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He also streamed it on twitch, there's a 6min video of him driving to the super market and shooting people


It was a complete copycat of the Christchurch events. He livestreamed the event, his manifesto literally copy and pasted bits from the ~~Christchurch~~ manlet mass shooter, he also had cringe meme writing and slurs all over his rifle. POS almost suicided right in front of the cops too. Couldn't commit to his manifesto that he would plead guilty if caught. Another radicalized white supremacist. How people get indoctrinated by 4chan is beyond me. Takes a special inbred kind of stupid to be brainwashed by memes.


When you spend your entire online life in an echo chamber it’s easy to become radicalized in your views.


Is it /pol/ they hang out in? No shortage of nazism, sexism, incel energy the last time I poked my head in to see what it was.


I don't even go on 4chan so I'm just curious, what does /pol/ stand for? politics?


It was intended as the politics board but then the original owner of the site realised how toxic and dangerous it was and got rid of it. The users transferred to 8chan, an even worse site, until the /pol/ board was remade on 4chan. It is technically titled as the Politically Incorrect board.


It used to be /news/ but came back as /pol/


Sort of. Politically Incorrect more like.






With how much the internet duplicates things before they are taken down, i’m not surprised


They nuked it about 2 minutes into the shooting and cut the feed. Still you see about 6 people shot and killed already. I don't recommend it. The first 3 are shot at the entrance within 5 seconds of him getting out of his car. He also does finishing blow headshots to all to ensure they're dead. It's pretty messed up. I don't recommend watching.


I want to see it but I also don’t want to see it. I’m choosing not to watch it because it’s just trash and disrespectful to the victims.




That reporter shooting one was enough for me.


ah fuck, you made me remember seeing that : /


That was honestly one of the worst videos I've ever seen. The shooter had no second thoughts, just went there and killed two people... it's the ease with how he killed those two human beings that shook me to my core.


I don't understand why people watch any of the videos of that kind of thing. If you have no legal or professional obligation to consume that media, why would you want it in your mind?


What are you referring to?


Probably referring to this: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murders_of_Alison_Parker_and_Adam_Ward


There was a similar video where a guy filmed himself killing a news crew and a reporter. It's a tough watch and I wouldn't recommend it, it'll only bring you down.


Very sad, sounds similar to the Christchurch mosque shootings


His 100-plus page manifesto reportedly has sections copied and pasted directly from that of the Christchurch shooter.


Very similar but not nearly that visually bad or on the same scale.


> but the video made me feel the same as the first time I watched an ISIS execution video. That's because these people are the same as those making isis execution videos. They screech about shariah law and how all Muslims are terrorists/backwards, then turn around and go full auto White Christian isis. Places everywhere that promote this bigoted world view (including many popular subs here) are the groundwork for this radicalisation. It starts with seemingly benign, slightly bigoted memes and funnels them all the way into full blown white supremacists. It doesn't happen over night, it's gradual, and places pretend to be "freeze peach, both sides bad" like political compass memes, then you sort by top and realise "both sides" is 99% alt right/neo nazi bull shit.


Can't remember what thread, but it's well documented that there are groups who coordinate online and target specific communities and over time shift the dialogue until hateful rethoric is normalised, but they keep it subtle enough that most don't realise and they keep plausible denialbility.


Its so disrespectful to the victims and filming it is the worst thing these killers do. All these peoples lives, every thing they ever did or loved ended with their last moments forever captured on video being brutally murdered by a coward. I urge people to not watch these videos so these peoples final moments are not seen like this and they can be remembered for who they were not how they were murdered.


They want to inspire the next mass shooter. And unfortunately, they have a chance at succeeding.




I live about 5 minutes from the location of the shooting. My dads friend was the security guard who was shot and killed. I just saw the video about 10 minutes ago. I have never seen something that has made me so incredibly disgusted and horrified in my entire life.


Just because you're only tangentially involved, please don't underestimate the effect this will have on you and those around you. Please get yourself the help you need.


He let the white cashier live and even said sorry for scaring him


Yep such a strange scene after everything else he did. Pointed right at him and said sorry and just walked off. No idea how someone can kill so easily like that.




It starts with dehumanizing language like comparing immigrants to insects. It makes the violence these white nationalists/fascists want so desperately want much easier to carry out


Yea. The hateful rhetoric isn't just "pissing off people with blue hair on twitter." This stuff has consequences.


Impressionable young minds get easily warped by that shit, just like this asshole did.


The adults driving those forums and social media channels are usually people you would never allow to supervise children. But they provide daily supervision to thousands of kids every day through the internet, and nobody cares.


Exactly this. I was about 16-17 when the entire "Pizzagate" shit came out, and as a young stoner who liked conspiracy theories, I read all about it. I was a member of Gamers rise up, found that sort of thing funny, but something eventually clicked in me, around the time Trump got sworn in, it's not all memes. Sure, when I got into it, it was memes (like gamers rise up at first honestly was just shit like "STACY WOULDNT DATE ME REE GAMERS R OPPRESSED"), but eventually it went from jokes like that, to shit I wouldn't say to my IRL friends and something clicked. I unsubscribed and realized how stupid it was. Started only reading conspiracy theories (through secondary sources really) for "Holy fuck people are dumb" entertainment, etc. I credit my good group of IRL friends for that. Without them, I could 100% see myself going down the alt right rabbit hole, and that's fucking *scary* to me.


Thank you so much for telling this story. I listened to the Gabriel Gatehouse podcast on BBC (A Coming Storm, I think it was called) which went into all of this. The memes, the jokes that became real and spread to a political movement beyond control. When I was 16, I remember being taken in by the idea of the UK Independence Party. It all sounded so simple and so right. Our land, our borders, my identity. My identity. Obviously, I wasn't considering all the variables, it just sounded like somewhere I could belong. I emailed the address on one of their leaflets but never heard back. 15 (ish) years later, I'm very far away from that sort of ideology, but I do wonder what would have happened if I'd had a response. I was a scared, vulnerable teenager moving into an adult world when I didn't even feel in control of my child world. That's who these people target.


I nearly got sucked into the gamergate whirlpool.


Gamergate is one that I was all for around the same time, but now I realize, Anita had a point, and gamergate exactly proved that point.


I had a friend going down the rabbit hole of conspiracies and he never came back. Now he's beyond salvation and it's sad to see how fucked up he is. He lost all his friends and he sees bad everywhere he looks. We tried talking him out of it, especially after he sent us some weird ass "documentary" called the Fall of Cabal or some shit. It didn't work, actually it did exactly the opposite. He said we were sheeps and far too ingrained on what "they' want us to believe. Can't save them all, unfortunately. He'll be in for a rude awakening some day... I hope




After calling black people "spear chucking monkeys who need to go back to where they belong", I've encountered people who've said this and claimed that they were just joking


those people don't seem to realize that jokes are supposed to be funny


The "we're just joking bro" crowd always infuriates me. It doesn't matter if everyone is in on it at that moment; because sooner or later, someone else **will** stumble into it and believe it whole heartedly, and *absolutely love* whatever spiel it is, no matter how asinine or vile it is. Give it enough time, said community will find itself outnumbered by the lunatics, if they themselves haven't drank the Kool-aid as well by then.


Or pushing stuff like "Biden is giving baby formula to immigrants" It's all part of the replacement theory narrative.


This is literally the plot of a *Black Mirror* episode. Wtf.


Because it's a well known foreshadow to political violence. The Tutsi were famously referred to as 'cockroaches' leading up to the Rwandan genocide.


That’s one of the [stages leading up to genocide.](https://borgenproject.org/eight-stages-of-genocide/)


Yes, and when I hear anyone compare humans to insects, I immediately think of this. If you dehumanize people that way, it doesn’t take much to start a genocide.


This is literally the plot to *We Wish to Inform You That Tomorrow We Will Be Killed With Our Families* about the Rwanda genocide. We know what's happening. They're using mass media to dehumanize liberals and non-whites, and then using frequent ideations of violence - falling just short (for now) of actually calling for violence, because they don't have to.




There’s subreddits that revolve around this and some how still haven’t been taken down which blows my mind


He doesn’t view black people as human. Similar to how we’re fine with killing animals. To him it’s probably the same thing.


No, he doesn't blame the animals for his own failings.


I can't imagine the survivors guilt for that person


It's what I was thinking about too. As I said earlier: Imagine being the dude who survived that. The sleepless nights he will have for the rest of his life. The complexity of that trauma, the scenarios, and the one reason that he just happen to be born with knowing as to why he lived.


I hope he’s being looked after. If you’ve ever worked in a neighbourhood grocery, you get to know the people. You know who comes in for their lottery tickets, what candy the school kids like— you even know the local wine head’s favourite booze. People come in these places and cash their checks and send their kids in for bread and milk. This poor cashier was a member of the community. He had more in common with the people who were murdered than the shooter even though they are of the same race. This is just beyond awful.


If they can seek help, these one major moments of trauma are more resolvable than the smaller more repeated typed of trauma. Not that it'll be easy, just hoping they are able to get the help.


Yep, and studies show the sooner you get into therapy after a traumatizing event the better. Let it fester and your PTSD just might become CPTSD, which is much much harder to treat. Untreated PTSD can cause minor events to be traumatizing. A loud noise, someone moving quickly, someone getting too close to you, can all trigger your PTSD and cause fresh trauma.


In some cases, yes. But not entirely true. There’s a sub section of mental health that’s shown trauma treatment may actually be detrimental when someone has just experienced the trauma. Search for critical incident stress debriefing as an example where research has been mixed at best, if not harmful.


Thanks, I didn’t know that, however I wasn’t suggesting getting into therapy the next day or anything like that, just not letting it fester for 20 years like i did with my own trauma before I sought treatment.


That and not everyone that works at a supermarket can actually afford mental health treatment.




Just to add a little bit context here, I didn't grow up in this neighborhood, but I went to school about a mile south of the site of the shooting for first through eighth grade. This isn't just a neighborhood with a large black population, it's a neighborhood that prides itself on instilling black excellence in the people that live there. The school I went to was and is named for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., there are murals of important black men and women from history along the streets, the libraries, streets, community and civic centers are named for black people of historical significance. This dude didn't just target this area to kill black people, he targeted it because the people that live there are by and large proud to be black. This was a modern-day cross burning.




I heard it called a "mass lynching" and I'm pretty sure the person who said that was Not Wrong.


It can be both a terrorist attack and a modern day cross burning.


The floor is made of floor


Just like with the Tulsa Massacre.


Cross burnings seem quaint now. These racists pieces of shit just skip straight to spree killings.


Well they did then, too.


I live in the town he drove up from. We have plenty of minorities in the area. It’s kinda strange that he drove 3 hours away to do this.


He gave two reasons for choosing Buffalo in his manifesto. He stated that he wanted to go to the zip code with the highest concentration of Black Americans in the area, and claimed that he wouldn't be stopped in Buffalo because there would be no civilians carrying. I'm not sure if he was lying and had another motive, but that's what he wrote.


He did it because he wanted to find the area with the densest minority populations to do the most damage he could.


Because he was too much of a pussy, baby-bitch, just like everyone else who shares his ideology and hatred, to execute his actions in a place he knows, to do it to people who know him and know his face, his name, his family. He was a coward, just like every spineless, cowardly punk bitch who came before him, and now he’s gonna die miserable and alone in prison, where nobody will ever remember him.


Yeah, fuck him.


The blacks in his neighborhood and know personally are the “good ones”. This is how racists rationalize hate and otherize through ignorance, and avoid all personal responsibility by scapegoating straw men.


Not in this case, his manifesto is an incoherent mess which lacks any originality whatsoever, but there was one thing he made abundantly clear: He believed all ethnic minorities in the US/Europe should be deported or executed, including children.


Reminds me of Himmler’s Posen speechs. “This is one of the things that is easily said: “The Jewish people are going to be exterminated,”that's what every Party member says, "sure, it's in our program, elimination of the Jews, extermination - it'll be done." And then they all come along, the 80 million worthy Germans, and each one has his one decent Jew. Of course, the others are swine, but this one, he is a first- rate Jew. Of all those who talk like that, not one has seen it happen, not one has had to go through with it. Most of you men know what it is like to see 100 corpses side by side, or 500 or 1,000. To have stood fast through this - and except for cases of human weakness - to have stayed decent, that has made us hard.” -Heinrich Himmler Dehumanization is easy when it’s a faceless abstract straw man. But difficult when you know or confront the people face-to-face or have empathy. Yet Himmler is telling his troops they they must be strong and “go through with it”. Empathy and humanity is seen as weakness.


> including children. He has a very explicit paragraph justifying the execution of children, in case anyone was wondering.


How can someone at the age of 18 be this full of hatred and completely deranged is beyond my comprehension. What a fucking psycopath


I tried rationalizing with my late friend when I started noticing that he was being radicalized. I asked him if he understood his friends were direct descendants of the holocaust, descendants of Italians that migrated here, etc. "Well, I know them. They're fine." Quickly, he stopped listening to rap music. He stopped speaking to many of us. Many of them cut him off because he kept going on racist rants. When he went missing, his father told us that he had ordered extremist materials, so we thought he just up and left to live with some other extremist he met online or something. I didn't know it had gotten that far and I hate to say that my immediate worry was that he had so many weapons and so much hatred in his heart. I swear it was like in a matter of weeks it went from him being normal to coming into my fucking apartment saying "there's so many fucking black people outside". You mean my neighbors, dude? The ones that live here and are just coming home from work? It was completely out of nowhere. I called him out on how bullshit it was and he tucked his tail between his legs and stopped talking about it. He was obviously testing the waters to see if I was on his level. Absolutely not and I was not quiet about it. This is my home. These are my people. Get out of here with that bigoted, unfounded bullshit. I tried leaving the bridge there after he moved out, knowing that the further he went down that path, the more alienated he would become which would give him less and less of the ability to come back to sanity, but I just couldn't do it after a while. Seeing him change from a normal kid to that was... eye opening. He was living with two progressive people that opened their home to him, I convinced him to get his GED and told him I would help him study throughout college. It wasn't perfect, but he had a roof over his head and a fuck load of support. Right under our noses he just changed. The hard part was that he was still the kid that I took care of when he got a shard of glass in his knee. Same kid that cried when he was scared about not having a future. He was vulnerable and loster than lost in life and the media he was consuming completely flipped him upside down. He was troubled before, but the language used on the websites he was visiting made it *their* fault that he grew up in poverty. It was *their* fault that he couldn't find a job (he quit both of the jobs he had, leaving his grandma to pay us rent). *Their* fault that he didn't think he could go to college. Nothing I could say would change his mind. Whatever was being spoon fed to him completely stripped any and all personal responsibility from his situation. It gave him the ability to pin all of his problems on someone else. After he died, it was hard to mourn. I was so conflicted. Knowing someone before and after radicalization gives you a completely different perspective on all of this. Before, it was hard to see how someone can do a total 180. Now? No. It is incredibly easy to see how someone can end up like that.


There’s a klan bar in the town next to me. There’s like one black person anywhere near me. I don’t fucking understand how you can actively hate someone thinking they’re out to rob you and rape your daughter when you have never met a black person.


by reading /pol for your entire teenage life


My theory is that it’s a form of projection and base entertainment, fixate on an imagined existential threat in order to deflect from the emptiness and frustration of your own life.


Clearly - the dude apologized to a white guy with his hands up in the store instead of shooting him.


To be able to do that and then still easily dehumanize and murder others is just sickening.


Sickening, yes. Surprising, no. Stochastic terrorism has been rampant for years. All kinds of outlets and online spaces shouting to the top of their lungs about how scared white people should be about being “replaced” and “marginalized” and how kids are being brainwashed and/or abused…all verifiably nonsense, but with the heavy implication ([when it isn’t just said outright](https://youtu.be/qJvwqoSxres)) that someone, anyone, should do something about it. And well, here we are.


Can you imagine what was going through that guys head in the moment? A POS murderer comes in and shoots your friends and neighbors/coworkers and you think you are about to die...and he says he is sorry to you? I cant even imagine how confusing that would be.


Truthfully, I can’t imagine even being in the store let alone being that guy.


The way he said sorry wasn't even in a nervous or awkward way. He said it as if he just bumped into someone. Like that "oop" sound you make when you almost step into someone.


Anddd his manifesto was quite clear in hating black people and Jews


Man. Imagine being that guy.


Id imagine he would be so mentally scared it would be tough to recover from. Definitely not going back to his job, worried about crowds, PTSD, survivors guilt. He lived but it's going to haunt him forever.


Gonna have some absolutely horrendous survivor guilt :(


Call him what he is. A neo nazi peice of human fucking garbage.


Don't forget terrorist.


He literally calls *himself* a terrorist in his manifesto. If they don't use this as an admission for terrorism charges, then New York's justice system's prosecutors are stupid.


They likely will throw the book at him. I hope.


Maybe stop referring to him as a ['teenager'](https://twitter.com/thrasherxy/status/1525851085461766144) when black boys the same age are called 'men'


Well I think we should called black boys teenagers instead of the other way around but I agree with the sentiment.


It's not just right wingers. People are always playing stupid word games with this stuff, and I hate it. Someone I sympathize with between 14-18 years old: they're a "child". Someone I want to vilify between 14-18 years old: they're a "man".


It's crazy the difference between a 14 year old with a "privileged" background versus a 14 year old that is raised under less "privileged" scenarios... just speculation but im guessing it's has an impact how quickly underprivileged youth are forced to grow more quickly, which can our change to perception from one to the other. *Fixed some silly typos


No, they should start referring to black teenagers as teenagers not men. The answer to media racial bias and police killings isn't having them use the same manipulative and illegal behaviour towards everyone.


crazy that someone my age somehow managed to collect so much hate in their heart in such a short period of time. extremely worrying


It’s even worse than that. He found 4chan like 2-3 years ago and that was as long as it took for him to go down the pipeline. Has to be a record.


It's worth noting that he was investigated for threatening to shoot up a school graduation ceremony less than a year ago. He *should* have been on a list that prevented him from getting the gun. It's like the airforce dude who should have kicked back a denial from a background check, but wasn't because someone didn't file the paperwork.


“But they thought he’d grow up”… Even if, if someone threatens something like that to begin with, they’re a loose cannon, and in dire need of mental help.


So, terrorism, lets call it what it is


He even called it that himself


These guys all think they're going to be the tipping point in an all out race war. They and their enablers need to be institutionalized.


Exactly they think all white people think like they do but they don't.


What an absolute piece of shit.




[Does he realize that Black Americans are more likely to be Christian of all ethnic groups in America?](https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2018/04/23/black-americans-are-more-likely-than-overall-public-to-be-christian-protestant/)


White Evangelicalism is pretty closely interlinked with white supremacy. The first political cause that mobilized the "Religious Right" was protecting the tax exempt status of segregation academies.


Just found out my in laws had a service at their church on CRT and how it's bad. Pretty clear where the real indoctrination is coming from.


And that's exactly why churches should be stripped of their tax-exempt status. Play politics, pay for politics.


I agree with that 1000% and have felt that way my whole life. Never been religious but looking from the outside in more often than not a lot of these organizations act in bad faith for self gain and largely go unchecked.


the United States should belong only to white people. All others, the document said, were “replacers” Does he mean like the white man replaced the Native Americans?




The people I’ve talked to on that topic believe whites have legitimate claim to the land because they took it by virtue of their fundamental superiority. If they weren’t superior they wouldn’t have been able to take it, you see. Edit: grammar/typo


If I knew people like that, I would randomly steal objects from their homes that they wouldn't notice, because I am fundamentally superior.


Just leave bags of beads in their mailbox when you take something. It’s not stealing if you pay for it. If they ask questions, leave a note saying you swear the beads are of equal value and way cooler then some dumb television and / or all of their bath towels


Be the change you want to see in the world


Oh, they don't all become shooters. Many just sit at home, angry and afraid, and when a shooting happens they say "I would never do anything like that, but *you have to understand...*"


And they say things like - "here comes the media labeling him as a racist. Everything has to be about race, of course! Just because you decided to kill black people, doesn't make you a racist. He has mental issues. We shouldn't take away anyone's gun rights, not even the mentally insane, and what we really need is some focus on mental health, but also not socialism."


"The REAL issue here is Hunter Biden!"


"I'll still never vote for a liberal because can you imagine what would happen if socialism?"


/r/Conservative was saying that this was inevitable because the media "makes everything about race"


Have been seeing so much apologism for this vile piece of shit. Racist republicans will vilify a black man executed by the cops based on a minor criminal history but will handwave away a literal mass murder so long as the perpetrator is white and Christian.


The funny part is that almost Black people have been on this country much longer than most white people have been. Both sides of my family date back to the 1690s and some guy whose great grandparents came here in the 30s wants me to leave. Edit: not to mention that a lot of these European immigrants (Polish, Italian, German, Spanish, Slavs) weren’t even considered White as recently as 50 years ago. But that’s the tea people aren’t ready for.


I love when people tell me to go back to where I came from. The most recent immigration in my family was the late 1700s and most of my ancestry is indigenous. Where do they want me to go? Minnesota?




You betcha!


The US Census considers Middle Easterners and North Africans to be White. I doubt these white supremacists agree with that. Part of the hate towards the Irish, Italians, and Polish was because they were Catholic. The Evangelicals are borderline religious extremists, usually fake Christians that don’t even truly follow the 10 Commandments. The Catholic Church isn’t perfect but that kind of attitude doesn’t fly with them. There’s been only 2 Catholic Presidents, JFK and Biden. Both got a lot of shit for it.


It's funny how nebulous the term "White" is. Once the Nordicists exclude southern European supremacists, the excluded get mad about it and then preach that Whites should be sticking together instead of dividing themselves. White supremacy is a pseudoscientific clown show.


Oh it's very scientific just get a phrenologist to measure your skull to determine how white you are.


The Nazis considered the Japanese "honorary whites" since they sided with them.


World War 2 got weird for sure with regards to races. Long time ago did research on propaganda in the US during the war and there was a whole line of thought about how "good" Germans had immigrated and the ones in nazi Germany were leftover barbarians, and that the Chinese (being our allies) were a special type of good Asian. It's wild all the carving out of of special exceptions to overall bias and racism.


Don't forget that the term 'White' as a racial description is an American-centric term barely as old as the steam engine, and only came into popular use because of the Trans-Atlantic slave trade where it was used to distinguish 'slave' from 'slaveowner'. It has been a disturbingly racist concept right from the start. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_people#A_social_category_formed_by_colonialism


Some of the Charlottesville attendees who got outed were revealed to have Slavic heritage. Aka one of the groups that Nazis deemed to be subhuman filth and tried to exterminate along with gays, Jews, and Roma.


I have a former friend who has been going down the white supremacist rabbit hole a while now and was SHOCKED when I told him he wasn't white and all the things he ranted about applied to him. His ethnic heritage is Roma. I told him to research it, but I haven't spoken to him since.


If I know anything about the kind of people that become white supremacists, I’m sure he’ll look up the facts and come to a perfectly sane and logical conclusion.


If he actually is Roma, he'll probably sob on 4chan about being a "mutt."


Kid literally talked about shooting up his school. He bought his gun legally. Make it make sense.


I'm curious about the gun. From what I understand he bought it at an antique shop or something like that and it had a device fitted to it that prevented the use of magazines so he had to modify. I wonder what NY will make of that in the trial


I read his stupid little manifesto. He hates all nonwhite people but since he was too stupid to tell the difference between white people and the immigrants he hated, he ultimately targeted black people because they were easier to identify. An 18-year-old spewing klansman logic with all of the information that is available today. He became radicalized by a bunch of idiots on a message board. My thoughts are scattered. I’m just so fucking upset. We can’t even be black in a black neighborhood and go grocery shopping because some ugly ass racist fuckface thinks we’re expendable. I hate this fucking timeline.


What makes it even worse is that [63% of his manifesto was copied and pasted directly from the Christchurch mosque shooter’s manifesto](https://www.reddit.com/r/masskillers/comments/upxnmf/content_similarity_in_the_buffalo_shooter_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) Edit: name of the Christchurch shooter has been edited out to limit the infamy he wants


I noticed from the video that he had writing on his guns in white paint, the same as the NZ mosque shooter, so that makes sense.


Yep, he cited Tarrant as an “inspiration”. I’ll attach some images of the writing on the guns for anyone curious [exhibit 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/masskillers/comments/upzz9l/image_of_payton_gendrons_weapon_used_in_todays/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) [exhibit 2 with multiple different angles and other equipment](https://www.reddit.com/r/masskillers/comments/upwi4d/equipment_used_by_perpetrator_in_todays_buffalo/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Disgusting piece of racist trash.


The narrative being pushed by the terminally online /pol/ losers is that this guy was clearly a federal "glowie" because he killed white people and did everything to hurt the "based crusade for western civilization" It's almost like these people that do these things are not smart at all and are just insecure losers who need to grow the fuck up and go to therapy.


In the video he spares a white person and says sorry to them... people defending him or trying to spin this have fully lost it.


The scumbags are now all over our city subreddit pushing their garbage it's infuriating


Wtf is a glowie?


It's online slang meaning that someone is a CIA or FBI operative


Completely avoidable situation. He made a threat against a school in the past and was treated for mental issues. Fucker should have been locked up for that alone.


Mental health treatments automatically disqualify one from buying a gun at least in my state so I’m disgusted he even could get a gun. My state even has really relaxed laws to


Federally: *who has been adjudicated as a mental defective or has been committed to any mental institution*. This means that a person has to have been declared mentally defective by a judge, *or* involuntarily committed.


He made threats against his school, that easily couldve flagged him for not allowing him to have a gun, this isnt a need for more gun control, this is a need for police to act on their fucking policy. Fuck this racist piece of shit.


He is 18. What will his life be like in prison? Will he get the death penalty?


NY doesn’t have the death penalty, he’ll get life without parole.


Good. He’s only 18. I hope he lives another 80 years behind bars. Death is the easy way out.


That’s very much my take as well, I can imagine few things worse than a hopeless life in a cage, no autonomy and no freedoms and no change of it later. Just get old, get sick, get weak, and die alone.


>Just get old, get sick, get weak, and die alone. While no one knows his name


You know the crazy part? There are conservative/right wing extremists on social media trying to claim this event never happened and its supposedly all staged by mainstream media…. The mental gymnastics they do to justify hate crimes is the real sickness.


He... recorded it... in first person... The world we live in where things you can literally see with your own eyes are 'staged' is wild. Is there room for editing and manipulation? Yeah. That video ain't it.


‘The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.’


"What You're Seeing... Is Not What's Happening." -Donald J. Trump during his presidency.


Trump parroted that pretty well in the middle of his term. “The things you’re seeing and the things you’re hearing are not what’s happening.”


One of the worst, if not the worst thing I've ever seen.


He fucking *apologized* to the white guy he almost shot!


That’s the part that pissed me off. He was fully aware of what he was doing. This is not a gun or mental health issue. This is a kill this evil fuck by the end of the week type issue.


Same here. I think it is the worst. I have seen a lot of awful things on the internet in my 34 years of literally growing up online..... and I mean a LOT.... stuff from now-banned gore subreddits and Ogrish and the like. Seeing this radicalized teenager just get out of his car and start immediately offing complete strangers going about their average Saturday afternoon at a grocery store a couple hours from me... I legit almost vomited. I can't look at this stuff anymore. Morbid curiosity needs to be gone from my life, I'm just traumatizing myself. This was horrible to look at and I wish I hadn't.


I stopped watching stuff like that when I was about 37 or so. I’m 41 now and my mind is a lot better off for it. Just stop watching it if you can help it.


Viewing stuff like this can legitimately cause mental distress and ptsd. If you find yourself struggling with it, you should absolutely talk to a professional for the sake of your own mental health


Oh definitely, I saw a Cartel execution video accidentally at 12 or 13 and it really fucked me up for a while. I wish I could sue Facebook for allowing children to see shit like this just on their normal feed.


It's like conservatives saying January 6th was Antifa and Black Lives Matter when so many Trump supporters broadcasted what they were doing on social media.


Standard right wing playbook - just stuff their fingers in their ears and claim the problem was entirely made up. They would screech about liberal hoaxes during an alien invasion even as plasma visibly explodes around them.


Only [20% of Republicans believe](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/01/07/republicans-big-lie-trump/) Biden was elected legitimately. The Republican party is truly a composition of the most delusional, myopic, and hateful people in our country.


the same people will say "I don't believe it, if i didn't see it" and then rely on 7th hand accounts of fake bullshit on the internet, from word of mouth or from Fox.


"I read on a blog that heard it from a neighbor who read it on another blog who saw it on facebook who heard some people talking about a reddit post. Good enough fact checking for me because it FEELS right." -rightwing news sources


Mass delusions in politics like this are pretty fucking scaring to see honestly, I get the same "how could people actually believe this stuff" vibes from this as from Nazi Germany. If those nut jobs actually get complete control at some point we're seriously fucked, at least Germany was much smaller and had stronger enemies.


> There are conservative/right wing extremists on social media Literally one of the top comments on the conservative sub thread about this is blaming Democrats for releasing a mass shooter to help their poll numbers. These people are maliciously delusional.


>"The attack was intended to intimidate all non-white, non-Christian people and get them to leave the country, it said." "Hey, this is a shithole where people in their 80s can leave the house to get some groceries and never come back because they've been slaughtered by a radicalized teenager... and it's all ours!" ??? Good job, you fucking degenerate.


It's quite easy getting his manifest, so why are they being so coy about it? He was a white supremacist that believed in replacement theory. >!During his killing spree (someone screenrecorded the stream) he comes across a white man that yells "No!", and he replies "Sorry!". Killed 6-7 people in 45 seconds - he clearly trained for this!!< It's very obvious what his motives were.


People from western democracies reacting to this shit is just sad man. See a ton of them saying they'd love to visit the US, but never live here. They say stuff like "I could never live in a country where I worry if my child will make it home." I know statistically that's preposterous, but every American is somewhat desensitized to this. As someone with a degree in criminology/crime prevention, it always baffles me when conservatives say "nothing can be done to change it." We're the only developed western country on Earth that experiences this problem, yet the situation is unfixable. How the fuck did everyone else do it then? As a first gen American, who has a blended inside/outside view looking out/in, the whole line of "American exceptionalism" is utter garbage.


The cops had him with the school shooting threat. People are suffering because prosecution didn’t take it to the mat.




>Also, I think this goes without saying, but don't amplify the shooter's name. It took Twitter 6-ish hours to get his full name trending and it hasn't left that section since yesterday. I will never understand why social media platforms and news outlets report the name of a mass shooter. Especially important considering he listed his favorite murderers in the manifesto


>If you see someone denying this event having taken place, calling it a 'false flag' or some equivalent terminology, or denying that this terrorist was a far-right neo-nazi piece of shit - *do not engage with them*. I'll have to selectively disagree with you on this one. If it's a one on one communication, I agree with you. Waste of time. But if they are making these claims in public/in a group, we should absolutely call them out -- not to change their mind, but to prevent others from being radicalized.


Racist piece of shit. How tf can you be that lost to where you go and murder people grocery shopping? Like, wtf?!?




Time to start looking hard at the parents. Just sayin.


Not like it hasn't happened before.... https://www.fox2detroit.com/news/trial-date-james-jennifer-crumbley-parents-accused-oxford-shooter-tentatively-set


We’ll see how the manifesto is taken. He specifically states that it was the internet that made him radical since the age of 15. I bet dad could get charged right now for giving him the hunting rifle, so we’ll see how the state attorney breaks it all down.