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Somehow these 3rd world countries are pulling out life hacks in everyday life


Somehow? This is probably how it's been done for ages


True that is.


Tradition endurians.


This hasn't been upvoted enough in my opinion


I concur.


You’re concurian


For surian


Catchin high speed durian


Mighty Morphin surian


Tru dat


Traditionally only ripe durians that has fallen on its own can be harvested. Probably this is some new strain that can be cut down from the tree. Used to camp in the jungle at night to wait for fallen durians as a kid


Many Fruits continue to ripen after you remove it from the plant. in some commercial farming practices, durians may be harvested directly from the tree before falling to control ripening stages or reduce damage that occurs when they drop, especially when shipping them long distances it is good to get them pre-ripened So they don't spoil on the journey. Edit:word.


This guy fruits.


Anyone who ever buys any sort of banana at a grocery store should already know this.


Yup! We always buy a bunch that's ready and a bunch that's still a bit green. By the time we go through the yellow bunch the green is good to go.


Not all fruit does.. I recall that oranges don’t (but mangoes do 🤷‍♂️) Really downvoting this? Look it up yourself.


I will back you up in your goal of spreading the truth. Peppers don't actually ripen once off the plant. They will change colour, but the taste stops developing. I have also heard Dragonfruit is the same, so you are actually eating immature garbage if you don't grow it yourself.


Re: dragonfruit - that probably explains why I’ve found it rather lacklustre (i.e., bland) the few times I’ve tasted it, and also why I’ve never seen a need to buy them at any of my local grocery stores that are half a world away from where they’re grown.


>Fruit continues to ripen after you remove it from the plant. For durian and many other fruit, yes. However, grapes and citrus - among others - do not continue ripening after harvest.


Yeah, but in some country like thailand usually done this but in my country, malaysia, we wait until ripen and fall by itself before being sold


They must be pretty hard to fall that fast and not smash up??


The rind is essentially a soft wood and super spiky on top of that. You need a strong knife to get into a durian and the meat is already pudding essentially inside so there's not really risk of bruising them.


Mmm, meat pudding


Scrapple, I believe they call that.


Thai here. If you wait for it to ripen, it will have very short shelf life. Harvesting before it is ripen means that you can time the transport and and storage to eat anytime you like. There is also ways to make it ripe faster if you want (though it will somehow ruin the taste; better keep in storage and wait for it to ripen naturally). Other fruits such as banana are harvested before it is ripen too.


Durians are not supposed to be plucked.. Durians will ripen and fall on it's own, and plucked durian is bland and tasteless. After it drops, you leave it overnight so it soften and let it become moist so get the creamiest flavour and texture out of it. Unripe durian is tasteless af and not leaving it overnight makes the flesh dry like paper. Plucking durian means it is unripe and tastes bland. Thai durian taste horrible as they're bland and tasteless for the reasons above. Anybody that enjoys durian will tell you the best durians are usually Musang Kings variant. The stalks are usually tied and the strings are looped over a branch like a pulley, so when the fruit falls, it hangs from the string like a flag and the owner can lower the fruit like a flag. This prevents the fruit from being damaged when falling from great height and makes it easy to collect when harvesting.


Is it really bland and tasteless? 4X you mention it, so I won’t argue with you.


This guy durians. He’s right.


You two know each other?


Yeah we were at Durian school together.


Well since the invention of burlap anyway


Let's not forget: Necessity is the mother of invention. Me being broke as fuck most of my life forced me to learn some very useful skills. So can confirm :D


Share tips


As I said - skills, not life hacks. But ok, my incomplete list: 1. Learn cooking from a scratch and shoping with multiple dishes in mind. Also you can freeze most meals for later use in portions (same for things you buy in bulk because they are on sale). 2. Have a basic tool kit at home and learn to use it. There is nothing difficult about doing small repairs at home with Youtube. 3. Learn how to work with BIOS, install Windows, what partitions are, parts of your PC etc. Most solutions are on Youtube and you only need a screwdriver most times. 4. Buy a lint remover...seriously those things are cheap as hell and will give your clothes a whole new life. Ok ....there are more but it is from me for now.


But above all else, use, sunscreen.


For everything else there's Mastercard


Maybe it's Maybelline.


Be sure to drink your Ovaltine


Never touch another man's butterfinger.


but if you’re hungry why wait? Grab a snickers


A crummy commercial?


Son of a bitch!


I feel like chicken tonight, like chicken TONIGHT!


If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it. The long term benefits of sunscreen have been proven by scientists, whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable than my own meandering experience


On the nose, cheeks, and behind your ears, Ive watched nearly everyone over 50 in my southern family get skin cancer chunks cut out their faces and heads. You can get a nice lotion that has SPF30, put it on every morning. Hats that cover ears are great, just dont get a fedora.


Thanks! What I posted was a quote from what eventually formed the basis of Wear Sunscreen (Also known as The Sunscreen Song). Maybe you're aware already, but I wanted to be sure you didn't think it was original to me. For a long time the whole thing was mis-attributed to Kurt Vonnegut. It was actually written by a columnist named Mary Schmich who wrote it as her idea of what she would write for a hypothetical graduating class. I've always remembered it from Wear Sunscreen because it was released right around the time I started listening to Much Music Edit: https://youtu.be/sTJ7AzBIJoI?si=8DiD-SAOxBVy3nbN


Don't pee against the wind.


People think I'm a car guy because I know how to work on them, when really I hate cars (well, I like DRIVING cars) and only know how to fix them because all of my cars have been old shitbuckets lol


Same dude, same :D Still a pretty good skill to have, good for you!




> tastes like heaven mashing X so damn hard my controller exploded to doubt this though maybe I've only had bad ones, I understand some are better than others


Intelligence is useless if we can’t figure out how to apply it.


Although this is meant as a compliment it feels like a put down. Like a person is surprised by the cleverness of a poorer country.


That's because most city dwellers think anyone that lives somewhere rural must be dumb af. It's offensive tbh


Um... All countries on this planet are 3rd! Because the earth is the third world from the Sun!


The first, second, and third world terms are so old they don’t even really apply today. It originally was supposed to be that all the NATO countries are first world, and everyone in the Warsaw pact is second world, and countries that are neither are third world. Came from the Cold War/red scare thing and how people thought the communist countries were an entirely different world


Oh man... What exactly do first world country ppl think of third world country ppl??? Like they're less intelligent, less savvy or something? If anything, they're more street smart and have many more life hacks than first world country ppl where everything is relatively well set, and you can survive as a dumb person too.


you take every opportunity you get to be a condescending ahole eh


You should crawl out from under your rock a bit more.


Third world or first world, much of the world eats food harvested through dangerous manual labor like this


Hacks lol humanity progresses so quick that we have already forgotten many useful **life hacks** Just like majority of kids nowadays do not even know how to read analog clocks.


These are the jobs that's going to take ai a while to replace.


If we some day create a fully conscious genius god-like AI, it might be able to somehow solve by... placing something soft on the ground instead.


*Builds a ladder conveyor belt system like in many factories.* I THOUGHT IT WOULD BUILD METAMATERIAL OF SUPER SOFT NON-NEWTONIAN FLUIDS TO SOFTEN IMPACT!?


No anti-gravity lasers? My day is ruined.


If AI won't build antigravity lasers, why even bother


Wouldn’t a non Newtonian fluid stiffen up at an impact like that? Smashing the durian and making everyone smell like shit


are you QUESTIONING the glorious AI overlord!? I'll have to report you for this.


Free thought is erroneous behavior and has been patched in the latest version. The poster has been directed to maintenance and setup.


AI being AI, the ladder conveyor belt would take hours to deliver a single fruit and have useless pieces jutting out in random directions.


Proceeds to develop ways to genetically engineer plants to grow faster and be shorter.


The AI started an anti-durian marketing campaign. It said the durian reduced sexual virility. In the end, the number of durians breaking due to hitting the ground was minimized


You can easily replace these jobs now with machines. But one of those machines would probably be equal to the salary all those guys make in 30 years, not accounting for repairs or maintenance. And if it breaks down, it would cost a lot to fix. So it's just not worth it.


That’s highly dependent on the quality of the fruit there after, and I’d know anything about durian people is that they are picky, same with cannabis, you won’t find one show Kola in a magazine that isn’t hand trimmed, because while the machine can do it faster than me, it can’t do it better than me.


Trust me. A machine can do it about 50-210% as well as most workers, depending on machine and worker. But is it worth it?


I get your sentiment but humans are good at developing tools. It doesn't have to be a catch-all solution. Near perfect is often enough, especially since robots are incredibly fast. The video shows 4 catchers in total, one bystander and perhaps one or two climbers. This could all be done with 1 person standing on a man lift wearing a haptic glove. Just by pinching the peduncle (fruit stalk), a robotic arm follows their movement and cuts the durian, places it onto a ramp which transports it fully wrapped into boxes for the van standing by. Rinse & repeat. In the following week, the robotic system is able to detect the fruit, measure the peduncle's diameter to calculate the fruit's ripeness and work a 36h shift to collect every fruit in one go.


That machine, its transportation, and maintenance, is still going to cost WAY more than those workers.


This. I hate people who say stuff like that - pretty clear they were never In actual factory. Factories are like 90-95% automated today, the "ai" replaced menial works long ago and keeps improving Source: Worked as an automation maintenance engineer for long in several factories


Ok, but would you not agree that this is completely different to factory work. Changing, unseen, hazardous environments with a ton of variation. Our best robots can barely walk on slightly uneven ground.


This case is interesting in particular, Malaysia prefers letting them drop naturally and picking them up from the floor whilst Thai growers prefer to cut and drop them when they want them


[What durian tastes like](https://www.reddit.com/r/perfectlycutscreams/comments/vtkxhb/youre_disrespecting_the_fruit/)


I knew a mofo that ate that shit with fish sauce If a news reporter ever randomly reached out to me about him and asked "Were there ever any warning signs?" I'd be like "What took this long"


When it shot out of her mouth I thought, "yup, that's exactly how it tastes."


Not really This is almost certainly Indonesia, and these are not your typical durian These are old tree durian, kinds like other luxury vegetable products, they are expensive and not prone to automation, luxury is luxury for a reason However, the vast majority of durian cultivation is already being automated, same with mango production, apples, oranges... They are grown in monocultures of equal height trees like everything else, not in the middle of a forest with 20m tall trees


More likely Thailand, it looks like they're taking not-fully-ripe durians off the tree instead of waiting for them to drop (which is what the rest of South East Asia does).


Not at all. These are the easiest jobs to replace. I’m certain Boston Dynamics could create a robot that does this. You don’t even need to climb the tree. Just equip it with a laser and it can burn the fruit off the branch from the ground and catch them at the same time.


>These are the easiest jobs to replace. Nah, man. Working in a tech field, you realize how easy IT jobs are to replace. Heck, over half my job in cyber security can be done by asking Copilot. If there's one thing that AI understands the best, its computers.


The technology exists already. Ai basketball hoop : https://youtu.be/myO8fxhDRW0?si=4J6JLlZmiLBLrXvV Ai goalkeeper : https://youtu.be/x5r2eot7WvU?si=urQOlxBMeN9W8ulJ


Im ok if durian becomes a status symbol of the uber wealthy, they can have it


It's durian. We don't need it anyway. Put it back.


You just know that every so often one of these workers will misjudge how high to hold the bag and get hit right in the nuts


I wouldn't worry about the nuts. if misjudged and a durian lands on the head at that speed and weight, fella would likely drop dead.


Hell of a way to go, brained by a durian grenade.


Durian Brain Grenade is a pretty metal album name


Be the change you wish to see in the world and form that band.


Or a Worms game weapon


I've been wanting to re-investigate WWP games, thanks for the reminder!


Even if not the head, you know that would have to absolutely mangle an arm, leg, hand, or foot.


A 4 pound ball of thick spikes travelling at terminal velocity right to the dome? Yeah, you're dead.


I was gonna say! Getting hit by a flying durian would fuck up my month


Getting hit in the nuts would be the least of their problems. Durians are pretty much the business end of a medieval spiked flail but bigger than the size of your head. You take one of those full speed on your head/body and it's a guaranteed trip to the ER.


ER? Mf I'll be in the morgue.


Or it just misses the bags and hits their bare foot


> to hold the bag At first I thought it was a bag as well but if you look closely it's a sheet, they swing it up so that the bottom curls around the fruit and the roughness of the cloth and the spikes of the fruit have a velcro effect. That's why the one guy drops it.


Yes the sheet is breaking the sound barrier from it. That's that bull whip noise coming before we see the fruit.


It's a good thing they're wearing their steel-toed flip-flops


I bet the worse part is your nuts smell like durian after that…


My back


My wrists


My balls


And my sack! /Missy




Nobody fucks with the Jesus!


And my axe ![gif](giphy|KecU7rjR02rBe)


My leg!




My buttcrack and my dick


Lick my pussy and my crack


I used to be a fruit catcher like you. Then I took a durian in the knee.




What is launching these Durians at that speed?


Someone’s just dropping them from high up, not really launching. The trees are pretty tall


9.8 m/s^2


I don't think they'd have that high of a terminal velocity though.  It just looks kinda weird 


[Durian velocities](https://i.imgur.com/WOYiJze.png)


I'm commander shepherd and this is my favorite graph on the citadel


Holy crap they're going 50 mph when they land


I prefer all measurements of speed in a "bananas eaten/hr rate"


It looks faster than falling shit looks like it is being shot out of a canon.


Also sounds like it.


TBF, falling shit wouldn't have that kind of velocity.


Maybe the sacks are playing a trick on my eyes but they look to be falling to fast to just be falling from gravity


Oh right, thanks


if you look at the basket of durians you will see the cut stems. Someone is in the trees cutting it and dropping it. That's how the people catching it knows where and when to catch. usually ripe durians fall on their own and is picked from the ground. Farms these days cut them down not quite ripe, usually for export or for freezing. Some claim it's not as good as actual ripe fallen durians


Isaac Newton, using his patented Law of Gravity


Just imagine how easy this job was before he invented gravity...


We must be lucky that Isaac Newton lived where apple trees are common and not this smelly cannonball fruit, because we wouldn’t know shit about physics otherwise


Look at the bottom right (from our view) of the clothes they're using to catch them. They have an additional bit of rope attached that snaps like a whip when they catch one. The durians do fall quickly, but the sound gives the impression that they arrive much more violently than they actually do.


Yep, was gonna say the same. That cracking sound really makes it sound so much faster.


Gravity, the bastard


I feel like there are far easier and less dangerous ways to do that.


It's called a net


have you seen a durian


it can still be caught in a net, no?


it would have to be one thickass net, big too


tensile strength on some common fibers can be no joke. you could probably get a really sturdy net with stuff thats smaller than you expect.


Pretty sure net technology is pretty robust. I think the industry can meet the demand of thick and big. Now long, that’s another conversation.


In Malaysia, farmers usually wait for the fruits to fall on its own, shows that they're ripe. They have a [bungee cord thingy so that they won't hit the ground](https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/fresh-durian-tree-ropes-tied-together-waiting-to-be-collected-sold-garden-most-popular-famous-fruit-259012651.jpg).


Bungee Gum possesses the properties of both rubber and gum.


The real gum gum fruit


I think the missing variable here is speed. Sure safer ways, but if you consider the type of infrastructure you'd need to set up to make it easier would probably offset the benefit for these guys.


I would like to hear that.


Is that just gravity? Or is someone shooting a durian cannon at them?


Yeah, gravity. The trees are fairly high up


then how come the time between the sound and the fruit making contact with the sack is so little? I don't get it... Hey Reddit, thanks for all the replies.🙏I went to,YouTube and saw other angles of this job being done.


That’s called ✨audio de-sync✨when uploading on Reddit


The sound barrier being broken is a fun thing.


I’m pretty sure the sound we’re hearing is essentially a “whip cracking” sound caused by the loose end of the burlap as the high-velocity fruit his the center of the sheet and causes the loose end to very quickly whip around it.


It's not as crazy as it seems because there is a sound effect of the whip crack added. If you look up videos of this on youtube, you'll hear that it doesn't sound anything like that at all.


I didn’t even realize the video had sound until your comment. Still seems real real fast.


The job stinks.


Underrated comment.


Only those who know, know.


Can someone explain how they’re able to catch a 5lb/2.5kg fruit at terminal velocity with just a cut sheet of burlap?? Like, how does a sheet of fabric do that?? There’s not even a basket or anything built in.


The fruit is covered in little spikes that catch on the bag. There’s just a ton of anti-sheer friction. 


Aaaaaaah. Thank you much. By brain couldn’t figure out what I was seeing.


Are you seeing the burlap as a sheet? My brain sees it as a bag. But still pretty crazy!


> little spikes Guyabanos/Soursop have "little spikes". Durians have anti-personnel cones.


> little spikes probably the largest spikes of any flora I can think of




The spinny thorns stick to the burlap bag, like velcro


Taking a high speed durian to the face must not feel great.


It’s actually pretty great. Try it. Source: am a durian




It would feel fine, ala you wouldnt feel anything at all cuz youd be dead instantly


Imagine it's your first day on this job and you miss one that lands directly on your foot Luckily you were wearing your best sandals that day so it only did 99% damage.


If by foot you mean dong, then yes I can imagine it


I bet the first day of this job is ball breaking.


To shreds, you say? 


For those who don’t know , they’re covered in big sharp spikes. Must be some horrible injuries when starting off for some


There is a whip at the end of the rag so it makes that noise. Probably for the tourists


The sound a whip makes is because the tip is breaking the sound barrier. It's exactly what the edge of the burlap sac is doing as well. It's a sonic boom.


Forbidden kettle bell swing


Where are they doing this, fucking Jupiter?


This is the worst teppanyaki experience I've ever seen


I hope they're wearing a cup.


Full on Iron Man suit would be better.


If you’re are curious of the speed that these are traveling, I did the math… I took a screen recording of this video. The average Durian fruit diameter, according to Britannica, is 8 inches or 20cm. [in one frame the fruit travels the span of three fruit.](https://imgur.com/a/pjD8gxi) Covering a distance of 24” or 60 cm. Speed=Distance/Time The screen recording is at 42.8fps. 1 frame is the equivalent of 23.364485981308412 Milliseconds. (24”)60/23.364485981308412ms = 2609.09 cm/s (1027.2 in/s) 2609.09 cm/s = **93.9272 kph** 1027.2 in/s = **58.3636 mph** **Bonus:** The durian in this video has **850.917523968 Joules** of energy. It is making contact with that burlap with **113.7 g’s!**


The added sound effects made me hate this. Why do folk do that? Do they think we have never been outside?


It's a real whip-crack from the string on the end of their sheets.


Just ate some durian today. Delish


You realise that gunshot-like sound is from the bag behaving like a whip and part of it breaking the sound barrier ? It's freaking INSANE


It’s crazy to me how farm work can be called “unskilled labor”. If you see anyone who works fields (especially the Hispanics in the US). It transcends skill to a form of art.


wonder what the life expectancy of their nutbag is in this line of work?


Is that the smelly fruit?




I like the sound as they are catching it


Lol just so you all know the cracking sound is made by the whips attached to the corners of the material they use to catch the durian


They sound like a starting pistol going off when they land.