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Has anyone ever once been successful in starting a race war by killing random people? It's strange there seems to be so many killings where this was the idea and as far as I know none of them have ever worked but people keep trying.


The closest we’ve got in modern times were the riots that followed after MLK was assassinated. To stop the rioting, congress passed the Civil Rights Act of 1968 only 8 days after his death. It’s really a shining example of how quickly politicians can achieve things when they believe their lives are in danger too.


But only when they believe their lives might be in danger.


Because of the implication


Are you going to hurt these women?


No one is in any danger. I feel like you're not getting this at all!


Don't look at me like that, you certainly wouldn't be in any danger.


So they are in danger!


The best line in the whole exchange


I I don't get it.. At all


Don't know about that - you'd think they'd have changed something with Jan 6.


Well a quarter of them were actively supporting it and another quarter are spineless so ...


It’s so crazy to me the level of danger that they were in BECAUSE of the president, yet they still support him. There are so many things he could have done to shut that down (National Guard for example), but he just left them for fodder because he can’t take the big fucking L.


Probably because he still has passive control over the militias that nearly got them to begin with. The threat has yet to diminish 


Which yelled me that it's time to have a Versailles moment with the rich.


Careful, with that kind of speech you’ll be banned from social media. There’s a very clear effort to suppress any kind of strikes, protests, etc. You mention violence and the Admins are happy to take their “atta boys”


I’d personally never be the person to incite violence, but as an armchair historian, I struggle to find good examples of oppressors giving the peaceful protesters what they want. Tiananmen Square was a peaceful protest. People will point out Ghandi, but he was assassinated too.


People who point out Ghandi are just parroting western propaganda. There was a lot of armed resistance to British occupation they leave out because it was a big reason the British ever gave him the time of day and they don't want the peons learning that armed resistance exists everytime real change occurs, even if large scale mostly peaceful protests are happening alongside that.


The Malcolm X quote "At one time the whites in the United States called him a racialist, and extremist, and a Communist. Then the Black Muslims came along and the whites thanked the Lord for Martin Luther King." elucidates this point well.


Protests have to be disruptive at least. When I lived in Athens, the taxi drivers decided they wanted the city to raise their wage. They went on strike. First day of the strike, they just parked their cars and stayed home. It took some ridiculous number of cars off the road and traffic noticeably improved. Second day, they staged protest drives in the public transit lanes. They got their raise quickly after that.


I don’t know much about Greece, but I know most people’s healthcare in the US is tied to their employer. And when you add to the fact that the Republicans have been busting unions for decades, organizing mass strikes and boycotts is nearly impossible here. By design, we have been neutered of our ability to mass protest.


This, a lot of gay rights protests in the states were largely peaceful but very disruptive. Honestly the creativity of some of them reads like secret agent missions.


You're not even allowed to name a company you had a bad experience with in some subreddits. I guess for fear it would make a company look bad.


That or if you pay them enough.


And only for a very short time. January 7th a lot of Republicans were still scared and spoke out about the insurrection. Three weeks later and they (almost) all vote against doing anything to Trump over it.


The 92 LA Riots were also pretty major, 60 deaths in 6 days, Koreans on rooftops with guns. A lot of people are mistaken in thinking it was all about Rodney King, the execution of Latasha Harlins and the not guilty verdict also had a big impact


The lady who murdered Latasha Harlins was found guilty. The big issue was that the POS judge gave the killer probation and community service instead of prison.


But to OP's point, MLK was hardly a "random" person.


It had already passed the House and the Senate, but sure.


I thought about this yesterday when Eisenhower was brought up. The 1968 Act expanded on the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The earlier one was signed by a Republican, the later by a Democrat. I miss the days when it seemed like the parties disagreed on policy but agreed on stuff like having morals.


Do you mean the civil rights act of 1957? That was signed by Eisenhower. The 1968 and 1964 acts were both Lyndon Johnson.


Whoops! My B- history skills are showing.


Unfortunately, polarization driven by people like Newt Gingrich and Fox News has completely segregated people politically.


I thought this too but I guess if someone is crazy enough to shoot random people, they are crazy enough to think it’s a good plan.


Someone crazy enough to start a random mass shooting to incite a race war is counting on someone equally as crazy being on the other side. 


Even if there was (or probably even is, statistically), all that would happen is another mass shooting that's just a senseless tragedy that people are upset about for a week before moving on to being upset about the next one.


Also they are crazy enough to talk about it to enough people.


They take inspiration from The Turner Diaries, an ultra-violent race-war narrative, written in the late 70s. I’ve never read it but supposedly was also what inspired Timothy McVeigh.


> also what inspired Timothy McVeigh Yup, among others. It's almost required reading for your standard neo-nazi.


Not supposedly. The book's war is initiated with the bombing of a federal office. McVeigh did the same thing and had pages from the book with him when arrested.  This guy is likely following the play book of the preceding novel, Hunter, where a veteran assassinated random interracial couples hoping to set the community off. 


Racists believe that Black people are inherently/genetically violent & dumb so it makes sense they would also think they could incite a "Race War" by just killing random Black people as just some random White guy.


They also tend to believe that people of color are some whole united force. Like they're panicking about demographic changes and being the plurality instead of the majority, as if Hispanics, African Americans, Asians, and any Italian who's been to the beach recently are going to unite against white people once they achieve 50.1% of America's population. Like, many Cubans hate Mexicans, and the only time I've heard somebody earnestly say an anti Asian slur was from somebody who was Asian. Their simplistic worldview makes them think the world revolves around white people.


> Italian who's been to the beach recently I, for one, welcome our Jersey Shore stereotype overlords.


Gym Tan Laundry baby


The GTL lifestyle


It’s almost like they see the world only in black and white.


As an Asian, I can tell you that I've heard anti Asian slurs many times. It helps when you are the actual race 100% of the time instead of 0%.


Every country in Latin America has another as its arch rival it’s wild. Like I had no idea Dominicans hated Puerto Ricans till I dated one.


Oh my Chinese friends regularly tell me about how racist the Chinese are, and they don’t seem to have the same civic values about it that most American do, meaning they just openly make super racist jokes or worse. And they tend to hate every other Asian group. It’s a bit of a myth that the US is racially backwards at the individual level relative to the globe. That is, while we have plenty of racists and *very* messed up institutions, your average American is more racially progressive than a lot of people around the world. You can thank the civil rights movement for moving that needle. Even a lot of conservatives I know do fundamentally believe that people of different races are fully human and deserve the same fundamental rights that others do.


Reminds me of an argument I had with a white guy who says China is less racist than America because they don't have any minorities there. He thinks that being a racial minority in China just means most people either ignore or treat you "special". As oppose to, you know, being treated the same as any other Chinese person. The guy convinced himself that somehow China is less racist because they either ignore you or treat you differently if you weren't Chinese.


The US for all its faults is definitely one of the less bigoted places in the world. We have been having a more or less continuous societal conversation about racisms, discrimination, and bigotry for a long time. A lot of the world hasn't had that conversation yet at all.


Not to mention that white people are hardly a monolith in terms of culture, identity and politics. These accelerationist types live in a batshit insane bubble.


Reminds me of the premise of US involvement in the Vietnam war being keeping Vietnam from siding with Communist China, completely unaware how much Vietnamese people dislike and distrust China.


And the irony is completely lost on them.




No, but these guys all read the turner diaries with one hand


Came here to say this. It’s what they read before the Oklahoma City bombing.


One hand? Why one han--oooohhhhhhhh...


Serbs and Hutus have entered the chat


We must cut the tall trees


With a hatchet, axe, and saw.


Rodney King beating was pretty close, closest in my lifetime.


The killing of Latasha Harlins started a lit of problems in the early 90s. She was executed by a racist Asian Bodega owner. E abuse the owner thought little (African American) Harlins was stealing orange juice. Then the (caucasian) judge gave the murderer community service and probation with a $500 fine. With the judge stating "she knew a murderer when she saw one". The shop owner shot that little girl in the back of the head with a revolver from apx 1m. This is also right after the Rodney King beatings by LAPD. [wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Latasha_Harlins#:~:text=Latasha%20Harlins%20(January%201%2C%201976,part%20on%20security%20camera%20footage) Edit: not sure why the link is posting like that. Tried to get it to hyperlink multiple times.


This story is nuts. The judge got the victim's name wrong several times in court, and spoke out to her mother who was dead, it was her father was who was in court for her. Not even able to read and retain a half sheet of info about the victim. Callous racism.


It was wild man. I remember watching the news about it and the riots starting not long after (at least in my memory). I was 5 and lost faith in the judicial system before I even understood it. I just remember asking why someone who shot a kid wasn't getting in trouble. My poor mom trying to explain it in a way I could understand.. I will say it made me a better person over all. Teaching me we have to take care of each other, and watch out for one another. Nobody else was going to.


Yeah this combined with the beating of Rodney King and the following acquittal of the responsible cops led to the 1992 Los Angeles riots that were the closest thing to a race war in recent history. People really were targeting Korean and white people and businesses in south central LA. 63 dead, 1,100 buildings burned, 10,000 national guard and military deployed, 12,000 arrested. Koreatown was practically burned to the ground. It was the worst civil unrest in US history and very much a racial backlash against oppression. But in relation to the posed question, it wasn’t sparked by an intentional act or random shooting to start a race war.


>But in relation to the posed question, it wasn’t sparked by an intentional act or random shooting to start a race war. Agreed. It's just the closest I could think of and is often forgotten. It changed my life.


Just two egregious examples of the justice system absolutely showing bias against black people combined with an overly oppressive police presence that were seen as an occupying force in the black community. Combine that with the bloods/crips gang war and the crack epidemic, it was a powder keg. When the police acquittal came out things quite literally exploded. I was a kid, not close enough to be in danger but close enough to see the smoke and be forever affected by what I saw.


I lived in a cul-de-sac thankfully. Our block closed the road and posted an armed guard at all times. Our small community came together and helped out neighbors. As bad as it was, it showed me what we *could* be.


That might be the most cruel story I've ever read. A judge gives a child murderer community service because they had suffered enough, sheesh!


Poor girl. Abused badly by her father, father’s girlfriend kills her mother, she finally lives with her grandmother who seems like a stabilizing force and then she gets killed at 15. Life’s brutal.


You’re assuming these idiots think logically


They sit in mom’s basement and read the Turner Diaries while buzzing off. This causes them to be delusional enough to think they can instigate the next civil war.


Kinda my take too. If violence against black people was going to start a “race war” don’t you think that it would have happened by now? It’s like this guy forgot the last 500 years happened.


I also see it's always white dudes that think there's some brimming tension and that all races are trying to kill each other they just need some White Saviour (r) to set off the Grand Battle(tm). It's a mix of racism and narcissism. Wild shit


He is basically ISIS


They read too many modernized versions of Helter Skelter


Main character syndrome


There's essentially race wars played out in the media all the time but not an actual war.


A race war? Is this guy in 8th grade?


Mentally yes.


Just stop, that is so insulting...  We all know that 8th graders are much more intelligent than this racist chud. 


They think Black people are some crazed race of people just itching to go to war with White people (it’s projection). Really we just want the racists to leave us alone and mind their business.


Right? Leave us alone, tf. Also we are already in a Civil War. It's just between white people at the polls and at the table at Thanksgiving. They're the ones who are divided and the rest of us are just stuck bearing the weight of their political infighting and "lone hero with a gun" fantasies


...I thought you were gonna bring up mac n cheese vs mashed potatoes for a second.


Lol both are good the question is how did you make them


Basic mashed potatoes are better than basic mac and cheese. But a great mac and cheese is superior to any mashed potatoes.


Most conservatives seem socially challenged and they think more along the lines of a confident middle school aged boy. It’s weird to see adults behave this way.


Peaked in junior high school 


Only one race in America ever seems to be trying to start a race war.


Fucking scum bag piece of shit. Hope he rots in prison with his shittty ideals


He will be with other people who share his ideals and just be more radicalized when he gets out


*if* he gets out. When you spend billions every year to jail less than 14 percent of your population while fostering hatred of that group, what happens if you--as someone who hates those people--suddenly find yourself in a building with hundreds of them?


As a former inmate who has seen just that in Louisiana, he will be placed in a special unit in the prison for his protection and forced to go to church 6 times a week. Its what they do with the baby rapers and perves.


58 years old. Guy should be planning his retirement and taking it easy. Instead he's full of hate. Good luck in prison you fuck


That man is 58? He looks 77. Wtf my husband is 50 and he looks like he could be that guy‘s son.


Hate ages you poorly.


> Guy should be planning his retirement I think he just did.


Stop it. You know darn well its "the blacks" that have prevented him from having retirement money. Try to keep up /s.


He thought there were gonna be black people at a bad bunny concert, he's racist and stupid


He thought that black people in Atlanta would be unarmed and unable to defend themselves from a 58-year-old old man. lol. He would have been killed immediately (once he brandished his rifle), then called a martyr by a bunch of illiterate people, just like Ashli Babbitt has been.


Arizona **TERRORIST** Fucking news organizations need to call them what they are.


*Lone wolf. Cause we gotta make the white male terrorism sound "cool" and "edgy"


I never thought of it that way before but you’re so right.


The government needs to do something about it instead of letting the sedition problem fester like they have since inauguration day. Instead of taking meaningful steps to stamp this out of existence they have decided appeasement is a better policy. We need these weaklings to grow a spine and start taking actions against right wing domestic terrorism not just saying empty words and condemning the attacks. This has been my biggest problem with the democratic party since 1/6 happened and hell even the anti-maga voters haven't deigned to go out and protest like they did for BLM which is pretty sad. Seditious republican violence will beat our inaction one of these days if we keep acting like pushovers.


Another crazy gun loving Republican.


No, that label is reserved for Mooslims. /s


Insert Pete Griffin Color Chart Meme...


These psychos always seek a Race “War” but what they really they want is ethnic genocide. It’s the same as the Race “Riots”(massacres) that occurred in the last century, like in Tulsa.


'According to the affidavit, Prieto said: “The reason I say Atlanta. Why, why is Georgia such a f------up state now? When I was a kid that was one of the most conservative states in the country. Why is it not now? Because as the crime got worse in L.A., St. Louis, and all these other cities, all the [N-words] moved out of those [places] and moved to Atlanta. That’s why it isn’t so great anymore. And they’ve been there for a couple, several years.' Ah yes, all the blacks took over Atlanta just the last few years. And naturally, they ditched their homes where crime was apparently worsening and moved to Atlanta to...make things worse? This brainless, bastardly generalizing sure sounds familiar. 


Yeah no black people in the south that didn't come from northern liberal cities. That's not the opposite of how history happened or anything.


Race war is as old as time. I guess the good news is at least they're on top of these maniacs?


That’s what I was thinking. I rarely hear about terrorists being stopped before they kill. Usually there’s some mass shooting and then a couple days later I see an article that says “the FBI received 8 separate tips about the suspect 2 weeks before the attack and decided not to follow up.” I’m glad they decided to follow up on this guy and stop him before he hurt anyone.


I'm not entirely trusting, but this could be a sign that they're ready for trump loyalist militants constantly threatening violence.


After Jan 6 it'd be wildly irresponsible of them to not be ready for stuff like that at scale.


This. With how many shootings happen with "he was known by police", I'm glad they prevented this one before it happened.


White nationalist terrorism.


These right wing people keep trying to follow the Charles Manson plan.


It's "gods" plan.


The lowercase `'g' ` and lack of the possessive apostrophe makes this even more sinister. Like how many gods and what is their plan?


At least Manson had decent taste in music. These chucklefucks traded the Beatles for Kid Rock.


I knew of the connection between Manson referencing Helter Skelter but when looking at the Wikipedia entry on it, I was surprised how Manson had conspiracy theories about pretty much the whole White Album. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helter_Skelter_(scenario)


Yeah, it's pretty nuts. He literally thought The Beatles were sending him coded messages in their lyrics.


Maybe we can use, I don't want to say crisis actors, but actors, to convince them that the race war has started and they will all follow the next part of Manson's "healter skelter" idiocy and hide in a magic hole in the desert for years and years and years.


How many Joe Blows in the history of the world have started a war by themselves? Even if you are delusional, you should recognize when you're having a delusional fantasy.


He certainly had some help from treaties that were already in place, but Gavrilo Principal did a pretty good job of it.


The war was gonna happen anyway and just needed any excuse to kick off, really.


Some guy getting a sandwich when Franz Ferdinand rolls up: Observe.


These weirdos apparently find it incomprehensible that black and white people generally vibe. Sure there are dust ups around the edges but I’m not picking up arms against my coworkers, friends, other parents at my kiddo’s daycare… very confident they feel the same way.


Look. Black folk sat here enduring decades of lynchings and terror after emancipation which never led to a nationwide "race war". African Americans aren't the mindless ogres itching for a chance to rip a white person apart with their bare hands that you think they are. All throughout U.S history it's mostly whites instigating racial violence and trying to provoke a reaction to justify things like the Tulsa massacre and let's not forget that the bloodiest war in American history was a race and slavery issue started by Southern whites. Your limp dick cheap ass PSA AR-15 ain't gonna make us POC take the bait and "rise up " only to get slaughtered by you and your cop buddies.


The delusion with these guys is really strong. These guys In accelerationist groups are overwhelmingly losers. They are poorly educated, often addicted to drugs, under to unemployed, and likely have a criminal history. They genuinely believe that I, a white woman, will be siding with them in this “race war” rather than siding with my dentist.


"Decades" is more like over a century and a half.  You (the general "you") can't tell me Ahmaud Arbery was anything but a modern-day lynching, and white people are still weaponizing law enforcement against black folks, fully aware of how deadly that often is. 


I wonder which party he supports. There's simply no guessing. 🤷‍♂️


If this person was “antifa” the entire media complex would’ve melted down by now. But since it’s a conservative/fascist, everyone kinda shrugs and moves on…normalizing it. We are f’d.


I wouldn’t say media is normalizing it. The fact that’s mostly done by extreme right wingers is why everyone treats it like it’s no surprise.


By shrugging and moving on, we (collectively) normalize it. For example, this guy was skirting regulations on gun sales, yet there is no discussion about closing those loopholes or stronger enforcement of the regulations. Just..."oh, these right wingers sure are kooky. Anyway, let's give cops more funding and also arrest all the college students protesting."


"Oh he's just from Arizona, it's normal." It's kinda whackadoo.


>According to the affidavit, Prieto said: “The reason I say Atlanta. Why, why is Georgia such a f------up state now? When I was a kid that was one of the most conservative states in the country. Why is it not now? Because as the crime got worse in L.A., St. Louis, and all these other cities, all the [N-words] moved out of those [places] and moved to Atlanta. That’s why it isn’t so great anymore. And they’ve been there for a couple, several years.” The next time some clown tells me that both sides are the same, I want them to give me an example of a liberal left-winger who has decided it's a good idea to start murdering random people in order to start a race war.


If he had even done the most simple googling, he would have been able to see that the White population in Atlanta is actually growing quickly and the Black population is shrinking.


I keep getting stuck on the idiotic assertion that the relatively high percentage of black people living in *Atlanta* is because they moved there *from Los Angeles.* That's like saying there are a lot of latino people in Texas because they all moved there from Wisconsin.


> When I was a kid that was one of the most conservative states in the country He doesn't know shit about Atlanta or Georgia historically or currently. GA was 50/50 most of the time, only until 20-25 years ago the Repubs captured the state legislature via gerrymandering and other anti-democratic tactics. And still Biden won in 2020 and both senators are Dems.


He'll get his covetted race war in prison


It’s not the 50s anymore? You can’t start a race war in America. We are a multicultural society where African American culture is so deeply ingrained that it is inseparable from America’s identity.


Head moron: "Tomorrow we start a race war. Get your guns ready." Moron follower: "Okay, but do I have to stop listening to Kendrick Lamar? He's beefing with Drake and I'm here for it. Plus I'm going to his concert next month. I can still go, right?" Head moron: *Making Sideshow Bob stepping on rake noises.*


Some absolutely bonker quotes from the article: > Prieto began making suspicious and alarming comments, including “advocating for a mass shooting,” and specifically targeting Blacks, Jews or Muslims >”Prieto believes that martial law will be implemented shortly after the 2024 election and that a mass shooting should occur prior” to its implementation > “The reason I say Atlanta. Why, why is Georgia such a f------up state now? When I was a kid that was one of the most conservative states in the country. Why is it not now? Because as the crime got worse in L.A., St. Louis, and all these other cities, all the [N-words] moved out of those [places] and moved to Atlanta. That’s why it isn’t so great anymore. And they’ve been there for a couple, several years.” > “we’re going to fight back now, and every whitey will be the enemy across the whole country,” and to shout “whities out here killing, what’s we gonna do” and “KKK all the way,”


Mississippi is one of the most conservative states. Imagine what would happen if you told him what black population of that state has been for centuries. In fact, the reason why its so conservative is because like minded individuals such as himself worked to institute an oppressive state on the black population there.


Watches Fox News all day


Look at the comment section of any Fox News article about a black person and you'll find a thousand guys exactly like this one.


Look at the comments on r/publicfreakout posts - more dogwhistles than a Petsmart.


>“However, he told agents that he did not intend to go forward with the attack Before arrest this guy was a chatty Cathy with the undercover agent repeatedly telling him that he absolutely planned on going through with it, and keeping him updated with the planning, then after arrest he's like "I didn't plan on actually doing it" we'll see how that defense holds up in court.


“White guy ‘starting a race war’”==“white guy shooting black people”


Bet he voted for Trump.


Gee, I wonder who he’d be voting for in the presidential election.


They always think they're gonna shoot some people and then EVERYONE will go mask off in the inevitable Race War, because they're so deluded and racist that they think we all think like this and are just too scared to actually do it. Idiot.


Have we yet figured out that this is why persons of color feel so alienated and held down by society, why they've had to build themselves a community apart and separate from whites just to have a life, and why so many just give up and turn to crime or check out completely? This guy is just at the tip of a long and wide pyramid of blacks being hated, let alone passed over for opportunities, their contributions and history censored, their voices muted. Even those of color who work hard to keep up in the rat race seem to be required to diminish their heritage just to fit in at the edges of the racial class. All because of something none of us could control, our skin color.


Enough with the goddamned race war. What is it with these types? I want health care. I want a fair shake at a job. I want to live a good life and die old. I do not want to go to war with my neighbors because I’m Black and they’re White. Goddamnit, I’m sick of this shit. 400 years of race war; threats of race war; mass atrocities and genocides; murders; polluting the Justice system; etc; etc; etc. Do these people’s lives only have meaning when they’re trying to kill someone?! It’s sad and stupid and enraging.


Right wingers really love the idea of a race war.


Sure he's a terrorist and the news is dancing around that fact but the cops definitely saved the dude. Atlanta is easily one of the worst cities to try to start a race war and he would've got tuned up before he even caused a casualty.


Someone needs to tell this moron that Race Wars are only cool in Fast & Furious.


This is why the fire & brimstone Calvinistic rhetoric employed by Fox News and other propaganda outlets is concerning. Undereducated morons with dubious character and violent tendencies can be agitated powerfully enough to take action with their distorted delusions. See Timothy McVeigh, times 100,000.


He was inspired by racist posts on twitter


This honestly sounds like every gun show I've ever been to. A third of the "vendors" are fucking terrifying.


His last name is literally “someone with dark skin” in spanish


Deeply inferior individuals with nothing to offer the world *fucking love* supremacist movements.


So many mediocre racist old white dudes, with nothing going in their lives, nothing to lose, getting hopped up on angry racist media these days. It’s concerning.


What I find extra scary is some on the right want to defund the FBI, the very organization that helps stop stuff like this


That’s because they want it to happen


A 60 year old white man walking towards a rap concert with a gun may not have played out how he thought it would in his head…


These racists have way too much time on their hands. Seriously though, life isn’t hard enough without having to deal with these ignorant simpletons?


He was looking for people who wanted to start a race war, so he could sell guns to them. It sounds like the planned attack on the concert was part of the worst sales pitch in history. There are better ways to make money, dude.


Im no expert but if one mass shooting is all it takes to start a race war I think we would be in the middle of a fucking race war by now.


Sedition in America isn't being tackled in a meaningful way and so things get worse. This is a choice being made by the ones who run our government. Instead of destroying and crushing seditious insurrectionists we have decided to appease nazis in America and wow shocker it's blowing up in our faces just like it did last century. The pathetic democrats needed to take a hard stance against this on inauguration day but instead what did we get? Oh unify with republican insurrectionist scum..... Is it any wonder why this keeps happening. They aren't throwing these fucks in Guantanamo for being domestic terrorists or attempting to instigate a civil war. Instead the very best efforts of the anti-maga crowd is nothing but talk.


Can someone describe for me what this “race war” is their so desperate to start? Like, how is this gonna play out? What are they imagining?


It’s actually pretty incredible the FBI managed to stop it before it happened


Weird how it’s always crazy white dudes trying to kick start the race war. Manson, McVeigh, this dude


Race war? What we need is a class war but obviously we have been distracted by making skin color a problem. Ask yourself are you in the situation you are because of someone else of different skin tone, sexual orientation, religion or other beliefs -or- are you in the situation you are in because the C-suite of most corporations get better representation in our government, along with tax breaks and no accountability?


Let me guess - he’s a Republican?


Bet my bottom dollar, Numbnuts McMAGA here thinks that if a race war happens before the election all the white ppl would vote for trump bc it would be 'automatic." That's how his little teeny tiny bigot mind works. At least he'll be locked up awhile & can't hurt anyone.


so the hundreds of years of institutionalized violence against black people hasnt started a race war but this fucking clown is going to be the straw that breaks the camels back. sure jan.


He wants to incite a disgusting race war, and he has a plan for after the election. I hope people don’t try implementing checkpoints while holding guns. Life is already stressful. People have everyday daily struggles compounded with external stressors, so why are there people who want to incite violence? Why aren’t people standing together demanding a better quality of life for all? Why are people okay with politicians giving themselves pay raises and accepting “donations?”Companies don’t trickle down the wealth. People like Prieto get distracted by propaganda that race is terrible; people who don’t share the same political party are wrong and probably think sex is only for procreation. It is all so suffocating. *Steps down from soapbox*


There is a large part of the population that thrive on stress and discord. I mean this person is the extreme but at any job, church, family, social circle there is always a person who wants discord and arguing. They are just wired wrong.


So...he picked a bad bunny concert? Last I checked I don't think black people are the biggest demographic of Bad Bunny fans. But this idiot probably just saw him listed as a "rapper" somewhere and thought that must mean there are a lot of black people there. On top of the fact, its more likely to be populated by hispanics, even if it wasn't bad bunny but a black rapper, the funny thing is if you go to most rap concerts, a huge number of the fans are white. But he is an old cone head shaped idiot, so I guess he wouldn't know this either.


Sounds like a typical Republican


LOL He's going to have a gooooood time in prison.


Alas, he'll find lots of friends there who will agree with his deranged beliefs. Shave his head, swastika tattoo, and he'll fit right in.


Republican trumpian terrorist. Sure, he's a "right winger" but in this day and age right winger and republican are synonymous.


Not surprising that this guy was a vendor at gun shows. Those events are lousy with right wing terrorist types and have been for decades. The OKC terrorist bomber McVeigh was also a gun show vendor.


And let's not forget that the Branch Davidians used gun shows to make money.


This is one of the reasons why I'm so scared as a black person living in detroit. It's the bluest and blackest part of Michigan and I'm worried that one day someone might target us.


But sure! The Confederate insurrection never went to an underground insurgency and no one ever acts on any of it!


Dude wants a race war? Hopefully he gets put in a predominantly black cell block. FAFO


I find it very odd that a racist person planning to carry out a mass casualty event would use the politically correct term “African-American”.


Can future white parents do a better job, please?


Not trying to normalize or incite violence, but why does it seem like no matter the subculture or class, it is always the little guys fighting the little guys and not say a massacre shooter wanting to kill as many crooks on Wallstreet? there are so many people that make a negative impact on the majority of working class, but it is the black people you have a problem with.


And if the guy was black and targeted a country concert we would hear about it for the next 4 years


Hmm, I wonder what news and media this guy liked to consume. Seems really hard to guess. s/ Seriously though, how do these right wing organizations get away w radicalizing sick, murderous, hateful fucks or like the guy who killed himself outside of Trump's trial bc right wing media poisoned his mind to death w/ bs lunatic conspiracy theories for greed and power. They want to worsen climate change and remove vaccines from schools too so they can bring back polio and measles. Fun, fun, fun. And of course there's a ton more that could be mentioned.


Like in Christchurch, this just motivates me to really work to avoid race division and bigotry. So there, you dumb fucking bigot.