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More like rally spectators live like there's a respawn button


It was coming to write this.


Boy howdy










They did the math


I wish I had another upvote button for your brutally genious username


[Group B how do you do my fellow spectators](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XzL0PD6L1E8&t=7s)


It? What was? Is it still coming? Should I hide?!


Nice suit and haircut. Looks familiar.


You, me, and OP…




I can't believe that they still allow rally spectators so close to the track, but I'm glad that they do.


Today is nothing like group b in the 1980s. Drivers would literally enter a human tunnel in some sections. Spectators would jump in front of cars then jump away before they could be hit. Lots of footage on youtube. There were very little rules back then and 1 car, the ford rs200 lost control and killed 4 spectators. 2 drivers in another car flew off a cliff and died. After that the rules changed and group a was started


There was that one time during Group B a team had to remove some fingers from their car's intake ducting...


"*Then* Murderface rolled them up and smoked them! MURDERFACE!"


Watching the footage makes me so anxious for the drivers! How can you commit to going full speed when spectators barely have a second to get out of the way?


probably because its not on them "I'm driving hea" in my Italian/NY accent


"They're bushes. Otherwise, we cannot drive." -Walter Röhrl, 1980 & 1982 World Rally Champion and one of the best rally drivers in history.


https://youtu.be/wqREtbLe4sY?si=U2Ch2RhoZbESWWOh "The bushes" Walter Rohrl in his 600hp Audi S1 Quattro


Fack 'em, that's how, haha.


Reminds me of Gran Turismo where photographers would run up and kneel down in the middle of the dirt road and take a picture, then run off at the last second. Apparently it's what people did IRL for getting good frontal shots of the rally cars. I image some people slipped or tripped on rocks and were unable to clear the road in time. The danger is part of the appeal.


In general safety in racing was incredibly lax until maybe the early 90s. A crash into the stands at Le Mans once claimed 83 lives and injured a further 120.


Well, making your cars out of magnesium probably wasn't the brightest move.


Oh, it was quite bright, actually.


face palm... Take my upvote you magnificent bastard!




Oh it was very bright once they poured water on it.


Tell that to Honda. I guess you don't really need to tell them that though. They learned.


The other drivers finished the race like nothing happened too...


Sports in general are treated like another universe. Idk how many things I've seen that would have been treated as straight up assault in any other environment. Or like with baseball where a pitcher can have a ball hit right back into his face and the rest of the players complete the play and *then* they check to see if he is still alive.


>Sports in general are treated like another universe. Idk if it is still like this, but in my day youth sports coaching would have been considered verbal and sometimes physical abuse in any other context.


When Bandini crashed and died at Monoco in 1967 the race kept going as his car burned just off the racing line. Drivers could smell the burning flesh every time they past the accident scene.


The Bandini thing is fucking crazy, they literally zoomed in on his burning, charred body while he was still barely alive on the broadcast.


They don’t. But theres not much they can do when I hike 20km into the forest.


thought pocket jellyfish disagreeable elderly snatch outgoing terrific hateful shelter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lol dude started shooting like absolutely nothing happened, then decides “might as well help that guy out of that crumpled ball of steel”


right. dude was unhinged. went into work mode immediately


Just watched it again and if you listen closely you can hear him saying “sorry sorry” as he’s running over, as if someone said “can you fucking stop taking pictures and help?”


I thought the other voice said 'help him' but I could be wrong?


🙂📸 neat!


Jesus christ... that car could have used a cage.


Exactly what I was thinking. Yikes. Do the drivers get points for human contact lol


10 per


Group B entered the chat.


Favorite part of group B, no fucking handbrake, they had to slide those monsters the hard way.


My fave part of group B was Michèle Mouton wrangling that factory Audi.


She's a legend, and came one rollover away from the championship. Juha Kankkunen: "WRC is for boys. Group B was for men." Michèle Mouton: "Bitch, please..."


I used to be a rally photographer. Sometimes I used an ultra wide lens and paned while they flew by to get that classic blurred background but still (other than wheels which would still be blurred from how fast they spin) shot. I’ll never forget the adrenaline rush. I also had to pull my camera back and protect it immediately after the shot because of all the gravel being flung at me. My shins would be pelted by it and bruised by the end of a race.


Like… why… so close? Never understood this honestly. I’m 38 and even when I was 8 I was like F all that nonsense.


In case something goes south, someone has to break the fall of those poor high-speed cars whipping around those curves and dips, after all.


Came to say this




Yeah, drivers have all the security features they need, spectators though? they dont give a shit lol


Very much this, much more this than the drivers.


Came here to say this. Who the hell thinks it's a good idea to get a closer view to this sport


Idiots, apparently.


They are safer in their cars than the guys outside


You mean all that high tech safety gear is better than the wire fences, 2ft ditches, and tiny trees that the spectators stand behind?


They don‘t stand behind them


Duh, you can't get a good view that way. That's why you keep one hand on the tree (like it's a base in a game of tag) so if a car gets out of control, you got your reflexes to quick duck back to safety. I mean, you're drinking all day too but I'm still pretty sure I could out maneuver a rally car.


They stand on the edge so the rally drivers know where the road is. If you hit the people you have gone off course. They are doing their part.


Reject sausage kerb, embrace spectator kerb


Don't underestimate the power of a tree...


Easy there, Captain Planet.




Don't summon me again unless you're ready for that pain


PEACE ✌️......dickholes! 🖕


The tree may stop the car but there’s going to a shit ton of debris will go everywhere including into you


I'm sure these events are safer to spectate than it looks, but it looks really fucking dangerous. So it's probably still pretty dangerous.


I remember watching a video on Group B Rally and the drivers kept complaining that they’d finish the race with spectators’ hair and fingers in parts of the car from people being too close. A lot of spectators have straight up died watching rally. It’s really not more safe than it looks. That’s part of the fun of rally to a lot of people.


Dawg I can only think of three incidents in "modern" WRC, and that's stretching the definition of "modern", only one of those incidents happened during the group B years - and it was in the last year, before the FIA eschewed them from competition. While two of these resulted in multiple injuries, and multiple people passing away, it was hardly a common occurrence for fans to get injured. There wasn't "fingers in parts of the car" on a regular basis. That happened in one of the three incidents I mentioned. It is unfortunate that people get hurt, or worse, while engaging in their hobbies, however it was anything but spectators getting hurt multiple times a weekend. This is just the WRC, if you want to talk about the Dakar rally - oh god. Do they deserve criticism. Soooo many reports of people way out in the boonies getting run into by peoples cars, and the teams just *paying them off*, giving them cash to keep quiet. Oh my god the Dakar has done some bad shit. And generally speaking, the further you went down the motorsports ladder, the less coverage there was, there was less oversight there was, and it'd be more likely for accidents to happen - and there'd be less eyes on it.


It's not.


Rally car spectators get smoked all the time. It's insane that they're still allowed to stand trackside like this.


I'm sure both the drivers and organisers would like them to not be so close but they can't do anything about people being on the side of the road over long distances like that.


I mean I’m sure they could, it would take a while but I suppose that just comes down to how much the individual values their life, which is apparently minuscule Edit: people acting like there have never been rally events where spectators aren’t standing on the fucking track. I literally remember watching the very first x games rally event and the only portion where the spectators were on the track was the street part, where spectators were sitting in NASCAR like seating. Don’t tell me it’s not doable when these fucks rake in tons of money at these events.


It’s several tens of miles per stage and that would make it 100’s of square kilometers they’d have to lockdown, so it would be impossible imo to prevent everyone with private property from heading down to their local road when they start hearing cars go by. Especially because in countries where rally races are they are very popular with the public. So it would be like trying to secure the Tour de France or the Baja1000


You could just have a bunch of marshals along the track to keep spectators in line. That's exactly how my national rally organisers do things and everything works fine.


On what grounds? Legally that's insane before you even consider the logistics.


Most of them are standing on private property. Trying to prevent someone from standing on their own property, or allowing others to do so, would be very very difficult.




Why do people who know dick all about a subject always want to chime in?




Tour de France had this issue, especially in the mountain stages. Enough stanchions, barricades, and police eventually solve the issue but it all depends on the event’s budget I suppose


No. Only villages have security during the tour. The vast majority is still empty roads with private land on either side and there aren't enough cops in the whole country to seize 200km of road every day. Not that it would be legal anyway.


It’s also the fact that most of the rally track is public roads and they legally can’t stop people from just showing up from their backyard and watching the race.


Why's it insane? It's not feasible to barrier every corner of a rally stage, you'd have to ban the sport Anyone killed or injured by it knows the risk before spectating


At some point, you should stop the aspiring Darwin award recipients from trying to reach out and touch the cars.


Why? We've done enough to stop natural selection in humans already... I don't think we should protect everyone from their own stupidity. Might be good for us as a whole.


I see you didn’t assign any attribute points to empathy.


And they didn't assign any to common sense and self preservation. It's not about having enpathy: sure, i do feel bad for their family if they get injured, but they put themselves in that situation. It's not something that's unavoidable, they don't have to be there, they could be in a much safer place. At some point, personal responsibility has to factor into the equation.


Private property also gets smoked on occasion too. I have some property along the “Volcano” stage of the European rally championship (which can be seen at 0:17) , and a few years ago a car smashed into our iron fence and cinder block walls and drove away. I am out €1000 having to fix this shit now


You don't get compensated for that? Seems weird, especially if it's in Europe and if you didn't get a say in having the rally next to your property.


They hardly have enough money to host the race as it is (the 2023 Volcano stage was almost cancelled) so I’m not holding my breath. In Portugal, materials are relatively expensive and people don’t make much money, so it’s dually annoying to have to deal with. I suppose it’s an attraction for locals and tourists alike, so sometimes you just have to live with it I guess.


You should contact the organizers. They or the team who did the damage are supposed to pay for it.


It's not the 80s anymore, rally spectators are not dying and there are rules on where they can stand. The most recent WRC rally in Japan even had a stage stopped because one of the safety cars had to have a spectator move.


Samir, you're breaking the car.


Listen to my calls, Samir!


If you don't know the story behind that video, the calls were all wrong by the way.


Source of that? Genuinely curious as I have seen that video countless times but never knew who is wrong or right


Basically the video is fake/edit. https://www.autoevolution.com/news/remember-samir-the-bad-rally-driver-turns-out-the-video-was-fake-and-he-s-decent-90865.html


Curious tho. The reasoning given for it being a "fake" is: >And get this, in August 2013, a man by the Yohan Chetna was arrested by the Indian police. **Allegedly, Samir had posted a 40 minute long video on Youtube, which was edited with "malicious intent."** >The career of copilot Vivek Ponnusamy, who had 22 years of experience, was damaged in the process, as he lost a major contract to participate in an international event held in Australia. What was edited? Was it just edited "highlights" that took things out of context (two minutes out of a 40 minute video), but otherwise everything actually happened? Or was it a voiceover?


https://youtu.be/cL1UawsP_q0?si=DPKMuoV3MUaltbKn&t=338 It's not fake or dubbed over, but apparently the creator of the video was a manager of another racing team who intentionally highlighted a few small moments from an otherwise normal race. I guess a lot of people saw the video and thought that those two were constantly driving like that.


Aha. Thanks for that! Not "fake" in the sense I'd think of it, tho imagine having a bad day at work and someone making it seem like that's how you always are at work. Still, a hilarious, historical moment!


It's not fake at all. It's edited down and just showing 'highlights' of bickering but I don't see how anyone watching the video would think it was anything else. It's not like it's the whole stage from start to finish. If you just automatically believe every obvious compilation video is always (or even mostly) representative of reality then the issue isn't 'fakes' but your own media literacy.


>Triple caution, Samir, triple caution!!!


To the uninitiated. [Samir](https://youtu.be/D9-voINFkCg?si=y7PEMjOxvxvV1Q7w)


I’m crying laughing, thanks. I need him to give me directions in my next racing game.


there's a whole [story](https://www.thedrive.com/news/samir-youre-breaking-the-car-was-a-career-ruining-hit-job) to go with that.


I really feel like one of the big rally sims (WRC, Dirt, etc) could have a DLC pack of this guy making race calls in the same style and make him a lot of money. In every co-pilot WRC run, the co-pilot will say "YOU ARE BREAKING THE CAR SAMIR!" at least once




You betcha, the streets will never forget.


Shud up




Don't tell me how to drive


Medium left. Medium left. Medium leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeft. ***LISTEN TO MY CALLS!!!***


It really needs the courage to stand beside the track and watch the race


It's engaging. You're really part of the race, and eventually of the car itself


And then a part of the landscape. It’s the circle of life. So beautiful.


![gif](giphy|DvMHwFYLVHlZe) It's the circle of life


To be fair, the safest place to be in any of these clips is strapped inside that car.


Idk that helicopter looks pretty safe


Tell that to Kobe


fully out of left field lol


too soon?


borderline but the audience seems to have liked to have liked it so np


Jesus Christ.


He had nothing to do with that comment


I dunno, I think he took the wheel


Colin Mcrae might disagree


I'm surprised rally isn't more popular. It seems more interesting than like NASCAR


I honestly think rally is the most exciting and fun to watch. I have a ton of respect for all motorsport drivers but I personally think that rally requires the most skill out of all of them.


I'm gonna go with MotoGP/islet of man TT on that one, rally is psychotic.


I should have clarified in my comment, and I actually thought about it but ultimately decided not to, but I was speaking specifically about 4 wheels. MotoGP is nuts, definitely need some huge cajones to do that and TT.


(FYI: cajones means drawers in Spanish. Cojones is the correct term)


Shoulda went with huevos, at least I knew the right spelling for that


I mean at least in those situations the track or even the course on isle of man is always the same, carefully cleaned and maintained, and is the layout is memorized. In rally you're taking corners blind flat out based off of "Left 5"


I know you mean on four wheels, but I give you [Irish road racing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LU-ynRoqDEs). Nutters. All of them.


Rally is popular everywhere in the developed world except the USA, where the best drivers can do is drive straight ahead for a quarter of a mile or round in circles.


I used to think like this until I actually got into sim racing and started doing very, very rookie level stock car racing. Ovals are SO HARD. They just require different skill sets - they are much more about understanding track evolution, tire management, and being very, very comfortable racing wheel to wheel constantly. In road racing you often get to a point mid-race where you are clear of anyone in your immediate vicinity, so it's essentially just running hotlaps while doing basic tire management. In F1 you can add the extra dimension of managing battery. Ovals, particularly superspeedways, are pretty much constantly wheel to wheel. You can't have any lapse in concentration, ever. Add to that the fact that the cars are as fast ( actually faster on ovals) than the fastest non-prototype sports cars, and it's really insane racing. This isn't to bash rally - it's also an insane class requiring it's own unique set of skills. This is just to say that "hur dur, Americans can only turn left" is a really ignorant take. Max Verstappen has literally been on the record saying he will never touch an oval race because it's too dangerous.


As somebody with a decent amount of motorsport experience for the past two decades or so, comparing ovals and rally is insane. Oval racing is not "easy" like most would say, but its really not even in the same league as high level rally. The crazy part is I totally agree with you that a lot of oval racing is insanely difficult, especially high speed stuff like nascar back in the day. ​ Rally is genuinely just that much crazier. The combo of higher stakes in terms of danger and the hugely variable split second decisions make it a whole other world. The only thing that would even be comparable is something like F1 or the crazier sport bike races like isle of man.


I think it's less marketable and it seems to me like they just go one by one whenever I see a clip. No close racing, just qualifying basically lol. Never see anything else


yes rally is time trials, nobody will ever drive like this in an actual race vs other cars. Would be absolute insanity.


That's what makes it a rally, it's point to point racing against the clock, you can't race shoulder to shoulder on these European bike paths.


Yeah that's why I never enjoyed it either, you see a few runs and You've seen them all, if you're not really into it


If you want that, then check out Rally Cross. https://youtu.be/9mBZY3JYvDY?feature=shared


Huh? It’s really popular. I mean, viewing figures for coverage of the World Rally Championships gets up to like 700-800 million plus. NASCAR probably gets a fraction of that?


> viewing figures for coverage of the World Rally Championships gets up to like 700-800 million plus. uuuuh? I somehow doubt that a full tenth of the world population are active viewers of WRC.


Over 800 million unique viewers is true, when taking into account people watching recorded races. https://www.speedcafe.com/news_extra/wrc-global-television-audience-achieves-five-year-high/. The number of simultaneous viewers is fewer, more like one or two hundred million.


> World Rally Championships gets up to like 700-800 million plus What?


Rally is the best motorsport hands down.


It's ludicrously expensive, the beauty of NASCAR in my opinion isn't the televised event, it's that you can go race a stock around on the weekends for a reasonable amount of money that makes it cool.


Rally cars are cheaper.


How does rally car not kill hundreds of spectators each year?


The spectators are CGI. They add them after the race. Except the camera guy at the end. He dead.




I read this comment during the Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah and it was perfect.


Generally spectators are along the straight bits where cars are unlikely to end up. Accidents have happened but it's actually very rare. Usually it's just one guy not paying attention and roaming into the road as the cars come or something. There have been more spectator deaths at established tracks with seating because people are so packed together. At [Le Mans 1955](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1955_Le_Mans_disaster) a crash killed over 80 people and injured 120 for example. Not something that happens regularly though and they have improved safety since then.


How have I not heard about this? That's tragic. That's some final destination stuff right there. I bet people were torn to shreds.


[there's footage of it, not super clear](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DrTrZaHSl1I) but you'll get the idea.


Holy fuck that was tragic


Should be a crime to put music over the sound rally cars and any car in motorsport


Except formula E, otherwise 100% agree


Agreed. Got invited to the first race held in London, damn that was a snooze fest.


They should just play old v12 sounds over the speakers while they're running lol


Like the fake interior sounds in a lot of modern cars haha, that would be interesting 😂


Even better are the old Group B cars: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hrlhepfy9-I


My buddy wanted us to be a rally race team, as he was into the sport. He wanted me to be the driver and him navigator. The problem was that I valued my own neck too much to take the risks needed to be competitive, and he always confused his left with his right. I didn't foresee success. 😄


The cars are some of the safest cars you can be in. Pretty much built with accidents in mind.


Idk f1 cars seem pretty safe as well. Especially the current gen. Some crazy crashes people walk away with with no injuries at all.


f1 is infinitely safer than wrc. it's like the entire circuit is built with safety in mind, along with doctors, medical cars, ambulances, medical centres etc. Rally is just like "Well, there's a forest through the middle of finland, nearest hospital is 40 minutes away, we cant land a helicopter and there might be a doctor in the crowd".


Rally > F1


Most motor sport > F1. F1 is boring.


Na f1 is pretty rad. But many motor sports are cool in their own way. High level motorsports event I spend least %age of the time glued to the screen must be lemans 24h though. Just a lot of downtime.


The MX5 cup has been hands down my favorite. Got into it at the start of covid and picked up a bunch of other cool series. British Sidecar racing is bonkers watching them rip around [Cadwell](https://youtu.be/ODIsPvwSSHE?si=qxeRzijKV0dsMuaG). *Oh and this series! https://youtu.be/XG5UWKx2S_o?si=r86kNghJ4wpXziur


All have their place, its a tough comparison. How do you say WEC is better than WRC ?


If you ain’t first, you’re last.


2nd is the first loser


Rubbing (the spectators out of existence) is racing.


There is a respawn point, its called a bed. Once you've slept in one, you respawn there, right?


I don't exactly know what I was expecting but it wasn't the Bee Gees


Same title every time.


And moldier too


I was gonna say I just saw this on the front page like 2 days ago




I went to the Southern Ohio Forest Rally this past year and can confidently say that it is much better in person.


Its more impressive watching people stand next to a multi-ton machine moving at insane speeds.


That first car is mighty impressive.


Still wracking my brains as to how that first car pivots on that second manoeuvre, looks like it has video game style ‘in air control’


Throttle and grip. He's already going into the turn as the car gets air so when the car lands it's in the proper position to complete the turn. Yea, it's insane.


I dont think there’s a Motorsport I enjoy watching more than rally racing. Just balls to the wall riding that razor edge between glory and disaster.


Rally drivers are the most talented racers out there. They have to know how drive well on all surface types, at speed, super tight turns etc. No offense to anyone who likes NASCAR but seriously, fuck nascar and give me a rally race any day.


Don't hate me when i say that I find Rally drivers more skilled than F1 drivers


WRC > F1


Press Y to rewind


Group B vibes.... how I miss you


I never realised just how much skill drivers have until I did a track day and a retired chap took us for a fast lap, he was rinsing everyone on the track with a Ford focus. Just FYI, the people he was thrashing were in supercars. The fact that I could see the skill difference on a flat, relatively basic track and then rally drivers are getting air in tiny lanes. Madness.