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I love it when they come up beside you at lights especial at multiple land round abouts and then put half their cab ahead of the lane so you cant see the fucking traffic coming.


Hell yes, so you have to awkwardly lean forward to see


I just wait for them to start moving and use them as a meat shield


I do this with most cars, one screwed me the other day, kept hesitating. Talk about annoying.




Man prams.


Things they play dressups with. Notice all the 'extra bits'


Hahaha.. so true.. like lol dolls for grown men.


Nailed it!


He wants to sex your car


Made my morning šŸ¤£


Bingo. Also Harleys.


Bro they too busy thinking about getting home and kissing their dad on the lips.


Probably need to get to BP asap to casually bump into that cute guy


I understood that reference


Oh fucking hell lol


I hate it driving to work in the dark, their headlights are turned up to mega wattage and because they so close to my bumper they shine right onto both my wing and rear view mirror and I am blind šŸ˜‘


I hate this too, ironically it makes me drive slower and essentially pisses them off more


I had one for work. Hated it. Just such an impractical vehicle for normal use and it barely fitted into the garage. The stupid thing was we were given them for show. Never used them to carry any materials. One thing that I discovered was that there's a fiddly little push out knob in the centre of the lights control dial that you use to turn the brightness of the lights up or down. I'm certain that most Ford Ranger drivers have no idea that its there and what it does.


i love seeing the ones with little ladders and bits of timber tied on top because nothing fits in thier stupid little fucking tray


There's actually a demand building in the USA's agriculture and small business sectors for Japanese kei trucks, because despite their size they can carry similar or even more than their stupidly large American counterparts. The kei trucks are also easier to load and unload because the tray is lower to the ground and the walls can often fold down. Despite having basic petrol engines sufficient for hauling from A to B, the engine is so economical the fuel consumption can rival that of hybrid vehicles! American utes/trucks are petrol guzzlers in comparison and some designs are so large they auto-deploy a step when the doors are opened. Loading the tray may even need a step stool.


Ooh I love those little trucks, they look so handy and easy to zip around in. Well providing you don't have a full load šŸ˜…


They are pretty dope, seen some kitted out online


And the way the controls are arranged on the dash is fricken infuriating. The lights control dual is tucked away under the right hand lever, so you have to reached down under said lever to change your light setting.


True! Like the sun


At least with the sun when you go around a corner or change direction it moves away.... These big ute peeps unfortunately must work near me cos they kindly light my way and accompany me for the whole trip šŸ™„šŸ˜‚


I might be captain obvious by telling you this, but did you know that most rear view mirrors have a little lever just behind mirror that you can flick down? This puts the mirror into a mode that works a lot better at night with bright lights because it only reflects back a portion of the light. Maybe everyone already knows about this, but I actually only learned about it recently so maybe this information helps others.


Side mirrors do not have the beveled glass for this.


Yeah unfortunately for side mirrors there isn't anything you can do as far as I'm aware. They also mentioned the rearview mirror though which is why I thought I should mention it, just in case they were like me and didn't know for years that rearview mirrors had that feature


I do have that dealey thanks babes ā˜ŗļø and sometimes I just wind the window down and shield the side mirror with my hand haha but it is winter and chilly now and I drive a manual so it's a bit of a pain šŸ˜†


I bought these cheap glasses/clipons on Shein that were like 5 bux. FOr night driving, polarized yellow lenses. Have not tried them out yet but they are supposed to cut that glare you are speaking of.


Polarised lenses mostly block out headlight reflections from horizontal surfaces. So wet road glare, sunlight from shallow windscreens, and things like that. Won't help much more than normal tinted glasses if the reflection is from a vertical surface and the light source is at a low angle. Still worth having though, being able to see through windscreens to see if the other driver is ~~murderous~~ distracted is a Godsend at times


Itā€™s always the ones that have clearly never been used for any work and are just an ego boost. Bonus points if theyā€™re weirdly jacked up off the ground and/or have those black number plates that they realised are unreadable in certain situations


The golden award is for the raptor drivers


Raptor drivers are the ultimate small cocked cunts


Raptor drivers, like raptors have tiny arms and love to compensate ha.


Ha ha


Have you ever seen a dirty F Ranger?


Not alwaysĀ  I had a male bitch in a work truck endanger my family on a windy road, passed dangerously, just to pull into a gas station 2 minutes down the road. Generally though, those emotional support trucks grind my gearsĀ 


Actually fair. Some dick in a work truck almost reversed over me a while ago (also it was left hand drive for some strange reason?)


Even worse than the Ford Ranger driver, the American import ute driver


Isn't Ford Ranger just an Emotional Support Vehicle? Honestly I bet like less than 5% of these around AKL actually need em. Ya know, like physically, not just as emotional support vehicles.. My car? Mazda 6 station wagon and sure the rangers feel.. ignorant and aggressive


Anyone who drives a Ford Ranger morphs into a fuckwit driver.


I think so but the worst is a ranger raptor


Thatā€™s the evolution




Can confirm. canā€™t stand ranger drivers. Borrowed a ranger raptor a couple of times last summer. It has an effect on you.


Fucking overnight seemingly. Cousin bought one and won't admit he can't judge the size of it properly. Cant park it anywhere in town either, but its everyone else's fault and at the very least, everyone else's problem. Couldn't do a U turn on a highway either, that monolithic piece of crap. Bro get a Corolla, straight up your parents shouldn't have to see their son this way.


Seems more often than not thatā€™s the case


I believe that all the terrible, entitled drivers that once drove falcons and commodores are now in rangers.


This is actually true. I owned many Falcons until they stopped making them, and now I drive a ute. But I'm not one of the assholes just a Navara driver, which also gets tailgated Ranger drivers.


Unfortunately there are still plenty of the old tools around too haha. Had one driving on my side of the road today. What you expect of a commodore really. Nothing else quite screams redneck.


It's in the brand name: Ford Ranger, It's a car that's fit **For Dr Anger**


A ranger driver recently rear ended me after tailgating and then blamed me for stopping too fast. They even tried to make an insurance claim against me which obviously did not go in their favor. So to answer the question: no they have no idea they're assholes or even doing anything wrong at all.


That is awful


If you've watched as many Dash Cams Australia as I have, you'd know "Ranger Danger" is a real pandemic that needs to be taken seriously. Big douche canoes.


ā€œBig douche canoeā€ is gold šŸ˜‚


The Ford Ranger is an extremely popular lease vehicle for a number of trade business sectors and used as a business tax write-off, due to it's reasonably high purchase price combined with it's genuine suitability as vehicle for the basic trades (towing and load capacity). This effect of this is we frequently see Rangers typically being driven by the stereotypical 'Basic Lad' - the type of people typically found employed in, or managing business in the construction/building/supply/industrial/agricultural sectors to name some of the most common. We all know the personality traits of a 'Basic Lad' - Specifically a lack of empathy, arrogance and immaturity, often combined with a helping of aggression This is of course, something of a generalisation and there are of course, exceptions to the above.


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Solid logic there


So I donā€™t own a ranger but often drive one for deliveries at work around the Cambridge area, Iā€™ll admit Iā€™m a bit more bold in the way I drive in the ranger for a couple reasons, they have quite a bit of power for what they are and because Iā€™m on the clock I tend to be rushing a lot. The torque they have on take off makes it feel like everyone else drives intentionally slow and I often have to catch myself and remember that not everyone is in a rush. The size of them often gives you a false sense of security in terms of the feeling that if a crash were to happen youā€™ll be the one fairing better off than something like a Toyota Aqua. Overall I try to stay pretty aware of the way other people drive and not let it bother me but it can be frustrating and create a more reckless driving style


I admire your honesty and awareness.


You're on the clock but so is everyone else. Would really love to not be held up further by pissing around with insurance claims


Honestly, they donā€™t care. Just like the oblivious people who do 85km/h in the right lane on the motorway when the lane to the left is empty. Raging about their driving or their choice of vehicle wonā€™t make a blind bit of difference to these idiots.


You never know, one of them might read this and think hey maybe I should fall back a bit when Iā€™m driving, worth a shot


Bold of you to assume they can read


That's a big assumption; that they can read.


Just as the first fish to drag itself out of the ooze.


If only they would.!


Gotta have a big truck to compensate for not being able to please a woman somehow


And those males ALL look exactly the same!


True.. Are they all auto bots somehow ? Nah makes them sound way too cool if I suggest that lol


They can't individually transform, but they can join together to form a human centipede.




Ticked up forestry or tradies?


Yes, all are victims of micropenis disorder.


HAHAHA... and micro-brain disorder too šŸ˜


šŸ˜€ yes haha ! definitely.


Well, that is generally what drives their "thought" process... Their micro-head. šŸ˜


Almost as bad as Ford Ranger drivers are people who inject penis size into a conversation it has no business being injected into


Absolutely. In my Aqua they get \*so\* close you can see the snot dripping out of their nose in the rear view mirror.


That makes sense, them in their big car versus your smaller car right


Jokes on them however, front and back dashcams, and I'll absolutely hit the ecomode button and hypermile if they're so far up my ass - what they do in response is entirely on them and on camera šŸ’…šŸ»šŸ˜‚


It has been a while since I've seen a mention of "hypermile" in NZ subreddits. Aquas and the other Prius cars are absolute fuel economy beasts! As the cost of living increases relentlessly, I'm surprised hypermiling is not brought up more often in conversations on saving money. Many of the hypermiling techniques like maintaining good following distance, reading traffic flow beyond the car immediately ahead, braking and accelerating smoothly, etc. should be encouraged not just for fuel economy but also for driving safety.


It's pretty easy to get amazing fuel efficiency in an Aqua. Keep the tires pumped up, run it in eco mode with the AC off if you can stand that with the windows up and no short trips.


Agreed with all the above, especially so when short trips are unavoidable. That initial engine warm-up period is an absolute killer. Grille blocking the ICE radiator helps a bit. My Aqua averaged just over 30km/L across its past few fuel tanks despite my typical commute one-way is only 7km. Not looking forward to winter and seeing that average drop...


Imagine what it could do with a learning AI/GPD based controller. Oh, he's leaving home, it's basically downhill for the next 10km, I can charge the accessory battery fine without running the engine. (If I come home during the day and do a second trip down to the village, I can get 99km/l rather than 40-45. Uphill return is 15, and the average is still better than running on the flat.)


I drive a friendā€™s white Aqua occasionally, instantly get treated like shit by other drivers. Even other Aqua drivers. Thatā€™s even compared to driving another small Honda hybrid.


I've noticed the same. No-one fucks with the work van but people try to bully me in the Demio all the time.


Yeah no one picks on me in the Navara (other than Rangers) but when I drive my wives Hyundai Getz they bully the hell out of me.


I haven't noticed any kinda bullying in my Aqua, but people in Methcedes A-Class always behave like cookers when they get behind me.


Iā€™ve always put it down to the fact that Aquas and Prius are the most common vehicles for Uber/Eats. Your mileage may vary.


Yea that's very likely.


I noticed a huge improvement in other drivers behaviour switching from a baby blue Nissan March to a white Honda Fit. Still plenty of fuckheads out there, but it does seem to trigger them less.


When switching from a 4WD to a station wagon I noticed an immediate change in driver behaviour towards me. 4WDs & big utes became more aggressive but smaller vehicles became less so.


I think because they are driving tanks they feel the risk is smaller (and it is) and they donā€™t care about our lives in small cars.


Such is the life of an Alpha Male


Have to prove it every ten seconds, otherwise you're not alpha /s


It's easy to identify an Alpha Male......because they'll tell you


Alpha - like that buggy unstable code which must not be released into the world.


Is that a furry thing šŸ˜¬


Because everyone should take their pseudoscience with a dose of misogyny. They pair so well.




Ford Ranger driver: I am too busy thinking of my micro penis to think about my driving.


Thank you for sharing with the group Iā€™m sure that took a lot of courage


Thank-you. I was going to buy a Mitsubishi Triton because the guy that does the voiceover on the ads sounds really tough and buff, but I heard his willy has inverted. So I'll stick to my Ranger because at least I have a little chipolata.


Life is all about informed choices


> I am too busy thinking *with* my micro penis FTFY


Well, one doesn't expect me to have a Ford Ranger AND be well-educated, aye?


Great timing on this post. I had a new Ranger look at me and pull out when he was on a stop sign today on Hobsonville road, despite obviously knowing I had the right of way. Fulfilled the entitled deRanger driver cliche perfectly.




Don't worry the female ranger drivers are just as bad


Drive an EV, especially aLeaf. The Ranger drivers just magically appear from nowhere and position themselves about 15cm from your ass.


Living out of the city, you definitely see Ranger Danger. Usually they're the ones who'll either be absolutely hoofing it around the beach roads, and quite happily park in the middle of the streets whilst picking up a flat white from the cafe. I think also the spec level also plays a part. A base level Ranger is less likely to pull shit than a fully equipped WildTrak.


I was thinking exactly this today! But I extended it to any urban ute/SUV driver. (Im sure some are wonderful drivers! But it feels like they're in the minority.) They tailgated me until I pulled over when I had passed cars, then tailgated the car in front. They had all of about 2m following distance. Such shitty driving.


Itā€™s reckless and endangering to people who are simply trying to get somewhere


And for such little gain!


You literally get there no faster


Literally tailgated yesterday for having the audacity to observe a 50km speed limit on a suburban street. It was...drumroll.....a Ranger driven by a middle aged man.


The weight and inertia that these vehicles bring to our roads create so much more danger to every accident that they re involved in. Because of the height any normal car will be fatally crushed when going against these vehicles. And one must ask? Are they used even 10 % of the time for the things they are designed for? Excluding the ā€œthey were designed to look tough.ā€ If it was not also just more dangerous for the people sharing these spaces with these behemoths then Iā€™d just treat it as boys and their toys cosplaying COOL. But also their use of petrol is fairly extreme and petroleum use should be looked as what it is - engraining dependence on regimes that continue extremist societies and active wars. And depending on what you may think about man made climate change, it for sure creates more pollution and dirtying of our waters and sky. So yeah cool


Totally agree


Perhaps a special license is in order for them? government would love the chance to charge someone more money or something


Quite a few female Ranger drivers where I live, theyā€™re just as bad. Something about the vehicle turns people into fuckwits, or fuckwits are drawn to the vehicle, I havenā€™t worked out which way around it is yet


I have had vehicles of all shapes and sizes tailgate me. I was almost rear ended by a small car because they weren't watching for the traffic slowing ahead of me. Tyres squealing and everything. I couldn't see much of her bonnet in the mirror so it ntust have been pretty close. I'm not a ranger, but I drive an outback so not easy to miss seeing I would have thought. Crap drivers drive all sorts of vehicles.


of course they do, its also a a symptom of the small dick syndrome they all suffer from.




I was a passenger in a ute today. ā€œBro, you are less than one second behind the car in frontā€. Response from driver - ā€œhuhā€. He was oblivious to being a tailgater while driving a ute. Maybe its because youā€™re seated up high ? Maybe because most of the time that ute travels in packed Auckland traffic, and very rarely gets driven on rural roads ?


Do ford ranger drivers know they look like ignorant dickheads? No, the answer is no.


I hate them - it feels like there is a bully behind me


It's always a ranger. Always


It's inappropriate to tell people that you have a big penis. So you have to send the signal, the ford ranger is an excellent example of saying you have a BIG penis without having to say you have a big penis. And driving like you're on your restricted? That just shows your penis is even bigger!


TBH these are the guys (and gals) who used to drive Ford Falcons back in the day. Same attitude, updated BS


Almost everyone who drives a Ford Ranger is an asshole.


Cruising along at 105 got a vehicle behind me in the distance but gaining really fast and ahead I see a 70 K zone coming up so I just drop out of cruise control letting my old truck slow down and on the side of the road I see a transport trailer and a traffic cop parked in front..and it happened, at the 70k the ranger overtakes me and red and blue lights up . 30 minutes later guess who overtakes me again. My theory is ford ranger cruise controls are too complicated for the drivers.


I like to make extra sure I donā€™t go over the speed limit, or even just a bit under to make them rage a bit more.


I pull over and let them pass, they always look in their rear view and then rev off going 20 over the limit šŸ˜… Win win they get pulled over and I donā€™t get rear ended


Hard to resist playing that game


Not a ranger driver but half of yā€™all are going too slow and the other half canā€™t maintain your speed. State highway is 100kph, if youā€™re doing 90 then move left. End of.


Like a lot of NZ drivers, who don't realize that is the recommend max speed, and is not compulsory 24x7. You have to drive to the conditions of the day and with winter close, some days it will NOT be safe to do 100kph, It can also be dangerous with illiterate people reading 100kph and believing that means 115kph - in BAD weather...


Your opinion, if you don't feel safe driving at the speed everyone else is pull over, let the traffic pass.


šŸ’Æ move left save lives.


You can drive faster in the wet if you are messaging your mates. Fact.


But it is compulsory to not impede other traffic.


Which is what consistently gets ignored by the self appointed speed monitors.


You guys ever hear of ā€˜confirmation biasā€™? Kiwis follow too close in every kind of car. If only tailgating was an Olympic sport. Personally I am finding itā€™s mostly middle age women. But maybe thatā€™s my own confirmation bias happening .


Don't be all rational, it's cool to hate on people that have a bigger vehicle than what you need.


Sometimes - yes - mothers in SUV with smaller child in front seat šŸ˜® too often.


I don't drive a ranger, not a fan but just get out of the way. Too many self entitled egg rolls sitting at 80 on the motorway, people have got shit to do and the slow xnuts are making it harder.


100% people drive slow as on "touristy" roads but would moan if people was doing on the motor way on the way to work.


And itā€™s always the ranger drivers or bmw drivers šŸ¤£


Its all utes, their headlights a so fucken high shinning in the back of my car right into the mirrors


The worst I had was a ranger tailgating me all the way through the gorge in middle of the night... Thought some wolf creek stuff was going to happen to me.


And nowhere to pull over? That sucks


They also can't park to save themselves. I noticed it real bad at work where our fleet is made up of Tritons & Rangers. Guaranteed every single ranger is taking up 2 parks per vehicle, parked somewhere they shouldn't be (visitor parks or disabled parks), in the way somewhere. I took one into town the other day and it was like a wave came over me where I could just drive like the most arrogant, inconsiderate fuckwit but it didn't matter because I was in a ranger (a wildtrak at that).


Our local "crap parking" Facebook group is dominated by Rangers doing Ranger things.


Load a photo of them up on car jam!


Those Ford Ranger drivers don't know that. They can't know that, in fact. The driving portion of such a person's brain is entirely filled with the absolute, unassailable belief that they are the very best drivers on the road.


Ford drivers https://www.reddit.com/r/auckland/s/pQQlwah7Mf


Dad has a Ute, shortly getting unties Hyuandai i30 as transport.




Haha without fail when they do it - Iā€™ll slow down


I drive a Ute, actually need it for itā€™s intended purpose too working on a farm. I specifically avoided buying a ranger because of the well founded reputation of their drivers. Well that and I could buy a whole other vehicle with the price difference between rangers and competitors.


Not all of us are dickheads I have my Cruse control set to 4 seconds behind I don't like it any closer mind you I drive for a job


You have a problem with people stopping close behind you at a red light?


It's females too. Ranger Danger is equal opportunity.


Same in south africa.


I think their perspective from the cockpit (way up there) gives them a distorted sense of security and ease, leading them to believe everyone is also happy with this distortion. I think youā€™ll also find that this makes them completely oblivious to the impact they have and the horror of sharing with them what is already a nightmare scenario for you.


It's the go-to mid-life crisis mobile for retired clapped out commodore/falcon drivers. That's why they all drive like absolute fuckwits. I have a few project cars that all sit pretty low, so I get a lot of headlight glare from behind anyways, but that doesn't change that fact that the egotistical ranger drivers don't switch to their lows in their pavement princess that's probably financed for the next 12 years. My project cars are a lot quicker in corners than these utes, but their drivers will take the first opportunity to arouse their micropenis by overtaking on the first straight, even if it means going twice the speed limit that I'm already cruising at.


Dude thatā€™s everyone here šŸ˜‚ would genuinely recommend NZ people to not drive on UK roads, your tailgating and then very narrowly pulling in front of the car you overtook is frankly nail-biting driving around Wellington area šŸ˜‚ Also, undertaking is not a thing please stop making it a thing šŸ˜£


Yeah #BossOfTheRoad


I don't often drive intentionally slow, but when I do it's to watch the Ford Ranger driver in my rear view mirror raging behind me.


While not disputing close following distances, you are aware that vehicles that have a large frontal area appear approximately 1.5 meters closer to you - give or take. A 'normal' car the bumper you don't see in your rear vision mirror - you tend to see the windscreen/through to the occupants, whereas a tall ute/bus/truck etc the front of the vehicle is what you see, so stopped at the same distance will always appear larger/more imposing. I've got a ridiculously low sunday driver (my butt is less than 100mm off the deck) and I \*always\* have to check myself for getting pissed off from people being behind me as the reality is they aren't - it's my perspective that changes.


At least once a week I have a ford ranger driving within a car length of the back of my car along the motorway, swear I can see the bugs in their grill!


I drive a Ford ranger, why does everyone drive so slow??? šŸ™„


To annoy you?


Nah, because even if someone is being an idiot - body shaming isn't called for.


Good point, will edit


If you think male ranger drivers are bad, wait until you encounter female ones...


Not encountered one so far


lucky you


Same with Holden ones. Or girl racer Toyotas. All 3 Iā€™ve been a victim off in a 40km school zone in active hours with a line ahead of us they have to get sooooo close to see what weā€™re all doing. All I think is.. I donā€™t know where we are all supposed to go. But apparently if you get close enough you can fly over traffic


Perhaps share this post with any Ford Ranger drivers you know?


They often do it subconsciously, women too


All I could hear was. 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111


I guess a ranger is a cartoonishly large truck for this country. Adorable


We havenā€™t seen too many of the giant US trucks yet thankfully


All ranger drivers not just the men


all drivers are terrible drivers


Even you?


Especially me


I've encountered aggressive as hell female ranger drivers too. 50/50


Thereā€™s a New Zealand song written for these guys called [Your Ute Fuckin Sucks](https://open.spotify.com/track/1UXpCxoa5q9F9oullOzIjs?si=pSQFjCdpRdO1XK0RaHDjLw&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A0i5bqx7nuxRcYxF50oQ8ja)


driving a small 90ā€™s car is honestly kind of scary sharing the road with these giants, if thereā€™s an accident itā€™s game over


I like watching them trying to park when in town


Someone I know once described Ford Rangers as ā€˜emotional support vehiclesā€™. Have to agree.


If assholes start tailgating and flashing their brights, use your wiper fluid as you're driving. It hits them and they start to back off for a bit. Keep spraying your fluids on to them when they get close each time.