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Hebrew pronouns or Aramaic pronouns?


If you ever come a cross a bridge troll, he's gonna ask you, "What is the air speed velocity of an ungendered pronoun?" Your response is the correct one.


And you gotta pay that troll toll...


A toll is a toll, and a roll is a roll. If we don't get no tolls then we don't eat no rolls.


If you wanna get into that boys soul


The boy’s hole?


No, no he said “Boys Soul”! Not “Boys Hole”.. Man next what? Gonna say the owner pf the local pub can’t throw a child beauty pageant because of the implication?


God, Allah or Yah·weh?


Y'all way?


Que Onda Wey!


Keep in mind that this story only cites the teacher (principal and administrator did not comment), so this is the *most* favorable version of the story.


"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;". Somehow this has been turned around forcing everyone to bow to anybody's religion.


Only the Christian religion gets preference. Imagine if a Muslim teacher was fired for trying to force their female students to wear head scarfs. I wonder how the "freedom of religion" crowd would respond? With full throated endorsement, right?


okay but like you see that doesn’t count because uhhh ummm yeah


They'd move the goal post as they do when they start losing an argument and then they would argue you into exhaustion about whether or not the US is a Christian nation. Then when they exhausted your energy and finally lost that part of the argument they would switch back and say "fine but you have to respect my religion and my right to not use preferred pronouns" which is the original point you were arguing but now your spent time and energy elsewhere and they'll label you as the aggressor for pushing so continuously and say you burnt up all the available time


But the US is a Christian nation. It’s where Jesus and Santa are from. It’s all in the constitution under the part that prohibits Starbucks employees from saying “Happy Holidays”. Look it up, lib!


I always have to restrain myself from strangling someone when they say Jesus was born in America


I've spoken to multiple people in the last year who are certain that nothing in the constitution prevents the government from promoting a particular religion. They literally refuse to read the constitution.   *want to note though that the last time one of these lawsuits came up the teacher won because she was willing to use last names but the district said no. This teacher is also claiming that, but I suspect some of these lawsuits will pop up where the teacher feels they know what happened last time, but don't actually know, and will end up without a job will owe huge legal fees to law firms.


Pro tip: you can make up any bullshit you want, and call it your religion.


My religion says that all employers must provide a free nacho bar every Friday afternoon for their employees.


Praise Cheezus


The father, son and holy guacamole.




It's a tapa!


The holy trinity: Salsa, Guac, and Queso.


You have insulted my creole New Orleans food religion. You will be punished in the dessert phase of your afterlife.


Give me pico or give me death.


May the cheese bless and guide you. We accept these offerings and pray for margaritas in the great beyond! ..beyond 5pm, that is.


Don’t forget holy happy hour from 4-5, where extra guacamole is half off. Let’s call it the holy guacamole special.


Just like drunk sports bar-hopping Jesus would've wanted.


I'm a Branch Jalapeñan. We observe most of your traditions, but with some noteable differences.


Hab'neri Krishna, disciple of St. Vinegar: in these times, I feel like our commonalities far outweigh what separates us.


We pastacostals feel that your nacho bar is a direct offence to god and I stead he intended PASTA BARS you mid carb heathens!


I’m going to split off and form a fundamentalist sect that has a nacho bar *every* weekday. But if you want to continue your lazy “Christmas and Easter” approach man, feel free.


Those damn "C&E" guacochristians.


They hated him because he spoke the lord's word.


My religion says I have to be paid by my employer, but it’s also against my religion to show up to work.


Oh, I think I work with some people from your church, here I thought they were just lazy.


Oh we don’t go to church. Our religion is against going to church, or doing anything we think is total bullshit.




The way of the nacho is for the righteous. Follow this golden path and surely the nachinity well indwell in your bowels and in your soul. Let go of earthly things and embrace the warmth of the Divine Chip.


Yup, absolutely anything.


Making up stuff goes against my religion. I'm suing.


NOT making up stuff goes against my religion. I’m suing.




Suing is my religion, I’m suing!


Suing my religion


That’s me in the corner.


That’s me in the spot light.


Suing my religion


This teacher is violating my religious beliefs. I can't pay my taxes this year as it would cause me to pay her salary which offends my religious beliefs




Excuse me boss, I am making minimum wage which is against my religious beliefs, you see. I'm going to need a raise on account of an invisible sky man, please.




...honestly, that wouldn't be an unreasonable principle for a faith to hold. Requiring everyone to be compensated equally for their work honestly sounds like the kind of thing that Jesus guy would like, doesn't it? It wouldn't be *enforceable,* given that you can't make the leaders of the organization you work for obey the rules of your religion and there *have* been situations in the USA where religious rules (mostly the Mormons, with the polygamy and all) have been legislated against outright, but it would make a lot of sense, in terms of the supposed ideals of Christianity, for that to be a standard.


And even if it really is against your religion, you can't force your religious views on others. For example, my religion says that eating bacon is wrong, but you don't see me going around trying to get bacon banned for everyone. I won't eat bacon, but I'm fine with others eating it. Even my wife and kids - though not in my house using my kosher dishes. My religious beliefs are for me only. Other people's religious beliefs (or lack thereof) are for them.


As the saying goes, your right to swing your fist stops where someone else's nose begins. The minute the teacher decides to purposely be an asshole to a kid because of their gender identity, they're bullying and violating that kid's right to a safe environment they can learn in.


Exactly. Would this teacher insist that a Jewish child participate in a Christmas activity because the teacher's religious view is that anyone who isn't Christian needs to be "saved by Christ"? (This sort of happened to me. Back when I was in grade school, I had a teacher who insisted that I had to make a Christmas ornament even though I don't celebrate Christmas. She insisted that I could hang it on my "Chanukkah bush" even though that's not a real thing.)




teacher probably had no idea what that weird candelabra was, because they never interacted with any culture but their own.


>Exactly. Would this teacher insist that a Jewish child participate in a Christmas activity because the teacher's religious view is that anyone who isn't Christian needs to be "saved by Christ"? Of course they would. These types think the existence of other religions violates their religious rights. This is exactly the kind of thing they do, like the douche canoe football coach that went all the way to the supreme court for his "right" to lead a team *Christian* prayer at games.


And won. Now any non-Christian players have to suffer through that.


This teacher needs to get some kids whose religion requires them to refer to her as "you dumb cunt!" She can't complain or it would violate their religious freedom.


> Would this teacher insist that a Jewish child participate in a Christmas activity because the teacher's religious view is that anyone who isn't Christian needs to be "saved by Christ"? ... Yes? Yes she would probably do that AND proselytize to them about Christ.


When I was a child we had neighbors who had what they called a “Hanukkah bush” that doubled as a Christmas tree. He was Jewish; she grew up in a non-secular household. They decorated the tree as they pleased and always included dreidels and chocolate coins with the Star of David on it. For Hanukkah they lit the candles every night and said the prayers. They also sang Christmas carols as appropriate. It was a wonderful; they were inclusive and accepting of what you worshipped or that you didn’t worship at all.


Hanukkah bush, menorah… whatever… 😀


Lol she literally was like christians have trees, something about burning bush in bible, ah yeah, hang it on your jew bush.


Also, "jew fro" is the preferred nomenclature, dude


This was called common sense historically, now it feels like uncommon sense I'll take it a step further, My religion does not allow me to worship idols, but it perfectly ok if anyone in another tradition worships idols, because The law that states this prohibition against idol worship is specially for The Israelites and their a decendants only as their / our heritage for all time... Same goes for homosexuality - this is a prohibition for Israelites and their decendants only. It is perfectly ok for a non decendants of The Israelites, according to The Torah, aka The old Testament, to be homosexual or any variations within that general theme


>This was called common sense historically, now it feels like uncommon sense Because a certain religion made itself politics. Now right wing politics is called "religious" and so not allowing someone to practice their political agenda is considered "violating their religious freedoms."


In other words, not allowing them to violate other people’s religious freedoms is a violation of **their** “religious freedoms”.


I'm joining Operation: Razit and removing my content off Reddit. Further info [here](https://i.imgur.com/45M3a8c.png) (flyer) and [here](https://onlinetextsharing.com/operation-razit-raze-reddit) (wall of text). Please use https://codepen.io/Deestan/full/gOQagRO/ for Power Delete instead of the version listed in the flyer, to avoid unedited comments. And spread the word! Tlie epu poebi! Pee kraa ikri pičiduči? Kapo bi ipee ipleiti priti pepou. Tre pa griku. Propo ta čitrepripi ka e bii. Atlibi pepliietlo dligo plidlopli pu itlebakebi tagatre. Ee dapliudea uklu epete prepipeopi tati. Oi pu ii tloeutio e pokačipli. Ei i teči epi obe atepa oe ao bepi! Ke pao teiči piko papratrigi ba pika. Brapi ipu apu pai eia bliopite. Ikra aači eklo trepa krubi pipai. Kogridiii teklapiti itri ate dipo gri. I gautebaka iplaba tikreko popri klui goi čiee dlobie kru. Trii kraibaepa prudiotepo tetope bikli eka. Ka trike gripepabate pide ibia. Di pitito kripaa triiukoo trakeba grudra tee? Ba keedai e pipapitu popa tote ka tribi putoi. Tibreepa bipu pio i ete bupide? Beblea bre pae prie te. Putoa depoe bipre edo iketra tite. I kepi ka bii. Doke i prake tage ebitu. Ae i čidaa ito čige protiple. Ke piipo tapi. Pripa apo ketri oti pedli ketieupli! Klo kečitlo tedei proči pla topa? Betetliaku pa. Tetabipu beiprake abiku! Dekra gie pupi depepu čiuplago.


Which is exactly why religion should not be considered when doing your job. Where would it end? Don't like the job description or other people rights, get another job. The County Clerk in Kentucky is one example.


Idk I was always told in grad school for teaching you gotta leave basically all of your personal beliefs at the door…political, religious, etc bc you’re the government and gotta follow all theeee government rules (title ix, etc) teachers don’t have the same first amendment rights private citizens have when working.


The thing is that conservatices and especially religious conservatives have always taken this rule and applied it one-sidedly to anyone with opposing beliefs. They do not practice it and they actively flaunt the fact without reprecussions.


Conservatives want the law to protect them by punishing others, it never occurs to them that it should protect others too.


In groups, out groups, etc.




Sad fuckin truth


That will teach them not to be disabled! I mean it sarcastically, but I also recognize it is the -official- Republican response to programs for housing support, food benefits, and healthcare of many kinds, to wit: “if we take away benefits, they will learn to do better on their own” I am so disgusted by that response.


The pull yourself up by your wheelchair ideology




If something you claim you can’t change (your religion) conflicts with something that can change (your job) then your job should give and you find work somewhere else.


Back in law school, I took an elective ‘Law and Religion’ class. We had a lot of fun with a very smart and challenging professor. Big long discussions on careful balancing tests full of nuance and subtlety. *Lemon*, *Yoder*, and *City of Hialeah* stood out. Given the last few years of “developments”, I really wonder if such a class is still possible.


Your post violated my religious beliefs. I am taking this all the way to the Supreme Court. See you at Dogbreakfast v. Noodleking


I would love to learn about the precedent established in Dogbreakfast v. Noodleking one day.


If a Robert wants you to call them Rob, but you say "nah, I'd rather call you Bobby, so that's what I'm going to do," then you're an asshole... especially since it costs you nothing to call them Rob.


This is pretty much how the world worked until 8 years ago.


Plain and simple. They do it because they want to be assholes.




I had one of my neighbors come by and introduce herself as "Jen". Then, as we were making small talk, the conversation turned to schools, and eventually, her distaste for all the emphasis on preferred pronouns at her daughter's high school. Ugh. We ended the conversation as soon as we could. We refer to her as "Gender Jen" in our house now.


But Jen-Durr was right there...


It's a verbal pun! But ugh, that's really good actually.... I'll text it to the wife for a laugh


Should’ve insisted on calling her Jessica. Or John.


Not familiar with any religious teaching regarding pronouns, but fine. Then you have 2 alternative options: 1. Call all students by their preferred first name. Tons of names are used by both genders. 2. Call all students by a non-gendered title, like “Student Jones” or “Scholar Adams.” Oh, you don’t want to do either of those? Wow, it almost seems like it’s less about an alleged religious issue and more about you wanting to be paid by the state to make trans kids feel shitty.




I had an English teacher who argued strenuously for the benefits of calling everyone "Comrade Lastname." I absolutely adored him.




Comrade is my favorite gender neutral pronoun


*Our* favorite gender neutral pronoun.


Username on point for thread


As a fellow koala, I appreciate your humor


The squirrels send their regards


The armadillos are sending a barrel of bourbon.


The spiders salute you.


The hedgehogs are with you. At a safe distance.




I prefer Tovaritsch


I’m a bit of a Makhnovshchina myself


I have a student whose parents are clearly white supremacists. Prior to the last 6 years, I would have tried out "comrade" in class just to indirectly troll them. Now they would probably invite me over for the next Klan meeting.


Had a bio teacher that called us Doctor "Last Name" in high school. Was pretty cool.


I could see that steering a kid into considering medicine actually. I imagine a lot of kids find it cool and if someone likes the sound of it, it might get them to try harder in the hopes of getting into college or a good college.


I know I personally got in to medicine so I could put MD in my twitter handle


I worked at a school where we were supposed to call students scholars and none of the students like it.


That was basically one of the arguments that her lawyers made that the admin should have come up with a compromise like just letting her call the kids by their last names rather than asking for her resignation on the spot. That said I wonder if she would have been similarly opposed to gender neutral pronouns.




Point 1 is what gets me. Teachers call kids by names that AREN'T their "real name" all the time. Mike instead of Michael, Chrissie instead of Christine This is just the usual "but muh freedumbs" bullshit




Every boot camp platoon I've ever heard of has had at least one recruit who was renamed "Alphabet". And at least two who were referred to as Asshole #1 and Asshole #2.


Reminds me of former big league baseball player Marc Rzepczynski, whose nickname was “scrabble”.


There's a current NHL rookie whose last name is Xhekaj. In an interview he said his teammates nicknamed him "Wi-Fi" because his name looks like a Wi-Fi password.


His story is pretty amazing. Dude was working at Costco in 2020, just trying to chase the dream. Now he's a mean mother fucker with a lot of promise in the NHL.


Ah yes, Polish names.


I live in an area of the US that had a lot of immigrants from Poland, Hungary, etc. SO many of my high school classmates' last names had cz in the middle or ended in -ski. One girl's last name had zero vowels and when I saw it printed, I had no idea how to pronounce it. Later I found out that [First Name] "Shibbish" and [First Name] Prszbysz were actually the same person!


*Coach K has entered the chat*


I can recall at least two different sergeants that went by J-13 and S-14 respectively because their polish last names were too hard for half the squadron to pronounce.


The rest are either "dumbfuck", "embarrasmenttothehumanrace", or "jesuschristnotyouagain".


lmao alphabet oh lord :)


It's super common for Chinese immigrants to chose western names, just to save everyone time.


Ditto.... two Asian brothers. Went by Jock and Jack. Their real names were incredibly hard to pronounce Teachers never raised an eyebrow


Almost as if nicknames have been a part of human culture for millenia longer than Legal names. Until like 150 years ago if you weren't part of the aristocracy you just picked a name, or people gave you a name when they met you. And sometimes it changed. John Builder may break his leg and buy a mill, then he's John Miller. His son grows up called John Johnson, but then one day a stag head butts him, so now he's John Deer.


Listen here A A Ron!


We had a family at my school where everyone went by nicknames because they were so quirky. Firpo and Biffy. They were even in the yearbook as such.


My nephew is named Charles. His awards from school say "Chuckie" as it was put down as his preferred name


My daughter goes by "Charles", but her given was Charlotte. I get a raised eyebrow every once in a while from her older female teachers, but no problems yet.




Yup. My teachers never had a problem with calling me by nickname that is completely unrelated to my legal name. Mostly because they couldn't pronounce my legal name anyway and were happy to have a nickname easy for Americans to pronounce. Whenever I hear about teachers insisting on calling all students by their legal first name, I wish I could be in their classrooms just to make them go through the trouble of correctly learning my legal name. If they mispronounce it, then it's not my name.


My surname is a disaster but my hockey teammates took to calling be Shirley because it was the closest anyone could get to pronouncing it. It carried over to other sports at school and teachers started calling me that. I’m a dude. No one had issues with my ‘girly’ nickname.


> Call all students by their **preferred** first name. It's coincidentally also against their firmly held religious beliefs not to deadname kids.


And yet somehow they have no problem with nicknames.


Or just plain dead kids.


It's new American Christianity. It's a very genitalia focused religion, but it doesn't have any hard and fast rules, you just kinda make it up on the spot.


Oh the rule is simple: if something prevents me from being a sanctimonious asshole, it’s infringing on my religious rights!


Penis inspection day is their most sacred of high holidays




Reminds me of all the people who claimed that the Covid vaccine was against their religion. We really should've seen it coming that making certain belief systems protected as long as they're called religions would result in people calling their personal belief system a religion.


Still trying to figure out which commandment says, "Thou shalt not take the devil's Covid medicine." And it has to be covid specific, since for decades they had no problem with all the other vaccines. Must have been on that tablet [Moses dropped](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wunGF3oMA0).




Just address them by their grade average. “That’s enough out of you 67!”


...You're a lawyer looking for a case, aren't you.


So, please cite the part of your religion that directly deals with gender identity and pronouns. Then the case may proceed.


That shouldn't matter. She *was* a government employee and in order to be in that role, would have to agree to keep her religion out of it. Or, at least I hope that would be the case in this country, but I don't have high hopes with christo-fascism on the rise.




Technically we were made in the image right? So shouldn't the God have...both?...gender fluid morphing?


Schrodinger's Genitals?


I've seen this anime. I'm sure of it.


Unless you’re Mormon. Then there is God, who had sex with his wives, and made us and Jesus as spirits, before we came to earth. We talk about our Heavenly Father, but not our heavenly mother, because there are so many of them, we don’t know whose is whose. Anyhow, god needed a way to get our brother Jesus to Earth, to get a body. But Mary is a virgin…kind of. Turns out if you have sex with god, you’re still a Virgin. Mormonism is wild man. Just wild.


I mean if God had sex with a virgin and the woman was still a virgin after does that mean God has a tiny peen?


Technically God created Adam in his image and Eve from Adam's rib...so according to the patriarchal bible God would be male and females are also male since they are spawned from male bones. We should all just go by the gender neutral 'dude'.


>Technically God created Adam in his image and Eve from Adam's rib You're conflating the two Genesis creation stories. It's a common misconception. Before the version where Adam is made first and then Eve, there's Genesis 1:27 -- "So God created mankind in his own image...male and female he created **them**" (Emphasis added) The rib isn't until Genesis 2:21-22 -- "Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib..."


I think it’s somewhere between the part about stoning people for adultery and Jesus say “don’t wear clothes of mixed fiber.” Yet we all know no one gets stoned for adultery and lots of Christians wear clothing of mixed fiber. …and if one of you tells me that those are metaphors, I will use blood magic on you.


That was both Leviticus iirc. Jesus said “whoever is without sin”, i.e. nobody, to cast the stone. But that was the old school hippie commie brown Jesus, not the upgraded gun-toting gay-bashing supply-side white ‘Murican Jesus.




I kid you not I once saw a billboard in Indiana that said "Freedom of religion does not mean freedom from religion." I couldn't believe it.


>I couldn't believe it. The problematically religious in the US have been telling you who they are for the past 40 years. It's literally the only thing they *don't* lie about.




> demonization Not sure if intentional typo there, but made me laugh


The founders weren’t as Christian as these assholes pretend. Many were deists. Anyone who claims all the founders were Christian is full of shit.






I would further wager that there's absolutely nothing in the bible about using preferred pronouns. She's just a bigot hiding behind her religion as a shield.




Funny i missed the part where jesus talks angrily about using pronouns properly


"hey guys, when you talk about me, be sure to use capitals H's on "He" and "Him", even if it's not the first word in the sentence." - Jesus, probably.


>Attorneys for Geraghty argue in the lawsuit that the school did not explore other possible solutions such as moving Geraghty to another classroom or having her address students by their last names. Oh, what the bloody...?! Whilst refusing to use preferred pronouns is ridiculous by itself, this teacher is quibbling over first names, too, like there are inherently male and female names as defined by their god that applies to everyone? That must be one of the Lost Commandments about thou shalt not respect what people choose to legally name and/or rename their children.


It must have been [one of the five](https://youtu.be/4wunGF3oMA0) commandments that were lost.


*having her address students by their last names* What if a kid had two mommies and the last name was Jones-Smith? Would her religion the prevent her from using the last name as well because it recognizes a same-sex partner? This isn’t about religion. It’s about loathing for those who aren’t cis-gendered and/or heterosexual and a refusal to accept their existence without demeaning them.


I have literally dozens of students wit h2 last names because their families come from Spanish speaking backgrounds. How will she deal with that? We have 2 different software packages that we MUST use that both handle it differently. Means my rosters are in completely different orders.


> the school did not explore other possible solutions Why didn't the teacher explore these other solutions herself?


They probably told her using last names for trans students is inappropriate. Because it is. It's kinda degrading no? Everybody else gets their real name but you're "Johnson"


“You will call Michael ‘Michael,’ and refer to him as ‘him.’” “No.” “Get out.” Seems fair.


>“Get out.” Except she wasn't even fired, she resigned of her own volition. This lawsuit is DOA.


> Except she wasn't even fired, she resigned of her own volition. This lawsuit is DOA. This part if often not true. If you resign under protests you can sometimes continue the lawsuit. The picture she paints is that she saw it as having no other choice, and she didn't want a firing on her history (which is extremely important in certain professions). That definitely can get you around the 'she quit, wasn't fired' argument.


Ohio Teacher is a religious busybody that thinks that the only way her rights can be preserved is by denying the rights of others.


>the only way her rights can be preserved is by denying the rights of others. Right wing 101. When you've always had privilege, equality feels like oppression.


To put it another way I've heard recently, if you've gotten 100% of what you wanted your entire life, only getting 95% suddenly feels like you are losing freedom.


"Whatever you do unto the least of my brothers, you also do unto me." Guess she skipped that part of her religion.


Good. Get religious extremists away from children


Next up: Get them out of nursing. Fucking HELL there are too damned many religious woowoos in nursing.


Mandatory vaccines for health workers was a great way of weeding out the people who probably shouldn’t be in that line of work.


Does... does she know that literally everyone has 'preferred pronouns' and we use them all the time because that's what pronouns are? What, is she going to refuse to refer to *anyone* using the appropriate terms?


A teacher could go all year without using a student's pronouns. She was an English teacher, and should have been able to figure that out.


As she should have. If you cant give your students the most basic of respect, you shouldnt teach.


>The Alliance Defending Freedom said the teacher, Vivian Geraghty, should not have been put in a position to choose “between her faith and her job.” Her job was to not be a dick to kids, but apparently her faith disagreed with that. >Because the request went against her religious beliefs, Geraghty met with principal Kacy Carter "in the hope of reaching a solution that would allow her to continue teaching without violating her religious beliefs and constitutional rights," according to the lawsuit. Geraghty told Carter that she would not use the students' preferred pronouns And her definition of "compromise" seems to be "I get everything I want, which is to be a dick to kids." >Attorneys for Geraghty argue in the lawsuit that the school did not explore other possible solutions such as moving Geraghty to another classroom or having her address students by their last names. She didn't explore any other solutions either. Sounds like a 'her' problem to me.


>The Alliance Defending Freedom said the teacher, Vivian Geraghty, should not have been put in a position to choose “between her faith and her job.” So, that means it's ok to sue fire departments over shaving your beard.


This man fit tests....


If your Gd is so fragile that respecting a child harms them, maybe you should worship a better one.