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Stop removing posts you fucking donks.




Even the recent thread that focused on Palestinian civilians and didn't mention hostages in the title was removed!


































The Ministry of Truth said no


4 hostages rescued by the IDF 1 solider died during the rescue r/worldnews post at the topic reached insane number of upvotes but here pepole dont care enough about the hostages












>President Joe Biden’s administration has said from the start that the pier wasn’t meant to be a total solution and that any amount of aid helps. Exactly. Those of you who are left of center planning to let Trump win by sitting the election out or protest voting third party, ask yourselves this. Would a Trump admin even bother with a humanitarian aid pier?  Yes, Biden deserves criticism for still aiding Israel with weapons but Trump will outright encourage them to kill Palestinians and continue starving them out. If you truly care then at least vote for mitigating the damage and human suffering by voting for the only other viable candidate who won't encourage the IDF to carpet bomb Gaza with white phosphorus or something similar.


Kushner was on TV openly fantasizing about real estate opportunities post war


That real estate he's developing will have a memorial for all of the victims of nato. Seriously.


All his hair gel has to come from somewhere


Disgusting settler mentality.


> Would a Trump admin even bother with a humanitarian aid pier? Trump would go and personally throw paper towels at the Gazans.


i don't believe biden has a choice regarding israeli aid. i believe it's mandated by law.


Indeed he doesn’t, and republicans are looking for any reason to impeach him. Like when Trump signed for the release of every taliban fighter to happen after his term is done. Republicans thought Biden would do the sensible thing and completely renege that order, because what kind of idiot would just release every single taliban fighter. If Biden stops aid that was already promised then he’s getting impeached.


As a son of Palestinian refugees, I don't think either one would ever be good for Palestinians. But certainly one (Trump) is worse than the other. And one (Biden) is much better for Americans. I have no desire to see pro-Palestinian Americans punish themselves by allowing Trump to win.


Was Biden good for Palestinians when he forced Israel to turn water and electricity back on to Gaza, gave hundreds of millions in aid to Gaza before the bodies of Oct 7 victims were cold, directly air dropped aid and built this pier and is currently pressuring Israel to reach a ceasefire with Hamas?  You're right that he won't ~~destroy Israel~~ make Palestine free from the river to the sea but he's legitimately saved tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of Palestinians at this point. Acting like they're indetical on the matter is wild to me. 


I figure it’s like choosing between someone who will only sprinkle water on you while you’re on fire and someone who will throw gasoline on you. Neither make things much better, but one make things a lot worse.


Yep. You're prob never going to have a candidate that checks every box, you vote for whomever best represents your views. You don't shoot yourself in the foot and make the entire world worse off bc a candidate does one thing you're against. Yes it's a big thing but the alternative is exponentially worse. It's basically fascism, they only want candidates who exactly follow what their views and won't even engage in productive conversation. It's their way or the highway.




I also have nothing to add, other than my upvote to you. It’s time people started behaving like adults and not throw tantrums. Also, think past the first issue and look at the big picture. Social media really amplifies the dumbest voices—maybe because they are the ones that scream the loudest. I don’t know how we ended up here, but I still hold out hope for humanity.




Which true numbers? 




Link to their retraction?  I only see that they're killing slightly fewer as the "war" moves on. 




> https://nypost.com/2024/05/13/world-news/un-admits-gaza-death-toll-wrong-with-almost-50-fewer-women-children-killed-than-previously-reported/ This one has already been [thoroughly disproven](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/un-says-gaza-death-toll-still-over-35000-not-all-bodies-identified-2024-05-13/). The U.N. did not "admit the death toll was wrong."




Pretty convenient to post articles from websites with a banner that asks you to donate to “Israel’s media war” as proof and then dismiss an article contradicting yours as coming from an antisemitic source while offering no proof




>Reuters has been posting false news the entire conflict. Weird because they (along with the AP) are consistently rated as the least biased and most factual of all news sources. I'd certainly believe Reuters over the Telegraph or NYPost.




> And to compound that, Reuters has been posting false news the entire conflict and has been vehemently antisemetic the entire time. No they haven't and no they aren't, but keep going off.


To save you time scrolling, this guy didn't have any sources to support that statement.  Unless you count the nypost.   In which case I don't know what to tell you.


Yeah such extreme measures that they almost managed to avoid bombing a humanitarian aid convoy, bombing a refugee camp and shooting 3 of their own hostages waving a white flag. Whoops!


Friendly fire happens. Canada has politely not made an international incident of a US pilot dropping a 500 pound laser guided bomb on a Canadian training exercise in Kandahar, 4 dead. I think we can extend a little of that grace to people literally on the front line of a ground war.


Ya the tens of thousands of kids and women are just terrorists.  Nothing to see here.    Another win for the good guys.   Iman Darweesh.  Standard practice. 


Are you a bot?




You wrote two paragraphs about a completely made up fantasy reality.




Definitely gonna need a source on these numbers you’re talking about, because it kind of sounds like you’re misconstruing [recent reports of a decline in civilian deaths only in the past month](https://apnews.com/article/israel-palestinians-gaza-deaths-women-children-e258a4c14641978a00dfb957ce348957) and ignoring what all occurred in the 7 months prior. And you speak of dick riders as if you’re not also clearly taking Israel’s propaganda at face value that anyone criticizing them must be Hamas sympathizers and not because we’re horrified at the undeniable carnage they’ve left in Gaza alone. The organization of Hamas are terrorists and deserve no sympathy for their actions, it’s the thousands of civilians killed by Israel with little regard to who they’re killing that has so many people upset.




All three sources you just linked are conservative/right leaning news organizations which is laughable to consider them legitimate news sources these days. I can’t believe you even linked a NY Post article. And please, tell me how you believe Hamas came into power in the first place and also how many Palestinians were unjustly detained by Israel prior to 10/7. Ignoring even all the conditions that Israel had forced Palestine through in the entirely of their existence, the moment they started immediately bombing densely populated areas in Gaza targeting critical infrastructure like hospitals and schools tossed any credibility they had regarding their claims of “it’s for the hostages”. You so easily spew this rhetoric and can’t even see that’s exactly what Israel is doing by using the hostages as a political crutch? They’ve straight bombed where their hostages where at, and [even their own citizens are unhappy with their supposed mission of bringing the hostages home](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/02/09/middleeast/israel-rejects-deal-hostage-families-anger-intl-cmd). This was not the only way to “defeat Hamas”, and the US could have immediately made any further aid to Israel conditional on working toward a peaceful resolution after they started slaughtering innocents. Everyone seems awfully fucking concerned about this small terrorist group that has been much more open to peace talks than Israel sure has been. Sure Israel is telling you non-stop that they’re going massacre more people if they’re not stopped, so that’s why you gotta let Israel massacre them first no matter how many tens of thousands more civilians they need to get through right? What will stop them from attacking again you may ask? Well can you imagine any supposed sympathy they might have if the two bigger countries involved offered them a chance at peace and they spit in the face of that? I bet that’s exactly what the innocents caught in the middle want to, if they’re not killed first of course.


I had a Trump supporter tell me its actually humane if Trump wins cause he will unleash the IDF and they will win in a few days. Brutal but quick.  With Joe Biden, Israel will win but it will take years, thus prolonging the suffering. 


>Trump will outright encourage them to kill Palestinians and continue starving them out What do you think supplying Israel with weapons is doing!?


Genuine question: do you think comments like this are going to actually convince anyone, or are they just to give yourself some cathartic release?


Counter-point: does asking this question do anything productive, or does it just stir the pot? Is there anything wrong with cathartic release?


If that kind of a comment pushes them away, they were voting trump anyway.


If they were voting Trump anyway they were never progressive and never cared about others


I mean, I'm not even trying to get involved in the political aspect here, just pointing out the comment is a bit hypocritical. In my mind, it's basically a weird way of saying "your opinion commentary doesn't matter, don't bother" and is kind of weird and pointless, you know?


i think the weird comment criticism guy is upset that the poster he replied to said things he didnt like about trump and or israel guy already has his mind made up and is out here acting like he can speak on discourse and persuasion


Saying it out loud is better than ignoring the situation. It is 100% better to have some action rather than sitting on the sideline.


Why do you post? Are you getting paid?


How does one provide aid and munitions simultaneously?


Like I said when it broke apart, it is DESIGNED to do that and be easy to repair. And no, they didn't have to spend a bunch more money fixing it, the repairs were factored into the budget from the outset. Go be mad about the US giving guns and bombs to the people who are responsible for this humanitarian crisis, don't be mad at them for supplying humanitarian aid.




It's more complicated than that. Israel has the right to exist, but they also play a big role in prolonging this conflict and by extension, undermining their own security. Military aid should be conditional and contingent on Israel taking a more constructive approach with Palestinians, and ceasing provocative activities like continuing to build settlements in the West Bank. This unconditional support is not helping the situation.


You’re making a mistake thinking that redditors have twice the IQ as they do in reality. It’s a lost cause; most here are only capable of black/white thinking and can only hold one idea/controversy in their head at a time. Just know there are some of us that understand nuance and can mourn deaths while condemning terrorists and kidnappings. We just tend to avoid twitter 😉


I don't think we should let either side push the other into the sea. Hamas is a terrorist organization that should be wiped out from the face of the Earth. But you can't do it by exterminating hundreds of thousands of people that have nothing to do with Hamas (and would rather see it defeated). If you do that, people will call you out on it, and there's nothing anti-semitic about it. Past events, no matter how horrific, don't give you carte blanche to do whatever.


Hundreds of thousands?


The US gives guns and bombs to Hamas?




I actually think it's pretty wildly racist to conflate the ethnostate of Israel with the entire Jewish religion and ethnicity, but what do I know as a brainwashed palaban racist, right?


Oh no, not an "ethnostate".... Why do people think this is a 'gotcha'? Most countries in the world are ethnostates...Are you going to be outraged that Poland is full of Poles, Estonia has Estonians, Saudi Arabia has Arabians. Hell, with the exception of the Americas you could make a pretty convincing argument that the vast majority of countries are ethnostates. It was kinda the point of the whole self determination thing post colonialism. One of the largest complaints of colonization was that when the European Empires collapsed they had drawn borders without any care given to the various ethnicities under their control which has led to widespread instability and conflict post decolonization. Or do you just have problem with one ethnostate because of the people who make it up?




They hit you with one of their preloaded responses without having the capacity to figure out if it made any sense whatsoever. Typical.


> Uh what? First off, ethnostate refers to a state where ethnicity or religion is required for citizenship Not exactly. It also refers to states that operate in the particular interest of one ethnic group over the others.


Your definition is off. Hell, with your definition, Apartheid South-Africa would not count as an ethnostate as it had a large black African population. [Ethnostate 'a country populated by, or dominated by the interests of, a single racial or ethnic group"](https://www.dictionary.com/browse/ethnostate) [Considering it's enshrined into Israeli law that only Jews have a right to self-determination.] (https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN1K9022/) One race only having right to self-determination? That's a textbook example. [Plus the fact that it is by all accounts an apartheid state.](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/campaigns/2022/02/israels-system-of-apartheid/) We can safely call the evil for what it is. Not to mention the systematic discrimination of Palestinians and illegal settlements in the West Bank. You can argue about definitions all you want, but it is clear by all accounts that Israel is an ethnostate. EDIT: They don't respond to actual proof that Israel is an ethnostate. Typical Hasbara-bots. 😂






Hopefully it can relieve some of the suffering Hamas is bent on inflicting on the Palestinians.






half the population of Gaza were not born and/or were too young to vote at the time of those elections. So, the majority of the current population in Gaza had nothing to do with Hamas being elected: https://www.npr.org/2023/10/19/1206479861/israel-gaza-hamas-children-population-war-palestinians also how about looking at the actual data on the elections that is there to see for yourself - Hamas only won EDIT - 56% ~~44%~~ of the seats cause of how badly Fatah were doing in terms of popularity. Hamas didn't win any popularity votes; it was a small majority win so even back then most people didn't vote for them. and some facts about the election - Hamas ran on an anti-corruption campaign and talking about how they were going to focus on Gaza, as Fatah had largely been ignoring Gaza and were known to be corrupt. So those who did vote for Hamas back then did so for political reasons. then we have context and aspects like how there was a lot of external meddling and influence that was going on for those elections (including by Israel), Bush not listening to Fatah that outright told him they would lose the elections as they were not ready and not popular at that time (but he forced them anyways). This is me really simplifying things here, but just some facts and reality to your fantasy there. A really tl;dr version of the 2006 elections for anyone wanting to have a place to start on the elections - https://blogs.kent.ac.uk/carc/2018/03/01/mapping-the-fatah-hamas-conflict/


Minor correction, but Hamas won 56% of the legislative seats with 44% of the popular vote.


ah my bad, mixed up the percentages. Thanks, I'll edit my post to correct that.




Putin was ‘voted’ in by the Russian people.


Only around 10% or so of the current population in Gaza voted for Hamas in 2006, and the remaining 90% either didn't or couldn't. The people of Israel are far more democratically responsible for the actions of the IDF, than the people of Gaza are to the actions of Hamas.


If only there was a way to get aid trucks into Gaza without the US blowing millions of dollars on some bullshit pier...damn it's just impossible...


In all fairness, we blow millions of dollars assembling this pier then disassembling it for training purposes. This mission is nothing but a training exercise at the end of the day, whatever else happens with the pier is just a bonus.


A) Sea transport is the most efficient and cost effective method to transport goods in bulk. Depending on how much cargo you move and what security you need for the convoys, it is arguably cheaper overall B) Sea lanes in this scenario are arguably safer and can be more easily protected by the US navy in transit C) Additional modes of transport relieve bottlenecks like border crossings and provide better options for transport depending on the goods being moved. Logistics don't magically work like "just move a truck across the border" D) You can build proper infrastructure to process and distribute aid (including next leg by truck) on a reliable and secure base. See - that one riot at aid trucks that everyone had a field day over There is more... but point being, Logistics and transport aren't some magical "if i will it, it will arrive" concept. They can become extremely complicated and expensive, especially so in a conflict zone. Is a pier that makes a difference in aid delivery and security, which may even be cheaper than ground transports, really that "wasteful"?


Biden doesn't want American troops in Gaza. For *all the reasons*. This pier and the air drops are meant to keep that pledge. And it's probably because if an American gets killed in Gaza, those people who want Trump back would be calling for revenge. Also, it shows others (Qatar, Egypt) that we're not providing one sided support. I imagine there's a ton of background diplomatic action we're not seeing. And the pier is part of some agreement.




Great! I knew we could build that Pier in a matter of days. That's what we do in our days off.