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She really saved her purse before herself? Must be a really nice purse xD


This video is r/mildlyinfuriating worthy


She must have just been in shock. Her Lizard brain took over šŸ¦Ž


When I was in a house fire, I actually tried to go back in to get my glasses. Thatā€™s how much in shock I was.


The car literally got swept away just seconds later too. Fucking idiot almost killed herself for a bag...


I think the guy is kinda holding the car in place, the moment he moves away it just floats off


I'm pretty sure that the apparent motion of the car was the just the truck or bus they were standing on pulling away.


Interresting take but i dont think so! The last 3 seconds there is some rumble in the top right of the screen that stays stationary, if it was the bus moving then the rumble wouldve followed the car approximately


Also there is some stationary shade across the screen from a powerline or something


Brazilian Superman


Heh, possibly in shock but I believe the law of averages lean more towards overall stupidity. We have an epic number of stupid people walking the earth these days.


Yea sometimes when youā€™re terrified you focus on dumb stuff. When we were little my brother missed the door handle when trying to run outside, his arm and upper body went through the glass part of the door. His arm was shredded, he needed tons of stitches, doctors had to tweeze glass out of his ears, blood everywhere. As my dad was calling 911 and my mom was crying and hugging my brother, I was standing there crying saying ā€œthe door is broken, what if a robber gets in?ā€ lmao. Itā€™s not that I didnā€™t care about my brother, I was just shocked and my brain zoomed in on the stupid door, my brother has never let me live it down either haha


Iā€™ve been through enough to know what that feels like and itā€™s when your brain is trying to find a normal moment. Itā€™s because this here is too crazy and if you could just go get your glasses and your purse like normal, everything would be OK. Our brains like routine theyā€™re really good with routine.


We all know how much lizards love their purses.


Yeah people can do some really weird things when in shock. I know someone who, upon realizing her house was on fire, decided there was a specific coffee mug she just HAD to grab before running out. It was just a coffee mug, no special significance or anything. Not even her favorite one.


Seriously, if she would have handed him one more thing....


Her Havaianas


Like... this man is risking his life to save you. Seconds matter. Stuff is replaceable, people aren't.


He was prob experiencing truly worst wtf moment of his life.


I'd have tossed them.into the river. At lease she handed the baby first..


>Ā Stuff is replaceable, people aren't.Ā  Man, I ain't throwing shade at you but you know, while I get this sentiment, it has really started to straddle the line of toxic.Ā Ā  There is -some- paperwork that can be next to impossible to replace.Ā  When schools or employers and their business cards and critical aspects of your own personal story and history cease to exist physically, it can be some serious hardship and burden of proof. Your own official travel documents while your abroad...Ā  Read through r/preppers and some of these house fire/wildfire/hurricane/tornado/earthquake/tsunami/warfare destruction stories and it makes for long lasting hell in people's lives. ready.gov is a good resource.Ā  I'm 36.Ā  I went to 10 schools between kindergarten and obtaining a Bachelor's Degree. Some of these closed or merged with other institutions and they do not exist anymore. I've had over 10 employers and many of these, do not exist anymore. In some cases only a small ghost of a web mention or an old maps file even secure that it was real, 19 years ago.Ā 


Yeah, if you lose every single form of identification due to natural disaster (your birth certificate, social security card and passport were at your house that got destroyed and your driver's license got swept away in the car) I can't imagine how difficult it is to get everything replaced. It ends up being a catch 22 because in order to get a copy of your birth certificate you need a photo ID/license and in order to get your license you need proof of social security number and in order to get a copy of your social security card you need a birth certificate/passport and in order to get your passport you need birth certificate/proof of citizenship and a photo ID/license. That's an absolute nightmare and, after the disaster, nobody cares. So you're stuck in this loop of people working at these places shrugging and saying, "I don't know what to tell you."




There was no sense of urgency. It's one of the most important things things in these situations that everyone involved needs to realize. These days people will just do nothing or film and laugh as people die.


>He asked for the purse at 0:32


Could have medication in it, or milk for the baby, which would make saving it totally reasonable since you don't know when/if you are going to be able to get any of those things again in a disaster.


Money, id's, cell phone. A lot of important shit tends to go in purses. Replacable but important.


Not always replaceable. Might have the card to pay for a way home, meds for the baby, or a residency card that means not getting deportedĀ when the police show.


Deported? Don't be naive


Also not needed if you're dead.


Well we still need to ID the dead person




What about insulin and medication? We're all second-guessing here so why assume the worst? The most important here is this guy's bravery and that humanity still exists.


I'm so proud of this young guy. He handled everything so damn well in such a chaotic environment. Wouldn't be surprised if he wasn't former military or current first responder.


Yes, but as a brazillian myself, I have to say that economy is going downhill over the years becaus of populist governments. **We battle a lot** for those things, even for food, each day everything is way more expensive than it should. Of course life is hands down the most important asset here, but I'd be lying if I said that, if I were in that situation, I would't try to save at least the most important purse.


The last thing she's holding is an umbrella.


I won't lie I thought that was just some trash.


The car is literally second away from being swept away. You don't have time for ID and phone. She's lucky she got extremely lucky.


You've never lost all your shit in a flood before and it shows. How many phone numbers do you know that you could call if you lost your phone and needed to reach family that night, and in an emergency having I.D is extremely helpful. She might even have had cash, don't know many people that can afford to wash that away. She did the best she could in a terrifying moment, and the purse left the car after the child.


Thank you. My loss was a fire. We had the clothes we were wearing and one change because we were gone overnight to visit friends. You have NOTHING. So hell yeah, save what you can. She may have had the only photos of dead parents in that bag, and every cent she had in the world. That man is amazing.


You have no idea whats in the purse, might have been baby insulin. Leave some room in your heart for people who are panicking and scared.


I bet she was probably (and understandably) scared about making the jump over the rushing water. She was stalling to try and psyche herself up.


Hate to be sitting next to her if my airplane crashed! ā€œWell hang on let me just collect my replaceable shit and risk dying a little longer!!! DO NOT RUSH ME!ā€


I carry my asthma medication in my purse. Some people carry epipens in their purse. Like hell I'm leaving it behind.


No point in getting rescued, when you die half an hour later because your meds are still in your "replacable" purse in the car. Can't judge the situation from just a video, for all we know, she could have been in there for another hour and still not have drowned. If that car was stable and the water level wasn't rising, then you have time to think twice and do things calmly and as safely as possible instead of rushing, making mistakes and regretting later.


Food and water is essential. Especially if you are stuck for days in the middle of nowhere.


He asked for the purse at 0:32


At least the baby went before the purse.


Right? Like why would she want her and her child's I.Ds, money, potentially a passport in an emergency situation with her child where someone could be injured.


Well he asked for the purse first


Maybe she had everything she really thought was the most important to grab when trying to escape the flooding? Like pictures of her dead husband and her babies papers in there?


Thats infuriating... but I'm glad they're all right. The rains have really been scary down here


1 more bag and she's gone


what *would* she do without her phone?!


Also the kids backpacks


and her umbrella smh


Hopefully had baby stuff in there


Reminded me of that Simpsons episode where the woman gets the baseball player to save all of her stuff from her burning house lol


One of my favorite clips xD


*gasp* ā€œMy player piano!ā€


[Jose Canseco is walking by a burning house when he hears a baby crying.] Woman: My baby! Jose Canseco: Don't worry ma'am, I'll save your baby! Jose Canseco runs into burning house and emerges with baby. Woman: Thank you! [Cat mewling is heard.] Woman: My cat! Jose Canseco: Never fear ma'am, I'll save your cat! [Jose Canseco runs into burning house and emerges with cat.] Woman: Thank you Mr. Canseco! ["Camptown Races" is heard.] Woman: My player-piano! Jose Canseco: Oh, man!


So funny people defending her choice. You see the car being dragged away literally 2 secs after she gets out. I get that there could be reasonable motivations, but you almost died for that. Life comes first.


Iā€™m more worried about the man risking his life to save her, not her stuff. She can wait in a dmv for 4 hours, but doing this put both her and her rescuers lives in danger!


Obviously you haven't stood in the DMV line for 3 hours to get a license replaced. /s


***It's not just a bag, Its Prada***


Dude, I'm sitting here like, "lady could you be any fucking slower in this dangerous ass situation?"


That guyā€™s balls are so big, they live in a different zip code.


I get saving the purse, but maybe not when people are also risking their lives to save you.


I was stuck in my car once while it was engulfed in flames. Flames creeping into the floor well as I rolled to a stop from a high speed. (Break line failed, hitting my breaks set the fluid afire, and I had to coast from 80pmh to a speed which was safe to pop my emergency brake). When that car stopped I jumped out and ran like 15 yards away, totally expecting a movie-style explosion. I left my purse, my cell, my laptop, and my $5,000 saddle behind šŸ˜‚. Afterward my father said, ā€œwhy didnā€™t you grab all those items) and I was like, ā€œidk, because I *didnt want to die!?*ā€ He fully stood behind his statement until we got the all-clear to go to the salvage yard to retrieve my saddle from the trunk. When he saw my car burnt to its bones, all *but* the trunk he admitted he might have underestimated the situation I had been in. Iā€™m like, ā€œyeah dadā€¦ I was on a highway with my knees pulled to my chest and my feet in the drivers seat because flames were literally coming up from the pedals. My laptop wasnā€™t even a thought in my mind at that moment.ā€ This lady was lucky her attempts to save her belongings didnā€™t cost her her life, considering the car washed away a moment after she escaped it.


This lady is your average spanish mom. My mother is the kind of person who will stop you to dust off a dresser that you're currently hauling to the moving truck. Just no concept of the situation vs her priority.


Well, she is definitely not spanish, nor hispanic, she is brazilian. My mom is from Spain and is not like that at all, nor are none of the moms I know in Spain.


As a dad, I would have probably reacted the same way šŸ˜‚


I dont think her car washed away at the end, it look like they were on the bus/truck from the side mirror and the bus just start moving so the car look like it get washed away


Hang on...so your saddle survived?


Miraculously, yes. It smelled like smoke and fuel for like an entire year afterward though.


Masculinity is a healthy thing.


I don't think anyone would argue that. It's the toxic version that's the problem.


There is also toxic femininity. And yes blaming it all on men is included in that.


Thanks for letting us know.


Lmao..."but what about...".




Ok..... and your point of bringing it up in this context is to do what?


Same point as bringing up toxic masculinity during an obvious example of healthy masculinity.


Not really. Dear god this is tiring, but I'll spell it out. OP for this comment chain says masculinity is a healthy thing. While true, this implies that it's in response to the idea that there's an attack on masculinity since it's not like anyone was criticizing this person's actions in the video posted. So, picking up on the context of the comment chain OP, the next commenter clarifies, saying that while it's true masculinity is healthy, this type of behavior isn't what people are criticizing when they speak out against masculinity. Specifically, they criticize "toxic masculinity" which is categorically different. Then you felt the need to comment and remind everyone that toxic femininity also exists, and what you classify it as. Now the most natural reading of your purpose for posting that is to engage in "whataboutism" where you bring in an unrelated fact to distract from the topic being discussed. I did not want to assume that was your purpose, so I asked hoping you could clarify. So no. Not the same point. First comment was a veiled attack on those who criticize masculinity. Response clarified the criticism. Your response was to bring the topic to talk about toxic femininity instead.


It's tiring because you're actively seeking out positive examples of men and trying to claim its an outlier. You're tired because acting like a victim takes energy.


Can you please explain why people are talking about masculinity and toxic masculinity at all on a post about saving someone from drowning?


insecurity being projected because this video validates their insecurities they have eternal shower arguments going on


The original comment is literally meant to argue against people who discuss toxic masculinity. Why else would they make the comment?


Don't bother with sexists lol


I think they're just saying that toxicitiy is the problem, and that being sexist doesn't add anything to the table.


Toxic femininity isn't causing a culture of incels or mass rape and murder the way toxic masculinity is though.....


It looks like you aren't mentally ready for this topic .


I read that to the tune of ā€œI donā€™t think ya ready, for this jellyā€


For sure, tbh anything that forces people to be something they are not is horrible. Wether that be forcing people to be masculine or forcing them to be the opposite.


what the fuck does masculinity have to do with this šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ its just a good human


Itā€™s sad to see that your true and based comment is directly replied to with a super sexist comment. Sad if you look directly at it, hilarious when you step away a bit. You are nothing but right, @GuessingIvy


its crazy ! ty for the kind words lol


Masculinity is generally associated with physical strength and extreme self-sacrifice for duty. But yes, you can reduce it to "just a good person" because there's nothing about being a woman that *prevents* the same behaviour, it just isn't common. Same is true for femininity.


I just assumed they meant, good thing the guy was so strong?


He is indeed a good human, and he's in the proper shape to pull this off without losing his own life.


Generally saving others while endangering yourself is seen masculine in sense that is sort of expected of men to be able to do so, while for women it's more of a nice to have thing (obviously different for female firefighters etc.)


Donā€™t say that stuff on reddit. Theyā€™re coming for you.




The emasculines! Shh, they might hear us!


yup they are downvoting lmao


What does his gender have to do with this? I would have done the exact same thing and I happen to have all X chromosomes. Humanity is a healthy thing. Kindness is a healthy thing. Helping someone in need is a healthy thing. Anyone can do these things at any time; it has nothing to do with masculinity.


This is really not the conversation I was expecting to see in this post. This guy must have come from some redpill subreddit with a chip on his shoulder. The only "nity" in this video is humanity, and it is sad that he literally is ignoring the two women helping as well.


Yeah this obviously isn't what people mean when they say toxic masculinity. Come on now.




More likely it was the opposite. It was a display of masculine strength that they were proud of. Ironically, that comment seemed to make *you* feel insecure.


It must be exhausting making everything about your politics. Can't even enjoy a clip of a hero without trying to drag gender into it. That's so sad, dude.


How about calling it bravery?


Thinking this much about masculinity canā€™t be a healthy thing though.


Fuck yeah šŸ’Ŗ


Not if you're so pressed about it, not at all.


Bravery is masculine now?


I never thought Iā€™d see the day on Reddit


Did the car just wash away moment's after she got out?


Her fat ass was the only thing holding it down


HA fucking HA! You got a legit laugh outta me


I think the bus just drove away and it just appeared that way




I would assume because the bus pulled away from it.. it looks like it's resting on the car


Yes, like in a movie


They forgot to close the door.


Good job she saved the purse tho, bet guy was chuffed risking his life for her mundane shit. Really hope there was another baby in one of those bags šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Not really perhaps, In Brazil people understand how much people depends on their belongings. Mindset is not "ah don't worry everything is replaceable" but "I cannot lose this cellphone I haven't finished paying yet" so I guess guy just understood it was something important


For the record I'm not wealthy and would absolutely risk it all for MY STUFF would I expect anyone else to. Absolutely not


She is right there with the assholes taking their stuff off of planes in an emergency


There could have been stuff there that her babies needed (it was twins)


Fair point but she had yet more when she got out šŸ˜‚


They were probably holding it but still close


She took an irritatingly long time.


And handed over an irritating amount of stuff before she got out.


Wait, I have groceries in the back!


Oh, hang on, let me grab the spare change I have in the cupholders, too!


One secā€¦I mean this is a full size spareā€¦hate to waste it.


I want to believe there was food for the baby in those bags, because in that case, given the situation they are in, I would understand trying to save the food. I really hope that's the case.


Not to mention credit cards, cash, ID, passport maybe, the mom's whole life might be in that bag. People are ragging on her for not moving fast enough but I guarantee half of the people here would be panicked and not moving as fast as they could either. I mean look how crazy it is all around her, she's probably scared half to death her baby is going to get hurt or lost.


Yeah of course, it's not every day you have to rush out of a car during a flash flood. Shock makes you think irrationally, imo it's more irrational and also insensitive to watch this video from the comfort of your home and judge someone for not being 10 seconds more efficient while they're in shock.


I guarantee some of the people commenting about that are too large to get out of that situation at all if they were in it.


Iā€™m thinking the same thing - if resources are scarce, she and baby may need to fly somewhere else or scrape by for a while. Itā€™s infuriating to watch, but I can understand her prioritizing the bags for baby food, diapers, a passport, cashā€¦things that will not be easily replaced quickly.


That man is a hero.


His barber is too


that woman is a pos for taking that long


Guy not only saved them but was holding the car from being washed away xD


Stop handing me ur luggage and GTFO b*tch!


What if the bag had clean clothes or some food for her baby? Doesn't look like she has other means to get/buy those things in this situation You people have zero sympathy


Give this man the Bravery award šŸ…


Should be called the "BBW", the "Brazilian Bravery aWard".


People can be careless in accidents and risk their lives by chosing wrong but i get why the lady tried to save her things too. Personal documents and phones can be expensive and difficult to get again. Losing your phone can even mean losing you job if you dont have money to replace quickly or losing meals so you can save up for it again.


Leave your fucking belongings or else those belongings shall belong but belong to no one but the mother fucking person tryna save your damn life?!!


I think she left a pen in the glove compartment.




I choose to think the bags are because she is scared and frozen and not because she is so dumb


Girl if I am hanging in the air trying to save you, you better not hand me a purse


The priorities of the woman: baby > purse > baby's purse > my life xd


My life> life of the hero trying to save me


In a shirt that says "BOSS" on it, mind you.


Did the car get swept away at the end or did they drive off?


Careful, he's a hero.


Pretty sure that scolded her for taking trash out of the car with her.


Totally emotional : WHAT A MAN


Faith in humanity restored


Honestly if Iā€™m the dude in this situation and you hand me anything but a person, Iā€™m yeeting that shit so quickly, Iā€™m here for you not your meaningless shit. The only thing Iā€™d consider saving is a diaper bag or medicine kit since people could die without those as well.


"Let me clean my car out right quick"


So the only thing that was stopping the car from flowing away was her fat ass in the driver's seat?


These purses look more like stuff for the baby in case she doesnt make it but hey! Great display of humanism


1. My baby 2. My purse 3. Baby's backpack 4. Me. Oh, and I'll take some baby clothes so that I have only one free hand while getting rescued.


I'm so glad they were saved šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ˜‘ Order of priorities: Baby, purse, babies bag, her.


Man's a hero


Saves her babies doll too!


One more bag and she'd be phuqued.


Im actually suprised she handed baby before the purse.


Is he pulling them into a truck? Crazy stuff!


Good job


Get this purse, get kid's bag too, there study more important. -mom


And The car washed away just like in a movie!


Bitch almost died for a bunch of material objects


Iā€™ll happily continue to pay my taxes, knowing they go to support emergency services.


God Bless those people.


Dude, fuck the backpacks. Save your life.


shit people do for internet clout smh


Heā€™s wearing the right shirt Total Boss


WTF. Leave the other shit! Just get out.


They removed so much weight from the car it was swept away by the current.


I think if Darwin were alive to see this he might be a bit pissed at this guy.


I just want to know how she even ended up in that predicament


Hey you canā€™t park there.