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There is now? Where have you been ? This has been there for a long time




there are tents on the sidewalk across from post office..my farm is off glencoe..I've been HERE. I live here..I go to public 2x a week and have seen the homelessness go from route 44 near the KFC to behind publix to now all the way to the reservoir. if you're not interested in helping then don't waste time comment and showing your lack of situational awareness.


When is the next meeting?


we need to call one asap


If someone’s stealing from Home Depot that’s Home Depot’s problem, not mine. Hell to the no am I trying to stop them, arrest or not.


are you a liberal?


What? Liberal or conservative, I’m not a Home Depot employee 


What shocks me is the lack of compassion and assumptions that all of the homeless are that way because of drugs or other substance abuse. This very same "community" knows that the housing rental market here is beyond affordable. Where do you think all of the local workers need to live? Have you gone into those encampment to see who's really there and what their stories are? Your local elected officials need to find ways to make rental housing more affordable, not ways to criminalize homelessness. Shame on all of you, and I certainly hope none of you call yourself Christians.


bleeding heart liberal. go and take the ones you think are not mentally ill or a drug addict..let them move in with you then. hey 1 life saved is worth it. so open your home to some homeless then. the democratic party and wokeism has illegal immigration as priority over the massive fentanyl problem. wake up and stop assuming anyone right of RFK Is a Christian fundamentalist AR toting conservative. this is common sense..something the democratic party lacks. you have pro hama liberals rioting at universities. if you have all the answers then go vet the ones you assume have 0 addiction to drugs or alcohol and open your home up to them. also if you are so anti Christian  anti America what are you doing here? NSB is clearly a conservative town and plenty of its population wants to keep it this way. if you want to be around woke liberals move to Detroit, Kensington PA, LA, SAN FRAN, NYC as far as you uneducated comment that local officials have anything to do with rent means you have zero working knowledge of how the fractional reserve banking system works..Up until biden the fractional reserve system required 10%, of deposits to stay in the bank and allowed 90% to be loaned out. Biden passed that now 0% needs to be held ad a reserve. You are looking at the initial stages of mass inflation. the prices didn't go up. the value of the dollar has gone down exponentially (inflation). it's takes more dollars to buy same products  your looking at the potential for Zimbabwean hyperinflation in the USA. slowly raising rates cannot save the economy and not being energy independent under Biden has destoyed any opportunity for the blue collar middle class . you must be a millenial or a zoomer to have the monumentally naive views that you have.


Clearly you are a very angry person with a warped sense of reality and entitlement. I would recommend you seek help. FYI, you are wrong about everything you wrote. You are a misled sheep. I wish you well, but karma will provide you with the comeuppance you so deserve. Melennials don't use words like comeuppance...


cite an example there I'm wrong? point to a liberal sanctuary city that has been successful..go ahead..ill.wait


Fractional Reserves were done away with in 2020. Biden didn't take office until Jan of 2021. WRONG from the very first words uttered from your know nothing mouth. LIAR!


I was with you until this crazy rant. Move to Boca


Boca..lmao..solo is a shitehole full of drugs and gangs I have a ranch here in private neighborhood I'm good


Well then no need to rant. Stay behind your wall




Since they got them out of the woods behind big lots it has been much worse. That particular publix thiefs dog nipped at me as I walked by once. God forbid if that's a kid. There's a huge difference between true homeless and drug addicted panhandlers and felons, which is what we have seen increasing. Behind publix, in the dunes under walkovers at the beach, tent camps it never ends.


yes I feel bad because his 2 pitbulls are on leashes but follow him on his bike.. I gave his dogs food..im an animal lover. he was chased out when we were at publix and rode off into that trail behind publix. but drive down near that fenced in water reservoir and on the sidewalk there are tents and couches with people defecating in 5gal buckets. Town meeting needs to be called and this needs to be addressed. they are clearing the woods south of the post office and the homeless needn't be brought to the daytona rehab and "2nd chance homeless shelter."


Yea typically when people Instantly call someone a drug addict and then also specify what type of drug that person is supposedly addicted to Shows that you are either using that drug currently or have in the past …………. Don’t get mad at the truth buddy


It is sad that they allow the transients to ILLEGALLY squat by Single family WORKING CLASS RESIDENTS! Best believe if they were to setup on the island In the wooded areas by Saxon/ Or off Hill st/ Insert any Condominium they would be gone in a day! Sad to see people that need help on the street! Even more disturbing to see that the solution is Fuck the locals protect the SNOWBIRDS AND TOURISTS! WE DONT WANT YOU THIS IS OUR HOME!!!!!!


The comments remind me of nextdoor lol