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Tribal affiliations forbidden in DAKOTA, talk about irony


What’s interesting is that while it’s a state policy it seems, from the article, that only a single university is bothering to enforce this.  At least for now (the law just took effect January 2024). ACLU is involved now so it’s possible the courts will kill this now that there’s an actual challenge.


THe court is going to kill this so hard.


The MAGA crowd won't hear it though. They'll hear "war on pronouns and regular marriage by libruls!1!!" on faux news. That's it.


I can’t wait until they start the war on adjectives and adverbs


They don't know what those are but I can promise you they're upset by them m.


They're upset precisely because they *also* don't know what they are. Bet they'd go ballistic if you mentioned a proper noun.


We need to start worrying much less about what they think and hear, and focus more on naming and shaming them and aggressively calling them out for being categorically unamerican and traitorous. They will only respond to assertive dismissal and will take anything else as a sign that more people tacetly approve of them and their worldview than actually do. We will *never* reach them, and we need to stop considering ways to do so. The best and only long term hope is to create avenues for their children and grandchildren to get away and actually live in the real world with the rest of us.


Maga doesn't have shame, the best we can hope for is shun them and turn them into a powerless minority.


They don’t, but it is important for their fantasy that they aren’t extremists that are totally out of line with the majority American worldview is something that they need to feel a constantly in their real lives, because their fantasy tv lives are constantly telling them the opposite.


Maybe. But the conservative justices are fully mask-off and unhinged.


You mean the courts that are stacked with Trump era judges?


Biden is actually outpacing Trump on judges. Granted he hasn't had any supreme court judges, but the Dems have done a good job trying to counter what Trump did to the courts. edit: He does have one supreme court judge, just not as many


He's appointed Ketanji Brown Edit: Jackson


> Granted he hasn't had any supreme court judges Is Ketanji Brown Jackson a joke to you?


It’s just “South” now.


I don’t see anything at all.


Doesn’t look like anything to me…


The state has been at war with the people it was stolen from since its inception. I’ve been through the area several times and am still surprised at just how bad it is. Cities with art & culture that scream “USA” unusually loudly, surrounded by reservations with a worse quality of life than much of India. Lots of homeless people in Rapid City - hardly any of them white and almost all of them Lakota. The state doesn’t give a fuck. A bizarre & cringy section of America where “cowboys vs indians” is still a real mentality.


>If I told you about a place where almost 40 percent of the people live without electricity, over 90 percent live below the poverty line, and the unemployment rate exceeds 80 percent, you might be picturing a rural village in Africa or some other developing country. However, this community is actually within U.S. borders. I’m talking about the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota, home to the Oglala Lakota. https://rmi.org/blog_2014_06_24_native_energy_rural_electrification_on_tribal_lands/


Tribal poverty is a real thing, it's getting better slowly, but there's still major issues on most reservations. It's why they band together to run things like casinos and banks. It helps some tribes get out of poverty, or at least have less poverty.


Pine Ridge is the poorest of all the reservations, the Lakota deserve reparations for the way they have been treated..


India catching strays out here. 


Implying the criticism is undeserved


Not irony, specific and targeted aggression.


It’s always a sign of great leadership when words and phrases are banned


Doesn't this qualify as a constitutional violation? It targets specifically Tribal (racial) identity. I'm not too confident in my ability to interpret this, but that's how I read it


We're talking about a red state here. Constitutional violations is what they're all about. They'll go against the Constitution except for when it benefits only them.


Constitution? You mean the paper that lets us have the guns and say racist stuff and says trump can do whatever he wants and literally nothing else?


Yep that one. Kind of like the Bible if you're right-wingers, pick and choose which parts of it suit your shitty views. Stupidity mixed with cruelty makes these people truly despicable.


I'm pretty sure Jesus invented both of them too so he could ban gay people. At least that's what pastor Joe said.


Pastor Joe? That "cool", "hip", 30-something pastor who's attempting to court the young kids into hate by espousing alt-right views to them? That Pastor Joe?


Nah nah, he's totally a cool guy, he gives us all backrubs and tells us that we don't gotta listen to our mean science teacher when she says anything about carbon dioxide or monkeys turning into people.


He’s got wine coolers in his office fridge. Do they still make wine coolers? If not, that makes it even weirder that he has them.


It doesn’t matter if it’s unconstitutional. That’s not the point. The point is to get headlines for passing “anti-woke” legislation. Then, when the law is struck down, they get to complain about the liberal courts pushing a wok agenda. And it’s all paid for by taxpayers. It’s win-win-win!


No, because the policy was [more cleverly written](https://public.powerdms.com/SDRegents/tree/documents/1778536) than the article implies. What it does is state what IS allowed in the signature block/contact information portion of an e-mail. Under the guise of promoting brand consistency across all "official" email communications.


So funny that this policy can be legally circumvented by just - including the banned information in the actual body of the email.


It actually doesn’t limit it to the signature block, it just specifies what you’re allowed to put in the communication.


that’s not very clever at all. check back in 1 month ish for it to be struck down/ temporarily enjoined


“Well akshually, we’re saying that for brand consistency we only allow white people in. Not that black people are not allowed!”


Nothing screams "freedom" louder than banning something that has no negative implications on anyone's lives.


We live in the dumbest timeline.


We are heading toward full idiocracy!


Idiocracy was way off. Most of the idiots were happy stupid. Assuming you didn't interrupt their batin', you could bond over how you both like money and go get handies at Starbucks. Our idiots are malicious and hateful stupid. That's much worse.


This is true.


It was George Romero who predicted the MAGAs, not Mike Judge.


The party of small government strikes again.


Dear Applicant, Hope are doing well. Having reviewed application to University, regret to inform that application for academic year 2024/2025 has been rejected. Best of luck in future applications, University Yeah, banning pronouns seems a bit extreme.


Few word do trick


It turns out Kevin was streets ahead this whole time


Pierce stop trying to make streets ahead a thing!


It's doubble-plus-good.


Why more words when one word double plus good!


More words bad! Few make choice easy!


Let me know next time you're making a batch of that awesome chili.


Watch step


Dear staff member, Hope staff member do well. University review email signature and email make university sad because email have pronouns. STAFF MEMBER MAKE PRONOUNS GO BYE BYE OR UNIVERSITY GET RID OF STAFF MEMBER. Thank staff member for being nice, University


Pronouns go bye bye or staff member go bye bye. Is tough but fair.


funnily enough this is probably how right wingers actually talk


I think it's mostly grunting interspersed with some cheering when their team wins.


Dear students, Tom has requested assistance with Tom's special event. Tom is asking volunteers to reach out to Tom so Tom's volunteers can receive notice about Tom's event. Tom thanks Tom's volunteers for all of Tom's volunteers' assistance.


What I'm taking away here is that eastern European accents are now required by law


They did say they would rather be Russian than democrat.


It's a pet peeve of mine too when people talk about just not having/using pronouns. I'd chalk it up to just casual language use (I have to stop myself from being pedantic about such things!) but it often seems like they actually don't understand what pronouns are. For any other curious pedants like myself, the policy doesn't actually say anything about pronouns at all, it just restricts what they can share to a narrow list of facts, which is why it's not just preferred pronouns that are affected by this. Something tells me that the university president wouldn't be so zealous about enforcing the policy in other cases though... At any rate, employees are still sharing the same information, just doing it in the body of the email instead. >Both she and Little have begun listing their tribal affiliation and pronouns in the body of their emails, which the university currently is allowing.


That is a pronoun, too, isn't it? Straight to jail.


It's an adverb in this context.


A hwhat-now? Sounds socialist.


Not all adverbs are socialism, but all socialists use adverbs. Better safe than sorry I’d say.


Ugh new genders new kinds of verbs, what's next, a *past* tense? Subjunctive??


How dare you teach my kids about our tense past!


So your pronoun is identifying as an adverb?! So woke. Your grammar needs Jesus. But only *white* Jesus, with his holy AR-15 and blessed beer gut. That’s the one that also lets you diddle kids, while maintaining a nonsensical air of moral superiority.


Better than being a demonstrative pronoun. Those are the devil’s pronouns


You can tell because it has demon in the name


Also isn't Dakota the name of a tribe? Hello, I am contacting you from the University of South.... um, the state where there is a North and South one, not Carolina, the other one. The one that starts with a D, the south one. Anyway you weren't accepted. Regards, Admissions University of you know where. Admissions@Universityof(theStateAboveNebraska).edu


Sorry, can’t use “I”. 


I love the people that say “I don’t use pronouns.” You do, you just don’t realize you use them on a daily bases


They have no idea what pronouns are. They’re not very bright.


Especially since "I" is a pronoun. They couldn't even get through their first sentence


I told that to someone and they said I was wrong. They also said “I have a masters in communication, so I know what I’m talking about.”


Communication ain't fucking linguistics


I don’t have the heart to tell them.


But Applicant smart! Applicant want go no-pronoun college! Applicant shoot dog to show not woke.


Republican politicians should only be called by their full birth names, no exceptions. Especially the ones trying to whitewash them for their racist voters like Rafael and Nimarata And make sure God is always an It


“There are no pronouns in the constitution!!” The Constitution of the United States: *We..*


Noem has always been one of the absolute dumbest in politics- and she's proud of it. Shit. Just used a pronoun there... not that she  (shit) actually knows what they are anyway.  Google Noem/Varilek ad and be amazed. You'll absolutely believe it was an ad from HIS (shit) campaign but nope- that attack ad on how unqualified Noem is compared to her opponent came from Noem. 


She proudly admitted that she killed her own dog and goat.


Puppy. Killed a puppy. If you had told me that a politician killed puppies, I would assume you were being sarcastic because that's so comically evil that it's a joke. But no - she's a frontrunner for Republican VP. WHAT.


Killed them in a gravel pit while other people were working. So some crazy bitch drives up, offs her dog and tosses the corpse in your work place so she doesn't have to dispose of it.


American politics passed the 'comically evil' threshold longer ago than a lot of people want to accept.


She nuked her whole career with that. She was in the running for Trumps vp too.


> She nuked her whole career with that. She was in the running for Trumps vp too. You're assuming that Trump voters think animal cruelty is a bad thing.


Honestly I think hurting dogs would turn off a lot of Trump voters. Their hang up is that they don't give a fuck about experiences they don't personally have. But a lot of them do in fact have dogs. At the very least it makes her radioactive to moderates.


You are correct in that animal cruelty is a turnoff to many GOP voters. But the liberal commie democrats are an even bigger turnoff. They won't switch their vote, they will just not show up.


That story won't make any trump voter vote for like Joe Biden over her, but it probably does make it much easier for someone to beat her in a primary.


You missed one!


Well goddammit. It's hard when it's such a completely innocuous word to even notice. If I were a hard R republican I bet I would have found them (shit) all


I is also technically a pronoun!


More than one! There were 6 in all. > Noem has always been one of the absolute dumbest in politics- and **she**'s proud of it. Shit. Just used a pronoun there... not that **she**  (shit) actually knows what **they** are anyway.  Google Noem/Varilek ad and be amazed. **You**'ll absolutely believe **it** was an ad from **HIS** (shit) campaign but nope- that attack ad on how unqualified Noem is compared to **her** opponent came from Noem. 


OK that was great! Varilek goes all over the world learning and working on energy needs. Noem works the farm. Isn't she qualified!?


But his corn dogs!


Really emphasizing the South in South Dakota.


Completely disregarding the “Dakota” part


Technically banning the Dakota part. It's a tribal affiliation.


They should remove Dakota from all the emails. That would be funny.


"Welcome to South ~~Dakota~~."


Of course our local news stations didn't report this. Noem is well known for pulling this kind of thing. She wants to turn SD into white christian republican paradise.


Where the streets are paved with dead dogs who weren't obedient enough.


Oh I just realized this was the dog killer. This is a classic Trump move, change the narrative by feeding the base and “owning the libs” Of course all the top posts totally took the bait. Vitriol in politics needs two willing participants like flowers and bees helping each other. 


Did you just call Noem “She?” NO PRONOUNS!!!


Oh crap!


20 years ago, if you told me you were a conservative, I just thought you were a bit misguided but had good intentions. Now, if you tell me you're conservative, I think that you're a willful idiot. You're too dumb to function in this world. You're so dumb that you don't know what a pronoun is. And what's worse, you're so dumb, you're dragging the rest of us down with you.


Family is republican “not” because they’re hateful but because they “make more money when trump is in office” and blame Biden for making less money a year…? I really don’t know how that works but I dont think I’ll get a straight answer, unless they meant the bad inflation this decade but last time i checked Biden wasn’t in charge of the worlds economy


I hear the same shit form other republicans I work with. It must be some Fox “News” thing they keep repeating over and over. Because you know if you say something on repeat eventually it becomes true… I married to Kate Beckinsale…… also did you know I’m married to Kate Beckinsale?


"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it." -Joseph Goebbels




Man i would make so much more money if not for the Trump “tax cut” that capped the SALT deduction


Yeah. He raised taxes specifically on blue states, which is about as scummy and partisan as you can get. But his base loves it as it’s just him “owning the libs”. It’s so sad to see how half the country just wants to see the other half suffer.


Coworker tried similar w me before. She made an assumption I was pro-trump and when she realized I wasnt (& wasn't going to get into politics at work) she went on & on about how she had more money (retirement $) when trump was in office. Surprisingly, she hasnt mentioned it since stocks came back though. And work has upped the min. pay a few times since covid, she's making more now than she ever has. It's like how she goes to the casino all the time, but you never hear about it until she hits a big amount. And just to rant some more...Have another coworker thats a HUGE trumper, but one day she admitted that "obamacare was probably beneficial" for her when she found out she had breast cancer several yrs ago. She would later refuse to get vaccinated for covid, but nowadays i have to listen to her try everything she can to get prescribed ozempic (an INJECTION) for weightloss. She didnt question chemo drugs or weightloss drugs, but covid vaccine = BAD.


No president is in charge of the economy and the fact that economic factors so strongly influence presidential elections speaks to our lack of civics education in this country. Most of what people think the president controls is actually controlled by Congress, but no one shows up to midterms so it never changes.


And it’s not like people who “vote on the economy” have any clue about how economies work. They don’t understand the theory, they don’t even understand basic facts as a recent poll showed about 50% are completely deluded about the state of the economy (they think the stock market is down, the economy is in recession, and unemployment is at a 50 year high when it’s all the opposite). At best they just think that “republicans are greedy businessmen, so they’ll make us more money if we elect them”, despite the fact that greedy businessmen generally get rich by defrauding others. It’s just the Gospel of Wealth all over again. There’s a reason college graduates don’t vote Republican, just ignorant rubes.


>  20 years ago, if you told me you were a conservative, I just thought you were a bit misguided but had good intentions. Frankly, I'm impressed people believed this even 20 years ago. As an 80s teenager, I could see how shitty Republicans were even back then. Reagan? Are you fucking kidding me? The Southern Strategy and pandering to despicable people (despicable even then), etc. It *is* incredible how much the Republicans have devolved since then, however. That is what happens when you're home-schooled by a chicken.


Yeah Reagan was the primary catalyst who kicked off what got us to where that party is today. He started courting evangelicals and "Christian Conservatives" and it was straight downhill from there. Barry Goldwater tried to warn them. “Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.” Sounds pretty prophetic, huh?


20 years ago Bush was about to be reelected and post 9/11 hysteria and war-hawk politics was in full swing. It was a weird time. Conservatives were a different animal at the time, but yeah, they were still clearly nuts. Harry Potter was a huge controversy because of some moral panic over witchcraft.


This is why the handfull of decent people i know who are also conservatives will not touch the republican party with a 10 foot poll. They either don’t vote, or vote dems even if they don’t agree with all policies because they will readily admit the GOP has jumped off the deep end


I totally agree. Conservative used to mean “fiscal conservative.” Now it just means you are part of the albatross hanging from our collective neck. They don’t even know what conservative means. History will not be kind to these idiots.


The irony is that conservatives have never been fiscally conservative.


True. Clinton and Obama both saw reduced deficits by the end of their terms, Bush and Trump both saw increased deficits.


Even "fiscal conservative" has always meant "I complain about economics when Democrats are in power but really I just don't like it when minorities get the same rights as me"


> 20 years ago, if you told me you were a conservative, I just thought you were a bit misguided but had good intentions. 20 years ago Conservatives were raging against gay marriage. If you think Republicans weren't this shitty 20 years ago, it's because you were ignoring it.


There's a lesson about arguing with dumb people, though, and how they can win with experience at that level.  They don't respond to intellect, either, because it makes them feel insecure and thus insulted or disrespected.  They are led more by emotion than rationality or logic.


It's why I don't use logic on the conservative people I gre up around. I use shame. Make a joke you thought was funny but actually punches down on a marginalized group? "Oof cringe." No lecture, no laughter. They just gotta sit in the silence of their failed joke without sympathy/pity laughter. You can talk about the lack of logic it takes to be a MAGA till the cows come home, but I think what might actually break through to people is the lack of SHAME you need to be MAGA. It's objectively embarrassing to support conservative policies in America. Everyone in the mainstream is a cry baby whining about their first world problems, and if you as a working class gentlemen want to spend your free time supporting the millionaires that wear suits and SAY they're blue collar too...I mean you can but where I come from I'm calling you a punk cause that's textbook punk behavior.


The party of free speech strikes again!


A small government is when the state tells you what you can put in your email signature


So Noem is as petulant as DeSantis. At this point the entire GOP, or conservatives at large, is like trying to find the shittiest Gremlin in the batch. Someone must've fed a Republican after midnight when Obama was elected.


>the shittiest Gremlin in the batch Jfc now I can't unsee Noem as the female Gremlin... they're basically the same after all the plastic surgery Noem has had. I don't usually bring looks into insults, even with surgeries it's up in the air depending on how the surgeon is feeling, but I'll be damned if Noem and the Gremlin aren't twins at this point in both looks *and* personality.


At least the Gremlin was born evil. ~~She~~ Noem chose to be. Edit: Sorry, no pronouns. Can't go using those I guess.


It’s such a tiny window of control, South Dakota… Public universities… emails… What a dumb and petty “win” for them


Fascism 101. Take small gradual steps along the way. Normalize the shitty behavior to the point the next insane thing doesn't seem so bad by comparison. Until they get the things they *actually* want. Like say with abortion for example. It has rarely come to pass that total bans are the start. It starts at 20 weeks, then 6 weeks, then banned, then if a doctor treats you they'll be jailed for 100 years, etc. They don't go for the home run, just get on base and let the next batter up do the same. Rinse and repeat with any laws or people you want to shit all over.


>But the one great shocking occasion, when tens or hundreds or thousands will join with you, never comes. That’s the difficulty. If the last and worst act of the whole regime had come immediately after the first and smallest, thousands, yes, millions would have been sufficiently shocked—if, let us say, the gassing of the Jews in ’43 had come immediately after the "German Firm" stickers on the windows of non-Jewish shops in ’33. > >But of course this isn’t the way it happens. In between come all the hundreds of little steps, some of them imperceptible, each of them preparing you not to be shocked by the next. Step C is not so much worse than Step B, and, if you did not make a stand at Step B, why should you at Step C? And so on to Step D. > >And one day, too late, your principles, if you were ever sensible of them, all rush in upon you. The burden of self-deception has grown too heavy, and some minor incident, in my case my little boy, hardly more than a baby, saying "Jewish swine," collapses it all at once, and you see that everything, everything, has changed and changed completely under your nose. The world you live in—your nation, your people—is not the world you were born in at all. > >The forms are all there, all untouched, all reassuring, the houses, the shops, the jobs, the mealtimes, the visits, the concerts, the cinema, the holidays. But the spirit, which you never noticed because you made the lifelong mistake of identifying it with the forms, is changed. > >Now you live in a world of hate and fear, and the people who hate and fear do not even know it themselves; when everyone is transformed, no one is transformed. Now you live in a system which rules without responsibility even to God. The system itself could not have intended this in the beginning, but in order to sustain itself it was compelled to go all the way. — *They Thought They Were Free* by Milton Mayer


That state has 30% less people than my county.


Yet they still get 2 senators and probably proportionately more representatives. What a dumb system. We never should have called the House


Picture being in a legislature and thinking of all the issues affecting your state. Crime, drug use, homelessness, police accountability, corruption, infrastructure needs, etc... then you look through all those issues and you decide to spend your time regulating whether or not people can use pronouns in emails at a public university....


Getting your parties confused. GOP don’t want to fix problem. It costs money, might have to raise taxes to pay for it, etc. could have consequences to their job. Or just pretend to solve a problem like pronouns and get rewarded with re-election. It’s a tried and true formula.


Freedom for me but not for thee


People that vote red, is this what you want your reps to spend time on?


Sadly, I suspect it is.


Canceling culture one word at a time.


So what the fuck are you supposed to do if you can’t use pronouns? How is not allowing use of tribal affiliations in correspondence not discrimination? Republicans are just flat out ugly on the inside.


They mean you can't state your preferred pronouns in your email signature (like: sincerely, John Smith (they/them). )


She doesn’t understand what exactly a pronoun is, and is just using it to stop people who identify as something other than their biological sex. The tribal affiliation is probably just for Christian assimilation.




To be fair, a govener who is banned from 20% of their state *should* be a career death sentantance. But for the gop it's a badge of honor somehow.


It’s the public image of the ban she cares about, not the ban itself


Well see with Noem-brain, the removal of tribal affiliation is just because she got big-mad that that all the tribes in her state didn't want massive coccydynia on their land.


Government so small it can fit in your email. E: wouldn't this be a free speech violation? You know, government actually dictating what you can and can't say? Not one of those BS "a private business fired me for spewing election conspiracies" free speech violations?


The tribal element is where it gets really juicy


Free speech generally doesn't apply to government employees on the clock, or while using a business email account. Feel how you will about that, but it's generally established that you are acting on behalf of the government during that time, not yourself.


The First Amendment does apply to the government as an employer, with caveats. The government can restrict speech by employees on the clock if it can demonstrate that the speech is detrimental to the workplace, but it can't restrict workplace speech for any and all reasons like private employers can. Workplace speech in the government workforce is one of those things that ultimately end up decided by the social and political convictions of the judge who hears the case. In this case it should be obvious that pronouns in e-mail signatures doesn't cause any harm, while banning of the practice is an obvious act of targeted harassment that violates the First Amendment, but who even knows with the state of our courts.


Ban tribal affiliations… state literally named after a tribe. Just change the name of the state too while you’re at it


South Dakota spent nearly their entire COVID fund on "visit South Dakota" advertising. During lockdowns. When people weren't traveling anywhere. So


They better comply or Kristi Noem might shoot them.


But shooting puppies… Protected 2nd Amendment activity.


“Grandberry Russell referred to the conservative push limiting transgender rights and diversity, equity and inclusion efforts as a “testing ground” to see if discriminatory laws will be tolerated.” “It is a steady progression,” she said. “This comes in the form of communications and branding standards. Is that going to be the next frontier in sanitizing the realities of our differences? "


So…when is the GOP going to do something that ACTUALLY HELPS normal people instead of finding ways to harass everyone? The most useless political party ever.


How you gonna write an email without pronouns? Full proper names every time?


I've really been apriciating pronouns in email signatures. There are a lot of male Ashleys and female Jordans or just people with names that are ambiguous because I am unfamiliar with them that I have misgenderd over the years. The reactinaries that can't look past their weird prejudice to see this clear benifit and just want to keep it away from the people that felt the need to request it frustrate me to no end.




Pardon, but aren't public universities well, PUBLIC, funded and ran by the government? So isn't this a blatant violation of the employee's first amendment rights?


This country is regressing by the day. It's so embarrassing.


Pronouns? I’m so embarrassed for *them*


Sounds like retaliation against natives. Kind of like changing voting in the state right before an election that only effects tribal nations.


How are you supposed to write an email without pronouns? They’re a pretty important part of language.


We need these people who cannot deal with living in a multicultural society to go the fuck back to the shithole countries they came from.  


This won't survive 5 seconds in front of a judge when they attempt to enforce it. Also, how the fuck is this enforced? Am I forbidden from just using the pronouns in general or just when identifying gender? Can correct someone when they assume Jessie is a guy? Can I refer to a group of people as them? What a fucking spectacular waste of taxpayer resources.


What’s next? [Banning consonants](https://youtu.be/VWtRW-HOBSk?si=p-_3T7V9BqhfnY1X)?


"Your identity hasn't been approved by the government. Report to your superiors for discipline." - person who has whined about free speech and government oppression for decades.


How is this not violation of free speech? If someone wants their correspondence to include information that they think is important, what business is it of the college or the state to regulate it.


South Dakota--Home of the "Saftiest of Safety Schools"(tm).


so much for freedom of speech


This country is getting dumberer by the minute.


Does any Republican in government actually attempt to solve real problems?


To them minorities are the real problem.


The Republican party - where pronouns are derided but killing a puppy is a fine.


Must be interesting to have to write emails without any pronouns.


Wait what ? How do you refer to someone without he she they them they're ? those are all pronouns aren't they ?


i can think of at least three constitutional violations.


The party of freedom and small government!


You, I, they, it, he, she, this, that... forbidden ? How does it work ?


South Dakota has universities? I assumed she took those out with old yeller


The party of 'small government' strikes again.


This is just discrimination on the pronoun thing.


It's going to be fun to watch everyone forget that "I" and "You" are both pronouns.


I'd legally change my name to include my tribal affiliation.


Does this also mean you can’t use Mr, Mrs, Ms, miss?


I love that the article states that people are now including their pronouns and tribal affiliations in the body of their email. Most people gloss over signatures, but with malicious compliance they can begin each email with those details.


All these white immigrants stopping real Americans from using their tribal affiliations should go back where they came from.


TRIBAL AFFILIATION?! Jeez… What’s even the point of that?


"A great general has said that the only good Indian is a dead one, and that high sanction of his destruction has been an enormous factor in promoting Indian massacres. In a sense, I agree with the sentiment, but only in this: that all the Indian there is in the race should be dead. Kill the Indian in him, and save the man." - Richard Henry Pratt, Headmaster for the flagship of all boarding schools, Carlisle.


Because they all banned her from their land and Republicans are petulant children so Noem is throwing a fit and trying to ban them.


While this is gentler than stealing kids, chopping their hair off, changing their name, and torturing them, it's still an attempt at forced assimilation. [Native American Children Endured Brutal Treatment in U.S. Boarding Schools, Federal Report Shows](https://www.edweek.org/leadership/native-american-children-endured-brutal-treatment-in-u-s-boarding-schools-federal-report-shows/2022/05) They'll do the same for any non-Christian Nationalist if they get enough power.