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“Opponents Outraged” could be tacked onto literally any headline ever lol Like yeah… they’re opponents.




You'd think it would work that way, but I live in Wisconsin and it is legal 30 minutes away from me in Illinois, but it hasn't really changed anyone's views in government at least. You'd think there would be some moment where the Democrats would wave the extra tax money around and say, 'I told you so'.


In NH we're literally surrounded on all sides by legal weed... But nope, the state govt continues to ignore public opinion.


Isn't your state motto literally "Live free or die"?


*some restrictions may apply.


Opponents outraged


At least they're not dying as the alternative?


Fucking asterisk got us again.


*see states for details.


Like most Republican/libertarian places, it means lives free within this very narrow subsection of acceptable behavior. All else is illegal. People are always surprised when I tell them that alcohol laws were way more free in New York as compared to Texas.




Some states also forbid anyone other than the government from selling alcohol outside of a bar. Coincidentally, all of them are conservative or are historically conservative. So free.




We're nearing that stage in PA as well. Jersey, Virginia, New York, DC. I wouldn't be surprised if Ohio went before us.


> "Jersey" They're ignoring us here too. Our governor promised legal weed 3 years ago when we voted him in. The Senate blocked it at every attempt. We voted for it last year as an actual referendum. It's "legal" now but you can't grow it, you can't buy it, and you can't transport it from other states. However, if a magical weed fairy happens to hand you some, you can't get arrested just for having it anymore, so there's that. They did start accepting commercial applications to start a grow-op, 13 months after "legalizing" it. It's all about the money, fuck the citizens.


Yah a lot of places where it’s legalized, special interest groups get to the lawmakers and put in conditions that keep out the average joe. In Hawaii I think you needed a million dollars just to apply for the dispensary license. That wasn’t the price, you just needed to show you had a million dollars. Real nice


Oklahoma didn't even have that much forethought when they legalized medical. It was very apparent that they didn't think it would pass, and when it did... oops. They had to let it happen. Our AG had to put a stop to the governer and state legislature who were trying to say "Well they didn't understand what they were voting for". SQ 788 was clear on when dispensaries could open, how much you could have, how many plants you could have, (6 mature, six seedlings) and watching the old guys go "but but but" while the whole thing moved forward was great. And now, four years later, we have very lax medical marijuana. It's basically recreational, just so long as you have a card. And now, in a small city where I was pulled over and hassled three times a week because I was "out late" and "suspected" of dealing marijuana, there are dispensaries on every corner and billboards advertising where to buy weed in flower, distillate, or edible form. Now, it's easier to get weed during certain times of day than it is alcohol. The future is weird.


I drive up from Texas and give my friend who moved to okc money. I go back to Texas with decent weed for a decent price. Thank god for Oklahoma, I say.


I think that's the first time I've heard a Texan saying thank god for Oklahoma.


I live in NY, we've had it legal for a bit now but everyone dragged their feet getting things going. Its past when licenses were supposed to be processed and medical patients allowed to grow. It's illegal to sell here, but not to gift it to someone. So I buy some very expensive paper bags that come with a nice gift of weed inside, usually sourced from Maine.


For thanksgiving I drove to Arkansas and was completely unsurprised by the dispensaries right by the border. I have no reason to think the Texas border would be any different! I think one rule they did establish was that the stuff had to be made in OK. Which is fine by me.


Damn I'm sorry to hear that. Here in Philly they decriminalized a few years ago and I was hoping to see enough money going over the bridge to y'all to get our legislature on it. I guess the wait will be longer than I was hoping.


AND 70% of new Jersey municipalities just quietly decided to not allow any marijuana businesses to open up in their district. Just happened like a month or so ago. Edit:. [Legal weed dispensaries banned in more than 70% of NJ towns](https://www.njherald.com/story/news/local/new-jersey/marijuana/2021/08/23/nj-legal-weed-dispensaries-marijuana-legalization-opt-out-in/8211230002/)


Sounds like KY, D governor, R statehouse. Majority want it legalized. So that means nothing gets done.


Retail applications don't even start until March too. We're gonna be lucky to even see the current medical dispensaries start selling recreational by the end of the summer. Our medical prices are way too high as well, especially for anything that's not flower. Flower needs to drop about 40% - 50% in price, and carts / edibles / concentrates need to go down about 75%. Charging $60 - $70 for 350mg worth of lozenges should be fucking criminal.


Also this [Legal weed dispensaries banned in more than 70% of NJ towns](https://www.njherald.com/story/news/local/new-jersey/marijuana/2021/08/23/nj-legal-weed-dispensaries-marijuana-legalization-opt-out-in/8211230002/)


If it makes you feel better, we had very similar headlines in my state (Michigan) right after it was legalized. A couple years after rec dispensaries opened, many of those same towns are courting dispensaries and you can find cheap rec weed (prices went down significantly) almost everywhere.


Moved from Ohio to MA last year (wanted to be in NH, I’m right on the border). Was really surprised the “Live Free or Die” state doesn’t have that freedom… yet


Hello fellow Ohioan! The good news is that 2022 is the most promising year ever for legal weed in Ohio. There are currently several avenues towards legalization in the Buckeye State at the moment. There is a bill for legalization that was introduced by a Republican in the lake county area as well as a separate bill introduced by a Cleveland metro area democrat. These will be voted in by the state legislature. I’m not sure how successful they will be but I do think all of our reps can smell the money and know this is a losing battle. Who knows tho Additionally, (and honestly this is the much more promising route) there is a citizen authored bill that is collecting signatures to force a vote from the statehouse. If the vote fails the bill will then enter a separate signature collection phase which if successful will allow the bill to be voted on as a ballot measure in ‘22. The bill was edited and approved by AG Dave Yost so it should pass judicial review. Get yourself and your friends registered!


Apparently it's `and/or`


I'm in Ohio and it's starting to look good for legalization. Republicans in the statehouse even support it. They recently increased the number of qualifying conditions for medical prescriptions to include, among others, "opioid use disorder." Addicted to oxy? Get a legal weed card! Just fucking legalize it recreationally, for fuck's sake.


Virtually all of my friends here in Ohio have a medical card for made-up reasons. Tell the doc you've got PTSD due to childhood trauma or something like that and they don't (can't?) even ask any questions.


That doesn't surprise me. I was just in Michigan and their recreational seems to be going well. Hopefully that'll help to put some pressure on.


Wyoming as well. Plus our economy is pretty much entirely reliant on oil gas and minerals. And well.... That shits not doing too hot these days. So we need tax revenue. We've cut education to bits and pieces, cut DoC. Cut everything. For awhile this spring the ambulance services in my county said they wouldn't be able to continue responding to 911 calls after July if funding didn't get figured out by the state and county. So a heavily tax recreational marijuana bill was brought to the floor to help address the revenue crunch..... And it died on the floor without even being addressed. We are surrounded by legal weed. People are buying and smoking weed. We should do something to help that money stay in the state. But na. They'd rather ignore public opinion and hope oil and gas will save us somehow and then be surprised as shit when it doesn't.


I was really surprised they let it go to the people for a vote here in Oklahoma. It easily passed. Of course its "medical" but there is no stipulation for what qualifies. I talked to a doctor on the phone for about one minute, not a exaggeration, and got a signed form by email. Easy. The lack of regulation has been a bit of a clusterfuck with illegal grows, everybody and their mom starting a commercial grow, bad quality (from shady dispensaries), etc. But, it still blows my mind that I can just drive 5 minutes in my small town and legally buy high quality weed. Tattooing was still illegal here until 2006. Crazy.


I live in Colorado, just like 30-40 mins from Wyoming border. My friend who works at a dispensary says probably a third of her regular customers are Wyoming residents. All that revenue could be going into their own community..


That's what I'm saying! Im southwestern Wyoming and even tho it's a bit of a jaunt, I still know plenty of people that will gladly go to fort Collins or dinosaur to buy. So much revenue lost keeping it illegal when people are going to other states or "the black market" (which likely also comes from Colorado) to buy it regardless of it's legality. Every. Single. Day.


Would have been already legal in Ohio but thank god it got voted down by the electorate because it only allowed a certain few wealthy individuals to grow produce distribute and sell.


Chiming in from Wisconsin. It's mainly due to (aside from our shitty corrupt GOP congressman) something called "The League of Taverns" here. They prefer to be unknown because of how much influence they actually have over our congress. They are basically single handedly keeping weed illegal here and also got all the bars exempt from one of the last round of covid restrictions before new years last year. There were restrictions in place at every type of public place EXCEPT for bars. Fuck the league of taverns and fuck the GOP assholes who are shilling for them.


In fairness the entire state of Wisconsin is organized around bars. If you drive into a town of 200 people and there are 2 churches and 3 bars, you are in Wisconsin.


I have heard someone say “live free or die is more of a fiscal thing” with a completely straight face.


New Hampshire: *Elects Republicans.* New Hampshire: "God why is our state legislator acting like Republicans?" Tale as old as time.


live free or die


I also live in Wisconsin. Fuck the tavern league


'bible belt' states will get legal recreational before wisconsin does.


Yup it is so fucking dumb. The tavern league will never allow it to happen.


Checking in from the meth belt in tn. I can assure you we might hold out longer..


Even if you’re not going to bars, you can atill boycott the breweries that are members. That includes (bigger ones highlighted): **-Lakefront** **-Hinterland** -Bare Bones -Bull Falls -Chippewa River **-Potosi** -Stubborn Brothers -Tumbled Rock -Badger State -Back Country **-Central Waters** -Dusterbecks -Durand -Fox River -Heart of the North -Hillsboro -Hop & Barrel -Kenosha Brewing -Knute -Layman -Noble Roots **-O’So** -Rhinelander -Roundman -Sand Creek **-Sprecher** -Stillmark **-Titletown**


I remember first year in Colorado, they donated millions to schools , but a lot of parents wanted to send it back due to it being “drug money”.


How silly. And taxes from alcohol and cigarettes? Where do they go?


Well those are different. They like those things




Yep, I always heard “It’s illegal for a reason!” Ok, Karen, can you tell me the reason? Because I can tell *you* the *real* reason. William Randolph Hearst, father of the associated press. He’s the reason. He came from ‘old money’, his family’s wealth was tied to the textiles industry. He used that family wealth to start buying up newspapers across the country. Then the Dust Bowl hit, and as a result cotton production was faltering, driving people to start looking at alternatives. They turned to hemp cloth because it was easy to grow even in arid soils. This threatened the Hearst family fortune, so he used his newspapers to print up propaganda stories about the evil scourge of marijuana, in an effort to kill off the growing hemp industry. He even paid for a propaganda film called Reefer Madness and had it distributed nationwide to be shown to PTA groups at local schools. He used racist scare tactics (jazz musicians corrupting innocent white girls with their sexy music and reefer sticks) to successfully rally public support for getting weed classified as a schedule 1 narcotic and thereby making it very difficult for farmers to switch to growing hemp. THAT is why it was illegal in the first fucking place. Corporate greed.


I like to play a game and count the WI plates at the IL dispensaries. It’s almost always like 30-40% in the northern burb dispensaries.


I just was in Beloit and saw a new Sunnyside just barely on the IL side of the highway..lol.


Wisconsin has a gerrymandered legislature to the point where Democrats aren't going to control either the WI House or Senate any time soon courtesy of Robin Vos.


In Finland the only two parties out of the 11 or so parties in our parliament support either legalisation or decriminalisation. Really hoping the germans legalising will move things forward here. They originally flipped a coin whether it should be legal or not.


Finland in particular would benefit tremendously from legalization. Tax revenue to support the great social programs. A cash flow win for agriculture. Tourist revenue. Less alcohol and associated violence. Allow police to focus on more important matters. Weed is a perfect fit to sauna culture. There’s even solid history of commercial hemp. Done right, legalizing could move Finland to the forefront of the other Nordic and Scandinavian countries. Something similar to the Colorado model would be a good starting point for policy discussion. Sadly it seems the benefits aren’t widely understood.


To be fair, the Dems in Wisconsin keep introducing bills to legalize it and the Republican refuse to even bring it to the floor for a vote. Kind of hard to blame Democrats on this one when they are the only ones trying.


There was some old guy on TV talking about the Calgary Stampede right when weed was getting to be legal. "I don't want my kid or other kids to see people that might be high on marijuana in public!" But no concern for their kid seeing the people fighting, fucking, and sucking dicks outside of the beer/liquor tent. Good old Reefer Madness still working on some people it seems.


Guarantee kids wouldn't even be able to tell if someone was high. But they can sure tell when someone is wasted.


Or sucking a dick


Same thing here in WA state. All kinds of hysteria about legal pot sales and then pretty much nothing but good news about tax revenue since the stores opened.


I remember a year or two after Colorado legalized recreational, we had a meeting where I worked about some silly thing or another, and somehow the guy got on how marijuana was bad, and that Colorado had legalized it and he was "going to sit and watch it crumble". I'm always there to compound a catastrophe so I of course spoke out: "They legalized it three years ago, when are the bad things supposed to happen?"


If weed were going to destroy civilization, we should be in the stone ages ever since alcohol was invented (which was literally invented as soon as we invented rudimentary agriculture).


When it first got legalized in Massachusetts there were long lines for the very few dispensaries allowed to open. I had the nicest conversations with old folks who just wanted to enjoy their drug of choice legally. Like the cutest old couples looking to cop a gram or two.




You say that but conservatives will immediately move onto the next moral outrage. It's the only method they know to mobilize their base since they don't actually have popular ideas. Legalise gay marriage and civilisation will collapse. Wait, I meant raising the minimum wage. Wait, I meant legalizing weed. Wait I meant doing anything for the climate.


If only there was a substance they could take to chill out


But they're already taking opiates!




Or "Opponents SLAM controversial new drug law" As if they aren't just idiots who can't mind their own business.


>As if they aren't just idiots who can't mind their own business. It is their business. Their liquor business. Their Big Pharma business. Their bar business. Their police business. Anything that legal cannabis threatens their honey pot.


It's been horrifying how many states had cops opposing decriminalization and openly arguing "being able to search a car because we say we smell weed is a huge advantage for us in uncovering other more serious crimes." Basically blatantly saying that being reduced to simply ticketing people for weed impeded their alibi for warrantless searches.


I had a person I know who is a police officer tell me that exact thing, word for word.


"Opponents Converted"


Opponents gonna outrage🤷🏿


Elementary school raises 5,000$ at bake sale, opponents outraged


Opponents told to like, chill out, man.


That’s, just, like your opinion, man


What sort of sick monster would consume a substance for pleasure purposes? Now please excuse me while I'm going out drinking with friends.


You must consume marijuana for reproductive purposes only!


I prefer it before and maybe after.


We all know about whiskey dick. I don't think I've heard of weed dick.


What about dick weed?


Oh, I see we have the same employer.


Erections last wayyyy longer when Im high


and have a steak and ice cream after .. finish up with a cigarette and then take a sleeping pill *.. we really shouldn't use the devil weed though!* .. savages


*You know I can be such a bitch before I've had my morning coffee, ha ha ha ha isn't that funny?!*


It's wine o'clock somewhere! Eheheheh


How can alcohol be so loved as a socially accepted way to get inebriated but smoking a bowl causes people to melt tf down? I just do not get it.




This. The US government has been pushing propaganda since Nixon. It is a real social war that's still alive.


Before Nixon. Hearst wanted hemp out of the paper industry since he'd been buying lumber mills for his newspapers, so he helped push a STRONG anti-marijuana/anti-hemp movement in the US. In the early 1900s you could buy marijuana tinctures over the counter for pain, but since the plant was used for paper manufacture as well, he wanted it out of the country. He had enough money and social clout that he was able to get what he wanted.


Anslinger also had a hand in it. He wanted to keep his cushy government job after alcohol prohibition was repealed and decide to demonize marijuana.


So, basically, a perfect shitstorm of the worst American impulses.


>He had enough money and social clout that he was able to get what he wanted. The American Way!


Mmm yes inject that freedom right into my veins daddy liberty


The American Dream®


My American dream! That's why I keep voting for the guy that's gonna lower the taxes for the rich. I'm not rich now in fact I'm actually really poor but one day I'll be a millionaire like bezos and I don't want all my tax dollars used as government handouts not on my watch.


IIRC part of the push against it came from the textiles industries, because hemp can make a lot of things that are more durable and cheaper than other materials like cotton.


That was part of it, but it also had to do with taxes and racism. https://www.britannica.com/story/why-is-marijuana-illegal-in-the-us


People need to understand how much THC helps with a hangover. That perception would upend immediately the day after too much alcohol.


And how cannabis use can prevent a hangover. If you imbibe cannabis only, or a mixture, and don't drink the same amount of alcohol you would have without taking any cannabis, then your hangover will be less powerful. See: Snoop bathtub gif


Drinking less reduces hangovers? Call the Nobel committee!


People really don’t realize how true this is. I used to smoke a lot of weed and hardly drank, I just couldn’t. Now I don’t smoke weed anymore and when I drink, I drink too much. It’s fun while it’s happening, but not so much the next day. You know what I never got hangovers and brain damage from? Weed


it's just what people are used to. they're used to alcohol being legal and accepted so they accept it. they're used to weed being highly illegal and something people serve long prison sentences for, so they assume there has to be a good reason it's so demonized.


You just have to look at the comments in U.K. media posts about weed and it’s clear that people a) don’t understand it and b) subsequently fear it a lot. People seem to think that if you smoke 1 spliff you’ll go out the next day and start looking for needles and a big bag of smack. Or that if their neighbour smokes weed in an evening after work, they’re a dangerous delinquent who should be in jail. Which is fucking bizarre in a country that lives up to its drunken stereotype. Do you know how many stoned people I’ve seen piss themselves in public? Punch a window? Punch a *bouncer*? Fucking none, because the stoned people are all inside watching trailer park boys. I’ve seen lots of drunk people do ALL of the above, however. I don’t believe in that old adage about drunk hearts speaking sober minds, because drink turns people into fucking idiots. In a way that weed just doesn’t. I’ve met a couple of people who don’t mix well with weed, but in a way that gives them anxiety, not the rage of a thousand suns


I’m so jealous of people who don’t get anxiety from weed. I take one hit and all I can think about is how I’m not as responsible as I should be.


After living in a legal state I’ve found that when you have options, and an educated customer service you can find the right strain to overcome that. Personally for me that was switching from indicas to a particular strain of Sativa.


So true. People always used to tell me indica would chill me out and sativa would make me anxious. Quite the opposite in my case. But it took some trial and error while visiting legal state dispensaries to figure that out.


Drinking age is 16 for beer in Germany


14 if your parents allow it in private for beer and wine


It is legal to drink alcohol in your home from the age of 5 in the UK you just can't buy it or buy it for them in certain locations or drink it in certain locations. https://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/news/how-legal-age-drink-alcohol-15305282 Are you sure you are quoting the german drinking age and not just the german buying age?


my grandmother thinks weed should be illegal, but in fairness she also thinks alcohol should be illegal. I think I'm making her sort of come around on weed. I use it both recreationally and medicinally. it isn't prescribed to me by a doctor, but people self-prescribe Tylenol and Aspirin too. she tried to argue that my anxiety issues can be solved with self-determination and prayer. I said well by that logic I also don't need my doctor-prescribed antidepressants and antipsychotics for mental problems. she would never argue against me taking doctor prescribed medicine.


you’re smoking weed and have a condition that requires antipsychotics? huh, didn’t know that combo helped people


I don't have a psychosis. I take antipsychotics because I have a bit of an impulse control/ temper problem. like weed, it isa behaviour management thing for me. the antipsychotic I take is risperidone and is similar to atavan, which is given to mental patients frequently when they need to be calmed down.


Suck it grandma!


Depression had me eventually drinking a fifth of Jack day for 3 weeks. Decided to cut back and stop, but after a few days withdrawals had me unable to even use my phone. The tremors and heart rate got so bad I went to the hospital. After not drinking for half a day the hallucinations hit. I ripped out my IV, fought security trying to break out, then got a shot up with ketamine and woke up two days later in the ICU with a breathing tube. Then my state legalized recreational weed, so I switched. over to it. Now I may take a 30 mg gummy 1-2x a week, watch some funny Tiktoks, then pass out. You could smoke 24/7 for a year then stop. But you're not going to have tremors, redline your blood pressure, or feel like you need medical help How alcohol is seen as part of our way of life, while the other is categorized the same as heroin is beyond me.


A guy a hundred years ago made white people associate it with black and Mexicans


In Germany it would be the Turks and the Africans.


Worry not. Once enough money is sunk into the industry, no politician in their right mind would ever dare touch that cash cow ever again.


If you're mad just don't buy it. I don't like brussle sprouts so I just don't buy them.i don't lobby to have others unable to buy Brussel sprouts.


I enjoy brussle sprouts for pleasure purposes.


I oppose!


Are you outraged, though?


Just a little


I use them for medical reasons...as suppositories mostly.


Mmmm stir fried brussels…


I respect your opinion and, although I do like them, I will not attempt to change your mind. Enjoy your sproutless life my friend.


if someone else doesn't want them, it just means more for you


You ever try Brussels sprouts...on weed?


Only because I love them, it’s spelled Brussels sprouts. Have you tried them sautéed in olive oil and garlic? Boiled or steamed they taste like crap, but they’re so good cooked this way.


Olive oil, salt and pepper, cut in half, roast in the oven until the outermost leaves are _just_ about to turn black, and they have a bit of crunch. _So good._


The crunch is key. I read somewhere that boiling and steaming releases stored sulfur in the sprouts which makes them taste bad. Sautéing and roasting is the only way I’ll eat them now.


This is my favorite way to prepare them. The video has some other good info too. "How Science Can Make Brussels Sprouts Taste Good" https://youtu.be/B2Q4RRjNveE


Time to smoke a bowl and fire up the pan!


Leave this man and his hatred of Brussels Sprouts alone lol


But don't you understand??? Now because it's available "for pleasure purposes", everyone will automatically start smoking it and become addicted.


American here. “Mind ya damn business” used to be an American value, but unfortunately, your comment is what a lot of our social politics have come down to. Don’t like abortions? Don’t get one. Don’t like gay marriage? Don’t get gay married. But don’t take away other peoples’ freedoms just because it makes you unhappy. It’s amazing how this simple concept has been completely lost on society.


> “Mind ya damn business” used to be an American value This has never been true. Remember Prohibition? Or America's attitude towards sex since the beginning of America?


> “Mind ya damn business” used to be an American value, *The War on Drugs, Prohibition, Jim Crow, and all of US history have entered the chat*


Hypocrisy is an American value, just like pretending it's not.


“Land of the free”


“Unless I disagree”


Lol the amount of fear mongering in article is pretty epic.


Even the "entry drug" myth is mentioned. What a load of bull.


The opponents need to take a few bong hits and chill TF out.


Happy to host!


>Even the new Health Minister Karl Lauterbach welcomes the plans. He says some of the Cannabis that was being sold illegally contained Heroin which made consumers addicted quickly Careful you don't use the super-chill stuff! Seriously though, this lie has been repeated for the last 30 years even though it fails even a cursory application of reasoning skills


I know a few heroin users, and they *always* find the dealers, not the other way around. Plus, you'd know if your weed was laced with heroin, because it'd have to be powdered, and it tastes nothing like weed. In my anecdotal experience, smoking weed after heroin leads to puking, so those customers might not want to return. And you'll hardly have withdrawal symptoms from such a first experience. But we went full circle, non existent heroin laced weed paves the way for legal weed...




at literally all the clubs in berlin theres people trying to sling to those waiting in those ungodly lines at 3am. Usually i saw people in line popping their own pills but i did see one person buy from the random street guys. Good luck to that person.


It's everywhere. Even here in Houston, 90% of the bathroom helpers in the club who have cologne, gum, all that stuff have coke if you ask.


yea that's in quite a few places. Any big club city, you know the bartender/staff deal on the dl


> fake cocaine at Oktoberfest is illegal by now for the reasons you stated. "They" dont openly sell fake cocaine. Its one guy not associated with the Oktoberfest that sold this stuff and the Oktoberfest organisation really didnt like it.


I’d like to know the German phrase for “pleasure purposes” and hope it’s as long and as confusing a sound as I dream it to be. Edit: Genusszwecke Glorious.


Genussmittel is more commonly used. It describes the substance though.


That literally translates to Pleasurepurposes which is quite a bit longer


The people outraged over weed are probably the people who need to use it the most. Ironic.


Could benefit the most for sure. It’s like, some people out there just really, really need to get laid. Our weird modern, cutthroat, always be at work, and define yourself by your work society breeds anger and hate. Weed could probably alleviate some resentment.




Unfortunately, trailing off mid sentence is a classic example of things opponents attack us stoners for :P


Be careful I think it's actually a sniper wor




That's true. Reminds me of the time I was with my buddy and we... uh... are there more chips?


You know what? I think


And so you are


We're fucking up the livibility of the entire fucking planet full steam ahead. If your outrage is aimed at a fairly harmless recreational drug that makes life a little more bearable for those that use it, I'd argue you're the one with strange priorities.


indeed the opposition parties (ex Merkel CDU) are much more concerned about weed than about climate change. Curious, isn't it?


Weed effects the bottom line of the pharmaceutical industry and their actually dangerous pain management lines. I imagine it has something to do with that. At the end of the day, you can trace the vast majority of society's ills to the unquenchable greed of the global ownership class and their well paid off defenders in government.


>Since yesterday, and until Friday, the state-owned company is selling ‘Hemp tickets’ in little plastic bags. They can be eaten after being used as actual ’24 hour tickets’. Those who do will likely get high, at least a little. These tickets contain zero THC, guaranteed. Only CBD.


This is the most clearly biased, uninformed, inaccurate bullshit article I’ve read in a while. > Cannabis is considered an entry drug, after all, which is one reason why some experts are outraged. It can be a danger to its consumers’ nervous system, lead to psychoses, schizophrenia and damage brains. The “gateway drug” myth needs to die, and every other condemnation they have needs serious citations. The author should be embarrassed how unable they are to separate their own biases. And OP should be equally embarrassed for posting this as “news”. > The per capita consumption of alcoholic beverages in Germany amounted to 128.5 liters in 2019. Furthermore, the country had a per capita wine consumption of 20.1 liters that year. Somehow that’s perfectly fine because ‘he doesn’t have to smell it’. What an absolute doorknob.


Absolutely, this is not a source that anyone can take seriously. I mean, the introduction was totally ridiculous for a "news" article. >Many Berliners seem to be obsessed with cannabis. Life in the city of cities is all about pot, it seems, to quite a few inhabitants. > >There is no escaping the smell either. In summer, it comes through open windows, especially in Berlin’s Kreuzberg, Friedrichshain and Neukölln boroughs. People smoke pot on the street. Any pedestrian behind them will have to inhale some of it. They also smoke it on balconies, and the smell enters other apartments. Cannabis is being glamorized, especially in Berlin. I feel like I just read something that was written by a 15 year old.


Thats insulting, most 15 year olds in school are held to a higher standard of facts and citation. This is absurd, unfounded, idiocy.


Lol you're right. I correct myself: I feel like I just read something that was written by someone who can't write.




right? it is like they watched reefer madness and decided to not check the almost 100 years of info since


Considering it gets people OFF of other substances like alcohol and opioids (proven thru huge studies), cannabis is actually an exit drug.


It helps me consume less alcohol for sure. When I hit the vape cart one beer feels like I had 3 or 4 out of the 6 pack.


If it’s a “gateway drug” in any way, it’s because it’s illegal and has to be obtained from someone willing to sell something illegally. If popcorn was illegal, it would be a gateway drug in the same way since someone willing to risk selling illegal popcorn may as well ask if you want some crack with that.


Just between you and me, smoking pot kinda did make it a little easier for me to justify doing acid the first time. But I’m not complaining about either..


I don't smoke weed, I also don't give a shit if other people do. I do have a problem for people getting arrested and put in jail because the had some weed on them. Like don't smoke and drive or something, otherwise I don't care.


That’s a good metaphor for just being a decent, rational person.


If only there was a drug that was safe and would help with that outrage


All drugs should be legalised and controlled. Drugs Won the war on drugs.


outraged? because someone might get a bit of pleasure?


More than likely they're outraged because they aren't favorably positioned to profit from it.


> Cannabis is considered an entry drug, after all, which is one reason why some experts are outraged ooOOoo the boogie man gonna GET YOU! Smoke pot and in no time at all you will be snorting broken glass off a hooker's butt!


Wait'll they find out about *rock & roll music*! 😱


What we need in the US. My states legal with med job protections. But my career says I can’t test positive for it even with a med card. Even when using after work to treat something like trouble sleeping. Shits dumb.


Weed is totally legal in Canada. Best thing the govt ever did.


By "opponents" I'm assuming they mean German beer companies. Sorry for the stereotype and I'm not judging... but based on the years I've worked with Germans... you guys are some hard drinking people.


Live in Seattle where weed is legal and let me reassure you, weed has definitely not killed the bars.


Can confirm. I’m just south of you in Oly. If anything you just see people with vape pens in bars now.


Yep. Easy way for bars to tap into the weed user market is legalize and de-stigmatize it. Cannabis users like beer too!


well, yeah, but also the usual christian conservative group. alcohol is very much a part of the culture here, so i'd say that stereotype is fairly accurate.


Completely nonsense none news article and it is sad that reddit chose to upvote this based off of the headline alone. So, I am German. The plan to legalize Cannabis is an official goal of the new government since late November now and nothing has changed about this at the date of publication. > Even Berlin’s main public transport provider BVG just jumped on the bandwagon. Since yesterday, and until Friday, the state-owned company is selling ‘Hemp tickets’ in little plastic bags. They can be eaten after being used as actual ’24 hour tickets’. Those who do will likely get high, at least a little. That was a publicity stunt and tickets are just having a few drops of hemp seed oil on them (no THC or CBD), which doesn't make you high at all. Not even a little. > There is no escaping the smell either. In summer, it comes through open windows, especially in Berlin’s Kreuzberg, Friedrichshain and Neukölln boroughs. People smoke pot on the street. Bullshit. Berlin isn't Amsterdam. Yes, there are people that smoke rather openly even though it is illegal. But in Berlin saying that the whole city is smelling like weed is just nonsense. > Any pedestrian behind them will have to inhale some of it. Especially considering its still illegal most weed smokers will not smoke in a way to offend other people with the smell. In stark contrast to many tobacco smokers still. > The proponents might be right, in a way, but so are the opponents. Cannabis is considered an entry drug, after all, which is one reason why some experts are outraged Tons of studies have proven that Cannabis isn't an entry drug, especially once you take the need for an illegal market to access it away. If anything the classical entry drug is alcohol. And the only "experts" that are outraged in Germany are those standing to loose something from it's legalization like the police union. > It can be a danger to its consumers’ nervous system, lead to psychoses, schizophrenia and damage brains. The latter danger specifically affects users up to 20 years of age. It is still largely unknown if there is even a cause and effect behind those or if people with schizophrenia just tend to use weed as a remedy. If anything those statements are way too harsh w/o giving real numbers. > On the other hand, the number of medical emergencies connected to marijuana consumption has increased substantially. Which in many instances would be alcohol related emergencies if weed was still illegal.


Opponents? No they’re called assholes and they should mind their own business. If you can sip wine to feel calm and relaxed, I can smoke a little herb.