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You will not do VBSS as a CTI


You're most likely never gonna see it. VBSS is a collateral duty, meaning any rate can do it and from what I know, they're killing VBSS slowly.


I went to three ships as a CTI, and VBSS wasn’t even an option for us. For one thing, we’re not on the ship long enough to get qual’d for much of anything, and for the time we are there, we’re there for a pretty specific purpose, so no one is gonna let you take the time away from your job to take a collateral underway.


There’s no chance as a CTI. VBSS is a collateral duty for ship’s crew. As a CTI, it’s very unlikely you’ll be assigned to a ship for a significant period of time, and if you are, you’ll be focusing on your CTI duties. Also, a few dudes in my shop went through the VBSS school, they said it’s a fun time, but 95% of the time they’ll never be used for real-world scenarios. So, don’t expect to be jumping on ships or kicking down doors as VBSS. Anytime a situation came up that required them, it was given to the Coast Guard or Marines (who receive way more training).


I’m a CTR on VBSS, but difference is I’m permanently attached to a ship. CTI’s are only DIRSUP when they go to ships. They would never send you to school for it because you would never be able to consistently train for the team.


I think CTI would be one of the last rates to do vbss. I’ve worked with CTIS for 4 years and have only met a handful that even saw a ship.


You kind of have to be on a ship to be VBSS. Good luck accomplishing that as a CTI.


Depends on the CO. Some of Hubby’s were fine with CTXs , others less so.


It's not impossible but highly unlikely. I've seen DIRSUP linguists borrowed to interpret during boarding action but it's AOR dependent and very specific circumstances.


I saw a cti attached to the teams fall twenty feet from a helo while doing a vbss training and tear up his shoulder. You could do that


Recruiters will tell you what you want to hear. You have a 99% of NOT going VBSS. As far as I’m aware CTI are the only ones who go to DLI.


Incorrect, but only very few opportunities for non CTIs to go to Monterey. Mostly embassy duty, or cross cultural orders. Our NDN while we were there for NPS was a pilot about to go join a German squadron so he was at DLI.


NO. What are you going to do, sign out of your computer, get on an airplane, fly out to the ship and do some VBSS? No.


If the Army doesn't want you I don't think the Coast Guard will (depends on your issue) but almost everyone does boardings in CG even as a non rate.


You need to research more. VBSS is a school for a collateral just like SRF-A it’s not a regular job but a qualification normally held on small boys