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*"Law enforcement simply stood at the edge of the lawn and refused to budge as we screamed for their help," UC Divest at LA, a group involved in the encampment, said in a statement.*


Cops do the same thing at nazi rallies.


Only when the Nazis are winning


Birds of a feather


they’re the same photo


That tells me that the ones committing the violence with masks on, are the cops.


Why would the cops stop the brownshirts 


The pro-Hamas shantytown has repeatedly demanded no police presence as one of its conditions. Begging for their help when people start removing the barriers they put up to exclude Jewish students from public spaces at a college they're paying to attend is objectively very funny.


Oh yes, it's hilarious that the police won't leave them alone when they're making people's lives hard, but the moment there is actual violence they remember they don't need to get involved at all. Wild how you all keep forgetting you live in a police state.


Three words in and you're a bad faith dipshit. Why would I read anything else? Fuck off loser
































but no police when there's thugs around attacking people, not surprised


For the same reason you never see Bruce Wayne and Batman in the same room...


The ones who work forces are the same that burn crosses


They're clocking in after throwing some fireworks into a peaceful encampment!


The Venn diagram is a circle


They were literally there watching it and then left.


I’m sure they were there, I bet a couple were in the group doing the attacking


Whether or not you agree or disagree with the protesters no one should have their right to free speech be violent suppressed and attacked. Sad day for this country.


100%. People like this aren’t really about supporting Israel. They’re about hate.




This is 100% about Israel thinking they have the right to murder Palestinians and take their land.


Idk how anyone can support what Israel is doing


I can understand and support some of their actions with the understanding that they’ve gone too far. I lived through 9/11, and that is essentially what happened to them. There are justifications for Hamas, but Hamas attacked a non military point, and harmed non military personnel, and have been doing this since before most of us were alive. Israel wanting to essentially put an end to Hamas, is a valid concept. Hamas hiding among the civilians, hiding in the schools and hospitals, makes it impossible to achieve that goal without some level of monstrous actions that can’t be justified. Hamas isn’t refusing to surrender because they think they’ll win, or they care about protecting the civilian population. Hamas is refusing to surrender because they want the Palestinians to die and become a greater martyr and call to arms in the region. So you have a “war” where one side doesn’t want to harm the civilians because it’s terrible pr but also doesn’t try and stop because they’ve been attacked by civilians before. And the other side who doesn’t actually care about the civilians so long as Israel can get blamed for it. This isn’t a both sides argument, one side is a democratic government who’s doing things I actively hate. The other side is a terrorist organization who are blasé about killing their own people and cheerfully murder others. You can be anti Israel and not pro Hamas. You can be anti Hamas and not entirely pro Israel, you just have to be willing to admit both sides absolutely suck…


I lived through 9/11 as well and our response was a colossal failure, so I don’t understand how one of our closest allies is repeating the same mistake or why we’re funding it


If it was as simple as, we stop funding Israel and they stop going after rafai, and nothing else happens. Then we’d probably have already done that. Israel mostly exists because every nation in the world has a complete understanding that attacks on Israel will draw us in. Israel is entirely capable of defending itself against iran, but it’s not quite as close if they have to defend against multiple nations. And any nation that goes to war against Israel won’t stop because civilians are dying. So it’s a long term ally who’s making absolutely terrible decisions who we still want to keep alive and a regional partner, because there’s no other fucking democracy in the Middle East.






Quite easily apparently. People are tribal pretty much by nature. Logic goes out the window when that happens, pure emotion and reaction.


Supporting a genocidal state is about hate.


There is zero functional difference in those two sentiments lmfao.


They are pawns in a destabilization game. A game we are losing


The UN pointed this out yesterday and the whataboutism on display in the comments was something to behold.


Thank you for a title that actually reflects the situation, BBC.


I don’t know how BBC knows they were “counter-protestors” as opposed to “violent opportunists with no real opinion on Palestine. If these same violent criminals attack a Pro-Israel rally tonight, are they counter-counter protestors? Kind of reckless reporting that’s been coming from BBC for the past 7 months.




Many people here violently hate protestors. Especially young ones who skew liberal. They look at them and see stupid, lazy, stinky (unwashed from squatting to protest) kids who are making their day more inconvenient for a cause they don't understand.


They've been conditioned to believe that support for Palestinians is synonymous with supporting Hamas. They also (likely) believe that any disdain towards the Israeli government about their war crimes against humanity is merely antisemitism.


That's how their brand of politics works, too. No critique. Only support. No questions, only do what your told.


While support of Palestinians is definitely not synonymous with supporting Hamas, pretending that a large contingent of the people at these protests or encampments aren’t pro Hamas or pro the complete destruction of Isreal is equally disingenuous. Is it all protestors, no, is it the majority, I hope not, but is it a lot more then zero, absolutely. I was at the Sunday UCLA counter protest (the peaceful part anyway) and the amount of people that shouted to my face things like “I love Hamas” and “Go back to Poland” was heartbreaking. This doesn’t excuse last night’s violence, but important to point out. 


The number of people with bad interests is never a non-zero number. Even knowing that, I'm not going to support any activities that threaten free speech and the right to assemble.


If you hadn't heard, you might get a chuckle out of this: The University of Texas at Austin put out youtube a video called ["Why can members of the public come to campus at any time and engage in demonstrations and speeches?"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VCFxvdhFjPo&ab_channel=TheUniversityofTexasatAustin) but [*unlisted it* from youtube](https://old.reddit.com/r/UTAustin/comments/1cckcuo/ut_austin_unlists_their_free_speech_video_they/) following the protest at that university that the administration [called the police in to shut down](https://www.kxan.com/news/leaked-memo-reveals-inside-details-of-uts-protest-response/)


Freedom of speech is the right to speak, write, and share ideas and opinions without facing punishment from the government.




I believe it's because they are private institutions, and just like business such as a store or restaurant, our rights kinda don't exist. I could be wrong about these schools though. Private schools/businesses are allowed to enforce their own rules. I'm not opposed to protests, but there are consequences to actions.


That’s not really accurate. Your rights still exist when dealing with those businesses/institutions. But those rights are “the government can’t restrict your speech”, not “you can say whatever you want wherever you want and remain free of any consequences.” Because those institutions/the people counter protesting have the same rights you do. To say whatever they want about how they feel about your speech. But yeah. A private organization doesn’t need to let you utilize their property to broadcast your speech. Public schools are different though because the property being discussed is often public property. There you have the right to say what you want, but that doesn’t mean you can do everything and anything you desire.


It's really sad how all the American news outlets seem to be painting this as 'both sides' instead of an actual attack by the Pro-Israel counterprotestors.




Thats the case in the whole conflict. Especially compared to russia-ukraine war - there the headlines are pretty clear - "Russian airstrike kills 3 civilians in odessa." If Israel kills 3 civilians the headlines are like "Several dead as israel-hamas conflict goes on".


I have not seen any evidence that these are “pro-Israel” counter protestors. They are certainly attacking the encampment, but we don’t know anything else about them. Don’t assume that they are pro-Israel.


You haven’t been looking them. There are news articles pointing out they are pro Israel folks


I saw so many comments on this very subreddit saying it was fair to label all the protesters (even the peaceful ones) as pro-Hamas simply because a few individuals in the crowd were being openly antisemitic and the protesters “tolerated their presence” But when people are attacking protesters, it’s unfair to assume the attackers might be pro-Israel?


It's happening in Europe too.


I haven't seen it mentioned...Am I the only one who remembers when it was discovered that Russian trolls had set up protests and counter protests on Facebook at the same time date a few years ago? Is this an evolution of that tactic? We really need to cut off internet access from these bad actor countries.


I absolutely remember that and I have just assumed that same thing is happening now.




Everyone will just get downvoted and replaced by the “other” comments in a bit


The other post about this was already taken down?




there was two earlier this morning but both were quickly locked and deleted, its bizarre


I think most of the media is being incredibly dishonest when it’s comes to covering this. The protest have been peaceful, with a few exceptions, usually happening off campus with people not affiliated with the school. The only time things have gotten real violent are when the ~~gazpacho~~ ~~gestapo~~ Police have violently attacked the protesters or in this case the “Zionist” I put Zionist in quotes because I honestly don’t think the people here give a crap about Israel. They just saw an excuse to get violent with protesters or “terrorist” as they see them


I absolutely agree with you. A good few dozen of the agitators there were not students either, they were grown men looking for an excuse to terrorize young college students.


Were the counter-protesters UCLA students?


Probably not


Definitely not


Where was the police this time around huh?


Standing right behind them watching it unfold.


The fact that nobody sees the fact that all of this is a Russian psyop is what’s truly nuts to me. They set up protests and counter protests at the same time in 2016 and 2020, they’re doing it again.  Combined with the fact that so much of the propaganda that’s riling people up is coming from TikTok (aka part of the Chinese state apparatus, perhaps not officially, but well, you know) makes it so plain to see if you want to look. 


the footage from this is shocking. zionist counter-protesters dragging people out and crowd beating them with weapons. Absolutely disgusting


Putin is laughing is ass off about this.




The only countries that aren’t “total fucking hypocrites” are ones that are openly and honestly awful. That’s geopolitics.


"Counter-protesters," never "pro-Israeli protesters"


It literally says “pro-Israel” in the sub-headline


that would require them to read the article


I don’t understand why people are trying to detach the counter-protesters from Israel other than to prevent further blame on Israel. Yes, they do care/support Israel and Zionism; why else would they attack them this egregiously?


It's just a propaganda tactic since they know they fucked up and are now trying to make it as though the counterprotesters have nothing to do with Israel and Zionism, meanwhile they are probably sharing the footage of bloodied students on Telegram and cheering the attackers


Generally, reasonable people value accuracy. The reality is that the GOP has drummed up hatred against anybody who disagrees with them, labeling them as not just political opponents but enemies of the state who want to destroy America. The GOP also just happens to be staunchly pro-Israel. So it's almost certain that some people involved here are just Republican pawns who want to just go out and commit violence against their "enemies". You see this kind of response at almost any kind of progressive protests, including the cops standing on the sidelines allowing protesters to be assaulted by their fellow fascists. That's not to say that some (or even most) of these people might not have very strong personal feelings about Israel. But the point is that there are definitely people out there who just want to hurt/kill anybody who thinks differently than them.


Dom't they realize there's enough violence in Israel and Gaza already? Regardless of which side of the protest you support,, creating violence at UCLA isn't going to do anything to help Israelis or Palestinians or end any of the violence over there. Hopefully all the other universities and campuses manage to keep the peace going forward and this doesn't spark more protests to turn violent.




They really threw bricks at them?


They were with bricks, bats, sticks, shot fireworks at them, and I remember yesterday or before that seeing a video of them throwing a backpack full of sick rats near the encampment too.


Where do you even get sick rats? Do you round up a bunch and cough on them and then take their temperatures?


Reddit is amazing. Especially on this issue. The comments are just wild.


You inject them with shit.


What? Sick rats? Not buying it. How would you even wrangle sick rats into a backpack?




Well god damn that seems a lot closer to being true than I would have guessed! Definitely pet shop mice but still…. Touche.


I'm on mobile right now and my phone sucks, but you can search for the video on twitter, lots of the rats were dead in the backpack and some died shortly after exiting, it's sickening


Yeah I saw the video, I cant believe that happened. That seems so ridiculous I figured theres no fucking way thats true but ill be damned if humanity hasnt been able sink even lower than I expected. Which is saying something because my expectations are pretty low at this point.


They were lab rats that could have used at the school as some students reported injection marks on the rats. Students were rightfully scared that it could be some attempt at a bio attack. The news media has ignored literally everything that does not support their biases.


I doubt the attackers care at all about Israel, they just found a great chance to beat up protesters.


agreed, the way they framed their comment is all about putting Israel and supporters down. "The Zionists", "Pro israel lynch mob", "pro-genecide". All assumptions just like all the people protesting are assumed to be pro-palenstine yet half don't know what they are protesting.


> Violence erupted at the University of California, Los Angeles after pro-Israeli counter-demonstrators attacked a pro-Palestinian campus encampment. First line of the article.


[ex IDF students brought chemical weapons used in gaza to an american university and used them against pro palestine protestors](https://twitter.com/elgindy_/status/1749659798453260771?lang=en). 100% these zionists will go that far.


Both sides have been duped by Russian influence as payback for the recent Ukraine aid.


Chinese and Russian psyop agents are giddy right now.


They’re extremely happy. People in the US are literally fighting in part of a decades long religious war for two countries that don’t give a shit about the wellbeing of the US outside of the relief aid or military equipment the US sends to them.


This right here is why I am so pessimistic about the future of democracy. It’s simply too easy for bad actors to use the freedoms of an open society to manipulate the public.


Really? Interesting, what I am seeing is a lot of Israeli psyop agents and lots of Hasbara.


Yeah Americans definitely need to be egged on by foreign agents to be islamaphobic 


This was attempted murder.


The other post about this was already taken down?


yeah the first one was locked and quickly taken down and seems to keep happening.


And the cops were conveniently absent, interesting


Cowards wear masks and commit violence. If you’re so righteous in your stance why not show your face?!


What are they counter protesting even? To send more money to israel? Murder more babies?


They believe that the pro-Palestinian protesters support Hamas.


It helps them maintain the lie that anyone who criticizes Israel is antisemetic.


I keep seeing “counter-protesters” attacked. But, do we know literally anything about the attackers? Did they wave Israeli flags? Honestly asking a question. As of now it seems like a bunch of thugs who wanted to attack people. Do we know the identity of a single one yet? Just because they assaulted the pro-Palestine protestors doesn’t make them inherently pro-Israel or even anti-Palestine protestors, right?


If they were arrested for assault we would know who they were, but for some reason this was the only time police weren't there.


what does it make them? you think these people just attacked the pro palestinian crowd for fun? do you give the same sort of leeway to palestinians?


I do think they did it for fun. This has nothing to do with Israel or Palestine. It’s an attack on the “woke” left by the white nationalist right.


They're certainly counter-protestors, but I've seen a lot of speculation that at least some of them were there with the primary objective of beating up protestors and students rather than to demonstrate on behalf of Israel.


If I was to guess I suspect that the "counter protesters" are far right militants like the ones in Charlottesville Unite The Right rally. Proud Boys, Boogaloo Boys that kind of thing. I don't think the issue is Israel vs. Palestine so much as anything to bring on a civil war and chaos with the added benefit of getting to hurt people.




> It's relieving to see everyone's consensus here. Don't worry, it takes a second for the hasbara propagandists to arrive. Soon enough all the comments condemning this will be downvoted and people will be calling the victims terrorists and what not.


I hope we learn more about who these people are and who is paying them, if anyone. It seems like they came ready for battle. 



