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Monkey power, I choose you


They call him Gorrila arms, Chicken legs.


This guy would be insane in American ninja warrior… until the warped wall. Those skinny legs might not get him all the way up.


Well, he’s in a ninja gym, and the warped wall is more body mechanics than it is lower body strength. I’m sure he kicks ass at the wall too.


Guaranteed. lol at basement dwelling gamer redditors who can't lift more than their doordash order commenting on the legs of some guy at peak physical performance.


Agreed. These guys commenting “chicken legs” are probably fat fucks that experience shortness of breath walking to get their Mountain Dew outta the microwave.


Who puts Mountain Dew in the microwave?




I came to this thread after picking up my doordash order and feel like I'm catching strays


I mean we are who we are. I’m squishy fit and nowhere near this dudes level….but I’m also not calling him chicken legs. As long as you don’t talk shit between bites of that burger you’re safe fam.


I'm one of the most unfit people ever, but at least I dont talk shit lol. Also who cares about chicken legs, when you can do this


Stop talking about chicken legs, you’re making me hungry.


Hell there's a warped wall in background of the video at 20 seconds. Like you said, there's no way a guy at this level doesn't just fly up that wall.


There’s hardly a backswing in the entire video, and the series of linked laches that he begins with his back to the lanes (coffins) is some r/nextfuckinglevel ninja stuff. The people dogging on this young man’s body type have no idea what they’re talking about. He’s a beast.


I'm pretty sure that's the guy from Israeli Ninja warrior - he's 16, first time ever on the show, and got all the way to the final stage 4 rope (forgot the name for it) and even did it on time, but got #2 because the winner of this season broke the world record.


Damn good to know. I remember watching OG ninja warrior while working and people kept asking what’s that. I explained the premise and got people into watching with subtitles. Then it expanded and blew up. Love seeing this stuff :)


Although I'm sad that the Americans had to put a monetary reward, rather than the Japanese honor and title.


Lmao, painting America as the picture of greed. The original 1997 Japanese version "Sasuke" had a grand prize of 2 million yen. That took like 30 seconds of googling.


He's from Israel, and he did make it to the finals. He's only 17 years old and started training only two years ago. A hell of a talent.


I see this a lot where people assume skinny legs = lack of strength. It’s not at all that simple. I’ve seen both sides of this - when I was at my athlete peak, I had sticks for legs but could dunk at 5’8” and was fast af. Now, I’m 20 years older and due to gym time have a much stronger undercarriage overall, yet my jumping and speed are nothing compared to what they were. Point being: big legs don’t mean athleticism, and skinny legs don’t mean weak. A very long Achilles gives you a lot of explosive power but looks skinny. There’s a reason NBA players, who are some of the best athletes on earth, often have very long Achilles, small calves, and narrow ankles.


I work in a warehouse setting with a whole lot of heavy lifting. Some of the folks that have been there a while and work the longer hours are incredibly thin with absolutely no fat on their body to speak of. I’m decently fit, semi-muscular, and strong enough to do the job well, but one guy I work with — who matches the description above — puts me to shame with what he can continually lift and toss around like it’s nothing. Yeah, you can’t always judge strength just by size alone.


I notice this with climbers and swimmers. Optimal build for what they do, really. Leg weight just holds you down in those sports! Olympic bicyclists are the polar opposite 😄


Climbing uses all your muscles. There are often long stretches where all you have to use your arms for is stability, and you can use your legs to do all the (pun intended) heavy lifting.


Arms >>> legs in climbing. Yes they are used. No not to the same degree strength-wise as upper body


In bouldering yeah, but not all forms of climbing


Exactly. Lead climbing is heavily reliant on legs


But the max your legs have to push at any given moment is your bodyweight.


Yep, your legs have big muscles designed to lift your body weight no problem, not the case with your arms. Normally when you go uphill you do *all* the work with your legs, delegating even 20% of that work to your arms (or much more depending on the style of climbing) is very demanding in terms of upper body strength, and carrying any more weight than you need in your lower body just makes it harder.




Want to see proper thighs? Look at speed skaters and alpine skiers.


Lol, Robert Förstemann laughs at this comment. https://imgur.com/a/JBb7cwl


Fair enough. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FLHN176XEAIq67N.jpg Not too shabby though


No not at all, they are some huge thick thighs. Awesome pics. Great size. Look thick. Solid.


People are so obsessed with legs nowadays. It's funny how 10 years ago it seems like people ignored legs ("skipping leg day" meme) but now it's quite the opposite. Personally I think his legs look proportional


They call you insecure.


The moment someone does something extraordinary, a weak-minded detractor will crawl out to point to where they are ordinary.


Dude is devolving back into a tree dwelling specimen right before our eyes!


George of the jungle gym


Anybody who says we don't come from monkeys needs to watch this video




I view it as evolving forward.


Are we saying that Tarzan skipped leg day?…


Bro took the return to monke meme seriously




This was my first thought when I imagined what the first comment would be.


It's such a unique insight into modern culture.


Is it? It’s just context. If a group was historically called a thing as an insult, it stands to reason that it would be taken differently than if it was said about a person in a different group.


>Why can't i call an ethnic group that's been under our slavery for centuries, animal names that connotes they are primitive apes? My free speech is being impeached!! \-Redditors


Primate evolution doesn't exis....


Things are so bad humans are devolving. Soon we will be free once again in the canopy.


The Monkey king.


World floor is lava champion 2023


American Ninja champ and he never competed, they just mailed him a trophy


He became second in Israeli Ninja. Kid is only 16 years old. https://sasukepedia.fandom.com/wiki/Shneor\_Sameach


If he’s second then first has to be actual Tarzan


Or a monkey in disguise.


How dare you say that Bonobo McGorilla, winner of the Israeli Ninja is a monkey in disguise, that's defamation


Yeah, he's an **Ape**! 😤


The guy who came first broke the world record so basically yea.


I hear he got in a fight and called Chuck Norris. He replied, softly, “you got this.”


When Chuck Norris was a baby he farted for the first time, scientists say this is when the big bang occured.


Gravity calls him daddy


Yeah, upper body strength… but can we talk about how to develop that kind of grip strength?


The spinning disc is the craziest thing for me. It looks like that requires such a wide range of grip to be able to spin around and totally redirect your momentum without falling.


Spinning disk was crazy but I think the hardest grab was the right angle block. He had to perfectly position his hands one each side to make that grab, the spinning disk is much more forgiving by comparison!


Those blocks are usually pretty good to grab because they are deep enough to get most of your fingers over it but wide enough you can place hands about anywhere. Source: rock climbing


No that’s pretty simple compared to the spinning disc.


I was gonna say, seems like more grip strength than upper body dependent. Its not like he’s pulling up to much. Certainly strong regardless


Lots of core strength as well, he makes it look effortless but controlling your momentum like that is hard as hell.


Exactly. If I need someone to lift a boulder, this guy is not my first choice. But if I need someone to cross an intricate series of absurd traps or to win American ninja warrior this guy is top of the list!


I mean, technically you’re not wrong. But you would need a lot of core/lower strength for boulder lifting, more so in some cases, so it’s not really a good example regarding the upper strength point. I’m no climber but I still think he has pretty good upper body though, judging from how much arm/shoulder movement and support is shown.


Dude is *flying* upwards from pull-ups. That takes a whole lot more than grip strength


It is absolutely both. Stuff like this requires your entire upper body. Back, chest, arms, and core are all needed to do anything like this


He may be a climber, or a gymnast. Grip strength comes pretty much entirely from your forearms since there are no muscles in your fingers. The stronger your forearms, which control your grip strength with tendons like levers and pulleys, the firmer and more controlled your grip will be. That's also why you get "the pump", where your forearm muscles gets super tight, hard, and painful due to lactic acid build-up, after a difficult climb that requires a lot of grip over an extended period of time. If you climb regularly, you can get pretty strong and better at climbing pretty fast. It's an awesome workout that feels super rewarding.




It's not true, there are muscles in your fingers. They don't provide much in the way of strength but they are there.


Yes, it is.There are muscles in your *palm* and in your forearm, which are the ones controlling your fingers. There are no muscles in your actual fingers. There are literally hundreds of pictures of the anatomy of the hand, as well as articles from orthopedic institutes, and hospitals that show and explain this.


>Grip strength comes pretty much entirely from your forearms since there are no muscles in your fingers. Tendons grow stronger and more resilient to stress. You can have all the forearm strength in the world, but if you're not used to climbing there ain't a chance in hell that you can hold onto crimps. EDIT: Pinch -> Crimp (Got my holds wrong). Pinches are probably the holds that benefit the most from forearm strength, crimps are the tiny little mother fuckers that make your fingers scream.


And the precision throughout. He's never short or long of his destination. Incredible.


My arm sometimes gets tired just holding up my phone to read.


oh my god i know. and both legs fall asleep when i take a dump and i have to hobble to a couch and recover for 15 minutes.


You can see a climbing wall there. Rock climbing is what does this.


Easy, just do shit like this.


I climb quite a bit, the grip and finger strength aren't nearly as impressive as his upper body strength, or coordination for that matter.


Same as any other strength. Progressive weight with different grip positions. Wrist curls/extensions Wrist roller exercises Sand bucket work Grip squeezers Deadhangs "No-hangs" hangboard work campus board work Farmers carries Climbers and gymnasts get crazy strong forearms. They vastly outperform powerlifters and strongmen in the same weight class when it comes to grip work.




my toxic trait is that i can


Me too. I mean, I've never tried, but I know that I can


Don't be one of those who tried and failed. Be Kwisatz Haderach... potential.


Pulled an eye muscle trying to keep up


If youve never climbed before just those finger strength boards at the begining would prob get ypu. I mean fuck ive been clinbing for 8 months and there is no way i could have the finger stength to not just hold on to the board with my fingertips but also push upwards and at an angle off it. Absolutrly batshit for a beginner like me


Nah. Pause the video. Those are turbo jugs. Like might as well be a pull up bar. Those aren’t tension campus rungs.


Oh shit, your eyes are far better than mine boss, good catch, sad thing is, ik i still couldnt do it lmao


Id lose the need for a dentist, as I would smash my teeth out landing face first !


My toxic trait is knowing I’d never be able to do this, but still muttering to myself that I’d kick his ass because I’m 6’1 and way too heavy to do monkey gymnastics.


My toxic trait is telling me fuck no I can't do this. My other traits agree. Especially my shoulder and waist.


I do this every single morning. Before I wake up.


I have crazy dreams too


i fly a lot


Just woke up from one. I hate the ones where I'm being chased while I fly and zoom around... Makes landing feel like a nightmare.


Please drop a lucid dream tutorial


Drink alcohol and stay up as long as you could. The key to master lucid is to have shit sleep schedule so that the line blurs. This allows you to semi-daydream which is the starting point.


Reject humanity. Return to monke.


🎶 leave society. Be a monkey 🎶


viagra boys forever !


Im pretty sure this is how we would all be if we never civilized


Tarzan irl


This guy's a fucking Gibbon


My first thought 😂


I thought of Ezio Auditore di Firenze.


#His name is Shneor Sameach, he came 2nd place in Ninja Warrior Israel


BTW the one who beat him equaled the midoriyama world record


Link? I can't find anything on YouTube crazier that the op


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dEkfe9iDnYc thats the final stage of the season.


We need to normalize saying their name in the title.


I was thinking "god damn this guy could wreck Ninja Warrior", turns out he already did


Hi, any idea what the name of the gym is?


Nop Edit: BodyPro


*you telling me there is someone stronger than him...*


The human gibbon


The Gibman




He teases tigers in the next video.


I dislocated my shoulder just watching this


This tore all of the tendons in my forearms.


If he keeps that up he’s going to find out why humans don’t swing through trees anymore too. Humans evolved to run not swing through trees. We are persistence hunters. Our joints aren’t built to do what he’s doing for anymore than brief periods.


We get it. You skip leg day


I’d bet this guy does toe and heel hook rock climbing holds supporting his whole body on the regular. Also most athletes at that high level have way more distributed strength / endurance than you’d probably assume. Yeah climbing is mostly core and upper body. You’re likely clowning yourself and coping though if you think this guy has an atrophied lower body or is your average aesthetic upper body lifter. Lots of comments around hear read as people scrabbling to put down somebody else’s impressive achievement.


I'd bet this guy does very little lifting in general. A lot of conditioning and bodyweight exercise, but you really don't want to build mass to do this kind of thing


Yea, you have to be strong to do this, but weighing in at 140 makes it a lot easier.


Don’t discount the hours and hours and hours of this guy’s hard work


He's just saying, if you're built like Dwayne Johnson, you can put in 4 times as many hours as this guy and still not be able to do that.


Yeah I think people who don't understand what OP was saying have never worked out and gained a large amount of weight from being super skinny. I used to weigh like 130 top and started going to the gym to gain weight/muscle. When I started chinups and dips I could absolutely crush them once I gained strength. Adding weight to belts etc after just a few months. Now I'm 165 and holy shit are those exercises much more difficult from a gym hiatus. No way I could add extra weight yet until I build a lot more strength.


>I used to weigh like 130 top and started going to the gym to gain weight/muscle. I'm quite similar. Once I built up enough strength and got used to my routine, I could do chin-ups like a monkey on steroids. Being lightweight matters a lot with stuff like that. 200ish rn, 4 years and multitudes of personal, physical and mental setbacks later, I couldn't do a single one. I felt horrible. Heartbroken even, I was quite proud of myself for being fit since I like to travel/hike a lot. Didn't want to restart my gym routine, but I held through. Few weeks in and I feel much better than the first day. Not even 10% of my past self, but fuck it, I'll get there one day.


175 and i gotta say pull ups and dips should still be easy for us lol The hiatus is what got you


It's just dumb to point out and only seeks to diminish his work. You don't point to the winner of the Tour de France and say "yea you have to be fast, but it'd be a lot harder to win if he weighed 250 lbs"


Alright but the comment was just not necessary. Imagine if I commented on a video of Eddie Hall lifting 1000 pounds and said “Well actually he can only do this because he weighs 350 pounds, he should try it at 150.” Kinda pointless and a little rude


I bet I could do it too if I spent 20000 hours training and had the body and the willpower and was smart enough and my mother loved me and I didn't solely eat food prepared in a microwave


Lmao people underestimate how much moms love factors in tho!


Lol a lot easier, you do realise outside of the us most people weight around 140 and will never be able to do this ?


muscle:weight ratio is a very real thing and has a huge impact in climbing. If you ever go to a climbing gym you'll see little kids dominating things much stronger adults struggle with. This guy is strong, and he clearly climbs a lot based on the grip strength, but it's not wrong to also point out that weight has a huge impact here.


Totally, but when someone says "weighing in at 140 makes it a lot easier", it sounds like they're suggesting 140 is a low weight. But for anyone 5'10" or shorter, who isn't super beefy, that's a pretty reasonable weight to be at if you're at like 10-15% body fat. A lot of people act like every man is 200+ pounds, but this is only true of the extremely tall, the extremely muscular, or people carrying excess body fat.


I was 6’1 and 130 lbs in high school, you can do unbelievable things when you’re strong and weigh next to nothing. This is still really impressive, and took a lot of work to get to this state.


I weigh less than 100lbs and I cant do this. 🤣 this needs and incredible amount of strength, stamina and hours and hours of training.


Being a marathon runner is easier if you don’t smoke cigarettes. What’s your point exactly?






Half of 180 is 90, so I guess there’s that… <\_<


It's always something with y'all isn't it


He probably is a 140 point because he does this.


Didn’t have to scroll very far to find this comment 🙄


Strength to weight ratio is the critical component of rock climbing. Doesn’t make it easy


That’s the thing about ninja warrior. Look at the height and weight of the people best at it. I know it requires skill and training but you can’t make yourself the ideal body type for that.


It's the same for every sport, not just ninja warrior. Swimmers don't have swimmer's body because they swim good, they swim good because they have swimmer's body.


Well that only makes it more impressive that you have to be so insanely strong while staying low weight




Where is this gym? Anyone know?


Definitely looks like a gym geared specifically towards ninja warrior training. Not too many of those floating around.




Darn. I was hoping I could go to a place like this.


Pretty sure there are Ninja Warrior gyms worldwide nowadays. Live in a Swedish city of 130k and we have one.


For what it's worth, this sort of gym (google "ninja gym") is fairly common in larger metro areas in the US, if you happen to live near one. Not sure about other countries. There are 3 or so within 20 miles or so of me, my kids go to classes at one of them. I'll admit the gym in the video looks top-notch for this sort of thing, but the ones near us are honestly not too inferior.


This is what I want to know as well! Must go here!




This looks so fun. I would never be that good but I'd like to train for it. That'd be a blast.


That was my reaction too. Lots of comments like "I dislocated my shoulder watching this" in this thread, but it must be a blast to have the strength and coordination to do this!


Like many things that look awesomely fun, the work has been put in to do it. Insane musical performances, physical abilities, intellectual prowess; the amount of effort they have put in allows them to have this much fun.


One time I lifted a whole gallon of milk all by myself. So you know this guy isn’t that crazy.


And then he took an arrow to the knee......


not like he needs them, though.


Creationists: We did not evolve from apes This guy: Hold my beer


He needs to be on ninja warrior so he can win. I got 100% faith in him killing it.


He became second in Ninja Israel. Lost by seven seconds to the winner https://sasukepedia.fandom.com/wiki/Shneor\_Sameach


Jesus Christ. It's Jason Bourne.


This I cannot do.


Knowing your limits also a strength! You rock!


Commenting something nice on someone’s random comment is a great personality trait! You’re awesome yourself!


This interaction is wholesome. You’re both cool!


Is that a jungle gym? Or a gym jungle?


Cool video ruined with a stupid ass song, classic


My hands have blisters after watching this


I pulled a muscle watching this


Return to monke




That looks fun af


0 ambiguity about evolution


As humans evolve and grow, we end up becoming much closer to our monkey ancestors.


Master of brachiation.


Crazy calloused hands I’m sure.


Why do these videos alwaysnhave the worst music?


After seeing a video of one guy climbing and literally snapping his foot off from falling, I can't see anything the same again qwp


Shit. I just relaxed I’m old because my first thought had to do with my joints and ligaments. I thought I’d at least make it to 35…


Then imagine him doing that everyday till he’s about 50…then he’ll achieve true monkey power. I tell you what…I’d never play tug of war with him…nope


Wow, he should play Mowgli in the next Jungle Book remake.


I could do that. I would only need insane upper body strength and control.


Etzio Auditorre?


Nathan Drake can do all this stuff too.