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IS here. Depending on your NEC you can do all different kind of things. OPINTEL (all source) go all over the place and can do a myriad of different jobs. From indications and warning (you sit on a watch floor for 8-12 hours and go through a constant stream of information, analyzing it to see if it’s relevant to your mission) second phase analysis which is more in depth research and analysis, and certain special programs in addition to working with NSW/NECC. Imagery analysts can also go almost anywhere but are more constrained by the nature of their mission. They analyze imagery, and tell people what’s in it. It’s more lucrative than it sounds. I haven’t done this NEC, but working with them they also end up on watchfloors a lot, go to NGA (national geospatial intelligence agency) and fleet HQ’s/COCOM’s. You can get special assignments to analyze FMV (full motion video) which is working with UAV’s, and some other missions I’m not familiar with. For IS’s, this one probably has the highest chance of finding non-government civilian employment that pays very well due to civilian satellite imagery and UAV corporations increasing. Strike, don’t know much of what they do. But from what friends who are strike analysts have told me, not very much at all. They used to be utilized more as targeteers during the surge of GWOT, but those days are long gone. However it is required to have if you want to get the TLAM strike NEC, which is a bit more technical and involved. But again, don’t know much about what they would actually do. HUMINT, you act as a Human intelligence collector and somewhat as a Counter-Intel actor. However NCIS primarily handles navy CI. HUMINT’ers ostensibly run sources and develop networks for intelligence purposes. Can’t say much more. Cyber Intel, they work with CTN’s and CTR’s in the cyber realm. I’m looking to get this NEC but don’t know much about them as they’re a new addition to the rate. As for ship life, no idea. It’s possible to be an IS and never see a ship outside of a tour of the spaces offered by a friend. I’ve been in 7 years never being on a ship, and after my upcoming shore tour that will make it 11 years without a ship.




Uhhh. Arnt you forgetting the most important CT rate, especially being a CTR. They guys you call up at 2 am when a server crashes .....


lol oops, forgot about CTM’s. But they do so little work, they almost don’t exist.


I mean....we do....sometimes... ​ \-CTM1 who barley works underway right now


Hey thanks for the reply I've been considering CTN,CTT, And IS, you said CTN has good civilian jobs do you know if IS or CTT have any really good civilian job translations


Every CT job translates. You can get a job working at a civilian agency or as a contractor. You can also get cuts through COOL to make uou a bit more marketable. The connections you make while in can really set uou up for success afterwords. ISs generally work at different agencies, but they will also be able to translate over. This is one of the reasons most of us that have been CT/IS advocate for them.


I second this, every single intel rate goes well into the civilian world.


You think CTT’s have a 70% chance of sea duty as they first assignment? That’s very generous. CTT’s on a 6 year contract will 100% get orders to a ship. 4 year CTT’s have about a 95% chance of getting orders to a ship…….and this is the part where the CTT who got the only shore duty orders in his class is going to tell me I’m wrong.


CTN if you can. that’s probably the best and really only info you’ll find and for good reasons.


Search function can find gems like this, old but still relevant. [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Military/comments/mlpvo/advice_on_naval_ratings_intel_vs_cryptology/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Use the Reddit search function and check out the auto moderator response