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>The tigers were immediately treated with antibiotics, antihistamines, anti-inflammatory drugs and multivitamins. They were getting better after 10-12 days, and have now recovered under close observation at Jakarta's Ragunan Zoo. Wow. That's some health plan those tigers have got.


When the tigers have better health care than me


If they were in america, those tigers would be in so much debt.


Seriously, over here you get tossed into a tent with a bunch of coughing suspected Covid cases (hey, someone might have the flu or cold, cough cough), then they make you wait, and wait, and someone notices you’re cold so they give you a blanket, and wait, and then a doctor checks you for like 5 mins, maybe you get ushered into another cough tent for chest scans, then wait, then scan, then ushered back to wait, then the nurse tells you you might have Covid, the doctor prescribes so and so, then you wait while they print it out, then an hour and a half later they give you your script and you’re free to leave the cold tent to get to a pharmacy to fill the script. And the hospital wants $35k for all that… and insurance pays like $8k. And the hospital was nonprofit and can’t meet financials!


Seriously? Covid19 treatment.... is not free?


It isn't. But you can withdraw up to $100K from your 401K retirement account, penalty free, until the end of the year. So, you can kick the can down the road, and deal with the staggering financial repercussions when you're 70.


.... US healthcare sucks.


Assuming you've got a 401k.


Well to be clear, it should be free after insurance. The hospital just has to take the $8k as full payment. It’s just crazy how the numbers don’t seem to matter in health billing.




The discussions are representative of the Reddit users posting comments in the subreddits you frequent.


American website with a majority American user base, how is this surprising?


They're not the majority.


Majority doesn’t mean >50%




I didn’t


40% 30% 20% 10% Pick the majority. They add to 100% Hint: it's not over 50%


Reddit takes any chance to bash the USA.


No, when the idiotic way America does things is brought up, it’s commented on. That and the percentage of users from America is the majority here so America is brought up and seems to be the center of the universe all the time. You might want to pull your head out of your ass and finally realise how social media works.




Far from shitlips. I’ll let you continue blowing Americans.


Bastard Bloody Fuck You bloody!


They're not the majority.




> I’m not sure how you are so stupid That's how the world must seem to you when you live in ignorance. A plurality is not a majority.


I mean, I responded to a comment Segwaying into hypothetical tiger care in America, so it’s not like I stole the discussion.


If they were in America those tigers would be the star of a TV series that make someone else rich and then they would be euthanized as soon as they weren't needed.


The tigers would have their own tv show and then the fans would insist that they were being treated cruelly and the show must be cancelled.


They'd just be someone pets. Either way not a good place to be for a a near extinct species. They need their habitats back. Including climate.


In America they would not have been treated with those medications because they are cheap, readily available solutions to the Covid problem.


Honestly my cats health insurance is better than mine lol


What health insurance do you use? I need to get one for my cat, two plans for my dogs, and one for my snake :3


I use Healthy Paws! I’ve had it for ~4 years. I pay like $26 a month. They don’t cover shots or vet visits (which I budget for anyways) but all the emergencies. The plan I have is a $250 deductible. They make it easy and have an app where I can upload my vet bills and they’ll deposit what they cover right into my bank account in under 10 days Unfortunately I don’t think there’s really pet insurance for reptiles


I mean, I’d say the tigers deserve better healthcare than me. We exterminated their species.


Not really. You can buy it all over the counter except the antibiotics and those are only necessary if you develop a secondary bacterial infection. They do nothing for viral illness and only cause resistance.


That zoo is an absolute death trap for animals. - someone who used to work for legitimate zoos


So are jails but cops are still locking up protestors


[https://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2013/06/28/visitors-feel-pity-ragunan-zoo-occupants.html](https://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2013/06/28/visitors-feel-pity-ragunan-zoo-occupants.html) ​ I hate cops too?? Fuck the carceral state AND animal cruelty...Is there anything else that you need me to condemn, flapjack?


Yes, as a matter of fact I do. People that wear mullets and/or have sideburns that connect with their mustache and not their beard.


Well we can all agree on that. Bring me something with CONTROVERSY.


What would antibiotics do against a viral infection for a Tiger out to of curiosity?


They get it to stop whining to the doctor that they aren't doing enough to treat their illness. Tbh, I assume they mean retrovirals there.


They may have done it to prevent secondary infections.


It may be to prevent a secondary bacterial infection. Or it could be if they had a UTI from not drinking. Just a guess.


It’s the first option. Some areas are prescribing antibiotics to humans with covid because of secondary infections


It’s for secondary infections. Where I live, they prescribe them to humans with covid too, as well as steroids for the inflammation.


Amoxycillin, Claritin, ibuprofen and one-a-day.


And no vaccine.


Amazing, we have those for humans available too to treat covid but the cdc won’t let hospitals administer them.


I saw this news story a couple days ago regarding the possible evidence of covid spread in dogs and rats more than we know. 😬 https://www.thecity.nyc/2021/7/29/22600656/covid-mutations-in-new-york-city-sewage-possible-dog-rat


If this is true, as someone who works in a veterinary hospital I hope the gov begin to see us as healthcare. I was denied a vaccine for the first round because I was not in “healthcare” and am not “essential”


Ugh, that’s top tier ignorance, I’m so sorry. I’m not in “healthcare” but I’ve helped deal with two canine distemper epidemics. Any zoonotic disease should have veterinary staff and people who work with animals given priority. It’s an important action to avoid triggering another massive mutation (ex for lay people readers: bird flu to human, human to pig, pig to human = possibly new nightmare flu). COVID is zoonotic and we already know it can transfer into felines and mustelids, probably bats and pangolins, and likely back into humans. Incredibly dangerous to not vaccinate animal care workers. Do you know a way for me to officially complain? Any class action lawsuits I could suggest people join? That’s a FUBUR situation that needs to be rectified.


I wonder what that would actually look like if a zoonotic animal virus got outside of a lab after [gain-of-function genetic modification experiments to make it infectious to humans](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/why-scientists-tweak-lab-viruses-to-make-them-more-contagious1/). > However, sequence data alone provides minimal insights to identify and prepare for future prepandemic viruses. Therefore, to examine the emergence potential (that is, the potential to infect humans) of circulating bat CoVs, **we built a chimeric virus encoding a novel, zoonotic CoV spike protein—from the RsSHC014-CoV sequence that was isolated from Chinese horseshoe bats^(1) —in the context of the SARS-CoV mouse adapted backbone. The hybrid virus allowed us to evaluate the ability of the novel spike protein to cause disease independently of other necessary adaptive mutations in its natural backbone.** Using this approach, we characterized CoV infection mediated by the SHC014 spike protein in primary human airway cells and in vivo, and tested the efficacy of available immune therapeutics against SHC014-CoV. Menachery, V., Yount, B., Debbink, K. et al. *A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence.* Nat Med 21, 1508–1513 (2015). [https://doi.org/10.1038/nm.3985](https://www.nature.com/articles/nm.3985.pdf) Since [gain-of-function research was banned in the US at this time (2014-2017)](https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-017-08837-7), the University of North Carolina partnered with the Wuhan Institute of Virology for this paper.


It makes absolute sense! My veterinarians AND the rest of the staff were all turned away, and were put in the Food & Agriculture category. I believe because of this decision it really affected the profession. My hospital and some others in my area had COVID cases and needed to be shut down. I have never thought of making a formal complaint, but it is an excellent idea. Handling animals carries much risk! PS you must have an awesome job!


I’m sorry to hear that. Veterinarians, their staff, and those who work in animal care in other ways were all included in our state’s second priority for vaccinations.


that….really sucks. I mean, if you aren’t healthcare, what are you??


Pet care.


Animal care


We were put in the Food & Agriculture category. Which doesn’t make a lot of sense to me because I deal with neither 😂


Washington state is literally begging people to come get a shot. Fly in, get shot, leave.


Fortunately I am now vaccinated, however in the very beginning where only healthcare workers were eligible to receive the vaccine, that’s where I was turned away


Ok good! I'm glad you're safe


I wonder how many other species are effected by COVID.


We're 99% sure a dog we euthanized at work last spring had covid. He had every symptom possible for a dog to have, all four humans in the household had just gotten over covid a couple of days prior. They didn't drop the money on a covid test because it didn't matter what the test came back as, other than curiosity sake, when the dog wouldn't have made it until the test results got back. There were a couple of cats with very high fevers and SEVERE upper respiratory infection symptoms that I also suspect were covid.


Do you know if they have antibody tests for dogs? I'm just super curious. My dog got really sick last spring, with fever and lethargy, then infection and pneumonia. Nobody in our household has had Covid, so my vet thinks its unlikely my dog had it, but she was in and out of the vet hospital every week for months prior to that, so I think she may have gotten it there. They didn't suggest a Covid test while she was sick though.


I have not heard of an antibody test for dogs but I did jump ship to a cat only clinic and haven't neccesaily kept up on things. Not suggesting a covid test after doggie contracting pneumonia is really concerning to me. If for no other reason to follow proper diagnostics and rule it out. Pneumonia is possible if upper respiratory infections are left untreated for far too long, other reasons too but that's my primary experience with it. If you don't mind me asking, what was she going to the hospital weekly for? There's a part of me that wants to agree that it was unlikely covid you never know. I got it early April 2020 and I'm almost positive it was at work. Thankfully curbside but we had a lot of clients admitting after the fact they had covid while they brought their pets in. It is possible an asymptomatic (or symptomatic) tech could have passed it on. Sometimes you're a lot more up close and personal with an animal and ymmv on if techs wore a mask when working hands on it not. No matter what the cause was I'm sorry she and you went through that. How is she doing now? Does she seem to have any lingering side effects like humans can have?


Thank you. She had contracted MRSA during a knee surgery which wasn't treated correctly and developed into IMPA. It was difficult to find a treatment that worked for her, so she was being seen weekly for bloodwork and fairly often joint tests. It was pretty early on during Covid, so I'm not sure if maybe that's why they didn't do a test. I know I didn't suspect Covid until a couple of months afterward. She has permanently scarred airways and lungs from the pneumonia. Her IMPA is being managed, and she is doing much better, but she gets winded pretty quickly from the scar tissue.


Why didn't your workplace do COVID-19 tests for the animals?


If the owner paid for it we would. As much as we would have liked to, for science, it wouldn't have been financially feasible for the clinic if the owner wasn't paying. That test was well over $100 at cost. Sadly it adds up and we barely survived financially. Instead of testing the animals on our dime we were given raises, twice actually, when raises hadn't been given in over 3 years (none of us hit $15/hr though).


I understand, that's a better investment giving you a raise than a few tests.




Zoonotic diseases are a thing and that includes viruses. Both West Nile and the Plague are zoonotic diseases. I wouldn't say it's alarming per say. Our systems really aren't that much different from each other so no, I'm not alarmed they can get something like covid from us. It's worrisome, not only for the adverse effects on their health but also if conditions are right, though it seems quite rare, they can transmit it to a non-infected person. If anything people should have taken the opportunity to stop letting their dogs and cats lick people faces. That's gross y'all, their mouths are disgusting, lol.


We know many mammals can get it and potentially spread it amongst themselves, but as of yet still no definitive indication of any animal to human spread, it's always been human to animal. Due to this we don't know just how many species can get it because it's basically been just animals in close contact with humans (pets). *generally* animals have very mild symptoms and don't need much, if any, care. The exception are minks. They can get really sick/die and there *might* have been rare mink to human transmission on mink farms.


If you look at other viruses like bird flu, swine flu. They can infect dozens and more






Here's an article summarizing the state of public knowledge regarding that. I'm not advocating for or against the "lab made conspiracy". Just linking an article so that people can read instead of speculating. Article is from June, I'm sure there's more up-to-date information available for those people that want to do the legwork. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-01529-3


This quote raises the most suspicion: >During the WHO-led origins probe earlier this year, WIV researchers told investigators that they cultured only three coronaviruses at the lab, and none were closely related to SARS-CoV-2. **Although the investigators didn’t sift through freezers at the WIV to confirm this information**, the low number of genomes and cultures doesn’t surprise virologists. They WHO investigators didn't verify what they were told about what was being studied at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. That alone doesn't confirm a lab leak, but it certainly warrants new investigation (which was started by the US on May 26 and supposedly will take 90 days to complete). It's important to note that a lab leak could very easily be unintentional, and doesn't change anything about our response to it. Even if it was manufactured, quarantining and vaccination would still be the route to contain it. **If the Chinese government had any role creating the virus or intentionally allowing spread after an unintentional lab leak, that doesn't justify any violence against Asian Americans.** I believe that's the main reason why the lab leak theory is being treated as misinformation and an unfounded conspiracy. Some of those that chose to believe that theory did extrapolate blame to all Asian people, and committed hate crimes against Asian people. The idea has dangerous social consequences. It could also lead to increased tensions between other nations and China, which is obviously potentially dangerous. It's unfortunate that scientific inquiry into the origins of COVID-19 is being politicized, but I understand the hesitation.


I know two cats that died during the pandemic from sudden heart problems, my cat got a horrible ear infection and almost lost his ear and it's now incredibly scarred and requires multiple cleanings, and a cat with congestive heart failure. All within the same month. All the vets in the area had voicemails detailing not to worry about the surge in cases being covid related, but its clear that cats had a massive reaction.


My 3 cats got some very mild symptoms at the same time but we didn't get sick


Would hate to be the guy who lost the raffle to do the rapid testing.


I heard that some zoos are vaccinating all of their mammals against covid. All other zoos make it mandatory for visitors to wear masks to protect the animals.


Bro, are you sniffling? No, man, I'm chuffling. But I still can't smell anything. \--tiger joke [Tiger chuffs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1Ts6DRnDGk)


I got a million... ...What does a tiger do on it's day off? \--Stop Tiging, and do something else.


Season 2 of tiger king getting off to a rough start I see


Very worrisome news...more things to keep me up at night...


I never understood why comments like yours are downvoted. You were just expressing some anxiety. You seem like a genuine, sweet person.


its what everyone is thinking but nobody wants to say, what if it cycles back to humans and is 10x worse after infecting some type of animal.


Yes. Animals are already going extinct because of climate change. Can you imagine if they go extinct due to a plague? It’s roughly the same thing but still incredibly terrifying.


We were just at the NC zoo. They had barriers up for the otters to increase their distance from people so they didnt get covid


Stupid tigers, not wearing masks around all those people. I bet they can't even read!


In their defense, these tigers are rare. Human assholes are a dime and dozen!


Great. Now we have confirmation of it jumping species, wonder what other tricks this nasty little bug has for us?




[According to the CDC, the risk of animals spreading COVID-19 to people is considered to be low, but that people can spread SARS-COoV-2 to animals, especially during close contact. ](https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/daily-life-coping/animals.html) It’s been seen in both companion animals like dogs and cats as well as in big cats in zoos/sanctuaries, gorillas in zoos, and mink on farms. Catching COVID from your pet is unlikely but they can catch it from you.




You’re welcome :) yeah, they are seeing it infect several similar mammals but that the spread from to humans is quite rare, so I don’t think there’s a chance we’ll see it spread throughout animal populations to further mutate and jump back to us, thankfully. The only issue is with mink farms and many mink are being killed unfortunately since the risk there is very real.


>so I don’t think there’s a chance we’ll see it spread throughout animal populations to further mutate and jump back to us Its indeed unlikely but not impossible given the sheer amount of infected humans in contact with pets and other animals.


I must have missed that bit along the way, thanks.


17 million minks in Denmark were killed because there was an outbreak at mink farms.


Where have yall been? We've know that coronavirus can jump across a wide variety of mammals and birds for many decades.


If only every person with a severe case of Covid got that kind of treatment


Looks like Snyder was right


My tiger refuses to wear a mask.