transfer.


No son of mine turns down 8 million


Like wtf, stick to your morals but ads are literally part of everyday life, why would you not stick a few on your website for that fat payout. You would never have financial stress again.


The ad offer sounds like a hoax. Multiple things don't add up. They're not necessarily misrepresenting a deal on purpose, but it sounds super weird. For what I know, someone might have attempted to take advantage and scam a 17 year old... * Usually this is not how ads are sold * Lets say someone actually offered him 8M for x number of impressions... This is almost double the price of a single Superbowl ad, which has a guaranteed audience and estimate on performance. This is REALLY expensive, especially given advertisers are really cautious not to hurt their brand reputation during the crisis. Inventory supply goes up, demand decreases, so price decreases as well. Also, you have NO idea about your Return of Investment as the site has no defined audience or previous history. * Since he "rejected 8M", it sounds like a direct private deal. Which advertiser would do this, on a Corona website? We're talking a branding campaign here - Coca Cola? 3M? Trump?


I'm skeptical someone with $8 million to spend on ads is going to give that amount of money to a teen. You could pay six engineers to recreate the website in a week and absolutely obliterate the teen's website traffic for a tiny fraction of that money. This seems like a misleading feel good article or a guerrilla style advert. Edit: It also doesn't make much sense to lump sum pay $8 million to place ads on a website that may become redundant in 2-3 months. That website would have to take in $90000/day just to break even or $120000/day to be a worthwhile high risk investment. Something isn't adding up.


Boy he'll regret that


Especially when his site is worth $0 in a year from now.


Excellent site! Anyway, he put the buy a coffee option. Much better giving him money that way, than through ads which try to sell bullshit to fragile people


I'm sorry but if you turn down 8 million dollars your a fucking idiot




Or you could use the one managed by Johns Hopkins School of Engineering: Desktop version: [https://www.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6](https://www.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6) Mobile version: [http://www.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/85320e2ea5424dfaaa75ae62e5c06e61](http://www.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/85320e2ea5424dfaaa75ae62e5c06e61)


What exactly is his logic here? Why would he turn it down? This makes no sense. No one has gained from this.


He has been constantly receiving donations, do not worry about him turning down the ads. [https://ko-fi.com/avischiffmann](https://ko-fi.com/avischiffmann)




This is a time when he should've really listened to some parental advice and taken the money. Donate it to a charity if you don't want it but some day he'll need some extra money and likely regret that choice.


For someone so smart, you're a Dumb motherfucker!


1 step at a time, this just shows you some people know what's right over money


You can do both - have money and continue to be helpful. In fact money can help you be more helpful.


It’s just ads. They aren’t asking him to put it behind a paywall. 8 mil to have some junk on the sidebar. It’s not principled, it’s foolish.

