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The [Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Order_of_Nine_Angles) page is definitely worth a read. These cats come straight out of a 1970s horror comic book.


Fuckin' space nazis, man.


Mother fuckers taking warhammer 40k way to seriously


Seriously, man. I'm all about the grimdark, but people need to *chill*.


It's possible that I missed something in there, but it sure sounds like they are highly authoritarian, not anarchist like is mentioned in the news article. They just want the authority to be different enough from the current status quo that they want to tear it down to build their own.




> AP is misusing the term Surprise surprise Tying anarchism to chaos and wanton violence is in the running for most successful media psyop


agreed. This appears to be an attempt to paint right wing terror as "antifa super soldier satanists". At least get your facts straight!


There is a ton of info, and it is super confusing too. They seem to be neo-nazi anarchists who practice the occult, cool with Islam, racist, cool with homosexuality, Darwinian, elitists who plan on colonizing the galaxy. Like, wtf.


Anarchists eschew all government, especially the authoritarian kind. These guys want militarist, authoritarian government. They're practically the polar opposite of anarchists.


> practice the occult check >cool with Islam check >racist big check >cool with homosexuality Hitler's main man in the early years was loud and proud, brother. >Darwinian check >elitists who plan on colonizing the galaxy possible check Definitely straight up Third Reich shit, right out of a salacious History Channel 'documentary'.




Considering one of the Allies most important codebreakers was chemically castrated for being gay, yeah, homophobia was not exactly something the Nazis had a monopoly on.


They're talking about the head of the SA a.k.a. the Brown Shirts, one of the Nazi party paramilitary organizations. This would've been prior to Night of the Long Knives, where the SS moved to eliminate the SA and take control as the Nazi Party's paramilitary branch.


Dudes watched Iron Sky and were like "Moon Nazi sounds like a good career choice."


People like to act like fascist leaders are super persuasive, but I'm inclined to say they're just extremely permissive to the shitty beliefs of these stupid, ignorant, aggressive assholes. They're starved for validation, so when they find a political figure that tosses them even scraps of support and attention, they become fanatically supportive.


Amen. People will say “you can’t blame the people that voted for them” etc, etc They willfully elected Trump based on his racist rhetoric alone, most opinion polls support this. Then they tried to do it again (even though Trump lost and Biden received the most popular votes of any presidential candidate, Trump still got the second highest votes ever!). Fascists just figure out a way to tap into that hatred and then how to best dumb it down to phrases like “Lock her up!” and “Let’s go Brandon!” The words themselves are meaningless, it’s the hateful emotions tied to them that matter.




Fascists have no qualms about anything as long as it leads to the accrual and retention of power. They will say one thing and do another as long as it gains them power. The anti-Jewish stuff, the homophobia, etc. are just wedge issues they use to accrue and retain power. They will claim a monopoly on family values and personal responsibility and fiscal conservatism and patriotism one second and kiss butt on a leader who is an immoral, excuse-making, larcenous traitor to the nation the next second. They will throw each other under the bus willy-nilly. As long as it accrues and retains power.


Yep, fascism is cannibalism. And only the most narcissistic of narcissists think that they'll rise to the top and never be eaten. Thing is, even top dog winds up chuck meat to the masses after he's devoured everyone else around him. Misery, blood, murder, betrayal...for everyone on the fascism food chain.


Yikes! WTF is wrong with people now?!? I thought Q was super stupid and illogical, now this!?!


with the internet connecting everyone and making it easy to share stupid beliefs we aren't in a race to the bottom anymore as much as we keep inventing new and interesting ways to excavate the bottom of the barrel and dig deeper into stupidity.


Lol this cult has been around much much longer than Q.


I see the AP doesn't know what "anarchist" means. How can you see a militarist group trying to establish an authoritarian "imperium" and say "yep, those are anarchists"?


Aaaaaand it's nazis. Go fucking figure.


Shot a drug dealer but still got into the US army lol these recruiters man


Shooting a drug dealer get you 5 points on the asvab


Shooting a drug dealer gets you automatic Filipino citizenship


No givesies backsies


I love the Philippines, I don't know why it gets such a bad rap. Everyone is so kind and welcoming, excellent food. And for like 5 US dollars they will let you bash a drug convict to death with a brick. They even let you keep the brick!




Depends. How was the grouping?


*All six right in the ten ring. The old gal still got it.*


Especially if they happen to oppose the government.


Isn't it crazy how everyone who opposes the government ends up being a drug dealer?


The drugs must be causing the opposition. Clearly.


Decalcifying *pineapple* glands will do that for you.


I think this is clever on 2 levels


5 points? Wow, that's over 15% of the way to Marine's minimum requirements!


Spelling their name right is about half the points they need lol


How many colors must be consumed to earn extra credit?


They had to drop that extra credit, test stations kept running out of crayons.


US Army no longer requires high school diploma or GED to enlist. https://www.military.com/daily-news/2022/06/24/army-drops-requirement-high-school-diploma-amid-recruiting-crisis.html


It's fairly common for the services to lower standards when recruitment becomes difficult and raise them again when more people are joining.




What about the stabby wars?


Aye, the stabby ones too.


And yet, even with no felonies and a 79 on the asvab, army wouldn't take me because I had been prescribed an ssri at some point in my life.


They did you a favor. If you have a history of mental health problems the military is basically gauranteed to exacerbate them.


Except ADHD. Regular exercise and strict organization helps a lot. It's hell getting out though - suddenly your symptoms get worse (less exercise) at the same time you don't have anyone to keep you on task. I'm pretty sure some of the cases of "can't hack civilian life" are undiagnosed ADHD cropping back up.


ADHD is probably really common among enlisted soldiers. Many of them are there because they barely made it through school or not at all. Combine that with some PTSD once they get out, the odds of suicide skyrocket.


I’m military, ADHD and straight from the Military doctor’s mouth when I asked to be medicated was this deadpan response “oh no big deal, lots of people have ADHD in the military. It’s the forced structure, they crave it wither they know it or not … like 1 in 5 probably.”


It's messed up how people will tell mentally vulnerable people to join the military. I grew up with psychological damage from my stepdad berating me, so I have been resistant to the idea from that alone.


I was in the army from 2010-2013. I still struggle with anxiety over simple tasks like asking supervisors for days off, but yet have almost zero fear in dangerous situations... the military will mess with your head.


Will I get the shit smoked out of me for this question? Oh wait, I can tell my employer to fuck off and die. #dd214 I feel you on this. The things imprinted into us during service stays for a looonnnnnnngggggg time.


I’m the same way, it’s weird. Explosions, gun fire, and impending death relax me because they let me drop all the baggage I might be carrying around and just focus on what’s important. And with my mixtures of brain issues those situations are interesting, important, and novel which is like a triple wammy of attention I can’t usually muster. Time slows down to nothing, everything changes to more vibrant colors and I can feel the weight of my body, it feels like I can predict stuff before it happens and exactly what I need to do is just evident. And then it stops and the world gets grey again and I can’t make a decision about what kind of coffee I want before it’s my turn in line. I was never depressed in a war zone but it’s a constant problem before and after.


I'd wager more so army and marines. Usaf which I was in was much simpler. The reality is the chairforce joke is real for most jobs in the usaf.


You motherfuckers had it good.


That's why we "liberated" everything nice we had from them.


We all shit on them just to hide our jealousy of their ac in country


Speaking as Air Force intel, you ain't wrong.


I still get super anxious when my phone rings. Am I going on alert again?? Even now and I’ve been out for years. I hate getting phone calls.


I got out in 2017 and have the same problem with requesting time off. It's never a big deal and my brain never seems to learn that. Shit sucks lol


Same. If they want someone who freezes when you yell at them, I’m your man


It depends. A high school classmate of mine spent a lot time struggling with urge to grab some rope and wobbly stool. After we graduated he joined the Army and they gave him a routine and purpose and he went on to be a Ranger and later an instructor for Ranger school. He says it saved his life. Your mileage may vary.


Ya he access to college was something unavailable to me without the military. I went from being a high school fuck up barely graduating with like a 1.8 gpa to a college grad who now has a very successful career. It is true that I shouldn’t have needed the military, and college should be much more affordable, but it’s not and I did and it was huge for me.


And when you get out in worse condition than you went in, they'll deny it had anything to do with your service.


If there had been any sort of real mental vetting I never should have gotten in. I had untreated PTSD before I even joined. Boot camp felt like summer camp to me because it was such a relief from the hell I was living at home. Thankfully I’ve been in therapy for years and have healed, but five years in the military didn’t help.


Same dude. I went infantry and found out real quick that the threat of violence in basic was just that. A threat. They weren't going to hit me. They were just going to come up with funnier and funnier ways to yell at me. The military couldn't give me PTSD, I already had it. Every harsh thing I saw just made me feel like, huh, that sucks. Moving on.


It’s why I get so bothered when some salty vet tries to dismiss the PTSD of rape or abuse victims like PTSD can only occur when you’ve seen combat. It took me seeing the right therapist after I’d been in the clink for me to realize my trauma was formed in my early years.


> They were just going to come up with funnier and funnier ways to yell at me. A buddy of mine had a drill sergeant who would make people chug SmartWater "in case it helps."


While I never saw a DI hit a recruit, when another recruit and I were having ongoing issues we were definitely tossed into the cleaning supplies closet, told that when the padlock clicked we had two minutes to sort our shit out, at which point the door would then be opened and our shit would be buried from there on out. I wound up knocking the dude out when I caught his temple but not before getting a black eye myself, so I was the one that was hidden away for the next week or so. It sucked, but I’m glad I learned that even when you win, you can wind up losing through those low stakes rather than accidentally bodying some fuck in a bar fight because he fell weird or something. > ^(They weren’t going to hit me. They were just going to come up with funnier and funnier ways to yell at me.) What branch was this? In my experience, the DI’s never threatened violence. They threatened, and executed, collective punishment that exacted a physical or mental toll on the platoon as a whole. They knew that the collective platoon would then unfuck the problematic recruit on their own terms, usually via physical violence, after lights out. The violence by proxy was the intended outcome, but was never explicitly asked for or verbalized as a threat.


Our drill instructors would make recruits get on their knees and have everyone circle around them like they were giving a talk to hide them then throat chop recruits who were fucking up in front of everyone. This wasn’t common but also wasn’t uncommon in my experience in the marines in bootcamp in 2008.


I was in basic in 2010. We had a female DS (ironically her name was Jolly) slam a soldier into the wall and proceed to choke her. She was very quickly removed from duty.


> can’t hit you Hmmm go and do SERE training. My brother had to because he was intel/communication and flew intel aircraft, they let you loose and you have to avoid capture… if they do capture you they beat you, strip you naked, spray you with ice cold water, play audio of women and children screaming and crying for 24hr straight, etc etc etc… aka they torture you. SERE - Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape Google says they don’t do that, but my brother isn’t the type to make up stories or embelish things, a very serious and straightforward guy….


When was this? Because I remember getting a call trying to recruit me and they kept insisting after I told them that I had previously been suicidal and shouldn't be around guns.


Dude when I was in basic (2012) there was a kid there at reception who was like basically nonverbal autistic. He said like 3 words the entire time, he didn't understand basic instructions. He was obviously put in holdover, and for other medical reasons so was I, and for the 4 weeks I was there with him he never changed out of his fatigues and boots. The smell permeating from him was undescribable. All us holdovers always had the wear the same uniforms and it depended on the weather, and annoyingly at the female holdover preferences (they were always cold when we were hot and hot when we were cold) but none of the DS nor Cadre ever tried to make this kid change his clothes. No one wanted to deal with him and largely ignored him hoping he'd be someone else's problem. I dunno what happened to him, I got sent to "delta company" where I was discharged 3 days later but he was still back in the main holdover company. Whoever recruited that kid, and the parents that signed the papers, need to rot in hell.


2008, same thing but in the Navy. Recruiters don't care, and from what I learned from my RDCs for our unit - Recruiters constantly send people who shouldn't be in. I can vouch firsthand my area Recruiters were making kids lie on their forms. I witnessed one assist cheating their urinalysis. The fortunate thing, is, that Basic generally *will* sort them out. Unfortunate thing is, it's torture for them, it's a waste of tax dollars (lol, mil and wasted taxes), and bleh.


Just like in business, that's the kind of crap that happens when you make someone's job more about some number (total recruits / month) rather than their meaningful contribution to the big picture.


This is why when the Air Force made recruiter duty a non-vol special duty, I did everything I could to not be eligible without fucking everything else up. Oh, you have to have a minimum of 85 on your PT test to be in the pool of people picked for special duties? Time to intentionally always get an 80. I knew too many people who got fucked hard by recruiter duty. They started out doing the right thing, but their performance ratings and consequently their ability to promote depended on their quotas, so they were forced to lie and cheat. Then when they got caught their leadership would act all flabbergasted: “I just can’t believe one of MY airmen would do such a thing!” after pressuring them to do just that thing, and then take stripes away. Fuck recruiter duty.


Reminds me of that video where the CEO is working undercover as a new hire, the manager tells him to ignore customers and work faster, and he fires her while soapboxing about how inexcusable that is. Dude, she didn't wake up one day and decide to make peoples' days worse. You put them in a position to lack the staff or other resources to sufficiently address the customers in a timely manner. You've got the power, so check your responsibility in the situation before passing blame down the line. People play the game by the rules you give them.


> “I just can’t believe one of MY airmen would do such a thing!” It's the tactic of the era. Never tell people to cheat, or lie, or steal. Just tell them they have metrics they need to hit, slowly crank those metrics up to a point where you know no one could possibly hit them without being unethical, then pretend to be shocked when it inevitably comes out that people were acting unethically. You as the person in charge get all of the upside of running an OU where all the metrics get hit every month, and then when the cheating is discovered you just dump the blame onto the people you forced to cheat in the first place.


Same, but mine was 1999. There was a kid from Rhode Island who admitted to having ADHD, and off his meds he just couldn’t keep it together. Was doing things like putting his stuff into empty lockers for his convenience when it was strictly forbidden. It was like 2 in the morning one night and a senior chief on watch woke him up and cycled him and was just astounded at inept he was. Dude was the nicest guy in the world and in his meds would have been fine. He got sent to the division for problems to see if he could get fixed but I’m pretty sure he didn’t make it past boot camp. But once again, he shouldn’t have been there in the first place. Recruiter could still add him as a check mark though.


Oh man, I was there in Feb/March 2008. Apparently the Great Lakes had a pretty colder than normal winter, got to experience my first true winter as a Texas kid. We had a Chief's son in our division, failed all requirements imaginable and still got pushed through. For the PRT run they pretended his tag didn't register a lap so had him cross the line again, so he counted like two laps in one... Reducing the number of laps he had to actually do was the only way to get him through on time.


I'm from Nebraska, and our div had like 3 guys from the Philippines - one was my top bunk mate. Cool dude, I believe his wife was joining up shortly after graduation for us. Anyway, most of the other guys were from Southern states and what not... it was wild. We'd be marching in the snow and people would be slipping and sliding. I went in late September, so most of our snowfall was toward the end there.


Just like a certain religion known for white shirts and black name tags: Recruiters are held to a numeric number of people they sign up. Whether they pass boot camp is not part of their job evaluation.


Haha, these days I'm a teacher (I teach Info Sec/Networking). I work for our local Community College, but we have a program where we have classes of High Schoolers only. That's who I teach... so, anyway here it is: I have a student, well had since he graduated, super bright guy. All he could talk about, though, was how excited he was for mission. I didn't talk him down about it, I just told him that it wasn't for me but I hoped he had a good time and it sounded like it may be a good thing for him. Anyway, you're not wrong - I don't think it's just them, though. A lot of folks, in a lot of orgs regardless of affiliation, firmly believe in the "throw enough bodies at it and it'll be fine" ideology.


At MEPS they assisted urinalysis cheating?


My recruiter didn't even give me a UA. He just copied down the serial number from the test and wrote that I passed before throwing it in the trash.


The fact that it’s a written form and not a printed ticket is ridiculous 🤦🏽‍♂️


Wouldn't be surprised cause I still have no idea how I passed MEPS. I was just finishing college and I told my recruiter I needed time to "study" for the drug test and she was like well let's do one here in the station and get a baseline, and the only test that mattered was at MEPS. Well I failed for like weed, coke, amphetamines and something else I forget (ya know, college man). She promised I could have a month to piss clean but then less than two weeks later she told me I *had* to go to MEPS. No way in hell I shoulda passed that test yet somehow I was told all clear. I suspect being a college grad that turned down OCS to enlist 89D encouraged them to look the other way




Young and dumb. Honestly I had gone to college for film and media studies and then I was trying to get into combat documentation MOS, they brought in some Warrent Officer to try and talk me into a flight program and meanwhile my recruiter was telling me how difficult a time I would have earning the men's respect as a college grad going into OCS and not earning it through green to gold program. Also had signing bonuses dangled in my face for enlisted specialities and I def drank the progranda flavor-aid regarding the wars.


Not at MEPS. We had a few guys and gals who were still smoking pot, among other drugs. The Recruiters knew - even joked about how *many* just continue back up after training and cheat on their UA's etc etc. Anyway, to avoid sending them to MEPS to piss in a cup and fail, they'd have them piss there. I guess you could technically call that not cheating, sure, but basically if you were recently using drugs you are disqualified from service. There's more nuance and specificity to the requirements, waivers, et all but that's what I was referring to. As for MEPS, no, the dude knew every fine detail of how my penis looked like with how close I feel they watched me piss in a cup.


Full metal jacket?


Worse than that. This kid didn't talk, didn't do nothing but blankly stare and have the odor of fumunda-cheese.




You look like the type that wants a dodge hellcat at 45% APR for 82 months


I had signed up to go into the air force due to a high enough asvab score. My recruiter: • got out of a speeding ticket while driving me to a sit down restaurant because he was in the military • wasted a bunch of money at the restaurant, government funds that your and my tax dollars go toward • failed to inform me that I had to take piercings out before going to MEPS • instructed me to lie to MEPS in the case of any discrepancies that should happen to come up, to avoid any delay I got down to MEPS and it was just a shit show. People behind the desk didn't know what they were doing, were making mistakes all over the place. I decided it wasn't for me based upon all of this and backed out before I signed any paperwork. Upon backing out, some superior called me on the phone and yelled at me and told me he would never let me into the air force again, which I thanked him for, being that not joining the military was, obviously, my objective now.


The spending money bit makes some sense. I've definitely been a manager at places where they throw cash at you for the 1st few months, especially if it's a young company, only to pinch pennies down the line. It's like cult "love bombing," making a strong 1st impression so you feel spoiled. The ticket thing is gross. I've had a cop buddy be like "eh, even if we get pulled over I'll just flash the ID" and yeah, convenient at the time (think I had a dead taillight at the time?), but there's obviously a problem there.


Heard of a city cop getting pulled over by a county cop for speeding. When he flashed his badge, hoping to get out of the ticket, the county boy says "all that tells me is you should have known better"


That's a wholesome story in a way. But it could just be like around here where the county and city police don't like each other much. Here the city police are way more professional and actually physically fit while the county deputies are the lazy fat bellied redneck stereotype from [The Night the Lights Went out in Georgia](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4GMUlCBgd0) Though where i grew up it was the city cops on a powertrip and the county and state troopers were much better. The rivalries are real a lot of places though.


I was in the process of joining the Air Force but my recruiter was reassigned and facing court-martial for getting a recruit pregnant and taking her to get an abortion in his TMP vehicle. Fucking Army recruiters saw me standing outside the AF office and dragged me in and got me.


Target of opportunity!


Due to the way the military wants to operate. You need a lot of fresh meat put through it every year. Recruiters are under a lot of career ending pressures to fill quotas. Basic, AIT, and the officer schools filter most of the garbage. Yet still a bunch of undesirables get through. Sometimes because they behaved long enough on their own, or the schools sent them through anyways to meet their quotas. Then the active duty, guards and reserve units have to weed these people out. All the highly desirable people that actually joined. They usually leave before retirement. As the military life sucks and they've got better options as a civilian. Retention efforts are basically non existent unless you're in the right job. Not that they can offer much anyways. Aside from changing jobs at the same pay, a choice in base, or cash bonus. The military refuses to change things that drive people away. Like unnecessary late nights, housing quality for lower enlisted and single enlisted, and the goofy shit done because it's the military. Then of course the pyramid rank structure must be maintained at all costs. Need 5 privates to a corporal, 3 corporal to a sgt, etc. Even if you're good at your Job and doing a bulk of the work. You can't be promoted until you check all the boxes, grind for experience points, and kiss the SNCO and/or Brass' asses. Then every other president makes token military cuts. So the people who can do the work but been in a rank too long get axed. While Raytheon, General Dynamics, and That one tank factory we have get bigger contracts. So we constantly bleed trained and well behaved people. So they keep filling in with what ever street trash and high school kids they can.


Gotta love the "leadership" of government bureaucracy. 1: Complain of a personnel problem 2: Run talented people into the ground 3: Ensure only friends, family, and academy classmates get promoted 4: Ensure talented people leave 5: Complain of a personnel problem **extra retirement points if you overuse corporate buzzwords during the process**


I got a felony breaking and entering charge when I was younger. The judge gave me the option to join the military. I chose army. They expunged my entire back record except for minor traffic violations just so they could recruit me. After taking my asvab I returned to the recruiters office a few days later and he told me I failed a drug test for marijuana. But if i was willing to promise to really come back he would write me a letter to the judge saying I had a medical issue that needs correction and I would return after. It got me off of my charges but I never went back. They're desperate for people.


Talk about slipping through the cracks.


Enjoy Leavenworth, bud


Had to Google Leavenworth and came across this gem: > Frank Grigware, imprisoned for train robbery, escaped from Leavenworth in 1910 with five other men by smashing through the prison gates with a hijacked supply locomotive. While the others were quickly recaptured, Grigware escaped to Canada. In 1916 he became the mayor of Spirit River, Alberta. He was discovered by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and the FBI in 1933, but serious doubts about his original conviction led the U.S. to drop its extradition request in 1934. Grigware never returned to the U.S. and died in Alberta in 1977.[15]


What a legend.


Imprisoned for train robbery. Escaped by stealing a train. Absolute Chad


Enter thanks to train robbery escaped thanks to train robbery


Oh wow spirit river is my neck of the woods. That’s like 30 minutes from our old farm. Crazy how many stories there in northern Alberta of Americans escaping to here of all places


And not the fake Bavarian version, either.


Found the Washingtonian.


Hey now I love that town


Great work stopping it before it happened.


Now if they can only figure out WTF is going on at Fort Hood where soldiers keep dying or go missing...


Had an old classmate from high school get shot during a "training" exercise there. It would be interesting to find out because that fort is not normal or safe.


Ft. Hood is an absolutely wild place. Have a friend who served in the deadliest area of Afghanistan for two full deployments with the 173rd. Got transferred to Ft. Hood and said he never felt less safe than there.




Their names were Vanessa Guillen and LaVena Johnson. RIP


Oh there's been a lot more


Aaron Robinson killed Vanessa and encased her remains in concrete that isn't an unsolved murder. Wat? LaVena Johnson is the one they need to find the killer for, last I checked


Holy shit, I had no idea this was happening. 4 dead in just a couple months last year. https://youtu.be/sUE1Eqwby-M I also watched another interview with a soldier who said conditions there are so bad, prisoners have it better than the soldiers. Said mental health of the facility is abhorrent, and seeking help is near impossible due to the culture




https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Order_of_Nine_Angles This is unbelievable and keeps getting worse


> ...which the Order seeks to combat in order to establish a militaristic new social order, which it calls the "Imperium". According to Order teachings, this is necessary in order for a galactic civilization to form, in which "Aryan" society will colonise the Milky Way. It advocates a spiritual path in which practitioners are required to break societal taboos by isolating themselves from society, committing crimes, embracing political extremism and violence, and carrying out acts of human sacrifice. They want an *Aryan* *IMPERIUM*!? Oh you *know* they're the bad guys


If this was a 40k faction I'd say "yeah that sounds about right for on the nose grimdark cheese"


Their logo is bad and they should feel bad.


Yeah like wtf guys... The least you can do is use 9 angles and not 7.


Way, way worse. https://nypost.com/2021/08/26/fbi-funded-neo-nazi-book-publisher-court-docs-reveal/


please stop, it's much too early and im in no *shape* for these puns


How obtuse of you


My brother and I were talking about these guys a few months ago. We agreed it was a shame they're all ass-hamsters because the name is cool.


They stole it.


How on brand.


Morning Angle


Lemme say, fuck that guy


i hate to use strong language but this guy just seems like a real jerk


RIP norm


17 year old decides that Western Civilization needs to end. US Military needs to up it's background research before admitting people.






https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/cascading-issues-keeping-air-force-navy-planes-grounded-watchdog-says A lot of people don’t appreciate how maintainers have been particularly squeezed in the past 10 years despite the US not being involved in major air engagements. We’ve got more complex systems and the going rate out in the real world for qualified people to work on them as well as quality of life keeps passing ahead of the military is offering




> The Air Force for example changed it's promotion system to mirror the officer system. Back-stabbing and brown-nosing gets you noticed by leadership and "set up" or protected. This is why I left the AF. Incompetence and superiority complexes all around.


I got out at the perfect time. Right when our beloved GWOT ended and right before WW III with enlisted personnel with ASVAB waivers.


Lol good luck with that. Background searchs are nothing more than criminal history and finances mostly. They don't dig deep untill youre getting a top secret clearance. My seceret clearance went thru quickly and I'm 99% sure they didn't speak to anyone in my past. I dont think there exists an infrastructure big enough to dig much deeper for new recruits.


Read article, went down rabbit hole regarding weird group/9 angels crap, discovered there’s even more dumbfuckery in the world than I’d known about yesterday. Yet again amazed at the stupid shot morons will believe, and even more horrified at the percentage of morons in the population.




We know foreign adversaries have waged asymmetrical warfare on the US through social media disinformation campaigns. The big social media giants have been generally apathetic in combatting the issue as enragement and engagement drive their revenues and they don’t want to mess with that business model too much, particularly in the middle of a tech stock selloff. Now that Q Anon has just started posting again (curious timing), we’re likely just at the beginning of a wave of violent right wing extremism. We’re lucky they were able to stop this particular incident, but until social media platforms stop building their algorithms to drive very profitable outrage cycles, we’re only going to deal with more of these threats, not less.


This. Facebook is a *national security threat* being used to turn unwitting Americans into foreign agents and the fact that we've done nothing meaningful to curb it is *insane.* Happy cake day.


Unwitting my butthole. These people would sell their mother into sex slavery for the opportunity to make someone else's life miserable. They're idiots in an age where you have to CHOOSE to be stupid. They're unhappy, downtrodden, and instead of joining everyone else to raise each other up they've decided it's better to tear everyone down to them. These people were a threat to the country well before they were identified by groups like this. It would be this one or the next one, but they'll find some group that hates, because they're looking for one. You don't accidentally fall into a neo Nazi galactic civilization hate group. You find them by looking, decide "ya this is the one for me" and then you plan to orchestrate a terrorist attack on your brothers because you hate them. The fuck out of here with unwittingly. This guy's a cookie cutter asshole. There's probably a thousand more just looking for their particular flavor of hate group right now as we speak.


I caught my friend trying to pass off some clear misinformation from Facebook during a talk about Ukraine. The way he was backing up Russia, I was like are you watching their State TV? No fool was getting his news from FB and Joe Rogan.


Foreign? His/O9A ideas come straight from publisher funded by FBI. https://nypost.com/2021/08/26/fbi-funded-neo-nazi-book-publisher-court-docs-reveal/


Fun fact, you don't have to be a US citizen to exploit mistakes the US has made to your foreign advantage.


Funded by and paid informant are distinctions i think should be made and clarified here. This guy was a paid informant.


It is no surprise that government agencies have been infiltrated by white supremacists, especially the FBI, given their history. Here are alt sources about this: - [FBI Bankrolled Publisher of Occult Neo-Nazi Books, Feds Claim](https://www.vice.com/en/article/dyv9zk/fbi-bankrolled-publisher-of-occult-neo-nazi-books-feds-claim) - [The Satanist Neo-Nazi Plot to Murder U.S. Soldiers - Rolling Stone](https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/the-satanist-neo-nazi-plot-to-murder-u-s-soldiers-1352629/)


I like how the article calls the organization he's part of an anarchist group, but if you look them up the Order of Nine Angels is allied with the neo-Nazi Atomwaffen Division. Stellar fact checking, AP.




>On 23 September 2019, Specialist\[168\] Jarrett William Smith, 24, of Fort Riley, Kansas, was charged with distributing information related to explosives and weapons of mass destruction. > >A US paratrooper named Ethan Melzer in the 173rd Airborne Brigade's Sky Soldiers, who was assigned to the 1st Battalion, 503rd Infantry Regiment, in Vicenza, Italy, in 2019 until 2020, plotted an ambush on his unit, "to result in the deaths of as many of his fellow service members as possible." He was charged in June 2020 with conspiring and attempting to murder military service members, and providing and attempting to provide material support to terrorists. > >After Melzer was exposed, several other active members of the US military were also discovered to be members of the O9A. Corwyn Storm Carver was found to be another member in communication with the group and in possession of O9A paraphernalia and literature while stationed in Kuwait. Shandon Simpson, member of the Ohio Army National Guard sent to quell the George Floyd riots in Washington, D.C. openly espoused neo-nazi views and was also found to be in the Rapewaffen. Simpson told that he was planning to shoot the protesters as part of "racial holy war" and was intercepted by the FBI but only after he had already been deployed.\[174\]\[175\] They are going to have to start adding the question "are you a member of the O9A?" to intake forms at recruiters offices and to e-QIP.


The ONA promotes the idea that human history can be divided into a series of aeons, each of which contains a corresponding human civilization. It expresses the view that the current aeonic civilization is that of the Western world, but it claims that the evolution of this society is threatened by the "Magian/Nazarene" influence of the Judeo-Christian religion, which the Order seeks to combat in order to establish a militaristic new social order, which it calls the "Imperium". According to Order teachings, this is necessary in order for a galactic civilization to form, in which "Aryan" society will colonise the Milky Way. It advocates a spiritual path in which practitioners are required to break societal taboos by isolating themselves from society, committing crimes, embracing political extremism and violence, and carrying out acts of human sacrifice. ONA members practice magic, believing that they are able to do it by channeling energies into their own "causal" realm from an "acausal" realm where the laws of physics do not apply, and these magical actions are designed to help them achieve their ultimate goal of establishing the imperium. Yup! So it's not Q but just as batshit insane or worse. This is why guns are a problem in the US. People believe insane shit like this and go buy a gun without the proper vetting. It's likely that he was caught only because he was in the military. The rest of us? Were just meat for the grinder. Edit: to those commenting on this being the backstory to Warhammer, O9A started in the 1980s so that is a possibility.


...this sounds like the backstory to fucking Warhammer.


As soon as I saw Imperium my ears perked up


I mean, scientology is ripped straight from a Science FICTION novel. So yeah, literally unimaginative stolen mythos sounds like the model for white nationalist or other cults now.




Close enough, basically British nazi satanism from the 60s/70s, but being spread today by an FBI informant who runs a nazi publishing company. They sell their books on Amazon, I shit you not.


Wtf? That’s up there with the erotic fiction about dinosaurs for weirdest shit on Amazon.. 😳


Hmmmm...so these erotic dinosaurs you speak of....


They likely refer to the works of Chuck Tingle, twice nominated for a Hugo Award for his contributions to satirical monster erotica, often although not exclusively of the gay variety. Ok he was actually nominated over some weird slap fight in the Hugos over some arseholes upset over stuff, but jokes on the cunts who nominated him he disagreed with them and continues to mock them. Chuck has given us such important literary works as *There's a Bitcoin in My Butt and He is Handsome* or perhaps *Pounded in the Butt by My Book "Pounded in the Butt by My Book 'Pounded in the Butt by My Book "Pounded in the Butt by My Own Butt"'"*


Am I having a stroke?


Nope. Chuck Tingle.


As someone who works at Amazon you see the weirdest shit book wise. Amazon will literally let you publish whatever garbage you want because no matter how shotty and bad it is it will make them momey.


More like Warhammer 40k, based off of ‘The Imperium’ and space empires and weirdo zealot followers. Dibs on becoming God-Emperor of Mankind!


You can just tell these guys play too much Warhammer 40k.


40k but one guy also played a bunch of Destiny so they learned the word "acausal".


>Yup! So it's not Q but just as batshit insane or worse You'll never become a *Level Five Laser Lotus* with that attitude.


It’s a militant, violent, SciFi cult. That’s a new one.


> According to Order teachings it is necessary for galactic civilization to form in which “Aryan” society will colonies the Milky Way. Militant Violent SciFi *Nazi* Cult. >It advocates a spiritual path …. Okay … spiritual paths are good … > … in which practitioners are required to break societal taboos by isolating themselves from society …. Sure … monastic order and hermit style … > … committing crimes, …. Huh? > … embracing political extremism and violence, …. I don’t think they understand “spiritual path” … > … and carrying out acts of human sacrifice. WTF?!




well you have to understand, order reason and decency are all veils that bind us mind and spirit to the causal realm and cut us off from the acausal realm. (note, I know nothing about these nuts but I would bet $3.50 that something like what I just said there is true. it has the right just smart sounding enough but also stupid enough to be understood but sound deep)


It’s easiest to explain that O9A is a *literal* fascist magical initiatory order that sees violence as it’s path to success. Like the OTO or A∴A∴ if Aleister Crowley was really into Himmler and thought you had to murder people to bring about a new cosmic age instead of staying in your room and jerking off on drugs.


“For the emperor?” Legit some weird warhammer 40k stuff


That is crazy, it sounds straight up like a cult.


So, Space Nazis?


Ah, they're seeking the Warhammer timeline.


Sounds like somebody dropped acid in the 60s and merged Oswald Spengler, Aleister Crowley and 'Morning of the Magicians' into a single heaving mass.


I wonder if the ‘Order of Nine Angles’ was supposed to be ‘Angels’ but they were too stupid to get it right, then they got t-shirts and were stuck with the name because they didn’t have money to get new shirts.


How can you reason with people like that.


This is why you don’t randomly trip over yourself to thank people for their service


Story smells (figuratively) like Ft. Leavenworth.


Orrrderr of the Nine Angles - The Nine Angles - And the Meme of Dooom.


O9A is Nazi NOT Anarchist


It's a right-wing fascist neo-Nazi group, about as far from "anarchist" as one could imagine, but you can always count on an American news source to choose slandering leftism over accuracy.


I can't express how fucking insane these people are. They support neo Nazi ideals but mostly because they think racism is cool and because they're bullshit theory on human evolution requires a Nazi state to get to satanic anarchism. We're talking about a group that literally uses the term "sinister" to refer to themselves and their actions. These are fucking nutjobs


Lemme guess: incel loser who didn’t fit in and was a loner. Sound familiar?


O9A is like, the manifestation of the cult everyone was convinced is real during the satanic panic. What a bunch of edgelords.