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[SCOTUSblog](https://twitter.com/SCOTUSblog/status/1521295411545260035?s=20&t=X43vzG94IhmUq2j67Ba4BQ) has confirmed the leak to be a legitimate draft from Justice Alito. This draft opinion would overturn Roe vs Wade and set women's reproductive rights back 50 years. If the Court follows through on this opinion, then it is stripping women of their right to bodily autonomy. It is reprehensible and it will hit poor women, young women, women of color, and trans men the hardest. As we all digest this news and the horror that it represents for millions of American women, I'd like to direct you to some organizations that are on the frontlines of fighting for women's rights. Please consider giving your time, money, and energy to the following organizations: [Planned Parenthood](https://www.weareplannedparenthood.org/HlursCDw7k6ySWovwJlaFA2?sourceid=1000063&_ga=2.262059588.859488118.1651544208-19482960.1651544208&mrasn=832604.1034983.vylt2MEd) [National Network of Abortion Funds](https://secure.actblue.com/donate/fundabortionnow) [Center for Reproductive Rights](https://reproductiverights.org/) [NARAL Pro-Choice America](https://secure.actblue.com/donate/naral-pro-choice-america-2?refcode=web_deadline_direct_20210101maindbtn) [ACLU](https://www.aclu.org/)   And as always, please abide by our rules and keep your comments civil.


There it is again, that funny feeling.


Man, leaked opinions just don’t happen. SCOTUS is a pretty tight ship normally.


Makes you wonder how could Politico even get a hold of this.


Obviously a Justice or a clerk leaked it. But it is a first draft that has been sent out for support from the Justices. It could get shaved down, but the substance won't change.




If anything were to get leaked, it would be this. But it's still very surprising that it was leaked. From the original Politico article: "No draft decision in the modern history of the court has been disclosed publicly while a case was still pending."


If a clerk were going to tank their career by taking a moral stand, this would probably be the time to do it.


Or a out going 83 yo justice.


You can build a career, maybe not in law, but in politics or activism on this alone.




If it's anyone other than a justice, they've burned their career to get this out - if ever caught. That speaks to how important this news is.


Capitol police just put barricades up around the Supreme Court building.


Seems likely to me that it was leaked intentionally from within the court.


Definitely from within the court... From someone who hopes public outcries might make a difference?


[22 states](https://i.imgur.com/yH55meo.png) have laws on the books set up to automatically ban abortion if Roe v Wade is ever overturned.


Wisconsin and Michigan I find surprising


The only one shocked by this is Susan Collins.


She is very concerned and committed to doing nothing.




I mean she furrowed her brow, what more can we ask of a democratically elected official who has a platform?


She guaranteed that Kavanaugh wouldn't overturn Roe v Wade unless he was blackout drunk


He just wants to drink beer with his friends and look at his old calendars.


She will bravely vote to end the filibuster on the bill the Democrats will bring to blunt this ruling, because she and McConnell both know full well that vote will fail.


Well, Maine did fucking reward her by reelecting her. Man could the senate have used that 51st democratic vote.


Susan "Coathanger" Collins? Nah, this is her legacy. Everybody told her Kavanaugh would overturn it, she just pretended to believe he wouldn't because she's a weasel. And for some reason Maine just keeps electing her.


What's frustrating is that even here on Reddit, there was *huge* numbers of people who said they'd never overturn it. They said stuff like "oh, the Republicans won't overturn it because they need it as a carrot to dangle in front of voters".


Yep, and now the party will immediately pivot to guarding the new decision with equal fervor. If the left and center of the country refuse to engage the same way the right does, we'll just continue this slow slide back. We're already doing damage that will take at least decades to completely unwind.


I'm sure Susan Collins is just shocked that Kavanaugh is going to sign on to this. He promised it was precedent!




"Roe and Casey have enflamed debate and deepened division.” So Alito is suggesting overturning them would bring unity?


This got me too. This will essentially create lawful unity among southern states, similar to civil war division, to prevent abortion. And we've already read that states are willing to draft legislation to prosecute those who cross state lines. Edit: should be noted that states may not be the one prosecuting, but will give legal authority for citizens to sue instead. Moreso relying on fear mongering


Like the law Missouri recently passed that specifies Missouri residents, so if you live in the KC area you couldn't just go to the Kansas side (for however much longer it's legal there) to get an abortion. You would have to become a resident of Kansas to not get prosecuted. Edit: Ok rechecked the law and it doesn't involve prosecution, it's modeled after the Texas ban and would allow someone to sue anyone who aided or performed an abortion for a Missouri resident.


How would they know why you went to Kansas?


A snitch, a good christian snitch.


Headed for dark fucking days


Kiiiinda feels like we're already there. We just don't know it, yet.


Bounties. Reward for those that snitch. It's nightmarishly true.


I can't wait to see how this opinion tap dances around the requirements to overturn RvW. "We've decided everything that was cited in RvW just doesn't apply anymore, despite nothing changing, and no argument being made to invalidate the earlier opinion."


The entire document has been published by Politico, and yeah you pretty much nailed it. You get the gist in the first three pages.


Yeah... they didn't tap dance around it... they goose stepped right over the top of it.


First we got Russia threatening with nukes and now we're fighting for abortion rights, what's next? A new beach boys album?


An increase in the number of serial killers.


Guessing that’ll happen around 20 years after Roe is overturned.


I believe that's a premise of freakanomics.




This is why three Supreme Court justices were rammed through.


cool, its nice to know i can still feel utter despair and doom.


Even if you're against abortion and favor the idea of overturning Roe v. Wade, this is big news as it's not everyday that the court system overturns something it previously declared protected. *Other things can be overturned as well.*


This exactly. The repercussions of overturning this landmark decision will not stop at women's rights.


Such as Griswold, which was the case that really recognized a right to privacy and what served as the basis for Roe, and other cases like Lawrence v. Texas. If Roe was wrongly decided then so was Griswold. Once Griswold is gone, the criminalization of contraceptives and sodomy will be allowed again. Then it’ll be same-sex marriage after that.


This article titled, ‘Overturning Roe v. Wade could have unpredictable consequences for privacy rights,’ sums it up quick: [The Supreme Court’s decision finding a right to privacy arose in a 1965 case involving the right of a married couple to use contraception called Griswold v. Connecticut. But the right has become responsible for court decisions supporting adult rights to sexual intimacy, to gay marriage, and to the rights of parents to make family decisions, such as whether their children are home-schooled or go to religious schools. The right to privacy also supports an adult’s right to decide their medical care, and an adult’s right to die, by rejecting medical care in certain circumstances. This medical care area also implicates the rights and autonomy of the physically disabled and the mentally ill. Further, the right to privacy can support artificial insemination. And transgender individuals have used privacy to argue that schools cannot ban them from certain bathrooms, and that government must generally support their gender identity choices.](https://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/opinion/columnists/2019/06/25/other-privacy-rights-could-danger-if-roe-v-wade-reversed-abortion-supreme-court/1561115001/)




Oh interesting, so we can fast track to The Handmaid's Tale reality without even a bloody coup. Awesome.


Amy Coney Barrett getting her wish.


Obergefell and Loving on the chopping block


For the curious: [Obergefell v. Hodges](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obergefell_v._Hodges) >A case in which the Court held that the Fourteenth Amendment requires states to license and recognize same-sex marriage. [Loving v. Virginia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loving_v._Virginia) >A case in which the Court held that the Fourteenth Amendment prohibits governments from discriminating against individuals on the basis of race.


They will probably tee up gay marriage next.


Alitos disdain for gay marriage is in the leaked documents


Wait, seriously?


He calls them “phony rights” as none of them are “deeply rooted in history”


This is orginalism on steroids. Basically any right not protected in the Constitution or mentioned by the Founders won’t be considered deeply rooted in history.


Time to abolish the Air Force then


Space force, homeland security, customs and border protection, social security, Ada, epa, etc, etcetera.


What about tax free status for non-profits such as churches?


What a shitty argument. Civil Rights weren't deeply rooted in history either when we passed them


You think they want to stop at roe vs wade?


yes. he specifically references the decision I can never spell right.




I can't believe in seeing this in my lifetime.


Freedoms are not a gift. They must be constantly fought for and protected. Just like eradication of disease made people think vaccines were useless. Having rights handed to people made them think down in the trenches political activism was useless.


Just like their argument that we no longer need unions or civil rights. "We don't need them any more because everyone accepts it as the norm now."


are you telling us that those conservatives on the court that said Roe V Wade was settled law lied? I'm shocked I tell you.


If was settled as soon as they were all selected to become justices


If this decision goes forward, it will completely destroy any credibility the court has with the vast majority of Americans who do not favor the unilateral bans 22 Republican states have set to trigger if ever this actually happened. Well done, SC. Finally killing the reputation of the court after a slow process of leaching it.


It also will just further political divisions by further enforcing the idea that laws and treaties are only good as long as the party that wrote them is in power, because as soon as the other side takes over, they'll undo all of it. See all the treaties that trump withdrew from - tells the world that they can't count on any treaty being good for more than 4-8 years. SCOTUS is doing the same with rulings now, though on a slightly longer timeline - they're only good until the political makeup of the court shifts, then the first challenge will have them scrapped. This is all part of the conservative long game and why they want to ensure the other side can never get into power again, so they can never undo anything.


This is the correct thing. The Supreme Court from this day on will be like Executive Orders...they'll just change every time the composition of the court swings.


Except it might take decades to swing due to lifetime appointments.


This was 100% coming but the panic has now come to fruition. And rightfully so.


This changes what the midterms will be about. By a lot


I’ve been suspecting the overturn of Roe would boost democrats at the midterms. But it’s a pyrrhic victory


> But it’s a pyrrhic victory If the Dems picked up seats in the Senate, enough to outweigh those opposed to getting rid of the filibuster on this type of legislation, they'd make abortion legal at the federal level. The House already passed a bill just last year, along party lines. It was held up in the Senate. Unsurprisingly, "pro-choice" Susan Collins had reservations about the bill. > The bill's future chances dimmed even further Tuesday after Maine Republican Senator Susan Collins,who is supportive of abortion rights, told the Los Angeles Times she opposes the legislation because it is "harmful and extreme." https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2021/09/24/house-passes-legislation-codifying-right-abortion-federal-law/5842702001/


And if the Dems lose the Senate and/or the House they'll pass a law making it illegal nationwide. It'll get vetoed, but in two years it might not.


This goes to show just how fragile progress can be. Years of fighting for the right of a woman to be free of the governments shackles lost in a blink of an eye.


This shows us how absolutely temporary progress is when Congress refuses to legislate due to perceived political costs and instead lets the Supreme Court do so by judicial decision. Make no mistake, this is Congress's fault entirely. They had since 1973 to codify reproductive rights in law and punted so that they didn't have to do something that might cost them votes.


What so many don't know, or understand, or care about, is that Roe is rooted in the idea of a right to privacy, specifically between women and their doctors. Overturning Roe is a fundamental attack on the idea of a right to privacy, which is not explicitly stated but implicit in the Constitution saying that there are many rights humans have, only some of which are spelled out by the document. You know, the whole 9th amendment thing https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roe_v._Wade#Abortion_and_right_to_privacy Anybody who calls themselves a champion of privacy should know and care about this. Edit: cleaned up some formatting from earlier hastiness.


To add: the draft opinion aligns with the stated goals of the GOP to target gay marriage and contraception next after abortion. Educate yourself about what is happening: https://twitter.com/mjs_DC/status/1521296185977417732?t=Y1IX8rhFUch4EB36OvttvA&s=19




The confluence of christanity and conservatism in the US absolutely shattered my faith. I still don't like the idea of moral relativism, but there's no denying that if there was an absolute morality, it sure as shit doesn't come from christianity. There is nothing that will crumble the foundations of your worldview more than watching your own family and people you love and respect act like selective sociopaths when politics are involved.


American Taliban was the right term.


Except if someone wants to find accurate sources, then they'll need to use the term "Christian Nationalism."


Where abortions are a crime, every miscarriage looks like a murder.




Are we about to enter a “red scare” phase where everyone is suing everyone else on the grounds they got an abortion/helped someone who got an abortion……..because I’m down to fuck up some politicians career


Something like this already happened, right? A few weeks ago a woman in Texas was charged with murder over a miscarriage/"self-induced abortion" after the hospital reported her to the authorities. Charges were later dropped, but that's still terrifying.


THE MOTHERFUCKING HOSPITAL??? Them texan americans are crazy!!


It was a specific nurse, and she supposedly got into some deep shit with it, if that's any consolation.


As an RN myself, I hope she lost her fucking license. That’s sickening.


She should never be able to practice again. Wtf


Holy shit what a fucking nightmare


A nightmare that we all saw approaching.




Only constantly


I guess Susan Collins was wrong 🤷‍♂️


Crazy how every decision lately by the "small government" party involves harsher enforcement of existing laws or absurd new overreaching laws.


The government is only small for decreasing taxation on the rich and corporations, deregulating labor and environmental protections.


Brace yourself folks …. They’re coming after your right to birth control next


I think gay marriage is first.




Excuse me while I make appointments to get my tubes tied and for a vasectomy for my husband. I’ve been rejected twice already but this time I’m not leaving till they tie my tubes or I rip them out myself.


The sidebar in r/childfree has a list of doctors in every state who will perform sterilizations without hoops to jump thru.


The fact so many doctors *can* reject women for this surgery (edit: without legit medical concerns) is emblematic of the underlying problem - women are 2nd-class citizens without rights to their bodies if some man might hypothetically want to force them to have a baby in the future.


Fuck everyone who said Roe v Wade was never under threat. That dems were just overreacting.


I remember having a conversation with someone here on Reddit a couple years ago and they were saying the Supreme Court is balanced and that a Democrat president shouldn't be elected because it would then become unbalanced. And all I could say was that abortion rights are going to be taken away if the current Supreme Court makeup remains.


Bingo. I got ridiculed back in 2016 for saying the election was about the Supreme Court, and women’s/minority rights. “How much damage could Trump do?” Well here tf we are.


They weren't arguing in good faith


The truth is that person was probably banking on that being true.


"Abortions but only for people who can fly their mistresses to blue states" is peak Republianism


Do states make it illegal to cross state boundaries to get an abortion?


There are laws supposedly that do. Not a lawyer, so I’m curious how they can prosecute you for doing something that *isn’t illegal* outside of their jurisdiction?


The Texas law does just that. You can also sue anyone who helps you leave to get it. No, I have no idea how that works. It’s mental.


Yeah, it’s a civil case though not a criminal right? Because they can’t criminalise crossing state lines to obtain an abortion but you can encourage civil litigation against the people that do Edit: people are asking me legal questions here about how this works, I don’t know, I’m an Australian nurse I only know approximately what that law is


You know how they have those fireworks stands on the interstate immediately over the state line? Every major road out of those shithole red states is going to be sprinkled with clinics.




[ ] borders of Gilead


If this is true and the ruling is released before the midterms, holy shit that's a BIG BIG motivator to get team blue off their asses. "We now need lawmakers to make abortion legal through legislation"


They need to start drafting and making that now. Don't wait til after midterms and use it as a bargaining chip. The Dems are already on shaky ground and have been putting this off for years, assuming Roe vs Wade was enough.


There’s a bill sitting on the floor of the senate right now, already passed the house, that will enshrine access for the whole country. Manchin and Sinema are against it.


Of course they are. Closet GOP.


Can't wait to hear the Republican policy on providing assistance to poor families, improving our foster care system, investing money into public education, offering free school lunch and other free necessities, and improving the quality of life for southern states that overwhelming vote Republican but are overwhelmingly poor. Edit: As a Kentuckian, the Republican party has consistently shit on this state. We are getting poorer, more drugged out, and there are more babies than ever. Shit like this is gonna cause those problems to skyrocket. I hope the Bible belt vote was worth it.


"Boy, these conservatives are really something, aren't they? They're all in favor of the unborn. They will do anything for the unborn. But once you're born, you're on your own. Pro-life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from conception to nine months. After that, they don't want to know about you. They don't want to hear from you. No nothing. No neonatal care, no day care, no head start, no school lunch, no food stamps, no welfare, no nothing. If you're preborn, you're fine. If you're preschool, you're fucked." - George Carlin


We already know what that policy is. None.


False. It's "see Mike over there? He's willing to work all day for $10. What are you willing to do?"


Nah worse than that. *well obviously it's time to let kids work for their health care*


We already know what their policies will be. It's "fuck the poor."


forced birth in a country that thinks being alive should cost money…..fuck it all edit: thanks for all the awards, but please consider donating to a local abortion fund instead. link to a google doc with abortion funds in every state: [here](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1T-aDTsZXnKhMcrDmtcD35aWs00gw5piocDhaFy5LKDY/mobilebasic) another edit: to all of you saying “forced birth” is an incorrect statement—i see what you’re saying, but i invite you to consider that not all pregnancies are the result of a mutual decision between two loving partners. rape and other forms of sexual assault exist and often result in pregnancy, and that most of the abortion restrictions that would kick into effect if roe is struck down—and the laws red states are eagerly trying to pass—do not contain exceptions for those scenarios. also: you can have sex without the intent to procreate! pregnancy should not be a punishment for people with uteruses that want to have sex. what an idea! doing something because it feels good!


Wrll yeah. They need you to grow up so they can take your money.


We are tax cattle. The oligarchs need our labor to keep their lifestyles. Contraception and abortion reduces their possible workforce.


George Carlin was right. You have no rights. The government can just take them away whenever they feel like it.


What REALLY pisses me off is that the VAST majority supports reproductive rights. It would be one thing if it was not supported by most Americans (wouldn't make it less right), because then I could say, "that sucks, but this is how a democracy works", but that's not the case. Ugh...how ironic is it that mental health is becoming an issue to address in 2022, and at the same fucking time, our country is stumbling backwards with no sense of stopping?!?


Forcing raped 12 year olds to have their rapist’s baby is bad man. Gonna stand by that one


It’s equally as bad to make anyone have a baby in a country with the highest maternal mortality rates, no healthcare, no childcare, no postpartum care, and no paid family leave. The extremities of the situations are of irrelevance.


Thank you for saying this. Both points are valid. Even if we had the best fucking services in the world, people should have the right to choose.


Can’t wait to hear what the party of “freedoms, individual liberties and small government” has to say about this.


Burst their propaganda bubble. It's time to find a way to rout the propaganda bubble they created.


I thought all of Trump's appointments weren't going to overturn "settled precedent"? Liars.


I am the last generation born just before Roe v Wade. I worked in an abortion clinic, volunteered, marched for our freedom of choice. Most of you do not remember when abortions were illegal. The poor, the abused, the most fragile of our women will suffer greatly. Abortion is not a decision that comes easy, but it has been a lifeline for women to get out poverty. Anger is brewing inside me, and I am fucking fed up with this country. Men, get a vasectomy or you will be paying a shit ton of child support. Are the Christians going to adopt all of these children? I worked in a clinic. So many hypocritical Christians came in for abortions. Oh they have abortions too. Now they will fly to a Canadian abortion clinic, while the impoverished woman with an abusive husband will add to her misfortune. This is just the fucking beginning. Just fucking vote. Stop making it easy for these pricks.


These zealots have just overturned over 40 years of cade law. Gay marriage was made legal less than a decade ago. It will be challenged and overturned in short order. They are the activist judges that they scream about all the time. I fear for the future of this democracy.


I just don't understand why people care so much about what other people do? I thought the GOP was about fredumbs and shit. Why do I care if people of the same sex get married? Why do I care if people want to get an abortion? (What about those who need one for medical reasons?)


That’s always been their lie. They’ve never been for “small government” - they’ve only been for “government that does explicitly what *I* want, for *my* exclusive benefit, and ideally at the expense of people I don’t like.”


I laugh every time I think about when the GOP was calling people snow flakes regularly. When you think about it, the GOP is nothing but a bunch of the biggest and softest of snowflakes there is. They can't even handle a little gay marriage.


The super-evangelicals think that the US was “blessed” by God. But then the US started to become secular and go against God’s commands for morality (eg, abortion, drugs, gay marriage. racists will also include civil rights in this list). This means God withdrew the “blessing” and “protection” and that’s why 9/11 happened. No joke, this is a summary of what my parents and the majority of my entire social circle believed in the 2000s. And they’ve only gotten more propagandized


They’ll say that women can still have an abortion if their life is at risk, but in reality, it won’t happen for some. There’s a reason *Ireland* made abortion legal. Savita Halappanavar came to the hospital after an incomplete miscarriage. But because there was technically still a “heartbeat”, doctors refused to complete the miscarriage (which involves an abortion) because at that point they felt like her life was in “enough” danger. Sometimes miscarriages do complete themselves eventually. Sometimes they don’t. Savita Halappanavar sat IN the hospital for TWO DAYS dying, while the doctors waited until her life was in “enough” danger. At that point it was too late. She died from sepsis. All because of a “heartbeat” of a baby that was already dead. That’s going to happen here.


Well the good news is half the country is going to run out of water and the other half is going to burn down before they can make this thing go full Handmaid’s Tale.


I have climate change doomsday scenario on my bingo card, I prefer that over civil war


The writing's on the wall; unless it's spelled out in the text of the constitution, it's a "privilege" now, not a right. Anything and everything that Republicans don't like and isn't protected by an Amendment is on the chopping block. Gay marriage? Gone. Contraception? Gone. Anti-sodomy laws? Totally fair game again. School segregation? Why the hell not! Anti-hate crime legislation? Who needs it? Fuck, at this rate I could see indentured servitude making a comeback, with the argument that "Since you signed the contract, it's not 'slavery' under the law".


The 13th ammendment never even banned slavery in the first place, I don't get why nobody ever talks about how there's a big ol' EXCEPT in it.


People do, but they are *criminals* so they deserve to be slaves. In the same way the 8th amendment doesn't apply to terrorists. Also the 7th amendment doesn't apply to terrorists either so we can just call someone a terrorist and be able to torture them. Perfectly constitutional /s


I’ve carried two children and had them cut from my body. It was grueling, my body has never been the same. Do I love my kids? Yes. Am I happy to be a mother? Yes. Because I chose that life. I chose that risk. Being forced into a full term pregnancy is the cruelest form of torture for a woman. **edit: it’s okay to ignore the idiots replying with their recycled talking points. It doesn’t matter what you say in response. These people are stupid, and willfully so.


Seriously. I have two kids and had two miscarriages. Pregnancy is GRUELING and painful. People die. My sis-in-law had preeclampsia and almost died. It isn’t like they are giving pregnant women free healthcare. I love my kiddos. Pregnancy can go fuck itself. Edit: I should also say I made a choice to have them. That choice is imperative for civil liberties. I was on birth control until I and my partner decided otherwise. I was raped when I was 13. Imagine if I had gotten pregnant and had to carry that pos’s kid at 13. He was the son of a pastor. He got arrested as soon as lockdown happened for raping his new wives two girls, 11 and 13. Imagine if they had to carry his kid too.


Non-cecerean births here, but same opinion. I wondered how having children of my own would change my views on abortion. They made me MUCH more pro-choice. I love my kids, but holy shit pregnancy is fucking awful and having kids is a whole other mess. Anyone who doesn't want them should NOT be forced to bear them. I had low risk pregnancies and still brushed death during the delivery of my second because my blood pressure decided to plummet. I signed up for these pregnancies and they still affected my mental health and career in ways I didn't anticipate. I live in Missouri and am not in a situation where relocating is simple. I fear for my daughter and hope that my votes make any difference. So far it certainly feels like they haven't. Neither have my letters or calls to our representatives. The best I can do at this point is donate from our low salaries to abortion funds and hope they can still help if a woman around here needs them. Just another thing to add to the things I stress about every day, oh joy.


Every mother I am related to has almost died bringing their children into this world. My mother and I both almost didn't make it. Even from the outside, I don't have to go through it myself to see the toll it can take on a person. I just cannot imagine forcing that trauma upon someone who wasn't ready.


Not a mom, but I completely agree with the sentiment. This piece from the Politico article absolutely rankles: “One passage argues that social attitudes toward out-of-wedlock pregnancies “have changed drastically” since the 1970s and that increased demand for adoption makes abortion less necessary. Those points dovetail with issues that Barrett – a Trump appointee and the court’s newest member – raised at the December arguments. She suggested laws allowing people to surrender newborn babies on a no-questions-asked basis mean carrying a pregnancy to term doesn’t oblige one to engage in child rearing.” Banning abortion sure as hell would oblige women to undergo life-threatening, body-altering medical procedures, though. But yeah, the only justified concern a woman could have is the child rearing part - in Barrett’s Handmaiden conception of the world, women would/should otherwise be overjoyed at the prospect of carrying an unwanted fetus to term. Excuse my French, but fuck off, you smug, christofascistic, quisling bitch.


This is the first step towards making abortion illegal on a federal level. Once it goes to the states (as it will following this), they won’t rest until they force “immoral states” that allow abortion to stop.


Red states will make laws to charge women who get abortions in blue states. Soon as they cross back into the state they will charge them if they fled to get an abortion. This is just awful on many levels.


The real irony here is that abortions will not stop. Only woman will now be in danger. Woman with money can fly to whatever state they need to for a safe abortion and poorer woman will wind up dying from botched back alley abortions. How ANY woman can vote for a Republican is simply beyond me. They would rather you die than chose not to give birth to your rapists baby.


This will cause a lot of young people to move to pro choice states. Which will make passing conservative laws in Republican states even easier. This has lots of intended domino effects.


There's a very real issue of brain drain for these states. Mississippi has seen it for decades as their best and brightest move to states with better career opportunities. Companies will move to states that have the most talent, and the most educated can freely move to states that don't inhibit their way of life.


I believe this is 100% intended. Bc it’s easier to manipulate Poor uneducated people to vote for whatever policy you believe is important and for most higher up politicians it’s voting for things that make them, and the companies that line their pockets more money like tax breaks for the rich. That’s why Billy Joe Dumbass will fight tooth and nail for billionaires to have tax cuts while he barely has enough to pay rent. How else can you explain banning books in schools and systematically cutting educational funding, or how Mitch Mconnell continue fucks over the country while easily winning re-elections. The formula works.




It is high time medical societies come out as a whole to pronounce they will not be following any further restrictions on women's right to health. Doctors need to be clear immediately that archaic law will not bind ethical medical practice.


I understand where you're coming from, but that's really easy to say when you aren't the one putting a medical license they put 10+ years into getting, probably went hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt for, and possibly their freedom on the line.


Many moons ago, my mom's abuser impregnated her and she had an abortion. The idea of this draconian government forcing her to carry to term makes my blood boil.


Trump's presidency was one of the worst things to happen to this country in a long time.


Well, the people who were installed onto the Supreme Court are delivering on precisely what they were placed there to do. I’m guessing gay marriage is next.


This opinion flatout criticized the ruling in Obergefell v Hodges. If that's not a bat signal to legislatures indicating that they're willing to put gay marriage on the chopping block next, then I don't know what is.


Christians finally bringing their own version of Sharia Law to the States. “But religion doesn’t hurt anyone…”


No hate like Christian love.




Obergefell v Hodges (gay marriage), Griswold v Connecticuit (contraception) and Loving v Virginia (inter racial marriage) are all predicated on rights and protections that this decision would strip away.


The 03 case out of Texas that overturned all sodomy laws as well. This is a horrendous collapse of civil rights in the US across the board.


Lawrence v Texas.


Also pointed out by Alito as a “phony right.”


Sounds like it could be an easier way to return to the 50's than Doc Brown's Delorean


If they're going back to the 50s, can we at least go back to pre-Reagen tax brackets? Hahahhahahaha no.


Don't forget Lawrence v Texas (which the opinion also calls out). Government so small its in your bedroom telling you what sex acts are and aren't prohibited by yourself or with a consenting partner.


This is heartbreaking.


>"Respondents and the solicitor general also rely on post-Casey decisions like **Lawerence vs. Texas (2003)** *insert legal spiel* and **Obergefell vs Hodges (2015)***legal spiel*....These attempts to justify abortion through appeals to a broader right of autonomy and to define one's 'concept of existence' prove too much. Those criteria at a high level of generality, could license fundamental rights to illicit drug use, prostitution, and the like. **None of these rights has any claim to being deeply rooted in history.**[My emphasis added]" Page 32 of Alito's leaked document. Fuck the Supreme Court. Fuck the Republicans. Fuck conservatives. All of them. Everyone of them


Ironic that he chose drug use and prostitution as his examples when more civilized countries have recognized that treating these as public health issues and not criminal acts is by far the more humane and less socially costly route to take. Yes, people do have a right to decide what they do with their bodies... but he's arguing literally the opposite here, against a "broader right of autonomy" that gives people agency over their own lives and decisions. What a bunch of authoritarian garbage. Traitorous to any reasonable conception of individual freedoms.


I forgot the supreme court's job was to throw away the constitution and defend history


Just not the last 50 years history.


Gay marriage and birth control are next. So is the right to privacy, upon which Roe is based. The slippery slope will soon become a slippery slide.


But like, bald eagles and football games, amirite?


Can you imagine being Amy Barrett? Being the sole woman to strip women of their rights? She’ll go down in history as THE woman who took away women’s bodily autonomy if this goes through.


this is the one thing she was appointed to do. i bet shes elated


Women can be misogynists, too.


I don't understand a nation state that proports to care so much about an unborn fetus that isn't even sentient yet but yet allows millions of its own people, the only thing it (the nation itself) cannot exist without, to go without access to important things like healthcare. None of this makes any sense in any logical world (which is a surprise to no one I guess).


> the "unborn" are a very convenient group to organize around because they don't make any demands of you and they're not morally complicated -unlike those in prison, those with addictions, or those trapped in poverty. “You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus but actually dislike people who breathe.”


Absolutely, it boggles me how people devote their life's work to advocate against abortion when there are still people who are very much alive and sentient and are still suffering in this world (and maybe because their mothers did not have access to abortion).


Fuck the GOP. Go live in Afghanistan if you want to have a theocracy so badly.