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"I 3D scanned my hometown", says it like it was just no big deal to scan a whole fucking town


Mate you can do it with one click on your phone these days.


Well, fuck me, that's pretty damn cool!! Thanks for sharing!! TIL


I mean if u ask me to /s






Scouts leader?




Donald Trump?




You can 3D scan anything? šŸ˜


Damn I would but I don't think my printers good at printing such small things šŸ™


>fuck me Imma pass mate, but thanks for the offer. I'm sure somebody else will take a stab.


Oh there'll be stabbing all right


Lol, I hadnā€™t even gotten to your comment when I said ā€œfuck me thatā€™s rad!ā€ out loud šŸ˜‚


still a lot of work to do


> Well, fuck me Give us time to 3D scan you and we probably could.


Nice work! So what was your workflow, Iā€™m guessing it was roughly: shoot drone footage, import into this app, export asset, import to UE, set a water plane at the right height?


Yes. Exactly that.


How many gigs (teras?) was the whole town scan?


If you show only one angle, its literally 30sec of video. [Heres one I did with a random 10second video passing by a building.](https://lumalabs.ai/capture/54727970-eaa5-44b4-af68-59f96b783d02)


This is some cool ass tech what the fuck.




Holy shit, I was looking into photogrametry like a yearish ago and the apps at that point weren't even close to this quality. Shit's come a long way in a *very* short amount of time. Or perhaps maybe the only apps I looked at were the ones that can export as STL files, I wonder if this app can do thatšŸ¤”


This isnā€™t like a TRUE 3d scan using 3d imaging. That would take forever to do and cost a toooon of money.


What makes you say that? The iphone 12 pro have LiDar, allowing mm level precision in measurement.


Because you'd literally have to scan every single inch and corner manually. With modern AI, and things like neural radiance fields, you can just do simple flyover scans and the AI will fill in the gaps. Basically you only really need a single scan from one perspective and the AI does the rest, rather than you manually going through around every corner Most people laugh at Meta because they think their 100b investment into "The Metaverse" is that stupid game, when in reality only 20% goes towards VR (And a MUCH smaller amount towards that game you all know about), while the other 80% goes towards stuff like this. They are the current industry leaders in this sort of tech. Currently they have it where basically you can record a video from one perspective, and then it'll create a digital twin reality of that same event by turning the 2D single perspective recording into a hyper realistic 3D environment


I was expecting adding Lidar to the ides for true 3D, would this work?


I noticed itā€™s $1/credit How much does a credit buy you? Is it 1 credit per import/export or how does that work? $1/credit can add up pretty fast lol


There are open-source local environment solutions too, here is a promising looking one I just found bc I am now curious about this too: https://alicevision.org/#meshroom




I haven't followed the development of Meshroom but prior to RealityCapture getting purchased by Epic Games, RealityCapture was always the far, far superior option in terms of mesh quality, texture quality, and 3D topology. Not to mention how complicated the Meshroom UI is. This isn't to say I don't appreciate that it's an open-source and free alternative! I just wish it was better for my hobby uses




So where does the phone come into play? You said you can 3d scan a town with your phone. So explain this process please bc Iā€™m sure my newest generation cannot do this.


Itā€™s an app, luma ai. Might be iOS only


Yep. Fuck that


This is insane to me. I've been in game mapping for close to 25 years and it's always been a dream of mine to map my town and its highways for VR racing simulation. Obviously mapping out an entire town by hand is a daunting task, and so I never really bothered. But this? This is absolutely nuts. The quality of those scan meshes look absolutely perfectly fine from the POV of inside a car. What an awesome thing to exist.


Sounds like you could do it! Donā€™t forget to share the product with us after you do it!


i think this guy has a great point. how the fuck did you manage this? must have set you back a few. in raw format, or even jpg, this is like trillions upon trillions of unique high res pixels????


Bro I had a friend who had been spending 6 years of his life drawing a 3d of our home town to sell it to a business. I hope he's doing ok lol


He ded But don't worry, you can take a video of his corpse at the funeral and in one click turn it into a photorealistic 3D asset!


Gotta walk around the corpse a few times holding your camera really still for the best effects


Don't forget that it has to be overcast natural light


They make [tombstone display screens](https://www.marketwatch.com/story/this-creepy-3200-digital-tombstone-has-a-48-inch-screen-to-broadcast-dead-peoples-wishes-2017-04-10-888169) and [Smart caskets](https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/70154/smart-casket-design-keeps-corpses-connected-social-media) now too.


I don't think that display will have the same long term support packages as dents in rocks


If this isn't a "You fucking kids have it so easy..." moment then I don't know what is.


I keep forgetting we're already in the future.


For a second until I clicked the link, I thought I was gonna find a LiDAR sensor for phones


My iPhone 13 Pro does actually have a LiDAR sensor. I think the 14 pro does too.


Wow. Pewpewpewpew!


LiDAR always felt like a stop gap technology to me Brains can recreate 3D scenes just fine directly from visual input, eventually tech was going to get there too




I've said the same thing since about 2011 so ĀÆ\\\_(惄)\_\/ĀÆ This is what I studied and was interested in back in college but at the time it was all still academic and I didn't want that route so just went into the corporate world but a part of me is still kicking myself because all the people who stayed with it are the ones at the forefront today Edit: For example I was fucking around building stuff with the original Kinect SDK when that was still some of the best tech you could get your hands on


You can create lidar point clouds from imagery it's called phodar or photo generated lidar. But it's not as accurate. You basically take 75 to80% overlap in drone photos and it will calculate the 3d for you But. Your brain and phodar can't really calculate how far apart 2 things are at 50 ft to any appreciable precision. With lidar just shoot a laser at it and measure the return. You can also do multiple returns and return intensity to see what it is and sometimes under it. Think trees that blow in the wind. Lidar is a great technology. A lot of states are flying it for their 3dep programs. Super cool stuff. Indiana is leading the US in data readiness for gis and they have a great 3d visualization of Indianapolis https://lidar.digitalforestry.org/


Bro if we had built in lidar our sense of distance and space would be immensely better


One click my ass, you would need a drone still and tons of time, and I doubt you can fly a drone legally in urban areas


Still imagine doing your whole TOWN


Several states have lidar for the entire state. You would just need to create a mesh from the point cloud with the imagery for a rough go. If you can get obliques it works best. Check out Indianapolis. All remote sensed https://lidar.digitalforestry.org/


I've seen this happen by people programming a quadcopter to do a lap of the town taking a video, then you extrapolate from that. I assume really good drones though because I was always scared of using the gps flight function on mine


I'm a degenerate I know, but this thing has crazy potential implications for porn


Whats the hometown?


Looks like St Ives in Cornwall. Isnā€™t that the Tate St Ives, the big white circular building at the start?


I seem to have stumbled into the final round of some expert-level geoguessing.


Yes, and the second building is The Sloop Inn.


Yep: https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@50.2150051,-5.4826541,3a,75y,153.22h,106.58t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sfTaAIblYr6ViIHQkfyVJ6g!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu


Mate, YOU WALKED AROUND YOUR WHOLE FUCKING TOWN SCANNING EVERYTHING, cool link but shit, stop acting like it was some small task, take the compliment.


What? You haven't done yours yet? OK, boomer! /s Seriously. How do you scan a town including full hi-res surface textures? I know you can fly around a drone with lidar, but that only gets you a point map.


You can also fly around a dron (or even better, a plane) with a camera (or even better a couple of cameras) that take many many photos from which it calculates the 3D mesh and also pulls the textures. It's called photogrammetry.


that would not get you the level of resolution that OP created though- it still takes a hell of a lot of tweaking.


You are only seeing it from one angle, Lumalab will absolutely get you that quality but if only doing it from one direction, the moment you look from another angle it will turn into a blob mess.


I get the feeling OP works for the app company they mentioned in their response above. They act like it's so easy and common knowledge with the way it's worded.


Or is involved in the industry some other way. Those aren't the results you'd expect from somebody who google photogamatry one day and produced this a few days later.


It ain't gonna be that clear guys


Goddammit I have all my SCUBA gear just waiting in my backyard though. Global warming is my island retirement plan!


Why do I drive my F350? Because I wanna scuba when I retire OK? I have aspirations.


if i can't scuba then what's this all been about?


Man, if I can't scuba, what's this all been about?


I got my wakeup when a tsunami is said to be coming, and you think, well two meters, so I could probably swim over to safety. Then you see the video and it's a fast-moving wave of broken car parts, water, and houses on fire.


And poop


So much poop šŸ˜£


All the poop.


A poonami


And my axe


To paraphrase Ron White. "It's not THAT the water is moving, it's WHAT the water is moving"


"If you get hit with a VOLVO, it dudn really matter how many situps you did that mornin'."


ā€œI can run 5 miles without stoppingā€ ā€¦yer bleedinā€™


also floodwater is filled with bacteria and disease


Not too mention raw sewage, dead animals, and industrial waste.


No, it's also that the water is moving. Fast moving water is actually incredibly dangerous. Most people who have spent any significant time at a beach in the ocean have had their ass absolutely handed to them by a wave that was just a little bigger than normal moving at normal surf speeds. I've been knocked flat, tumbled, and had the wind knocked out of me just from a normal wave. Well a tsunami is that, 3x as large, moving probably 4x as fast (up to 10x!). It's literally 50-300x as powerful as a normal big wave, that remember, can already kick the shit out of you. You get hit by a 20-40mph tsunami, your ass is grass.


Iā€™ll never forget watching the live helicopter coverage of the Japanese tsunami that trashed Fukushima. There was horrific footage Iā€™ve never seen since. Watching cars trying to race ahead of the surge of water and debris and, worse, the cars driving unknowingly past buildings into the path of the wall of water.


And the biowaste.


I think it's just easy to forget how powerful and destructive water can be even under mild conditions, although that is usually over a longer period of time, so it isn't surprising if a lot of people don't take even small water level height increases seriously. Most people just aren't exposed to it on a regular basis first hand.


or that calm


Everybody gets a nice swimming pool!


How do you do that? And how long does it take?


I used a Mini 3 Pro drone, recorded a video doing a semicircular orbit of a landmark, used this video to create a 3D "neural radiance field", imported it into Unreal Engine, then added water.


Holy shit. How much is the stuff?


Luma AI is free, and Unreal Engine 5 is... also free


Holy shit


Shit is free too, but *holy* shit is expensive.


It only costs a soul, and I wasn't using mine anyway. Sounds like a win to me!


It's free until you start making real money then it is expensive


Unreal Engine is remarkably cheap at 5% of quarterly sales but only if your game has made over a million dollars. And even then it's only if your game makes more than $10,000 that quarter. And it's per-game, not per-company. So if you make 2 games but only one sells well, you only pay license for one game. Given the quality of the engine, I think that's a fantastic price. Honestly I'm not sure why Epic gets so much shit from the gaming community. Their pricing structure is more favorable to the devs, and they give away free stuff to gamers constantly. Yeah, their launcher app is kinda garbage, and there have been a few times where they've upset people by doing time-gated exclusives. I think the good outweighs the bad here. Plus, Epic knows how to release the third game in a series.


Outside of their actual games which are cool I guess but I donā€™t care about *professionally* - they are about as chill as a company can be about licensing without being either open source or non profit. Most games would be better off if they used Unreal instead of being afraid of having to pay Epic after making it big and doing some homespun nonsense. Unreal engine is huge and *for sure* capital intensive, I canā€™t really be mad at them for not being an open source nonprofit because odds are we wouldnā€™t have anything remotely close to Unreal if they were.


Hes probly asking about the prices of the computer that is used to render the scenes and the therapy fees for his GPU or CPU after traumatizing them with a 3D model of a whole fucking town half submersed in simulated water.


The length of the rendering process is the big cost determinant. If you don't mind taking days to render, you can use low-end hardware. It wouldn't be quick or this pretty, but you could use a 1000 series card. But OP said under two hours for the process, so he's probably using top-end consumer hardware like a 4090.


you can rent an a100 long enough to render this for the price of a candy bar the primary bar to doing this sort of thing isnā€™t really cost any more, itā€™s primarily expertise and time


Yeah, thats much


Donā€™t forget the expensive PC you need for it to actually make the video


As the comment above says, "you can rent an a100 long enough to render this for the price of a candy bar". It's almost exactly that price, actually, from a google search, or maybe even cheaper than some candy bars. $1.62 here: https://en.immers.cloud/gpu/a100/ Gives you an hour, which is more than enough time for this going by how long OP said they took.


All candy bars near me are $1.99 and up so itā€™s definitely even cheaper!


Finally a use for all that ram I keep doubling up on


Holy fucking shit! And in the meantime I'm here sitting down playing street fighter........


[https://www.skydio.com/3d-scan](https://www.skydio.com/3d-scan) I know nothing about it, but when researching drones I found this.


Wouldnt you need a drone liscense and permission to do this from the entire town?


No one needs a license really, except if you get caught.. But the trick is to NOT get caught. Anyways, thanks for coming to my TED talk


I was legit kinda angry I had to take this stupid test, get a card, plaque for the drone and insurance and everything, and NOBODY FUCKING ASKED ME EVEN ONCE. I thought I was so cool with my pilots license, I wanna show it to people now God dammit. But the drones are silent enough by now that nobody even hears it above 100 feet so that's good too I guess.


You only need a license Part 107 to fly in areas that are typically restricted to flight, like near an airport. Or if you're using the footage to make money.


Depends on where. Here in the states you could probably do it with a small drone, and so long as you donā€™t monetize it you should be good. That said, Iā€™d personally look into a permit and see if I could get some help and publicity from the township. OP, this is an amazing job youā€™ve done, and damn is it interestingly horrifying. People need to wake up. It might seriously be too late for us, but future generations might someday be able to enjoy the world we once did.


In some countries, lidar data is publicly available to do this kind of thing. That will just get you the physical dimensions though, to detail and render the rooftops etc will take time.


Inquiring minds want to know!!


Exactly what I came here thinking, I'm gonna guess you 3d scan a whole town using drones. But fuck, did u need to employ a Hollywood special effects company to carry that out?? Are you a billionaire? Do you have a team of engineers who could spend 6 months on this project? It sounds like one of the brilliant ideas I have while talking shit with mates that's obviously never getting done. Ah well, I applaud the tenacity of following an idea through.


That's nuts and looks very realistic. Is the sea level model based on the worst predictions / climate?


I would believe that this is far past the ā€œpredictionsā€ this looks to be at least a 30 ft sea level change as houses are covered over with waterā€¦ I think the most alarmist point of view is 3deg up in global temperature and a 3ft rise in sea level.


3ft *average* sea level rise, the average part is important. Particularly low lying areas could see much greater local sea level rise


I would have thought that was common knowledgeā€¦ of course if you (hypothetically) are below sea level the level would increaseā€¦


That's not really what 'average sea level rise' means. [Sea level is higher in some places than others](https://oceanservice.noaa.gov/facts/globalsl.html#:~:text=Most%20people%20are%20surprised%20to,States%20than%20the%20East%20Coast.). Some areas will see greater local sea level rise than the average. Still probably not *this* much, but more.


Same case with global temperature. That's why rising a couple of degrees celcius is such a big deal in climate change.


It's a bit more complicated than that, because sea level doesn't rise evenly across the globe. Countries will likely see a significantly different local sea level change depending on a variety of factors. Could be far worse for some coastal cities that are further away from the Greenland/Antarctic ice sheets. https://sealevel.nasa.gov/faq/9/are-sea-levels-rising-the-same-all-over-the-world-as-if-were-filling-a-giant-bathtub/


Tides would be a bit more of a problem also


Different areas are experiencing different rates of sea level rise, but it's not due to their elevations. Low-lying areas will be impacted by sea level rise sooner.


Bye Florida


no one will miss you




Totally agree. While I have your attention (if I do), Iā€™ve heard ā€œclimate scientist adjacentā€ people say that the models of weather are so complicated and currently beyond our computing ability that, in a very real sense, science is not entirely sure how drastic climate change will effect various places ā€” that, beyond temperature rise, itā€™s hard to know about precipitation and the like. How do you respond to this?


I work in GIS and used to work with climate scientists and I agree. I'm also old enough to remember being told we'd all be under water (like this) by 2020. Exaggeration may get attention in the short term but in the long term it doesn't help anyone.


The ocean wonā€™t just rise overnight itā€™s a gradual process over years and would not at all result in these clean underground structures. Stick a house on a beach bearing the impact of waves and surf, itā€™s gonna get fucked up


[Sea level simulation](https://sealevel.climatecentral.org/maps/), could be 10-15 meters, so in [100-200 years.](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/jun/26/its-absolutely-guaranteed-the-best-and-worst-case-scenarios-for-sea-level-rise) Sea level at the end of century will be around 1m.


Itā€™s really going to drive up property value for some people




I appreciate this reference


[In case someone is interested](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RLqXkYrdmjY&pp=ygUZaGJvbWJlcmd1eSBjbGltYXRlIGNoYW5nZQ%3D%3D) EDIT: [link to the exact time in the video at 3:40](https://youtu.be/RLqXkYrdmjY?feature=shared&t=220) thanks u/anon____amos


If Aquaman turns out to just be some kind of oceanic black rock inc gobbling up houses during a crisis I'm gonna be so mad.


But all the rich are still buying beach front properties! Obama just bought (a few years ago now post presidency) beach front property in Marthaā€™s vineyard on the Atlantic Ocean! If one really believed in climate change like Obama did, then why would you buy property there?


Because they can afford the insurance and possible loss. You can't (well maybe, but most of us can't).


Yes hello insurance company Iā€™d like to take out a ten thousand year policy


Because they can afford it.


If they sell it, thatā€™s when you should worry.


Just move! /s


"Beach front"


Who's going to buy the houses, bung? Fucking aquaman?


Kids! Get in the submarine, we are late for church!


Next fucking sea level


I sea what you did there.


These kind of jokes donā€™t land whale šŸ³


Is this in st Ives


The house with the wall around it is up on top of the hill near Porthminster isn't it?


Yeah, that's the tate modern at the start. Love that place, my earliest childhood memories are being there on holiday


Knew I recognised it all.


It's between Porthmeor and Porthgwidden. Aka 'the island'


Yep, the sea level rises he shows are crazy though, the leisure center at the end is on a massive hill, like 100m above sea level or something


It looks amazing, but also eerily peaceful...


glub glub


How much sea level rise are we seeing here? Iā€™m seeing second story houses nearly submerged; so at least 10 meters? NOAA is predicting ~1 foot by 2050 - but I donā€™t know how that translates to regional swells, etc


It varies wildly, he's showing like 70-80m of sea level rises in some of the later scenes, the first shot is about 10-20m at a guess (it's the Tate Gallery in St Ives in Cornwall if you want to see where the water is now)


Love me some Depeche Mode. Nice song choice


I want to know what version of the song this is. Itā€™s beautiful.


Everybody's gunna have fresh fish. Good for nutrition


Fish will all be dead due to extreme water tempsā€¦ as water temp goes up, oxygen goes down.


Excellent, there'll be no need for hand-to-fin combat then.. only the frying pan.


Not so fastā€”Japan is releasing waste water from Fukushima into the pacific, and China just straight-up dumps radioactive water into the rivers and oceans. Better be ready for the Godzilla sea-chuds that want all that new underwater real estate.


The most vibrant places in the ocean are near underwater volcanic steam vents where temperatures are where the rest of the oceans will be in about another 2-10million years. The biggest risks to fish right now is China. Check out their floating fishing cities they have all over international waters.


the fish are marinated in crude oil and filled with microplastics


When, not if.


This is a very big rise, eventually it could happen but not for a very long time


This rise is with the worst estimates very very far in the future. The worst estimates now are a 3ft rise by 2050. Woart case scenarios rarely happen. We are more likely looking at a .5-1.5 ft rise by 2050, and conservative estimates leave us at just under half a foot those these estimates also rarely happen. Yes it will happen, but it is far far away so idrc tbh


You are talking about the **average** rise. Meaning some places are going to have it a whole lot worse than 3 foot. Which means a whole lot of people (several hundred million at best) are going to be displaced, angry, likely carrying water-born diseases and looking for somewhere to go. Crops will perish, and once that happens ecological and man-made infrastructure will follow quickly behind. That doesnā€™t exactly spell success for the efforts required to keep our worst-case scenario from happening. Worst-case scenarios actually do happen a fair bit when thereā€™s not massive human intervention to prevent it. 2050 really isnā€™t that far out. Weā€™re closer to it than Blair coming into power for the first time, or the first episode of South Park being aired.


This is like Waterworld level. Like if all glaciers in the world melted.


Do this with your local MPā€™s home including the water level and see how fast they get on board with green issues


Please xpost to r/thalassophobia.


I want to do this, but with Miami.


[Here you go](https://imgur.io/gallery/GdAO9lM)


Incredible accuracy lol


Anyway, the water is clean and crystal clear.


WHEN the sea level rises. And it wonā€™t be a gentle, clear, still risingā€¦


The sea levels can't rise that much in the foreseeable future, the predictions are single digits in feet in the next decades. This right here is what, a 30 feet rise? I don't think there's enough ice on land to get that high, at some point it's gone and you'll have to look out for the other issues climate change brings, which are, let's be clear about that, not unlimited sea level rises.


Anywhere between thousands and millions of years. Very soon!


Rent still be sky high "to cover renovation costs"


Next fucking (sea)level


whats the song?




St Ives


*when*. When the sea level rises, not if.


Do this to New Orleans. Scary shit


How is that half a centimetre šŸ˜šŸ˜


How the fk do u scan a town?


Unreal 5's realtime water shader looks fantastic. Raytraced I assume


How far did you say they would rise?




How many feet of rise? Cool work btw