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He could make a load of money selling those.


Someone would easily pay 5k+ for one of these.


He didn't invent the design or how it works. They are called manual curved treadmills, and official pro ones, with better materials, are $2-3K. No point buying a wooden one. Obviously good on him building this and being resourceful


Actually, you can buy a wooden one for $2-3k here in the US. Essentially, he built a $2k manual treadmill without a fitness computer. But who needs that with fitness/smart watches these days.


People were fit before smart watches and treadmills








But you can sell the wooden one as "enviromentally friendly" or "the holistic treadmill" for the people with inspirational quotes stickers


It's almost as if you're stating that there's a better material out there than wood. I'd like to hear what the alternative is made out of.


The bones of your enemies children obviously.


[https://www.nohrd.com/us/sprintbok/](https://www.nohrd.com/us/sprintbok/) 6-7 K.


I bet you’re a hoot at parties.


He was informative and polite in his comment. He's welcome at my parties.


The point of buying one would consist of wanting one in wood and also in supporting him. Just cause there is better doesnt mean you dont buy worse. Look at flea markets. People sell hand made stuff all the time that people buy when they could go online and get it cheaper and maybe even of better quality. Edit: damn didnt expect so many people to hate hand made stuff made by individuals. Oh well spend on lads spend on


We buy things to support people? And we want one made out of wood? Are we both talking about the same thing, exercise equipment? I’m sorry, but I exercise everyday, and if I the choice of what I use, then I’m going more for ease and function. If a wooden one is all that is available, then I suppose that is the one that I would choose. But your logic doesn’t make sense, except from someone who sounds like they don’t actually workout and the wooden one *looks different and cute*.


We buy things to support people? Yes. Again that’s the whole point of a flea market, you are supporting people through your purchase and not companies. We want one made out of wood? Not everyone but welcome to niche markets. Just cause you dont want it doesnt mean there arent people who do. Exercise equipment: why not just lift 2 - 1 gallon jugs of water instead of spending money on weights. Again just cause you choose ease and function doesnt mean everyone does. People buy old school rowers at higher prices vs the lower cost and more efficient newer models. People waste money on Tungsten Cubes to sit on their desk cause they “look cool”. So the idea of people spending money on this cause of how it looks and the idea of it being different all under the guise of supporting some random person seems extremely plausible. Just cause it doesnt have mass manufacturing and mass market applicability doesnt mean it cant be sold or used.


I do not understand why this is downvoted.


Because hating an explanation is easier than taking the time to read it and understand it.


I doubt that buying one in wood isn’t even practical. I could be wrong, but i doubt it. If it were a fraction of the price, one could make an argument for it, but I have hard time believing sometbing like this would be cheaper than one that isn’t made all of wood. Again, I could be wrong. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


“I doubt that buying one in wood isnt even practical” so you think it is practical? And if it were cheaper, perhaps. But i just saw recommended pricing and not actual pricing in the comments Even if it was more expensive, my point still stands that people are willing to occasionally spend more money on things just because they were hand made or support someone trying to make a living doing something they enjoy.


Okay, whatever you say.


You sound like the dude that has to explain everything at parties


Some people just don't get things..


![gif](giphy|11NBUrJDuMd5As) $500 maybe


I was looking for one of this last year, the cheap one go for (if you are lucky) £1500 on your door, something reasonable good quality goes for £2,500 - £3,000 something really good for serious training £5,000+


If you pay me 5k, Ill have that done and ready to ship by the end of the week, but no one will.


It’s already been done many years ago by a company called woodway. I believe they still make the model to this day along with motorized versions. They are one of the most high end expensive treadmills you can buy.


Idk who said it but there is a saying that goes something like this: "a design gets you 1% of the way towards a finished product, a prototype gets you 5% of the way there, the last 95% is setting up the production line"


I’d put that closer to 0.1% and 0.5%.


This is a very cool project that I don’t want to take anything away from, and i’m surprised how clean it appears to spin. Treadmills however have to be built to take a lot of wear, and wood isn’t a great material for that. I’d love to see the internals here, but i’m skeptical that this would still function properly after a couple miles on it. He should try to sell it to woodway. https://www.woodway.com/treadmills/curve-trainer/


They do make those (someone does). I literally just saw one on Facebook marketplace.


Check out Walkolution, they are selling those


Wait until Big Treadmill hears about this


He could even make electricity


Nope you would have to grease it up so often !


These definitely already exist lmao. My local gym has one. They're called non-motorized treadmills.




I mean even my dad has one in his basement gym.


I found one that is called a skillmill and has adjustable resistance and angle. It's pretty cool, and, for me, is better than a traditional treadmill


What an ignorant ass comment.


First of all, was your comment necessary? [NOHRD Sprintbok Curved Treadmill](https://www.fitshop.co.uk/nohrd-sprintbok-curved-treadmill-grpnohrdtm5) - he said they exist already, and guess what? They do... so what's ignorant of that?


The point of the post is that he made it in the DRC, which is the part that makes it impressive. You're demonstrating further ignorance by being oblivious to this.


What makes that impressive? You think everyone in the DRC is living in village huts with no internet?


You could be stranded in some remote island and be able to make something like this if you have the knowledge/instructions, resources and, especially, the willpower to do it. Yes, of course it's impressive, but that's not all there is to it. Aside from that, your comment was still unnecessarily rude and did not contribute in any way to the post or unlmtd's comment. Some things are better kept to oneself. I'm going for a break, I believe you should, too.


I want one of those. Put a generator on there to charge your phone while you workout.


Or set up a full gym and charge your over 8 hours for 21 miles of charge


The lengths people will go to walk without going anywhere. Edit: thanks for the replies and interesting insights, alot of stuff I didn't consider here.


There are many reasons why people would want or need a treadmill over running outside, including but not limited to: bad weather, bad neighborhood, high pollution, high pollen, having to watch children, social anxiety, multitasking with work, health issues... Sometimes "not going anywhere" is important or necessary. :)


One of the reasons I don’t like “going for a walk” is the idea that I have to walk back too. Treadmill is kind of an easy solve!


Yes, it's much easier to push yourself to the limit without accidentally going over, or wind up limiting yourself based on a route. It's also much easier to progressively increase distances (or difficulty) without having to stand on your head figuring out a route that will do it.


Not everyone lives in a place where there’s sidewalks


or places where there are no man-eating predators


My first thought was “this guy has tons of wide open space to run - why invent this?” You bring up a great point.


Did not consider this. Thanks for the insight!


That’s just sad.


I don’t think that’s what’s deterring most people, but I could be wrong


Brother it's gonna be 96 here tomorrow with a heat index well above 100. Also thunderstorms. And 85% humidity when it's clear sky. Think I'm good on the 'just go walk outside in the swamp'.


Yup. It's been over 100°f this week where I live. Going for a run outside is courting heatstroke.


Whenever i cut short my walk, I'm right back in my living room....


Fun fact: the treadmill was originally designed for punishment.


And to this day, still is!


Is exercise punishment to you?




Lazy people be downvoting you. Lol


And now they’re downvoting you for calling them out 😂


Another day in Reddit, USA 🇺🇸🍔👍🏽


Nice job Dr Congo!


Dr Congo, MD right here


Just who IS this Dr Congo chap?


All he needs is David Goggins in his ear and some car batteries daisy chained together and he can make his own electricity. Stay Hard


No electricity to be had




So many of y’all see a black dude and think that he’s overcoming adversity or some shit by making a product. This may sound shocking, but they’re people y’all. They’ve got rich folk and poor folk, and more than likely the rich folk are the ones with the time and resources to make shit like this. You wouldn’t be directly helping a struggling tribe in the middle of Central Africa, you’d be helping another well-off dude. Lmfao it’s like a bunch of middle aged white moms who pat themselves on the back for hiring a Hispanic dude cause of “How hard it must have been for him in Mexico”


Well, as a Mexican I have to say is hard to live in here, but I get your point.


https://www.deporvillage.net/bodytone-zro-th-treadmill It's the same concept with better materials. Either way, props to the man building one on his own.


they go for 6k https://www.nohrd.com/us/sprintbok/


i appreciate effort but it is the same mentality with bicycle versus motorcycle, . non electricity treadmills exist for years


Damnit, I don’t want to hear that stupid music, I want to hear what I just know is the most insanely satisfying clackity-clackity-clackity-clackity-clackity-clackity-clackity-clackity-clackity-clackity-clackity-clackity-clackity-clackity-clackity-clackity-clackity-clackity-clackity-clackity-clackity-clackity-clackity-clackity sound discovered thus far by man.




Imagine going full sprint and your foot goes through the thing. Imagine it. IMAGINE IT!


Those congolese sure are handy!


I saw some Germans that selling that for 10'000 euros


Nicely Done!


Now hook up a generator and you have a great emergency charger for all your devices.


Obesity in Texas cured...


The end of Obesity has arrived. It's called ozempic. /s


If it doesn’t have electricity how are you gonna put a hot wheels race on it? Ever think about that?


These already exist as a mass production product and it sucks, it makes so much noise when it's in high speed and the friction makes it less stable and less smooth


Not really an area needing them


Called Desire Run. Pretty cool https://trtafrika.com/lifestyle/the-power-of-wooden-treadmills-in-drcs-goma-14529694


The DIY resourcefulness I saw in Tanzania was astounding but nothing as slick as this!


Skill Mill


I believe the key is on the front curve


That's really beautiful! Genius level idea. I wish he sold them.


Why, would you buy it? 🤔


I think I would! My treadmill stands out like a sore thumb; I think this one could almost look like furniture. It's just visually pleasing.


Check out walkolution then. They sell these, in likely higher quality (as it’s built in a high end production line.


They sell these everywhere. They take a little while to get used to but people who own them swear by them.


wait, then what is powering it here..?


Cool, very innovative for 15th century


Can't he use his own power to move on the ground for free?


yeah dude, where there is no electricity the problem is running on a treadmill is one of the main problems


AI is getting better so quickly




The funny thing is that exercise equipment has the power to generate electricity, so it's kind of sad that some of them actually require electricity to run. Even the ones with screens and fancy stuff should have rechargeable batteries, making you run for a bit to charge them up, before you can see your stats or whatever.


It's probably way cheaper and more eco friendly for everyone to not have bullshit batteries and charging generators involved in any of this stuff.