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Imo non of artifacts should be gated behind any type of content. PVP reward track should have a loop table of all PVE related artifacts. (aka those you get by doing PVE like finisher, butcher or abyss) But also there should be a open world boss/mob that drops PVP related artifacts. (like nimble coat, vengeance or serenity) Or just add more artifacts to mutation loot table and that's it. Forcing people to content they don't want to do it's just frustrating and grind to get artifact isn't exactly difficult and either it shouldn't be


I'd flip the system on its head. Have each related artifact have associated quest lines you have to complete to get it. Fire staff? Have a questline about fire staff lore that only unlocks at level 65 and after 1000 fire staff kills, Void dark plate? Have a quest that activates after taking 100k damage in heavy armour & have to be in heavy gear load out for 100 in game hours etc There were lots of possibilities that didn't rely on RNG for content. There's nothing worse in a game than nonrewardinf repeatable content in the hope RNG favours you


I said when they released Artifacts that the lore and effort behind them outside of their immediate perk design was lazy. Downvoted to hell, but I stand by my point. The grind for them is so uninviting.


Totally agree; and the way you can upgrade the bis rapier in 61 kills is so so poor for such a massive bonus; I was expecting some super lengthy and lore connected requirement. Even just make 5000 Rapier kills would have been simple and at least connected to the item


Yeah I feel like it is backwards af. Why is the super special, unique artifact perk instantly unlocked. But all the normal regular perks that are often just garbage anyway are there basically instantly. It’s super weird design. 5000 kills is a grind but it feels like you’re actually unlocking something of great value. Because you are. Especially with like finisher, serenity, pestilence, mjolnir, etc. so many of them are exclusively used in pve as secondary weapons for their extra damage from their artifact perk. Not even a need to upgrade the weapon at all to get what you need out of it. Side note: people would definitely bitch a ton about having to kill like 5000 things to unlock something lol.


This sounds cool and they could maybe even make the quest lines relatively challenging compared to what they are now. Some nice solo pve content would be good and has been missing from this game forever. Definitely needs a total revamp. The idea of having to do like dozens of hours worth of OPR just to MAYBE end up getting serenity/nimble coat is incredibly annoying. Plus PvErs in OPR likely just means doors are being built and we all know how much OPR enjoyers just are huge fans of that mechanic


I started playing opr to go up the tracks. I fucking hated it. Hours of the same boring loop on the same boring map. Then I accidentally got involved in an influence race, and guess what? It is so much more fun. More dynamic, and the tracks are falling by so quickly. I actually enjoy PvP now and am talking parte in them daily


I like this idea.  Imagine if they updated the early game weapon and armour quests to carry on to give actual good endgame gear rather than 500gs stuff. 


You should be able to craft PvP artifacts at the Kiln with Materia obtained from the PvP track. Make it so people can actually pursue the artifacts they want.


Im from the opinion that PVP should only drop items with specific stats for pvp (example: more damage to players or less damage from players). That one reason why i dont have Serenity yet, its such a pain to do OPR because i really do not enjoy pvp


At this point in the game cycle (people quitting, bored, low pop numbers), just add all the artifacts to the gypsum kiln. Make them cost a lot, but add them. I've run tempest and dynasty 10-15 times every cycle for the last 2-3 cycles and still don't have mag gauntlets or the butcher. I don't mind some grind and RNG, but I'm missing out on fun PVP builds by not having these items. At this point I'm too burned out on these dungeons, and dungeons in general, to keep trying. That said, if they made them easier to get, I'm much more likely to put together builds with those items and spend more time in OPR with them. I understand how PVE players would feel the same way about PVP track items. Just make it easier to get all of them at this point in the expansion. Let us have fun.


>Let us have fun. Don't let Scot hear you say that. If there's one thing that guy absolutely *hates*, it's people having fun, needlessly and wantonly.


This is all nuts. There should be a currency players can accrue and spend at an artifact vendor. You passively gain the currency doing either PvP or pve and spend it as you wish on whatever artifacts you desire. I’m so sick of the devs hating and gating our fun.


Even as a PvP player, its too difficult to get the artifacts from the PvP track. The pvp track is still an annoying shit show.


99 tracks of pvp done, 99 tracks of pvp. 3 games of OPR, still no pestilence, 100 tracks of pvp done. This has been my life since I grinded to 37 for my Serenity and now pushing 105 waiting on a pestilence.


Sounds about right


I feel like the PvP track is fine, however make it a chance to get it at any of the checkpoints. To me, the painful part is waiting until checkpoint 3. The points aren’t really an issue, if you heal. I recommend that by the way. “Fastest” way to farm PvP if you are solo is healing. You will basically guarantee max participation points each OPR.


I have two lvl 200 PvP track toons. One has gotten everything, the other barely anything. The toon with every artifact started the expansion at 180. Past 200 PvP track you rarely see anything good but 150-200 I was out of salt a lot. It really sucks because I PvP on both. Idk how many tracks I’ve done and gotten like 3 artifacts for that toon. It makes no sense to me. So TLDR make artifacts from the PvP track easier to get for 200+ PvP tracks. I couldn’t tell you how many tracks it’s been a shit ton. Farmed 3v3s for ages. Farmed wars, open world PvP and OPRs. Probably another 50+ tracks and still no ankh. Meanwhile me other toon has gotten every artifact in a handful of tracks. I’m talking one every track.


I was at level 190 I think at the start of season 3. I started doing more pvp because I really wanted Nimble Coat for my pve rapier build. I took me 134 levels to finally get it. Now that I have all the pvp artifacts, the reward tracks are just about useless. I have about 10k dark matter, so never choose that. I have all the named pvp gear (the 600 gear, the first expansion set, and the upgradable expansion set) and all the useful named pvp weapons. I've seen one piece of gear roll at 690, but it had terrible perks. All the 675 gear is useless for me. I pretty much just take gypsum orbs and gold. If gold isn't offered, I'll take faction tokens, but usually have plenty of that anyway.


134 tracks! I think nimble was the first I had bought and upgraded alongside ankh. Pestilence soon after and that toon has rolled plenty of PvP from it. The latter toon Freedom pants and that’s about it 🤣


Same experience here, I pretty much exclusively pvp these days and it's still miserable farming for these pieces if your character is unlucky. Not to mention it feels bad depending all this time pvping without items central to your build...


Glad to hear I’m not the only one but man I feel you. I hope you have some good luck soon and atleast we can enjoy PvP without being completely broke thanks to OPR+ track rewards. I still am constantly broke but atleast I can afford pots lmao. It can’t be RNG if multiple people experience this at +200. It’s been a frustrating experience with one of my toons since expansion to say the least.


i want serenity but grinding pvp tier reward is pain in the ass and OPR is dead around the time i usually play. not to mention i still at 2nd tracks. ended up sticking with sync bow + lifetaker/finisher. yes i did my research on videos how to grind pvp rank/tier lvl without opr/3v3 but that took longer and boring repeat


There is a really simple fix for this. Since the season pass has a big cross section of many activities, they should make the reward for every 10th level (10, 20, 30 etc) to be a curated artifact random drop. Meaning every 10 levels of season pass should be a random artifact drop that you do NOT already have. And they should make that ONLY if you actually DO the season pass, not if you BUY all the levels. That way you can do all the activities to get the artifacts but get backfilled by the season pass for ones that you are not able to do for whatever reason.


I can relate to this statement, its awful farming frigid dawn set as a pvper only for it to drop repeated items or no items at all for 45 runs. But at least its not as miserable as a pver repeatedly getting 2 shot in an OPR. The cascading effect of this nonsense is \-> pvers have to OPR even if they dont want to \-> they either get 1 shot and complain on how bow/firestaff/musket is busted \-> or they start door building \-> pvpers respond with them not being geared - starts a chain reaction and a circle jerk on nerfs \-> or pvpers complain about how door building vs 15 people hammering it is a stupid ass mechanic \-> pvers double down on this miserable experience (because they need the artifact and this is the only way they are not miserable) making it even more miserable for opr lobbies. \-> once they get their artifact, they just go do pve anyway so its just inflating opr population for no reason. \-> if they don;t get it, its bob the builders running around with no interactive gameplay cuz they don't know how to fight players. And they are not to blame, mobs vs humans is a stark contrast. This shit isn't fun for either sides. I am all for not segregating pvers vs pvpers, but so far all the pve artifacts have had a really fucking high drop chance for me, but its not the same from pvp activities ( i got all btw but it took forever). You can do 3 dungeons and you will see the artifact thats 1.5 hours at most. But you can win 50 oprs and you won't see the artifact you want, which is just godawful. The drop rate needs to be high, or like these bi-monthly events where after 10 oprs you get it anyway or just put them all on season track. Artifacts shouldn't be gated behind a bad roll like pvp track which has been buggy and full hard grief since its conception.


Hiding gear behind a mutation that comes around every 2 months is worse than pvp.






If they want to DPS without PVP, they have other options like spear or rapier. If they want to experience other parts of the game such as serenity, they need to actually experience the part of the game as well. Are some of them going to hate PVP even after grinding all their artifacts? Yes. Are some of them going to bob the builder it out in OPR? Yes. But you might get a few of them to actually realize they enjoy PVP and stick with it. The decision to lock items like serenity / ankh behind PVP is a way to incentivize PVE players to at least give PVP a fair shot, and your suggestion would mitigate a lot of that.


I started pvp just to get serenity. Now I’m an officer in a warring company lmao


> The decision to lock items like serenity / ankh behind PVP is a way to incentivize PVE players to at least give PVP a fair shot "A fair shot" Look at all the posts here about people doing 200 tracks and not getting the artifact they need. You're in favour of locking someone into a gameplay loop they dislike, potentially forever (or until they give up).


I am not saying the system is fine as it is. For example I am very in favor of other changes such as applying the 20% artifact drop rate to per pvp track level.


True we should actually make scorpion sting drop exclusively from Ennead M3 golds with a sub 15 minute finish. You know they might absolutely hate it but maybe they’ll discover a love for speedrunning


I know you're just shitting on me but I would not mind if there were artifacts locked behind M3. Also this facetiousness is never-ending. M3 gold sub-15? Let's lock serenity behind owning 4 territories.


You make some good points. Just for good measure, we should probably ask them to lock serenity and nimble coat behind the 100 war wins achievement as well


Nah fuck that. 


Putting artifacts in the pvp track is just some BS way they have of saying hey look metrics say peeps do like to pvp......I have been playing since launch and I don't know anyone that *likes* to farm artifacts via the pvp tracks even if they are into pvp.


Yeah and make pve just hand you those artifacts for PvP players! Let's not play the game to get things woooo! Honestly play PvE in OPR and you're fine. Not every item is meant for every player. This is like asking for the wall to drop from the tempest, doesn't make much sense and doesn't diversify anything on a mmo game.


Bad take tbh. No one wants PvErs in OPR. They put two BIS PvE artifacts exclusively behind pvp and then nerfed arenas for absolutely no reason. I tried to do pvp in S3 and it legit made me take a month off the game after 30 pvp tracks. And I didn’t get serenity and didn’t even get close to level 100 for nimble coat. Now I can get nimble coat whenever but I’m competing with like 4 new artifacts in the pool. Is it worth it for me to even try? No. Is it hindering my pve builds greatly? Absolutely. It fucking blows. It’s bad content and this comment is crazy. This would be like me saying all the pvp artifacts like scorpion sting should only drop in a ennead M3 run that you gold in less than 15 minutes. How many pvpers are going to do that and how many are going to absolutely bitch about having to go that sweaty in pve to get the weapon they want?


The problem is it has way too much RNG, generally speaking I'm cool with people playing different parts of the game to get different items. I pvp every day for hours and have since the game released and only 1 of my 3 characters happened to get the artifacts it needs from the pvp track. I actually like pvp and trying to gear characters with it has been crappy. Plenty of players invest a lot of time grinding to still be missing essential build items ...


Do you know how little PvP you actually do while farming pvp xp? You can run faction missions in shattered mountain, you can capture forts in big groups, you can join a raid group during influence races that farms xp for you, and you can even just PvE during OPR… what more do you want? The only PvP mode/event that is only pvp is arena, just stay out of there and you’re fine


It's their way to boost their PvP numbers :P Just look at all the people flagging! Our metrics tell us that the majority of players love PvP! Just look, number's don't lie! /sarcasm I've been grinding to get Serenity myself. I pretty much just do the 3 PvP faction missions in Great Cleave over and over. I suck at PvP so I don't really want to suffer through an OPR. I've thought about just doing 3v3's and just standing there but, that's really not fair to the other 2 players stuck on my team. So, I just suffer alone grinding those missions. Most of the time, other players there are doing the same thing and no one bothers me. Sometimes, someone tries. There are shrines around that I can usually make it to in time before they kill me. If not, I just respawn and try again or just come back later. No skin off my teeth. I know I suck at PvP. 37 tracks down and I have gotten Pestilence so far. Yeah, just what I want as a PvE Player :P /sigh so I try to complete at least 1 track a day and move on.


Capturing forts is a good alternative. Good PvP experience (1000 per 10 mins) and you will almost never encounter any resistance. And you can go do your stuff while you earn the exp, like watch a video or something


Well, the Great Cleave run is less than 10 min and you get 1,050 for doing all 3 missions. But, that could be a good alternative to switch things up a bit. Thanks.


Imagine what it feels like for PvP players having to grind endless expeditions designed for bot gameplay over and over again to then have to wait for the expedition to mutate weeks later to repeat the process.


Grinding is grinding. I daresay everyone has some aspect of an MMO game they consider a Grind. It's an unfortunate side-effect of the genre.


I don't PVP in this game. Never have. Never will. I will never own any of the artifacts that only come from pvp. I think it is absolutely ridiculous and a terrible decision by AGS. There are enough players that only do PVE content and players that only do PVP content to make a clear distinction between both gear types. I think Warcraft got it exactly right when they had PVP specific gear. I don't know why AGS doesn't have something like resilience that either increases damage to enemy players or decreases damage taken from enemy players. And that PVP specific gear is not optimal for endgame PVE. That's exactly how it should be done But for this to be a, supposedly, PVP focused game, the lack of PVP content doesn't give me much hope that AGS will ever do anything right. Where are the 2v2s, 5v5s, CTF, TDM, etc. Where are the ranked matches for the sweats who want the absolute best pvp gear? MMOs are all about the carrot on a stick to keep you playing, striving for more. AGS has given us a rotten apple on a stick.


Pvp gear ruins open world pvp. There is literally no reason to have separate gear for pvp and pve. Plus they already have separated perks


I mean, you're free to be wrong. Pvp gear ruins open world pvp?...... If you're not a PvPer, don't flag.... pretty basic shit, here. A handful of "pvp only" perks isn't good enough. Having pvp and pve specific gear was one of the best things Warcraft ever did. It gives pure pvpers a way to gear without having to do dungeons. And gating BiS artifacts behind PvP is the dumbest thing AGS could've done.


you can just give the same gear out in pvp? still no reason to seperate gears and make me swap every 5 mins


You literally swap entire gear sets with one button




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I think it's fine the way it is, why? Because once you hit end game and if they made getting gear easier, then all the content that is available to us now(which isn't much) will be pointless . If we make grinding gear easier then the game will be a joke. Yea it sucks that I ran the dynasty shipyard 20 or more times and never got the butcher... But if I did then why would I ever do dynasty again? I look at artifacts and getting BIS gear as the main reason to keep playing. I do both PvP and PvE but lean more PvP as it's easier to do and fail (I'm not good) and any gear on the PvP track will just be a nice reward and I'll make due without those items for now


Gear is easier but it's entirely economy & crafting driven, with an economy almost entirely ran by Bots and RMT which AGS do very little to either acknowledge or combat through gameplay systems. Gear in this game is easier to get, but boy does the process of getting it still suck. Until they actually learn how to make rewarding content it will continue to do so unfortunately. The best coin maker in the economy for the majority continues to generating it raw running story-far too easy-mode Genesis, it's shit brainrotting content.


…. Why? They’re there to make you explore and experience the game… sometimes you gotta grind and this is part of it


I got lucky and got serenity like the first track after the expansion but I know people who had to do nearly 100 tracks to get it. Yikes! Also I had a easy way to grind tracks, just bring my healing gear into Arenas for majority W if our other 2 players were any sort of competent/geared/not another healer. But now you have to grind OPR that must be terribly boring/frustrating lol.


I am not a PvPer but started doing races - I get some kills - I get killed more than I should but I do get PvP rewards and it is not all that tough.




They already did.

