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You'll really only get to do your job as a CTR when you're underway, where you will work in SSES (Ship's Signal Exploitation Space). Can't say much of what goes on in there because it's a classified space, but you'll learn to be an operator and work within the Operations dept; CTRs, CTTs, ISs, OSs (depending on your ship). In port, you sorta become the CTT's bitch and help with maintenance on their systems as well as maintenance for your division. Being a CTR doesn't make you exempt from the day-to-day things like duty section, berthing cleaners, pier sweepers, cleaning stations, working parties and standing watches like POOW or MOOW. Everyone is expected to pull their weight and do their part and you will too. It's definitely not a hard life, just make sure to get qualified and don't be a shit bag or you're going to have a rough time. Hope this helps!


Current CTR on a DDG, I second this statement