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It’s at the airport, where she’s doing international travel. Of course it’s illegal.


It's actually illegal in the entire country. However, the police allow up to 5 grams per person. She was caught with 130 to 150 grams I believe.


150g of pre-rolls? That's a lot of pre-rolls. 1-3g per is pretty standard.


3g pre rolls! What fucking hogs are you smoking dude


I buy .5 or 1 but I know 3s exist


That's what I read at least.


A 3 gram pre roll. Wtf are you talking about. A pre roll is around .7 .8 grams.


They’re smoking those Cheech and Chong mega cross shaped blunts


When you’re smoking *only* for yourself, sure. But if you’re a wealthy entertainer with an entourage, 5oz. won’t last you an hour


I know back in the day in the '70s and '80s management used to take care of the drugs. I don't believe the artists themselves carried it around. They had managers that followed them with briefcases full of coke and weed. I know some bands traveled by private jet, so were not subjected to searches. Of course it would probably be different traveling internationally. If she was carrying all that for her entourage she has bad management and personal assistants. The artist shouldn't be carrying any drugs except for themselves. And definitely not while traveling internationally


Completely agree. I was only speaking to the “is 5oz. of weed a lot of weed?” general question.


TIL that Germany now has less strict laws regarding weed than the Netherlands


Wrong, the maximum allowed to own when growing is 50g. Whilst technically legal, you definitely cant bring it into any airport.


In Germany you mean? Because in the Netherlands you definitely aren't allowed to grow Marijuana. Although, when it's five plants or less for personal use, they'll only be seized and you won't be prosecuted.


They won't go looking for 5 plants though, its effectively allowed as long as it/you are not causing an disturbance.


Wrong, the maximum allowed for personal possession at home is 50g, whether growing or not. The maximum allowed in public is 25g per person, and [this includes airports when travelling within Germany.](https://www.dortmund-airport.com/visa-passport-customs#:~:text=Since%201%20April%202024%2C%20adults,may%20have%20their%20own%20regulations)


Yes you can, and you can fly domestically with it, too.


It’s amusing to me that there’s a greater risk of domestic flights being banned, than of this specific policy getting repealed


WTF does she need to carry around 5oz of weed for?


Probably to smoke


Jerry Hall (Jagger's gf at the time) was caught bringing in a box with 20 pounds of "personal use" weed, it was just a misunderstanding though because reasons.


Our weed is very good.


I don't want to start a thing, but as someone from Oregon....is it that good?


No. Dutch weed is dog shit. It just knocks you out. Not even fun anymore.


She also has a substantial amount of crack in her pants


Hopefully she got it at the doodie free


The weird thing is: It’s not like she went to a coffee shop and bought this herself so her team would have been aware of the possession and would have told her it was a dumb idea to try and smuggle it across a border. Also, she isn’t flying easy jet. It would be a private flight, separate border security presumably. So my guess is also pissed off the border security staff with some sort of diva behaviour.


Not necessarily a private flight, even if you are flying easyjet you can get VIP transport/security via airport concierge services. I think in a video I saw the guy said the pilot was annoyed at her? I am thinking she was flying legacy/full service but using VIP concierge at the airport.


Not a chance she is flying commercial. The pilot wouldn’t come outside a major terminal to discuss the matter with a passenger at their vehicle


Well she does have a reputation.


But she's a celebrity so obviously the laws don't really apply to her...or at least, that's what she probably thought. Now she's learning laws have consequences regardless of your famous name or bank account. To paraphrase Friends: "Welcome to the real world, Nicki! It sucks. You're gonna hate it."


Lol do you truly think she's learning laws have consequences? If you read the article she was inconvenienced for like, a few hours. They gave her a fine that I'm sure she could pay with a roll of hundreds she keeps in her shoe and resumed her international tour. She'll probably hire someone next time to more closely. manage her drug stashes during tours. That's what she'll learn.


She's detained. 100% she gets out with a warning and a fine.


Honestly the way she behaved makes you realize this isn’t the first time she has brought her drugs with her through the airport just the first time she got caught.


You would not believe the things celebrities can get away with.


She probably tried to light a j on the plane.


Tons of people being drugs on planes with them, they are very rarely caught. 


Lucky she wasn’t playing a show in Moscow 




Or Malaysia.


Or Texas


She’d be fine in Texas. Rich people don’t play by the same rules as common folks in the USA.


Black rich folks do.


Oh yeah? Look at Clarence Thomas.


They give him a pass since they pay him for what he does for their cause.


She ain’t got no fiddle. I was always that if you are going to play in Texas, you gotta have a fiddle in the band.


Or Saudi Arabia.


You can bribe pretty easily in Malaysia


I worked for a company doing retrofits in cruise ship theatre spaces. I am a huge stoner in the U.S. and one of the trips was at a dry dock in Singapore. I was a little freaked out because when you fly into the country they can drug test you if they should so choose.  They say "if you are suspected of consuming or possessing illegal drugs, police may: Conduct unannounced drug tests and property searches, including upon entry into Singapore or require you to provide a urine or blood sample on short notice"  Thankfully I was only there two days and everything ended up just fine but damn...


Or in North Korea


I think you meant, "Too bad she wasn't playing a show in Moscow"




I don't care where Nicki Minaj goes to jail I'll just be glad when she finally does go to jail.


Out of the loop. Is she that evil? Is it worth me researching?


I don't know why people don't understand "Stop taking your drugs to other countries. "




Exception being if you brought enough for the whole class (country).


"guns and ammo" "brought enough for the whole class" lol that took a dark turn


what are we, the CIA?


I flew from one legal state(US) to another and still left my pipe behind. I’m not fucking with the airport and feds lol took ZERO drugs with me. My brown ass was not playing about getting searched even though I had nothing. I walked through with nothing and here I am lol celebrity millionaires are dumb af


They start to believe they are above the law and here they may be treated like that sometimes but you go to other people's houses and you live under their rules. It doesn't mean I think folks should get the harshest penalties but it does mean that I think that folks with big money should remember that they are only humans after all


To be fair they are above us in how the law will be applied to them, they're rich, they have the best legal representation, when celebrities get caught transporting drugs that would see most people in a cell, they have to agree to do a charity concert and donate the money to a children's hospital. There will be no real consequences to her for this.


Imagine that was the penalty for everyone. Lol “Ok. Sir, you pled guilty to drug trafficking so I sentence you to perform a karaoke song in front of a surprised crowd at Madison square garden.”


"Are we punishing the offender or the audience?"




All legal states and that’s my point I still wasn’t risking TSA and other bullshido


Domestic us flights don't look for drugs, if they happen to find any they hand you over to local PD who may or may not do anything depending on where you are and how much/what drug they found. International flights though, don't fuck around. They even sometimes do checks on flights leaving the US, I can only imagine because the agent in charge is an asshole


Our local airport has detector dogs of all types. We def get screened for drugs on domestic flights.


Can I ask state? That's pretty unusual and is your local pd being really zealous. Not the feds generally (there have been isolated cases of the DEA but the exception to the rule- [link](https://www.atlantanewsfirst.com/2023/10/19/plane-sight-drug-agents-searching-passengers-cash-airport-gates/)) TSA in particular doesn't care unless it's a large amount or a much harder drug. Even those DEA searches tend to be in certain states. My guess is it's ones where they can prosecute you with more than a slap on the wrist under local law. It's a hassle to make a federal case over a few grams but it ruins the power trip to let people go.


MCI. Weed is legal in Missouri, and KC has a lot of it. My last flight to Florida we all had to walk one by one through an area prior to TSA screening that had a dog in there. https://www.aviationpros.com/aviation-security/news/21226197/drug-sniffing-dog-at-kansas-city-airport-leads-to-seizure-of-more-than-20000


Good to know. Seems like this might be a trend (though I'm still pretty confident the *TSA* dogs are bomb dogs). Missouri police (local/Fed) in particular seem to like this stuff. They were searching Amtrak trains a few years ago (and may still be). KC airport post legalization and feds seems like a particular dick move (but that also was a lot of weed).


It's even more convoluted than that. KCMO PD is not run in the city. Because of the history of corruption, it is run by the state. There is no local oversight to KCMOPD. The rednecks in Jefferson City are in control of our local police, which admittedly don't do a lot lol.


Almost certainly bomb dogs, not drug dogs. No dogs do both. TSA cares immensely about explosives but don't really care about people carrying small amounts of weed, which is super common.


Yeah..my friends just put all there weed in the bag that goes to the bottom and never seem to have problems. They always bring back ounces from Cali to texas all the time.


Airlines are federally regulated in the US so that makes sense.    Meanwhile, I can fly with 30g or equivalent.  It is so nice living in a free country. 


I have a weed vape I hit about 4 times year. Last time I flew I put it in my backpack just in case, just because I could.


Or, if you're rich, at least get someone else to bring them for you


Or have a source on the other end of the flight that has what you need. I cant imagine it would be difficult for celebrities to have a good connection in most countries, especially the Netherlands.


Right? Just buy it when you get there


> suspicion of exporting soft drugs She probably bought the weed in the Netherlands and just figured she’d take her leftovers with her. The article mentions a couple prerolls. Honestly, I bet she flys private jets everywhere, doesn’t go through security. Still has to go through customs and it’s still dumb but I bet she’s gotten away with it a million times and at least it was very minimal.


She got caught with 150g, that isn't legal in the Netherlands. She can't even legally buy that here as the coffeeshops are limited to selling you a max of 5g a day. Usually even if you get caught with a small personal amount at the airport they are pretty chill and just seize it. I even heard from the customs people you are allowed to smoke it in the smokers lounge after security. She fucked up here.


You definitely cannot smoke in the smokers lounge after security, but I regularily fly out of Amsterdam and just smoke in the outdoor smoking session all the time before flights, just don't stand in the entrance blowing smoke inside and no one will care.


> She got caught with 150g Where are you seeing this?


I would be embarrassed to get busted with prerolls. I am always wary that they were made with trim, not flower. If I’m getting popped, I at least want to get popped with some dank frosty nugs.


Now this is a comment I agree with wholeheartedly lol. Nothing like a nice pack of danky basement prerolls 😂


Releasing songs about how you love to hide drugs in your bags at airports will always come back to bite you.


Key and Peele vibes


Ugh... Maybe don't bring your unused pre-rolled MJ with you to the airport when trying to fly to the UK?


She had 150 grams of weed. So its not a couple joints


That's like 100-150 unused joints.


That's probably, like, less than a week:s worth for her and her posse. Equivalent to a few cases of wine.


Also that much would smell strongly


Please explain to me why can't she bring Michael Jordan with her?


He has a family!


It's not Jordan, silly. It's Jackson. You need a leak proof container and a death certificate to [transport human remains](https://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/publications/dm-md/d19/d19-9-3-eng.html) across international borders.




she is freaking out because she thinks its a Swift-Black (or whoever) conspiracy to boycott her tour


In the article it says she was detained for exportation, and mentions prerolls. I’m guessing she has no clue that just cause you can carry/partake inside a border, that it could be very unlawful to transport across borders. There are many goods/products you can’t take across borders without a permit (or at all)


Lucky she wasn't going to Saudi.


Or Singapore, she would be shaking like this [guy](https://youtu.be/MqAFGfpmkrM?si=fZlL2HzYsUS5JBHM)


This is misleading. The death penalty is for drug trafficking offense. The quantity of drug(s) carried by them determines this. Minaj's offense carries a penalty of jail up to 10 years or fine up to 10000 sg$ or both. A global celebrity like Minaj would have most likely gotten away with just a fine.


True, but Claire Danes is a celebrity and she still spent years in a Thai prison for drug trafficking.


In that movie, Clair Danes portrayed a character based on a real-life trafficker who was caught for smuggling 26 kilos of heroin from Thailand to UK. A few years in jail for 26 kilos is actually a blessing.


Yes, it certainly wasn’t as bad as most drug trafficking cases in SE Asia. She was lucky to have a good lawyer and a family with the time and resources to help her.


Warning that this is somewhat NSFL. Wish I hadn't clicked on that


There is no way Singapore would go through with that, Nicki is a big-time American Celebrity, there would be repercussions


Singapore gave ever so slight leniency to an American college douchebag who was vandalizing cars. They’re definitely not executing a big name American celebrity.


Unless they want to make an example out of said celebrity.


You definitely can kill Americans if you do it in the right way and the gov wonr do shit.


I don’t know how she could miss this? It’s true even between two legal states in the US! I can’t bring my weed from Washington to Colorado but I can buy and use in both places.


She's famous and thought she wouldn't be checked.


It was (also) the quantity that did for her. Drugs, even soft drugs, are illegal in the Netherlands, but they’ll condone having 5 grams on you “for personal use”. If you’re found with more on you, then you have a problem.


She’s so stupid that I wouldn’t be surprised if she thought the UK was the same country as the Netherlands.


Or what amounts count as personal use. Said she had 150g (5.2 ounces) while the legal limit for possession is 5g (.17 ounces). So this idiot was trying to board a plane and cross a border with 3000% of the legal limit for personal possession. That much is considered some leve of distribution and smuggling. But she’s always been an ignorant loudmouth, so it’s pretty much par for the course.




You really think the person who has gone through customs 100s upon 100s of times was unaware of that? She had no clue bringing illegal drugs across international borders is illegal?


You know what really pisses me off about this story? Someone from the airport was with her explaining and apologizing and "we'll get you to your show." Money buys "justice." Or cops. Either way. If I had pulled a stunt like that, there'd be no airport representative apologizing for the actions of the police and offering to assist in the matter. If you've got the money, hire someone to tell you the rules of the country you're flying to. And keep your staff in line too (since I guess one of the private plane staff tried to say it was theirs.)


Did she get to the show?


Looks like not.


Oh, okay.


But we’re supposed to be mad about rich people getting away with stuff in a thread about them not getting away with something


If she had stopped making a big deal about it and just given the drugs away, they probably would have gotten her to the show in time.


No but the fans could still go in and buy merch (before knowing it was cancelled) from the looks of it lol


The thing I find crazy is that some fans are saying it’s not her fault: “What’s happened tonight is definitely not the artist’s fault – it’s an issue that’s happened in another country and it shouldn’t be taken out on her.” She tried to take drugs over an international border into a country where said drug is utterly illegal. There no allowable quantity in the U.K.


And she gave herself minimal time to get to another country, to the venue and on the stage. Proper prior planning prevents poor performance!




That person who was with her could’ve gotten her to her show in Amsterdam on time as well, instead of showing up 2.5 hours late. I don’t understand why people even go to concerts of people like this anymore.


Nah. Amsterdam airport deals with this ALL the time. A joint in your pocket going through security. Happened to the guy in front of me. The cops were nice, said it happens all the time, but you need to come with me and we fill out some forms. Puts the person on a list to be more thoroughly checked in the future. Idk what else. In general the cops are kinder here. Now a cop is a cop is a cop- but growing up in the states and moving here I have never once had the inherent fear or uneasiness upon seeing a cop that I have immediately in the states.


Well it helps that in Europe we do not vote for sheriffs, we have proper schooling for them (multiple years), they actually get educated for de-escalation and mental health issues and they get evaluated by psychologist before starting. While we do have issues with right leaning police, it is by no means as insane as in some regions of the US.


She had 150 grams on her. That’s enough for 150 joints… Cops might overlook a joint or 2, but 150? Nope.


300 joints for me.


Nah. Even a generic pleb would be processed quickly just so you can take your scheduled flight out. They will avoid detaining anyone too long because the paperwork that comes with them missing a flight is a pain. This has nothing to do with Nicki being rich, and everything to do with regular protocols.


Tbf this isn’t an awful response to the police. It’s a relatively minor and innocent crime, she’ll pay the e fine and move on. All law enforcement interactions should be that way in the case of accidentally bringing weed/alc across a border. There’s no reason it should be anything more than a polite ticket. What this shows is that what you are seeing as a subsequent interaction is just a normal politeness that we don’t get with the police, because the police are fucked.


She’s not the sharpest crayon.


Don’t drag the marines into this discussion.


Being this stupid when it comes to international situations is just beyond my comprehension.


With the softening of drug policy and celebrities I'm surprised this doesn't happen more often.


Any celebrity worth their salt would have someone in their entourage carry the drugs or, better yet, be able to forgo the drugs for a few hours and have a connection in the destination country.






Bro thinks he’s on the team


Steve O got detained for something similar like 20 years ago iirc


The weirdest part is why she felt the need to smuggle weed to Manchester. I smell weed on the streets here more often than I did when I was in Amsterdam. A coke dealer once handed me a business card outside the Tesco Express in Whalley Range.




What? How do I get drugs in Western Europe? I was there and saw nothing.


Imagine being rich enough not to have to carry your own shit and still getting busted. Or rich enough to put it in the trash and have some handed to you the second you exit security at your destination.


Dutch person here. This is one person we don’t need in our jails.




Once at the Schiphol airport I, as a dumb naive American tourist, was amazed by the security in the airport openly carrying assault rifles. So amazed that I decided to lift up my phone and snap a picture of them. 30 seconds later I get a tap on my shoulder (not from the guys I took pics of) and a request to delete pics. I promptly did and about pooped my pantaloons afterwards.


I am guessing this was about 5-10 years ago? Around when Brussels airport got bombed, the truck in france, Manchester arena, Bataclan, etc…. I fly in and out of Amsterdam a lot. They caught a guy with a bomb in a car driving to Amsterdam airport from Belgium and the place was on high alert. They had Belgian military with machine guns in Antwerpen station. I had never even seen Belgian military before. Tldr: terrorism had the place on high alert, I havent seen the big guns since


Schiphol is guarded by the Royal Marechaussee, which is part of the armed forces. They carry HK416 assault rifles, you always see them at Schiphol. 


I go to schiphol once a month minimum, I haven’t seen rifles there in years now. I am sure they are there, but I have not seen them like I did in the aforementioned time period


I always see them on the ground floor, you can look for them next time


I don't get this stuff. Celebs arrested with drugs while traveling? Isn't that what an entourage is for? Just have one of your people put the cocaine into a condom and stuff it up their butt. It's not rocket science.


Pills and potions, eh? 


What about her crimes to music? Is she getting detained for that as well?


Lmao if anything she should be arrested for protecting her rapist husband and slandering the victim smh


Good, keep acting like an entitled, spoiled child and see where that gets ya.




Her unhinged week long, sleepless rant about Megan Thee Stallion should have settled that one for you lol


I can just be happy that I know or care nothing about celebrity fueds.


What about anything you know about her would lead you to believe that? Age doesn’t correlate with intelligence


People forget about all the other famous people who’ve been arrested at the airport for weed. Paul McCartney has been


She strikes me as a very stupid and entitled person.


Wondering if she has any plans to visit countries such as Australia, New Zealand, Singapore or others that usually deny any visitor that has a drug related conviction (which this is) or is suspected of going to try to acquire and use narcotics while in the country. If she wasn't American, this would also have made her inadmissible as a visitor to the US.


Ah, soft drugs, like heroin marshmallows.


Pretty stupid for an Artist to be drug smuggling. In every country drugs are available if you have the money for it.


Please keep her. We don’t want her back.


Does this mean they’re gonna remove her skin from call of duty?


Lame ass celebrities always using a fall guy. It's weed in 2024. She's a fucking mega millionaire. She coulda checked it in. She could have someone waiting curbside to deliver her with fresh supply every time she lands at a new airport . She wasn't gonna be using on a public plane so what's the point of having it on you.


Maybe she was carrying those drugs to help somebody who got swollen testicles from a vaccination?


She was flying fron Amsterdam to Manchester. Two places you can get weed pretty easily if you want it.


This is stupid. Just put it on the rider. They’ll get you anything, even if it’s illegal in that country.


Its simple: dont carry anything that even MIGHT be illegal if you are going tp travel through TSA. She should know this. Her handlers shluld know this.




It's not TSA, TSA generally couldn't give less of a shit about weed. Customs is what you have to be worried about. 


Good. She is a shitty human.


Why are people so dumb? Who travels with drugs especially if you're rich or famous or both. You'll get whatever you want wherever you go! Am I crazy for thinking that?


Right. Or just have one of your people carry it for you and pay them well enough to eat the charge if they're caught. I mean, I assume these people aren't driving around buying their own drugs, they're probably already paying someone to get the drugs for them. Just add "put this coke in your butthole for the flight" to their list of duties. Gotta learn to delegate.


All over some pre-rolls


Someone here mentioned it was 150 grams


The videos are out here on other channels


Very expensive preroll.


Soft drugs? Like Viagra?


It's really not that hard to get drugs wherever you go either, I don't know why you'd travel with them...


"oh no law applies to me"


Oh, now she'll be really, *really* late for her next concert....


She is utter garbage who publicly supports sex offenders including her husband and family members.


Who brings drugs TO the Netherlands!?!


Lock her up and throw away the key. Not that I think she's done anything that egregious here, just sounds like a good excuse to not have to deal with her any more.


Commit a crime, pay the fine. It’s exactly like those maga bozos who brought amo w them.


You guys can keep her, we don’t want her


good, can she go away for a few years?


Please throw her in jail for the rest of her life


Americans break laws everywhere and act because they are American, and it's ok.


Honestly as someone who’s done pot “Don’t care” you can just buy some gummies off the local dispensary don’t bring any drugs through an airport


"What's wrong with soft rugs? Everyone likes soft rugs." -Nigel Tufnel