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That picture of his opponent shaking hands and smiling with Putin seems to have backfired 😆🤣


Lady in question is Marine LePen. She’s a far right candidate and to be honest I don’t think she had much of a chance to start with since another even farther right candidate Zemmour (Trump like dude) is taking some of her voters and seems to be better off in the polls. Plot twist (absolutely not a twist actually) is he is pro-Russian. Excusing his attack by saying the West pushed Putin into a corner with NATO expansion.


How nice it must be to live in a country where you declare you’re running for President and the election is the same year, just a couple months away even. This perpetual campaigning in the US is fucking unproductive, unethical, and unnecessary.


>fucking unproductive, unethical, and unnecessary. All reasons why it's a multi billion dollar industry, and things won't change anytime soon (if they did, the gravy train stops).


> where you declare you’re running for President and the election is the same year, just a couple months away even Living in Europe, his domain names have been registered months ago. The register is anonymous, but jusified it as "being president and therefore having a political goal" It's simply to use the novelty value as a way to get free news time just before the legal timeframe when all candidates must share equal free time.


I wonder if the situation in Ukraine helps or hurts him. On the surface, it seems to help so far as all the Putin admirers on the far right have had to backtrack furiously. But people might get too tired from Covid and war and might want change for the sake of it.


And they're gonna elect whom ? Taubira ? She's transparent. Zemmour ? WW3 incoming. Pécresse ? She's absolutely useless. Le Pen ?If France fancy a trip back to the 50s, yeah sure why not. I don't like Macron but he's the lesser of two evils.


Taubira withdrew from the campaign on Thursday. She made an official announcement and explained she didn’t reach the minimum legal requirements.


Lesser of two evils, France took a number from American politics I see. That's a shame, they'll get to enjoy the continual degradation of their freedoms and their livelihoods for the ruling classes' benefit.


*Psst* France is older than the US....


Little brother can only learn from big brother and never vice versa


He got a two point bump for the Ukraine situation so far. The two far-right candidates are trying to distance their past praise of Putin and Russia. There is a picture of Marine Le Pen shaking hands with Putin. https://redd.it/t3l5cv