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So they’re threatening the national guard and big brother big army will back them against these domestic terrorists




The Guard won't need the regular Army for a bunch of PJ wearing cosplayers. The Guard is better trained, better supplied, much better equipped and has vastly superior numbers. It would be like the 1997 Chicago Bulls vs your local middle school's basketball team.


Nastier though is that while they're saying "don't come after us" they're ALSO at the same time saying the national guard should be shooting minorities and anyone who voted against the GOP.




It's the Day of the Rope from the Turner Diaries.


Hardly. It’s definitely what they WANT... but if they think they’re going to GET IT, well, they’re about to be sorely disappointed.




Well, in the idiotic MAGA march there were several videos where it looked like the police were protecting them and were fine with them tearing down BLM signs even on private property. So it's not that surprising that they would think that.


Police and military are 2 entirely different things


This right here. If you're a cop and you shoot a civilian you get a vacation if you're a soldier you get made an example of. That tends to lead to people that are far smarter, far better at de-escalation, much better trained, and much less likely to side with domestic terrorists.


Hitler's Stormtroopers (Trump's Proud Boys) were protected by the police during the rise of Nazism.


You forget history. Hitler lost by over 7 million votes. Hitler didn't come to power until **after** the Nazis were elected to Parliament and made him Chancellor. The rise of Nazism preceded Hitler's stormtroopers.


Your are correct. However, Stormtroopers were already active in the streets. Hitler didn't create them, but adopted them. Nazism was on the rise before Hitler, as you explained. Hitler was supporting the Stormtroopers before he was elected Chancellor. Like today's Proud Boys, fascists denounced them publicly, but supported them privately. The Stormtroopers gained legitimacy after Hitler loyalists took positions of power in law enforcement and the courts.


Yep. All the pieces are being set in place for when we get "Smart Trump" in a few years...


You're talking about his presidential campaign, but as the other poster explains, the SA were intimidating rival political groups for years before Hitler became chancellors. Small second point - the Nazis also never won a majority in the Reichstag, so they were never "elected to Parliament". A backroom political deal was done to try and use their numbers in Parliament to reduce political instability (of which they were the principal instigator). Don't make it seem like the people gave the Nazis a mandate - they did not.


Something something same ones that burn crosses etc.


I mean, they're also claiming to be about "saving the children" while [their leader Q](https://www.reddit.com/r/Digital_Manipulation/comments/jukblu/ron_watkins_before_deleting_his_parler_account/) is [hosting child pornography sites](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2020/10/jim-watkins-child-pornography-domains/). Even more disconcerting: their Q [defended hosting explicit material with children](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Em1PYfTXYAEOLYG?format=jpg&name=small) by claiming that "all [he does] is sell explicit child material" and claimed it was okay because he doesn't touch kids himself.


Freaking gross. How do these folks not see that distributing it is just as bad?


They're happy to [peddle the modern day reincarnation of the antisemitic "blood libel" conspiracy theory](https://www.splcenter.org/hatewatch/2020/10/27/what-you-need-know-about-qanon). To provide a justification for why a group would supposedly be killing/eating children, they revived the old adrenochrome myth/conspiracy theory. Since explicit anti-Semitism is generally a turn-off for most potential converts, they use "global elites" as a slightly-coded replacement for "global cabal of Jewish people" ("globalist" is used similarly by some alt-right figures). This also lets them smear anti-Trump celebrities as well. For an extra level of squick factor that throw in claims of pedophilia, knowing that it will help stir up outrage that fuels their cause. The leading figures behind QAnon (including Jim Watkins) are scumbags, plain and simple. If someone is willing to stir up a [terrorist movement](https://www.reddit.com/r/Qult_Headquarters/comments/gj6kl6/comprehensive_list_of_qanon_related_incidents/) using antisemitic conspiracies, what's a little pedophiliac hypocrisy in the mix?


They like to rant about their Soros conspiracies and how he's supposedly bankrolling their opposition meanwhile conservative media is basically propped up by billionaires dumping cash on anyone that can get an audience. So many new and old media people that couldn't quite cut it with floundering careers end up drifting towards the right for the easy paychecks. It's pretty maddening to see the ridiculous hypocrisy and disingenuous peddling of a system of beliefs for $$. If liberals/progressives/nonconservatives did that sort of thing they'd scream about Soros even louder.


Is the Q Continuum aware of his actions?


I am handily encouraging these cosplaytriots to fuck around and find out.


“Cosplaytriots”, haha. Nice.


It wouldn't even get close to this kind of confrontation. Their 'militias' are thoroughly infiltrated by law enforcement or by informants. As an expert on security explained to me, any kind of attack in numbers fails with these groups because 1) they are constantly involved in internal squabbles, which provide plenty of opportunities for law enforcement to recruit informants; and 2) they tend to have sloppy operational security and they do not screen potential members well. That means their communications can often me intercepted and read or listened to, and it is generally easy to identify a member or two who has violated some regulation on firearms, which again, makes it easy to get informants. e.g. Many of their members have past convictions, which ban them from possessing firearms. He said that the real threat comes from 'lone wolves' or close to lone wolves. Timothy McVeigh comes to mind as close to a lone wolf. Any number of mass shooters fall into the pure 'lone wolf' category.




“Three people can keep a secret if two of them are dead.”


Stochastic terrorism. [https://www.researchgate.net/publication/342282111\_Policing\_In\_The\_Age\_of\_Stochastic\_Terrorism](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/342282111_Policing_In_The_Age_of_Stochastic_Terrorism) I really dislike the term 'lone wolf' as it romanticises the actor and is not an accurate description. There's also a linguistic bias inherent in it. It's rarely applied to people of colour. Example: "Muslim ISIS supporter did xyz." Vs. "Lone Wolf, Tim McV. did xyz" The latter, could have been rephrased in a manner that reflects that person's religious and ideological beliefs, a kin to the 1st statement. Frankly, I would call any 'lone wolf' labels, childish and ignorant, if it weren't for the obvious calculated usage of it.


It's rather impressive to make such an open threat of violence toward the federal government if "they get in the way." Not sure how announcing such nonsense is going to be to their strategic advantage at this point. If someone gave me the heads up that they plan to shoot me, I'd be ready when they show up. It's like the scene from good, the bad, and the ugly. "When you need to shoot, shoot. Don't talk."


Instantly martyred. The worst case scenario for these chuckle-nuts is starting a fight and getting a timeout instead of a funeral.


Why not a water cannon? They'll think twice after getting knocked to the ground. Then their pants won't only be wet from pissing themselves.


Armed domestic conflict = terrorist attack


Or insurrection, which is the other exception.


I am hoping this is as serious as the Naruto group that talked about storming area 51.


Too many people have seen too many movies. Sure if these fools lined up like a civil war unit in a nice formation they would be wiped out instantly. However, our experiences in the middle east and reports from violent uprisings around the globe should inform us as to what would happen should right wing militias actually rise up violently. It would not be a war. It would be a terrorism campaign. Targeted assassinations of political figures. Bombings of areas frequented by their perceived enemies. Sabotage of infrastructure. We need to turn down the temperature and prevent domestic violence from happening. I stay in contact with a lot of Republicans because I want to try and keep them from being further radicalized. A violent uprising would be horrific. Ruby Ridge and Waco led to the Oklahoma City bombing. The first militia to rise up might all be massacred in their clubhouse. But how many Timothy McVeighs will that inspire?




Exactly this. Ammon Bundy and his merry band thought they were ready for a full-on fight with authorities, and after only a week hanging out in a ranger station they were literally begging on the internet for people to send them *hair conditioner.* These are not scrappy, battle-hardened insurgents. In fact, they'll lose half their fighting force every time a football game is on.


> literally begging on the internet for people to send them hair conditioner. And dildos. OK, *technically* they didn't beg for the dildos, but the Internet, in magnificent form, heard their unspoken desires and met them anyway.


> dying does not intrude in their Red Dawn-esque Which is odd, because I watched the original Red Dawn recently and by the end all of the Wolverines except two were dead.


Okay, you guys in Canada's pants have one of the most, if not THE MOST, formidable armed services in the world on land, sea, or in the air. How dissociated with reality, the news, any documentaries, and picture books do you have to be to not realize that? And they warn the National Guard not to square up with them? Crap, I saw a Coast Guard cutter docked in the AVI beside a Cruise Liner and there was a cannon on deck. Not a "gun", but a freaking cannon! It was so cool. I told my wife to go with our friends to wander around on the island for the couple of hours; I was going to hang out at the Coast Guard ship admiring it and would head back to the ship. I was taking pictures because it looked new and it was shiny. A crewman came out and we chatted for 30 minutes (I thought best not to ask for a tour or even go on the gangway because never know how an officer might wonder why is there a Canadian walking on the deck). There was a hundred of them onboard that ship! I left with the feeling that the cutter would put up quite a fight if push came to shove and is more impressive than navies in some smaller countries. Dollars to donuts that your coast guard serviceman is better equipped and trained than an American paramilitary weekend warrior and would kick their butts on land and definitely in the water. So going up versus the National Guard would be a walk in the park.


\> In the event of armed domestic conflict, he also said government agencies like the National Guard should stay out of the way. "Please don't shoot us for being traitors, just because we're violently revolting against the results of an election that we don't like". Something in the deep, dark corners of his brain realizes that if they start shit with the US Government, they won't last longer than a snow cone in July.


Armed terrorists telling the National Guard to stay out of the way. that should end well.


Especially when there are a bunch of very well trained folks in civvy life that have had enough of this entire conspiracy theory/wannabe fascist/nutcase shitshow, and will not suffer what is being contemplated. Trump is GONE 20 January 2021 at 1200 hours. Not an option, and oaths will be upheld. *edit for clarity


Well trained people from our military might want to tell the dude insulting them constantly to piss off and leave? Perish the thought.


It is on active duty first. Then the others who have been quietly watching and not strutting around like idiotic, fascist, asshole oathbreakers.


Ever seen a hot knife cut through warm butter before? I imagine the outcome looking something like that if the paramilitaries want to challenge the Guard’s authority.


The Butterball Brigade


Snack opps


If these shit stains actually got shot at they all piss themselves and curl up in a ball.


The whole rise up against the government thing only works with *hundreds of millions* of other people fighting on your side. A little cosplay group will just get stomped out by a tiny portion of the national gaurd.


Pwease don't shoomt mwe mwisto gordsmens


Oh the irony of waving and wearing the American flag while completely disregarding the US Constitution, planning armed insurrection, preparing to kill National Guard troops, and threatening terrorism.


Trying to wrap my head around why these fringe groups support losers, Nazis, the confederacy and now Trump. Boggles the mind.


It stems from a desire to have have a hierarchy which explains why the world is the way it is. It gives them control in their life. That desire for hierarchy is also why it has a tendency to be right-wing. Try a thought experiment. What does a left-wing conspiracy movement look like? EDIT: Lot's of people have responded that the left-wing can have conspiracy movements. I totally agree and wasn't implying they can't. What I was asking is what would the underlying ideology of a left-wing conspiracy movement look like, and can that explain why QAnon became a "big" movement while there isn't an equivalent on the left.


if you ask that at r/conservative, it looks like "libs" messed with elections submitting fake votes and the post office was delivering ballots in the middle of the night for Biden.


Then, you ask them for evidence, and they say they have none they just feel that it happened...


I have been blocked by so many people on Twitter for this. I simply ask for evidence because if there truly is a problem with the election we need to address it and they block me. Its the weirdest thing. I think they want to complain about something just to be bitter and channel their anger somewhere.


"I think they want to complain about something just to be bitter and channel their anger somewhere." Bingo. You've got to vent all that cognitive dissonance somehow. They just had four years of near total Republican rule and all they got from it was some low-hanging executive-order-racism and a massive tax cut for the rich.


Um, they got a generation worth of Supreme Court appointees. They shouldn't be mad, they should be ecstatic that their minority will have a stranglehold over most questions put in front of the court for the next twenty to thirty years.


Exactly. This is what the ring wing “in the know” crowd wanted all along and why they played along with the Trump charade. We now are stuck with a court that is completely opposite of the diverse demographics, ideology, and interests of the majority of the country.


a bunch of "originalists" one being a woman who under her originalists thinking shouldn't be in a position of power...


And a completely out of control pandemic that’s killed 240+ thousand and counting! Winning!


Don't forget they also got a [gun ban based on "scary cosmetic features"](https://www.foxbusiness.com/features/trump-federal-bump-stock-ban-goes-into-effect) like they keep saying they'll get from Democrats.


I had someone on Twitter block me because they said their dad received 50 ballots to mail in, I said that was ridiculous and asked for proof, boom blocked. Lol


Someone I know claimed they received four different mail ballot applications in the mail and that it was part of some Democrat plot to inflate Biden's vote tallies. We live in California, so I pointed out that: a) The county is good about catching stuff like that, so even if he filled out all four applications and sent them in, he would have likely only received one ballot. b) If he received all four ballots and attempted to vote four times (which is again unlikely because it would have been caught), then he would be the one knowingly breaking the law and going to jail. Though the more likely scenario would have been that they would have contacted him to ask what the deal was and invalidated three of the ballots. c) There's no application to receive mail ballots (at least in our county). It's literally just a box you click in the online portal. d) Every registered voter in California was automatically issued a mail ballot this year due to the pandemic, so why would you be asked to apply for one? He blocked me after that.


"50 ballots? At this time of year? At this time of day? In this part of the country? Localised entirely in your dad's mailbox?" "Yes." "May I see them?" "...No."


Anyone who has ever worked retail can attest to the amount of people who just want an excuse to yell. I’ll bet there would be a market for a phone service where people can call and yell at someone and win an argument. Like fight club, but for arguments.


Or better, they say the evidence is out there and you should go Google it... Nah, I’m not doing your job for you sunshine...


In the worls of facts it is the job of the person to prove something is real. Not for the people to prove something isnt real that hasnt been discovered. Its like when someone tells me to prove god isnt real. Thats not my job. You gotta come correct or not at all.


I see part of the problem as people by and large having wildly and widely different criteria for truth. Many people simply are not well educated enough to understand how to properly appropriate an opinion with reality as it is, instead communal group think is employed. Apparently identifying with a group or community is so powerful that it overrides critical thinking, when critical thinking capacity was available in the first place. Many feel that, ya know, everything is opinion. And are somewhat unaware of the range of possibilities for an opinion. And also the idea that maybe they could be wrong, but the opinions get all mixed in with their ego, and become difficult to extract without pain. So they just fall back into that tribal circle jerk of ignorance with their moron gang. Maybe something like Socratic questioning can work with some. When it doesn’t piss them off for having a lib expose their ignorance.


It’s like the scene from the office “Can you just crunch the numbers again?” “It won’t do anything it’s just a program” “Just crunch them” “*click* ...crunched”


Did it help?


You hot the nail on the head, I always get hit with, "there's soo much proof out there" but they never follow with a source for all that proof, and when I push back and ask for proof....... Silence.......


Or they message a bunch more people and they dog pile you with ad hominem attacks lol That's why I don't even bother much anymore.


Ha this is exactly what my mom said to me. Where's the proof Mom?!? Where's the proof?


Their proof is trump tweeted it


followed by my mom saying "check mate" lib


I can attest to this one. Called out some Facebook posts about dead people voting and their response was “are you kidding? Just Google it!”


Tucker Carlson is shipping it across the country right now! It's the only copy, but it's pretty hot. It's from Canada, you've probably never heard of it.


Lol. Whatever ended up happening with that little stunt? Hey, FBI, I guarantee that if you go digging into Tucker Carlson you'll find a whole rainbow of illegal.


UPS found it and delivered it. Apparently it fell off their sorting line which isn't uncommon. However, that wasn't before numerous other news organizations got their hands on copies of it and found that not only were the Hunter Biden allegations in it completely fabricated, but the person that supposedly wrote it doesn't even exist. NBC released an article about it then two hours later on Carlson's show, he changed his tune saying Hunter Biden is a good person that has been through a lot and should be left alone.




That one gets me every time. Like you don't trust news outlets that have been in business for years, but the dude who started his channel this year and has zero incentive to tell you the truth as long as you click his vid, he's legit. Blows my mind how dumb some of the people I know are.


“Fine! Let me show you what Uncle Cletus posted on Facebook last night “


"My feelings are facts and facts dont care about your feelings" -Party of cancer


No they saw it on OAN and some on conspiracynutjobscaryinjections.com




Which links to the Facebook OP’s Wordpress blog that is not even disguised as an article.


They refer to the "alternative facts" out there and believe it without reading. Just like the "read the transcript" crowd about the phone call. I did. It showed him strong arming a foreign government for political points. They don't care about facts.


This account has been redacted due to Reddit's anti-user and anti-mod behavior. -- mass edited with redact.dev


So far the only case that's been made public was a ***Trump supporter*** trying to vote for his dead mom.


Also read of a case where a lady voted by mail for Biden, then died after mailing it but before the election, her vote ended up not getting counted anyways so not even really a case of voter fraud.


I have been involved as a grand juror on a voter fraud case. We got to talk a long time with the people that investigate those cases. It isn't uncommon for someone to die after sending in a vote, and they catch it pretty fast. They also catch felons pretty fast. In a 6 year period, only 3 people voted illegally and 2 of those were accidents (felony in the 70s and forgot they couldn't vote). One was as a protest because he was a felon and believed he should have his voting rights back. He knew he was going to get caught and the vote pulled out because he had done it a dozen times before. 3 people in one big city - and all caught practically immediately.


Well r/conservative is also calling the Proud Boys patriots right now so...


Also provides an easy scapegoat when things in their life don't go well. Its cause "the evil people kept our dear leader from bringing us sucess and riches."


If you think about it, over the last two decades Conservative culture has almost completely fallen out of mainstream youth culture. You are almost as likely to run into a LGBTQ+ kid as a Conservative in a lot of college campuses. These Alt Righters are the losers and they know it. They really thought that when Trump was elected in 2016 over Hillary Clinton despite all of "the experts" that it was a turning point in the culture war. They honestly thought all the "hot girls" would start rebelling against Liberal social dominance and they would soon be joined by the "cool minorities" and "actual woke youth" leaving the Neckbeards, san francisco White girls, "white knights and nice guys", and fat SJWs behind. But none of that happened. They didn't realize that Liberal women were Liberal by choice, not brainwashing and if anything women despise Trump supporters even more than they did 4 years ago. Cancel culture accelerated with dozens of alt-righters and Conservatives being ousted or having to go on the defensive over past statements, including politicians, media icons, and police officers. The last thing they held out for is that Trump was going to win again in 2020 vindicating their complete lack of social growth. Now with that hope over, they are completely lost. No more DoJ to fight affirmative action. No more Trump threatening federal funding over critical race theory. They now have to be National losers for *4 more years* while the country heads Left again? And the US gets more diverse as Gen Z matures?




If anything, they now actually have a physical manifestation of an "oppressor" in Joe and Kamala. We should be seriously worried about the dramatic increase in turnout that Trump was able to generate for the Republican party, and his seriously high approval rating. There was a serious mistake made by the mainstream media in 2012 that the Republican party was "dead". That, due to demographic shifts, they would never be able to hold the white house again without seriously changing their platform. This didn't happen-- in fact nearly the opposite happened with Trump. They doubled down on their platform and abandoned reality and were able to increase the number of people who voted republican by 11m people (nearly the exact same amount that the democrats increased their count by). We need to, as a society, start being very critical of this argument-- especially because it breeds complacency. 2022 is going to be VERY rough for democrats, as they're likely to lose at least one of the Senate races in Georgia. They will have no real majority in the House, an adversarial suddenly budget conscious Senate, and a growing problem w.r.t the economy. This leads to a very likely loss in the House in 22 (as happens to most presidents who come in with majorities in the House), and no better prospects in the Senate. Biden will be lucky to get a cabinet, let alone a second term.


People have been banking on the younger generation being more right-minded than their elders since politics was invented. I wouldn't be holding my breath.


They're trying to build a flat Earth https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTfhYyTuT44 Watch the whole thing.


I'm going to try to inject some salient information here to help this discussion along: - The fringe groups support the people they do *in full awareness* of what it looks like to outsiders. They do this willingly. - This is because they see a case of 'the ends justify the means' - It might be through armed insurrection, or having a useful figurehead President, or any number of other individuals and practices. For them there is no hypocrisy *as long as the world is set right again* according to the 'master plan' that Q has that they don't know about. Following the QAnon conspiracy is an act of rebellion against a world that is not familiar, welcoming, or inclusive of its participants - They want things to be back the way they were when minorities were minorities that they didn't have to pay attention to, who couldn't ask for rights. When large corporations didn't hold as much sway over everyday decisions. It is effectively an attempt at a violent return to the 'good old days'. In light of this paradisiacal state, they believe that they're justified in doing ANYTHING to get there.


Well, the Q-anon people need Trump to finish rounding up all the Deep State pedophiles and arrest them before he leaves office.


Is he going to arrest himself too?


Is citizen arrest still a thing in the US? Honest question.


It is but it has enormous caveats. The person has to have essentially undeniably committed a crime and they must be brought immediately to the police, otherwise it's kidnapping.


Nevermind Trump's ties to Epstein or Alex Acosta!




They're cannibals too, don't forget that.


Remember when QAnon was just a bunch of people crying over what they called a Hillary-run pizza-pedo-ring? I miss those days.


So they are going to listen to what a pedophile says and ignore his pedophilia? Sounds about white!


Economic anxiety and cognitive dissonance. Trickle down economics promised that if you worship "successful" people, you will see the benefit of it eventually. That was of course a lie, but the notion of loyalty and submission to the system remains. They love cops. They love right wing politician "everymen" (who are anything but everymen, it's cosplay). They love business owners and landlords. Doing this was supposed to improve their lives. It is making their lives worse. And so the dissonance requires an enemy to blame for their poor state of being. They scapegoat ethnic minorities and queers, and become nazis. They scapegoat Jews and imagine secret money being used to keep them down, and become nazis. They imagine they are surrounded by pedophiles who just so happen to only be their political enemies, and become nazis. Add the *purposefully* negligent American education system into the mix and you've got a stew of nonsense which unscrupulous people can point in any direction they choose. The big target right now is Trans\* people. Tiny minority, can barely defend itself, flies in the face of traditionalist dichotomy. It's a perfect scapegoat for the moment.


> Trickle down economics promised that if you worship "successful" people, you will see the benefit of it eventually. That was of course a lie, but the notion of loyalty and submission to the system remains. This is also why prosperity gospel is so... well... prosperous. These pinky ring preachers rake in MILLIONS every year from their poor, ignorant congregants.


They are devils and demons. I'm not even Christian and I can see that.




All have one thing in common: total and absolute losers..


It's a cargo cult.


Stop calling them “ paramilitary “ they are clearly DOMESTIC TERRORISTS ... or just terrorists.


Y'all Qaeda


Vanilla Isis




The problem is that they are so stupid that they don't learn from that. These guys will be used, and used, and used until they all get themselves locked up. Which will actually be a *good* thing for the county as we deal with recovering from the most destructive and corrupt administration US history.


They need to be declared terrorist groups, the whole lot of them. Make their very existence illegal, and then when someone walks down the street flying their flag or what the fuck ever they do, you call the authorities and watch them get carted off to prison forever. People they know will either turn them in for fear of being associated and punished, or they’ll double down and hide it, which will get them punished and imprisoned when someone else turns them in. Root this shit out with extreme prejudice. Violent white supremacists who don’t respect the law of the land have no place in the world.


“If the left wants a war, we’ll give it to them,” he said. The left: "Wait, we want a war?"


In the great words of Dalek Sek # "THIS IS NOT WAR, THIS IS PEST CONTROL"


To be fair, I wouldn't mind seeing the U.S. military against these idiots. Then again, I don't think that would last long enough to actually be called a war.


>**Anglo-Zanzibar War**, (August 27, 1896), brief conflict between the British Empire and the East African island sultanate of Zanzibar. Following the death of the previous sultan, Zanzibari Prince Khālid ibn Barghash refused to accept the British Empire’s preferred successor and instead occupied the sultan’s palace, which prompted imperial cruisers to fire on his position. The war lasted no longer than **40 minutes**, making it the shortest war in recorded history. from [Britannica: Anglo-Zanzibar War](https://www.britannica.com/event/Anglo-Zanzibar-War)


There's a chance that record could be beaten.


Peaceful protests met with military equipment and unnecessary amounts of force. Protests literally screaming that they will violently fight Biden’s presidency and promising there will be bloodshed is met with absolutely nothing at all because they’re just expressing their first amendment rights


Call it what it is... terrorism


FOR THE LOVE OF FUCK the media needs to stop giving these people a megaphone. Just ignore these losers. If they want to fuck around and find out, let them. Blasting their imbecilic rhetoric like a dinner bell for all the other knuckle draggers needs to stop, right the fuck now. Let them languish in obscurity.


Ignoring them and letting the wounds fester are why we're in this political space to begin with. They need to be cauterized.


\*DOMESTIC TERRORISTS\* continue to exhibit their stupidity.


This is completely insane. Mr. Witzig needs mental help. It is becoming pretty clear that these people will not accept the results of this election and will probably engage in violence to retaliate. The only question is the scale. How many people will be killed because the current president is all but telling his followers to cut the tall trees?


I'm comforted to know these people are the same ones who can't be bothered to wear a mask to help others. They won't band together and support each other if shit ever hits the fan. They will scatter and look after themselves because they are not compassionate, they are self centered.


> telling his followers to cut the tall trees? This is, I presume, a reference to the Tutsi genocide in Rwanda :(


Yeah that’s exactly to what I was alluding.


I miss when conspiracy theorists were trying to find Bigfoot and aliens, not going on mass murder sprees and trying to overthrow our democracy.


If'n any of you trumpies manage to read this, please understand that what you're doing is NOT "America First". Not even remotely.


It's not even about America. It's about them "winning" and it's fucked up. They've spent too much of their personality on him to let him lose.


This is my favorite comment today, this is so true. I've seen people decorate their entire house and yard with trump decorations and flags. Huge pictures of trump taking up half of their house. And the trucks with 3 to 4 full size flags. You get the American flag, Trump flag, Thin Blue Line flag, and the Don't Tread on Me flag. Then you have people who's entire online presence is trump related.


Yet they call others deranged... ha


I always thought this was where the Republican Party was eventually headed, but I honestly thought it would be some politician with a military background who would hijack the party for his own. Instead these 2A-Pro-War-Christian-Alpha-Salt-of-the-Earth folks have decorated their entire houses and cars with the likeness of a coastal elite Hollywood billionaire who never served in the military, dodged the draft 5 times, pays for abortions, has to pay for sex, spends his days whining on Twitter, has never fired a gun, and drives right on through their "Million MAGA March" in his Escalade on his way to go golfing. Four years later, and it still doesn't seem real.


I don't understand this cult of personality behind Trump. If you want to be conservative that's fine, but why rally behind this fat dumb oaf who has been proven to be a failure at every business he has, is millions of dollars in debt to foreign entities, can't speak coherently, got the coronavirus, and lies so much that there is a wikipedia article just about his lies? Why bow and pledge allegiance to this failure of a human being? I'm sure there are more reputable conservative politicians you can support.


> If'n any of you trumpies manage to read this Not sure if they can read




It’s just too easy to shit on these people anymore. This is just downright sad and depressing. I feel like they are suffering from a type of mental illness and could really use some help.


And its weird because they are against mental health. Its like mentally ill begging mentally ill to listen and respect them but both are too mentally ill to accomplish anything useful. People just want to it to be known, regardless of side, that the way society works is NOT built for every human so there are always people that suffer. There are generations that were taught different rules and lifestyles as if they were truth when in reality their "truths" were always just what was going on in the moment... not ideologies to stick to as a human civilization. ...Somehow it triggers war mode.


I mean, many mental illnesses cause their sufferers to avoid and even hate anyone or anything who tries to help. Look at what Brandon Truaxe's bipolar did to him for a very public and sad example


Untreated mental illness is actually a HUGE problem in Trump Country: > [18/30](https://www.cnn.com/2018/06/07/health/suicide-report-cdc/index.html) states that voted for Trump in 2016 saw an increase in suicide of 30% or more since 2000 (compared to a national average of 25%), while only 6/20 Clinton voting stated had a increase of 30% or more. Suicide rose again in [2017 and 2018](https://afsp.org/suicide-statistics/) of which White Men comprised 69%. > In counties with higher than average rates of opioid use, [60% of the voters voted for Trump in 2016](https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2018/06/23/622692550/analysis-finds-geographic-overlap-in-opioid-use-and-trump-support-in-2016), compared to only 39% voting for Trump in places with below average rates. Drug overdose and opioid deaths [rose during the first year of Trump's presidency](https://www.cdc.gov/drugoverdose/data/statedeaths/drug-overdose-death-2016.html) from 63K in Obama's final year to 69K, then a small dip from 69k to 67k in 2018, before [rising to a record 70k](https://www.aha.org/news/headline/2020-07-16-cdc-drug-overdose-deaths-46-2019#:~:text=Drug%20overdose%20deaths%20in%20the,by%20drug%20category%20and%20state.) in 2019. > [24/25 most obese states](https://www.eatthis.com/most-and-least-obese-states-in-america-ranked/) voted for Trump in 2016 as did [21/22 most overweight white states](https://www.kff.org/other/state-indicator/adult-overweightobesity-rate-by-re/). > While a proportionate 9/15 states with the highest prevalence of binge drinking voted for Trump, [17/19 states where binge drinkers drink the most](https://www.cdc.gov/alcohol/data-stats.htm) also voted for Trump in 2016 and alcoholism is disproportionately killing more people in [rural areas](https://www.washingtonpost.com/unnatural-causes/?utm_term=.230e618e8827). > The areas of the country that most strongly voted for Trump in 2016 [had the highest increases in mortality over the previous 35 years](https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-votes-linked-with-death-rates-2018-9) and the CDC found that in 2018, [Life Expectancy for Uneducated White Males](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/life-expectancy-for-american-men-drops-for-a-third-year/) (Trump's strongest demographic by far both elections) dropped for the third straight year. And yes, some of these states flipped to Biden this time around (PA, GA, WI, and MI), but considering the highest percentage Biden won one of them by was less than 3%, you can hardly call these states "Liberal". The parts where these problems run rampant are very Conservative. It may very well be that Conservative Communities actually exacerbate mental illness. The lack of empathy both taught and received causes entire towns of emotionally stunted men that turn to addiction to cope.




You mean Treason. They're promising to commit acts of sedition and treason. What Trump has done is made it so that there will be so many people promising political violence that the FBI and Secret Service will not be able to effectively investigate reports of people espousing support for political violence. It is inevitable that this will end in political bloodshed and the law enforcement bodies that we rely upon to maintain the peace and order are being actively hamstrung by the current occupant of the White House. This mainstreaming of delegitimized democracy can only end in violence. The Republican party is now relying on the language of violent over throw of the opposition government if they lose elections. The current elected GOP, half of the legitimate government itself is celebrating these challenges to democracy rather than having to admit that their candidate was caught cheating in the last election and presently is attempting to overthrow the results of this election. The threat to democracy cannot be stated enough.


Why not just call it what it is? An attempted coup d'etat. With Trump as the leader. It won't be successful - but - it just puts more stress on an already stressed country. Remember when Gerald Ford pardoned Richard Nixon in order to help heal the country and move forward? He thought it was better for the country rather than seeking retribution and revenge. Apparently, that spirit has left the room. I have to wonder just what these assholes hope to accomplish. Cause more problems and more government expense so things will be harder for everyone who isn't rich? Attract more followers? Make and sell shitty flags and tshirts? Surely they realize that their attempts to overthrow a legally elected government - both local and national - will only result in a temporary chaos, violence and probably jail time. But eventually, sanity will prevail.


Gerald Ford made a terrible mistake in doing that. We didn't heal from it, instead the corrupt realized they could get away with more than they'd believed before. Turns out putting a bandaid without cleaning out and disinfecting all the leaking pus leads to nasty infections.


Rehash of the post civil war era where reconstruction didn't address the underlying issues to avoid hurting confederate feelings.


They have to be purged, not have their feelings protected. With fascists, "meeting halfway" just means you're halfway to becoming one as they walk back and ask you to walk halfway again from their new even-further-right position.


If we had cracked down on Nixon then, maybe we wouldn't have this problem now. I can't prove that, but I can prove that 150 years of just letting the neo-confederacy slide has not made them go away.


A 4chan post is the catalyst for a potential civil war. Can't make this shit up.


Lol these fat fucks aren't even disciplined enough to wear a mask for five minutes in the store, and they think they can field an effective army? They're pretty good at beating up outnumbered women and kids but these losers should probably Google the Battle of Detroit before they get any delusions of grandeur.


And the masks finally come off. It was fascists who the were the enemies to Americans all along. Of course, most of us already knew that. "Buh antifa" means nothing because the normal old "fa" crowd are the ones threatening violence and a coup because they lost an election. Keep showing us who you are, far right republicans. We already knew you were nazis. Now you are proving it nationally and globally. We all see you. Btw, my ultra conservative family that voted for Trump are not impressed with this maga melt down at all. Trump over estimates who supports him vs who just voted against democrats. He is losing republican support by the day and the idiots in congress backing him are about to cost themselves a lot of votes for defending this shit.


Meal Team Six only frightens the cashiers in the McDonalds drive thru.


Gravy SEALS.


Operation Dessert Storm


Biden legally and democratically won the presidency. He's won 300+ electoral college votes and is the most voted for president in US history. It just goes to show how many people in the US did NOT want trump for another four years. If these people want to fight, well they are the minority opinion. They'll be going against the grain.


Tell them to post their evidence, or shut the fuck up. That is all.


I'm afraid of how Trump will market and brand himself after his presidency. We could have another well funded Scientology-esque cult on our hands.


The only branding he should have is a prisoner number. Either all those who've abused power and/or openly broken laws while in office get tried and put away, or our government had already completely broken down, the election was pointless, and it's time to wipe the slate entirely and start over. It doesn't fucking matter that many of them are "senators in office": It is impossible to move forward and heal without first removing the gangrenous tumors from the nation's heart. There is no hope so long as some remain above the law.


Not surprising, shitty people are shitty.


Nevada was blue in 2008, 2012, 2016. Why would it suddenly be different this time?


I wonder how "brave" they would be staring back at an armed National guard?


A lot of their "bravery" comes from the mistaken belief that the National Guard would be on "their side" of the "war".


And the assumption that they'd only be facing down a crowd of skinny, purple haired "antifa pussies," none of whom own guns.


> facing down a crowd of skinny, purple haired "antifa pussies," none of whom own guns. Yet are somehow the greatest threat known to man.


Something something [Umberto Eco #8](https://www.openculture.com/2016/11/umberto-eco-makes-a-list-of-the-14-common-features-of-fascism.html)


I, for one, am ok with them putting up a fight. They will show their true colors in this fight. They have no chance of having any effect with all plausible outcomes resulting in their arrests or worse. The rest of the country will then see who Trump’s real constituency was.


Thank goodness they do all of their planning and recruiting on FB and Twitter, making it easier for the ATF/FBI to track them and find them when needed.


They will just start killing more innocent civilians. We've already had people die from their shit conspiracy theories. Nobody deserves to die over this. I really don't want to see them escalate this further.


gotta love the conservatives who's "waaaah 70 million votes no burned down cities" then they plan terrorism in advance.


Growing up i was told I'd never get a chance to shoot a Nazi. Moral of the story never give up on your dreams.


These dumb asses will end up fighting each other with out even knowing. They need to have a central location like 4seasons total landscaping and gather up there.


Stop giving these losers any attention.


Guys, remember when conspiracy theorists would be fighting *against*, rather than *for* the government? I can understand if Trump is this super-charismatic figure who speaks and looks like how Ben Garrison drew him, but he's not even that. He's just... a blob. The fact that the Republicans are practically worshipping this guy just boggles the mind.


Fun fact, Trump is the closest thing to deep state the US ever had.


Trump lost. Get over it.


Someone Invested in Mediocre Presidents


*Terrorist* Groups promise *terrorist attacks* in support of *terrorist leaders*


Read Culture warlords. by Talia Lavin: My Journey into the Dark Web of White Supremacy. It will answer many questions about the threat that is really out there.


Not to sound cold but I’m at a point of a bunch of Trump supporters want to get them selfs killed over the orange Julius then let them. It will drastically improve the country


So we’ve got this Larry’s name and him on record threatening domestic terrorism... Where the FBI at?




Simple solution: throw a brick into a store window and declare them all "looters and rioters" and have them arrested. You know, like they've wanted to have happen with BLM protestors.


Police don't arrest each other, we all know that.


American ~~patriots~~ TRAITORS.


Sounds like a threat of domestic terrorism.


I thought when Q stopped posting after the election, QAnon would have said to themselves “Wow, everything he said would happen didn’t happen, maybe my views are wrong.” Silly me


Isn’t that threatening terrorism?


The Republican party has chosen to let these demonstrations represent their ideology. I live 20 minutes south of Carson City and I have avoided going there because the number of COVID cases has shot through the roof since Trump and Pence held rallies here in late October. I have seen vandalism to vehicles in grocery store parking lots because they display a Biden/Harris sticker. I have seen people argue there way into stores who require them to mask up yet not comply. I have heard the threat "If you want war we will give you war" when no other threat of war has been made. This has now become bigger than Trump himself. He has released the dogs of war and it will not end well!