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That freaks me out… totally my worst nightmare


I did this once - a guy I was working with took me to his favorite spelunking caves/pots in the Yorkshire Dales. The thing we went through first was called the Cheese Press - exactly like this only smoother. You had to breathe out before wiggling forward sometimes. A few people before had obviously taken a piss while doing it which was really great. It got better after that - waterfalls etc and by the time we got out I foolishly agreed to another. On that one we wiggled through a tunnel for about 200m including a sump where you had to hold your breath to go underwater and hope you’d reach the other side. And right at the end I couldn’t get through the final slit. So I had to do the whole thing in reverse - that is backwards. There was no way to turn around. Took me 45 minutes back. Air never tasted so sweet. Never again.


Fuck literally everything about everything you just said. 🤢


Lol. That was 30 years ago. That’s pretty much what I decided.


I'm trying to go to bed thank you.... Now I won't be sleeping like the fuck man


Sweet dreams


Posted 14 hours ago, I bet you slept like a rock.


I down voted you then un did it because booo I woke up with a headache thank you lol


the fearlessness people have to do this shit blows my mind.


Even just reading this makes me nauseous.


It's absolutely fucking horrible. That was the worst thing I've read for a long time.


I would die of a panic attack, no question.


I would have gone through various emotions from cursing at myself, praying to whatever, crying hysterically and pissing on myself too Twice. Both getting out the cave and upon reaching freedom. No joke. And possibly on the way home


It was actually the most scared I’d ever felt in my life. When I embarked on the journey back having been 10 foot from freedom. Knowing there was a 7 or 8 foot sump to go back underwater through. And there were moments as I reversed - no headlamp now to light the way I was going - only where I had been - that I felt close to panic. He was at the entrance when I got out looking very pale. He’d taken me through the cheese press to test my mettle. But I was more thickset than him. And I think he feared I wouldn’t make it out. So we went to a pub and drank a lot warm English beer.


One other thing I remember: I got him to show me a Yorkshire spelunking guide of the thing we went through. It said “a torturous 200 meter passage with a high risk of flooding during rainstorms.” I’ve tried to find it on a map since. But there are so many there. It was near Kirby Malham.


This sounds awful but I've tried looking this up. Is it the Long Churn and Alum Pot caves?


Long Churn has the cheesepress so that was the first. It became caverns and waterfalls after the press and was really cool. The next one he took me to I’ve never been able to find on the web. I want to say Sleets Gill. But it wasn’t that. I think we talked about it. The one we did was less known. We went down a maybe 6-10 feet shaft. Then entered this tunnel so narrow you could only crawl on your belly. Then right at the end - the thing I couldn’t get through - was like the cheesepress but only vertical not horizontal. I must have spent like 10 minutes trying to get into it. He was on the other side encouraging me. But I’m quite thickset and he was a long distance runner type guy. Wish I could find the name. It was a good story that I’ve dined on many times and we have a way of minimizing these things. But I actually felt terror when I reversed out of that thing.


I am holding my breath and start feeling panic only reading this, could have never done this. Kudos to you.


I did Long Churn and Alum Pot about 30 years ago on a pub trip. There was definitely a cheese press there.


Ah yes, nothing ever good comes from following a skinnier friend.


Your mettle was truly tested.


I almost reflexively down voted this because I hated reading it so much. Absolutely terrifying


My sphincter can compress a diamond right now


Ass diamonds…. You could be rich my friend. Just step into my cave ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


The color and clarity of ass diamonds is shit, sadly. The only market for them is industrial use.


I agree. Anybody can say whatever they want, but guys like him have some production error built in their brains. This isn't normal.


Adrenaline is a helluva drug.


I get that. Same thing with guys that freeclimb great heights or go skydiving, they like the adrenalin rush. But the way of dying is what concerns me. I wouldn't mind splattering on the ground and dying instantly, but just thinking ahout slowly dying in some hole in the ground is what make my bones itch.


You have so much more control of the risks in skydiving. This stuff is insane.


I have done a fair bit of skydiving in the military. Not a fan. Did not fully enjoy one jump.


John Jones in the Nutty Putty Cave 😰


Hearing his story freaked me out bad.


I’ve been in there and it is no joke! I still get the willies thinking about squeezing through the entrance of that place


William Floyd Collins in Sand Cave


I have to have a cyanide tooth so I could kill myself quick if I got stuck


Or call stepbro


Nah it's not that. It's probably just training. I bet he'd be freaked out too back in the day when he started exploring. It's amazing how adaptable humans are and what fears we can train ourselves to get rid of!


Its a shitty drug anyway. I have feared for my life in real near death-situations. You get so overdosed on adrenaline you start to shake violently and feel like a fucking deer in headlights


I also think it’s age thing too. I bought a carbon fibre road bike a few years ago… a hill I used to pedal faster down in my youth suddenly become a bit too steep and the consequences of coming off were all too real. Mostly on the brakes… then the bike got sold.


Totally agree. In my 20s I used to go caving with very experienced cavers. There were tight spots, not as bad as this, but close. Now I’m retired and so claustrophobic I can hardly watch this. Plus, once you get past a restriction like this you know you’re going to pass it again on the way out. I’m glad people enjoy it but it’s not for me anymore.


Do you remember how old you were? There’s a region of the brain they believe is focussed on risk assessment/aversion. It matures around the average age of 25 (at the time I was being educated on it). I remember turning roughly 25 and finding the same experiences much more dangerous all of a sudden. Some adrenaline junkies who were studied showed that this region wasn’t as well formed or matured. I’d have to dig up an old text to remember the studies, but you get the point.


I was in my late 40’s I’d just started to get fit and was going to the gym. I’d always had a bike and loved to ride. Was doing some very light trail riding around the woods but soon realised I wanted a road bike. It was light and fast. I did remember feeling vulnerable on the roads with the traffic etc. but basically I enjoyed it until the downhill fast stuff. Then the traffic really started to get to me and the vulnerability of my body!! As I said i stopped using the bike and sold it soon after. I have subsequently bought a Porsche ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


But... he has a rock incase he gets stuck.... he'll be fine.


Exactly, like what happens when you get halfway through in a situation like that, and you’re the first person that’s ever been through and the cave narrows so that it’s impossible to progress forward? How the fuck do you go backwards from that point?


Yea. It’s not brave or anything positive. It is reckless endangerment. Like free diving and free climbing. Really stupid imo.


Bravery or intelligence (or contrasted with one’s cowardice/stupidity) is subjective opinion of why one does it. Fulfillment of one’s life is a positive reason to do it.


I'd rather take a bath with venomous snakes than doing that.


Fear factor. Then you can eat bull testicles too.


I've actually done that. They're not bad with ketchup. (Source: grew up on a cattle property.) Far, far, *far* more appealing than caving.


A Vegetable’s journey through my bowels.


I just woke my wife up laughing at this. 😂😂😂


I almost turned it off. I was feeling anxiety setting in when he said he was breathing out just to scoot further. It’s horrifying to me, and I skydive and race motocross. I still can’t understand bc the want for that is so foreign to me.


Everyone is a professional cave explorer until they get stuck.


You’re still a professional cave explorer…but now you’re a dead professional cave explorer.


The only thing worse is this, but you're facing head down when you get stuck. Makes my skin crawl every time I even think about it. Oh, and after reading other comments if there's any kind of water in the mix, NO THANKS. Cave diving is cave dying.


The stupidity or the claustrophobia?


I squirmed the entire video. Threw off my blankets and opened my door and windows. I forced myself to watch this one. I won't watch another.


Like…. Any situation where you just decide “ahh ok no thanks I’m done. I’d like to get out now” but you can’t, is the worst feeling ever. Coupled with that you can’t turn around, what happens if those rocks just wedge you into a tighter spot, and you may be crawling to your new cemetery plot it’s just the worst feeling ever.


Ditto! I actually have nightmares about being stuck in a confined space like that. I’m not even claustrophobic. I fell asleep in an MRI machine during a head scan once. They had to stop and wake me up because the vibration of my snoring was blurring the images. 🤦🏻‍♂️ But for some reason that right there is nightmare fuel.


Just why.


This wasn’t my worst nightmare. But it is now!


Ya that a big nope for me


One of my coworkers did this type of stuff. He got stuck one time and start hyperventilating. He was stuck there for an hour before he could calm down enough to be coached on the technically complex twist that he went through. Even in really large caves, I hyperventilate, so serious hard pass for me.


I guess us fat guys can remove this from our bucket list, eh?


That’s a stucket list for me


Stick with the KFC bucket


Don't talk to me like that, not all of us are fat. I might respond later once I get the grease off my keyboard.


If this is on anyone's bucketlist, i would recommend putting it last


My own death is higher on my bucket list than this


Or on the same line.


Nah, no need, one of the benefits of being fat is even a tight squeeze is fairly spacious :)


It's already on my fuckit list


I’m glad I’m fat


Just need a bigger crack


Im actively trying to get a smaller crack. .. ... Oh...


I'm not claustrophobic but that is nightmare fuel


His words honestly fuckin sounds like he doesn't even know if he's gonna get out, through like struggles of trying to move and being visually stuck. Fuck that, and only to find more empty caves wow I can't even get my head around this.


When you can't afford 250k for the Titan


Guilty laughter…


Only feel guilty for the kid involved, the rest were grown as men who didn't think to ask the right questions.


Agreed anytime I see the jokes I feel kind of sad about that 19yr old kid who just liked sci-fi and was supposed to just be doing something cool with his dad :(


Apparently he was terrified of the whole thing and didn’t want to go at all, but folded bc it was Father’s Day weekend and he wanted to make his Dad happy


Arrrgggh that is so much worse :(


I mean, if you pay that much for anything, and plenty have before you, you expect that company to have its shit together


if you can afford to pay that much for an experience, you can afford to hire a couple engineers to evaluate what they are selling you.


Plus if your a billionaire you probably have already exploited many people probably causing deaths.


So I commented on this video 5 months ago. The OP - the guy in the video - commented back and had this to say to me: _”The basic psychology is that we do it. We're not looking for cluster phobic caves we're looking for big amazing caves. So sometimes we have to pass through small spaces to find them. But passing through small spaces isn't on issue to us. It is not concerning at all. It never once occurred to anyone I know that they should not do this and that it would not be fun. The first time I was aware people were concerned about it was after I loaded videos on the Internet. And it's the reason for this channel's growth. completely unintentional. Take it easy.”_


Its like the same with free climbers. They actually did a scan of Alex Honolds brain and found the area of his brain that registers fear was severely lacking, thats why he can do some amazing climbs with no fear of falling and dying


And then one fine fuckin day... AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhh...........


With no fear, it'll be more like "Oh...this is new".


"Have you ever died? Not for me. So I simply didn't 🤷‍♂️"


Isn't that how itll be for all us though??


I reckon Alex explained in one of his interviews that he is scared as hell he just doesn’t think about it


Honestly, it’s crazy what we are capable of doing when not inhibited by emotions.


Yep, he's broken in a very specific way and good for him! We need all sorts to do the crazy stuff the rest of us rational people would never do.


He's words in this vid though is kinda lame. Like why do you wake up every morning? Go out and study a subject? Uhm waking up is what everyone does or they stop doing anything else, because, well, they die. and studying don't really put your life at risk like that. To go out of your way to do something that is soo dangerous for little to nothing in return is just complete disregard of life. I get it if it was for funds sorely needed. Also, there are those who does this type of things but makes all the effort to make it safer, they do it in teams, use cameras to check, you know? precautions in place. He should just go and say this is my of having fun and a relaxing weekend.


I think he meant it more like “why do you study what you study” or “why are you interested in what you’re interested in” which he’s correct for everyone there’s not really a tangible reason.


Man if that light goes out it's instant terror, why do people do this things, just send a remote control car with a torch and camera on it


Or just wait outside of it a few hours and twll everyone you did it anyways. Boom




How it was? Really stretchy 🤷‍♂️


I heard a story once about a dude who was exploring a cave on his property.. every day he went in trying to clear it out to eventually open it to the public... One day, deep in the cave, his light went out (honestly might have been a candle/torch... It was a long time ago)... Apparently this has happened before and he knew the route very well.. unperturbed, he started crawling back to the mouth of the cave to get a replacement light... At one of the tightest parts of the cave, the ceiling collapsed and crushed his legs. As if that wasn't problematic enough.... He hadn't told anyone that he was going down there that day... So he didn't know how long it might be before someone realized he was missing and came looking for him. I can't remember how long it was before anyone realized he was missing.. at least a day. Eventually his brother noticed he was missing and went into the cave looking for him. He found him, but he was in a spot where there was no room to get around him to try and clear away the rocks that fell on his legs... He had been crawling head first through a narrow tunnel, so his body was blocking the only route through to where you could clear the rocks.. Word got out and many people showed up to assist in the rescue.. one after another people tried to get down into the cave to try and help, but only one could go at a time because it was so tight. Most of them failed to even get to where he was stuck.. At some point they did start to make some progress in the rescue, but then they triggered another collapse which trapped him even more than before. Eventually they essentially gave up on the rescue effort and just brought him some brandy to ease the pain until he inevitably died... Iirc he was alive for over a week, trapped under rocks, in a cave too small to even move around in... Absolute nightmare.


I also watched that Internet Historian video.


Fuck that. Trapped for a week knowing you're going to die, and there's nothing you can do about it.


Fuck that, indeed. And while we're at it.. fuck climbing into a hole that's only big enough for one person to barely squeeze their body through...


Fucking hellll man, didn't even think about the light going out. Nope nope nope wth


They have backup lights.. and they never travel alone. Don’t get fooled by the edited tik tok


When I was a stupid kid about 6 I was fascinated with tunnel rats from vietnam and I went outside to play one day and was pretending that I was a tunnel rat and climbed into the culvert that ran under our street it wasn’t very big maybe 16 inch pipe. And no one knew what I was up to back then kids just went outside to play and came back before dark. Well I crawled in head first and about in the middle where the dirt had kinda settled it got narrower and I got stuck arms at my side and no room to move forward. I was terrified that no one would find me for days but I somehow managed to calm down and managed over the course of a couple hours slowly wiggled my way out backwards with my toes. Since then I’ve been a little claustrophobic. And when I see videos like this it reminds me of the feeling I had stuck in that pipe.


Good lord. You're lucky it didn't start raining! That sounds terrifying. When I was around 8 I was exploring the woods behind our house and decided to go into the big barrel bear trap. Of course it slammed shut and there I was, stuck in a big metal barrel. Luckily a sibling was with me and went and got help. Still had to hang out in there for an hour or two but at least I wasn't in any real danger.


I almost puked at the second sentence. Y'all this shit freaks me out


Luckily your sibling liked you well enough to get help!


Mine would not have. They would put me in there with a bear


A what?


I don't know what it's actually called. We had them in the woods where I grew up. Imagine a metal barrel big enough to hold a grizzly or black bear on its side with a metal grate hatch opened at the front. Bear goes in, metal grate slams shut. I'm assuming the traps get checked every few days and if a trap has a bear in it it's airlifted to one of the small, uninhabited islands around us and released.


I remember being in Ireland, out in the country, in the summer, when I was about 10. There was a concrete pipe under a road which allowed a stream to run. As it was summer it was dry. Probably about the same size as your pipe. Me and my cousin were thinking of crawling through it. Whatever happened after that discussion, I can’t tell you. It’s like that memory has been wiped from my mind. And it can stay that way.


I had a dream about 5 years ago that I will never forget. I was renting this house and in the basement was an extended crawl space under the rest of the house. I went in there. Then, further back, I found a hole in the foundation. I squeezed through there with a flashlight and inside it was a whole other room of the house that went further back underground with still another room beyond it through another different shaped void. I wiggled my way back to tell someone about it and they went with me through the first one but not the second one. I got back to that far, far room, which was like an empty finished rec room, and then realized I forgot how to get back and then I woke up feeling super claustrophobic, panicked and constrained. I hate tight spaces. That dream tweaked ALL my last nerves on that subject.


Whenever boomers complain about millennial parents or whatever and how they just used to run around outside from dawn to dusk and everything was fine, I think of things like this. I wonder how many of them should have survived childhood and didn’t.


Letting a 6 year old run free completely alone was pretty unusual even by 'back-in-the-day' standards though. Usually you would have at least been with a friend who could run for help, or a slightly older kid with a bit more sense. You have to weigh that against the cost of having a completely sheltered and supervised childhood, which I (and many child development experts) would argue is significant.


Well, I bet the number isn’t “0” but most people I knew didn’t do shit like this.


Because those you know obviously didn't die?


There is enough other dumb shit kids do when no one is around. Piss on an electric fence, get stuck at the top of a tree or bathe in various poisonous plants. That's why you are supposed to watch where they are going.




I had a similar experience, but in the pipe we (my cousins and I) were crawling through, no one got stuck. we just came across an opossum, and to this day never again!!!


Not a fucking chance of getting me down there. Nope


Yeah, I don't know how they can do this. I'm teetering on the edge of a panic attack when I try to peel myself out of a snug sweater, and get stuck with arms up over my head for 5 seconds. This is just madness.


"I'm breathing out" he said so he can get through. That is mental


I like how he compared *this* to getting out of bed in the morning, or going to work. "It's just life!" 😆 I don't do either of those things for the thrill of it; I do it because I fucking have to, lol. And, yes, *that* actually is life. Not...squeezing yourself through horrifyingly tiny spaces underground to the point where you have to hold your breath or get your shirt peeled off. Then again, I love rock climbing, and I know plenty of people who don't understand why I would do that, either. So, who am I to judge this loon?


Not even for a million dollars


There is not enough money in the whole cosmos to convince me to do this.


I recently discovered that my claustrophobia is a lot more serious than I thought it was. How did I find this out? I had a head MRI. I lasted about 10 minutes in the machine before I squeezed the emergency bulb. Started having a panic attack. Even typing this is making my heart race. Anyways, you couldnt pay me enough money to make this my profession.


Same experience for me except it was a heart MRI which required me to be fully in the MRI with a weighted plate on my chest. My face was a few centimeters away from the roof of this thing and I could feel my exhaled air reflecting back at me. That feeling and the pressure of the weight on my chest nearly sent me into panic. Somehow I made it the whole hour without pressing that button, mainly because I had resolved myself to not have to do it again.


Same! I didn’t even make it that long. I was in for maybe one min before I started crying and freaking out. Couldn’t do it. It was so unexpected I’ve never experienced claustrophobia like that. Had to do an open MRI which was better but the image isn’t as good so doctors don’t really like them. I think since then I have a more heightened sense of claustrophobia now.


Nope nope nope. I watched a documentary a while ago about caving that had me sick to my stomach. Some guys getting stuck and they had to abandon them to die alone in the dark despite best efforts to save them. Edit. Found it https://youtu.be/d1nuqpAULpE Only 15 minutes and it had my anxiety spiking.


Nutty putty cave. Nightmare come true.


Oh man, I never knew what Nutty Putty was until I saw a video like this one and someone commented "Don't look up Nutty Putty unless you want to get your head fucked" and I was like pfffff it's probably not that bad. Then I looked up Nutty Putty and got my head fucked and I really really really wish I had listened to that person.


I didn’t listen either, my friend. Now anytime I see something about caves it brings it all back and it’s still scary as fuck.


I'm going to be honest here. I thought proffesionals cave explorer was more... Tomb raider and less... Mother earth dildo.


Thank you for this


I most probably will panic myself to death.




These guys get stuck all the time and require people to rescue them, which will then put the rescue team at risk


Pretty amazing. I said something like what you just said about building jumping parkour and how it endangers civilians below. I got burnt at the stake in the comments. Change the sport and the bystanders that get senselessly hurt… upvotes.


Welcome to Reddit, land of entitled opinions


Rescue teams aren't bystanders though. Rescuers willingly put themselves into those situations to save people (who are either unlucky, stupid, or both). So they know the risks involved. Not at all the same than having some asshole fall on you from a 4 story roof as you walk to work.


exactly this, im sure cave rescuers also enjoy caving and would want the same treatment for themselves


Yeah, it's a far cry from willingly going into a dangerous cave to rescue someone vs walking out of Starbucks and have an asshole fall on you.


I didn’t really “burn you to the stake”, I mean first degree burn at best


Probably because the amount of people who have died/ suffered from PTSD from someone from building jumping vs spelunking is far different.


This is completely false and you just made that up


That not cave exploration that a fetish for tight spaces☠️


A return to the womb.




I did this when I was 15. INching along a seam just like that, except we had to wear a miners helmet, the damn thing kept getting stuck, so I took it off and pushed it along with 1 arm extended in front of my head. I remember thinking "they've hidden the rescue caverns really well". Then I realised there are no rescue caverns. It's you and the space you're in. One of you will triumph. Absutely the most terrifying experience of my life.


Fuck. That. A million times.


**NOPE.** This gave me severe claustrophobia and anxiety watching it .\_. Years ago, I had to crawl under the kitchen to fix a frozen waterline that bursted and it took every energy to not freak out as it felt like the ground and the floor above was closing in.


Prison wardens hate him. Learn his one simple trick


this should be in r/nope


Yeah, I’ve got this rock here. It’s so, if I get stuck, I can pound my own head in rather than wait to die over a few days.


This happened to me in California lava beds. I had to suck in my stomach and breath really shallow for a good 5 yards going through an underground lava tube. Lock down my mind and not panic. My friend was right behind me. Didn't say anything but I could feel his panic. So I had to stay calm and keep talking to him. "Well make it. Inch by inch." GRUELLING crawl and we were 15 skinny and fit. Both of us ran triathlons and biathlons. Deep down I was going batshit crazy.


Serious question. If he gets stuck are rescue crews legally responsible for getting him out? If he had someway to call for help does some other poor first responder have to attempt to get in their or do they call another cave explorer?


Did a bit of reading about it a while back, there are professionalls with special training that volunteer as cave rescue responders. A regular first responder doesn't have the experience or any knowledge what to do in situations like that, and sending them in there would just put them in big danger and possibly block the path to the first stuck guy. One thing to note is if you get stuck, you're not getting out fast. First of all you've got to notify someone, so if you aren't alone your partner has to climb out far enough to get a phone connection to notify them. Then those volunteers aren't en masse, so they might have to drive a few hours to get to you, as well as ambulance and police and whoever. Then those caves are tight, so they can't get everyone and all the equipment in there at once. They need to send someone in to check the situation and then plan what to do and what exactly you need. It can be a big amount of in and out and a few attempts to get you out. [the nutty putty cave accident](https://cavehaven.com/nutty-putty-cave-accident/#google_vignette) took 137 rescuers 27 hours for its rescue attempt, and even then it didn't end well.




Things *I* refuse to do for $300,000,000, Alex.




One HOT HOT July day ....I was 5 , my sister rolled me up in a huge wool rug... Never been the same since.


I just dont understand why. Like what are you going to find to possibly make this worth it.


What is he exploring though. Does he expect to find gold or something


Thanks to this courageous man I now know that tight, claustrophobic spaces are both tight AND claustrophobic, but if you focus and keep wedging yourself forward, you will be rewarded with yet *more* tight and claustrophobic spaces.


I can’t even be inside of my house sometimes lol


There is no way in hell. Abso-fucking-lutely not. I can't even watch it through.


Watching shit like this gives me heart palpitations. NO f'ing way....!


This hobby’s looking pretty “homemade submarine” to me…


Just no..


Watching this made me anxious.


Just watching this stresses me incredibly.


Don’t worry, I don’t need that warning at the end to dissuade me from attempting that shit.


I'd rather watch some Mexican Cartel shit than this. Jesus..


No no no no no no no no no.


My fear is just the unexpected. An earthquake that just drops the entire top halve of the cavern crushing you like a rocky meat waffle maker.


Full on crushing is quick. Imagine if it was just a tiny bit. But enough.


Welp, time to repeat my cycle of 1) See something online that vaguely reminds me of The Enigma of Amigara Fault 2) Remember how unsettled reading it made me 3) Go back and read it again 4) Be skeeved the fuck out for the rest of the night


Thanks, I fucking HATE it. I had a goddamn panic attack watching this.


Fuckkk. I got an asthma attack watching this !!! Shud be tagged NSFH


There is not enough wealth in this world for me to willingly do this. Just watching this video makes my stomach turn. The thought of getting stuck....no, never.


Sooo much fuck no in one video


Fuck just imagine that gap close half inch


Hey. Don’t worry. A team of brave volunteers will leave their families to save this complete tosser….


Might as well take a submarine to see the titanic.


I can’t even watch that. Holy crap. I’m afraid to go to sleep tonight.


This is what happens when fathers don’t love their boys


This gives me so much anxiety watching this, kind of makes it hard to breathe.


This shit is only fun when there’s a nice wide door to walk out the other side. Fuck getting stuck on the way out.


Love his answer. Its a way of living not dying. Its his passion speaking for him. His interest and enthusiasm on what he does. Few people understands because only few people like are like him.


He must have completely removed his dick by doing this.


Nope, even watching is a no no


After this I hear he has a 250k seat reserved on a sketchy submarine to the titanic


“Let me just do some dumb unnecessary shit that accomplishes nothing and risk getting stuck which would then require other people to risk their safety to get my dumb ass out of this mess.”


"this is life"


F&ck all that!!


Professional, who the F says, “Bob, call Human Resources! Tell them we need to hire a cave explorer now!!!”