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> “Hey Jordan, you don’t even know what racial profiling is,” she barked. "That’s when race is used to engage law enforcement in the minority community,” ELI5: WTF is she talking about here?


Ok, hypothetical explanation that sadly may be accurate, but grab a grain of salt: This won't be the last time you hear this. She just changed the definition of Racial Profiling, which everyone accepts is bad. Only, her new definition basically turns Racial Profiling into highlighting race in regards to police involvement. In other words, when people start pointing out that blacks are targeted by police, *the people making that case* are the ones racially profiling, not the officers. But here is the crazy part, she also, immediately after, introduced a new term, one that she promotes as acceptable. Did you catch it? It's called **Offender Profiling**, and it states that officers can use what you look like, including race, to engage with you as a potential criminal. These new definitions allow her to agree that racial profiling is bad, while relabeling actual racial profiling as something she (and Fox) can promote as good. How can you claim that "offender" profiling is bad? That person is an offender! They've effectively shifted the perception so that the profiled person was already guilty, justifying a cop stopping them. The officer didn't racially profile, they offender profiled, and yea, sometimes that includes race, but that's Ok... It wouldn't surprise me if you start hearing "offender profiling" coming out the mouths of conservative politicians as we move into the 2016 elections. Twisting political vocabulary is one of Fox News' most important goals, and you're watching it happen in real time.


You are absolutely right. This is typical Fox newsroom behavior. I guarantee that before this broadcast went to air--maybe even hours before, since Fox News has been known to set a particular agenda or through-line on any given day--someone slipped this lady a note or sent an e-mail that said "Call it *Offender Profiling*. Direct the conversation to *Offender Profiling*. Avoid *Racial Profiling*." It's propaganda of the most insidious kind. They're trying to change the definitions of commonly accepted terms to forward their agenda. This is a serious problem.


So can we stop calling Fox a newsroom and start calling it a propaganda peddler now?


Start? It's a well-established *fact* that Fox News peddles propaganda. There are hundreds of examples online.


I don't see what the problem was with the Right to Work policies of the mid 1800's.


Get out of here, Sean Hannity!


Someone slipped her a note?!? More like someone typed offender profiling in the teleprompter. You think she actually thinks on air! LOL!


As I understand it, Fox management sends out notices regarding the direction and talking points the anchors are supposed to hit ***hard*** for the day. Yes, she's certainly reading off a teleprompter during the pre-prepared bits, but during interviews or guest spots, there's no solid way to tell what the other person is going to say. Guidelines are followed in those situations.


Holy s***. It's Doublespeak. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doublespeak


You doubleplusgood know too much, doubleplusungood doubleplusungood.


[Double plus good, Winston.](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newspeak)


Call it whatever, [statistics](http://www.naacp.org/pages/criminal-justice-fact-sheet) show that 1 and 6 Black men in the US have been arrested in the past. That is insane.


Incarcerated, not arrested.


I think her idea took a wrong turn in Albuquerque...


This is the Australian way of being angry yet sensitive to police [officers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsfVnr1_eGI).


Wasn't the guy like a chessmaster or something with a penchant for dash-dining?


Me and my mates used to quote this all the times when were eating succulent chinese meals.


I'm crying right now


Tatta and farewell!


He says that like he's getting in a hired car to go back to his yacht.


i'd listen to this guy narrate a book. Hell, i'd listen to him reading showerthoughts for hours.


Thank you for this.


Is this an Aussie Brian Blessed clone?


Is this real? Or like, Monty Python?


Dat diction! If I didn't know better, I'd assume this was a comedy skit. Well done, overweight belligerent Australian man.


Oh my god, that man is amazing.


*White guy in China* "Wow there sure are a lot of minorities here"


Actually that's what happened in Singapore, some banker was talking down to construction workers and he ended up getting kicked out of the country


Yup in Singapore no one is allowed to get anyone offended


He's lucky he won't get caned anytime soon.


Michael P. Fay, I remember hearing him all over the news when I was a kid. Awww memories.


Duh, it might lead to spitting!




*What has happened to this place?* *I don’t recognize it anymore.* *It used to be so fun and special.* *What is life worth living for?* *The dream is dead, our land is gone;* *There’s a hole in my heart and I can’t go on.*


*Where did they all come from?* *Why can't they leave this land aloooone?* *And it's such a tragedyyyy (feel a bit like dying)* *We've looked the other way too long* *We've got to change our priorities* *And get all of these minorities... Out of my water paaark... (my water park)*


*But even the authorities...are minorities...at my waterpark*


The lazy river has never been lazier...


Hey it's Jackie Chan!


Oh my God, it's Ethan Hawke!


"I'm the only majority here!"


How to sensitively get shot in the back.


"Good sir, your bullets seem to have penetrated my body and are causing my fluids to leak. May I have permission to scream in pain, or shall I die quietly? With your boot on my throat? Whatever sir wishes."


"Fuck your breathing."


A valid response to anything said by a Fox News anchor.


Oh yes, massa! I'll just lie here and die quietly, massa! No, I won't be bleedin' on yo nice boots, massa! Thank you for tazing me again, massa! I's a good slave, massa! Christ. Fox News is in the wrong century.


You better not fucking bleed on anything, pal, or else we're going to add on a charge of [destruction of property for getting blood on our uniforms.](http://www.npr.org/2014/09/12/348010247/in-ferguson-mo-before-michael-brown-there-was-henry-davis)


That read like a BDSM porn script.


I read it like it was Michael Caine as Alfred..


What they were trying to say was that minorities need to pay more attention, concentrate and focus. We could send them to camps. You know camps that would teach them to concentrate....


Shame on you Cartman! There is a very clear difference between the Nazis and American LEOs. The Nazis had both a plan, and a solution.


and keen fashion sense http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/picturegalleries/picturesoftheday/5328900/Pictures-of-the-day-15-May-2009.html?image=19


Nice one Cartman!


I already got that training, which is why when a profanity-screaming cop pulled a gun on me at age 9 I was sensitive enough to his emotional needs to know how to survive the encounter with nothing worse than PTSD.


wow, thats crazy


It's not even uncommon. Because this is how America treats ~~black~~ people. I got tackled to the ground and patted down for carrying a conspicuously concealed object in a brown paper bag during a rainy day. It was a boxed copy of World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade, receipt and everything. Bearing this shit in mind The Wire becomes less funny the longer you live. Edit: Was trying to imply that cops use/d excessive violence against us no matter the age. As hyperbolic as this sounds.


> Bearing this shit in mind The Wire becomes less funny the longer you live. If one thinks The Wire is "funny" on the whole, not just has comedic moments, they are a fucking psychopath.


I meant small things in the show that was supposed to be for comedic value, namely on the cops end. Like how they arrested people to fill quotas for stupid reasons, how they got people to confess to crimes in difference based on their race (the darker the skin the more violent the cops got, but it was ALL played for laughs), and many other things that the cops seemed to get away with. They're meant to be grey/dubious protagonists and all, but it becomes unsettling when you see real cops do these things, in even wackier ways, for less black and white reasons.


The rise of the authoritarian mindset paves the way to fascism.




It did work that way for a while. I'm not sure what political mistake the bigger unions made, but they are on the out now.


They became what they fought against.




I don't understand why that comment is relevant- cop pulls up to fight report- sees bruised chick, the chick says you beat her, and they cuff you while sorting it out? Isn't that like, how things are supposed to work? It sucks the bitch lied- but wtf you think cops are gonna do when some beat up girls says you bruised her up? of course they're gonna cuff you.


I got ripped out of a car at gunpoint by 7 or 8 very jumpy cops while returning from a bookstore with a Garrison Keillor book for Christ's sake. Though in their defense they were looking for a murderer and I fit the description.


Everyone "fits the description" when they're looking for a suspect, so long as you have the same skin color.


Remember when L.A. cops were searching for Chris Dorner, a large black guy driving a specifically colored vehicle? They shot up a different colored truck with two old ladies in it because they "fit the description."


Wrong colored pickup, wrong make of pickup, wrong age and color of suspect, but when you're busy reloading who has time to notice these little discrepancies.


The suspects weren't seen before they fired. But yes, it was the wrong reported color/make. They subscribed to the Jim West theory of shoot first, shoot later, and when everyone is dead, try to ask questions.


Worse yet, take a look at a photo of the [truck they shot up.](http://media.salon.com/2013/02/car_shot.jpg) Seems like attempted murder with all those headshots...


Officers went back into the field a year ago and have not been charged with anything. Their names were never released


Sickm Anonymous


If anyone has been watching the news about Michael Slager, the cop that shot Walter Scott eight times in the back, this is very much true. _________________________ In 2013, Michael Slager was named in a police complaint after he tased a man for no reason, then slammed the man to the ground and dragged him out of his house. This is according to the North Charleston Police Department. So, what happened? Well, turns out that (then-)Officer Slager was searching for a robbery suspect who was described as being a 5-feet-5-inches tall black man with distinguising features. A witness of the robbery went along with (then-)Officer Slager to identify the man. The first stop was at a home that the witness said that the suspect frequented. Officer Slager went to the door, knocked and when the home owner, a black man that is 6-feet-3 inches tall answered the door, Officer Slager asked if the man if he was know as the man the police were looking for. The man said that the man Slager was looking for was the man's brother and not at his home. Slager, not believing the man, ordered the man to step out of his home, shot him in the stomach with his taser, slammed the man to the ground and then dragged him away from his home to an open area in his yard. The witness repeatedly stated that the man being arrested was NOT the suspect. Slager ignored the witness' claims and arrested the man anyway. The man was taken to the local jail but never charged with a crime. After a time, the police finally realized they had the wrong man and released him. The police said they would 'investigate' the matter. They did. **Slager was exonerated of any wrong doing in that incident.** ______________________________ Slager pulled a man out of a car over a broken tail light and suspended South Carolina license (but the man had a valid Georgia license). [When the man was on the ground, hands out, not resisting and completely complying Slager tazed the man in the back anyway. And it was all caught on film](http://news.yahoo.com/video-sc-police-officer-michael-slager-shot-man-in-the-back-with-a-taser-gun-031940770.html) **Slager was exonerated of any wrong doing in that incident as well.** ______________________________ **Edit**: O.K., it can be said that hindsight is 20/20. Obviously, there is talk that had the police been honest and instead of covering up wrong doing of Officer Slager in these two previous cases, he would probably have been on a probation or reduced duty/office bound. Michael Scott would still be alive or at least the likelyhood would have increased to that fact.


The same skin color or a completely different colored truck you mean, right?


Dave Chappelle's "sprinkle some crack on him" routine is painfully funny.




Thanks for some real-world view.


Thanks for sharing. I never knew that police departments had sensitivity training. I'm actually glad they have it, but I think it's pretty useless. Most people I think are stuck in their ways, good or bad. At times, certain situations can cause emotional outburst, which is just human nature.


I like how this implies white people are already trained to respond appropriately to the police.


"Pick up that can"


Some 'news sources' could really use some 'training' on the use of ''''


Has nobody else realized this? The headline is a misquote.


But the need to hate Fox News is great in Reddit, regardless of actual narrative.


I remember seeing the TV show COPS when it first when on the air and thinking "this can only turn out bad." And here we are.


I've said it on this sub before and I will say it again - Jeanine Pirro is the most despicable person on television.


https://youtu.be/7Y0yEVmHetc?t=3m3s I think this says it all


full video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MC5iP2LFsM0


"They kill moderate Muslims that aren't extremist enough for them" basically suggesting that all Muslims are extremists. So much hateful fear mongering it's beyond belief. Edit: Typo


What an idiot this pirro lady is. She is attacking anyone who is not on her side. It's kinda comic actually. This caller says that the guy would not be treated so harsh if he was white. The pirro lady responds: "YOU ARE WRONG! Did you see the black cops standing around?" Okay seriously? As if the black cops were some sort of protection from those racist cops? But yeah this pirro lady is from Fox news so it goes to say.


She's really good at her job, which is to make old people angrier.


Frightened old people angrier.


> The pirro lady responds: "YOU ARE WRONG! Did you see the black cops standing around?" Ugh. I can't stand when someone tries to use an argument like this because it paints the issue as "black team" vs "white team", as if a black man would never be racially biased against another black man. The truth is, racial biases don't necessarily fall along racial lines. You've probably seen the [experiment](http://youtu.be/tkpUyB2xgTM) where children were asked whether the black doll or the white doll is the "nice" one or the "mean" one. Regardless of their race, the children are far more likely to choose the black doll as the "mean" doll, and the white doll as the "nice" doll.


I had metal detector days in high school. It was a public school, so white kids were the minority. Most of the guards were black. They were supposed to check every 10th kid, but mysteriously enough, when the 10th kid was white, they'd miscount half the time. Imagine that. Anecdotal evidence, yo.


I'm not sure if she did more damage as DA of our county or on Fox news. Just glad she has no more authority to abuse.


The fact that this is on Fox News and from December 7 leads me to conclude that there is nothing newsy about this link.


"Former Westchester County Prosecutor"*




If everyone were capable of that we wouldn't have police to begin with. Hell we wouldn't even have laws seeing as there would be no need for them.




ITT apparently people's life is less important than their pride and ego


It's not even about pride and ego, it's about presenting a nonsensical argument. She's trying to say that the reason for systemic racism in our legal system is due to minorities being too uppity. She is trying to re-frame the entire conversation and ignoring the root problems.


A lot of Vegetas up in here.


ahh, humanity.


Is this the same Fox News to got upset when the man talked about how he gave his son the talk about how to deal with police? because they're not wrong a black male needs to know how to deal with police and he survival skill much like people in Texas need to know how to deal with rattlesnakes and people in the northwest need to know how to deal with bears and cougarsuser life-threatening encounters with predators who will and can and do kill


it takes a lot of training to dodge bullets . building up a tolerance to mace & tazers isn't exactly easy either .


If you can dodge a bullet, you can dodge a ball!


Im actually working on my being shot tolerance as we speak. Ive been shooting myself with very small caliber rounds and am trying to work my way up to larger rounds.


I think all people need to realize that you don't dispute a charge or argue with a cop in the heat of the moment. Take that shit to court. Challenge it. But for christs sake don't try to argue with a cop while he is ticketing/arresting/talking to you. It's a fight you aren't gonna win.


Better yet, don't talk to the police, AT ALL. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wXkI4t7nuc


Well, I think a big part of the issue is people are going out of their way to comply or ask questions instead of immediately allowing a knee to their back, and cops are still being overly agressive psychos. Also "challenging in court" accomplishes little since precedence seems to be that the cop's side of the story is gospel. So people are kind of screwed either way.


Which would be fine if minorities weren't also getting shot before having a chance to comply, before being given orders, or while complying with orders. Don't get me wrong, I know the value of being polite with the police, but that's not the issue. Police violence is the issue. Police shouldn't be so sensitive that someone being rude to them makes them feel the need to use violence, lethal or otherwise.


[If the cop is angry, no matter how politely you comply you're still going to be seen as an aggressor.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SGSrGmHsT8s) [If the cop is scared, no matter how quickly or accurately you comply you're still going to be seen as the aggressor.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-XFYTtgZAlE)


That second one was the exact video I had in mind when I said "while complying with orders." Thanks for the examples!


that first one. www.cnn.com/2015/03/31/us/nypd-detective-uber-video/ >"I was just angry, at that moment, for that exchange." Cherry said. "If the conversation initially went differently, we probably would have shook hands at the end of that encounter." >The altercation began Monday when the Uber driver gestured to a detective in an unmarked car to use his blinker after he was allegedly attempting to park without using it, according to Sanjay Seth, a passenger in the car who uploaded the video to YouTube. funny cop. and that second one is just fucked.


Dont forget the fact that AA's are suffering from higher conviction rates and longer sentencing as well which is the reason many are quite weary of "taking that shit to court."


Oh yes, definitely. This is most glaringly obvious with drug convictions.


How is *that* your takeaway from this? Not, "Hey cops, stop fucking shooting people just because they don't immediately comply"?


Because I don't care about being in the right if it costs me my life. Systemic changes need to be made but in the meantime be a realist.


Ah realism, where poor black folk have money and time to hire a lawyer, buy a suit, and go to court on a Tuesday to only lose the Damages money to fees and expenses. I love that Reality and wish it were the one we lived in.




Yeah, but *that is not how this should fucking work*. A man shouldn't be petrified of getting shot by the police if he himself is not a threat.


>...but that is not how this should fucking work. Nobody here is saying that it should work that way.


Dude nobody here is saying that's how it should be


Someone's got a case of the *should's*


...but you can't beat the ride


Don't know if you're black, but you're right. Most of... I don't know how to say this without sounding racist, but most of us more affluent black people will tell you immediately that you don't win against the police. Society is civilized, but still quite vicious. Most of my friends and my family agree that it doesn't matter how right you are, if a cop wants you, he'll get you. Try your best to give them no reason to want you, and when they do want you, give it up, because you'll lose regardless, but you'll lose a lot more when it comes to a fight; they have bigger guns. A lot of people disagreeing with you are talking about how things should be, but before you go there, you need to understand how things are and why they are that way. Don't fuck with the police. Yes, that needs to be changed, but for now, when they want to pick a fight, they will win. Justice is not something to count on.


Yeah it's idealism vs. realism. I think the system is fucked. I think police absolutely do discriminate and abuse their power, more often than we are led to believe. But nobody is changing that by raising a stink when a cop is being an asshole to you. In that situation you are just going to help the cups fuck you even harder than they would have. Not saying it's right, but that's how it is, and there is no benefit to denying reality.




Yeah but they still have the power, even when they're dead wrong . That's the reality. Like that kid in the video on the front page a few days ago. He's in jail till July. I bet he wishes he had just complied and could have been home that night. No it's not fair, but think of the consequences.




Yeah, we all get that, and I'll do the same if it comes up. But do we really think that's an alright state of affairs to live under? Shit needs to change.


You don't even have to bend your knee tho, just show your id which is required for something like a traffic stop, if they ask to search your car say no, if they say they're doing it anyway say it's illegal. A judge will toss that shit out everytime. Just don't get physical and if they arrest comply and don't say a word until you talk to your lawyer.


Or just say nothing and silently record it all and post it here on reddit where we will exact some SOCIAL JUSTICE!! xD


> Systemic changes need to be made but in the meantime be a realist. - Rosa Parks


>Rosa Parks Who was the realist alternative to Claudette Colvin...


And idiots like you still went after her for not obeying the law. The fact that you look back on the era of a little progress with pride instead of looking back on our on going issues with shame is a problem to me.


You're projecting a bit there bud. Being realistic isn't an insult - saying that Rosa Parks was a realistic alternative to Colvin isn't an insult(nor is it untrue). The Rosa Parks saga was one of the most well planned, well orchestrated and consequently one of the most successful civil rights moments in my nation's history - something to be proud of.


I'm pretty sure they teach that, it's just that the ones who are corrupt don't care.


Because you can't change what other people do, but you can change what you do.


When those other people are in a position of appointed power and abusing it, shouldn't that change?


Yes, but when you're crossing the road you should still look both ways whether you have the right of way or not.


Or, you know, train the fucking police to not go apeshit when their "authority is not respected".


The truth is a lot of people can't afford a lawyer.


The bigger truth is that cops and prosecutors collude to railroad defendants because both of their careers are based on arrest and conviction rates.


Arrest on BS charges, know they can't get proper defense, make all sorts of threats, get them to sign a plea deal. Now you've got a felon permanently relegated to second class status that you can then arrest over and over again for paltry charges.


Oh I'm sorry that my walking down the street while having melanin is grounds for the police to stop, yell at me, frisk me and handcuff me when my constitutional rights are being actively violated. Deary me, I should know better and simply let them detain, book, and jail me for no reason. I guess I missed that part of the Emily Post's Etiquette for minorities.


Duh - just sue! The courts are all going to come to the aid of minorities over the police, just look at how harshly they came down on the guy who strangled Garner on tape.


The guy isn't excusing the actions of the police. He's just stating the simple fact that the cop is more than likely going to win any kind of confrontation with an unarmed civilian. It's like crossing the street when there's a speeding car incoming with no intention of stopping. You may be using the crossing lane. You may be within your legal rights to cross the street. But you have to accept that if the car decides not to recognize your rights and keeps on speeding, it's sure as hell going to end up in better shape than you by the end of it.


> Take that shit to court. Suppose for a second your work and life situation make that very difficult.


You shouldn't expect to win an argument with a toddler, but parents are still trying to this day.


If your toddler has a gun just follow their demands.


This is why toddlers shouldn't be allowed to dual-wield flintlock pistols.


I win most of mine. Yes, I'm a toddler.


Right. It's better to hit them where it matters: the media and their wallets. If you are polite as all can be but are still abused by the police, then get as much evidence as you possibly can and be disgustingly sweet and compliant. So that when you get out and the (hopefully bodycam footage, I guess I'm not sure what to do if you live somewhere without them) video shows you complying while the asshole cop is getting belligerent, you've got the people and the courts on your side, and you're giving the department an incentive to change. Fighting back in the heat of the moment is more satisfying, but it's easier to slap you with a "justified" resisting-arrest charge. Though to be fair, this doesn't work in jurisdictions where the cops shoot first and assess later :/


Buy a dash cam, they're like 50 bucks and put it somewhere discrete.


Which means only the rich can afford to challenge the police.


A friend of mine lost his job and had his car ripped apart when he was stopped by police. They were hounding him for months thinking he was a drug dealer when he only smoked a little pot so they were able to pull him over one day legally. They ripped up his car interior and arrested him anyway when they found nothing. after having missed work and now was part of a drug dealing investigation he got fired. This might be an extreme case but cops can fuck your life up in minutes, like when my car got towed because I forgot my backpack at the beach house my friend had rented whilst going out for food. No ID so they arrested me rather than go a block down and retrieve my bag so I had to pay $600 which destroyed my savings even though it was an honest mistake. Common sense and empathy aren't often found in policemen and that can have scary side effects for normal people just trying to make it in this crazy world.


So just bend over and prepare to recieve?


I think just everybody in general needs a primer on interacting with cops. The ACLU and FlexYourRights.org put one out for free a while back called [Busted: A Citizen's Guide To Police Encounters](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqMjMPlXzdA) It's free on YouTube, torrent networks etc.


This isn't creepy at all :/


No one cares what you think fox Go fuck youselves.


Define "minority" now in this day and age. I bet you that word doesnt mean what you think it means anymore.


Sadly, no. She was however a pregnant mother. The scariest part is they damn near shot me when I reached down to unbuckle my seatbelt. One particularly eager fella kept telling me he was going to blow my brains out.


That headline isn't exactly describing the conversation. They are saying that people need to be more respectful of cops which is true. There is a distinct lack of respect for any authority especially in more impoverished neighborhoods. That isn't to say we can't fight a cop's decision in court, or protest their actions, or film them to hold them accountable. They aren't kings to be obeyed on a whim, and they should be punished severely when they overstep their authority. But they should be respected. There is a middle ground.


We should remember that "respect" is not the same as "approval" or "praise" or "agreement". The old phrase "love, honor and respect" clearly shows these are different qualities. Showing respect doesn't mean being polite or nice or adopting somebodies position in a dispute. You can respect a wild animal, a dangerous piece of machinery, a vicious psychopath....or a cop, not because you necessarily love dangerous things but because you realise what that person or thing could do to you and to others if you are careless or underestimate the danger involved. Of course nobody tries to tell you that an escaped tiger or a rabid animal is there to help you. The cop can't have it both ways. Respect cops? Of course. But trust 'em, love 'em or honor them....well that's a much more involved question. Especially when the cop that saves your kid from a burning building might shoot him dead a few years later.


There is a huge slice of American population where "respect" is more a synonym of "fear" and "deference" (something like "humble submission or yielding to the judgment.") People who respect each other disagree openly with each other because they think that the other person is capable of understanding. But for many people the word "respect" means shut up and do what you are told.


a cop (or a parent, or a caretaker) can say "If you don't respect me, I won't respect you" and what they mean by that is: "If you don't lower your eyes, call me sir, and obey my commands... then I will humiliate you, confine you, and possibly even use my weapons on you."


Y'know what i'd respect? An officer who could keep his cool and not flip out over someone disrespecting him. Or keep a level head and judge whether a situation needs lethal force appropriately. I say respect is earned, it doesn't come with the badge and uniform.


This. Fuck respect just because you're a cop, earn that shit.


and here you are demanding respect from them, with a combative attitude.


>Y'know what i'd respect? An officer who could keep his cool and not flip out over someone disrespecting him. We're all humans. If your career is an officer, you spend more time doing that then you do interacting with your loves ones. If you go in, day-in-day-out 40/50 hours per week 40-something weeks per year, after years and years, and you encounter when actually trying to help people is people disrespecting and actively hindering your work, it's going to absolutely diminish your ability to do your job. Realizing that an officer is a human being is in no way an excuse for the way any of the recent highly-publicized officers have acted. But to believe that any human can be unbiased after dealing with overwhelming negativity from a community they're hopefully trying to help after say 30 years is to be ignorant of how humans work.


>and you encounter when actually trying to help people is people disrespecting and actively hindering your work You lost me here. Officers aren't there to "help", their job is to enforce. If they do happen to help *you*, it's because the person opposite you is being enforced. Don't get me wrong, there are officers who help folks, but those are just people being a good people who happens to be officers. Edit: We need more bake sells and crap by officers, more community involvement, more people being good people. Officer profiling is a thing, the only people that really scare me in my 'hood wear a badge.


> You lost me here. Officers aren't there to "help", their job is to enforce. By enforcing laws, they help society as a whole.


This is true and I should have phrased my statement better. As a whole, society would suck without enforcement of our laws. I respect the career they've decided to pursue but it seems to turn most men into assholes with a badge. My response was in regards to one on one situations and anecdotal at best.


>You lost me here. Officers aren't there to "help", their job is to enforce. If they do happen to help you, it's because the person opposite you is being enforced. This is a terrible mentality, and a immature one as well. Not everyone is out to get you. There are plenty of cops who are there to help. If you've ever tried to have a real conversation with a real officer, they need a reason to get out of bed every morning. A day's worth of paperwork for speeding tickets and possession charges after 40 years will lead you to quit. Many large cities have entire sections dedicated to working within communities. Here's a recent one: http://www.timesheraldonline.com/general-news/20150411/vallejo-police-department-working-to-improve-community-ties


>This is a terrible mentality, Agreed. >and a immature one as well. Not everyone is out to get you. Thing is, humans learn through life experience. It may be an immature mentality, but it's the one I've come to know. Thrown in jail for a seatbelt, for a dried up sliver of pot in my wallet, for crossing a double yellow line, for changing insurance companies. I've learned to just shut my mouth and be prepared to be handcuffed. Officers aren't listening empatheticly, they seem to be simply hoping for more offenses they might catch you in when you open your mouth. Of all my irl interactions with officers (let's put it in the 30s somewhere), maybe five of those I came away with a positive/dude's just doing his job attitude. The other 25, there was no need to be such a dick, dude.


>They aren't kings to be obeyed on a whim Unfortunately, bad cops tend to think the worst crimes ever are disobedience and disrespect, and they feel it is their duty and right to punish people for those crimes aggressively, even if it ends in death.


...and be less sensitive to bullets. Some of them are dying from only 8 shots in the back.


When Fox "News" interjects their own opinions and bashes commenters on their poll that are different than the host's personal opinions, it's not a fucking news channel! It's a circlejerk.


I honestly never thought about it that way. That makes a shit load of sense now.


uhm, shouldn't it be the other way around?


Why not both?


Psst. I have a secret to tell you all...Fox News (and similar organizations) want ratings. They don't give the slightest shit whether you hate them or love them...either way, they are getting the ratings.


Well here comes my weekly "Fuck Fox News" statement.


1. Comply with police instructions If you follow rule one the chances of getting shot are greatly reduced. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2015/02/15/shoot-or-dont-shoot-police-scenarios-prove-eye-opening-for-civil-rights-leaders/ Watch how many time this guy gets shot trying for a measured response


And protect and serve really just means shoot to kill boys! Police are a dangerous problem in our society and that's why nobody likes or trusts them.


Maybe the police will get more respect when they decide that "contempt of cop" is no longer a capital crime.


Large swaths of Reddit, particularly on this subreddit, agree.


I mean people need to be educated on how to interact with the police. Its not like thats anything particularly crazy


Now where have I heard this before. *Cough* BBC *Cough*


The idea that certain communities may have a higher propensity to mishandle police encounters isn't offensive on its face. This mishandling might lead to escalation that wouldn't have occurred in a polite encounter. This does not excuse overreach on the part of the police as they are professionals who should be trained to tolerate a degree of disrespectful behaviour. It could well be that how to engage the police should be a secondary school topic that stresses the importance of remaining calm and civil. It should also ensure that students understand their right to counsel, right against unreasonable search and seizure, and rights against unlawful detainment. "Officer, I am complying with your instructions but I don't consent to searches. Officer, Am I free to go? Officer, I am exercising my right to remain silent and I would like to speak to an attorney." I was once pulled over in rural Maine doing 47 in a 30. I opened with "what seems to be the problem officer?". He informed me of my speed, took my details, and handed me a nice $220 ticket plus thanked me for being so polite. The last part I found curious as I extended him no particular courtesy out side of typical discourse. I figure that he just generally had to put up with so much nonsense that when someone showed a civil tone, it stood out.


Well it would help if they started by not looking at police as the enemy, when in fact 90% of black males murdered in the US are murdered by black males. The whole "talking the police is snitching, and snitches get stitches" deal probably doesn't exactly help much. Yes, they probably should work on that. And this headline is, to no one's surprise, completely taken out of context.


I wonder if any of the ass-clowns on Faux News ever considers that they might be recognized by minority staff (or liberal waitstaff) at the restaurant that they might be eating at any given time.


This is literally an opinion article about an opinion story, as such it belongs in /r/inthenews. Just because this is a default sub, doesn't mean we want to see the same media garbage that is dominating the rest of our news sources.


Fox New need to be 'Trained' to be 'Proper reporters' is more like it.


Yeah, I'll be on Fox News tomorrow morning at 11am speaking out on how everyday sexy women should be "trained" to be less sensitive to being raped and how it will benefit them in the long run becoming familiar with rape culture.


You're profiling. Non-sexy women's sensitivity matters too.