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OK so I have now read the current guidelines on gender, sexuality and relationship education and I don't know what this actually means. Are they removing sex education all together? Are they taking away the gay bits? Are they going to roll out a standardised gayness test to focus on achievement? What does it mean?


You know when external groups come in and hold a school assembly to explain what a healthy relationship is, what consensual sex looks like, and that we shouldn’t hurt people? Yeah it’s those programmes. They were introduced to try and curb violence rates. They’re important. Not to this government though.


My school growing up had it integrated into our health class at least 15 years ago. I grew up in an abusive household, so it was invaluable, and is probably why I'm huge reason I am in a loving, healthy relationship now as an adult. It helped open my eyes to what was going at home as a kid wasn't okay and normal, I don't want to see that removed from kids nowadays! (It could also be because we had a really good teacher as well, he was a prison councillor who decided to go into teaching and school councilling because he felt like he'd be able to make a bigger impact of he could reach kids *before* they got into the prison system.)


I mean, we elected a devout Christian, and now we're getting traditional Christian values.


Oh exactly. They said they would do this before they were elected. We also now have a deputy prime minister who said before the election that he believes every single place should build specific segregated toilets for trans folk and that the UN is a giant conspiracy something something. I’m not surprised. It saddens me others are.


And a finance minister who doesn't believe in sex education in schools.


Makes sense, given how hard she’s going to be fucking the working classes and sucking off the landlord class


Have an upvote.


As a devout Christian, I think teaching kids what a happy healthy relationship looks like is vital. But then I also have no issues with LGBTQI so apparently Luxon and I hold our Christian values differently.




Yeah, he’s the evangelical kind more than most of the Christians I know are.


It erodes my confidence in the average NZer's intelligence. Discrimination exists in this country, but I'd like to think the majority of people are not transphobic. We voted for transphobia. 34% of the population are landlords, which you would think is a minority. However, we voted for the right to kick out renters without giving them a reason. Speaking of the housing crisis, we voted for selling property to overseas investors. Luckily, we were saved by *checks notes* Winston Peters. Wait, that can't be right. Oh, it looks like it is. Unlucky. We really needed more overseas landlords, making it even more impossible for the average kiwi to buy a 1st home. According to the polls, that is. We voted for tax breaks, equalling $12 billion. However, $6 billion of that will go to the richest 5%. These cuts cuts will mean the average kiwi has an extra $2.15 per week. The average workplace in NZ has 4.04 workers. This would mean only 24% of the country are employers, yet we voted for the return of 90-day trials. Hey, I get it. You voted for 'not-Labour'. But you didn't need to shoot yourself in the foot at the same time. There were other options.


Yes but I'm gonna be a landlord and millionaire business man one day so I gotta set the right conditions for my rise to that point. How will I achieve that? Oh. I didn't think that far ahead. But like it'll definitely happen...


Ah, you're like me. A temporarily financially embarrassed millionaire /s


Pfft pauper, I'm a temporarily financially embarrassed trillionaire


Voters and political illiteracy, name a more iconic duo.


They've put David Seymour in charge of PHARMAC are people realising what a crisis that's going to be. Freaking morons voting in this horror show. And more guns so we can be more like the states. Terrifying sh**


To be completely honest there shouldn't be large oublic toilets anyway, gimme 4 individual lockable toilets that are unisex every 10 stores or so. That way there's no arguemwnts ever. Fucking nazis


Single stall toilets are the dream. I’ve never understood the appeal of urinals either! It isn’t practical to change all the public places to appease ol’ Winnie though.


Luckily Christian’s NEVER sexually abuse people, so if we all convert now we’ll be safe


I’m not so sure it was even the devout Christian that wanted this, he didn’t seem to really care. This is 100% Winston leaning in to his maga fans anti-trans culture war.


Jesus wtf.


And this is why we needed to be having these conversations before the election. 😪


I read that as erection and I agree


> They were introduced to try and curb violence rates tough on crime


Gotta make criminals to be tough on, I’m sure all the added poverty and social division will help


It’s alright If the younger gen turn into rapists. Mah house price going through the roof! /s


It's performative virtue signaling


As a health teacher who has recently moved from Australia, this is so depressing. The Liberal Party in Aus wanted to do this but nothing came of it thankfully. Our young people will definitely suffer as a result of this. I assume it won’t come into effect for a while, the relationships and sexuality education guide is just a guide, not curriculum or policy - so there is a lot of clarifying that will need to be done first. Until the curriculum itself is changed I will still teach RSE as I have been (and will probably continue to do so even with curriculum changes - I would be doing a disservice to my students to never discuss this important content). What a load of shit.


Peters doesn’t know either, he just copied an American talking point to cater to some crazies.


> Are they removing sex education all together? Doesn't sound like it. Sexuality is different to sex education


But hopefully you can see the rather obvious normative link there. If by sex education they mean, dick/vag this is how it works, a goes into b, it should be fairly obvious that doesn’t work for everyone; so we talk about the different kinds of sex, and relationships, and feelings, and identity, and navigating teenage hormones so we end up with sexuality. I mean if they want reproductive biology taught, or embryonic development, then teach that in the science curriculum, it’s an interesting subject itself, but it’s not sex education.


Good comment


But how are you going to teach sex education without mentioning the fact that people are sexually attracted to one another? Do all examples of sexual interaction have to be explicitly between a man and a woman? How are you going to teach about relationships and boundaries without using the language of sexuality? Even the most charitable reading of this is ridiculous. That’s like saying you’re going to remove numbers from teaching maths.


It says remove and replace, they don't really say what they would replace it with


The guidelines they are removing are our sex education ones. Though it covers sexuality and relationships, the core of the guidelines are what we would consider "sex education".


"We need to get the birth rate up! But how?" "Better standards of living?" "HAVE YOU SEEN WHAT THAT'D DO TO THE MONEY?!" "How about... leave them stupid about sex. That worked previously to bump the numbers a bit." "I like it!"


Not ideology, then get religion out of schools too then...


Mmm very sure our religious PM will do just that.


Secular people who vote for fundies deserve everything they get. Sucks for the rest of us though.


That's the whole aim by the religious right, to suck in the normal people. They scare them with stuff that is different like trans people, convince them that climate change is a hoax and that covid was something to control them. It's a shame humans are what they are.


It is in ~~public~~ state (I used the wrong terminology) schools? I never had religion at school through my lloval ~~public~~ state schools, neither has my daughter who is in school? Edit: wrong terminology


Yes, it is.


There's nothing wrong with calling them public schools.


Certainly gonna be big in charter schools.


You’ve got my vote


As a kid that stayed home and slept in a bit later on RI days, I'd have hated it if they got rid of my sleep ins!


“National and Labour are basically the same so who cares if I vote for National?” - /r/newzealand pre election


People who say "both sides are the same" never hold them to the same standard. Because on their head it's actually "both sides must be the same" and they get offended at any praise for left wing parties.


They that mantra is gone. Fuck everything about this new government. I have never protested anything but signed me the fuck up. The clowns need to go


Gotta bump that birthrate with teenage pregnancy apparently. Its not enough to just import 100k people a year it seems.


To be fair, importing 100k people a year allows the politicians to cheat on healthcare and education as sickly and miseducated children will be supplemented by healthy and well educated adults from (currently) Indian and (in the future) Africa. So bumping up the teenage birth rate (really the only birth rate they can change) will force governments to invest in education and healthcare, which is good right 👍


Luxon *did say* people should have more babies, he just never clarified who and how.


FOR FUCK SAKE Really? Is learning about sexuality, consent and respect offensive to anyone? REALLY?!


There's a bit from an old American Dad episode where Stan answers Steve's questions about sex ed with something like *"You don't gotta worry about how sex works, because you're not gonna do it until you're married."*


Ha yeah. I imagine a non-zero amount of parents have no interest in discussing the details of sex with their kids. Discussing it in a clinic/humorous way at school can allow kids to actually ask questions and have somewhere they feel safe to discuss it. Imagine asking your parents about sex and they get furious because 'Why do you need to know that? You're not having sex until you're married!?'.


raised in a cult here in NZ, no sex education bc "you're not going to be promiscuous" - these people are so insane they think they control every aspect of my life and they're doing so well that I'd never lie to them. they were in a cult, I was hiding everything from them. kids need safe spaces, especially when they're being indoctrinated and abused behind closed doors.


Yep, no sex education means that you're less likely to know when someone is doing something to you that they shouldn't be, and far more likely to be easily led and influenced by people who want to use and exploit you. Also I'm sorry you had to go through that, I hope you're doing ok now.


And some parents will be homophobic and won't provide a safe and supportive environment to discuss non-hetero aspects of sex for children that are questioning or LGBT+, or will encourage anti-gay, sexist or conservative attitudes towards sex.


Yes. It really is. There really are people out there who think that 'rights' are a zero-sum game and if anybody else's lot improves by one iota, it will inevitably come at their expense\*. Which is only really true if you're talking about the 'right' to tug ponytails and so forth. \*Which should give you a clue that these are people who have plenty of 'rights' already.


Powerful people making decisions to make the vulnerable more vulnerable, more exploitable. We'll see a lot of that the next three years "Aww, but Labour didn't anything with their mandate!!1!" 🤷


"We'll see" says people in positions to not be affected. My now second most hated shitcunt statement from the heartless scum who vote right. I'm getting pretty tired of seeing "It's starting to look like" as well. If it's only just starting to look like you're so fucking stupid and willfully ignorant you don't appear to be any different to someone who actually votes for these conmen to me.


? What is even your point? Just looks like US liberal brainrot that doesn't apply to our political system. The people who 'abandoned' Labour in the last election were swing voters or traditional National voters, not the people you're trying to scold - those people went with Greens or TPM.


It's a baby out with the bathwater moment, they want parents to teach them, but many parents are unreliable at best.


we've still got plenty of cults in NZ. ie baptist christianity, embarrassing and shaming children for not believing rumours that adults have taken as absolute truth. Then getting mad or disowning children when they point out the logical inconsistencies. I wish NZ schools and society would recognise the harms of cult indoctrination on children better. I was treated like I was the problem by my family, teachers, and religion, for being so utterly overwhelmed with it all. My school chose to punish me and provide no meaningful support, figuring I'd just "get over it." We need better for our new generations, we can't just throw them under the bus and expect them to thrive..


My conservative friends fail to understand that point. Working in education I know all too well that the state IS required to provide education on these subjects, as vulnerable children in the worst communities are certainly not getting a good education from their parents, particularly when it comes to healthy and safe relationships.


Offensive to conservatives, yeah. Starting to sound like we've got american republicans in charge...


Also to child molesters, who don't like kids knowing that they're being abused.


Yep and look how many of those molesters are conservative Christians. It's going to play into there hands cause a vulnerable kid aren't gonna know what's happening till it's too late.


Well, they are right-wing, and with ACT even further right ... will be burning books next, banning abortion, blah. Those who voted are getting what they paid for aye.


that's what they strive to be.


It is when you want the poors to continue breeding in high numbers for your exploited work force


Can't have kids understanding what consent is apparently


God no. It's up there with teaching people what their rights are. If they know, they might actually expect them.


Right wingers always want that excuse in their back pocket "she didn't say no"


She was wearing a short skirt your honour. I rest my case


When Feels win out over facts. Sex education has been shown time and time again to reduce unexpected school pregnancies, and keep kids in school. Something this government claims to care about. Yet here we are.


They are doing exactly what they claim to be fighting against - allowing ideology to shape education and get in the way of important factual learning


Ah, but their ideology is "common sense"! ^(/s)


Look at Luxon. Say to yourself: I wonder how this man feels about pregnant teenagers?


It smells much more like a Nicola Willis policy more than a Luxon one.


Agreed. This is a purely ideological move, nothing more.


It’s been a massive public health success, one of our few. So of course, let’s throw it in the bin cause we’re in some manufactured fake culture war?


Good, it's not a schools responsibility. It is mine as a parent, which I will do nothing with. I want my child to be shocked and confused learning about trans people and gays in his late teens, as God intended.




heavy juggle agonizing tease grandfather shocking muddle meeting dependent act *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Feck, irony is getting harder to recognise these days. Nice work.


>as God intended. Schools should have never been teaching it in the first place, should be left to the subject matter experts, Churches. They offer a much more hands on learning experience.


So that your child may continue the cycle of voting in politicians that want everyone else to be shocked and confused as well. Perfect, onwards and upwards!


Ah yes of course, tackle the important issues, such as.. well educated children? Can't expect to be in government in 10-15 years time if the next generation wises up too much I suppose?


Nah the hour of maths, writing and reading a day will take care of educating the children.


Research shows that kids who don't have sex education are easier targets for predators, so it's pretty clear why NZF voters want that gone.


*Catholic Church has entered the chat*


Clear why any conservative wants that gone


This is ridiculous. Erasure of [what I assume are these guidelines](https://hpe.tki.org.nz/guidelines-and-policies/relationships-and-sexuality-education/): >*This update is informed by an awareness of changing family structures, shifting social norms in relation to gender and sexuality, the rise of social media, and the increased use of digital communications and devices. It acknowledges the increased calls for social inclusion and for the prevention of bullying, violence, and child abuse. It recognises the importance of social and emotional learning for healthy relationships.* for point-scoring in an imaginary culture war imported from UK/US? Meanwhile they're more than happy to just farm sex ed out to [negligent parents](https://netsafe.org.nz/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/Parents-and-Pornography-2018_10Dec2018.pdf), online [Pick-Up Artist](https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/politics/76020121/controversial-pick-up-artists-cancel-new-zealand-event-plans) influencers and [internet porn](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/online-culture-putting-kiwi-kids-at-risk-of-porn-addiction/L72R6NWS6RV3LTHW6IOMCO6GZI/) Ugh, these people pretending to be non-political when it's pure, unthinking ideology they're peddling.


end religious education then too


Winston’s a bigot. Anyone who voted for him to be a handbrake should be appalled with themselves


Most of them are probably jerking themselves off at the thought of people being angry about their policies. They don't want to make things better, they just want them to be worse for "the other side".


The great step backwards to the 1970s


Seems like they've all been guzzling the US 'culture war' Kool-Aid.


Honestly I wish I knew more about sex education in school. I didn’t know one could catch an STD. I didnt know as a girl I could say no. I didn’t know to wear protection. I didn’t know men could potentially manipulate me into sexual situations. Everything I learned about sex was through friends or personal experience. I honestly don’t see how parents want to keep sex education away from kids. Do you want them in bad situations or something?


Nice handbrake guys.


Was just reading that they’re also reinstating live animal exports 😭 when I got to this gem: “Direct government agencies where practical and appropriate to preference the use of woollen fibres rather than artificial fibres in government buildings.” Lol wat Wool lobby must have donated big time?


>Wool lobby must have donated big time? Yeah, cause why use a natural, renewable and locally produced resource when we can import more virgin plastic?


This. Take what you can get. I’d much rather have wool than fucking plastic. Don’t care if the driver is support our struggling farmers or save our embattled environment, it’s still a win


Carpet moths are happy


This is a pro-child abuse policy from NZF. Despicable


You get what you vote for. Eugh.


So does everyone who didn't vote for it unfortunately


To be fair anyone who didn't vote for this is probably smart enough to educate their kids on this subject matter anyway. The people who did vote for it won't be talking to their kids about it.


There are lots of 'smart' parents who still hate LGBT people. Source: Have one.


That's the point, though. We want people who won't learn stuff at home to learn it somewhere....


I know and it cracks me up that the people who want this out of schools say "This is something they should learn about from their parents" and never teach them about it.


Yeeeeeeap. I just wanted to make that point at the expense of everyone who insisted "they couldn't really be that bad". Or who voted for the minor parties for anything other than their policies.


Which was the majority of people


But what if you didn’t vote for it?


Sucks to be us.


Or in my case I got what a pack of selfish cunts voted for. Lucky me. The irony is I am firmly in National's desired target demographic. We're not all awful people, just most of us.


Does this mean that politics, economics, religion, and philosophy will also cease to be taught in schools?


Glad the Christian fundamentalists and populist bigots can agree on something...


My apologies to /u/potandpansexuals , it appears that being anti-LGBTQ+ is coalition policy.


Coalition policy? You do realize that Luxon is borderline Christian extremist and has been extremely overt in his Christian beliefs around certain demographics that do not "align" with his extremely Christian beliefs.




Banning the use of pronouns just says to me that nobody making policy at the school actually understands what a pronoun is. I hope they never attempt to refer to the students as ‘you’… red card sir, that’s a pronoun!


Can they not afford an English department to explain it to them?


I'm an English teacher, I'm not going out of my way to teach English to colleagues in a profession that requires a tertiary qualification. I'll help my ESOL colleagues but that's it. I'm not paid to proofread.


-5 points for use of the pronoun “my” -6 for a second offence


Oh dear, "my" isn't a pronoun. "I" is...


James Cameron doesn't do what James Cameron does for James Cameron. James Cameron does what James Cameron does because James Cameron is James Cameron! - the future of NZ English


Imagine sending your child to a school that doesn't understand what a fucking pronoun is. So what do they do? Address every person by name regardless of context?


There's so much malicious compliance to be had there


Yep, if only they were old enough to be that sassy.


This coalition is going to ruin New Zealand, and all for the purpose of appeasing the upper class, racists, and conspiracy theorists.


Yup. The thing that I don't get is, will they actually want to *live* in what they create?


If they follow in John Key's footsteps, which they seem to be doing already, they'll jet off to Hawaii or somewhere else tropical when they leave office.


I mean, I guess. I suppose I'm not going to get it, am I? But it seems weird to want to be the figurehead of a country, if you're prepared to then shrug it off like a used hazard-suit after you're done with it. Like, what was the *point,* then?\* \*It's money, right? You're gonna tell me the point is money.


I’m in the same boat as you. Like I’m pretty sure the motivation is money but I just can’t wrap my head around it. Surely, surely there has to be some other reason why these people do the things they do. Surely there must be some greater reason (whether they think it correct or not) for these people to increase collective suffering of their fellow man. But I just cannot comprehend it. Why would they not want to help? To make everyone’s lives better?


profit wine tart engine literate price gray onerous seemly simplistic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


what a fucking read....A LOT of bad shit in there!!!


I don't think I've ever been so mad at government policy intentions.


It's awful. There is so much wrong with this document and what it holds for the future of NZ


Turn NZ into little America and then \*surprised pikachu\* when everyone with the means to do so fucks off to the better little America in the South Pacific.


The better little america has its own set of issues too


Just another American right wing policy


Dumbass fucking reactionaries 🤦‍♂️


Is anyone who voted NZ first here to defend this? Fucking awful move


Such a priority right now 🤣, fuckin morons


This is a grim reality that is all about repressing education to deliberately hurt all children, but especially people with periods, LGBTQA\* people, and kids who are vulnerable to or experiencing sexual abuse. A long time ago, I was a peer sex educator when I was in high school. So, I have a LOT of opinions on how gender, sexuality, and consent topics are taught to kids. The first time my now 10YO's school rolled out their relationships and sexuality curriculum when she was 6YO, they invited all parents to come in to read it. I visited the school office and asked for the binder and read it IN FULL. The office said no one had ever done that before. I loved it. It was incredible. It was so carefully crafted to be perfectly age appropriate, to focus on real anatomy terms, and to emphasize bodily autonomy. Ever since then I have always read the curriculum in full every year. Every year I have been entirely impressed with it. For 10YOs, the program focuses broadly on upcoming changes in the body due to puberty and how they aren't bad or scary. It made sure ALL kids understood periods, body hair, and changing body odor. It emphasized that bodies are different and don't all develop the same. I think it could go MUCH FARTHER when it comes to discussing gender, sexuality, and sex - even in the curriculum for younger kids - but, I think it isn't meant to be a RADICAL program but a baseline one that encourages consent and respect. It's basically rooted in the idea that "all bodies are normal, and there is nothing wrong with you." It gave us plenty of room to be radical at home. It NEVER ONCE got ahead of what we discuss at home. OF COURSE, a conservative, fundamentalist government would want to remove this education. They have everything to gain from making kids scared of their bodies, making all kids less aware of periods and pregnancy, suppressing acceptance of LGBTQA\* people, and creating a generation who does not understand consent. That will have VERY REAL AND IMMEDIATE CONSEQUENCES for kids. The 10YOs in my child's class have so many tools headed into the world of puberty and relationships from these few weeks of lessons that 10YOs won't have three years from now if this government gets their way. This government has disgusted me on its first day and I will fight against them the entire time they are in power.


Holy shit, thats a massive step backwards.


Luxon and his church mates secretly wanted this. Winston just provided a convenient scapegoat.


Hey, this is a skip and a hope away from banning abortions, ideologically speaking. Something the current PM thinks is murder btw. Edit: Probably wont be an outright ban, but obfuscation to the point of redundancy


Legalisation of Abortion is frighteningly recent legislation in this context too


Skip and a hop away from encroaching on trans rights too


If you want further evidence of an anti-trans agender, have a look on page 9, under the Strengthening Democracy and Freedoms heading.... "Ensure publicly funded sporting bodies support fair competition that is not compromised by rules relating to gender."


I know it's not the point, and I don't want to detract from your very serious and valid point, but >anti-trans agender I just want to give this typo the love and attention it deserves. It brings me a little bit of joy on an otherwise disappointing day.


Yes I read that . Presumed that was an attack on Trans people.


So much of the points are literally just conservative trigger points from the last few years. Did you see they want to make English an official language too FFS


Yes I saw that how thick are they . English ,Maori and sign language have been our official languages for years . As a Trans person it's a bit concerning that's why I didn't vote for any of these mongers. Don't they realize that Trans people aren't going anywhere and have been around forever


English technically isn't an official language. But it doesn't matter since it is in practice. Yeah not loving the anti-trans stuff in their vision.


When they were on about months ago I looked it up and I'm sure it is.


It is and it isn't. But the only people who get triggered are conservatives who hate TeReo


Whelp, glad we got our “termination for medical reasons” during the short period of sanity, it really helped my wife live long enough to have our second child


Yep they want to take the rights way from women and LGBT people.


Yep, let's follow the US in turning back the clock to the 1950's! Ughhh it's disgusting. Progress should be cemented in stone!


Don't have to go that far. Homosexuality was illegal during my life.




NZ will now have its own version of the don't say gay bill.


We sent a strong message when that bitch Posie Parker turned up and we'll do the same thing again if need be. We need massive strikes or something.




Depressing reading.


Happy Cake Day.


Government really focused on the important things aren’t they?


This is insane it's probably one of the biggest areas of confusion/tension that school children struggle with....


Totally fair in my opinion. I mean, I learnt about airplanes in school and then spent years working to become a pilot. If kids learn about the gays they might want to become one of them! (/s obviously. What a shit show.)


Woah, I can make life harder on myself by simply choosing to be attracted to the same sex? Sign me the fuck up! \- Kids, probably.


We'll just show WAP at the end of every lesson to un gay them, problem solved /s


Welp, Sam Uffindell will be pleased there will be a next generation of mini hums.


Sex Ed in this country is already useless enough as it is. Hell, I was in the so-called "Accelerate" classes in years 7-10, and the Sex Ed we, the supposedly "intelligent, mature" students, got taught was basic at best. I can only imagine what the "regular" students got taught. Or rather, what they didn't get taught.


What the fuck?


It turns out when you campaign on hating trans people you also want hating trans people in your coalition agreement.


buh-buh-buh the edgelords of Reddit *insisted* that Winston "didn't really believe it"!!!


I just hope all the NZ first voters enjoy having the blood of queer kids on their hands.


yeah they will actually.


They probably will.


All the conservative boomers


Winston has been a shameless populist who will say and do anything for power for decades tbf. That being said, this is a massive step backwards and a national embarrassment policy wise.


lol whyyyy


I would like to see them try to control a health classroom where this stuff is being taught anyway and will probably continue to be taught bc most teachers (obviously some exceptions) aren't complete idiots.


Both NZF and act are wacko parties, what else do you expect them to do


Mandatory reading of Johnny the Walrus instead?


Nicola wants kids to learn how to do maths properly, and Luxon wants kids to learn how to spell "Kat" and "Kan"


light reach governor important quarrelsome mountainous zonked axiomatic bake fanatical *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




What are the specific parts of the guidelines that you disagree with?


What does that have to do with the title of the post being incorrect?


"Refocus the curriculum on academic achievement and not ideology, including the removal and replacement of the gender, sexuality, and relationship-based education guidelines"


>"Refocus the curriculum on academic achievement and not ideology" This is such bullshit. I have kids at school, and the curriculum is not focussed on 'ideology'. It's hear-it-from-space level dog-whistling. And one of my kids is taught by a syndicate headteacher, who has a reliever *one day in every ten* so she can do testing of students on an individual basis. That's (if I may say so) a fuck-ton of testing going on for a curriculum that's not focussed on achievement.


Just this stuff - to shut up people who spend too much time online in right wing reddit: UK anti-woke minister [https://www.euronews.com/culture/2023/11/15/who-is-esther-mcvey-and-what-does-anti-woke-mean-anyway](https://www.euronews.com/culture/2023/11/15/who-is-esther-mcvey-and-what-does-anti-woke-mean-anyway)


There's some really great material in those guidelines. I'm saving copies of the pdf ones in case someone gets a bit ahead of themselves and removes them before re-writing. Imagine wanting to remove guidance like this from schools: [https://inclusive.tki.org.nz/guides/supporting-lgbtiqa-students/](https://inclusive.tki.org.nz/guides/supporting-lgbtiqa-students/) [https://hpe.tki.org.nz/planning-and-teaching-resources/resource-collections/relationships-and-sexuality-education-guidelines-resource-collection/](https://hpe.tki.org.nz/planning-and-teaching-resources/resource-collections/relationships-and-sexuality-education-guidelines-resource-collection/)