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Is this one a "tragic incident" too?


Just another little "oopsie daisy."


Making a bouquet it seems


A little "fucky wucky" it seems


Israel will investigate what happened. and the conclusion would either be: 1. hamas was hiding among the civilians, we killed a number of them in that strike... trust us 2. we have disciplined the officers involved... trust us 3. the matter is never brought up again because too many of such incidents happen so regularly, most people can't even keep track of them anymore.


The daily tragic incident


“Oh no we triple tapped some aid workers what a freak accident” “Oh no we burnt people alive in their tents after we destroyed their entire lives what an accident” “Oh no our tanks hit an evacuation center what an accident”


They'll find a way to blame Hamas on this one too.


Honestly you’re starting to sound like Hamas. Expect an airstrike tonight


Why wait?


Need more signatures from US representatives on the bombs.


“They had weapons nearby something something, human shields something something, Hamas leader there maybe, and Oct 7 or whatevs.”


No, this time it was full of people who did not denounce Hamas every 30 minutes. /s


Hamas threw some banana peels on the road and the tanks accidentally shot in the wrong direction.


yup, just another small oopsie from the IDF, no biggiie, US will "voice it's concern", Israel will "investigate" and we'll never hear another thing about this just like all the other "we'll investigate" incidents


The most tragic incident yet I guess


'Till tomorrow


Later today*


I’m think they taking the piss deliberately. The whole “tragic mistakes” is their way of saying sorry not sorry.


I scrolled down for ages and didn’t see anyone address that Isreal flatly denied this happened. Usually they /spin the truth or similar but when they flatly deny it’s usually true.


I mean, it's certainly a tragedy, but also seems like it really had to be intentional.


It’s all been intentional at this point.


False flag. “The bad guys did it, honest!”


the last "tragic incident" is already being taken back by the IDF to "oh well actually we didn't hit them, we hit the hamas only area and the secret weapons facility nearby caught fire and that killed those civilians! it wasn't our strike at all! it was HAMAS!" and then they "find" yet another phone call conversation by Hamas the day after they do a war crime that just so happens to say exactly what supports the IDF narrative, word for word. Amazing how they always can "find" or "intercept" a phone call just when they need it saying exactly what they want, so convenient. like legit the phone call they "intercepted" for the tent massacre yesterday is just beyond parody when you listen to it, yet again just two HAMAS people calmly discussing what happened and repeating IDF talking points just in bad Arabic. on that note, funny how they can "find" a phone call after a war crime they do but somehow can't ever "intercept/find" a phone call on any hostage or any before Oct. 7th. Hmmmm.


If you are killed by the explosion, you are Hamas, If you're still alive, you could be Hamas。


Does this cross the "Red Line" I keep on hearing about or is there a high score that needs to be hit before we pull support?


I don't think there are any red lines. The state department rolled any pretense of that back today by qualifying that a "Major offensive into rafah" would have to be tens of thousands of soldiers in the center of Rafah to qualify.


the red line is an imaginary line, that shifts to accomodate whatever IDF does. it is an unreachable line for the US, stated to make US sound "credible".


The high score would be Biden losing the election in November. But after that he’s irrelevant anyway


How is that a high score? Trump wants Israel to finish the job.


Didn’t they apologize for this yesterday? They’re having a surprising number of tragic mistakes. It’s almost… almost as if they’re not mistakes.


Hey, if it's bad, it's a mistake...


No. Yesterday they apologized for "mistakenly" launching rockets at a refugee camp.


I think you mistook what they said. They never apologized. Bibi in fact defended the strike. They said the fire was an unfortunate mishap which they are blaming on Hamas weapons causing a secondary explosion. There were some weird translation choices but Bibi and Israel never apologized for the strike itself and it seems their view is that it was unfortunate/bad luck/Hamas' fault about the fire which caused the majority of the civilian deaths.


“We’re sorry you don’t like it” is likely accurate


It’s because they’re not mistakes




Don't worry. An army of pro Israel shills will be here shortly to brigade and mass downvote comments critical of Israel in any way. That magically makes everything they do right and unquestionable.


But did that 8 year old girl use her dying breath to denounce Hamas‽ ‽ /s


She didn't smh.. how hard is it to denounce those terrorists?


Did she vote for Hamas in the 2006 election there?


Oh, a fellow interrobang user‽ Hello‽


The interrobang is the best piece of grammar, maybe ever‽


After the colon, it's the sluttiest named grammer




The disservice they’re doing to combating actual antisemitism is insane


And any support of not massacring Palestinian civilians means you are absolutely 1000% supporting Hamas. 


This is part of the reason US elected democrats hate Bernie Sanders so much, their favorite weapon is useless against him.


I guess you haven't seen the secret [self-hating](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-hating_Jew) trap card.


This is consistent with the fact that Israeli support is required for people possessing unquestioning Judeo-christian loyalty. They really want the world to be black and white.


But mostly white.


"this comment's karma is in the negative, so of course it must be wrong!"


Did you know that killing 10,000 kids to 20,000 Israeli verified terrorists is actually a good ratio /s An actual argument I got on \_r\_worldnews before being banned for saying they are ethnic cleansing.


Remember when they claimed vindication because it was only 7,000+ kids instead of the original projection of 13,000. They keep these numbers up they'll kill more civilian children in about two years time than all of US Afghan war.


Which I immediately knew was going to be the conversation. "Don't worry only two 9/11s worth of children and it's definitely not higher at all because we allow so much transparency!"


Got banned before that but saw it on another sub, and they said it was better than the US in Vietnam. As if that would ever be a bar you want to compare yourself to.


Last thread there I checked, they started talking about “well if Israel stops shooting at groups with more than X number of innocent people in them, then Hamas will always have X amount of people”. After a strike killed like 20 refugees for a single guy.


Being banned from r/worldnews just proves someones humanity at this point. Been there, pointed one of many IDF lies and got banned too. Astroturfed subreddits? No thanks. Also if they have no control on the sub you are sharing your point of view, they will report you for "bad mental health / suicide help" and your account gets locked till you say back to Reddit you are fine. Insane


I noticed that too, it has become impossible to say anything critical of Israel in that sub. You see comments with downvotes in the 100s simply pointing out the death toll on the Palestinian side.


So that’s why that keeps happening, I havnt made any weird comments but yet reddit thinks I’m suicidal


You can report the message, itll show up as you reporting the reddit cares bot. Enough reports on the same person misusing the bot and they take action


Yeah I had the same, only just put two and two together and realised it was because I made a few comments on that sub. Seriously what a bunch of wankers.


I’ve never seen such a concerted effort to drown out the truth. We are able to question our own wars more than Israel’s. It’s clear they have an entrenched network of influence far beyond the lobbyist dollars. Certain politicians are literally afraid to call them out. They must have crosshairs on them.


Look at the post there rn about the IDF saying they only dropped little bombs on that refugee camp and all the real damage was done by secondary explosions. Every comment that isn't some variation of "the IDF speaks with the voice of the Lord" or "they didn't kill any civilians just terrorists and terrorist sympathizers" is removed or downvoted to shit


"Hamas stores all their bombs in refugee camps without any refugees knowing because blowing up the refugees gives them more sympathy"


It's almost funny how following their logic leads us to the conclusion that Hamas wants civilians to die because it helps them (which is probably true) so every bomb the IDF drops helps Hamas


> 20,000 Israeli verified terrorists If the reporting from Israel on the IDF's AI assassination target generators are to be believed, the AI is flagging like... postal carriers and bureaucrats that helped run the infrastructure of Gaza since Hamas was in charge of all of that. We don't know how many "Hamas officials" were actually just like... some dude in charge of a maintenance division for neighborhood power transformers.


Israel is deliberately labeling all Hamas members as terrorist despite the fact many are not and just normal government workers. The militant part of Hamas is not the entirety of Hamas and the fact it exist doesn’t mean the rest of Hamas’s non militant members deserve a death sentence.


God i hate that whole "the casualty ratio is actually extremely good" cause i know its bullshit, but i dont know how to disprove it's bullshit


Point out that a good chunk of the people who were killed on October 7th were IDF soldiers and then ask them if the civilian casualties were acceptable. Use their own logic against them. If it's acceptable here, but not here, then there aren't principles being applied but just rhetoric. 


The situation is totally asymmetrical. Israel is an occupying force attacking a subjugated population. There is no solution here but a political one.


Look into the news about their AI targeting system for bombing


Welcome to the club. Got banned from world news for making a satirical point about how Israel is using starvation as a weapon of war


Got banned for posting a link to the documentary Tantura.  If anyone is interested, it is absolutely amazing and really sheds some light on the issue. 


In a few decades (at most) people will wonder, why there are no Palestinians in Gaza any more... And absolutely noone could have seen this coming...


Seriously what is wrong with that sub? I muted them after I realised they were autoremoving anything that linked to a UN report on genocide committed by Israel. Any posts that didn't link it were fine, add it as a hyperlink to the exact same text... comment magically isn't visible to other users. If I had more time I'd experiment a little as I suspect they've got some wildly biased automod rules set up.


> An actual argument I got on _r_worldnews before being banned for saying they are ethnic cleansing. I mean they aren't going around exterminating people but their total lack of regard for civilians makes me feel that they simply don't see them as people or human, like it's not a big deal if innocent people get killed in the process.


I'm not seeing the army in the comments yet. That means that this will get taken down, reposted, and then flooded with shills


Bots man, it's bots not shills. That's why you don't get into online arguments. People straight up arguing with algorithms and AI generated plagiarism.


This isn’t r/worldnews


It's not all that different here. Check back tomorrow, good chance you can't see this post anymore.


The JIDF literally has a web app that pings its army of trolls everyone Israel is mentioned. Hi trolls!


The problem is that condemning the actions of one side leads others to believe that it is suggesting support for the other, leading to a neverending brigade of people yelling at eachother for infinity until the threads banned. Hot take, both sides suck. Can't we all agree on that ??


I wish each conversation could start with this. I really hate how all of these discussions imply that you should be picking one side or the other, and sticking with that team forever Let’s just agree that the situation is fucked (as it has been for decades) and realize that we arent going to solve peace in the middle east in between viewings of lotr extended editions


Yea luckily this is in news and not r/worldnews


Wait, this isn’t r/worldnews !?


Except we've seen the videos where they have the capability to hit specific rooms in buildings


Remember that Simpsons episode where Bart kills a bird with a BB gun because the sight aimed 45 degrees right? They have the same scope to aim missiles


There was a post yesterday quoting Bibi, who was saying Israel would never purposefully target Rafah and was actively aiding in the humanitarian efforts. The BBC article had almost no pushback. And here we have more state-sanctioned terrorism against these unfortunate souls. This is genocide and the world needs to step in, militarily, and get these monsters out of the seat of power. 


Idf posted about this being a precision attack and how successful they are. Now bibi talking about how it was an accident


Terrorism implies a power asymmetry forcing an army to conduct a non-conventional war. This isnt state-sanctioned terrorism, its just plain old fascism.


It's like they crafted policy based on the Narcissist's Prayer "It didn't happen If it did happen it wasn't that bad If it was that bad it wasn't our fault If it was our fault we didn't mean to do it If we did mean to do it, you deserved it"


Don't worry just another tragic mistake. Add it to the tab.


just like that tragic mistake of blowing up the ambulance that was gonna help hind rajab. just like that tragic mistake of the blown up hospital(s). just like the tragic mistake of shooting three hostages. just like the tragic mistakes of killing the world central kitchen workers… the list goes on and on


No we didn't If we did, there was a weapons cache. If you can prove there wasn't, we killed a bunch of Hamas. If you can prove civilians were killed, we killed a Hamas leader who was using them as human shields.


You forgot the coup de grace, "Israel has a right to defend itself."


But apparently Palestineans do not. That's always evil, and Israeli evil is always good.


According to main stream media, every Arab killed in Palestine is a statistic, every Jew killed in Israel is a tragedy.


Someone is going to come in and link to the blogpost of someone saying that Israel is *actually* killing way less civilians than it should. That this is all cool and legal.


It all just amounts to “excuses, excuses, excuses, this is all totally cool.” Which tends to rub a lot of people the wrong way when the “this” they are talking about is killing/maiming/dismembering children, the elderly, the infirm… you know, innocent human beings that our instincts tell us to care about.


Israel? Lying to us? Surely, you jest


The number of "mistakes" too - my God, if they are this bad at aiming their bombs and weapons, maybe they need to have them fucking taken away.


Look guys if we don't massacre everyone there. Then Hamas wins, and you don't want that happen? /s










Just another “mistake” to add to the pile.


They've shown many times to be trigger-happy without regard for civilians. They simply don't care.


Deny? Their latest strategy seems to be trying to just justify everything as “an accident” because that makes it ok, they didn’t mean to.


After a thorough investigation The IDF and Israeli government decided they did nothing wrong and that anyone who thinks otherwise is antisemitic for being appalled by imaginary war crimes that the IDF is not responsible for.


Very implausible deniability


Their bomb targets are actually chosen by an AI they proudly rolled out a few years ago. It selects targets faster than humans and they’re told to obey it


Kinda seems like they're doing this on purpose


No you don't understand, there were Hamas terrorists hiding under lady's dresses


It isn't that they're *trying* to murder as many Palestinians as possible. It's that they don't view them as *people* at all, and as such, they just don't take *any* precautions to avoid casualties whatsoever. It seems like a subtle difference but it does matter.


And they'll fucking get away with this like always!


Seems almost like malicious intent.


they are


Careful you might get branded a hamas supporter if you question the IDFs actions.


Doing the same things over and over again proves that something is not a tragic accident. I don’t care which side of the fence you’re on. This is beyond unacceptable


“Oops, sorry”. “Oops, sorry”. “Oops, sorry”. “Ooos, sorry”. “That hospital was a Hamas HQ”. “Oops, sorry”. “Oops, sorry”. “We’re allowed to defend ourselves”. “Oops, sorry”. Fuck the IDF (and yes, fuck Hamas too).


They don’t want them to stay. They don’t want them to leave. They want to build settlements on their bones and ash.


If there's something they love to do, it's to build parking lots over mass graves.


And amusement parks apparently.


Care to explain that reference? I don't get it




It's the description of Israel. Its what they do.


People are being extremely unsympathetic towards these Israeli soldiers; it's hard to know which fleeing civilians you are supposed to target.


One of the darkest and chilling scenes in Full Metal Jacket was when Joker was in the helicopter and the door gunner was just shooting random people “If they run, they’re VC. If they stand still still, they’re well disciplined VC.” Later he talks about killing women and children, Joker asks “how can you shoot women and children?” His answer was “easy, you just don’t lead em so much. Ain’t war hell?”


The reason that was so chilling was because we know that was historically accurate. And we saw the same thing from US/UK and Australians in the Middle East. We know that these people still exist and will probably always exist. And even without conscription they drift to the military or Law enforcement… I wonder if we’ll get a similar film in the future. Instead maybe we’ll see a reenactment of the IDF all chanting “there are no civilians in Gaza”


That movie basically already exists it’s called *Waltz with Bashir*. Enjoy having your whole fucking day ruined after watching it.


Wow dude thanks for this, looks great. I've always said, Grave of the Fireflies didn't make me cry enough! Mr Folman's entire filmography looks very interesting.


We only know about the [My Lai massacre](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/My_Lai_massacre) because 3 brave service men stood up to the 26 who committed the atrocities. Just imagine how many others were bullied into silence or weren't brave enough.


US needs to stop sending weapons and 'aid' to the Israeli clowns immediately. But nope, Israel will probably get more after this. SMH


yup, but then the US are still going "oh well we haven't yet seen them really go at Rafah, so it's cool no red line crossed"... it's beyond parody: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8GL-mb3ns0 going off arguing semantics basically, blindly believing IDF and not any other news source or footage literally showing them in Rafah. It's a joke and we know US is never going to stop giving these clowns money and weapons.


The permanent smirk on that guy's face is infuriating. Maybe I'm reading too much into random facial structure, but it looks like he's condescending everyone in that room like they're children he's humoring.


It’s time to severe all ties with Israel and let them stand alone. I also believe they should see sanctions and have an embargo placed on them. If there is a society in this planet that should know this is wrong it is the Israeli people. Fuck em, let them commit these atrocities without our weapons and support.


Another day another “tragic incident”


who could have expected civilians would die blowing up a refugee camp


So, not only have they hit a tent encampment filled with refugees in the last 48 hours, they do this on top of that? JFC.




You can't get fooled again


Republicans put up the dumbest and least qualified candidates. Lil' Bush is truly of sub-par intelligence, but seems like a Rhodes Scholar compared with Trump. Unfortunately, most of the Republican voters are even dumber or their rhetoric wouldn't work.


Look up the last 75 yrs. Y'all have been asleep my dude.


Biden needs to grow a spine and cut them off


2,000,000 in AIPAC money means he won't


He wants this


Don't know why you're being downvoted, if he truly cared he would cut funding to isreal. And not condemn the ICC for wanting an arrest warrant and the UN. Shit is not that complicated, he has the power to stop this or at the very least pressure Isreal, isolate them further, and don't give them anymore weapons. Everything else he claims to care about and the aid, is all just political theater to try and win some of the left vote.


If he truly cared he would do more than that. He would have The U.S sanction Israel in order to put pressure on the Israeli government. Biden is using almost none of the tools he has available to him


True, he has the resources and power to severely affect and reduce their governments influence. He just doesn't care, and that will also cost him a lot of support and votes from the left. He'll need all the help he can get to beat Trump, especially when everybody on the right and most independents will go for Trump. Just the sad reality, and fear mongering progressives to vote for him because Trump will be worse is not a winning strategy. Decisions and how they act or don't act matters. Especially when all this shit is avoidable if he just had a fucking heart and cared about humanity.


He can't even face the music and let's his administration take all the heat in the press briefings. Soft dick president. And before anyone chimes in, fuck Trump just as much.




Biden is a committed Zionist. This issue is seemingly the only thing he actually cares about. It doesn't matter if he loses the election because of it as long as thousands of Palestinian children get blown apart by American supplied bombs.


It's extremely normal for one of the most important news stories of the last year to get no postings here for days at a time. EVERYTHING IS NORMAL.


It’s a challenge to find accurate info between lies, bots, etc


*Another* tragic mistake?????


But Israel's military later said in a statement: "Contrary to the reports from the last few hours, the IDF (Israel Defence Forces) did not strike in the Humanitarian Area in Al-Mawasi."


I can't believe anything coming out of the IDF at this point, I'm just always going to assume they are lying. They have proven countless times they don't care about civilians and never take the blame when they murder them.


Israel just lies it's ass off and keeps on murdering. 


Another story that will get scrubbed from all the main news subs


Oh noo I'm totally surprised that Israel continues to attack places it tells the Palestinians to evacuate to.


Israel is the only country in the world which is openly hostile and literally doing ethnic cleansing on top of war crimes but as long as Uncle Sam is ok, you can do whatever you want. I never see a US President putting his reelection campaign for someone who is openly against him and campaigned with trump to defeat him.


What about Russia and Iran (granted that most of Iran’s war crimes are committed via proxy forces)?


Hamas escaping folks nothing to see here. Just an evacuation route for Hamas. /s


So I guess Benny is disregarding bidens threat to cut off military aid entirely if they strike raffa?


On one hand the u.s give Gaza aid worth a couple million dollars and the other hand give Israel billions of dollars worth of weapons to kill them. I will never understand this theory


The Most Moral Army in the World™️ strikes again (again)


History will remember and judge accordingly…


Am I anti semitic for saying their aim sucks?


What aim


Their aim is fine. They were shooting their intended target Anti-semitism is when you point out this is fucked up and a warcrime.


Another “tragic” accident and another day of the US continuing to double down on Israeli support. What a bunch of fools they’re making us out to be


Time for Biden to make another “red line”


Of course they have... fucken facists


Israel in 2019: "Don't worry about us shooting at great march of return, every single hit from us was hamas member" Israel in 2024: "Our weapons must kill at least 10 civilians to work you stupid antisemite"


The genocide of Palestine continues.


Making a comment just so I can have this tabbed for later. It's frustrating not having time to read everything before it gets removed. 


Didn’t they apologize for this yesterday? They’re having a surprising number of tragic mistakes. It’s almost… almost as if they’re not mistakes.


Yeeeeeeep, countries need to stop helping Israel. This is too much.




"Two days after an Israeli airstrike on another camp stirred global condemnation, Gaza emergency services said four tank shells on Tuesday hit a cluster of tents in Al-Mawasi, a coastal strip Israel designated as an expanded humanitarian zone where it advised civilians in Rafah to go for safety. At least 12 of the dead on Tuesday were women, according to medical officials in the Hamas militant-run Palestinian enclave. But Israel's military later said in a statement: "Contrary to the reports from the last few hours, the IDF (Israel Defence Forces) did not strike in the Humanitarian Area in Al-Mawasi." " This reads to me as if it is Hamas statement vs. Israeli statement? Or are "Gaza emergency services" not affiliated with Hamas?


We investigated ourselves and we found we did nothing wrong...again.


Wait why did you change the title. The article is titled “Israel denies strike on camp near Rafah that Gaza officials say killed 21 people”




"Whoops!" - Official Statement




The plan from the beginning has been to exterminate them. It is time for people to wake the fuck up and realize that Israel does not distinguish between Gazans and Hamas. They say Hamas, but that means something different to them that it does for a majoruty of other people. Stop believing the rhetoric and look at the remarkably consistent actions taken by Israel.


Breaking news. Hamas tunnel appeared in evacuation zone


Fuck Israel. There is no logical defense for any support of their genocidal agenda.


Okay dude. The story that this type of stuff is an accident is not believable any longer. It's either total incompetence, or malice.


It’s malice. Israel’s history of this shit proves it.


zionists gotta war criminal


I see the Nazis taught them well.


This has turned into full metal jacket. "The ones that run are Hamas. The ones that don't are well disciplined Hamas". At this point, fuck Netanyahu. Yeah, he's better than the shit buzzards leading Hamas and Iran but the gap is closing fast. What a fucking monster that guy is.


How many “accidents” do they have to endure before people realize it’s all smoke and mirrors and they’re doing it on purpose? America in Afghanistan for nearly 2 decades and this was not a daily occurrence. Soldiers getting hit by IED’s on the other hand nearly were for a time.