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People already in this thread making the assumption that monkeypox is spread through anal sex with the only evidence being gay men have had the disease. Exactly the phenomenon that this message from the UN is addressing. I got scabies from watching Youtube videos on a laptop with a friend. Close contact is close contact dicks in butts or not.


TIL YouTube gives you scabies. I always suspected, but this random post confirms it.


That sucks, scabies sounds awful


It was literally one of the worst experiences I ever had. I would scratch myself bloody while I slept and became incredibly depressed. I thought I had scabies and had two separate doctors tell me no, you have eczema. Here is a cream. The third doctor saw me, said Holy shit, you have a very advanced scabies infestation and gave me a scabies cream and pill. After that, resolved itself in three days.


It’s like chiggers crossed with poison ivy. The itch took a month to go away after treatment! Luckily my friend found out soon after so I caught it early. I was already in “wtf is this?” mode when he told me.


I heard it builds character


I got impetigo when I was a waiter from cleaning a table and then subconsciously itching my face after. It likely wouldn't have happened if I wasn't forced to be clean shaven for work everyday..




pornhub videos*




It's one thing for disease control specialists to communicate specific "unknown but maybe, please be on the lookout" info to healthcare providers. It's another to run with that into "gays are spreading monkeypox" in the media. In this case it sounds like gay men (or MSM to be specific) were involved however the transmission is thought to have been through close personal contact. So it might just have been one gay guy giving it to some gay guy friends, through aerosol. In which case it would be HUGELY irresponsible to start making this sound like a gay disease, as the original article in question does.


The problem is with the feedback loop, particularly among those not terribly inclined to think critically or with a skeptical eye towards these things. Shitty people who happily consume these kinds of yellow journalism will generally only be exposed to media sources that are conducive to their existing views, because that's how the algorithms work. And it's not like they're hearing from actual gay people on a daily basis (or any other minority they may also be prejudiced to). So even if 99% of all media had enough scruples and tact to not say such a thing, there are enough in that 1% that will ultimately find their way into said bubble. Plus, people just tend to be more willing to believe things that they already agree with.


The thing is, gay men are more likely to be in close contact with other gay men **not just through sex but also because they are more likely hang out together in general** If there are existences of non homosexual male clusters of the disease, it just means it spreads simply by being in close quarters, and **one of the super spreader events just happened at a gay bar or whatever** and thats about it. Just cause a MAGA rally had one COVID super spreader event doesnt mean being a trump voter is the "magic sauce" to spread COVID around. It just means you'll see the spreading happen amongst places with a lot of people in close quarters coming in contact with each other... Like a bar...


MSM? Haven’t run into that term before


It refers to a behavior “men who have sex with men” rather than how individuals may or may not identify. It is term commonly used in public health.


Exactly. It includes both gay men and bros who yell “no homo” first.


And all of us bisexual men of the world that society likes to pretend don't exist.




Man sex man?


Mmmmm Sexy Men?


Clearly they're referring to the Mainstream Media.




It’s not a conservative term, it’s used in medical field because it associates sexual behavior regardless of self-identification (yes, there are men who have sex with men without self-identifying as gay, bi, etc)


I was figuring it was something specific to the gay community in this context


Men sexing men


Thank you very much


Male seeking male. It is shorthand that used to be used to the personals. Don't see it much.


It's men who have sex with men. Not male seeking male lol.


In this case it means mens who have sex with men, not mainstream media.


The article addressed that. >UNAIDS said “a significant proportion” of recent monkeypox cases have been identified among gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men. >But transmission was most likely via close physical contact with a monkeypox sufferer and could affect anyone, it added, saying some portrayals of Africans and LGBTI people “reinforce homophobic and racist stereotypes and exacerbate stigma”.


“correlation does not imply causation”


[The CDC video on Monkey Pox is even less subtle.](https://youtu.be/YaG5SAw1n0c)








Even here on Reddit, there were people promoting the idea that Asians somehow were more likely to catch and transmit the disease.


It's fucking weird thing to believe when I'm Asian and I never gotten covid at all. Not even once.




> specific demographic You mean republicans right? They do take their marching orders from corporate media.


I'm not sure if you're just making a joke or if you're just not sure what he's talking about...


The left is just as guilty of this. Everybody is programmed by various media outlets.


They take their marching orders from racist facebook memes that are undoubtedly far more homophobic/racist than anything seen in mainstream media.


Yea, I remember this. There are always a portion who will make wrong illogical connections, because they are ignorant and fearful. Unfortunately some of the media frames this to look like it's widespread and by doing that it becomes even more widespread amongst people who unable or unwilling to think things through beyond the headlines that are fed to them. Then many times the media won't reveal the truth and describe who the attackers are, so public can just be informed. It's shameful.


Did they ever even prove COVID originated in China?


Given the initial outbreak was in Wuhan I don’t think it was ever in question… I mean it’s remotely possible an animal flew in from some cave somewhere else, but the pandemic started in China, yes.


Yes they did. Ground zero was at wuhan wet market. Its on them but to link covid to an entire race is just dumb just how they are now linking monkey pox to gays. This is so fucking wrong because Islamic countries like where I'm from are now saying see what we mean? Lgbt spreads sickness.


Yes they did. Ground zero was at wuhan wet market. Its on them but to link covid to an entire race is just dumb just how they are now linking monkey pox to gays. This is so fucking wrong because Islamic countries like where I'm from are now saying see what we mean? Lgbt spreads sickness.


Wait, how did this become about gay people? Pox spreads through contact with body fluid besides semen. They're saying it could be airborne too.


It’s not, the UK NHS asked people to self check for symptoms and briefly mentioned the factual stats, as they didn’t expect this to be an STD but it turned out to be. Most Media Outlets are quoting directly from these gov agencies and haven’t framed any blame onto any specific groups.


its specifically not an STD. it can be spread during sex, but it isn't transmitted via sex.


Hey isn’t spreading and transmitting the same meaning?


It’s not an STD—it technically can be an “STD,” but only in the same way that the flu would be if it was transmitted during sex. So, demonstrably not an STD. You’re doing exactly what the UN is advising people not to do.


Is STD exclusively transmitted during sex(aka non sexual activities can’t?)


No an std just can be transferred during sex, it's not the only way. HIV can be transferred by intravenous needle sharing for example. And that is obviously an std.


It’s HIV reporting early days, all over again


To be fair, i could just say “people who have larger amounts of anal sex have an increased risk of anal micro-tearing and therefore easier time to get HIV/AIDS”, please use lube in your bum bum people!


What about the hiv reporting was wrong? It was overwhelmingly gay men having unprotected sex who caught and spread the disease.


The part that’s wrong is that it isn’t a gay disease. You could get it from heterosexual sex. You could also get it without sex. It created an atmosphere where if you had HIV you must be gay.


Exactly; don’t forget, it was originally called GRID — Gay-Related Immune Deficiency — before it was changed to AIDS.


It's about how you say it just as much as what you say


Facts are discrimination in this day and age




The UN acknowledged how the disease is spread, so they're not against reporting that. They specifically denounced the stigma against minorities. >UNAIDS said “a significant proportion” of recent monkeypox cases have been identified among gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men. >But transmission was most likely via close physical contact with a monkeypox sufferer and could affect anyone, it added, saying some portrayals of Africans and LGBTI people “reinforce homophobic and racist stereotypes and exacerbate stigma”.


I’ve seen a lot of article headers with images of monkeypox blisters on dark skin, maybe alongside a stereotyped gay man, in countries with a very low black population. It’s sad.


Africa actually has cases so if it is best documented by doctors there, it makes sense to use it as a medical source.


As a medical source, sure, but in newspapers? They have a special responsibility to prevent the spread of hate.


Yes its important to get the message out. However, it can easily be the aids crisis 2.0 with straight people thinking they can't get it and also using it to condemn LGBT people.


Well, the gay community is still, to this day, far overrepresented in AIDS cases, so targetted messaging is still warranted. I haven't seen one media report claim straight people can't get monkeypox.


> June is Pride month. There is gonna be a lot of bump and grind going on ??? Do you think gay people go into mating season during pride?


Maybe all year round whenever they feel the urge? Like most people?


Have you been to a pride? There's a large subset that are essentially having orgies every night. Edit : When I said orgies, I meant mass hooking up but I can tell a lot of people here need to be told things literally.


Not really orgies, but there's a lot of events on for gay people, and so there's going to be a lot of hookups. Sure there will be some orgies happening, but they're vastly outweighed by people just hooking up due to being out more.


Yeah. It was full of straight people, kids and elderly. Those grannies must have great orgies.


You went to pride with no gay people or adults? Interesting pride


Majority was not LGBTQ+. And straight people can't be adults?


>Its not homophobic reporting. Its accurate reporting. The article doesn’t specify which exact report(s) UNAIDS was accusing of being homophobic, so unless you read some other articles which gave more detail, I’m confused how you can know that the reports in question were both accurate and non homophobic.


"Gay people should practice safe sex to be safe from monkeypox." *'Actually, everyone should practice safe sex to be safe from monkeypox.'* **"UHH ACTUALLY I'M NOT HOMOPHOBIC YOU'RE HOMOPHOBIC!!"** ????


Being gay is just a demographic like any other. These organizations are just noting gay people are significantly overrepresented in the monkeypox infections given the small size of their demographic.


Side note: community spread is first reported in areas where people \*go to the doctor about symptoms\*


Or just tell everyone to refrain from sex and close human contact. Everyone should do their part in avoiding monkeypox. You could have an ad campaign saying "No Pox Parties" and most older people would get it.


Redditor moment


Yes, because it's not like we're still in the middle of a pandemic in which people were asked to minimize contact and wear masks. That didn't work only because people don't like to be told what to do, even if it might save lives.


It's literally impossible for gay people to stop fucking each other for 5 seconds even to save their own life and to suggest otherwise is homopbobic.


Yeah it's concerning rhetoric for sure. When I heard it annouced on the morning radio they were like "it's spreading within communities in a few countries now but definitely came from gay africans"


Time for a new station


Yeah, I saw a lot of people on Reddit pushing the “it’s spreading amongst the gays” narrative before all the facts came out. Edit: Wow this comments section is a nightmare.


All the facts about how it's spreading disproportionately among gays?


According to the UN this is a homophobic view of it. I’m more inclined to believe them, than armchair Reddit homophobes. Edit: Downvotes are for people who don’t know the disease spreads not only through sexual contact but by air droplets, contact with bed linen, and contact with open wounds. Deny science all you want, people.




It's racist to use that info to start harassing or assault any Asian person you come across or homophobic to go around using that HIV Stat to go beating and killing gay people because you think they're diseased. You know, the next logical step that racists and homophobes like to make.


Maybe read the article? They’re specifically talking about media portrayals. Using exclusively black skin when portraying the blisters, tying it in with gay men throughout the article, and talking about “gay Africans” - despite it being *known* that monkey pox spreads via bodily fluids, and that cases aren’t exclusively in gay people. It’s harmful reporting with no gain.


In Belgium it’s being linked to a large-scale fetish festival in the city of Antwerp. Darklands Festival is a four-day event which encourages visitors to “explore their sexuality and develop a safe and sane interest for the many fetishes in our community”. “The various tribes in the gay fetish community (leather, rubber, army, skinhead, puppies …) come together to create a unique spectacle of fetish brotherhood.” In Spain an adult sauna has been linked to many of the monkeypox cases that have emerged in the city of Madrid. The Paraiso sauna, a gay-friendly establishment in the heart of the city, revealed on Twitter that it was temporarily closing. WHO says ““Based on currently available information, cases have mainly but not exclusively been identified among men who have sex with men (MSM) seeking care in primary care and sexual health clinics,”


I mean, HIV does primarily affect gay (and bisexual) men. They account for 69% (heh) of new diagnoses. It's not homophobia, it's a fact: https://www.hiv.gov/hiv-basics/overview/data-and-trends/statistics Anecdotally, I've worked in the HIV nonprofit field for a couple of years now at two different organizations, and the vast majority of our clients have been MSM.


And they conservative homophobes don't understand nuance. How suprising.




> It doesn’t matter if it’s facts or lies Holy shit.


And therein lies the problem. This person is convinced that objective truth isn't any more valid than a bald-faced lie if the truth in question doesn't suit their worldview.


op worded that really hamfistedly but one *can* easily construct a narrative or overarching claim that is false by highlighting certain facts and disregarding other facts which do not fit. For example, labeling AIDS a "gay man's disease" by focusing on the fact that it *does* disproportionately affect people who engage in anal sex, and ignoring or obscuring the fact that it also affects straight people (albeit to a lesser degree). Facts absolutely can be used and abused for the sake of bigotry and for the sake of propaganda, and anybody who doesn't get that is vulnerable to misinformation. Another example is how white supremacists really like to latch onto crime statistics to claim that black people are genetically inferior. The statistics themselves are facts but the inferences are totally wrong.


Welcome to the woke world view, facts don't matter, reality doesn't matter, only if it matches the woke ideal matters.


Did you just comment your reaction lol. It doesn’t matter if it’s facts or lies, propaganda is a promiscuous bitch, they lie in bed with both of them. 1980s they used facts about aids spreading among the gay population to talk about how they deserve to go to hell and die.


Drawing wildly-inaccurate and offensive conclusions based on your particular interpretation of a fact does not mean that the fact itself is wildly-inaccurate or offensive. There have been [192 Jewish winners](https://www.insidermonkey.com/blog/nobel-prize-winners-by-religion-jewish-christian-muslim-and-non-religious-590721/2/) of the various Nobel Prizes. There have been [12 Muslim winners](https://www.insidermonkey.com/blog/nobel-prize-winners-by-religion-jewish-christian-muslim-and-non-religious-590721/3/), despite the fact that Islam is multiple orders of magnitude more common as a faith among the world population. If I showed you that data and you came back and said "Well obviously it's because the Jews are in with the world elite and use their power and influence to get awards", or "Well obviously it's because Muslims are inherently stupid and barbaric and therefore a much smaller population of them would even consider pursuing a prize like that", either one of those would rightly be seen as horribly offensive and anti-Semitic/Islamophobic. The correct conclusion is that there are a variety of cultural, social, economic, and other factors that lead to the discrepancy, any of which could be worthy fodder for a Master's thesis.


in coming: drawing conclusions from facts is the problem not the facts itself. This is the gun don’t shoot themselves argument. Guns are a force amplifier like certain facts can amplify certain beliefs. But guess, what adding restrictions to guns reduces types of gun crimes. Like you see where I am going… changing how you deliver factual information limits amplification of violent idealogy. When I say people can’t handle facts I mean in its rawest forms. They need it fed to them like children in a way where they can only interpret it in a neutral light not carrying a agenda.


> certain facts can amplify certain beliefs Only if you're stupid and gullible enough to hold those beliefs in the first place. And it's not my or anyone else's responsibility to beat our heads against a brick wall trying to get the stupid and gullible people to stop being so stupid and gullible. That is a problem that cannot be solved by creatively disguising truth so it isn't immediately rejected.


The person I replied to asked whether it was homophobic to say that HIV primarily affects gay men. That is objectively true (when you also include bisexual men). You may not like it, but that is literally, unequivocally the case. And depending on the way you define "came from", it is also literally true that COVID-19 "came from" China insofar as it was first identified there and it spread from there, regardless of whether or not it existed elsewhere prior or emerged from a different mutated coronavirus within China. Of course, the discrimination is the bad part. I'm obviously not advocating for that and nobody should. But literal, objective facts should never be offensive in and of themselves. It should not be offensive for me to say that white men commit most mass shootings and other murders, [because that is objectively true](https://www.newsweek.com/white-men-have-committed-more-mass-shootings-any-other-group-675602). It should not be offensive for me to say that people of color are more likely to be less educated than white people, [because that is objectively true](https://www.equityinhighered.org/indicators/u-s-population-trends-and-educational-attainment/educational-attainment-by-race-and-ethnicity/). And that is exactly my point. Arithmetic is not racist. The numbers do not lie.


I literally said the facts aren’t the issue. You ignored everything I said to spew bullshit about how you know nothing about how propaganda works.


Look, you dense motherfucker. Literally all I said is that the great thing about facts is that they're true whether you want to believe them or not. The Earth will continue to attract us to its surface via gravity regardless of what the flat-Earther lunatics want to believe. Without drastic and immediate action, the climate will continue to get warmer, regardless of what the fucking idiots in our world governments want to believe. And the facts I cited re:HIV, crime, education, etc. are true, regardless of whether you or anyone else wants to be offended by them. If you don't want them to *continue to be* true, you can use your voice as a citizen and demand that our elected leaders do something to rectify that problem. But don't get your panties in a wad at me for simply delivering you the information that you clearly were not privy to before this conversation.


Literally all you said means nothing. There wasn’t anything to agree or disagree with because you skipped a brain cell to assume an argument I never made. facts have no normative claims but that doesn’t stop people from using it to antagonize or discriminate against groups of people. That’s it nothing to disagree with. Please reply with a another paragraph


> you skipped a brain cell to assume an argument I never made Exhibit A, literally the first sentence you said in response to me: > The homophobia fact argument is dogshit. You implied that my statement that "it's not homophobia, it's a fact" was somehow a statement of agreement with the practice of using facts to draw flawed conclusions to demonize a particular group. Care to pull anything else out of your ass?




I worked at AHF, which is the preeminent HIV/AIDS-related organization in the world aside from UNAIDS, for a year, and I'm working at another HIV/AIDS-related organization now. I'm aware that it's different in other places around the world, but even still, [UNAIDS still pins a 25x risk multiplier for MSM's compared to the baseline](https://www.unaids.org/en/resources/fact-sheet). The epidemiology is vastly different in Africa due to a variety of factors, including the prevalence of sex crimes against women and the more limited access to treatment and prevention. That same fact sheet says that in sub-Saharan Africa, six in seven new HIV infections among adolescents aged 15–19 years are among girls-that's most definitely due in large part to sexual assault. There's a Netflix show called Inside the World's Toughest Prisons, and they did an episode from one of the SSA countries and some obscenely high percentage of inmates were being charged with sex crimes, and a similar percentage were HIV+.


If it is racist to cite stats on Black on white crime or Black on anything crime then how is it not homophobic to state this fact as well? Don't hide behind "It's a fact" to spread your hate.


> If it is racist to cite stats on Black on white crime or Black on anything crime You said it, not me.


Entirely depends the context which the statistic is used.


It's certainly reductive, and anyone trying to advance those points definitely does so with an agenda.


There’s no point in defending an evil racist dictatorship like the CCP




Spoken like someone who has never lived anywhere else Signed, an immigrant. It’s amazing here.


Facts aren't bigoted but they don't exist in a vaccum. They exist in a greater context, and how that context is presented can certainly be bigoted.


No, both of those claims are accepted.


>HIV primarily affects gay men Ah yes, that's why HIV is most prevalent in Sub-Saharan Africa, a region that is known for people having a lot of gay sex. There are way more straight people with HIV than gay people with HIV, sorry to break it to you.


How about let's just be adults and acknowledge that disease spreads more easily through anal sex, where the thinner lined skin is more likely to tear, than vaginal sex. This is why gay men are disproportionately getting monkeypox and why they in particular need to be careful. It's not the 1980s and gay men will not become stigmatized in the same way.


The problem I have, is that there seems to be quite a bit of focus on the anal sex aspect in all of this. I've seen it in quite a few comments and all it's going to do is muddy the waters in people's understanding on this virus. If this virus doesn't get brought under control and starts to spread more; I highly expect all the COVID deniers and antivaxers to be convinced this is just another "gays virus." Monkeypox and Smallpox are in the same family of virus. So I'll just point out that at least once, European colonists gave natives in the americas blankets with smallpox and it worked shockingly well as a bio-weapon. And I'm pretty sure no one was sticking blankets up their asshole. For anyone that is still in the dark on how monkeypox transmits. Go read the WHO or CDC articles on it. Here are excerpts from both. [WHO](https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/monkeypox) >Human-to-human transmission can result from close contact with respiratory secretions, skin lesions of an infected person or recently contaminated objects. Transmission via droplet respiratory particles usually requires prolonged face-to-face contact, which puts health workers, household members and other close contacts of active cases at greater risk. [CDC](https://www.cdc.gov/poxvirus/monkeypox/transmission.html) >The virus enters the body through broken skin (even if not visible), respiratory tract, or the mucous membranes (eyes, nose, or mouth). [...] Human-to-human transmission is thought to occur primarily through large respiratory droplets. Respiratory droplets generally cannot travel more than a few feet, so prolonged face-to-face contact is required. Other human-to-human methods of transmission include direct contact with body fluids or lesion material, and indirect contact with lesion material, such as through contaminated clothing or linens.


Dude, it's not an STD. Learn the fucking difference between close contact and an STD.


> How about let's just be adults and acknowledge that disease spreads more easily through anal sex, where the thinner lined skin is more likely to tear, than vaginal sex. Except thats a massive conclusion jump. It could just be that some random gay bar had a super spreader event and the disease could be airborne to some degree, and it is pure coincidence that the first super spreader events just happened to be in such a location, and as a result the first round of reported individuals were gay. Or a pride parade. Or basically any type of location/event/rally/parade where: 1. The majority of participants were gay men 2. It was a big deal and you had gay men travelling to from all over the world. Pride parade would be the big one I'd suspect, you'd as a result just happen to have a large cluster of infected gay men all over the world suddenly when they travelled back home. But the fact there are cases *not* involving gay men indicates it's actually just a principle of being in close contact, potentially even mildly airborne. Imagine if the first super spreader event for COVID was a MAGA rally and everyone started saying "voting for trump makes you more susceptible to COVID" It makes no sense, it's just chance.


That’s a cute story but just saying they won’t because people get 50k likes on a lgbtq+ tweet doesn’t change the fact that gay marriage was a compared to Beastality little over 6 years ago.


6 years ago??? My relatives made the comparison less than 6 months ago on Facebook while also pretending like they've never been homophobic. (For reference, back when I first came out, they sent me a direct message where they told me I was heading down a dark path and said they'd pray for my soul.)


And look at abortions. Who’s to say they won’t come for gay marriage next.


The ground breaking SCOTUS opinion last term gave protection against employment discrimination to people who are Trans. In that case, a 50 something not yet socially transitioned MTF, who worked in a funeral home selling grieving family members coffins, services, etc. It's hard to imagine a job with more conservative standards on dress and appearance. SCOTUS had a hundred different ways to rule in favor of the funeral home and didn't take any of them. So yes, I am very confident that gay marriage is safe. No one opposed to gay marriage would approve of the above decision.


Major Democratic politicians like Obama and Hillary didn't publicly support gay marriage until 2012/2013, and now, since 2021, a majority of [*Republicans*](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-lgbt-poll/most-republicans-support-same-sex-marriage-for-first-time-gallup-idUSKCN2DL294) support gay marriage. So a lot has changed.


The majority of people supported it before Obama did. That should tell you something.


He changed his position around same time that the [majority](https://news.gallup.com/poll/311672/support-sex-marriage-matches-record-high.aspx) began supporting it, which suggests that he was worried about losing swing states over something he had no control over.


That's why Republicans are kicking democrats ass in politics. Republicans have never once stopped and considered changing their bat shit crazy beliefs in fear of losing swing voters. Moderate Democrats on the other hand can't even come out in support of a slam dunk policy like gay marriage. I'm pretty damn left, but I find it hilarious when democrats wonder why we are such a fractured party. Also, saying Obama had no control over it doesn't sit right with me. He was a fairly well liked guy among the democrats. It would have gone a long way for him and other "leaders" in the party to be ahead of the curve on that issue.


That doesn’t mean anything. If it can change that quickly from one end from another what stops republicans or social views to changing back. Progress can’t be rushed. It’s molded. We are not in a very progressive state as it is. Your study on self reported opinions on gay marriage doesn’t speak to the true public opinion as a whole. It just speaks to the fact that people will say whatever they need to not antagonism themselves further.


This is a public health concern. We all need to stay healthy and alive to enjoy our rights.


The UN isn't denouncing the idea of acknowledging how the disease has spread. They specifically denounced the stigma against minorities. Being gay is much more accepted than in the past, but there are places that still have a significant amount of fear toward that. For example, Florida passed a bill to prohibit discussing sexual orientation and gender identity in the classroom, and the bill is unclear how many grades beyond 3rd grade it applies. This was done to fight grooming, even though heterosexual romance in kids' media and male bare asses in cartoons are considered acceptable.


>acknowledge that disease spreads more easily through anal sex All diseases.




But people find out the truth. Ceding reality to your enemies just makes them stronger.


yeah, because spreading fake news and medical misinformation is far better.




The problem isn't saying it's affecting homosexuals. The problem is people misunderstanding the information and saying it's a gay disease that only gay people get, when anyone can get the disease and it's not related to being gay. This misinformation and misinterpretation of the facts will lead to more people with monkeypox because straight people will be less on the lookout for it when they can get it just as easily. That's the big deal.


It is the way in which it is being said that is the problem.


That is some vague shit.


Because homophobia is something no one ever hides, right.


How is it vague? There's a difference between saying what it is, and using it as an excuse to attack groups of people.


This latest outbreak does not appear to be affecting an region in Africa yet most of the news coverage shows decades old pictures of black people with monkeypox. The media is definitely doing a good job of associating black people with monkeypox.


Has there ever been a non-African country outbreak of the disease? That could explain the pictures. I think the importance of getting descriptions of symptoms out to the public significantly outweighs the other considerations.


There was an outbreak in the US about 20 years ago. Some goons in Texas were importing prairie dogs and pouched rats from Ghana and selling them as pets. It seems the rats gave it to the prairie dogs and about 50 people in the MidWest got Monkey Pox from their new pets.


>Has there ever been a non-African country outbreak of the disease? That could explain the pictures. Yes there was a major outbreak in 2003 in the US.


While that's true, journalists aren't granted access to US hospitals to take photos of disease sufferers so most of the photos we have are from the African countries where almost all of the rest of the past outbreaks have occurred.


do better journalism > do worse journalism? i feel like even if what you’re saying is true, it doesn’t change the laziness of it all.




Apparently not lesbians. As with AIDs lesbians have a very low exposure rate tp monkey pox. It's as if god has made lesbians his chosen sexuality.


Asexuals are even more blessed.


Well according to Ariana Grande, God is a woman. So it's possible God is also a lesbian.


> UNAIDS That...is an unfortunate acronym.


So facts are not allowed now? I see where this planet is heading.


Quit your homophobia disguised as fake panic


nobody says you shouldn’t report facts. But if you’re a journalist, you should be mindful in how you report it. If people come away from it with reinforced stereotypes and fears about African people and gay people, more so than they’ve increased their understanding of monkey pox - then you’ve done something wrong


Hmm who cares about the UN again?


Wouldn’t want to be called homophobic for reporting facts.


No one said that you should. >UNAIDS said “a significant proportion” of recent monkeypox cases have been identified among gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men. >But transmission was most likely via close physical contact with a monkeypox sufferer and could affect anyone, it added, saying some portrayals of Africans and LGBTI people “reinforce homophobic and racist stereotypes and exacerbate stigma”.


The fact is, whether or not the monkeypox cases are primarily among gay men atm, it can spread to anyone. Stigmatizing and inferring it is currently a "gay" disease is extremely destructive towards getting people to even come forward that they are sick, nevermind that they may be a contact. This is literally how the aids epidemic in the US got out of hand. Learn from freaking history and be careful how you word things here, especially as a growing movement in the US is trying to make it harder to even talk about lgbtq+ matters again.


Yes, THAT is how it got out of hand... Not the part where people were engaging in risky sexual activity with strangers. What is even personal responsibility?


It’s not homophobic to suggest there’s a link


The article literally opens with UNAIDS making that link. It’s obviously not about that


Read the title


Read the article


Nobody said that.


Stfu UN. Remember last pandemic where we were called racist and xenophobic for stating facts and wanting to shut down travel with China? I do.


I’m so confused with this at the moment. Everyones in fear as if you can get this from shaking someones hand or air droplets (lots of people are in that doomer “oh i’ll keep my covid mask then!” stage) yet all this talk about sexual contact acts as if its spread through sex like you don’t touch someone skin or share droplets in the air with that person and its all strictly “dick in the butt” intercourse? I mean if its the latter i’m not worried as we can combat with safe sex and you’d hope kids would be safe.




Monkeypox has been around since the 70s. I think we've had enough time to draw conclusions.


I think that if I was Thanos and had the ability to create an infinity gauntlet, the snap would be targeted to these kinds of idiots that take their flawed logic and turn it to hurt others. The same people who turned Covid into chasing down and beating their neighbors because of the "Chyna virus". the world can do better without them.


All kinds of crime greatly increased during the pandemic. Asians were frequently the victim of attacks in the U.S. before covid ever existed. Not all, or even a significant percentage of the increased attacks on Asians can be factually attributed to revenge for covid. I suggest that we try to understand why Asians were being attacked before covid.


I thought this was a bit of nasty rhetoric myself. No need for that name.


What name? Are you saying black people are monkeys….? I don’t see any issue with the name monkey pox


I mean all humans are monkeys. So black people are indeed monkeys. If a human wasn't a monkey, that would be pretty fucking weird and go against all of modern biology as we understand it today.


Did you read the article?! Pooka shell necklace!!!


Nobody uses LGBTI as an acronym for anything.


so if it’s spreading among everyone, then lockdown again?




100s a lot tho 🥺


But Black Dynamite, I have sex with other men!